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The site maintenance is completed but lingering issues are expected, please report any bugs here

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No. 73959[Reply]

As the board software is being upgraded, it is likely that bugs may crop up from time to time. Please use this thread to report any bugs.

Do not respond to other users in this thread. To discuss bugs, please use the General Meta Discussion thread.
104 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 76377

The average celebricows poster.

No. 76381

>Delete cookies and it will return to normal.
Thank you.

No. 76391

Clearing cookies doesn't work also I never put that setting for example. Also it's only a couple of threads that are broken like this

No. 76402

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how many times are you going to post about this shit, newfags

No. 76412

hey it's yam here (former farmhand) (former board owner of choachan). was told the admins wanted a chat with me or someone adjacent. lmk if thats still active

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No. 75552[Reply]

729 posts and 50 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 76427

I've seen people being accused of being moids for thinking gachimuchi is funny

No. 76429

Why are there literally shippers fighting over which ship is best in the fandom discourse thread? That thread has devolved to be for exactly the type of fandom sperg it was created to make fun of. Please move it to /m/

No. 76430

I once saw some retard who was suspicious of anons who use "kek" because it is "moid-adjacent". Adjacent might as well be redtext at this point.

No. 76431

That’s funny, I think this place is the only website left that uses “kek” at all in any capacity

No. 76432

So now we have a banner kissing up to the harry potter woman because trannies bad. Culture war bullshit involving some retard who ripped off ideas for kids books?
We really have been taken over by tweens. Fucking hell.

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No. 63266[Reply]

This thread will be used by staff to post general site updates and will remain locked to keep those updates easily visible. If you'd like to discuss any of these announcements, please use the General Meta Discussion and Complaints and Suggestions threads.
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 73454

An issue with post numbers on /ot/ required posting to be temporarily disabled, it has now been fixed and posting is back up! The bug that caused it has been patched.

No. 73714

The site will be going down for scheduled maintenance on the 29th March at 11:00 AM GMT.
We estimate the maintenance will take around 3 hours and the site will not be accessible during that time. If that changes, updates will be posted on our server status page which can be found here (this link is also available at the top of the page):

The purpose of the maintenance is to upgrade the server's OS and package versions in preparation for updates to the site software itself at a later date! The server OS version is currently 9 years old and considered legacy, and maintaining it has been a pain in the ass. When the upgrade is finished it should not affect the site in any way (except perhaps some small performance gains) but it will make further updates much less difficult for us.

No. 73963

The site maintenance is complete!
It took significantly longer than expected due to more issues and incompatibilities with the board software than anticipated. However, the upgrades were ultimately a success and this clears the way for migrating the site to new software in the future!

A new thread has been created for users to report any bugs that have been created as a result of the recent maintenance:

No. 74935

In response to the recent influx of CSAM posts, a new method of blocking CSAM posters has been added. There is a very small chance this may block and ban a legitimate post, if this happens to you please appeal your ban and email admin@lolcow.farm if the ban is not lifted within 24 hours.

No. 76428

The site was down for around an hour due to a widespread issue with our hosting provider, which have now been resolved.

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No. 65391[Reply]

This is a containment thread for meta discussion that doesn't fall into complaints and suggestions. Feel free to tinfoil or talk about the state of the site but try to avoid being too autistic.

If cerbmin needs to hear it, post it here.

NEW /meta/ THREAD: Site Updates Thread

Previous responses to anons:
>>62774, >>62928 regarding moovie thread
>>62963 accusing other users of being moids
>>63136 explaining infighting from a handful of users

Previous threads, newest to oldest:
286 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 76404

What constitutes an oldfag and a newfag? When does a newfag turn into a regularfag?

No. 76405

Newfag is a state of mind more than a timeframe imo

No. 76406

Also, it could be your first day here but you're not a newfag as long as you only lurk and don't post.

No. 76409

this isn't true really. newfag/oldfag tendencies aren't the same as being on the site. having site etiquette isn't a good indicator.

No. 76411

Should i be asking admins to lift bans from VPN ips when i see them? Or they aren't going to unban them anyway?

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No. 54709[Reply]

A nice, cosy, official banner thread to submit your new banners for the benefit and expansion of the website.

Banners must be 300x100

Banners should mention the site directly or indirectly. "lolcow.farm" written, a picture of a cow, etc.

Thread Pic: >>>/meta/27528

Previous Thread:
395 posts and 125 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 76268

I saw someone suggest an Elsie redraw of the dog boy gif. I'm seconding that.

No. 76346

ayrt, country lolita sounds sweet! Thanks nonnas

No. 76371

No. 76407

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Bless you nonnies, this is my absolute favorite one kek

No. 76408

I miss the cat edit anon so much.

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No. 6821[Reply]

Post all technical help questions and technical/feature suggestions here. This is the place to go if you're having some problem with the site or want to request a new feature.

If you have some non-technical issue, like wanting mods to do something or a suggesting a change in policy, please use >>1134

If you want to email me: admin@lolcow.farm


  • Rules: https://lolcow.farm/rules
  • Max file size is 20 MB.
  • Boards have unlimited pages and threads allow unlimited posts. However, all threads will "bump-lock" after 1200 posts. This means further posts will no longer bump a thread.

You can read more site usage information at https://lolcow.farm/info. If you are new to imageboards, please read it.

Post styling

*words* => words
**words** => words
***words*** => words
##spoilered text## => spoilered text
[spoiler]spoilered text[/spoiler] => spoilered text
~#words#~ => words
#<3 => ♥
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No. 75719

How do I cross out text here? [/s] doesn't work as it's for spoilers. Sorry I can never remember bbcode aside from the very basic ones.

No. 75721

anon scroll up, the explanation of how is literally in the OP

No. 75722

Urgh, I feel so retarded. I didn't check the OP because I was sure it was on a separate page a few years ago and I couldn't find it anymore.

No. 75795

After every site update, I can preview images in their full size by hovering my pointer over them (like how 4chan X lets you do it), but it only lasts for a day or two every time. Is there anything I can do bring that back? I like that feature.

No. 76008

Are you using litemode or something? It could be something you're doing to stop it from working. That feature always works for me. What theme do you use?

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No. 74111[Reply]

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No. 75537

how is finding actors attractive attention whoring

No. 75538

for finding scrotes attractive? please, it’s /g/

No. 75539

This. I need this.

No. 75540

I love this thread it's hilarious, but for a thread pic it's just dumb. Posted in the thread with a spoiler would've been fine though.

No. 75541

Can I appeal a permaban? I wasn't infighting or anything that's worth that. I guess I band evaded but my ban was a temporary one.

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No. 56111[Reply]

I’m looking for entertaining, drama filled threads. What are some favorites that you guys liked to read? I liked the jaelle and nika series, Shayna, Erin painter, and onision happenings
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No. 73620

same nona, she was a classic. i think of her periodically

No. 74232

I've been so bored lately and I'm re-reading some old threads, but I grave the rich calcium hit from milk of a true cow. I've read through most of the binge suggestions itt, my favourites were:
I liked Kelly's thread but I had to tap out when her legs turned necrotic, it started to border on like rotten dot com material for me kek. Do nonas have any favourite threads that aren't discussed very often? Or any cows that were really bizarre, like just outright strange like Nemu? I'm just curious to get some recommendations!

No. 74244

Fakeboi, an old Luna simp and cow in her own right

No. 74302

If you've never reread Vicky shingles I'd highly recommend. I wish tempcow somehow had archives cause I'd otherwise suggest the Vixmas era from the onision thread

No. 74359

If anyone is still looking to binge something, and haven't seen it yet, I found this one a few years ago by chance and it was a wild ride:
Spoonie/Munchausen, a really batshit woman. I remember researching her by curiosity long after, and she apparently had a baby (sadly, because given her mental insanity, that baby is not safe).

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No. 71238[Reply]

This thread is for discussing the results of the Jan 22 - Feb 5 Hellweek of 2024.

It was requested in the original Hellweek thread that we provide some statistics, so we've spent some time putting together a spreadsheet with some stats which you can access here! Please note that the spreadsheet has 2 pages which you can switch using the tabs at the bottom. The first page is statistics about users, and the second page is statistics specifically about moderation.

For those who don't have the time to read that, here is a brief overview (the spreadsheet has more detailed information):
>Total posts
>Total reports
>Unique posting IPs
>Unique posting devices
>% of posts that are by VPN users
>Total bans
>Total permanent bans
>Top 3 most common ban reasons
Derailing, infighting and lack of sage
>Top 3 most banned threads
The Celebricows thread, the Shayna/Dolly Mattel thread, and the Twitter/Tumblr Fandom Discourse Thread

730 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 73436

Theyre lazy. They don't care.

Don't say that's their friend because it isnt, not only do you make yourself look like him but you incite him and reinforce him

No. 73639

"Dulling down" the site of prostitution admittal and truly pathetic public humiliation behavior in women. I don't want to hear about other womens public humiliation kinks in /ot/ I'm tired of it popping up everywhere online. /ot/ aside from a few threads that have uses in building skills and interests like the art and employment ones for example is an embarrassment. It's a stomping ground for pathetic pickme discussions, moid teet suckling and relationship advice 2.0 venting and confessions. The shit posting wasn't even the bad thing about dumbass shit and /ot/. You've still got unpop opinions, the vent thread confessions and other public humiliation threads that you can use. Also nearly all of /g/ kek since this shit is never contained to one board. I find it bizarre to say the least that some of the userbase here will gladly mock some camwhore on /snow/ but than freely admit to engaging in prostitution and pathetic moid teet suckling complaining about how their moid mistreats them.

No. 73663

Seconded. Was just thinking about this.
>just because someone have moid views doesn't make them a moid
lol that's always been a thing here. Anyone who takes an even vaguely moid position (or is (mis)interpreted that way) usually gets accused of being a scrote. Speaking from experience lmao.

No. 73680

The problem with that is that some anons don't title threads properly

No. 74155

I saw someone a few weeks ago asking if admins posted any statistics of bans pre and post the dumbass shit thread autosage, and honestly I would be very interested in seeing it. The autosage was supposed to cut back on newfaggotry and infighting, but as far as I can see, there's still a lot of both in /ot/. There's also the issue of anons posting off-topic things in other threads that would typically go into the dumbass shit thread, which for some reason doesn't seem to get banned most of the time. And the mods nowadays frequently bend to the wants/demands newfags, so it's incredibly unclear what direction you guys are trying to take.

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No. 72411[Reply]

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No. 74106

Why do you think you can shit talk staff and not get banned. You're perpetually retarded.

No. 74107

ntayrt but the staff shittalks anons too so it should be fair game kek. the anon who actually started the fight should've been banned too tho. (tried reporting earlier but nothing happened) >>>/g/388156

No. 74108

I really do love how this place alternates between kek kek this is an imageboard my fellow kekkers and an overmoderated discord server where staff disrespect is a punishable offense depending on the day

No. 74109

NTA you can shit talk the staff in some circumstances without consequence but I think it depends on the mood of the mod banning and how badly they can miss the point of a joke. However in this case both should have been redtexted for derailing and both were kinda being stupid. I think in the perspective of the mod anon was the one who dragged on the arguement and so she was the one banned, unfair but makes sense.

No. 74110

thank you for trying anon. I appreciate it. That farmhand clearly has some bias.

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