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No. 1786

I am tired of this "Oh, women have it so much harder!" meme. It is objectively false.

You have inherent value simply because you are a woman.
We do not.

You literally have the luxury of picking and choosing the people you want to fuck and date, as opposed to winning them over with money, looks, and charm, and then being grateful for whatever you can get.
We do not.

If you are lonely, you can go to any corner of the internet and instantly get twenty guys begging you to be their gf.
We cannot.

If you are mentally-ill, you get love and support instead of being told to "man up."
We do not.

If you have a personality disorder or are mentally-ill, your symptoms are seen as cute and quirky and you are still seen as desireable.
We are not.

You almost always get alimony, child support, and custody when a marriage goes sour, even though you're perfectly capable of working and supporting yourselves.
We do not.

If you claim you've been raped, people take your side regardless of how little evidence supports your claim and the accused man's life is ruined forever, regardless of whether or not he's actually guilty.
We do not get this courtesy.

If you fall behind men in a cushy area of employment, it's due to "oppression" and "patriarchy."
If men fall behind you in a cushy area of employment, it's because they're immature and dumb–girl power!

If you have sex while drunk with a man who's drunk, you will not be charged with rape.
We will be.

You objectively have it easier in society and yet you refuse to admit it. We give and give and give and all you do is take and take and take. I don't hate you and I don't think you're any lesser beings than men are. I just want you to act like the rational, modest, mature adults I know you theoretically can be, and you keep letting me down.

No. 1787

This isn't Livejournal cuck.

No. 1788

Fuck off robot

No. 1789

>…like a bag of sand

No. 1790

>we give and we give

Fuck that, man. I've had a fucking job since I was 15, and lived on my own since I was 18. I didn't take anything from you, you little weasel.

Like, I'm sorry that you didn't get your government issued gf? But that doesn't mean I want to hear your whining. I don't want you or your money. I never did.

No. 1791

Don't worry OP I'm sure you'll get a significant emotional partner if you just were more confident and didn't spend all day on the computer jerking it to porn and playing video games

No. 1792

You take the advantages that we've given you in society, you dense fucking cunt. The upper hand in dating. The upper hand in marriage. All the good parts of equality (the voting rights, the nice, white collar jobs, the independence) without any of the bad (don't have to financially support men the way they support you, don't have to sign up for the draft, aren't held responsible for your actions e.g. sexual promiscuity, abortion, """"""""""rape,"""""""""" etc.)

That job you had? A more qualified man was passed over in favor of you just to fulfill an arbitary quota.

You have so many advantages in society and yet you just want more. It's never enough. We've passed equality a long, long time ago and you harpies still aren't satisfied.

No. 1793

The tears never end.

No. 1794

You're wrong. Like, I'm sorry that you're bitter that women have human rights? I'm sorry that you hate the sexism that comes with dating norms.

It really sounds like you're mad that women can be independent and aren't forced to stay in unfulfilling relationships.

I'm not going to encourage your rage boner though. Get a therapist before you shoot up a mall.

No. 1795


Stop trying so hard to be profound on a goddam image board, nobody gives a shit that you're ugly and wasting precious air that could be used for a more deserving being.

You're disgusting existence is proof alone that you don't have to be attractive to find love. If that was the case all the uglies would of died off centuries ago.

I rather let a raped girl/whore/or just a women who forgot to take her pill get an abortion that for me to be taxed more to take care of her retarded child because whinny beta guy can't take help her out.

As far as everything else you said, which is so incredibly autistic I can't imagine you're even out of middle school, it's not worth anyone arguing over. Because guy or girl only hedious, retarded, talentless hacks complain about their shitty lives instead of doing something.

Ugly? Get surgery,build self-esteem, but some makeup, work out.

Didn't get the job? You probably we an awful candidate because if you were amazing that would take you, stop trying to pass by being mediocre

No. 1796


No. 1797

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our society now.

No. 1798

All these posts and not even one coherent ounterargument or refutation, just baseless personal attacks. I'm fine with being insulted so long as you frame it in the context of an actual argument, but none of you did. You sure are combating the "women are overly-emotional, irrational children" stereotype!

I feel sorry for you people. Empty-headed bimbos worth nothing beyond their vaginas. Produce nothing, only consume. Give nothing, only take. I wish you could be more than that. I wish you would hold yourselves to the standards that men hold ourselves to, but you don't. Irrational. Petty. Manipulative. Shallow. Boring. Selfish. Cunts.

No. 1799

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Tl;dr. Im pretty sure comparing the shit each gender goes through is just apples to oranges

No. 1800

If you want a coherent argument, you'll have to go elsewhere. Do you even know where you are? Are you drunk right now, robot chan? We despise autistic men like you. Dick pics or gtfo.

No. 1801


Can the mods confine all these damn robots this is really getting out of hand

No. 1802

This is a good pic anon

> I wish you would hold yourselves to the standards that men hold ourselves to, but you don't. Irrational. Petty. Manipulative. Shallow. Boring. Selfish. Cunts.

If this is how you feel, why are you seeking female attention and bitching about women not liking you? Why should someone you hate be obligated to like you? Why do all unsalvegable men have this attitude towards women?

No. 1803

Seriously please see a therapist before you hurt someone.

No. 1804

>women have human rights and it makes my peepee sad

No. 1805

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And yet here you are, posting on a women's board, making posts about women, talking with women and trying to get the attention of women.

Men are a meme.

No. 1806

He need to go fishing to female attention this way so he will have some good material to fap to after momma cooks him his tendies.

No. 1807

Why do you robots create threads on here so often. Just take your autism and go on your board where you'll receive asspats from your fellow basement dwellers.
And why are there so many versions of that stupid Pepe/white feels man, it blows me away

No. 1808

>If this is how you feel, why are you seeking female attention and bitching about women not liking you?
That is incorrect, fam. I'm not bitching about women not liking me. I'm bitching about all women seemingly being hypergamous, irrational whiners who cry and stomp their feet to get what they want, in addition to using their pussies as leverage and being shallow, heartless monsters incapable of loving anything other than attention, wealth, or social status. That sounds like a crazy generalization but literally every single woman I've ever come across has eventually shown herself to be this way, to varying degrees. I would love to find a woman who isn't like this but so far I've yet to even encounter one. You don't get this, but I want to be wrong. Sadly, I don't think I am.

>Why should someone you hate be obligated to like you?

They shouldn't, I don't think that and I never said that. I don't like them so why would I want them to like me? I don't want anything to do with them.

>Why do all unsalvegable men have this attitude towards women?

Am I really unsalvageable for wanting a woman who is not sexually-promiscuous, who thinks using logic instead of feelings, who won't just use me for my money, who has creative interests, and who isn't disloyal? These aren't insane, far-fetched expectations. They're the generous standard for how decent people should carry themselves through life. I don't hold women to any standards I don't also hold myself to, and if a fucking loser like me can meet these standards, why are women seemingly incapable of doing the same? Why do they fail to meet these most basic of expectations time and time again? I don't have standards based on things you can't control, like height or breast size or skin color. I have standards on how you choose to live your life. And women seem to consistently choose to be selfish, immoral, childish, manipulative people. I really wish it weren't the case, but it is. I don't treat you like lazy, selfish subhumans. I don't treat you like dumb children who aren't responsible for their actions. I don't treat you like sex objects who have nothing to offer besides their vaginas. So why do you treat yourselves that way? I expect more from you. Why do you keep acting like that?

No. 1809


So your problem is that you read and believe trp.

Why do you think venting to us is going to help? We don't care about you or your money. No one here wants to date you. Why are you trying to convince us of our wicked ways so badly? You don't know us and we don't know you.

Just see a shrink before you murder some poor woman.

No. 1810

Get a grip before you chop your nuts off like that one robot who couldn't handle the fact that women didn't like him.

No. 1811


> Sadly, I don't think I am.

Okay. This is what you believe. Case closed. Now you can leave.

Everybody, not a single one of you is obligated to attempt to try and "change" this guys mind. He's obviously here seeking attention whether he wants to admit it or not, so just ignore him until he leaves.

No. 1812

sage in all fields and report


No. 1831

See, you're not even willing to converse with me or attempt to see things from my point of view. You're just shutting your ears to anything I say and insulting me. I don't know how you can expect men to respect you if you don't respect yourselves. Why choose to be whores? Why choose to be irrational? Why choose to be manipulative? Why choose to place all of your self-worth in your looks and not your mind? It breaks my heart.

No. 1844


We're shutting you off because you already decided to shut yourself off to every single woman a long time ago.
You've already labelled every single one of us intellectually stunted, irrational, manipulative whores without even really attempting to converse with us or learn anything about our lives. There is no point in arguing with you; you're already beyond reason or reprieve.

No. 1851

Wrong, I'm very open and receptive. I want to be wrong about this. But given my past experience, given the fact that I have yet to meet or come across a woman that I could describe as decent, I'm losing hope that she even exists. That's why I came here, to get some assurance that they exist so that I have a reason to keep looking instead of giving up.

No. 1853


>why choose to be whores?

>why choose to be irrational?
>why choose to be manipulative?
>why choose to place all of your self-worth in your looks and not your mind?

You're obviously neither open nor receptive. You are as closed as closed can be. You've clearly already made up your mind about 51% of the human population so there's really no need for you to be here.

No. 1854

You're under the impression that those were rhetorical questions. They weren't.

No. 1855


So you're posing questions? Rephrase them in a more polite manner that doesn't insult the resident userbase and I'll humour you with an answer then.

No. 1858

Mfw 25 and have had two partners. Am whore.

You feel this way about women because every woman you've ever interacted with has seen you present yourself as person with nothing positive to offer a relationship and you are butt-blasted because you think you are worthy of something. You hate the evil women that thwarted your attempts at dating without reflecting on your self.

You are the common factor buddy.

No. 1861


lmao ikr? I'm 24, have only had one boyfriend my entire life whom I'm still with, am at university working towards a pretty sweet academic career, but I'm somehow an irrational, manipulative, vapid whore who doesn't understand the value of education kek

Waiting for him to come back in her stuttering about how "o-okay you don't SOUND like a whore, if what you're saying is TRUE that is (meester scientest), but all the other women with independent sexual autonomy are still whores! >:("

No. 1862

You have failed at dating…. So far.

With your failures you have become upset and frustrated. Why won't anyone date you? You are a pretty decent guy. You are nice to women. You have a lot to offer a relationship. You are not too bad looking, plus your ability to hold long and interesting conversations can outweigh and potential physical defects. So it is clearly the women at fault, or even the men they eventually choose to date with more money and status than you. But what should any of that superficial shit mean when women can have a genuine loving partner? Why do they choose these other men?

Your failured should lead to seelf-reflection instead of directing anger towards the unattainable "faults" of these men. The insufferable shallowness of the women that date them. What you are failing to do is look at yourself and really, truly analyze why YOU as an individual are failing.

It's not too late anon. Get out of TRP and stop being so emotional. Your are not using logic, you are thinking with your anguish, hurt and frustration.

No. 1878

lol fucking this

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