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No. 110612[Reply]

/g/ is for all things girly, bathroom talk for advice, lifestyle, fashion, cosmetics, makeup, periodtalk. Anything you would ask and talk about with your female friends.

>/ot/ is for offtopic, discussions, debates and sperging

>/m/ is for image spam unrelated to beauty or vidya and movie talk
Do not post porn, talking about porn or sexual preferences is fine though.
You can see all the rules here https://lolcow.farm/rules

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No. 381978[Reply]

Post your relationship issues and get some advice.

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No. 395132

I've recently been actively trying to not care about being "understood" anymore and just be content doing my own thing. My boyfriend of 5 years last night told me he noticed I've been distant and I told him I am not trying to make anyone understand me anymore because i realize that the way I want to be understood doesn't exist and is a delusion of mine. However, he said he still missed me talking. I tried to explain to him it's because I'm over correcting things he says relating to me or telling him every single time my feelings get hurt. I told him that we've been fighting less since I've adopted this new stance of mine and it's true. I'm a very sensitive person and overly obsessed with my image and anything that might threaten it. Accepting that I will never be validated in the way I want to be as I'm not a person who deserves that (I'm not creative, attractive, or special) and that I'm just a regular person has made me not get irritated or affected by things that used to bother me. I don't rely on him for validation the way I used to care all about what he thought of me.

Anyway, he said he feels like I'm giving up, but I don't feel like that. Yeah, I'm not telling him every thought of mine the way I used to just ramble on, but I feel better not exposing him to all my retarded thoughts.

I feel bad because he is really good to me. What can I do? Is this mindset of mine bad for our relationship?

No. 395145

Yes its bad for your relationship, and its obviously upsetting him. Ofc he wants to try to understand his girlfriend even if he isnt always successful if he is a half decent guy. Ofc he wants to hear your point of views or just talk in general. I think you need to find a middle ground between over explaining and shutting down completely. They both stem from the same place its just a different defence mechanism.

No. 395194

what you said makes sense, i think you explained it well. i think you should explain this to him exactly how you just explained it. even though it might go against how you feel right now, you should help him understand the sudden change because if he wants to hear from you, that's a good thing. he's probably confused about why it's suddenly different. i think if this new mindset has helped you, then you should continue with what feels right for you. but also he might feel left in the dark. maybe you guys can navigate this change together

No. 395301

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This is more of a vent but I am the shitty toxic person in the relationship right now and it feels awful.

After a series of intense meltdowns as a result of an extremely shitty but well paying insurance gig, I quit with no immediate backup plan for a job. I told my husband what had happened and he was immediately upset with me because I had no backup plan and I didn't consult him first and we literally just moved out into our own apartment. I don't blame him one bit for being pissed. Since I quit on Tuesday I've been doing everything in my power to cheer him up. Cooking, cleaning, staying in a good mood because it's not fair for me to be upset right now, I even have a job interview next Tuesday for a position with comparable pay.

I know I deserve everything that he's dishing out to me right now because I royally fucked up. It doesn't make it hurt any less though. The only reason I stayed at this job for as long as I did was because I didn't want to hurt or upset him. All I can hope for is that I get the job and he doesn't divorce me. If he did though, I wouldn't blame him as I am a massive piece of shit.

I fucking hate myself right now nonas. Everything that he says about me is right. I give up everything I try when it becomes too difficult. Even if it benefits the both of us. I want to die.

No. 395311

When I quit my very shitty but well paying job with no backup plan my husband was happy for me, literally congratulated me, he was just happy I wasn't miserable. My husband also made enough money to support us both if needed and he was very happy about that. Your husband sucks.

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No. 378416[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/g/363824

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Avoid infighting, report and ignore bait.
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No. 394985

I think when you start hiring people who are clearly not right for the job no matter what, it does more harm than good. the vid related is a very extreme example of such hiring practice serving to be really hurtful to black people in multiple capacities. But on the other hand, seeing privileged cunts get to cheat the system because they were lucky to have been born into a rich wasp family makes me not really give a shit. I don't think it matters if those people in particular miss out on a opportunity because they have thousands of other chances in life to do whatever they want and often times they can live their lives doing fuck all on daddy's dime, whilst the person who was put their by whatever diversity program likely only has the one shot even if they are highly talented all because they don't have the right connections or enough money.

No. 395054

I'm not exactly a supporter, but the fact that most of the people I see complaining about things like this just hate black people regardless of whether or not diversity quotas are being used, and insist any black person in any job position or at uni cannot be there by their own merit made me stop caring. 99% of them didn't get that impression from the existence of diversity quotas, either (some of them actually enjoy systems like that when they're the ones benefiting). They just wanted to seethe.

No. 395296

Do you think society has become more racist or is it just me on Twitter?. It feels hard for me to feel hopeful for the future or my place in it. I feel like I have no place in the modern era never mind the future. Why did it have to go so wrong after the year 2000?

No. 395303

>Do you think society has become more racist or is it just me on Twitter?
It's just you on Twitter. It's amazing how much Americans have lost interest in race just over the last few years.

No. 395310

You’ve been lied to about “white and Asian” music because originally those kinds of music were inspired by black music or used to be a genre predominantly innovated by black people and somehow through the years started marketing towards other demographics (rock being co-opted by white Americans and corporate businessmen). Black people don’t even know what it really means to be “black” and dictate their blackness by how pop culture and the rest of society perceives us and in turn becomes an insidious feedback loop that traps us into negative stereotypes and lack of social progression.

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No. 359606[Reply]

post here if you have a passion for fashion

Previous Thread:

Newest to Oldest Threads:

Pic: John Galliano Fall Winter 2009.
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No. 395027

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No. 395149

oof ngl those descriptions feel like it's telling me I'm built like a man. "You're not a flamboyant if you're (insert all desireable feminine features)" Thanks for taking the effort to link this stuff. I'll try more of the relaxed style.

No. 395269

>i always thought that stuff was bullshit because i'm really cool and smart
kek I like your sense of humor
I watched the video and I liked parts of it. from about 3:30-10:30 he made some good points. The before and after at 11mins was a serious downgrade though, just tragic.

No. 395270

kek I'm also FN and all the guides are so rude. like ohh you're not a curvy romantic or petite gamine you are a big broad bodybuilder shaped bitch, you can only wear loose paper bags. Kibbe is literally just the opinion of one moid who can't even be consistent with his rating system though. It's a decent starting point if you have no idea of your body type but don't take it too seriously. I've "broken" the rules so many times and still look good

No. 395309

Hi nonnies! I'm wondering if you guys have recommendations for petite fashion brands in the U.S? Crazy how the average height for women is 5'3, and there's barely any petite fashion brands. Thank you!

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No. 371060[Reply]

Talk about all things perfume, share your favorite scents, and get recommendations.

Previous thread
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No. 395271

went to shop with my Nigel today and I tried a few perfumes on my skin and the one he liked the most was pink sugar. the scrote even had the audacity of saying it smells better than the one I'm using kek (I was using angel ig it's not for everyone). didn't think I would personally like it myself but it dried down deliciously. preaching to the choir but definitely recommended for a cheap fragrance.

No. 395283

Plastic???? Gunpowder???? But why

No. 395284

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What's the difference between body spray and perfume? What if I only want to buy body sprays? Is it really not womanly enough?

No. 395305

Perfume or eau de parfum have a higher concentration of essential oils from the ingredients - it's more persistent. Body sprays have a smaller concentration of oil and you probably need to reapply every two hours (depends, some of them last even more, especially some Victoria's Secret mists I tried).
>What if I only want to buy body sprays? Is it really not womanly enough?
Nah, they are quite a popular choice, plus no one needs to know if you use the body mist version of a perfume (like your picrel). Plus, they are pretty cheap too and can layer some of them if you want to.

No. 395307

Pink Sugar is a stereotypical stripper scent for a reason. Moids love sugary sweet gourmands. Those Victoria’s Secret’s scents are also typically sweet and sugary and the whole idea behind Victoria’s Secret is to appeal to men because it’s marketed as a place where men can buy their partners gifts. So the products appeal to men, including scents. And are also common stripper scents.

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No. 348009[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/174637
Talk about sex toys, stimulation, techniques, etc.
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No. 392333

why are so many dildos and strap ons dick shaped, i hate it

No. 392382

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im someone thats not into penetration but I enjoy receiving oral. are there any toys nonnies can recommend to me that isnt just a womanizer or its clones?

No. 392943

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Something like this? Still, I recommend to use some lotion before so it doesn't hurt you at first.

No. 392973

what else would they be shaped like?
There's actually a lot of more abstract ones out there, but it sorta has to be cylindrical and tapered to be comfortable.

No. 395304

was fucking myself with a dildo today and squirted for the first time, holy shit… i think it was the first time i've ever actually cum hard from penetration lol. kinda insane to think about how no guy has ever lasted long enough to make it happen T__T i think what helped was watching porn in order to match the thrusts, it made it feel a lot more real tbh. i just realized how much i actually like penetration, and how bad guys are at it….
(no emoticons)

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No. 395302[Reply]

since i got with my bf i blocked and removed all guy friends (never had really any close online gfs) and i’m feeling rlly lonely. i always found girls rlly intimidating to talk to and/or not understanding of my humour so i’d tend to mask heavily around them (felt fake) and i haven’t found any like me and i wish i could just have girlfriends to call up and ft whenever i want. how do i find gfs that r into gamering and have the same typical incel fag humour i do ??????? i came to lolcow to maybe have some luck. also is there like a discord or something(newfag retardation)

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No. 288268[Reply]

Welcome to to the divination thread. Here we discuss our experiences with tarot or any other form of divination, be on the giving or recieving end. You can also use this thread to practice reads and ask questions to readers.

>Info for people seeking a reading

If you want to get a reading, please leave a post here with your query and general details about it. It's optional but you can include your age, sex, sign, a picture, a song, or any other info you might feel is relevant, anything that might help the reader pick up your energy better. Some readers may ask for distinct requirement according to their reading style. Although you may post your query here, it is not guaranteed that your post will be picked up by a reader quickly, but it may still eventually happen.

>Info for readers

You can come here and offer readings for anons, how many spots you offer and how many questions you'll answer is up to you. You may also pick up any query from this thread and answer it. Remember to disclose what your requirements for a reading are (age, sex, sign, lenght of the question, etc) and what method of divination you're using. If there's certain questions you won't awnser (death and sickness related for example) be sure to disclose it as well.

>Info for people seeking a trade

As a reader, you may come here and ask to trade a reading, meaning you leave your own question and then wait until another reader picks it up. If that reader answers your question, be sure to reply back as soon as possible. Always disclose what method of divination you're using. Try to match the lenght of the other anon's response, don't leave them hanging or reply with a shorter text than theirs.

>Info for people learning any divination method including tarot

Feel free to come here to practice your skills. You can ask for advice, tips, and feedback. Even if you're not actively learning and are just curious about it, please don't shy away from posting in this thread.

Have fun!
Last thread: >>>/g/144816
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No. 395243

Maybe this is not the reply you need or want but go to libgen or internet archive, type "tarot", and search some books there

No. 395292

sorry anon I was resting for a bit my body was hurting, i’ll definitely clarify and pull some cards for you soon

No. 395295

That's ok anon, tbh I don't know if I need clarification anymore. Things happen for a reason and it all made me realize some things need to change. If you do want to read more though I do have other questions I think, but no pressure. Please feel better soon

No. 395299

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ok first the other reading I did for you it would be advised to stay away from them for now, because I got the feeling its this dynamic where you’re always left out and they have way more history with each other so it feels like a tight little clique where you’ll always be the outsider compared to this person and their other friends. i also feel like for some reason they were exchanging information about you or inside of this little group of friends they were closest to other people than you and trusted them more. the situation is simply put they would probably do the same thing to you again if you tried to fix things and it’s best leaving the situation where it is at now and reassessing why you desperately want to be around them. in terms of clarifying, i drew ten of cups, three of cups, judgement (clarified with two of swords and the sun reversed), six of cups, nine of pentacles, ten of swords reversed. again finding people from different communities, also again urging you to go through and analyze repressed memories to break out of a cycle and recover a lot of your spiritual strength that has been worn out, they are desperately telling you in the nicest way that I can to calm down, stop thinking about those people, leave them alone and stop walking around like a zombie running through life without caring for you and the state of your mind first. i can’t really tell you the specifics but you should fix the way you approach decisions so they can bring good opportunities in your life so you won’t fuck it up again and they’re waiting for you to focus on yourself. also with shadow work would recommend researching what its about or you can just try therapy nonna, pretty much the same thing

No. 395300

>If you do want to read more though I do have other questions I think, but no pressure

You can give me more questions, there’s no burden

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No. 291804[Reply]

previous thread >>187179
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No. 395212

Are u stupid?
Yes i like toys, i have been sexually assaulted in the past and wonder if that combined with the stigma about being nonvirgin is why I can't enjoy piv.

No. 395263

I have an incredibly hard time cumming from just PIV sex, I always need to rub myself in order to actually get off. I feel like it wasn’t always this way, when I was younger I’d get off from just using toys or having sex with someone but now it’s like my vagina just doesn’t care and I need clit stimulation or nothing at all. Is this weird??
I also wonder if I masturbated too much when I was younger because it takes me a million years now

No. 395264

It could be anything from dryness to irritation from your laundry detergent or body wash/soap. I had a similar issue and I had to switch to the “free and clear” laundry soap with no fragrance and that seemed to help

No. 395267

At least 75% of this thread is women using "cum" in place of orgasm, there's a reason why you chose that anon specifically for your scrotefoiling

No. 395298

my nails are cut, and I've been masturbating for years but whenever I use my two fingers, I bleed. Am I just being too rough? What is causing the bleeding?

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No. 300321[Reply]

A thread to talk about everything related to your menstrual cycle and ovulation! Please don’t be creepy or make any sexual posts about period “fetishes” that’s gross however discussion of sexual feelings during different times of your cycle is acceptable as long as you’re not being egregious or overdescriptive
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No. 394261

>pre menstural: heavy cramping and diarreha, i swear the whole area becomes swollen but that might be in my head
>day 1-5: heavy bleeding and clotting, rotating pads like every 1-2 hours
>day 6-7: no clots and flow is alright
>day 8-9: something that resembles spotting
yeah i should go to the doctor
jealous of you guys with 5~ day periods

No. 394311

TMI but I'm on my period rn, fell asleep at 6am and im in fucking PAIN, can't take my usual ibuprofen meds atm because I have some stomach issues, if I could it would make things easier
> day 1: crippled, cramps, diarrhea (I try not to eat too much because the fucking cramps will intensify) , HEMORRHOIDS (seriously I can't be the only one, because of the constant feeling of needing to poop everything is so inflamed) ,spend at least 3-4h on the toilet (not actually doing anything those 4 hours but because of fucking prostaglandins and the havoc they wreck, hell I had a 1h++ toilet break before I could finish this post), spend all day and night contemplating my existence as a woman, if my period comes in the first part of the day I know I'm fucked because cramps will start in the late evening
> day 2: pain goes away around 70%, very rarely will i still have cramps
> day 3: freedom
>during ovulation: I am a horny wild beast and I hate being single kek, I also look my best
>PMS, around 1 week before period: sometimes bloated, constipated (HATE IT) slightly emotional and VERY VERY HUNGRY

No. 395205

>Day 1: Extreme pain, absolutely heavy flow, full a pad in less than 2 hours. Fatigue
>Day 2 A lot of flow, barely pain
>Day 3 Less flow, no pain
>Day 4 and 5, the most horrendous pain, I end up puking of so much pain, feels like a rag being rung out + last of bleeding.

No. 395226

>days before the storm: horny, affectionate, insecure, want to kms
>day 1: mild cramping, but at least I don't want to kms anymore. Almost no blood, just brown discharge
>day 2: mild flow and period shits, cramps
>day 3: heavy flow
>day 4: mild flow
>day 5: almost nothing
>day 6: won't bleed until I change into nice new underwear and lose the panty liner, then my body will find a way to stain the nice new underwear no matter how long I keep using panty liners

No. 395294

So, I took plan B for the first time ever, condom broke. Happened one week before ovulation and I wasn't that worried but I had to make sure anyways. All the symptoms came a week after and I bleed for three days, first and second day heavily. I wasn't sure to consider it a period (My periods usually last that long, at most I have pink stains during the fourth day) or just ''spotting'' (It was too much to consider it spotting). Now I shoud be getting my period, but I don't know if I should wait for it or not… Anyone has experiences with it? Is that bleeding you get just spotting or can you consider it a period?

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