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File: 1708104220308.jpeg (70.81 KB, 1280x720, IMG_8625.jpeg)

No. 1890593

previous thread >>>/ot/1256189

From mildly annoying, to ghoulish, to ghastly, to gag inducing.

Threadpic is Texas senator Ted Cruz

No. 1890597

File: 1708104403623.jpeg (216.7 KB, 1560x1040, IMG_8624.jpeg)

Almost considered making threadpic Colin Jost, but that would give too much credence to his memoir title where he self admits he has a punchable face

No. 1890600

File: 1708104604666.jpeg (485.31 KB, 1720x1276, IMG_8628.jpeg)

Honorable mention goes out to every moid in this picture. They all look disgusting.

No. 1890603

File: 1708104678808.jpg (10.81 MB, 4080x5436, black1.jpg)

No. 1890640

File: 1708106212721.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1022x1273, IMG_5923.jpeg)

Colon Murphy

No. 1890667

File: 1708107030682.jpg (411.97 KB, 786x589, rick-perry-points-0802cab162c5…)

in the spirit of the thread theme here's another smug texan politician in dire need of a whop

No. 1890675

I hated him and his grating accent so much when he was in office. He seems like the type of moid who peaked in his college fraternity years and barely scraped by with a 2.0 GPA.

His family also owned a ranch in a small Texas town that had a racist name. I stumbled upon that fun fact when I was researching sundown towns.

No. 1890708

He looks like a lesbian art teacher that is obsessed with garfield

No. 1890749

File: 1708110692861.jpg (247.46 KB, 1200x1529, 1699435785168761.jpg)

Fuck this fat piece of dogshit

No. 1890753

File: 1708110797632.png (972.4 KB, 728x546, IMG_8632.png)

Hot Ones baldie moid and his overfilled pornstar GF (who he broke up with for revealing their relationship publicly)

No. 1890760

That’s highly specific but you’re right

No. 1890762

No. 1890763

vernon dursley fancast

No. 1890805

File: 1708114712023.jpg (130.77 KB, 1450x828, MV5BYmIxYjRjMTMtYmI4MS00ZDc2LT…)

Something about the face of this TIF (Jammidogger) just makes my fingers curl into a fist by instinct.

No. 1890819

I would love to punch her repeatedly and her throat bc of her stupid nasally frog voice(alogging)

No. 1891098

File: 1708142006715.png (167.63 KB, 360x328, Evil_Jerma.png)

Ugly pasty rat

No. 1891101

File: 1708142177446.jpg (68.63 KB, 1024x1024, moistcr1tkal-1024x1024.jpg)

Another ugly rat he looks like he smells of wet dog

No. 1891106

File: 1708142334895.jpeg (33.52 KB, 700x525, 65cf44c86fcb546d2d508429.jpeg)

Kickable face I hate his stupid smile so much.

No. 1891126

He’s evil

No. 1891140

honestly this is the only person that has a punchable face to me and I'm not sure why.

No. 1891169

I think he eats people. He looks like he would. He doesn't even look human.

No. 1891170

i dont understand why hes so famous

No. 1891177

He literally looks like he flayed someone's face off of their corpse and surgically attached it to his own head like Hannibal Lectar and he's also got the mindset of a sociopath, of course he's unsettling

No. 1891189

he has dead eyes. sure giveaway

No. 1891209

I hate his voice. I can't believe he has voice acting roles.

No. 1891316

Did farmhands forget what thread this is? The whole premise is "alogging" by default kek there's worse and more graphic posts in the previous thread

No. 1891318

NTA but the thread is "punchable faces, throat punching is going a little too hard… It's kind of violent and scary.

No. 1891480

File: 1708179947305.png (Spoiler Image,259.98 KB, 530x404, rickthedick.png)

i had no idea about his family's ranch. thank you for telling me, nonna. i didn't know it was possible for him to become even more punchable yet here we are

No. 1891931

File: 1708210782697.jpg (48.67 KB, 747x742, 8e59b38e56abc74b316f2616e9a5c6…)

Obligatory,super punchable

No. 1892091

File: 1708222287714.jpeg (807.72 KB, 1125x1276, IMG_0245.jpeg)

this dude looks so disgusting he doesn’t deserve to do anything except be punched in his disgusting face

No. 1892097

Me neither. He’s not that charismatic, he does streams with pewdiepie and jacksepticeye

No. 1892343

File: 1708254681847.png (338.19 KB, 468x330, 1.png)

Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol Loganpol

No. 1892387

I'm not one of those tinfoil religious types but I understand when they say someone feels demonic. The dead soulless eyes with the wide forced smile (why is he even smiling that wide? It looks like his skin is being pulled apart) make him look uncanny and evil.

No. 1893235

File: 1708308640770.jpeg (65.51 KB, 640x638, IMG_3409.jpeg)

Her constipated 2edgy4u expression annoys me. She seems nice though.

No. 1893236

i haaaaate how her face doesnt move/emote! she's very pretty to me but i cant watch her videos, her flat voice and expressionless brows ruin everything

No. 1893272

File: 1708311092918.jpg (49.7 KB, 571x719, fatbitch.jpg)

Cory from Oneyplays/Sleepycabin, I would watch them since I'm a chrisfag and he's inescapable being in 90% of the channel. He draws porn on newgrounds and makes the most disgusting rapey jokes ever and he's a huge man baby. Holy fuck, I can't even look at the photo for more than a couple seconds before switching. He is more than gag inducing

No. 1893300

File: 1708314299899.jpg (88.74 KB, 915x704, jan.jpg)

No. 1893301

File: 1708314333492.png (296.53 KB, 739x415, douchebag.png)

No. 1893304

this isn’t a real picture of him you know

No. 1893306

File: 1708315063348.jpg (49.39 KB, 426x600, fabtithc.jpg)

True without the beard filter it's much worse

No. 1893311

He looks like he lives on Discord.

No. 1893330

That man is offensively ugly

No. 1893331

No. 1893435

KEK as if the actual one is much better. Cory has always been an unkempt gamer coomer. It makes sense he’s dating a tranny

No. 1894094

File: 1708373520752.jpg (171.75 KB, 1080x823, 8344538745.jpg)

No. 1894097

i hate youtubers

No. 1894493

File: 1708400212815.jpg (120.27 KB, 1162x1266, prince_william_photo_max_mumby…)

I hate this hideous bald bastard and his smug face.

No. 1894494

File: 1708400255750.jpg (525.44 KB, 1600x2163, billie eilish brown roots.jpg)

No. 1894500

File: 1708401132508.jpg (10.58 KB, 275x230, 1523196495232.jpg)

No. 1894506

you are sick

No. 1894518

Billie Eyelash has a very punchable face

No. 1894547

File: 1708407020482.jpg (33.87 KB, 450x815, zach.jpg)

KEK The best possible outcome, 2 pornsick moids. He still talks about 2d "pussy."
On the topic of Oneyplays, Zach/psychicpebbles comes to mind because of his dumb face that looks like he just smelled something bad and such a thin nosebridge. 90% of his photos he's wearing sunglasses because he knows he has a punchable face.

No. 1894565

Zach is at least funny but yes I would punch the shit out of him

No. 1894771

Zach's sense of humor cancels out his punchableness. Cory on the other hand is unfunny, ugly AND a coomer. Worthless.

No. 1894851

well, someone did end up punching the hell out of it

No. 1894855

Not this creature again. He is inescapable.

No. 1895525

File: 1708472090966.jpg (294.24 KB, 1134x1080, Profile_-_Sid_Phillips.jpg)

No. 1895529

File: 1708472231583.jpg (149.4 KB, 1284x1567, FRy0hXXWQAAdeem.jpg_large.jpg)

She always looks like a demented zombie

No. 1895533

File: 1708472353651.jpg (58.95 KB, 736x978, 56694f447147ac7a9a400065c2dd32…)

Midly annoying tbh but very overrated actress

No. 1895978

File: 1708508667608.png (61.35 KB, 328x328, 1699928674102.png)

No. 1895983

Jfc spoiler this

No. 1896000

is this that vampire guy from baldurs gate

No. 1896054

Lots of people say Zach is not a little gremlin and is “actually handsome” NO he is not, he is an average moid with a face that looks like it’s already been punched in. Chris on the other hand I would not punch and in fact would fuck the soul out of.

No. 1896056

File: 1708516622025.jpeg (187.21 KB, 537x540, 85230D36-1C32-4150-8150-F5612C…)

No. 1896090

Amberlynn Reid went butch??

No. 1896295

Kek it actually does look like her ex Becky though

No. 1896891

Who th e fuck is this

No. 1897448

File: 1708613410282.jpg (63.59 KB, 614x1027, 76a8c5da167a4a74ffb03a6a2df251…)

I actually like Tyler's music and have for a while but for some reason, recently anytime I see him or his music comes on I think if "FUCKING YOUNG" and want to punch him. Even in this pic his smile is annoying.

No. 1897707


No. 1897748

File: 1708626596234.jpeg (510.46 KB, 831x878, IMG_0313.jpeg)

No. 1897754

leave him alone!

No. 1897775

jermafags are also very punchable

No. 1897950

i’m not even a jermafag, i just feel inclined to like him because he looks like my husbando

No. 1897967

Which husbando

No. 1897998

hendery from nct

No. 1899254

File: 1708731979632.jpg (83.17 KB, 1031x670, RIPX7NATBRGNDBQKVNIB3D5WHE.jpg)

It's pathetic how young she wants to be again

No. 1899256

I wish she would just give up and go grandma mode. That would be so much cuter and I think she’d be a lot happier.

No. 1899257

File: 1708732198833.jpg (150.56 KB, 1100x1250, 88d7b45ebf14a5a73b8e8451ecd875…)

No. 1899258

She seems insecure about younger zoomers and gen alpha not feeling her, she should cherish the legacy she already has. I get that the music industry is agiest, but why even give into it? She already has done so much to fight boundaries in that regard, i don't believe her slip of relevance has much to do with her age as much is it to do with the over saturation of the music industry.

No. 1899259

File: 1708732402260.jpg (2.34 MB, 6000x4000, GettyImages-1258942912.jpg)

Another smug bastard I hate,he looks like a wrinkly foot.

No. 1900114

File: 1708804221505.jpeg (966.48 KB, 1170x1784, IMG_6191.jpeg)

It’s not that I want to punch her (especially since she’s currently pregnant kek) but there’s something so deeply contrived and self important in her expression that makes me fucking rage.

No. 1900117

kek why was i JUST thinking about this annoying pretentious ass couple this morning and wondering if any nonnies had posted about them. serendipitous

No. 1900122

File: 1708805014585.png (3.33 MB, 1298x1948, kristen_mcmenamy_2447586.png)

i wish she ended up more like kristen mcmenamy, being comfortable with aging and keeping her style, attitude, lifestyle, etc. being old doesnt mean you have to turn into a knitting granny. you can still be fun and glamourous. instead she has been fighting getting older in every way imaginable which always comes off so desperate and turns you into a bulbous filler alien.

No. 1900124

She just shows up on my Twitter feed sometimes. People hate her and her husband because they’re Mormons and Mormons have this racist belief about black skin apparently. So she thinks if she’s a good Mormon she gets to be white in heaven (like uncle ruckus from the boondocks)
Idk about all that. I enjoy her videos where she cooks from scratch, she makes her own mozzarella and cereal etc. but my god what a punchable face.

No. 1900128

>comfortable with aging
Nonsense, you don't look like that in your 50s without a lot of help, she's artificial as fuck. She just pulls it off with more grace.

No. 1900222

File: 1708811765861.jpg (184.1 KB, 800x800, diptych_01_sq-07ae7bc5123c6c0f…)

How do some anons find this greasy ball of shit attractive? extremely punchable.he's starting to look like Trump.

No. 1900240

File: 1708812464829.jpg (14.42 KB, 640x424, file-20201028-21-rw40wj.jpg)

Annoying face and annoying voice

No. 1900438

oh i didnt mean to imply kristen has no work done kek i just mean she didn't overdo it and acts fun but still mature/her age, not doing poppers on ig live like madonna

No. 1901651

File: 1708907191726.jpg (124.32 KB, 718x844, tdy_pop_7a_kaylee_hartung_tayl…)

Extremely annoying and punchable

No. 1901655

File: 1708907306810.jpeg (54.47 KB, 828x552, 16975404346470.jpeg)

No. 1901657

She looks slightly retarded, I know it’s just a bad photo but her eyes being this small genuinely annoys me

No. 1901666

File: 1708908044736.jpeg (49.54 KB, 800x600, IMG_1452.jpeg)

They look so much worse because her millenial ass absolutely refuses to budge from the sharp eyeliner / red lipstick combo. The fact that she COULD look less punchable but refuses pisses me off the most.

No. 1901668

File: 1708908150984.jpg (95.05 KB, 774x1032, out_of_cosplay_photo_no_photos…)

The worst cosplayer in the world:Auress.

No. 1901754

i respect your opinion and im coping lol but thats just an unflattering image of him

No. 1902039

File: 1708931056044.jpeg (129.48 KB, 426x597, IMG_7481.jpeg)

All the men in this picture, especially the fat bald hamplant who constantly makes the joke he looks like Bezos

No. 1902089

File: 1708933360408.jpg (125.49 KB, 750x1125, 1000003004.jpg)

She would have made a really cute twink

No. 1902156

I know what you are.

No. 1902158

She looks like a side character from an early 2000s teen movie. Maybe the best friend of the main character's love interest, who is slightly assholish.

No. 1902242

She would absolutely have been the Sean William Scott of our time

No. 1902913

File: 1708986214120.jpg (10.7 KB, 360x270, Varg-Vikernes-opowiedzial-o-po…)

Definitely gah inducing,he's a disgusting old bastard.his children should be taken away from him.

No. 1903171

File: 1709006067467.jpg (110.5 KB, 895x1200, EnzUtpOUYAcoeWL.jpg)

>Gag inducing

No. 1903180

No thank you

No. 1903195

dont forget the absolutely disgusting fetishes he has, so feminine to be into vore, inflation and other autistic moid shit

No. 1903476

File: 1709021675327.jpeg (200.61 KB, 936x1396, IMG_2696.jpeg)

always hated her dead eyed look

No. 1908232

File: 1709337674395.jpeg (6.81 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpeg)

I hate how there are some retards on LC who defend her ugly,unfunny,narcissistic pick me ass

No. 1910806

File: 1709524017435.jpg (636.43 KB, 2609x2609, gettyimages-1229892983-square.…)

This ugly rat man

No. 1910809

This woman has not made me laugh even once.

No. 1911703

File: 1709586828938.jpg (35.24 KB, 400x400, Vkp-Gkye_400x400.jpg)


No. 1911705

File: 1709587012458.jpg (79.13 KB, 1000x635, it-clown-screening.jpg)

The only clown I want to punch not scary but terribly stupid looking,he looks like a big toe also the actor who plays modern it looks special needs.

No. 1911944

File: 1709607623647.jpg (297.13 KB, 1152x2048, D2GcvdyUgAEzqsp.jpg_large.jpg)

This unfunny shit face

No. 1912172

File: 1709630760558.jpeg (52.96 KB, 372x606, IMG_3476.jpeg)

this ugly retard

No. 1912176

OMFG THANK YOU ! I can’t stand this guy !!!

No. 1913001

File: 1709694209028.jpg (456.42 KB, 2048x2048, F1LGdyOXoAE8cHS.jpg_large.jpg)

They all look inbred and related to each other

No. 1913003

quackity sneak

No. 1913006

quackity is cute, 100% would date

No. 1913008

File: 1709694486457.jpg (71.9 KB, 736x927, 0a94db8e44c8863c31e38d16aac86a…)

Leave Markiplier out of this. He may be corny but he is above average for a male youtuber

No. 1913014

His body looks so good here and i am not typically attracted to him.

No. 1913020

Will Poulter has been posted enough times, thanks

No. 1913031

File: 1709696699906.jpg (14.82 KB, 360x270, 1008766556.jpg)

his eyes need to break up tho

No. 1913035

Definitely a butterface

No. 1913039

File: 1709697260805.jpg (16.82 KB, 300x360, qLyY8_5_c.jpg)


No. 1913096

File: 1709704892230.png (627.59 KB, 602x602, 6whgp5N.png)

Pewdiepie isn't that bad either.

No. 1913105

File: 1709706650901.jpeg (13.22 KB, 612x351, 055.jpeg)

Why don't you nonas understand that an ugly face on a non-ugly body doesn't mean the face is no longer ugly. Bag that shit up

No. 1913110

Kek, you’re onto something. Idk why girls let these uggos get popular, it’s like they all have the same retarded phenotype. The thirsting after David Dobrik will always remain a mystery to me, he’s disgusting, both body and soul. The top left is admittedly better looking than the rest of them though.

His body is even worse tbh, he’s too skinny and looks like a hobo in this picture. This one >>1913008 has a good physique but incredibly mid face.

No. 1913115

File: 1709707577978.png (629.16 KB, 602x602, 1709704892230.png)


No. 1913120

what world do you live in where that's a bad body, I wished 99% of men had that body.

No. 1913163

It’s obviously way better and well-kept than average scrote’s but I don’t like it and I’m not going soft on the internet moids. I don’t like his arms.

No. 1913664


No. 1914001

File: 1709772573638.jpg (12.41 KB, 300x300, stelter-brian-image.jpg)

He genuinely looks retarded

No. 1914012

File: 1709772824126.jpg (279.44 KB, 2482x1396, resize.jpg)

Men with long faces are instantly hideous he looks like the long lost brother of Dylan Klebold.

No. 1914013

Bro look like if you left Prince Charming from Shrek in the oven too long and half his hair scalded off

No. 1914025

He reminds me of a Bosmer, specifically in Morrowind graphics

No. 1914026

Kek yes actually this is way better

No. 1914052

File: 1709774244301.jpg (364.31 KB, 1080x900, Childless bald single middle …)

This ugly faggot grifter

No. 1914230

File: 1709788055649.jpeg (114.99 KB, 1280x720, e1b21-16715162259521.jpeg)

Screeching dumbasses.

No. 1914493

bottom of the barrel moids are always the most eager to shit on a woman's age and appearance

No. 1914940

File: 1709844144857.jpg (278.44 KB, 1080x1440, 926_v9_bc.jpg)

He has always given me pedo vibes

No. 1914963

kek at least she doesn't have to cover up a receding hairline and premature balding with a beanie like all of these grifter males do

No. 1914978

he looks like he's smelling me through the photo

No. 1916867

File: 1709938180488.jpg (84.75 KB, 1200x800, 953916374.jpg.0.jpg)


No. 1916985

File: 1709945865902.jpeg (19.44 KB, 728x421, images (1).jpeg)

The faggot responsible for the longest lockdowns in the Western world. Rumor has it he tried to touch a influential businessman's teenage daughter and conveniently fell down the stairs around the same time.

No. 1917088

FUCK THIS GUY I got so sick of seeing his disgusting mug for his narcissistic daily press conferences back in 2020. so fucking hideous.

No. 1917091

Worst leader of the worst state.

No. 1917100

Those are some offensive ears, no wonder hes a villain

No. 1918222

File: 1710041431254.jpg (68.17 KB, 1086x1080, wonka-actor-65e079b433205.jpg)

That Willy Wonka actor from that terrible Willy Wonka experience

No. 1918256

Didn’t he turn out to be a nonce?

No. 1919477

Okay that's not really surprising considering seeing him in the videos I got the creeps from him and secondly he has the face of one.

No. 1919801

File: 1710117021572.jpg (642.42 KB, 1536x2048, FZp6-Q9WQAQYbRL.jpg_large.jpg)

I hate this ugly,unfunny simian looking moid and his stupid shit channel.

No. 1919814

I'm glad I dont get recommended his vids anymore. I find myself just watching stupid content at first if it's new to me, it's like a sinkhole, and then I can't take it anymore and I hate them. Luckily for me I haven't had any of his shit on my feed in months.

No. 1921059

File: 1710201862521.jpg (120.22 KB, 1500x1125, amy-schumer-8326c1359e7a430f9e…)

Hog woman

No. 1921081

File: 1710203839398.jpg (49.36 KB, 400x400, nick the oreo.jpg)

His personality is just as punchable

No. 1921083

Ugly fat Troon defending weirdo

No. 1922231

File: 1710274920227.jpg (61.03 KB, 724x1010, GIfXyxTXMAAYcWC.jpg)

>Gag inducing
This is Stonetoss,another fat, pathetic,ugly man child.Id knew he would have a punchable face.what a shocker!

No. 1922251

Based I was just gonna see if his ugly mug was posted. Looks like a child molester.

No. 1922266

File: 1710277387288.png (255.48 KB, 572x572, GIfEBhSW8AAuG0G.png)

No. 1922271

Dan schneider phenotype

No. 1922301

File: 1710280163380.jpg (486.72 KB, 1727x3072, 240310_gma_digital_ryan_goslin…)

I don't know who was more annoying in Barbie him or Margot Robbie.his singing sucks

No. 1922393

File: 1710285136771.jpeg (195.73 KB, 1080x1350, GIXVi-1WwAAAdiH.jpeg)

I wouldn't say mildly annoying but very obnoxious and try hard

No. 1922464

She don't even look like this lol

No. 1923405

this photo of her genuinely made me ill

No. 1927858

File: 1710623353918.png (121.91 KB, 250x313, Enter-officialphoto.png)

I surprised MrEnter isn't posted in these threads,I hate this screeching ugly retarded autist who takes cartoons way too seriously.

No. 1927859

he's way thinner then I expected him to look.

No. 1927892

his 1v1 youtube slapfight with an autistic tranny redeemed him for me, that shit was hilarious

No. 1928814

File: 1710693957869.jpg (106.05 KB, 1500x1000, Tammy-Slaton-weight-loss-03092…)

No. 1928833

File: 1710695169137.jpg (88.35 KB, 1280x720, scrote.jpg)

Blade has an extremely punch-to-death-able face

No. 1928931

File: 1710701275733.png (1.07 MB, 1022x932, fucking ew....png)

I'm trying to watch breaking bad but this bitches FAS face just makes me gag. And she's a klepto.

No. 1928933

ew the gizzard…

No. 1928939

Cliff notes for that? Sounds hilarious

No. 1929010

she's my favourite character, i love her stacy attitude

No. 1929018

do stacies steal little decorative spoons

No. 1929022

File: 1710704871218.jpg (90.29 KB, 1024x450, marjorie-taylor-greene-top.jpg)

She literally looks like a tranny it's hard to believe she's an actual woman she looks like a neanderthal

No. 1929026

>Rebecca is a mushmouthed tranny that used to be an editor for mr enter
>Got fired for being an autistic tranny too incompetent to edit videos
>Made a 3 hour long video accusing mr enter of being an abuser for firing him, in said video he includes testimonies from his neighbour
>Got sued by Julia Vickerman
>Fetishes include: Giantesses, belly buttons & ruber/latex, vore, futa, femboys, yuri, yaoi, Youtube animators with minimalist styles like Jayden stick figures, porn of their avatar OC, and commissioned cubfur art. Discord has 24 different porn channels, masturbates 5 times a day
>Has a discord ban list that include: Donald Trump, Butch Hartman, Bill cosby, Danny Elfman, EDP, Elon Musk, Tara Strong and other people that obviously dont know or care about a tranny cartoon reviewer
>Had a pedophilic mod in his discord server, refused to ban her after being informed that she groomed two minors and only banned her after 8 months due to inactivity
>Got scammed out of 1700 by a guy that told him he was making ''Aliens vs Monsters 2''
>lied about having a kiwifarms thread
>Has "Diaper PTSD" and "trauma" associated with having the family dog getting old and needing to wear doggy diapers
>was planning on moving in with a 17yo he groomed
>currently being sued by mr enter
I cuold go on forever he's been my personal lolcow for quite some time

No. 1929198

File: 1710712998723.png (573.25 KB, 655x702, cillian jenner.png)

No. 1929220

>The file name

No. 1930400

File: 1710805059485.jpeg (4.73 KB, 290x174, images (1).jpeg)

I am the only one who wanted to punch him throughout the entire film?

No. 1930410

Isn't he supposed to be punchable? He's perpetually smug

No. 1930425

File: 1710807432833.jpg (52.65 KB, 640x641, 1000003487.jpg)

Noticed a pattern of every truly psychotic unfeeling person has a very wonky eye or is super walleyed. I know someone super sociopathic who regularly edits their eyes darker to hide their lazy eye, I swear there's something here. How are you so empty inside that your eyes now gaze in two different directions

No. 1930426

Very interesting choice in breaking bad to make all of the female characters purposely extremely punchable. The women in the show aren't even any sort of real character that would happen, its just a male fantasy about My Bitch Wife. The one character they made as a manic pixie was then depicted as a worthless junkie who overdoses.

No. 1930438

Man,he's so fucking grotesque and ugly how are some women lusting over him??he looks like some pig-human hybrid

No. 1930461

Wait? really? He looks like ai, a block head kek.

No. 1930464

yes they do actually

Skyler and Marie were good characters though. Skyler completely owned Walt with her “maybe I smoked them in a fugue state” line, she’s actually really smart. If she were le bitch wife she’d just tell Hank immediately. Marie is also complicated, she actually had a strong sense of justice (despite the lifting lol), people who hate her probably hate other opinionated extroverted women. I wish we got a Marie prequel tbh. I hated Jane she was so nothing, worst character ever, in a show where one-scene characters are memorable she had like 10 episodes and left no impression and then died.Same with Andrea.

No. 1930468

But the problem is that no one cares about that, men hate her. I actually had a guy on social media I used to think was cool until recently he was asked if he could kill anyone free pass he said Skyler White…? All men hate her which is crazy. Her character was essentially meant to be punchable and hated. I agree she's a good character for the storyline because wtf was wrong with Walt but Marie was horrible, I didn't dislike her because she was opinionated but because she made no sense.

No. 1930470

No. 1930477

god he doesn’t even look human. he’s like a rotting pumpkin

No. 1930488

File: 1710809964389.jpg (22.57 KB, 640x703, 08999.jpg)

No. 1930492

Face transplant recipient

No. 1930589

The pumpkin looks more human than he does

No. 1930616

this guy isnt even 30 yet btw

No. 1930628

File: 1710821993475.jpeg (160.21 KB, 650x451, thom yorke ap images spotify 6…)

nona im fascinated. any more puncheable examples? do you find thom yorkes lazy eye or or paris hilton lazy eye psychotic too? i have a lazy eye so I tell myself those two are cool to not go insane.

No. 1930630

nta but yorke left his wife the moment she developed cancer so he's definitely 100% psychotic

No. 1930633

File: 1710822479166.png (443.29 KB, 1708x544, beast.png)

DUDE oh my god when i read this i thought you meant he was maybe 29 or 27 but no hes only 25. What is wrong with him

No. 1930662

I thought that was david spade at first

Oh there ain't no way that is his real age there ain't no way. He's lying, he's got to be at least 30

No. 1930772

Nooo please don't take me seriously. Unless you harbor villainous resentment this isn't about you or a stray at any one with a lazy eye in particular at all, it's just interesting to me how some of the worst people I can think of all have a wonky eye. Ie Kelly who picked her own legs off and smeared shit in them for attention so they could be amputated. Thom Yorke left his wife for a younger woman after her cancer diagnosis and made songs about it, even a short film about it. Jeff Bezos. Zuckerberg is walleyed. If you aren't like that don't take it personal please theres nothing wrong with you lol I just joke these people have splintered their brains in two and their own bullshit has pushed their eyes into two different directions.

No. 1930773

I dont normally subscribe to that kind of conspiracy but I do think he's been lying about his age although I'm sure other people have dived into it before and we would all know if that were true. I just cannot fathom him being 25

No. 1930803

>oh my god I thought maybe 27 but he’s only 25
That’s a difference of two years anon

No. 1930850

File: 1710837029467.jpg (70.49 KB, 327x772, 1000003490.jpg)

He is like a relic from another time

No. 1930856

literal caveman

No. 1930863

Social media and "content creation" has created some very peculiar elevated figures

No. 1930908

didn't he use a dead rat to tell what day it was or something

No. 1930946


No. 1930965

how anyone listens to anything he has to say is beyond me

No. 1931699

File: 1710891191274.jpg (55.8 KB, 719x550, 94a89-16819995987513-1920.jpg)

Man,she's so fucking ugly and punchable.

No. 1931705

People say that it's his character, but it's just a cover up for the bigger issue at hand. That's gross.

No. 1931711

Lmao in celebricows thread they were trying to say she’s prettier than sydney sweeney.

No. 1931714

The problem is with men, not skyler.

No. 1932330

File: 1710948939290.jpg (Spoiler Image,303.3 KB, 1200x720, gross.jpg)

You did her a favor posting a glam and facetuned pic, nonnie

No. 1932481

File: 1710956849409.jpg (2.1 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoCollage_20240320_13485995…)

Why does Rupaul always bare his teeth whenever he smiles? It's giving Lillee Jean with better dental care and I hate it

No. 1932508

kek i mean face-wise she is…

No. 1932608

File: 1710961789435.jpeg (38.71 KB, 554x554, images (1).jpeg)

Stephen King's fugly son, they're all hideous and punchable the worst part is that he was allowed to breed and has an equally hideous son

No. 1932611

Looks ai generated
She looks like a pig human hybrid

No. 1932729

are you blind? look at >>1932330 and say that again kek. even in glammed up photos she always looks like a fish with eyes in two different continents

No. 1932883

File: 1710974005768.jpg (99.21 KB, 1500x1000, Drake-Bell-041323-1-2ff258ab2e…)

I don't feel bad for him at all he's a groomer too his ass should have gone to jail.

No. 1932904

He's extremelly ugly but still looks more human and less missing link than his father

No. 1934699

File: 1711101188097.jpg (1.31 MB, 1170x1718, 20240322_114959.jpg)

No. 1934874

File: 1711118487641.jpeg (61.78 KB, 640x375, IMG_3562.jpeg)

fat inbred retard

No. 1934876

This guy triggers my kill switch, I hate him so much.

No. 1935999

File: 1711193580840.jpg (825.33 KB, 1056x1973, Screenshot_20240323_133211_Tik…)

I'm tired of seeing her photoshopped face and fake vulva lips. And hearing her scream in her obnoxious fake accent.

No. 1941502

File: 1711599345581.jpg (428.29 KB, 1600x2001, UGLY STUPID SCROTE.jpg)

No. 1941504

I hate him

No. 1941517

File: 1711600365966.jpeg (153.82 KB, 1147x1055, E7E67ABD-36E6-40F6-8ACA-7CCDD2…)

You could put all the creepy ass Baldwins and their halitosis ass pout ITT

No. 1941522

Hasan, that annoying twitch CIA/Turkish asset. I can't even post his face it bothers me too much. If he had a stroke, I'd be hapoy.

No. 1941555

>really thinking whiny Hasan is cia

No. 1941600

File: 1711605629758.jpg (87.57 KB, 720x1080, 1000003589.jpg)

The way this one is in perpetual conscious duckface even as an old ass man disgusts me

No. 1941951

he deserves to be brutally gang raped in prison. He hurt girls, he deserves to suffer and I feel nothing for him

No. 1943243

File: 1711771847039.jpg (53.15 KB, 405x720, oardefault.jpg)


No. 1943246

her eyes are so close together and that eyeliner is not helping

No. 1944844

File: 1711903636210.jpeg (664.5 KB, 963x1074, IMG_4704.jpeg)

why are there so many horse faced women who can’t close their mouths all the way

No. 1944862

I wish this makeup trend would hurry up and die.

No. 1945182

Because they're mouth breathers.

No. 1945194

File: 1711915777821.jpg (98.86 KB, 720x719, 50677088_10156671519938801_231…)

I'm surprised Jack Black hasn't been posted here he's old as fuck he should stop trying to be funny

No. 1945224

I don't know about his ex-wife but his eye was paralyzed when he was born and one of the operations performed on it left him with this lazy eyelid

No. 1946554

File: 1712006656723.jpg (55.26 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

I'm not sorry

No. 1946562

That’s a shame she’s so pretty otherwise

No. 1946563

File: 1712007597108.jpg (193.77 KB, 675x1200, 1000002738.jpg)

you're not wrong, she's so obnoxious and i hate the fake nice persona because you know she looks down on people who are normal weights. i can feel the judgement from her dead, cold, eyes.

No. 1946565

She was so cute in 2019. She looks disgusting now. Shame.

No. 1946574

File: 1712008124557.jpg (28.43 KB, 536x524, daa47931139a0cfa0c741c43b36073…)

>gag inducing
We got no magical star twink only an ugly old looking man

No. 1946598

File: 1712009839312.jpeg (67.41 KB, 736x736, hair.jpeg)


No. 1948054

File: 1712096401686.jpg (109.9 KB, 1000x563, intro-1616879108.jpg)

His autism and personality make him even more punchable

No. 1948581

File: 1712143407536.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.11 KB, 779x767, 1702130054563115.jpg)

No. 1949175

oh big surprise there. not

No. 1949176

File: 1712177300433.jpg (39.55 KB, 700x400, 526711_3776382_updates.jpg)

I don't find Emma's Stones face punchable but in Poor things I did.the irritatingly autistic facial expressions she made were so rage inducing

No. 1949179

I hate everything about this dumbass movie and every single movie thats come out in the last 6 years. Everything is all just painful attempts at making screenshottable moments for some kid to post on instagram. Criminal.

No. 1949183

This is such an accurate description. I can't watch a movie and just relax, they all have retarded "pls screenshot this" moments that are obnoxious as fuck.

No. 1949186

same. the stark box dye hair and eyebrows made her look more annoying.

No. 1950982

This is so gross, I’m gonna puke. I hope he dies.

No. 1950984

File: 1712274540868.jpeg (371.95 KB, 1125x1893, IMG_3605.jpeg)

I’m aware that she’s a ragebait troll but her face with this fivehead annoys me.

No. 1951820

File: 1712327128940.jpg (84.13 KB, 1500x1000, 1699911867970.jpg)

Obligatory. If only Amber did all the things Deppfags accuse her of doing.

No. 1951835

Does anyone remember that anon in the Depp vs Heard thread who posted a slightly schizo looking infograph of just how much power Depp had in the case and how connected he was? She said she was going to post the final product at some point to prove how insidious this shit was but IIRC she never did. If she did could any nonas link me the post?? I don't doubt this freak was pulling every string in the book.

No. 1951849

Fucking hate that ugly moids face and how he's still praised by moids for winning. It's all public information that he was abusive. Cut his own fucking finger. Planted the dog shit in the bed. It's so sad for Amber and seeing that ugly lazy eyed disabled looking cunt Jason Momoa distance himself after she got essentially cut from their sequel for aquaman. Perhaps when she gets to heaven God will hand her a shank and summon Depp from Hell so she can have a good go at him

No. 1951855

The dog shit thing was so fucking retarded. It's so unbelievable she willingly shit on the bed herself when they had dogs and almost every dog owner I know has a story of it shitting in the middle of the kitchen or in their bedroom at least once and yet everyone gobbled up the "she shit the bed [laughing crying emoji]" because it was once again another moment to humiliate an abused woman publicly ala Lorena Bobbitt and Anita Hill.

No. 1951963

But it's okay if she shat in his bed nonna. I was outraged when i head about it first but when i read up on it more i'd 100% shit on his bed myself. Like i belive she might have done it… i would have done it if i was her or even if i was me kek

No. 1952033

File: 1712340293042.jpg (182.78 KB, 1000x1000, leonardo-dicaprio.jpg)

I never once found him attractive and always wanted to punch his face since the film Titanic.now he's even more punchable as a greasy bloated moid.

No. 1952045

They should put down all male actors once they're over 25 years old, like an animal with cancer, but in this case they're just getting old in the ugliest ways possible.

No. 1952049

He went from being in Titanic to looking like what his corpse would look like if he actually went down on the Titanic. It's what he deserves. I agree though, never found him attractive either

No. 1952205

Overrated piece of shit actor and honestly he was never that good looking, he just always did crazy characters (which he interpreted in the exact same way because that's the only thing he does) in flashy/gaudy makeup and clothes. Looks fat as fuck now. I can't believe he got so many fans because of a fucking cartoonish pirate movie for kids.

It's almost funny how superior she feels to anyone that isn't a flaming predator faggot with a mid makeup brand while looking that fucking ugly. I recently heard her speak in a video and the lip smacking and slurping she does feels disgusting, she must be so dehidrated because of her ana feefees that she most likely stinks of vomit, sweat and cheap chemical makeup perfume. I legit feel like gagging when I hear her speak.

No. 1952497

i used to find him cute when i was a kid, now that i'm older it's obvious that he's just a cheap replacement for river phoenix and poor man's version of blonde pretty boy

No. 1952514

File: 1712358172218.png (260.54 KB, 1216x955, quentin tarantino.png)

Quentin Tarantino is a disgusting scrote who idc if he gets called a pedophile, he's a known degenerate and has defended Polanski so he probably is, but this is so fucking retarded and obvious that there are so many things wrong with these "measurements." Like come on, it's trying to flatly compare photos taken with two different lenses at different distances with different focal lengths. First, he's holding the Oscar in front of his body and closer to the camera, it's going to appear larger than his head which is at a different angle from the camera than the Oscar, yet it uses the same size measuring tape graphic at the same angle as the Oscar to measure his face which isn't tilted to the same angle as the Oscar in the photo either. So it's not even accurate within that photo, but then it takes that facial measurement to compare to a shitty quality photo with a different lens where he's further away at a different angle, how is it possibly "sized to match scale"? Then it compares the inaccurate facial measurement it took closer to his nose horizontally from the first photo where he is facing the camera more head on, but then puts that same measurement further away from his nose in the second photo over the longest part of his lower face which is now angled towards the camera more and is obviously a longer distance than what was first measured. Then it uses that measurement to measure the woman's leg as if it exists on a horizontal plane when it's clearly angled backwards from the camera with the woman being further away, which skews the length. Her toes and Quentin's face are closer to the camera than her knee. Her leg is longer than that measurement, and this woman is taller.

To put this in perspective, if the measurement is off by only a couple inches (it's likely more but just to humor it), using their formula of height = 4.88x with x being now 12 inches, that takes this woman from being 48.8 inches like originally calculated to 58.56 inches or 4'10.5." Short woman does not equal child, especially when Quentin is known to fetishize Asian women who are shorter on average. And again, that's assuming the margin of error is only two inches and that the woman has an average bodytype that fits the formula perfectly when there are plenty of women who have longer torsos and shorter legs. Tibia length vs height is not a perfect calculation, has a weaker correlation coefficient for women than men, and in a second study that graphed its data, you can see but one each I pointed out of several examples in the graph of women who differ around 20cm (almost 8 inches) in height having the same length tibias (black arrows) and women who are almost 20cm taller having shorter tibias (blue arrows). So even if we were to assume the 10 inch measurement is correct (it's not), it does nothing to prove that is a 4 foot person in the photo.

Moreover I don't understand why this person used the picture of him holding an Oscar in the first place to try to measure his huge head. Quentin Tarantino has a known height; they could've simply measured his head against his own body in a photo and it would've still been retarded and inaccurate to try to use that to measure the woman's leg in the manner this person did for the skew already mentioned, but less retarded and less work than this. It’s not like there are no full body shots of him out there wearing shoes with flat soles or Converse sneakers which have a known height. Everything about this photo is retarded, myself included for having written this. Quentin most of all

No. 1952667

I'm not chart nona but I accidentally ran into someone who knew too much about Depp's connections less than six degrees of separation from. and he was 100% pulling the strings and most of it was courtesy of his lawyer Adam waldman which should be common knowledge atp. He's friendly and chummy with quite a few exorbitantly rich oligarchs who've helped fund his recent films. Johnny boy used an immense amount of media manipulation and astroturfing online, in real life allegedly tried to sabotage Amber, and is every bit as malignant as he sounds. He has also been this ghastly since he was "young" and "handsome", far back as the Viper Room. Not to mention his complicity in River Phoenix's overdose. At his core Depp has never stopped being the poor white trash Kentucky bumpkin, he's been cruel to women for a long time, hes just been unconvincingly masquerading as the QUIRKY artistic savant to hide his filth, which works less and less the older and uglier he gets. During his youth he was frequently insecure and jealous of his fellow moid friends. There is no doubt he was abusive to Winona and others but just NDA'd them into silence. The only reason he has hangers on IS his connections and what little cash he generates, many of those people would be gonezo overnight if he lost his money

No. 1953710

File: 1712434025880.jpg (117.61 KB, 1500x1106, GettyImages-1851667718-6c5b3dc…)


No. 1953728

File: 1712435129308.gif (868.45 KB, 267x200, huh cool.gif)

Thank you for your extremely long post because it made me laugh. I also think the "tale of the tape" is retarded, that's not how photos work. That does look like a child's or very small person's leg but the tape measure thing is stupid. They could have just said he's only 6'1" and skinnyfat, he's not a giant and his forearm is bigger than their calf so obviously it's a really fucking small person of some kind.

No. 1958745

File: 1712794499082.png (2.75 MB, 1091x1627, stop it .png)

i always hated this obnoxious bitch

No. 1958755

File: 1712795661860.png (609 KB, 638x704, naestee.png)


No. 1958805

She looks like margret palermo here

No. 1958861

When I was a kid felicity Huffman scared me

No. 1958879

Same. I don't really know what exactly it is about her face that annoys the fuck out of me though.

No. 1959564

File: 1712871808174.jpg (59.53 KB, 639x640, tvskyle.jpg)

Another repulsive subhuman,he looks like a pedo as well.

No. 1959580

human soyjak

No. 1959594

fuck u shes pretty

No. 1959644

If you like tranny looking women then I guess?

No. 1959695

stop projecting and find another way to cope, she doesn't look like a tranny. she, just has a sharp face.

No. 1959887

File: 1712886394239.jpg (43.28 KB, 1200x628, ladygaga-pp-1694197795359.jpg)

Ok tranny loving retard

No. 1960144

File: 1712904048204.png (124.09 KB, 376x352, Screen shot 2010-06-08 at 2.18…)

I think she used to be incredibly beautiful but the overfilled plastic face is going to morph her into something that's troon adjacent simply due to the fact that troons get the same look with surgeries. This happens to any woman that goes too hard on surgeries especially when they have sharper features like lady gaga. It's such a shame because I would kill to look like pic related kek

No. 1960293

The first time I saw her in the video with this look humping a big muscular man on a bed I felt horny in the weirdest way. She used to be so beautiful but I guess Hollywood gets to everyone.

No. 1961166

File: 1712959313176.jpg (135.36 KB, 1500x1000, dan-schneider-020824-a3392b960…)

I don't think calling him a subhuman is fitting for him he's worse than one.

No. 1961168

File: 1712959433024.jpg (22.39 KB, 640x427, gettyimages-501662958.jpg)

If mediocrity was a human being,it would be him.I honestly feel bad for the baby.

No. 1961363

He seems insufferable to be honest.

No. 1962303

File: 1713036768184.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1125x1582, IMG_5797.jpeg)

No. 1962401

He larps as this kind intelligent unproblematic guy but I always thought that in his private life he has rage issues (fits with him being a full-blown alcoholic) and he's very materialistic despite all the minimalist books he liked to preach about. I feel like he has meltdowns over petty shit.

No. 1962415

wasn't he known for being problematic and edgy in the past?

No. 1962439

File: 1713042751956.jpg (396.99 KB, 1520x720, Screenshot_20240413-181048_You…)

I don't know anything about this dude, but youtube literally just suggested him to me and his face makes me irrationally angry

No. 1965546

File: 1713228322114.jpg (443.88 KB, 2000x1335, danielle-bregoli.jpg)

IDC if she's rich,she has always had a punchable face and always will be ghetto trash.

No. 1965551

She's not even ghetto is she? Didn't she grow up in the city, and wasn't her father a friggin' deputy? Unless I missed something, she had no reason to act ratchet, she just did because she wanted attention lol

No. 1970405

Her dad was never around him and her mom split up when she was a baby. If u watch her episode on Dr Phil u can see that her mom is very trashy. She was on there like :help me Dr Phil my daughter is out of control" but she allowed her to have a stripper pole in her room, would have screaming matches with her like she wasn't her mom but her peer, and even seemed amused by Danielle's bad behavior

I don't think she's hood but she is definitely some kind of white trash like her mom

No. 1970989

i grew up surrounded by white trash and danielle behaved exactly the same way as many of the girls i went to school with did. it's difficult to recognize there's something wrong with your behavior when your mother sets a poor example and your father is entirely absent

No. 1972396

File: 1713618758548.jpg (61.27 KB, 500x500, artworks-VaCNCJZFIrJVFmSZ-NmlR…)

This cross eyed pick me with no life left in her eyes who makes videos caping for abusive men while taking little cringey pro ana pics for her equally retarded and dead behind the eyes fanbase

No. 1972401

Damn I wasn't alone in thinking she had cross eyes and the make up made it look worse.

No. 1972421

Yikes. Hope she gets picked.

No. 1972495

That'll show her!

No. 1972498

I only watched one of her videos but I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who thought she came off as completely insufferable.

No. 1972672

File: 1713636834149.jpg (128.09 KB, 1400x933, https___hypebeast.com_image_20…)

she is always making retarded faces. down syndrome ass.

No. 1972688

For me it’s the opposite, that tweet of someone comparing her to a woman with Down syndrome and her basically saying “this isn’t a diss, she’s cute as fuck” was so wholesome and sweet

No. 1972722

everyone makes dumb faces when they sing. probably true for rap to an extent as well, then again idk

No. 1982891

File: 1714273942325.jpg (74.71 KB, 1706x960, 758684385_232647835_1706x960.j…)

I hate this crusty shitbag and his shitty movies.I get pedo vibes from him

No. 1983555

File: 1714330549280.jpg (42.97 KB, 736x552, 79e5c64a30b02b9008638acb533a81…)

His ugly mug just pisses me off, I hate his eyebrows and his stupid blank expression and how he manages to look so smug while dressed like fucking robin hood, I want to punch his tiny mouth.

No. 1983702

File: 1714336791036.png (600.81 KB, 678x676, disgusting.png)

ugh madison de la garza is so fugly

No. 1987409

File: 1714594268259.jpg (268.16 KB, 1200x800, fyc-red-carpet-for-fxs-welcome…)

Fuckin despise these two

No. 1987415

Isn't this just a kid?

No. 1987842

Her character is an asshole but Gabrielle decided to have children with a tard raging moid who can’t control his anger issues so what did she expect really

No. 1990899

File: 1714866389871.jpg (30.55 KB, 500x500, greta-thunberg-looks-on-during…)

I am not sorry

No. 1992842

File: 1715030359146.png (246.04 KB, 596x372, GMwy7atbgAAWJ6V.png)

Ugly pasty shit

No. 1992852

File: 1715030861030.png (229.09 KB, 300x372, wax figure.png)

mae whitman really is the DUFF…she looks like a fat guy whos in the early stages of trooning out

No. 1992889

she is so downsey looking

No. 1992898

Someone once compared me to her

No. 1992902

You’re literally fucked anon. Thank the stars I’m at least hotter than you

No. 1992922

you will never convince me there wasn't some crazy behind the scenes meddling for her to become as famous as she did. Both father, mother AND grandfather are blue names on wikipedia, but ohhh no she just became an almost overnight sensation because she's just such an epic motivational speaker. yeah, alright.

No. 1993431

shes fr handicapped(learn to sage)

No. 1993440

Swedish Mitski

No. 1993522

why would this need to be saged?

No. 1993529

There have been multiple bans on /ot/ recently citing "unsaged". I don't know if a mod needs to read up on the rules or if a newfag is reporting unsaged posts and mods just don't check which board.

No. 1993532

I hope you appealed this braindead ban, nonna

No. 1993535

For a moment I thought we were in celebricows thread, the fuck the mods are smoking now

No. 1994528

File: 1715127671241.jpg (87.43 KB, 660x743, Giga_Chad.jpg)

I honestly want to punch all chads especially this one.

No. 1994561

File: 1715130421539.jpg (62.77 KB, 700x933, 61c348ca6452f_m9e2npy0hq061__7…)

No. 1997531

File: 1715315391550.png (6.02 KB, 123x158, uglyhorsemouth.png)

IDK who she is but her face is really punchable.

No. 1997979

File: 1715360225542.jpg (43.25 KB, 600x399, GettyImages-1223856063-e159598…)

I just know ben affleck is NOT that funny… Overactor.

No. 1999390

File: 1715471911481.jpeg (610.81 KB, 828x1169, IMG_3751.jpeg)

No. 1999459

god fuck this hazbin hotel reject looking ass. how many dicks did he suck to get the jury on his side

No. 1999649

File: 1715487213281.jpg (32.23 KB, 800x450, aedd68685cf92ed6055801d7024c5d…)

I hate him and Star Wars

No. 1999678

I want to makeout with her so bad

No. 1999688

File: 1715490583747.png (1.06 MB, 1014x1471, MichealJacksonCosplayingMisato…)

Micheal Jackson looking ass whore

No. 1999699

Emma Stone
Sydney Sweeney
Elle Fanning

All Look Like Special Needs and I can‘t

No. 2000071

Its a troon

No. 2002105

I hate this smug cow so much
This parasitic cunt always looks like she’s smelling a fresh turd, I want to punch that whole putrid family
I hate her psychopath eyes and forced sexy statue expression. She dates that greasy racist Matty Healy prick so she’s probably an asshole too

No. 2004410

File: 1715799521786.jpg (84.59 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg)

Ugly cunt with a fivehead.all that hair dye went into her brain so no wonder she's such a retarded pickme.

No. 2004413

how dare she do this to misato

No. 2011253

File: 1716250886404.jpg (48.71 KB, 843x838, image.jpg)

No. 2011259

File: 1716251079970.png (96.85 KB, 620x330, anna-elsa-frozen-620x330.png)

Very punchable,they look like newborn rats.I hate the current 3D Disney movies.

No. 2012281

File: 1716309070517.jpeg (24.76 KB, 739x415, IMG_3839.jpeg)

Insufferable retard

No. 2012297

KEKKK Nonna are you psychic or something?? My brain randomly reminded me of that "White woman's instagram" song he did, and I was planning on posting him to this thread and what do I see on the front page right as I opened the farms? KEK! Thank you for your service fellow nonna

No. 2012314

Idk if i hate her or if i'm jealous bc she's skinny and has beautiful lips

No. 2012331

File: 1716311143860.jpeg (163.16 KB, 1500x1125, IMG_0773.jpeg)

>straight white male using white women as a public punching bag to gain accolades for his shitty comedy music
>predominantly dates only white women

I wish him a sentence of having to stick his head inside of my crotch that get’s hotter than a witch’s coochie during these summer days

No. 2012405

If you were trying to be funny or edgy with this one it wasn’t, it just sounds like you want him to eat you out kek

No. 2012423


No. 2012485

Kek, you’re welcome nonna. Same thing, I just got randomly reminded of his shitty song and I felt the need to unveil my hatred for this cow and leftist males in general.

No. 2016705

File: 1716489074419.jpg (60.2 KB, 1080x565, ava-louise-1586291514099.jpg)

The ugly,horse-faced Onlyfans whore who flashed her tits at the Ny-Dublin portal.

No. 2016723

That dumb bitch stood too close to the portal that no one in Dublin even saw her tits just the new yorkers standing behind the portal. She's such a retard lol

No. 2017540

why are her lips so chapped

No. 2024568

File: 1716923069024.jpg (98.39 KB, 1500x788, sasha-calle-done-supergirl-jam…)

LMAO her neck fat tho

No. 2026599

File: 1717003921790.jpg (440.75 KB, 1340x754, 05A3135D688.jpg)

Men with this phenotype make me irrationally angry. Move your fucking eyes.

No. 2028828

File: 1717140315164.webm (950.82 KB, 396x258, attention whore.webm)

its worse seeing her in motion. the voice and smugness are unbearable. shes my personal lolcow. this is when she licked a toilet seat for attention during the coronavirus. she also made up the rumor that kanye west and jeffree star were dating (totally fake). she SUCKS! apologies for dr phill

No. 2028830

Ryan Reynold’s eyes are too close together and I hate it too. Everyone looks at me like I’m on crack when I mention it

No. 2028836

File: 1717141194023.jpeg (775.23 KB, 2560x2033, GettyImages-1643654101-scaled.…)

ethan klein. thinks hes a comedian cause he wears dumb clothes and makes goofy faces. took ozempic and looks dumber and smuger than ever. he's dumb as rocks, out of touch and a grifter.

No. 2028846

He's so retarded, he even made Joji cringe. I feel bad for anyone that goes on his podcasts, I can't think of a bigger waste of time.

No. 2029736

Of course he has a pedostache

No. 2029828

File: 1717203783155.jpeg (64 KB, 634x631, BB1nh9Fe.jpeg)

She's so fucking ugly and annoying I thought she was a tranny at first,she looks like a dude.

No. 2029833

Having your eyes too close together is an abomination of mankind. I can handle most things except for that.

No. 2029834

>wah wah she's not performing femininity she's so ugly
She's cringe but there isn't anything wrong with her appearance, little girl

No. 2030005

She's not gonna fuck you lmao get a grip

No. 2030011

trannies wish they could look like this

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