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No. 1992015

This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.

previous thread: >>1955417

Tranny who got aang blacklisted ended up being a weirdo himself >>1956372
Colombian girl lied about working for hayao miyazaki, used traced art for her portfolio and charged money for classes teaching art students how to work for ghibli >>1956743
goosetranny old fetish account >>1956807
literal who cartoon reviewer releases shitty movie with a beatbox puppy >>1958368
aang now thinks she's an alien, drama starts >>1962038
new sperg cartoon pilot with a tranny cast for womanchildren wants your money >>1964374
Mr.Enter made a video exposing pedophile tranny ex editor >>1976758
Daftpina cancelled his pilot after getting bullied for sucking at animation >>1976974
Meanwhile LS mark releases a trailer for his pilot that might or might not release within this decade >>1978755
The Ramshackle pilot is out >>1983914
Saberspark releases documentary on butch hartman >>1988044

No. 1992019

Saberspark is moving from covering shitty movies, now he's going to make serious videos about animation. He's also going to stop uploading as frequently.

No. 1992025

good for him, I guess.

No. 1992033

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Since we talked about VeronicaAndJelly a bit towards the end of the last thread, I recently found out she has a KiwiThread, some interesting milk in there related to her exes, it’s really shocking how much personal shit she just puts out there for everyone to see

No. 1992079

So he’s coming for Panpizza’s crown. Praying for PanNonnie.

No. 1992100

panpizza's funniest videos are the ones where he covers bad movies, like rapsitte kids.

No. 1992128

I don't understand why Saberspark is the cover for the thread. He's not in the animation Industry, he's just a youtuber

No. 1992140

its for the animation community as a whole.

No. 1992177

a lot of people in the industry have ties to some of the bigger names in the cartoon commentary community so it’s not all that surprising

No. 1992226

I’m still surprised he didn’t get more shit for being friends with/attending the wedding of that brony musician who groomed one of the underaged mlp vas

No. 1992246

A lot of sabers moots and associates were groomers like Cosmodore. ofc this doesnt make him a pedo by proxy but it does make me roll my eyes whenever he does his moral finger wagging shtick

No. 1992259

You mean BlackGryph0n? A lot of people don't believe he groomed Sweetie Bell's VA, it's insane how much people defend the guy. Claire Corlett (the VA) specially gets very mad if you say her husband is a groomer. It's very sad, she can't recognise her abuser.

No. 1992260

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I can’t be the only person who finds the success of this show to be really weird right? Like even normal indie pilots don’t get this big, and I feel like the multiple language option isn’t enough of an explanation. I know that this show is partially funded by the media arm of the Aussie government so maybe that’s part of it?

No. 1992261

I agree 100%. This slop is being artificially pushed. Why? I have no clue.

No. 1992264

While Gooseworx is obviously a degenerate, I believe he designed this show with almost mathematical broad appeal. Each character, from their design to their behavior and how they interact with each other seems to cater to different internet demographics and it seems to have worked.

No. 1992269

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It’s fucked up they’re feeding into their fan base like this.

No. 1992271

It could just be because of it attracting perverted men/trannies and children and that alone can bring it a lot of views and retarded fans. You know, colorful youtube kids-like slop with funny voices draws children in, while the hidden fetishes, the broken anime girl voices, videogame theme and that one snarky rabbit character are perfect for trannies, smelly incels and twitterfag genderspecials. But I agree that it feels artificial because it's so bad. Everyone's ugly, plot's uninteresting and boring, characters don't develop and feel flat as fuck. It isn't even funny.

No. 1992272

This kek. It’s almost perfectly engineered to really scratch that particular autist fandom itch.

No. 1992275

Sage for no contribution, but why is it anytime someone references Bluey, they feel the need to mention it's Australian? It'd be one thing if it was Australians themselves bragging about the shows success, but usually it's just random non-Australians pointing out the fact that the show is Australian. Never see someone holding a Gojo or Makima plush and saying "chilling with my Japanese child". I don't get it

No. 1992276

I don't get it because there's really nothing particularly unique about their designs we got an object head,jester and some furbait,I guess because it's in 3D???it's rare for something indie to be 3D.

No. 1992277

I wanna punch their faces especially Jaxs,Caines,& Pomnis

No. 1992278

cause the dog breed is an Australian Cattle dog

No. 1992282

It's appealing to kids, in the same way fnaf and poppy playtime are, childish and colorful but edgy. I don't think it's much deeper than that.

No. 1992290

i love when tadc fans pretend their show is actual good indie animation and compare it to hazbin helluva as if the shows weren't different sides from the same shitty coin

No. 1992293

I mean I thought I'd assume it's obvious
>Caine is an obvious tumblr sexyman whose a "quirky lunatic" but also all powerful
>Jax is kind of a mean character that can be used as a "designed top" but will also attract a minority who want to see him in his place, think of someone like Bakugou from BNHA
>Pomni herself is a character who is fetish bait for both male coomer who want to watch her get "broken", but will also be a self insert for specific naive teenage girls who'll relate to her breakdowns
then there's the colour scheme of the show and it's specific design and humour

No. 1992295

i am so tired of the ''hurr durr jar'' joke everytime i see someone making a jar joke i know they are painfully unfunny.

No. 1992329

>I know that this show is partially funded by the media arm of the Aussie government so maybe that’s part of it?
Nah, I wouldn't think so nor does the government have that much influence, Australia is often used by overseas animation studios for outsourcing animation kind of like how Korea is. I do think its suspicious but we'd have more Australian shows blow up if that were the case.

No. 1992340

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I cant believe lsmark looks like this omg he's only 21

No. 1992351

She insists that “she asked him out first!!!” but his relationships with the CMC VAs always creeped me out (although apparently Michelle is a lesbian, good for her tbh)

No. 1992356

anglo men age like milk

No. 1992364

either way, it's retarded and artificial and i refuse to watch it kek

No. 1992366

He’s Irish, not Anglo.

No. 1992425

I think this show sort of had potential but played all its cards way too early. Existential horror and mental breakdowns and zooming in on the characters' thousand yard stares is only effective if it's subtle and has more buildup. Astraction as a concept should have been revealed further in the show.

No. 1992472

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Regret sets in fast

No. 1992474

im the anon from ugly men psyop thread
i take it back i wouldn't. maybe if he lost weight

No. 1992487

honestly a shame. if he lost some weight he'd look pretty nice

No. 1992509

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One of the original artists for Ren and Stimpy shared some disturbing info about the upcoming reboot that leaked recently.

No. 1992515

>disturbing info
the only thing disturbing about this is that they'd even consider reviving ren and stimpy to begin with. it's a product of its time forever marred by the fact that it was created by a pedo. let those young inexperienced female writers create original, better shows instead of parading the corpse of a long-dead concept.

No. 1992517

Does anyone know if the leaks are still available anywhere? I’ve looked everywhere. Dying to see how bad it really is.

No. 1992518

christ does he even shower? why does he look so dirty and unwashed

No. 1992526

agreed, i'm tired that literally every single thing coming out is a reboot, remake, sequel, adaptation… we didn't need a new rugrats or fairly oddparents, and we definitely don't need more ren & stimpy. most of these new but old releases end up tanking, how can companies be this blind?

No. 1992527

Veronica has said that she does all the housework, chores and errands (including washing Mark's clothes) so it's hard to imagine he takes very good care of himself when she's not on it

No. 1992540

>his fatass eating a steak, sauce, and fries while she has a salad

he still does look his age, just a busted and fat 21 year old

No. 1992544

Girl must be exhausted. She probably drives him around too.

No. 1992551

>I know I’ll get canceled for saying this, but this was a young inexperienced woman’s writing room
/co/ is about to become even more unusable than it already is after reading this. you’ll never hear the end of it. christ.

No. 1992553

I'll be simple. It's the same reason why skibidi toilet is so popular.

No. 1992556

they're not blind, they're lazy. remakes guarantee someone will watch it usually because of nostalgia or lack there of.

No. 1992601

call me a tinfoiler but he looks on the verge of troonacy here

No. 1992602

can't she starve him while she's at it

No. 1992653

its kind a sad when you thibnk about it. becomjng so successful at a young age having so much disposable income before developing propr life skills. feel a little bad for mark

No. 1992723

I've seen plushes being sold of the characters at Mexican flea markets, it's truly bizarre

No. 1992728

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Veronica has causing problems with other animation reviewers and even friends for thinking the made for children knuckles show might have been bad. Wonder how long until her toxicity drives all of Mark's remaining friends away and he's stuck with fat fuck sonny and his cheating wife

No. 1992736

Im going to say it… Ren and Stimpy was never that good anyway. It needs to stay dead.

No. 1992754

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God damn it, I finally watched this stupid tranny show and actually liked it so far.
>This is dumb and weird
>You're still watching it!
I feel retarded for laughing at that wink to the audience and also the fact that it called me out

No. 1992794

A bit of a tinfoil but I don't trust anyone who worked on the original Ren and Stimpy, especially not people who were close to John K himself. The crew knew that he was bringing his underage "girlfriend" to the studio and nobody did anything about it. They can all eat shit for all I care.

No. 1992842

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Speaking of which, i know this might be a bit of a stretch, but i've also been noticing that ever since Vincent Waller (another former associate of John K.) became head showrunner for Spongebob, there's been a lot of jokes relating to Diapers and people acting like babies a lot of the time, both in Spongebob and The Patrick Star Show.

and considering one of Waller's only full writing credits for the original Ren and Stimpy series was the episode where they pretended to be babies really makes you wonder if this is all some weird fetish that he secretly has.

No. 1992846

Maybe it's a generational thing, but I didn't have cable as a kid, so I didn't see it until I was an adult and I was surprised by how unfunny it was? Like the gestures in the animation were interesting but the jokes don't hold up imo.

No. 1992847

I think it's because the creator is a tranny with industry connections. He knew the right people to make fetch happen.

No. 1992852

i believe this tinfoil. I remember there was a FOP writer who mostly worked on episodes where timmy gained muscles. Weird as fuck.

No. 1992853

follow the rest of this thread and her most recent response shes still keeping this bit up idk why. pupliterally has edited vids for mark or at least is in his friend circle idk why shed do this

No. 1992858

>becomjng so successful at a young age having so much disposable income before developing propr life skills
where's the sad part kek I'm jealous

No. 1992863

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if i had his money i would do nothign but draw all day. I hate how lazy his fucking art is, he clearly doesnt give a shit about art and animation besides a very surface, manchildren level.

No. 1992869

She's extremely immature and full of herself (both things she even admits). This turning a new leaf stuff evidently all bs as Veronica will never not seek out conflict and attention on herself. It's only a matter of time before she implodes again.

No. 1992870

It seems like the two just fuck around the majority of the time and leave their work to other people. Neither of them have interesting styles or anything that makes them stand out. You have to wonder why she doesn't get hired when her portfolio is just her and her retarded dogs

No. 1992873

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her patreon is filled with low tier degen shit like this. A professional shouldnt be drawing this shit for money.

No. 1992874

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>I remember there was a FOP writer who mostly worked on episodes where timmy gained muscles. Weird as fuck.
Kek this was the 4chan post that originally pointed that out. The writer in question is Steve Marmel apparently

No. 1992889

I was willing to consider this could be based, some weird way to promote health and strength to young boys, Hitler style.
>look up the scrote behind that
>He's fat and ugly as hell

Okay it's just another homosexual putting his fetish into media aimed at children, more news at 8.

No. 1992895

Probably generational. I grew up in the 90s and a lot of the appeal back then was how different it was from anything else that had been previously marketed to kids. The entire bunch of early creator-driven cartoons was a breath of fresh air back then.

No. 1992962

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Noticed this but Veronica still follows Adam (supposedly the one whom she cheated on Chris with) A married woman following one of her past flings is awfully strange

No. 1992966

shestotally gonna cheat again it’s so obvious
onceshe does she’ll fade into obscurity
idk whatll happen to mark tho(lrn2post)

No. 1992970

Of course she is. She's drawn herself as an anthro dog getting fucked and having sensual moments with some webcomic artist's possible self insert main character oc. She'll 100% cheat soon or already has.(lrn2sage)

No. 1992973

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I completely forgot about that lol, this is hilarious. I don't think I've seen someone as blind to red flags as Mark.

No. 1992977

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The rabbit guy belongs to a webcomic artist name Nairda. Both Veronica and her friend Riley have made self inserts to ship with some of the male characters.

No. 1993004

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Quit it with the cowtipping

No. 1993016


Ren and Stimpy really doesn't need a reboot just let it stay in the 90s.(offtopic, no sage)

No. 1993020

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Saged as this is a new cow I’m bringing to the table but she qualifies for this thread. All this talk of Veronica reminds me of a similar cow, she was talked about in the personal cows and bad art threads a bit >>>/snow/1924507
>>>/m/333165 Her name’s LizieDoodle and she’s pretty similar to Veronica but worse. She had a situation of her flirting with Scott Falco and drawing porn of the two together while Scott had a girlfriend, speaking of which she’s another porn artist, primarily does self-insert stuff including zoophilia/feral porn of her with literal horses and her getting raped by Monty Gator from FNAF, she also does VRChat porn lately which is so uncanny it’s hilarious. She’s mutuals with lolicons and is friends with Daftpina too (or was, not sure if they still are as Daft took her out of his channels page on YT). Spoiled pic is about the Scott Falco shit, there’s no NSFW art in it but it’s still fucking weird basically IRL fetish fanfic shit fair warning. Reposted because I’m a retard and fucked the links up

No. 1993023

>She’s mutuals with lolicons and is friends with Daftpina too
kek no way this is the bitch that draws dolphin porn that rhythm rev referenced in his daft video?

No. 1993029

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sage for OT but I've always been intrigued by how pervy/degen western cartoonists can be. Not just now but for a long time, Where I'm from, cartoonists (up until the 2010s) were always serious individuals, quite strict and ordinary. At worst they were incredibly obsessive perfectionists, but they were functional human beings who didn't get off to cartoon mice. What do you think are the reasons behind this?(offtopic)

No. 1993032


No. 1993033

Video in question for the nonnas, relevant segment is at about 40:22 I find it so funny that after Rev pointed this out she’s removed from his channels page, unsure of twitter though but shows how DaftPina is willing to drop people so quick for optics. There’s also copy cats of her running around all over various sites. Also Just Stop is friends with Daft? JFC between Daft and that humanized landwhale HopelessPeaches how many tards can he be friends with? Additionally ironic since Daft supported Creepshow Art when JustStop went after her too lmfao >>1173160

No. 1993037

yeah but even artists in the 1970's-90's were fucking weird.

No. 1993038

>Also Just Stop is friends with Daft?
Was actually, he dropped him after the video he made about Mark being in a fucked up relationship with Veronica blew up on his face.

No. 1993039

The men are degens whereever you are from as well

No. 1993047

Oh yeah I’m aware of that >>1768069 I should’ve put “was” but I find it funny still how so many of JS friend circle could turn out to be trash so quick and how quick he was to drop Daft (and Peaches but that’s for the art commentary cows thread kek) and talk about how toxic and manipulative they were the second their shit makes him look bad

No. 1993050

I think the main appeal is the art style and animation. Everything else in that show is disgusting.

No. 1993051

>At worst they were incredibly obsessive perfectionists
Some artists back then had a alternative persona (same as some do today) separate from everything their name,family and style and with a lack of the internet there are no archives to be investigated but you can always tell by the style they drew,even male Walt disney animators drew porn of the child characters (most Disney Princesses were under 18) back in the 90's as a "joke" and looney toons always has a strip tease or cross dressing gag into their cartoons. men were always degenerate but the world back then wasn't so extremely pornnified and coombrained as it is now

No. 1993053

Artistic people tend to be mentally ill or autistic.

No. 1993067

Because drawing anything considered 'un-soviet' could and would send you to prison, my family is from the Soviet Union and my grandfather told me how his cousin was sent to prison for 3 years because he had a photo of his wife in her underwear. that's how strict it was. I'm sure the animators in your country had the possibly to be degenerates, but they had a huge incentive not to be cause there would be likely literal ideological officers around the corner.

No. 1993084

pomni's design is super cute, that's literally the only reason i clicked their pilot video initially.
i was a bit disappointed because it's quite boring and silly, but the only thing i truly hate is that they also publicly pander to the weirdos. i mean, pedos and trannies are known for engaging with any cartoon out there, but it's one thing to activelly engage and endorse them while knowing your audience is full of little kids and the show itself is labeled as 13+

No. 1993175

wtf im stalinist now
we need vicious ideological officers regulating moid pervert expressions through violence

No. 1993189

she is notorious in nsfw art circles for asskissing popular artists hard. Drawing herself interacting with artists' sonas and tagging them to get their interest. Did it to a friend of mine thinking it was a man and joke flirting lol. Sad af

No. 1993320

Not saying I don’t believe this but is there any screenshots or proof of this? Also you should probably not have brought up who you have connections with, even if it’s a big artist

No. 1993465

He's always been a dorky looking motherfucker.

No. 1993503

Apparently Veronica's parents feel the same going as far as calling Mark a autistic child and how they were relieved that Veronica found a "real man" in Mick (which is funny considering what a sleezeball he is)

No. 1993546

provide caps you retards

No. 1993580

Honestly I feel that Pan is gonna be fine lol Saberspark's videos just don't have personality to them so unless he's gonna try to make his videos more lively, I can't see him taking Pan's crown.

No. 1993602

Not a cap but was part of the initial video by Juststop. The information was provided Mick and Smokey who were there so they could be lying / exaggerating but given Veronica's nature who knows. At the same family gathering she shit talked his pilot and said it'd go nowhere because hes untalented (https://youtu.be/45ae5_A6Gyo?si=RX_-WbE5SUz1yYAc at 3:43)(learn2embed)

No. 1993644

New leak of Marks pilot lmaooo


No. 1993673

I hate these designs and it sounds like shit.

No. 1993740

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People are so pornbrained nowadays they dont see anything wrong with this disgusting shit. Why is the indie animation sphere filled with coomers?

No. 1993744

Because animation point blank has always been populated by the worst coomers.

No. 1993750

even zonetan has a more modest model.

No. 1993758

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Archived because leaks always get purged from catbox. This sucks. The style is so ugly.

No. 1993785

its so autistic looking. I can only imagine really young kids, and weird genderspecial man/woman children liking this

No. 1993802

This genuinely feels like a bad amalgamation of 2000's Nick/CN cartoons, this is the kind of show I would've seen airing on Nickelodeon at 4 PM in 2008 before turning the TV off and going outside, the "oh it's this shit again bye" type of cartoon.
I don't even understand what the audience for this is, an adult clearly has no reason to give a fuck about this and would kids today really care about a Fairly Oddparents/My Gym Partner's a Monkey/El Tigre lookalike with infinitely worse production values?

No. 1993804

The critic's curse is real. Is there a single example of a critic who produced even half-decent original content?

Nostalgia Critic had his god-awful movies and his shitty failed demo-reel. AVGN had his singular terrible film and a "band" (if they can even be called that) that only recorded four or five songs since 2021. The less said about Linkara's books the better. Growing Around is a skeletal horse. Ralphthemoviemaker's films are absolute garbage. Now LS Mark is making a mediocre-at-best cartoon.

No. 1993806

>The critic's curse is real. Is there a single example of a critic who produced even half-decent original content?
Edgar Allen Poe

No. 1993812

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LSMark is freshly out of high school and it’s clear he doesn’t have a lot of life experience for writing a cartoon pilot. It’s basically the Miyazaki problem where these kids are making an anime inspired pilot without living life and gaining experience first.

No. 1993836

That’s not the same Adam. Adamlikesrice is the castle character and him and Chris are very close atm. There is another Adam in that circle and that is the Adam that was probably him but to be completely honest, it could be this Adam as well cause they’re all weird like that

Yep. Came here from that tweet so she probably has seen the thread too lol

No. 1993837

this looks like what some who watched cartoons growing up would make. and I mean that in the rudest way possible because its so flat and lifeless. like the only thing they got out of cartoons was the art style, but not personality, moral lessons weaved into the story plot, etc

No. 1993860

Years later and I’m still seeing videos about DaftPina pop up making 0 new points about anything, Daft’s a cow for sure but make some new points or just don’t make a video at this rate especially since Definitely Bored Oranges is just another art commentary channel cow and one of the more dull ones at that and you have a recipe for mediocrity, have there been any good videos on Daft since 2022 even?

No. 1993865

Took the words out of my mouth, don’t know if this is more appropriate for commentary cows or here. But BoredOranges is such a grifter. He literally made one video exactly like this. He just remade the same exact video to squeeze some extra views. I don’t even really like daft or anything but he hasn’t done anything in a year and seems to want to keep it that way. Only good one was the video by Quinn Curio anyways.

No. 1993867

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Eh I'd argue it was most likely Castle Adam because the two were much closer(don't know if she and Adam P even met). She appeared on his and Nialls failed live streaming channel and this picture with her retard dogs. Also if I'm being completely honest Adam P has a face only a mother could love. Adam is mids but has a better face card at least.

No. 1993882

Speaking of cows who overlap this thread and the art commentary cows one, a new video was done on Star Giant Productions recently by Lazy BedHead doing some interviews with Mr Enter’s friends/Star’s victims

No. 1993900

Honestly I caught a bit of the video but I turned it off. I'm getting really fucking tired of people pretending that these troon men are an kind of woman. I've put aside my feelings when hearing this topic for years but my patience has run out.

No. 1993919

NGL, I loved it as a little kid back in the mid 90's.
In my adulthood, I find it terribly unfunny and ugly. Not stylish ugly, not appealing-ugly, but ugly-ugly.

And lol @ the moid feeling "heartbroken" about not being allowed into the writer's room. Not only did JohnK himself disdain Writing as part of cartoons in general, but also, everybody who worked with him knew he was a pedo and never did anything about it. I don't doubt the reboot with suck, but fuck this clown as his "feelz".

Agreed with others, the show needs to stay dead.

No. 1993968

Ashens and the quest for the game child is pretty decent but other than that yeah it’s mostly drek

No. 1993991

This, pretending there were “good” moids on the crew back then is bullshit. Most if not all of them knew he was a pedo but never did anything about it…even when he showed them actual CSAM he’d produced of his underaged girlfriend. I loved Ren & Stimpy as a kid but fuck all of them

No. 1994191

there will prob be lgbt+ pandering in it that'll get twitter manchildren hyping it up like with most modern cartoons

No. 1994279

I hate how every single cartoon critic that wanst to make a pilot obviously hates drawing. If i had all that money and time i would do nothing but draw in my free time.

No. 1994452

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the character designs start off decent but then get lazier

No. 1994453

This shit is awfully bland of course he added the obligatory furry goth girl too.I honestly feel bad for him.

No. 1994454

all of these are bland. They all look like rip off of other things and the eagle guy is downright disgusting.

No. 1994516

i spy: tom and jerry, rocko, panini, and that snake from sanjay and craig

No. 1994519


No. 1994624

You know, for how much he criticizes Butch Hartman, he really likes to copy his art style.

No. 1994679

this is so soulles, but what can i expect from someone who likes butch hartman and seth mcfarlane. He's such a joke i bet he hasnt seen any ralph bakshi animated movie or even anything from cartoon saloon. He doesnt deserve to be in the animation community

No. 1994800

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pan pizza bought lolicon anime.

No. 1997125

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No. 1997126

Does the fox have gaping holes in her ears??

No. 1997149

That panda and fox girl are bout to get some awful fanart.

No. 1997247

I owned moon phase at 14 and can confirm it’s a gross lolicon anime.

No. 1997280

File: 1716524174296.jpg (741.13 KB, 1080x2071, 1000019355.jpg)

Mark is mad at the mixed / negative response he's gotten and blaming some random kek

No. 1997363

what did he expect? its genuinely the most soulless thing i have ever seen

No. 1997366

Is he retarded, I see more of his fans saying it looks awesome. There's people saying it's trash but Twitter makes it seem like a minority.

No. 1997418

I think he's on his /co/ thread right now defending himself. That's where a lot of his negative reviews are coming from.(sage your shit)

No. 1997468

Honestly can you blame Mark for being uninspired and putting out dog shit? What life experience is he going off of? He's another Irish person who wishes they were American. But even as he's living in America it seems like he only ventures outside for cartoon related stuff and to stuff his face probably. If he leaned into his Irishness more he might, might put something somewhat interesting out but no, he has to emulate Americans. At least that's the impression I get.

No. 1997470

his favourite cartoon is family guy and fop he has some of the worst taste i have ever seen in a person

No. 1997471

that's even more fucking depressing.

No. 1997545

Actually on second thought he probably has nothing to reference from. Newry is majority Catholic and it's very much within the realm of possibility that he doesn't even personally know a Protestant. No wonder he's incapable of making anything compelling, he's got no experience with anything even at home. Mark you're back in NI, go outside.
But he could make a series about the misadventures of an Irish suburbanite addicted to the internet and he still wouldn't have the charisma to carry it. Not without some serious self reflection and engaging with media that challenges him. I'd doubt he could even then because he doesn't have emotional intelligence either. How the fuck does anyone expect him to make anything funny? He gives me serious Holly Brown vibes, lol

No. 1997619

I don't think Bob Camp or Bill Wray would've been directly complicit. They hated John.
Jim Gomez seems like a guy that just wants to live his life.
lol I'd believe it.

No. 1997621

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Anytime Mark gets attention Veronica's inevitably brought up and more people find out about his shitty funny marriage to laugh at.

No. 1997642

What the fuck am I looking at? Is his dick out in that drawing?

No. 1997674

He will troon out. Save this prediction he’s on the fast track of trooning out

No. 1997676

>miyazaki explains the generic tripe of popular shounen and slice-of-life faggotry that could only be curated by bugpeople who have never had an unorthodox thought in their entire lives
kek, the only scrote I feel a tiny little sliver of sympathy for

No. 1997683

I don’t think mark will but there’s a chance Pan might

No. 1997769

He pressured his wife (also a good animator) to stop working to take care of his family which he fucking seems to despise anyway. Far from a good scrote, but he was right in that instance.

No. 1997821

Retarded scrote moment. They had money they could have hired a nanny or had their willing family help, why are scrotes so insistent on strapping their wives into a rigid housewife role when there’s no reason for them to do so?

No. 1997854

Because these moids don't want wives. They want second mommies who will essentially baby them.

No. 1997901

Because "something something women need to stay in the kitchen to nurture "the family" (aka moid)" and "lowly woman can't have a job like the great moids". He's basically a boomer, and Japan is strict with women even to this day.

No. 1997902

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Yeah, there was even an episode of The Patrick Star Show recently where that was nothing but Patrick, Spongebob, etc. acted like babies


No. 1997904

File: 1716753596260.mp4 (1.19 MB, 1280x720, GYcJi2nFzMVsIKLf.mp4)

New Patrick Star Show had a joke about Beanmouth apparently

No. 1997905

He was also just incredibly dismissive towards his son and gave him depression

No. 1997968

im not sure since im new to this thread but based on the fact that theres more than one pair of feet on the bed, the guy is getting cuckolded and cigarette smoke blown on his dick

No. 1997969

Honestly, beanmouth is tolerable compared to some of the shit SpongeBob has been doing in the last fifteen years.

No. 1997985

It's not just the visual beanmouth, it's the beanmouth storytelling too, which at least to me is worse than bad spongebob.

No. 1997987

Was the chair breaking at the end an attempt at comedy? It made absolutely no sense. Might as well have been a fart joke.

No. 1998048

you dont get it, shes so quirky and goofy ecksdee. Shes trying desperately to become a FOTM waifu but no one gives a shit kek

No. 1998105

Imagine having the money and resources for an animated pilot only to end up with something awfully unoriginal and vapid.who literally asked for this?this is in the same level as Cocomelon garbage.

No. 1998141

File: 1716846439848.mp4 (4.27 MB, 1280x720, c0onoo_3.mp4)

they will never do what he did

No. 1998244

>beanmouth storytelling

No. 1998683

Moana 2 Teaser

No. 1998719

Pretty much (if this is right): unredeemable villains are just misunderstood, sad cinnamon rolls that just needs to be talked to and they're now good, the creator/crew mental health or shipping wars filler episodes, main character becomes the creator's talking mouthpiece, secondary main characters are now pushed to side characters that are just cardboard cut outs of what they use to be; show pulls a bait and switch with the main plot aka what got people hooked to the show in the first place. feel free to add on.

No. 1998758

why does she look… younger? is it taking place in the past?

No. 1998784

she doesn't look younger to me but the animation looks significantly worse. everyone looks like uncanny valley.

No. 1998786

File: 1717026350653.mp4 (304.02 KB, 480x270, eOqTC-hwlnDvIBh2.mp4)

the absolute state of adult animation

these designs are so bland, they could benefit from thicker lines and less curves

No. 1998791

Where do they find the money to make shit like this and their Bluey ripoff? These jokes are so stale and dated, like they're from over five years ago.

No. 1998796

File: 1717027741669.gif (164.55 KB, 220x124, well-there-it-is.gif)

>From Daily Wire+

No. 1998798

What is this from?

No. 1998799

Give an example besides Steven Universe

No. 1998826

I almost feel bad for him, he's such a retarded dweeb with no life experience compared to Veronica and got rushed to the altar by his alcoholic serial cheater BPD girlfriend. I've known guys that are exactly like him, they have no idea how relationships work so they don't know how to set boundaries and let the first woman that gives them the time of day to walk all over them, he can totally see all the crimson-red flags but has no clue what to do.
Best case scenario he grows a spine and divorces her, the situation will only get worse with time as Veronica's skeletons keep piling up and his fanboys are already on full force defending him while trying to explain how he's totally not a cuckold kek.

No. 1998853

I wish this show wasnt cancelled(sage your shit)

No. 1998854

They changed her design to make her face smaller/ eyes bigger. basically Elsa-fied her.

No. 1998869

sage for offtopic and nta, but thank you anon, i hope this message find you well; i was feeling down, I loved that video, I'm going to watch it right now, god bless you and have a good day

No. 1998890

kek, I love the cherry pie as plausible deniability for the blood splatters

No. 1998907

Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart

No. 1998966

Supposedly Moana 2 is actually just the first season of a Moana series intended for Disney +, condensed into a single feature length film. It wasn’t even animated by DFA, it was done by their Canada studio specifically for television which is probably why it looks so “off”.

No. 1999181

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No. 1999197

She needs to lay off the McDonald's and Starbucks altogether.

No. 1999198

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Why does Moana look like Shrek now???

No. 1999305

I genuinely do not understand Disney's trajectory. Do they even care anymore? Crap sequels they have to know people are sick of. Remakes no one was really asking for. It's practically just a content-generator at this point. Just releasing content simply because it has to, like sort of automaton machine, devoid of any reason or thought.

No. 1999313

Not milk but I can't believe I'm seeing videos in my language of actual children (like, 8-10 years old) talking about The Amazing Digital Circus. It has such coomery fetishy vibes (which are there on purpose because the creator is a tranny with a head drilling fetish) and it's kinda scary to see actual children as opposed to immature gendie twitterfags being subjected to it. Maybe they don't get it, but it's still disgusting and slimy.

No. 1999334

I don't want to defend the trannoid but stealth fetish shit in cartoons isn't anything new, I doubt it will affect kids any worse than the previous shit did (I hope), if he does something beyond the realm of acceptability I hope he gets called out, people seem to be getting fed up with trannies.
Releasing direct-to-video sequels and TV shows of their iconic movies with shittier animation quality is something Disney has done since the 90's, if you don't remember them I don't blame you, because I too thought they were fever dreams and fake memories I had as a kid until I looked them up.

No. 1999361

Yes but that wasn't really their main focus. It seems their main focus now is sequels, remakes, and direct-to-streaming miscellaneous series. You could say they've strayed away from original material since those have bombed recently but so are the sequels and remakes. I can just about guarantee that Hercules remake is going to bomb. Their Disney+ series are hit or miss, and mostly misses. That's just the main problem with their business model. Higher demand from their customers while simultaneously cutting costs and cheating out. It's the same issue with the parks.

No. 1999673

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>A pitch bible has leaked for a reboot to Disney’s ‘Recess’ titled ‘Recess: Next Bell’. The bible is written by the creators of the original series, Paul Germain and Joe Ansolabehere. The bible is dated June 3rd, 2022.
They introduce a new cast but we also learn what happened to the old characters
>TJ is a bored tech millionaire
>Spinelli is bisexual defence attorney and is married to vince
>Vince failed his sports career and is a coach now
>Gus came out as a transwoman
>Gretchen is a super model and super scientist and dated Elon Musk
>Mikey died in India

No. 1999676

LOL nonna I posted asking if anyone saved the Bible at the exact moment you posted the reddit link! Deleted my post because it’s redundant now. Thank you!
I hate a lot about this but I think I hate them killing off Mikey the most. And the Spinelli-TJ-Vince love triangle? Who is this supposed to be for???

No. 1999678

I'm assuming the progoranist was originally supposed to be TJ and Spinelli's kid, but changed her to Vince to make her bi-racial, for context this is from 2022 when the blm thing was still going strong and there was an emphasis from companies for "diverse" media.

No. 1999685

Yeah that makes sense. TJ as a tech bro has some comedic potential but everything about Spinelli and Vince as individuals is so cliche and predictable. It all sounds like bad fanfic.

No. 1999704

>Mikey died in India

No. 1999734

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>tries to be hip with the kids
>makes the most outdated, rocket power tier character
This type of ''dude, weed'' character is something total drama island was already parodying in the 00s

No. 1999741

>>Gus came out as a transwoman
Oh so they made the little fragile boy a tranny? Hmm curious, I wonder why they chose that character.

No. 1999765

File: 1717273853564.webp (77.05 KB, 1182x1518, a-pitch-bible-has-leaked-for-a…)

>the Madisons
>the gen alpha mean girl group
>"but now including boys and non-binary kids as well"
>"they now have new weapon: Twitter, Snapchat and TikTok"
Stop! Stop! It's already dead!

No. 1999805

File: 1717281453229.png (349.23 KB, 881x947, delaq8n-e72adf25-db8f-4c10-9e2…)

The Ashleys (included Spinelli) are too BASED for this current world?

Apparently yes.

Fun fact: In the original serie exist a similar group named "the Tylers" (the Ashleys little brothers).

No. 1999806

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Monkey Wrench got a new plushie and it's the lizard lady with the obligatory pride month theme. Zeurel literally has no money and no one really cares for his project so I guess he's going for the gender special Twitter crowd now by making his lizard "aroace".

No. 1999809

>the black kid is actually A BRILLIANT SCIENTIST
this shit has been cliche since ned's survival guide

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