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gender critical and female politics
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No. 1821[Reply]

With the admin's verdict on /2X/ (and pink pill related topics as a whole) announced, where should farmers who want to discuss female politics head to?
The current options seem to be:
>New imageboard
>Migration to other, existing imageboards
>Migration to Reddit
As far as the first option goes, we may be able to create a space on https://8kun.top/ or https://endchan.net/ using their board creation functions. The only downside is that both places are also home to all sorts of unsavory males (virulent racists, pedophiles, pornography junkies, manosphere users, etc).
We could also create our own standalone board/site, though we'd need someone with the proper skills for that. Post any thoughts/suggestions on /2X/ migration here.
450 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 3717

Okay, where are the links then?

No. 3718

if the invite's expired, feel free to ask for a new one in the chat!

No. 3721

No, it's mostly one butthurt anti-gc/pp anon falseflagging like a lunatic.

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No. 1[Reply]

This is a test-board to assess if a female space for politics will be sufficient in giving everybody what they want while removing some tension in /ot/.

This is not currently permanent but, it can be.
If this board works out then I will make it a permanent board next year. For now you all have the choice of posting in the /ot/ thread or making new threads here. It's your choice.

No. 2

/ot/ rules apply for now. If you have rule requests or any complaints then you can post about it here >>>/meta/11760
Don’t make threads targeting specific nationalities, ethnicities, or races. You can discuss policy and government all you like but don't racebait. It is a global rule violation, this isn't /pol/.

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No. 14399[Reply]

Thought it might be fun to have a reading club here, for books on feminist topics, if anyone is interested? We could pick a book and go through our thoughts on each chapter every week or so.
If this sounds good…
>Any book suggestions / requests for the club?
>What would be a good reading pace for everyone?
>And share any good books you've read recently here too
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No. 24729

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oh it’s called the great cosmic mother

No. 24731

Sorry to triple post but it was also interesting she was talking about how religion or spirituality are a reflection of the material, science etc. which is relevant as analyzing the occult symbolism of the elites activities is fashionable generally today. Ofc the people who do this all worship the Abrahamic god and imply feminism is the one who is a product of elite Satanism. That’s the leftists who do it the right wing who do it outright say that. I am anti natalist as well so I further don’t relate to all the sacred mother woo woo but I also don’t try to work w moids directly and am not trying to diagnose the symbolic representation of issues related to that effort.

No. 24777

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Old post but holy shit you weren't kidding.

No. 24782

not a book but her blog https://trustyourperceptions.wordpress.com/ is worth reading

No. 24801

According to Robin Morgan, Solanes stopped identifying as a feminist as well cause feminists "refused to give her credit", In reality most second wavers were her offering her book deals or some position in women's rights group, but she wanted ridiculous salaries and authority and they clearly couldn't give that and so she blamed them, after a while she identified as a "punk biker" and voluntarily returned to prostitution

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No. 24582[Reply]

Previous thread >>18424

A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.

If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.
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No. 24794

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Apparently they wanna do it to increase mutual sexual attraction between boys and girls

No. 24796

only 7% of the female population is masochistic, in technical terms

No. 24797

Depends on what criteria are included for the diagnosis, if you include enjoying humiliating sex acts like putting a man's nasty penis in your mouth, then the numbers will be higher.

No. 24799

sexual masochism.

No. 24800

Yeah, I got it, but what would fall under the umbrella of sexual masochism ? It might seem intuitive at first, but it's never as clear-cut as it seems.

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No. 21342[Reply]

Thread for when you're at your peak and need to vent, scream or sperg about troons, TRAs, or related topics but don't want to shit up or derail other threads.

In a world where women are shunned for standing up for themselves, banned from using the word "woman", have their prizes and scholarships given to men, get told to shut up and take the girldick, that their same-sex attraction is transphobic, that their kids should have their body parts cut off - it's hard to not go insane.

The fear of getting cancelled, fired or shunned by TRAs and friends around you is weighing heavily on a lot of us, lc is one of few refuges where we are allowed to be honest. So go on, scream into the void about troons all you want.

Previous threads:
1115 posts and 164 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 24770

> heavily conservative hometown finally has a pride event
> it's ran by a TIM

still taking the day off from work to go because if shit pops off I want to see it firsthand

No. 24772

Religion isn't talked enough as a motivation for transition, it seems to be very common

No. 24773

I'd get any screenshots/photos as proof and inform the sister he said that, that is SO fucked up and she needs to know what a creep he is. I understand if you don't want to, but if it was me I'd do it now even if it's years later. What if the sister has a daughter one day and unknowingly lets the uncle (who pretends to be an innocent aunt) babysit her alone - he would 100% molest that child.

No. 24795

>there's no difference between male and female bodies but I need extensive surgery to pass as the opposite sex
>being trans isn't a mental illness but trannies will kill themselves if you deadname them
>being trans isn't an illness at all but public healthcare systems should pay for my bolt-ons
>clothes have no gender but when I wear a skirt I'm femme
>gender isn't real but if you don't respect my gender I'll threaten you with violence
>children need puberty blockers because if they go through puberty naturally they'll become gigahons but trans women who transitioned after puberty can participate women's sports because their bodies are exactly the same as real women's
>having a vagina, menstruating, breastfeeding or giving birth aren't signs of being female but HRT totally gave me a real period. also we should invest more money and research into uterus transplants for men in dresses
How are there so many trans activists, nonas? How do they not realize the obvious contradictions in the beliefs they hold? I constantly see the same people arguing about how kids need to go on puberty blockers before it's too late while also arguing that some hon who transitioned at the age of 35 should be allowed to compete against women in sports. How can they go about their day without crumbling under the weight of their own cognitive dissonance? Back when I read 1984 as a teen I thought the concept of doublethink was fucking retarded because I didn't think it was possible to hold two blatantly contradicting beliefs at the same time, but trannies have proven me wrong. But how can so many people think like this? Is the average person really that retarded?

No. 24798

Not really a vent, just couldn't think of where to put this. I had a good friend who I saw as very intelligent. We had great conversations and I really enjoyed her company, but then I moved and we our exchanges slowed down and were limited to emails. I sent her one before I officially peaked where I was questioning tranny logic. It took over a year, so long that I forgot I said that, but she replied telling me she was nonbinary and kind of shut down my talking points (which was super unlike her, she normally loved picking things apart and talking them to death). I was so disappointed it took me another year to reply. I went back and forth on what to say. I was worried that if I didn't validate her, she'd cut me off. I feel like the tranny topic really shuts people's brains down and causes them to behave in really extreme ways, so I was readying myself to lose a friend of over a decade. But eventually, I did reply and gently pushed back on her claims. Recently, I got an email from her where she finally confessed she'd also been on the verge of peaking, and she told me was trying to hold her tongue because the cognitive dissonance was too overwhelming. She's since gone back to identifying as a woman and had some really lovely thoughts about matrilineal connection and the beauty of biology. I'm so relieved, nonas. If I'd just toed the line to get along, I never would have found out that she agrees with me. Something somewhat similar happened with my mom, where I put some GC thoughts out there and left them to marinate for a long time, and then she finally felt comfortable telling me she agreed, and secretly always had. It makes me wonder how many women out there are just suppressing what they know to be true because they're too afraid to speak about it, even to women who they know would be safe to tell.

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No. 19663[Reply]

Vent about scrotes here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.

-Please do not respond to scrotebait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging. An example of femcel sperging is 'kill your father to even things out'. Posts in the vein of 'Aileen Wuornos did nothing wrong' 'rapists deserve to die' are allowed.
-No racebaiting as it derails the thread.

Previous thread: >>5125
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No. 24710

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Is this janitorai? Can’t you report him?

No. 24736

I remember this guy, I posted him on the moid takes thread

No. 24785

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No I won't give toddler tier compliments to moids because they'll believe I want to fuck them.

No. 24787

Let's be real, some moids would respond to this by chimping out in fear of getting hit on by the gays.

No. 24788

janitorai doesn't do shit as someone who uses it all the time. even the limited bots generate NSFW, so plenty of moid pedophilia on there.

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No. 4446[Reply]

Post your memes here, or request for others to make a meme for you.
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No. 24693

kek but misogynists should definitely overlap with Men in Dresses.

No. 24711

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This was posted above but got yoinked by youtube.

No. 24712

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No. 24717

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No. 24718

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No. 24356[Reply]

A thread for documenting and discussing the issues of the surrogacy Industry and the harms it causes to women and children.
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No. 24493

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TIM wants to use a surrogate for a baby, he's literally talking about buying babies from women in poorer nations.

No. 24528

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No. 24529

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No. 24539

>they aren't hurting anyone
Go check with the mother they paid peanuts to.

No. 24678

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No. 24567[Reply]

Because there seemed to be some interest in a thread like this in /lg/. Please keep posts focused on experiences/thoughts on feminism as a lesbian! Discussion about lesbian stuff that doesn't relate to feminism or politics in some way should probably stay in the /g/ thread. Please no excessive a-logging about non-lesbian women, there's a difference between venting about lesbophobia within feminism and calling other women cockbreath. Please no shitting up the thread with infighting. Report and ignore obvious bait, stop falling for it.

Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>Lesbian consciousness raising.
>Feminist discussion from a lesbian perspective.
>Lesbian feminist theory and philosophy.
>Lesbian feminist books/articles/essays/podcasts/etc.
>Good and bad experiences as a lesbian in feminist spaces.
>Lesbophobia within any feminist movements.
>Ways feminist movements have helped lesbians.
>Unique issues lesbians face as a class.
>Experiences, tips, ideas for lesbian activism and organization.
>Lesbian separatism.
>Lesbian solidarity, between other lesbians and/or with non-lesbians.
>Treatment of lesbian detransitioners/desisters within feminism.
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No. 24667

What are your thoughts on the nature vs nurture debate in terms of sexuality? Is being a lesbian (or any sexual orientation) mostly due to genetic factors or is it something that evolves from the very first moment of birth and moulds itself during childhood and adolescence? Maybe both? When I say nurture I'm not talking about the polilez appropriation of leasbianism but about an enviromental process that is subconscious, slow and irreversible yet not predisposed by any specif genes. Do you think this debate is relevant to lesbian feminism?

No. 24670

Yeah, it's really hard to swallow the polilez talking points even though I think it's obviously true that it's much easier for lesbians to prioritize women and de-center men. I don't think lesbians are the only "true" feminists, but I've never had to negotiate any conflicts of interest because I am indifferent to men. They're background noise to me. I find a lot of OSA women who decenter men are doing so from a place of anger and indignation because they feel betrayed, but would change their tune if men treated them better. I'm not saying that's wrong of them, but that's not how I am. It wouldn't matter how kind and generous men are, I just cannot care about them. As for the separatism thing, I don't think there are enough lesbians for it to be really viable, so I've never even bothered trying. But I have always only interacted with women when given the choice. I'm not really into the traditional womyn's land setup (feels too commune-ish to me), but I'd love to live in a women's only gated community or something. I wish there were more female-only housing options, like there are in South Korea.

No. 24671

>Slightly OT, but how many of you lead lesbian-focused or lesbian-separatist lives?
Love the idea of it. I think I prefer general female separatism because lesbian separatism draws political lesbians and I honestly prefer straight women to that. If I could live on an island populated entirely by homosexual women I'd give up everything for that, but in reality I think lesbian separatism will always be a bit disappointing because it lesbian spaces attract polilez women at the same rate they attract AGPs.
>And what do you all think of womyn's lands?
I love the idea in theory but honestly it gives me a bad vibe. I know an older lesbian who has her own land and lives off the grid and I hate to say it because she's so interesting but she's also pretty nuts and abrasive. I think it takes a certain personality type to say "fuck the world" and go build your own land, and that personality type isn't always great with cooperation. Also communal living seems to primarily attract people who are terrible at communal living.

If they were more common in my country I think I'd love to try visiting because I'm definitely open to having my mind changed, but all the active ones I've heard of are in the states.

No. 24673

I personally think it's nature. I myself have been a gay misandrist outcast since I was 10 (as well as having a random fixation on drawing naked women at that same age) and I doubt that gave my sexuality enough time to be moulded by other factors. I don't want to pretend that there's no nuance when it comes to sexuality, but I really think the inclusion of nurture comes from our extremely misogynistic, hetero-oriented society. Not to blog but I had my first girlfriend when I was very young, and unquestioningly called myself lesbian but it was only as I continued to grow up and be exposed to more of the world's straight propaganda that I started calling my sexuality into question and second guessing myself. "Just wait until you find the right man", "I won't be surprised if you get a boyfriend next year", and generally treating being gay as a phase can really make you think that you WERE "turned gay" because you had negative experiences with males in your life, or that you can't know for certain because you never tried dick. I always contrast this mentality of nature and nurture irt lesbianism to that of gay guys, who seemingly never questioned themselves from a nurture perspective at all. Nurture, imo, is entirely a socialization thing, because the category we belong to as women exists in its proximity to men, which makes us question ourselves more and think we'd been "taught" to deviate from our role, if that makes any sense.
Either way, I don't think it really matters much to lesbian feminism. I don't care how you grew into being a lesbian, if you're an exclusively same sex attracted female, then you're in my corner and I care for you. And even if we did know what "caused" it, what would we do with that? Try to turn more women gay? Probably not. Reposted because I responded to the wrong anon, gomen.

No. 24774

I relate to this so hard. But I’m also a sort of paranoid and anxious person and the paranoia along with schizophrenia in my family doesn’t help. I remember my first crush was a girl in prek and I vividly remember her name and thinking she was so beautiful which made me want to give my marker to her. I also would obsessively draw female stick figures with boobs. This was all before the internet. To be honest the internet and how politicized being lesbian is created anxiety around my sexuality. Fast forward I discover lolcow where certain commenters love to push the idea that if a man abused you, you’re an angry bisexual who’s delusional about being lesbian but in a way that’s somehow not homophobia?? My mother was still my primary abuser but i digress. I push back on that because years of experience on the internet has taught me how easy it is to regress to the beliefs we were taught by the power structure we live under. Like
> Heterosexuality is natural
> Women’s sexuality is more fluid except when it comes to being attracted to men
> Bisexual men don’t exist, only gay and straight men
I could easily live without men. I honestly never felt a way about them until I started scrolling on lolcow. They’re not really present in my life.

These views are all from the eyes of straight men.

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No. 6864[Reply]

Family member trooning out? Boyfriend talking about "dysphoria"? Best friend wants to become a boy? Has someone important to you drunk the kool-aid, and you're unsure as to what to do?

Come here to grieve, give advice or just vent.
145 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 24386

I sincerely hate the transgender cult. The damage the tranny bullshit has caused to female nerd circles is immense. It's caused me to lose all of my friends from high school. All of them, by the end of 2019, became some flavor of nonbinary or TIF. I knew not to stay there, or else I'd get the TERF accusations. But this just isn't a localized problem. EVERY single nerdy group I've seen has some flavor of tranny garbage poisoning it.

I've always had interests in dorky things, such as fandoms and technology and the like. To the point where I'm a computer science major and was an AP student. Trouble is, I attend classes remotely in a small town (because I can't juggle living at college with taking classes). This already gives me practically no opportunities to meet and hang out with other women my age. I would be happy just to meet other women my age period, regardless of shared interests, but they've all vanished.
I don't know what to do.
When I graduate, having my college experience be a blank slate, where my happiest memories were by myself on my computer, I'll probably strive for and get a prestigious job. It's all I'm looking forward to in life. And then maybe travel the world, but again, alone. But that might not be a bad thing, but I don't know.
Probably remote as well, because I'm too terrified of getting raped and kidnapped to leave my small town for anything other than the country.
Any potential shared interest friend groups I could've and used to have are gone. It's a weird kind of melancholy peace, because at least I don't have to cater to their draining emotionally manipulative demands. But I see other people happy and having fun with their friend groups at college, and I just wonder if there's something wrong with me when I look at my life and it's just a blank void.

No. 24387

I feel the same way. I love fantasy and I would love to have a group of like-minded friends to go to the renn fair with and play dnd with but not only am I a socially retarded autist, I also can't stand that every single nerdy friend group has a thick layer of trannyism on it. It's virtually impossible to find any female nerd friends who are not delusional misogynistic themythems who screech and virtue signal all day. If I was going to find a group I'd have to bite my tongue constantly and put up with maybe even being looked down at for "identifying as a woman" (bc to these people woman just prissy uptight karen). I see so many of these people having fun and having genuine friendships (rare these days) and it also makes me feel like there's something severely wrong with me and that I can never get that for myself

No. 24388

>I see so many of these people having fun and having genuine friendships (rare these days) and it also makes me feel like there's something severely wrong with me and that I can never get that for myself

EXACTLY. It gets me so bitter. Why do the people who send women like JK Rowling death and rape threats get to have a friend group full of people just like them with shared interests? Why do the misogynists who throw other women under the bus get to have happy social lives full of lively friends?
What's left for women like us who didn't drink the koolaid?

No. 24502

Well nonnies, I am fully losing my half sister to the trans cult. All my life I've never lived close enough to that part of my family to create a good bond with her (just short visits), but I still feel I somehow failed as a big sister. She's autistic, has no friends but 2 online, and has other mental issues. She somehow got fast tracked and cleared for a mastectomy which happens in one month. My dad told me how excited she is despite him trying to explain how major a surgery it really is. Not sure if she is on testosterone yet, but her voice is so high she will sound like that one Pierre girl from the TIF thread, maybe worse when she does go on it. I live too far away and will be disowned by my boomer parents if I say anything to try and get them to think critically about trans shit when I do go and visit or make calls. I hate this timeline so much.

No. 24601

>gay autist brother is taking estradiol

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