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No. 1367840[Reply]

Chanel Barbie Clones are women who own 50 identical pink Chanel purses and a wardrobe full of identical frilly floral polyester dresses but never stop buying more.

A Chanel Barbie Clone's wannabe Barbie Dream House is piled high with cheap tacky pink junk and their diets consist entirely of pink sugary cupcakes.

Chanel Barbie Clones are often the victims of bad plastic surgery, paid for by their not-so-secret sugar daddy (they will have a side shopping service or vlog as a cover for their income).

A Chanel Barbie Clone will usually have fried blonde hair, too much makeup, and look like they just stepped off the set of White Chicks.

Examples include:

Previous arisucookie discussion here >>>/w/163026 but her and her clones outside of Japan deserved a spinoff thread.
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No. 1994592

Omg all that filler especially the lip filler is pulling her entire face down.. she needs to dissolve that real quick and get a lip lift if she really wants to have plastic surgery

No. 1994651

File: 1715790574668.png (98.41 KB, 231x183, Captura de Pantalla 2024-05-15…)

I have a question for you, nonas. Is Alice overuse filters on Instagram or… Is she suffering the consequences of botched surgery? That face scares me.

No. 1994861

File: 1715854670068.jpg (841.49 KB, 2021x2014, IMG_20240516_110609.jpg)

A bit of both. She definitely gets lip filler. She seems to have done something to her nose since it's shorter and points up a little. Picrel is about 10 years ago, you can see nose is longer and lips much smaller (image from instagram, shitty quality as it was in a collage with 3 other pics). And she definitely uses filters too as you can see the skin looks too uncanny smooth in most pics. >>1979656 This pic looks mostly unfiltered, compare with her pics and you can see the difference.

No. 1994862

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samefag she definitely *overuses filters, sorry I forgot to specify overuse, you weren't questioning her general use of filters, we all know she uses those kek. And I'm going to give a bonus pic of younger alice for comparison of nose and lips. Plus weird bonus fact that she was apparently a tomboy when she was younger. That's how she justifies her shopping addiction apparently.

No. 1994863

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Another Barbie clone, Lindiess. She has something hideous for sale to fund even more pink purses! She even knows all her bags are the same. Lindie said she has several bags brand new and never used. Who cares how much money someone has to spend on useless crap?
I think she is probably broken up with her husband. She stayed a long time in Denmark, but Lindie returned to Hong Kong and left her son in Aarhus with her mother. It's not very common…

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No. 28583[Reply]

Can we get an Sally and Ally thread going? Recently saw them mentioned in a previous thread, I'd like to know more if anyone has anything interesting to talk about.
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No. 1981994

File: 1712057946236.jpg (319.7 KB, 1130x2010, F0Ol6LmaQAExxIH.jpg)

I saw them randomly in my twitter feed a bit ago, and I wondered if anyone had insights on whether or not they got their jaws shaved and perhaps nosejobs (matching, of course…)? I know they lost some weight, but to look this different from the pics in here?

No. 1982069

I mean, could be filters which weren't used in selfies or photos so much back in the day

No. 1982235

I just hope you're still here to see this, anon.

No. 1990735


No. 1993696

Anon are you blind? The pic you posted is clearly just selfie filters. Do you think people really have dorito chin irl and smooth skin like that? Everything about the photo looks like AI.

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No. 1990165[Reply]

As requested!

Joannie Marie Tew is a 39-year-old autism mommy TikToker from North Carolina. She’s a mom of four who exploits all of her children but mainly focuses on her severely autistic son Cash.

>Records videos of Cash having meltdowns including grabbing her face, hitting and shoving her, and wrapping his hand around her neck

>Is addicted to addies and live-streaming, and possibly other things as well
>has ZERO sense of personal space or boundaries, livestreams while helping Cash shower (on the rare occasion he does)
>allows Cash to basically rule the house, wake everyone up at 3am with loud demands for Papa John’s and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
>quasi-incestuous with Cash; there’s a video of him laying on her while she’s kissing him and moaning and claims it’s “sensory input”, lets him do the same thing with his little sister all while claiming that Cash had/has precocious puberty
>oh yeah and she has a second autistic child, although his level of functioning is higher
>Married 3 times; first guy is a mystery but the second husband is the father of Joannie’s older three kids (including Cash)
>the youngest? The product of an affair with her now-husband Ryan, who is sick of her shit but can’t leave because he is paying alimony to his ex-wife that he cheated on with Joannie
>was a teacher, got fired for being a groomer and teaching 10 and 11-year-olds about sex acts
>neglects all the kids, lets Cash elope frequently, including taking the car keys and starting the car
>Dad finds out about the neglect and gets CPS/court involved
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No. 1990547

>proprioceptive input
This isn’t aba therapy, this is nasty

No. 1990556

>That's probably why the kid is called Cash
i believe this tinfoil

No. 1990613

You people sound like Nazis, seriously touch grass. This bitch obviously does not have any parental training even though she should or get some outside help, which we know she is actively turning it all down. He probably acts out way more than he should because she was never good to him.

No. 1990655

Nonna idk what you know about people who are on his level, but I think you're giving him too much credit by claiming he would act out less if he was properly taken care of. Carers who work with people like him are regularly beaten tf up. Even just in general the non-violent ones are heavy handed and will hammer their hands on their nurses. Regardless of what care he receives he will act violently

No. 1990743

He's going to end up killing her or being shot by police when he elopes and attacks another person. Kids with autism can also be spoiled brats. She thinks she's being calm and has control of the situation but from here she just looks terrified and placates him with food.

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No. 1155803[Reply]

Use this thread to discuss the neverending saga of Kati's perpetual last videos and statements on the matter.

Recent Milk:

>laid low on all Joy channels while she started a new stimulus channel under Kati's Insights

>made a goodbye video on Kati's Insights to pursue her main Joy channel the day the 2nd stimulus package passed (after non-stop creating multiple clickbait videos for months on end)
>baited for ana-chan attention on her main Joy channel when she returned - she's currently in-between sizes, btw
>began unleashing a torrent of pro-Shane, anti-Trisha videos when the Shane/Trish/Jeffree drama began, using her classic clickbait titles such as 'Trisha Paytas RAPES her fiancee?' and 'Trisha's fiance CAUGHT with MINORS?'
>Trisha reacts to this on frenemies, mentioning Kati's Joy channel by name
>currently creating videos on how much she hates Dustin Daily in-between her Trish seething

Previous threads:
#1 >>246848
#2 >>278466
#3 >>285785
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No. 1986248

Nice one. Thought this was just going to be a necro.
Can't believe Dom is (was?) still in the picture.

No. 1986299


I'm fairly certain Dom left before this (Keep in mind, this is dated 2022.) and she was alone in the apartment for a time. It looks like this action was solely regain possession of the unit and that's why his part was dismissed.

No. 1986363

She has found a new guy who is doing everything for her because she is still so sick.

She just can't stop with the whole my life is so hard, but I am not like other girls routine. Isn't she in her 40s? She still goes through the same cycles of trying to be internet famous just to fall on her face over and over.(learn to embed)

No. 1990299

her tiktok has reappeared.
that is all.(this is an imageboard, provide screenshots as proof, especially in case it goes down again)

No. 1990342

File: 1714464791236.png (690.26 KB, 960x1075, 2024-04-30_09-11.png)

Anon is right, it is back up, doesn't look like she's posted or changed anything yet. Can you make TikTok accounts private, could she maybe have done that?

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No. 1172792[Reply]

Photos of minors are permitted so long as they were first published on public social media.

As requested, a general thread for lolcows who are Fundamentalist Christians. Associated media includes, but is not limited to:
19 Kids and Counting/Counting On
Bringing Up Bates
Girl Defined
The Transformed Wife
The Rodrigues Family/All Things Truth Print Shop
Paul and Morgan Olliges
Created Collins for Christ/The Collins Family
Andre and Solie

Some recent milk:
>Justin Duggar (picrel) marries Claire Spivey in a super-spreader event with over 100 people, hardly any masks
>Jessa Seewald and Nurie Keller both announce pregnancies
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No. 1985416

>aren't they supposed to be modest?
Yes but surprisingly no. Modern tradwives are obsessed with advertising how they're always available for sex, talking about how much they value traditional roles for women in marriage that include never rejecting your husbands sexual advances, and the likes of that. It's always going to be bragging rights to women like this because it looks better in those circles to claim you love pleasing your husband to deflect the "wives had to pop valium to cope with their husbands" allegations

No. 1989811

Choosing Biblical Womanhood over Modern Feminism - A discussion(not milk/please sage)

No. 1989824

I though they’re a lesbian couple in the thumbnail.

No. 1989896

Which of you want to be my biblical lesbian wife

No. 1989999

Angela Ucci, Christian who says she got saved out of the New Age. Her friend Alyssa was the one who kept praying for her to see those practices were wrong. Her testimony is very dramatic and great. She seems to be truthful for the most part except on her celebrating Christmas logic which is not the same as her no yoga or halloween logic, she says she belongs to no denomination of Christianity but she is in the true church still, and does follow significant Manosphere red pill Christians, false preachers like deliverance’s Isaiah Saldivar.(sage your shit)

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No. 1595451[Reply]

June's Twitter: https://twitter.com/shoe0nhead?lang=en
June's Main YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Shoe0nHead
June's Second YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7UiChjgT_LDKcr_8NEEbMA
June's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shoe0nhead/?hl=en

Previous thread >>1272633

Summary : June appears to be having a bit of a breakdown and is deleting a lot of her salty tweets quickly, especially those attacking men but not quick enough to be capped elsewhere
-Seems like a lot has happened since the last thread it seems so maybe some nice nonna's can bring us up to speed here
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No. 1989929

You're not hopeful you are completely delusional (and I mean that in a non insulting way believe it or not).

This. I wonder how many here actually watch her content or even read her tweets I've never understood why there are those who seem to believe she is normal and not the seething self admitted jealous misogynist shes always shown herself to be.

No. 1989975

Lol fair.
I guess I see a lot of my old self in Shoe and I know I’ve matured, I want the same for others.

No. 1992066

Shoe said in one of her more recent videos that the internet would never know when she got pregnant.

No word on whether or not she'd say if she had a kid, though.

No. 1992510

Her husband seems to be extremely online if she has gotten pregnant lmfao. Priorities, if true.

No. 1992590

Tbf Shoe is also online but only using her alt account @Populoid. You can see people interacting with it often.

I honestly don't think she had the baby. I can believe she is pregnant though.

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No. 383200[Reply]

Welcome to the wild world of the discord user and 4chan tough guy, Mantras aka Michael Sosa. Not quite our usual snowflake, he's a 26 year old pedophile who enjoys doxxing people who speak out against him. When he's not vacationing in Massachusetts (he can't, he has a restraining order) he's manipulating boys (and girls) for nudes.

Trying to lurk in then shadows for the rest of his life while dodging all legal implications has lead Micheal Sosa to ditch all of his social media except for his beloved discord tag (Mantras#7054) and https://orbitchan.org/discord.php however he has been known to lay down in the green grasses of our very own farm!

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/343833731359834113/352483375270854657/image.jpg here our friend discusses his ketamine usage and how it helps quell his "general desire to rape"

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/343833731359834113/352483507437699073/image.jpg vague threatening

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/343833731359834113/352483397077303296/image.jpg increased threats

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/3438Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1988820

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No. 1988822

hi brady(hi cow)

No. 1988926

Damn what a monster

No. 1989075

r9k egirls only fuck brown guys(racebait)

No. 1989095

not surprising for obvious reasons. something i want to mention here is that in 2018 sosa used to go around telling people that certain people he was manipulating had confided in him that they molested their younger siblings. never made sense to me why he would lie like this but now it’s obvious he was projecting his guilt onto other people as some sort of fucked up narc tactic.(sage your shit)

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No. 1174664[Reply]

CatboyKami is a 23 year-old Australian NEET, streamer, edgelord and self proclaimed white nationalist, now living in the US
Drama summary:
>Dated a trap for a few years until trap broke up with him
>Has a tranny/loli fetish
>Manwhore who fucks anything that moves, goes to conventions to fuck weebs
>Goes on Omegle in full black face to shock people
>Goes on Omegle to say n*gger and shock people
>Goes on Omegle in full yellow face to shock people
>Rumoured to be fucking Nick Fuentes after they met up, as Kami is known as a homosexual at this point
>Nick Fuentes then drops Kami in fear of looking gay
>Daily Mail Australia writes article about his behaviour on Omegle
>FBI breaks into his home for a reason which is still unknown
Gypsy Crusader drama
>Kami starts sperging about Gypsy doxxing right wingers and having links to the feds
>Gypsy then starts sperging about Kami being a homosexual, leaks photos of him and his trap bf and spreads rumours about the FBI breaking into his home because of possessing CP
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No. 1909170

Fucked up people usually have bad parents

No. 1909178

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No. 1909214

His mom being vegan and insane aligns perfectly with how he turned out. I bet he doesn’t have a dad either. Moids with overindulgent boymoms and deadbeat dads always end up growing into deranged man-children and ending up in prison or something.

No. 1985306

typical nazi losers lol the same chuds that shoot up schools in the us(necro)

No. 1989041

File: 1714101295027.png (755.6 KB, 1284x2308, Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 11.12…)

I can’t embed this video since it’s from some 3rd party site and was originally posted on telegram but he’s now gone crazy trying to start some crazy cult/religion/ideology now https://communities.win/c/IP2Always/p/17siEdBLV9/somehow-catboy-kami-is-more-delu/c
Picrel is the recap I stole from KiwiFarms

No. 1988986[Reply]

ain't no way(shit thread)

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No. 1966502[Reply]

Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dime Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.

Milk from the last thread (#47: >>>/snow/1941018)
Ivy Wolk gets called a rapist on twitter: >>1941197, >>1941200
Anna and Pariah the Doll attend a Pornhub “party”: >>1943070
Anna says that selfies are worse than porn, Fat Jack agrees: >>1943603, >>1944349
TrueAnon make a Jan 6th boardgame: >>1949841
Discussion over the possibility of Dasha being cast in the MYORAR movie: >>1955981
Anna and Dasha are paid to promote organic cigarettes: >>1958677
Ivy Wolk is pretty much just doing porn after racking up medical debt: >>1961532
Claire Penis and other trans influencers named in a troon’s suicide note: >>1962650
Rspod subreddit is obsessed with Taylor Swift: >>1963456
The scene is predictably cringe at the premiere of a troon movie: >>1963671, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1203 posts and 223 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1989338

aaron bushnell was a mentally ill retard who deserves to be mocked, his publicity stunt did absolutely nothing for his pet cause.

No. 1989488

Yes but the current reemergent trend of self immolation is great(a-log)

No. 1990248

File: 1714434981524.png (2.08 MB, 1280x720, niccolo soldo.png)

anyone know if this is really niccolo soldo? it's being used in thumbnails for recent podcast appearances.

No. 1990257

??? Wtf do you mean what is she talking about? She's talking about the fact that Aimee "I'm totally rw now" Terese is full dem base retard when it comes to Israel.

No. 1990264

File: 1714438708826.jpeg (360.71 KB, 1638x2048, FBA76F3D-A414-485D-82A5-853B70…)

Insane glowup for Pariahchad(whiteknighting)

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