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No. 932594

Remember to visit https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting; anyone failing to do so will be exiled to The Hovel to think about what they've done. Each miserable, grimy plushie in Luna's pile contains the eternally tormented soul of an anon who forgot to sage.

Previous Thread: >>920554

The Basics:
>Luna is a 28 year old “sober” heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on/off “sex worker”
>Claims to have overdosed 9 times
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides make shitty art and write cringeworthy “poetry”
>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun; the most noteworthy illnesses include BPD and an elusive eating disorder
>Started dating her (now) 45 year old “fiancé” Matthew (also known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”; they’ve now been together for 8 years and he clearly has no intention of marrying her
>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but spergs on the internet about how vile it is to do so
>Loves to share her grimy life with all and sundry, including awful photos of her (now dead) cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, layers of dirt and mystery stains on every surface of her home, et cetera
>Constantly buys cheap garbage on Amazon with her dad’s credit card while complaining about being penniless

Historical Milk:
>Squandered a 50k dollar inheritance from her grandmother within the space of a year, claims it went on rent and bills when in reality she spent it on drugs and fuck knows what other useless shit
>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)
>Exploited Roger (Lurch’s dying dad) by squatting in his apartment, stealing his belongings and leeching off his social security until he died. The gruesome twosome was soon evicted because they couldn’t pay rent
>Luna and Lurch then move in with her ex-addict mother in her one-bedroom government poverty home, which ultimately drove Luna’s mother to relapse and go to inpatient
>Ebil dad’s apartment caught on fire, Luna took the opportunity to garner more uwu points by spreading ashes on her face

Current Saga:
>living in a boarding house with lurch and pumpkin
>has a new friend she goes to the methadone clinic with
>"sober" but still inhales benzos like oxygen
>publicly sharing her "lifting" hauls now
>she vapes now

>feeling herself with new patchy blonde hair >>927320, >>927686, >>927687, >>927700
>rare full body shot showing her gunt >>927993
>still doing "sex work" online >>928389
>showing off her stealing non essential items including makeup and weight loss pills >>928651
>rare mama tuna photo >>928704
>more lifting from charity shops >>928719
>tuna with some tunafish >>928762
>wants to go on ozempic >>928785
>she thinks she could be asexual >>928826
>another full body shot >>928847
>terrifying luna lurch pic drops >>929093
>more longing for ozempic >>929819
>new poem dropped >>929927
>annoying story about almost getting caught stealing >>930054
>new dirty gross rug >>930162, >>930172
>anon calculates that shes showed off 1800 dollars of stolen goods by march >>930188
>begins claim of "throwing out her back" >>931378
>gets admitted to the ER >>931607
>has to take all her piercings out for an MRI and looks loads better >>931610
>alleges she could be paralyzed from the waist down >>931708
>says she has some sort of infection in her spine >> 931712
>she could be in the hospital for a month >>931867
>got a biopsy and a CAT scan, awaiting more news of this saga >>932328, >>932412

https://angelhair1996.tumblr.com/ (inactive)
https://twitter.com/bimbokitten96 [sw twitter]

No. 932595

No. 932596

Thanks for the new thread anon, good job!

No. 932599

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Are those freckles or bruises or what?

No. 932603

I can’t believe we still have these awesome art anons hiding in the woodwork here. This thread pic is dope (haha pun intended) I feel like since all fun was banned in the Shay threads art anons have since packed it up. Pics like the thread pic were half the fun of it. There’s always going to be shitposters either way but I wish more art anons would come back. There are some real hilarious gems out there.

No. 932610

Great post, anon! Your art really captures Tuna's grossness.

No. 932621

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No. 932625

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No. 932630

Those are cigarette burns. Old, from nodding out with a lit one in your mouth.

No. 932633

THAT is the face of someone who is in so much pain and miserable/lonely.

No. 932642

if you have to not only congratulate yourself for showering but also post it online, its because youre dirty all the time. dumb tub of lard lmao
also 0/10 thread pic wanted a collage of her retarded selfies with lurch and hospital stay

No. 932649

The stink must've been extreme if she desperately needed her monthly bath.

No. 932650

seriously, and who looks better while in the hospital only showering once a week?! dis bitch.

No. 932665

I too was disappointed inthe thread pic. There were some terrible selfies (like the half dead lurch birthing a tuna worm one) that should have topped the fan art.

No. 932666

What's with the threadpic? We usually get good ones for this cow, not this shit.

So as we expected, junkie problems.

No. 932674

You don't like it you should have made the new thread yourfuckingself.

No. 932676

So the P.T. says she's ok to walk without a cane (there goes her cotteneye joe knee). We go from "possibly paralyzed" to out in 2 weeks… It's all becoming clear now.

No. 932680

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Learn to fucking imageboard.

No. 932681

>>932680 learn to not fucking repost.

No. 932684

I was just gonna quietly let them embarass themselves, but good job nonny.

No. 932686

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No. 932687

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No. 932688

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No. 932740

Kinda weird to make the connection to rehab. You want to go home and do drugs, Luna?

No. 932758

Anon, that’s a stretch. I don’t want to defend this cow but she clearly means that when you go into rehab it’s for a set length of time that you know before you get there. She went to the ER thinking she “threw out” her back so clearly this admission with no definitive end date came as a shock to her.
Sounds like the PT evaluation was to make sure it’s safe to discharge her to her home so that combined with her biopsy finally getting down to pathology means she’ll likely be out pretty damn soon. The bacteria the biopsy cultures (and the antibiotics necessary for it) will determine how soon she’s discharged. I anticipate her bitching will increase exponentially the second they tell her she’s going home because hospitals take for fucking ever to get all the discharge shit in order. Like, it’s not unusual for someone to come in early in the morning and tell you that you get to go home that day and but you can’t actually leave until mid afternoon until all paperwork and whatever the fuck else is completed. She’s going to act like she’s being hate crimed and I’m ready for it.

No. 932762

was wondering how those sheets have managed to stay so white, then noticed the possible piss stain next to her here kek

No. 932776

Pretty sure that is her face make up entirely printed in her pillow. Seriously who fills themselves up so thickly just to sit in a hospital bed. (I know I know..Luna does)

No. 932824

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No. 932832

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No. 932835

>>Constantly jiggling her hamhock arms about for these "woe is me" selfies.
>>5000th iv guiz!!!
Dumb fat bitch.

No. 932839

How does she look at herself and think those eyebrows look good??

No. 932848

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No. 932849

The goop on her lips and eyebrows uuughhh

No. 932867

HOW THE FUCK??? Hospitals are notoriously cold.

No. 932869

I wonder if it matches her wandering eye when shes high af

No. 932870


No. 932872

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No. 932874

She's a straight up joke. Who posts this goofy shit? It's funny how lurch never visits her, he clearly doesn't care much at all. No excuses, he just has better things to do.

No. 932875

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No. 932876

I wonder if either the biopsy came back bad or if they're giving her the boot

No. 932878

This is so pathetic. The best reaction Tuna could elicit from anyone is pity.

No. 932879

Does she mostly only post on snapchat these days?

No. 932880

She has been in the hospital seventeen days. She mentions throwing out her back, extremely bad pain, and that she could possibly go paralyzed.
I have a friend who went paralyzed suddenly one time when she got sick with a flu and it ended up with an infection in her spine and now she cant walk. Its called "transverse myelitis". I wonder if thats what tuna got.
Either way, whatever is up with her i think its serious because they dont just make you stay in the hospital for 17 days for no reason.

No. 932881

The "sad" face she makes at the end. Barf. This bitch is pathetic

No. 932883

I wonder if she’s lost any weight

No. 932887

Kek, nona i doubt that. She complains about the food but she must be eating because she wouldnt last until lurch comes everytime considering he has visited her like… 3-4 times? Im not gonna go back and count but yeah. Bitch complains but she is eating.

No. 932888

Judging from the food she had piled up next to her bed in the last thread (even though she claims to be starving) >>932224 and the fact that she's been sitting on her ass for almost 3 weeks, unable to waddle around and shoplift… I can almost guarantee she hasn't lost any weight kek

No. 932892

>>932887 I had nothing better to do and went back to count how many times he's visited.

Twice that she has taken pictures of, once when she implied he brought her the hairbrush/stuffed animals/skincare. And she said he would visit her today.

Also worth noting she said he would visit her on the 3rd, but there was no proof and she whined about being lonely after that.

I'll take a ban for the autism, but we only know for sure that he visited her… Maybe 3 times. Such loving fiance.

(Had to repost because I realized I left out the part about her grimy ass stuffed animals and makeup)

No. 932894

tbh she’s probably not much more sedentary than usual but if she’s eating mostly hospital food, no matter how shitty it is, it has to be better than her diet of candy, fruit punch, entire tubs of ice cream, sugar “coffee” drinks, and processed convenience store garbage. she’s still unbelievably massive, but I could see her losing a few lbs there.

also I’m not buying that she still has no idea what’s going on. I think it’s something too embarrassing to post. hopefully AIDS(alog)

No. 932896

Did she… take her filthy top off? Is she making sad hospital hallway porn to sell to creeps online? Wtf is this?

No. 932899

would love to know what the nurse peeking through the door thought when she saw this

No. 932909

Kek I didn't notice the nurse. She heard there was going to be a cow on parade and had to catch a glimpse, maybe.
Could she have hep c? It's funny lurch is never there. He clearly doesn't care much about her, and that should be a wake-up call to her, but it won't be.

No. 932921

ily nonnie

No. 932923

So, tuna might be there under HRRP. Basically means "we think you will have poor follow through and will be readmitted, to save costs and fines, it is cheaper to keep you here till your septic ass is clear."
Not saying she isn't ill, obviously she is in a hospital. But she's on public aid, and the u.s. govt/NY does not offer full paybacks to the facility like private pay and insurance does. So the hopsital isn't too invested in her.
Also, her WELL recorded behaviors while there. She's fine to be putting on make up, take more selfies than we have seen in months, AND even walk unassisted. All cognizant while this is happening.
She's just the product of gobbling up pills, eating shit and walking 2000 steps a week. Bout damn time her body protests, we've all seen her one eye try to run away.

No. 932938

No in the beginning the gray shadow under her armpit and down the waisg is the tanktop, she just pulled it low in the front I guess.

No. 932944

It's extra sad he only visited her 3 times if you consider that he's unemployed. Going to the methadone clinic once a day is his only obligation as far as we know. Yet he's letting his fiance rot in a hospital bed.

No. 932948

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No. 932949

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God this behaviour is so pathetic, especially at her big age

No. 932952

no hes given the adequate time. druggies arent exactly known for normal relationships. if shes annoying virtually I cannot imagine how she is wasting away in that hospital bed irl.

No. 932953

I legit want to know why she embarrasses herself like this. She wants to post a selfie of herself flipping off a bed, declaring she's getting back into bed, at almost thirty years old?

No. 932956

no use in wondering. it’s always, always attention and pity points. luna can’t survive if everyone’s not feeling sorry for her and giving her money for it.

No. 932958

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No. 932959

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No. 932960

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No. 932963

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>my own personal hell

No. 932965

There's this theory that drug addicts stop developing when they first started using. Might be a myth but with Luna I can see it.

No. 932967

Then sleep on the floor. Ungrateful bitch.

I had a feeling she is making porn in the hospital, maybe for a request like when she phoned her dad while filming.

No. 932969

This is the most excitement she’s had in awhile. Something new to post about on social media instead of shoplifting hauls, her sad cat, and filthy ass hole in the wall room. But no matter where she is, she will post endless selfies of her scribbled on makeup while making the same vacant retarded expression as always.

No. 932978

She's been wearing that same outfit for 6 days. Let that sink in. In a hospital, wearing the same clothes from her box room (that we all know hasn't been washed and reeks) for 6 DAYS. I feel genuinely sorry for everone else there.

No. 932987

This ungrateful bitch is getting life-saving medical care FOR FREE and all she can do is complain. Also, that tank top is not cropped; she is hiking it up because she thinks she's the hottest thing anyone in the hospital has ever seen. Like no bitch you're a hambeast and you stink.

No. 933044

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No. 933045

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No. 933047

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That nurse is my hero.

No. 933049


She isn’t the only patient the nurse has to deal with. Maybe her bedside manner isn’t the best because there is a healthcare crisis at the moment? Luna thinks she is the center of the universe and if she’s not being waited on hand and foot it’s traumatizing to her.

No. 933050

She asked “doesn’t your family visit you” because she has seen Lurch with his nips out, beanie on, sunglasses covering his eyes and cigarette hanging out of his mouth looking like some ghost of a deceased patient sitting in the corner of Luna’s room. So she’s asking “I think I’ve seen your family visit you? They haven’t brought you clothes?” because Luna smells to high heaven and we have seen the selfies and that’s the SAME shirt.

No. 933051

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She has a kidney infection from being dirty.

No. 933052

Put a clean gown on daily you nasty lard ass.

No. 933053

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HA! I knew her stench and behavior was gonna bother a nurse or something. she brought her shitty druggie lifestyle into the hospital and she thinks no one would notice or say anything?
if this fat tub of lard is so thin skinned then take a fucking shower.

No. 933054

Also for people that take a lot of opiates. They get constipation and bacteria collects in their colon from the super shits that forms there. Since tuna lives on opiates, carbs, sugar, and no dietary fibers.. yeah shes got toxic sludge in her ass.

No. 933055

Of course a nurse is going to ask that eventually, the world has noticed she's been wearing only the same clothes over and over again and I doubt it's different tank tops thar just "look the same" that's the most grade school excuse. She showers there allegedly but you might as well not even if you put on dirty clothes after. Hee bed is soiled in every picture. I guarantee her room stinks something fierce. Of course a nurse will say something, that's our JOB especially when you're there for a bacterial infection from being a scumbag in the first palce. Like why even give her treatment if she's going to continue to be filthy and end up with the same problem from staying disgusting?

No. 933056

Tuna literally NEVER washes her clothes so she stinks 24/7 no matter if she bathes or not. I feel bad for that nurse who has to put up with her stench. Nurses are the real MVP.

No. 933057

this is probably the first time in her life (or recent years at least) where someone has commented about how smelly/gross she is. her followers constantly fuel her ego with pity and compliments, plus she doesn't seem to have any friends or people that she hangs out with regularly so hearing "damn bitch you live like this?" must've shattered her sadbbydoll delusions. also, haven't we seen her wear a hospital gown? can she not just ask for one of those or do they not have them in 6XL?
she really tells on herself, not just by admitting how filthy she is but also how self centred she is. the day she arrived at the hospital she said someone in the room/bed next to her was "literally dying" and had to be spoonfed by nurses as if it's meant to make people feel bad for her and not the person that's in her words, literally dying. the hospital saga has really brought out how much of a cluster b bitch she is when everything she complains about can be summed up with her being unable to understand that she's not the only person in that hospital that needs help and being mad she's not being treated like she's seconds from death.
i know i'm ranting but i've been lurking silently since she got there and like another anon mentioned this is the most exciting thing to happen in her recent life. like how she did an arts and crafts paper cut out of her diagnoses and hospital bracelets, constantly posting whenever she was in group therapy and outpatient, it seems like it's been a lifelong dream of hers to lay in a hospital bed with an IV and hospital bracelet while posting ~aesthetic~ selfies all day. it doesn't seem uncommon for her to skip a day of posting on insta and/or her snap story but since she got there it's been nonstop. like when she was getting her cat scan she felt the need to post about it 3-4 times in a row because she thinks no one heard her the first time. i know some are saying that there seriously might be something wrong with her but if there was i really doubt they'd keep her there for 3 weeks, especially if it's something as severe as a kidney or spinal infection but i may be wrong. at this point i can't tell whether i can't wait for this to be over or if i want it to keep going because this is the most entertaining she's been in ages.

No. 933060

My exact reaction kek. I like how she posts that and then tries turning it around like she's dealing with a big mean nurse. It's gross and unsanitary to not change your clothes, and even worse when you're in a sanitary hospital environment. I know all those nurses are tired of smelling her musty, stale clothes and crotch rot. Imagine wearing the same underwear for weeks and not being bothered? I'm so happy the nurse gave her a reality check

No. 933062

stinking up the hospital confirmed.

No. 933065

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not a single tweet about luna or her being in the hospital, but he's tweeting constantly the last few days about basketball and baseball. seems like someones having fun without tuna around. also kek at him being against trump all of a sudden i thought he loved him. yknow being a real estate mogul family just like him and rodger.

No. 933066

A lot of words to say "I'm a victim"

No. 933070

All those clothes she steals and she has to cycle through the same 2 pairs of clothes?

No. 933076

she likely won’t leave. the nurse is giving her a hard time hoping she gets the hint and calls her “family” to come get her so that they can put someone else in her bed/room. i get why anons were thinking something bad has happened to her as american hospitals are notorious for discharging you even when you’ve just given birth or had major surgery. if you can walk, you can leave is their reasoning. i just don’t get why they are being so lenient with her. anybody else would get wheeled down to the lobby and given a care packet to read at home. even when people have tumors bursting out their face, they never keep you for more than 2 weeks. and if she did have that bad of an infection, she wouldn’t be able to walk or be on the phone or even remember the nurse bitching at her. she’s not actively dying or fighting for her life so she herself is refusing to get the fuck on.

No. 933084

AYRT and thanks for explaining since i'm not american. no one she knows seems to have a car plus she seems to only want to take ubers so why can't she just… get one and go home? if she's been on constant antibiotic IVs for nearly three weeks the infection has to have cleared up or been reduced to the point she can get some prescription antibiotics and go home. i wouldn't be surprised if she's such a low priority to them that the nurses forget she's there and are only reminded when they walk by her room and get a whiff of her stench. she's been there so long she's leaving brown stains in the mattress and turning it yellow, and what only mentioned showering once or twice? she talks a lot about how it's her "personal hell" and how badly she wants to leave but nothing is stopping her from leaving. she mentioned in the last thread that her medicaid got deactivated and how she had to talk to her social worker to resolve it but never mentioned it again… all i can imagine post-hospital saga is her racking up hospital bills and making a gofundme/returning to ebegging with some story about how she got "kicked out while still being sick", honestly just want it to be over at this point because i can only handle so many samey vacant expression hospital bed selfies.

No. 933091

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No. 933092

play stupid games win stupid prizes

No. 933097

you are getting rent free housing, free meals, and someone forcing you to practice some form of personal hygiene with NO BILL. holy shit the dissonance.

No. 933098

I'm morbidly curious of just how bad of a state her underwear is in.

No. 933099

What’s worse is you can tell she’s in a shared room. I feel bad for the second occupant.

No. 933100

I really think this man is living his best life everytime tuna goes away. He gets to reap the benefits without actually having to deal with her. He never goes to visit her. He simply doesn't give a shit. I'll bet she blows up his phone with messages and barely gets replies. He's happy to have her gone

No. 933101

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No. 933102

You must have missed her post where she explained that the antibiotics she was on for the last few weeks weren't working. That's why she's still there after all this time, according to her.

No. 933103

Wait isn't he in his 40s?

No. 933112

Please tell me we are going to have another nona cat fishing lurch arc. That was some of the funniest shit on this site. If there was ever a nona hall of fame, ‘Tessa’ anon would be in it.

No. 933113

nona how did you find this account!!!??
he just turned 45 lol

No. 933114

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Why did she get a mother's day flower?

No. 933118

(not milk/sage your shit)

No. 933119

Waiting for the continuation: "I'm starving!!" "But I've seen you eat"

No. 933120

This was sad as hell, get this clown ass self promo outta here, you're a cow too and uglier than luna by miles

No. 933121

she could never be rapper anon. cringe content.

No. 933125

Not defending Trump, BUT: Lurch is offended about “people getting killed”, but HE was dealing fentanyl? And he’s calling someone else fat?

No wonder Tuna has zero self awareness, kek!

No. 933128

Pot, meet kettle
You are uglier and fat than Tuna, why did you think we would like seeing your face?

No. 933155

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No. 933157

Our restricted eating QUEEN!

No. 933158

he goes to the bronx every day for the clinic, why can't he come see her kek? too busy watching baseball and hanging out with other girls?

No. 933163


oh no, she might be skin and bones after she leaves the hospital! emancipated queen

No. 933168

She should listen to her fucking doctors instead of begging for opiates. She needed a sample from her spine for a culture of the bacteria. You take these cultures and expose it to different antibiotics. Whatever antibiotic reacts to infection is the one they switch you on. While they're doing all this work, they put you on all-purpose antibiotic or one they think might be effective. Her fatass is laying on her bed not washing despite being physically able to, pretending to be a delicate flower with nurses too tired for her bullshit while physicians are making sure she doesn't die from her disgusting habits. All she can say is "wrong bacteria!" Medical science isn't magic. I wanna alog.

Allllmost, anon. >>933155

No. 933172

To be honest, a few weeks of starving could only help her. She's got PLENTY of fat to live off of for those weeks.

No. 933176

File: 1715718587523.jpg (281.14 KB, 1080x1105, Screenshot_20240514_152744_Sam…)

Yeah true. I forgot he gets his methadone in the Bronx. Yet she's in a hospital "too far away" for him to get to kek.

No. 933177

unless he's switched clinics but i remember an anon who said she went with him and that he always talked to the "loud blacks" afterwards (kek)

No. 933180

If she were really that hungry she would eat the hospital food. What an ungrateful brat(learn to sage)

No. 933181

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Grandpa tuna what?! I've never heard about a Grandpa.

No. 933185

Is this the slipper grandpa? I imagine she went thru her whole list of contacts and sent out a mass text about how she was in the hospital near death and see who she could get sympathy from. Obligatory flowers to try and get her out of their hair.

No. 933190

Lurch is gonna enjoy this vacation from her lmao

No. 933192

Thank you for shedding a tiny bit of light on what might be happening! I really am wondering if Luna is too dumb to fully understand what's going on

No. 933195

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No. 933197

“Personal hell” aka the cleanest bed she’s slept in in years, doing the exact same shit she does at home (minus the shoplifting)

No. 933233

Serious question - can’t she just check herself out against medical advice if it’s that bad?

No. 933238

This bitch eats. She's not fooling anyone. And lurch never even visits her so why is she lying kek. I KNOW she's sowing down all at juice cups, puddings and Popsicles that she get from the nurses. On top of whatever she's eating from hospital meals.

No. 933241

What's crazy to me about her attitude towards healthy hospital meals is she's bitching as though she ever eats any delicious HOME COOKED meals. I guarantee it's all fast food and ready to eat garbage. Like I could understand being put off hospital food a little hit if you're used to home cooked but a bitch doesn't even have that, why is she acting like a free meal is beneath her? How has she remained so entitled, proud, and stuck up meanwhile she's been filthy and stinky, jobless, squatting, junkie, living off the government and scam bucks with Lurch's "dog bite" bullshit? It truly blows my mind every time she does this shit.

No. 933243

Isn't it weird how Luna wants to be the tragic junkie queen surrounded by used needles and pill bottles in a trap house but at the same time she thinks everything in her life is beneath her? Like this US hospital is not up to her standards but she writes poems about tortured souls at the methadone clinic. I don't get it.

No. 933355

Did she die? Kek
I vote blood clot moved to her heart, if true.

No. 933428

File: 1715885686308.jpeg (403.9 KB, 750x1067, 1EA87FD3-F512-42A9-8650-0EBFEB…)

Not dead lol

No. 933438

that would’ve been her biggest (read: only) contribution to society yet

ewwww both of their hands look like pig’s feet

No. 933472

do you ever think about how if she dies the only way we're going to know is like one week after when Lurch tries to gets nudes out of some poor girl on twitter/threads by saying "i'm sad my gf just died babe send pussy pics"

No. 933481

Did she ask him to grab her hand for a pic, or did she whine and bitch until he grabbed her hand and then she quick took a pic kek

No. 933500

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No. 933501

File: 1715901091621.jpeg (409.6 KB, 1170x1954, IMG_4215.jpeg)

Sad she can’t take benzodiazepines in peace I guess

No. 933502

>every day is exactly the same
luna i need you to be so fucking for real right now lmao. you have literally lived the same day for six years now.

No. 933503

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No. 933515


KEK - I thought the same thing!

No. 933527

that stretched out arm just to show off her “lucky 13 iv”, pity flowers, hospital tags and tattoos we have obviously never seen before kek, never change Luna

No. 933554

is that a lighter near the water bottle kekkk

No. 933556

I think its a lip balm. I'm surprised she isn't bitching about cigarettes though. Even if they give her a nic patch, she probably misses lighting up.

No. 933569

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No. 933570

kek Charlie making Tuna's question all about herself, just like our ana queen. Probably also a bpd mess, and maybe a farmer (seriously Charlie, if you are a farmer why are you touching the poop)

No. 933573

Yeah and she even has blue dangerhair. She's probably a junkie too like Luna.

No. 933574

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No. 933600

why would that be shocking at all? sheltered

No. 933623

I'm surprised it took this long to go the midline/central line route, but I knew it was coming. And if she wasn't a degenerate junkie all these years this wouldn't be their last resort to get her the abx thar she needs but of course our emancipated queen has to bitch about something.

No. 933629

Last resort to get her off her phone by nurses Lmao. Can’t use her scrolling thumb.

No. 933655

Never seen an IV in the thumb kek

No. 933661

That one is crucial for posting! Hope the milk won't dry up

No. 933701

I didn't say it was schocking, I just thought it was funny because it could be a sign she's smoking indoors in her shared room which is a dick move

She probably busted all her other veins that the thumb is all thatd' left kek

No. 933725

Cheap vape pen with cat piss, cancerous aroma and lead is my bet. I think she wobbles all the way to the window or toilet when she wants to smoke regular cigarettes and that's why she loses the IVs. I also bet that she blows the vapor inside the sheets - creating the nastiest Turin Shroud of tuna

No. 933729

Now you've got me imagining tuna with a stylus in her mouth, pecking at her phone kek.

Absolutely she is smoking or vaping and blowing it under the sheet. Probably blaming it on all the stress of her roommate loudly dying and interrupting her beauty sleep.

No. 933740

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No. 933764

can they put an iv in both thumbs next time ♥

No. 933784

File: 1716262033415.jpg (589.76 KB, 1080x2696, 1000044698.jpg)

So she has to stay there because she's a junkie. As already thought

No. 933785

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No. 933786

No. 933787

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No. 933791

To be honest this is the most life I’ve seen in her eyes. And also the least crooked

No. 933793

The doctors wanted her out of there then met Lurch and said fuck it, we aren't sending homecare to these people.
Zero surprise about the cause or how bad it got.

No. 933799

she should be thankful that they realized outpatient would be a horrible idea and decided to keep her in the hospital where she can be medically supervised. imagine how quickly she would go downhill if the only person she could depend on to help her was matthew. look at how he poorly he took care of his own father while he was dying and he still treated roger with more kindness than he's ever shown towards luna except for when he was grooming her.

No. 933809

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No. 933810

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No. 933811

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No. 933812

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No. 933813

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No. 933814

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No. 933815

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No. 933816

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No. 933817

she's just saying anything for pity, it actually looks less gross and cleaner than her fingers normally do

No. 933822

She’s literally confined to a hospital bed and completely unoccupied yet hasn’t even brushed her hair or done her skincare for days? She’s literally just lying there like a slug and occasionally vaping or smoking or taking pictures of herself

No. 933824

So bored so she has to call her already overworked nurses? Jfc

No. 933828

She has been wearing that tank top for over 2 weeks.

No. 933831

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No. 933832

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No. 933833

these really are the brightest her eyes have been in months

No. 933838

Her shirt looks so rancid

No. 933841

Well this is probably the first time she's been sober and been on the other side of withdrawals in well, god knows how long.

No. 933844

same thought, I usually think the people who think Luna has a chance at a normal life are retarded but seeing her presumably sorta soberhas retarded me into thinking she could recover…she won’t though, because she’s going home to Lurch

No. 933847

Didn't she have a massive benzo addiction/tolerance? When did that end? Did I miss something?

No. 933849

she’s been in the hospital for like ten or twelve days, which is probably the longest she hasn’t popped benzos in years
unintended detox

No. 933851

Doesn’t she have a prescription for Xanax? They are probably only allowing her to take her prescribed amount and she can’t leave to buy more off of the street to supplement her dosage. But I thought the same thing when I saw that picture, like damn her eyes look normal, like there might be a human in there somewhere still.

No. 933861

I commented this a while ago, but deleted it because Lurch probably gives here some when he visits.
Shes been there for a whole month now.

No. 933865

She’s got similar tops with similar stains anon…

No. 933866

No fresh tuna though

No. 933867

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No. 933868

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No. 933869

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No. 933872

she's not prescribed. her parents are and lurch was too which is honestly crazy because he's also precribed adderall. what doctor gives these out to drug addicts? it's hard enough to get a legit prescription if you have anxiety or ADHD. she's talked about getting prescribed again but i'm sure if she actually did she would have shown off the bottles and medical records like she does with every other drug. she's on clonidine, gabapentin, and prazosin. there's another psych drug in there but i can't remember which one.

No. 933874

>there's another psych drug in there but i can't remember which one.

I think it's Cymbalta. And does she still take Seroquel for sleep?

No. 933881

Not sure what point you're trying to make by pointing that out. No shit her other shirts are gross but at least she wears them in her equally filthy hovel. The contrast between her one shirt and the clean hospital is getting grosser the filthier the shirt gets.

No. 933901

That flew right over your head

No. 933912

Looking at that stained, musty tank top, I feel sick for the nurses who have to deal with her. She hasn't changed anything and you KNOW she doesn't have fresh underwear there. Absolutely fucking sickening.

No. 933913

honest to god, this is the most light ive seen in her eyes in years. its a shame this dumb fat bitch has rotted her mind and body that she wont appreciate it.

No. 933914

The nurses having to deal with her reeking unshowered ass trying to give hints for her to please practice basic hygiene by gifting her the first change of socks since she got admitted to that room.

No. 933916

Wait is she saying she hasn't walked for a month? She's going to screw herself and make recovery really hard, I remember the nurse commented on how she could walk but she wouldn't.

Also this is like free fat camp for her, she'll be thinner than she's been in ages after two months in hospital.

No. 933918

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No. 933920

idk why but i have the feeling she just uses the phone to do selfies, cause its ~~retro~~ and hospitalcore

No. 933923

I agree that she probably just uses it as a prop, but she also has to use it to order food from the cafeteria 3x a day that she "definitely doesn't eat" because it's too icky yucky for this bitch who is only used to a diet of creamsavers, pizza, and juice from concentrate drinks.

No. 933930

Why is it so hard for some anons to be honest about tuna and who she is.
She won't get sober because she can't - she literally made this her whole life. She's not clean now, just cleaner. Lurch is an enabler for her but if he disappeared, she'd replace him and keep on doing this.

No. 933932

….you know shes using the phone as a prop for the pic right?

No. 933936

how has this not been a wake up call for her to realise lurch doesn't give a shit about her? he's only visited her 3 or 4 times and as of today she's been there for a month. we know he doesn't really care about or even like her that much but she has to be in some serious denial or delusional to think he still does. she's a shitty person and that's the only thing i'll ever pity her for, she'll never leave him but i really wonder what would happen if he left her and what she'd do in that situation.

No. 933940

This. She can make all the excuses she wants for him not visiting. Deep down she's gotta know he's not there because he really doesn't care. The "love of your life" is in the hospital and miserable and you have better things to do? No. He doesn't have a real job or responsibilities. If he cared, he'd find a way and make time for her. He'll never change or care, tuna. Kek

No. 933942

Real job? He doesn't have a fake job. Dude shuffles to and from a methadone clinic, trading his scripts along the way. Maybe be a petty thief?

No. 933948

the best part is that his methadone clinic is in the bronx, same bronx as luna. he couldn’t care less but i can’t really blame him tbh.

No. 933963

she’s absolutely terrible, but he’s even worse
if she’s 100% unhappy, I want him to be 105% unhappy

No. 933987

Wheres her switch
This is the ultimate opportunity to max ut AC:ANL. Get on it toona

No. 933989

seriously, the fact that she didnt bring it, didnt have matthew bring it, and hasnt mentioned it once leads me to believe she has pawned it. any anons know the last time she posted about it? if she did pawn it, it was probably for drug money, right?

No. 933991

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No. 934002

File: 1716479967715.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1290x2132, IMG_5375.jpeg)

No. 934004

two showers in a single month? AND getting out of bed for once? She's living that active gym and spa life, we stan a self care queen

No. 934005

I’m sure they pawned it.

No. 934006

alas we know she can’t maintain positive momentum in life and will end up back in the hovel, bigger than ever whining about how she can’t walk.

No. 934007

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No. 934010

Have lurch even visited her this week? lol. What a doting fiance.

late comment, but I love how the nurse called her out. I see it's a universal thing. My mom is a nurse, although we are in Europe; but if you're dirty, a nurse will bluntly say so and tell you to wash up/change, because how a patient looks reflects on how the nurse's care is judged. No one wants others to say that patients are dirty on their ward. Knowing how brutally honest nurses are about this, I cannot wait when she's scolded to hell and back and comes crying on Instagram.

No. 934012

She's BPD right? Honestly surprised his lack of interest hasn't triggered some kind of tantrum yet.

No. 934016

There was a fast food bag on her table, so she has had company.

No. 934035

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No. 934038

I'm guessing we're going to get fewer IV updates now that it's embedded in her giant hammy upper arm. Not very sick pastel hospitalcore uwu dainty of her

No. 934040

Not so sure about that. She would document any visitor lol. She's a loser with no friends. Everyime lurch shows up, she desperately snaps a lame pic to post.

No. 934041

Anyone else wonder what kind of food she requests from Lurch? I could see her going to town on some greasy Chinese takeout, or shoving a baconeggncheese in her face. Like girl obviously eats! But what…

No. 934043

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No. 934044

File: 1716509911498.jpeg (192.8 KB, 1290x237, IMG_5381.jpeg)

same selfie on Instagram but with a caption

No. 934046

damn shes wide, shes left her mark on this lmao, whhhyyy tale a pic of this and post it online?!

No. 934048

That's memory foam that wants to forget.

No. 934049

No. 934051

I really don’t understand the prominence of the phone in every picture

No. 934055

i'm a burger and have spent my fair share of time sick in the hospital and some cheap hospitals will bring your food to you in a paper lunch bag. I highly doubt any one is paying money to get take out as that's something you cant steal.

No. 934062

She’s just gonna keep awkwardly shoving her upper hamhock in every image and selfie to keep showing it off like >>934043

No. 934068

I'm not convinced she's sober. If she is then she must be retarded because most of her selfies look like she's in a different dimension.

No. 934070

Decor. At home it's the grimy plushies and dirty linen, here it's a phone.

No. 934072

File: 1716548608655.jpeg (706.32 KB, 1179x1598, IMG_4256.jpeg)

A glimmer of sobriety?

No. 934073

She looks nice, for her anyway. She actually looks alive.

No. 934078

Lol no. Once she gets out, she'll run (hobble) back to lurch and guzzle down drugs in her sick little hovel. She doesn't care to actually better herself.

No. 934081

Ooooh, she could go back home and overdo it to catch up and land us into an o.d. story arc?

No. 934095

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No. 934096

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No. 934097

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No. 934100

kek she facetuned a giant bump on her nose

No. 934106

She's GOTTA make sure her midline is showing in EVERY selfie, ya know, in case anyone forgot she's got one uwu

No. 934107

I'm wondering the same. It would fit her form.
cripplepunk for life

No. 934110

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No. 934111

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No. 934114

kek the way she pulled her sleeve out of the way to make sure the iv is showing. this is her new tattoo.

she can’t stop posting for asspats and sympathy but i only feel sorry for her hospital roommate and nurses tbh.

No. 934115

File: 1716601351906.jpg (1.16 MB, 1440x2393, 1000018932.jpg)

Literally upset because the nurse who called her out kindly on being a filthy stinky lazy lard ass is her nurse again tonight. Literally stinking up the hospital room in her clothing that's never been washed and has the audacity to be "crying" because she doesn't like her big meanie nurse tonight. So fucking pathetic.

No. 934116

beggars can’t be choosers, you fat stinky useless sack of shit. fucking leech. god i want to a-log. i can’t believe i’m paying for this shit.

No. 934117

File: 1716602196237.jpg (422.97 KB, 1080x1400, Screenshot_20240524_185621_Sam…)

No. 934119

she looks the same every day because she's sweating up this filthy grey top for a whole month straight now

No. 934121

Crying for an hour but her face looks exactly the fucking same as the past twenty pictures she’s posted.

No. 934128

Not really. She's off heroin for periods all the time and when she goes back on she doesn't o.d.
also what does an "o.d arc" look like in your opinion? She dies and then….? Or she doesn't die and says "I o.d'd but Matthew narcanned me" which she has done in the past. That's not a milk generator.

No. 934129

Dark dingy discolored tank top strap. Large obvious drip stain from some kind of food or drink on her shirt. A bunch of tiny ugly brown spotty stains on her sleeves. Luna for goodness sake put on a hospital gown and ask lurch to go wash your outfit at the laundromat. I would say get a new pair from home but everyone knows that nasty hovel has no clean clothes in it.

No. 934130

Is this the same top she's been wearing ever since she was admitted? Showering and then getting dressed in dirty clothes must feel horrible

No. 934132

Shes already had an O.D arc, it’s the same period where she was obsessed with Narcan and harm reduction. The only thing it did was give her a reason to feel special like this hospital arc, did nothing for her personal growth kekw.

No. 934137

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No. 934138

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No. 934141

So he can bring you coloring supplies and junk food but not clean clothes? Kek. Gross. He doesn't give a shit.

No. 934150

devil angel or devil angel

No. 934152

Aileen is the RN (Registered Nurse) for Luna.
Aileen girl. We know nurses go through tons of shit including dealing dirty junkies and never get appreciated for their work. God bless you.

No. 934156

ever since she was a teenage girl moidthew has used luna for everything from keeping a roof over his degenerate junkie head to the small amount of money she made by sexually exploiting herself online (with his assistance) while screaming at her that she's fat and attempting to cheat on her with catfishes, but when she actually needs him to do something simple for her while she is hospitalized he proves himself incapable of carrying out even the most basic of tasks. it's a good thing his only job is going to the methadone clinic since even something like grabbing a variety of colored markers out of luna's hoard extends well beyond his skill set. it's funny that luna will get mad at the nurses when they're the ones actually taking care of her but refuses to see how completely useless, retarded, and self-centered her "husband" is.

No. 934170

lol imagine telling your man to grab some markers for you so you can have something to do when the hospital for two months and he grabs a few shades of the same fucking colors. How thoughtful. With a man like that, you need to tell him exactly what you want and even then hope that he actually heard you and remembered what you said.

No. 934177

File: 1716678962633.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1290x2108, IMG_5435.jpeg)

God she is so pathetic kek

No. 934178

File: 1716679081215.jpeg (640.8 KB, 1290x1282, IMG_5436.jpeg)

Comments from her post, apparently lurch is visiting and bringing her fast food

No. 934179

kek she really thinks she's hot shit

No. 934183

i hate this disgusting slug but the difference between her pics a month ago when she was first admitted compared to now is like night and day, other than that she’s wearing the same outfit. her lazy eye is 100% caused by whatever drug(s) she abuses, so if her eye starts wandering again, we’ll know she’s not sObEr.

No. 934184

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No. 934185

its the benzos. we're seeing her clean off of them for the first time in like 10 years. her lazy eye magically cured. i honestly wish she wouldn't go back to them because she looks so much more clean and normal off of them but thats unlikely. once she goes home she'll post about "visiting" her mom and a huge shoplifting haul and then a photo of her off her gourd with eyes in two different directions. hospital life looks well on her which is wild because for a normal person this could be rock bottom. but she looks way cleaner and normal while in the hospital than she ever does at home. she definitely hadnt showered in weeks before she was admitted and has had the most showers consistently that she's had in years. anyone who knew her in high school still around? was her hygiene always so terrible or was she relatively clean back then?

No. 934190


The filter bleeding her eyebrow into her hair is a nice touch

No. 934196

>Rare photo of me smiling
Please, only a 13 year old would caption her selfie like this.

No. 934197

even worse anon, it's a rare photo of her STANDING

No. 934202

She's gonna post a million selfies when out of the hospital, bragging about her "muh weightloss", how her clothes are so loose and she needs shopping for a new wardrobe.

No. 934203

File: 1716728691134.jpg (696.87 KB, 1079x1565, Screenshot_20240525_192112_Sam…)

She posted this yesterday and looks like she deleted it already. Wonder why. Any "pain" she has is probably because she just sits in bed like a beached whale.

No. 934205

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No. 934209

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No. 934211

proof god exists: that awful bridge is gone.

No. 934212

She cares more about her piercings than a potentially life-threatening disease

No. 934213

As a medical professional, I do highly doubt anyone said that unless they're super unprofessional. MRI techs do not read images on the spot, they have to be read by a doctor to determine "how bad" the image looks and wouldn't be allowed to just say "it looks really bad". That is for an MD to determine. Unless the tech was expressing she herself looks bad, or do we know if she has a festering wound or something?

No. 934214

As a human being, I'm sure that mri-tec was making a reference to her age vs physical appearance. Kek

No. 934216

>>has a festering wound or something?

Kek, she's got a bed sore

No. 934222

Wouldn't be surprised honestly, cause ya know, she doesn't stand up anymore kek

No. 934232

Maybe they meant that Luna’s reaction to pain looked genuine, like it actually hurt really bad. They should be getting her up and moving around more, her muscles are going to be super weak and if it’s her back muscles spasming, just lounging around can’t be helping. However I’m not a medical professional, but Luna milks the attention and the pain meds with her midline on show in every picture. She looks ridiculous, one shoulder covered, the other hanging out down to her forearm.

No. 934237

Soo… she had a clean gown on but decided to put her old putrid shit back on?? She's more fucking disgusting than I could have ever imagined.

No. 934238

>most likely stuck with chronic pain after this
I see she's already trying to set up for more painkiller abuse in the future.

Crazy how much better she looks while still stinky and rotting in a hospital bed.

No. 934239

cakepopclara is a personal cow of mine never knew she followed luna lol

No. 934249

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No. 934251

How exciting for her. Did she set it off by trying to smoke inside lmao

No. 934253

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No. 934254

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No. 934255

This isn't a five star hotel you entitled bint

Good for him he's finally detaching himself from Looney Tunes and her shit

No. 934267

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No. 934278

It's because you were only expecting attention and handouts. Grow up bitch. You've been exploiting your dad your whole adult life. Leave him alone. If he "scares" you when you talk to him, THEN DONT TALK TO HIM!? Your shit stories don't even make sense kek
Why does she always have some story about a "screaming scary crazy person". Sounds fake at this point.

No. 934282

Hospitals will test their fire alarm systems monthly. This isn't uncommon.

No. 934284

he wants nothing to do with his druggies daughter because shes a parasite. not hard to understand tuna, he only wishes for you to get better but itll never happen.

No. 934291

Kek the funniest thing about all of this is she's losing weight pretty rapidly, because she's forced to eat normal people food. Being bedbound for 90% of the day isn't ideal but she was doing that at home anyway, the only difference is Lurch isnt bringing her thousands of calories of food EVERY day. Lurch being barely present is doing her favors kek. Lurch hasn't been her BPD obsession in years, she's probably loving all the attention from medical staff.

Of course when they actually force her to rehab her back & not sit around 24/7, she'll be angry and uncooperative

No. 934293

i dont think she's losing weight rapidly, im sure she is also eating the hospital food on top of the shit lurch brings her, no matter how much she complains about it being gross

No. 934301

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No. 934302

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No. 934303

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No. 934304

fucking kek at lurch using boomer sized jumbo text on his phone. texting his twitter whores no doubt

No. 934305

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No. 934308

"I'm stuck in the hospital" oh nice one first time he's visited in ages and already complaining to others

No. 934309

I know they already share a hovel or whatever but jesus man, your dirty shoe soles on the hospital bed your partner is staying in for the next month due to an infection? What a keeper.

No. 934311

kek it really sounds like he’s trying to convince whoever he’s texting that he is the one who’s hospitalized. no doubt setting up a grift. also >>934301 the shoe on the bed REEEEEEE

is this the same dad you called high out of your mind lying that you want to get clean while you were masturbating, luna? the same dad who pays your phone bill so you can continue talking shit about him on the internet when he won’t hand over his credit card for another amazon shopping spree? die

No. 934312

kek he's "stuck" with luna. she needs to throw the whole man out but she never will…

No. 934316

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No. 934317

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No. 934318

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No. 934319

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No. 934320

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No. 934321

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No. 934322

Its honestly crazy that she keeps complaining about a "lack of privacy" like this hospital is a resort. How is she this entitled kek

No. 934327

Is this the junkie/alcoholic shoplifting "bff"? LMAOOO Let me find out she's been hanging with lurch while tunas been in the hospital. Getting fucked up together and hooking up kek. And tuna would never know. Not like she has friends to look out for her and let her know.

No. 934329

I'm surprised she hasn't bitched about missing her cat at all. Shouldn't be surprised that she only cares about it when she needs to use it as a prop for her selfies.

No. 934332

It's always "respect mentally ill people and/or junkies" until they're loud neighbors or hospital roommates

No. 934333

well yeah but being in the hospital is being in public. having to be mentally prepared to talk to strangers who will just walk in while you are sleeping is absolutely draining. and for two whole months, where the only place another person isn't guaranteed to walk in on you at some point is in the bathroom (and even then, it's more like a random stall attached to your room, not even a real door)? absolutely exhausting, especially with some demented old hag constantly at your side. not trying to wk tuna, i have been in a very similar situation when it comes to hospitalization and it is a fucking nightmare i don't wish on anybody, not even her

No. 934342

Why doesn't she ask for some weight loss shots kek

No. 934345

They’ve gotta be fucking with her, her skin is so greasy and oily already and they send her more slime to slather on

No. 934354

imagine being so self-centered that you go into someone's hospital room and prop your filthy fucking shoe onto their bed while they're ill with an infection just so you can be more comfortable while texting someone else to complain about how you're "stuck" visiting. if this whole ordeal doesn't make luna realize that lurch doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself then nothing ever will.

No. 934355

>not trying to wk
nta but fr, ~poor tuba must be so mentawwy exhawasted uwu~? she's a vaguely humanoid shaped sack of sentient lard who has stolen items from the graves of children, and will never change. she has no humanity. and we're supposed to give a shit about her comfort because…? she has zero compassion for this poor elderly woman, who i get is likely annoying asf, but damn. she's done nothing but bitch on sm about her. if she had even 2 braincells she'd at least be performatively compassionate so she didn't look like a total ass. and maybe the old woman does have dementia, which would be beyond her control, unlike the spinal infection tuba garnered from the miserable lifestyle she chooses. your "demented hag" comment indicates to me you have about the same level of empathy as big ole tubs, which is sadly on par with a moid's. i don't wanna cry fakeboi but…seriously tho what kind of shithole hospital were you in where the bathroom didn't have a real door kek? what? i'm so curious. was it a hospital for humans or a veterinary clinic? i've been in the hospital with a difficult roomie as well, and i imagine being kind to the nurses helped a lot in getting a room transfer (which took a few days) when i politely reported disruptive things done by my mentally ill roomie. were you also an ungrateful dick to your nurses?…after transfer i still had a roommate bc uh, yup, being in the hospital is often public unless you're wealthy kek, welcome to society. doctors and nurses come in, you're brought food, people visit. my protip is pretend to be asleep if someone comes and you don't want to talk, if they need to they'll wake you (tho with all due respect my experience might be different; i wasn't there as a consequence of being a literal filthy junkie). calling that mentally draining is so fucking retarded, i hope you never have to really suffer kek.
TL;DR your opinion is incorrect and too forgiving of the wrong person

healthy weird position for someone with a spinal infection to lay in i'm sure. she's really too dumb to exist, maybe the "babysitter" is there for her kek. take a lap around the room instead of angling your pillsbury pelvis to pretend to have a waist! we need more rare photos of her standing.(infighting)

No. 934357

Fuck, the shape of her body is just entirely disgusting. I can’t believe she posted this

No. 934366

where are all the anons who were saying she's losing weight now

No. 934367

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She's still obese, but she's clearly less obese than she was a month ago.

No. 934370

Hm, more angled, baggy shirt. Not proof.

No. 934372

the only thing that looks smaller is her double chin and thats because she's leaning forward in the second picture. never mind the fact that she's using a face slimming filter in both of them kek

No. 934376

Living off of hospital food means she's been forced to have a normal caloric intake for the past month, except the handful of times Lurch has shown up with fast food. There's no possible way she could NOT lose weight. I know we all hate her, but pretending she's still as fat as she was a month ago is retarded. The bitch is still built like Grimace either way.

No. 934378

it's not like she was eating multiple big macs a day beforehand despite looking like it, i doubt her caloric intake is much lower now than it was before she came in. plus she always has food or food bags/wrappers on her side table in all her selfies, i doubt she's only eating the 3 meals a day they give her.

No. 934379

Anything she lost will be gained back, plus more, once she gets out.

No. 934380

this. she’s 1000% getting right back on benzos too, which will give her munchies, she’ll stuff her face and immediately forget about it, eat more, rinse repeat. this is also my tinfoil as to why she thinks she’s suCh aNa. she literally doesn’t remember eating entire pizzas and cartons of ice cream because she’s xanned out. but she’s so sober guise~

No. 934386

All while Luna is standing right there behind him too. Most people would probably get very upset if their partner only paid attention to their phone during a hospital visit.Surely she must have seen him type out the message?

No. 934388

this is fucking gold. the way tuna just loves this guy is retardedly pathetic. like its sooo painfully obvious hes tired of the beached whale to everyone but her
you never respect junkies. they don't even respect eachother kek
>she's a vaguely humanoid shaped sack of sentient lard who has stolen items from the graves of children
this took me out anon. you have a way with words.

No. 934393

Can anyone make out what the contact name is?

No. 934407

I think the biggest (kek) thing that might contribute to weight loss is the fact that she isn't eating entire bags of candy every day. You're right she wasn't slamming back burgers, but she eats calorically dense garbage. Ice cream and cakes and those nasty fucking creme savers. Outside of whatever infection she has, her body probably feels the best it has in a decade because she's not living off sugar, even if it is just being replaced by shitty hospital food.

No. 934410

Laughing out loud this is theatrical

No. 934411

>A friend of mine gave him a set of nails
Lurch hanging around all her female friends without her again… Weird how he does that every time she's not able to check on him. And she's too self centered to work it out as long as she gets free shit.

Still here and she's losing weight kek.

Shes lost like 20lbs in hospital. That doesn't magically make her skinny but it is rapid weight loss. She's gone from like 370lbs to 350lbs. Not a skinny queen but it doesn't chap my ass admitting that a fat junkie is slightly less fat than she was 2 months ago.

The fact she's even taking body pics says she's lost weight. She's been avoiding her thirst trap poses for a while. She's feeling herself because she lost weight.

No. 934413

Samefagging, but this anon is right.

Calories in, calories out. Luna is nearly 6ft tall and would have to have the calorific intake of a fucking NFL linebacker to get as big as she did. Just because she's physically eating more food at hospital doesnt mean she's eating more calories.

Luna eats fucking whipped cream from the can and locks herself in the bathroom with a gallon of ice cream. She didn't magically become obese by eating nothing but being lazy.

No. 934416

Thought this was shooped until I zoomed in on the original fucking kek.

No. 934419

File: 1716991467622.jpg (52.65 KB, 960x720, large adult.jpg)

She literally has the largest arm circumference option for that brand of blood pressure cuffs. The only thing that is larger, is the one for taking readings on thighs.
They will not use these unless the normal adult cuffs get incorrect readings… that should tell you everything about her size.

No. 934443

The initial is an A I think

No. 934446

File: 1717030745382.jpeg (Spoiler Image,210.86 KB, 828x1305, IMG_6346.jpeg)

Decided to check on lurch’s Twitter likes and I wonder what Luna would think of him liking ethot pictures while she’s in the hospital

No. 934447

IF tunas shoplifting friend actually gave lurch shit to bring her, I'm sure she's getting something from him in return (drugs). I can also see her hanging out in their hovel, helping herself to whatever she wants and rummaging thru her shit. Wouldn't be surprised if she even spends nights there with lurch (disgusting thought I know, but a junkie/alcoholic wouldn't care who theyre with if theyre benefitting).

No. 934448

Kek, if tuna gets out and he's living with another woman.

No. 934453

don't get too overzealous, she said
>someone on here sent me this
meaning someone on the internet sent it to her, like in the mail. she's obviously been ebegging in the dms.

No. 934463

i feel like half of luna’s mental issues would resolve themselves if she left this piece of shit. i cannot imagine being with the same guy since i was like 16 and all he does is ply me with drugs so he can jerk off to women online.

No. 934464

He never was some physically attractive big money dealer. So, what drew her to him? Sounds like she was mentally ill to begin with.

No. 934470

BPD in a nutshell: if they got one thing that’s wrongly considered as positive it’s fantasy. It gives them the ability to built pipe dreams. She doesn't have the luxury of seeing her life the way healthy people do.

No. 934473

I wonder what kind of dreams she had or has about her life with Lurch kek

No. 934481

and you just believe her like that? she said someone gifted her shit, a "bestie" or friend's mother, and then bragged about lifting it on reddit many times. who tf knows where she got these cosmetics from but her words means nothing.

No. 934482

and you guys really believe her "friend" she hasn't even mentioned in months is shacking up with lurch while shes in the hospital? get a grip, i was just disproving those tinfoilers.

No. 934485

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No. 934489

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No. 934490

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No. 934491

Seems like she exercises more in the hospital than she ever does at home, unless stealing from CVS counts as exercise.

No. 934493

got a new set of clothes three days ago, hasn’t changed since. also she just HAD to get the iv in the shot huh. she’s so transparent.

No. 934495

I know discussion hoping luna gets better is tired as hell in these threads but honestly I feel like if it ever would actually happen it might be now. Being in the hospital was such an upgrade from the hovel and they have kept her there long enough that she looks the best she has in years. i think the one thing this bitch cares about is her looks and this is the most we have seen of her in years. she will never leave lurch but maybe she becomes a junkie who actually showers and is that too much to wish for, we are in the tuna renaissance babyy i’ll take the blogposting ban

No. 934501

the bar is literally so low for our dear tuna that nonnies start losing their minds because her eyes aren't wonky anymore kek. i love you girls, please never change

No. 934509

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No. 934510

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No. 934514

10/10 lurch stole her some slime so she would stfu

No. 934519

So where did she lose weight? I don’t see it…

No. 934520

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No. 934525

Is she being unplugged a la Million Dollar Baby or what?

No. 934526

I think anons are referencing the fact she’s less puffed up. I don’t think she lost much weight, probably was just super swollen when she was admitted

No. 934527

Everything is so much cleaner than when she's at home, yet all the pictures she posts still feel so dreadful and hopeless. Capturing this kind of mood in pictures is a talent of hers. Not many others can make a clean hospital look this tragic.

No. 934529

is she going to be able to get disability now that she'll apparently be in chronic pain?

No. 934531

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Kek he's so gross(spoiler this)

No. 934534

Lol nope. Disability is hard to get. She wasnt employed before this happened. She's never attempted to work. And she says she feels better. Maybe you're trolling but she will never get disability, don't get her hopes up.

No. 934536

its so adorable how anons here have no idea how junkies are.
why is that youre first thought?

No. 934547

This beast mustn't realize that you only have to remove non-ferrous piercing jewelry. I have left all of mine in for all of my many, many MRIs. You just tell the techs and they will allow you to keep them in. Then again, she buys everything cheap-chEAP-CHEAP!, so I'm sure all of her jewelry is ferrous.(sage your shit)

No. 934548

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looking w i d e

No. 934550

Dear lord that giant ass ugly tattoo on her doughy arm is just hideous. Luna get clean, find a job, and save money to cover up that shitty, ugly tattoo with some nice art by a good artist.

No. 934552

her arm is bigger than her tit

No. 934559

There is nothing “lil” in this picture holy shit

No. 934562

This looks like a mean edit. Tried to go to Instagram to verify but her account is private. Why would any woman post something like this?

No. 934564

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No. 934566

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No. 934576

why does she give herself a lipstick mustache lately? it looks so ridiculous and she never did it back in the glory days of her threads…

No. 934579

It's from a Daniel Johnston album and meant to look like that lol

No. 934587

that doesn’t make it good

she would need to have worked about four years in order to qualify at this age and this fat lazy leech has never even worked four days

No. 934588

Geez she’s still massive. Her head looks so tiny on such a big body.

No. 934592

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I know tuna will act like shit like this is "no big deal lolz". But how gross. This is how your man acts publicly? Imagine how he acts otherwise and behind her back. And it's pathetic she keeps lying to herself about how "great" he is, pretending he gives a shit.

No. 934602

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KEK that woman looks like Zinnia Wormwood.

No. 934607

but did you shower tuna? its literally free for you.

No. 934610

They don’t check her face I’m sure they give a damn

No. 934611

No. 934626

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No. 934627

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No. 934628

No. 934632

bitch is in an air-conditioned hospital.
her hungry hungry vag is gobbling up the fabric of those shorts.

No. 934633

Maybe shes high again… no sober person would post this

No. 934636

if she thinks this looks skinny (which is why she posted it), imagine how fat she is irl kek

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