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/g/ - girl talk

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No. 110612[Reply]

/g/ is for all things girly, bathroom talk for advice, lifestyle, fashion, cosmetics, makeup, periodtalk. Anything you would ask and talk about with your female friends.

>/ot/ is for offtopic, discussions, debates and sperging

>/m/ is for image spam unrelated to beauty or vidya and movie talk
Do not post porn, talking about porn or sexual preferences is fine though.
You can see all the rules here https://lolcow.farm/rules

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No. 490961[Reply]

Tsundere Edition

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No. 491115

they be coping sis

No. 491116

They’re annoying and wish they were him. It's like they’re comparing him to serial killers and that’s not even what he is. He killed 1 CEO. He has multiple examples of him being kind hearted. Their brains are fried.

No. 491117

Maybe girls would like them more if they did something based and didn't just harass women online all day and masturbate to rape in their spare time

No. 491119

they are literally retarded and addicted to making false equivalences so much for being 'the rational gender' kekekekekkk. i've seen them comparing luigi to ted bundy or other killers who go after women and children. yes dude, he's the same as a serial killer pedophile rapist necrophiliac freak. give me a fucking break

No. 491120

The myth that Bundy was beloved by woman was a scrot invention. I don’t know why scrots want to believe women love abusive men so much, probably so they can say we deserve to be abused.

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No. 418074[Reply]

Last Thread: >>331392

Thread for:
>femdom images and media
>femdom fantasies
>female subs interested in women
>advice and stories

Some things to get us started:
>What are your main kinks?
>What is your ideal sub like?
>What experiences have you had?
>What advice do you have for new dommes?
>Where to find subs? How to avoid unhealthy ones?
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No. 488358

God, he was beautiful then…

No. 488401

damn fujimoto's art style tanked dramatically. what the fuck is going on with denji's eyes in the last panel

No. 489482

Please tell me that some autistic tumblr user has done a whump collection of him.

No. 491106

Unfortunately, only 1 chapter for now, give it a couple of months. https://templetoons.com/comic/jiwoos-master

No. 491118

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Is there a name for feral femdom…?
I want to be a big powerful Scythian warrior woman bullying a bratty little Athenian male into submission.
I really don’t like men who don’t resist in some capacity. If he is completely servile and passive, sex is no better than using a dildo. And I don’t like not being able to blow off some steam, either. If I say sit and he sits where is the fun? I want to wrestle. I want to fightsex like animals, but I win.

Please. I’m tired of all the CBT leather queen shit. I’m tired of the mommy dom nursing handjob shit. I want to see a real female predator capture some prey.

Why does this world always disappoint me?

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No. 434936[Reply]

Previous thread:
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No. 490158

I feel neutered from my antidepressants I haven’t felt any arousal in months

No. 490347

bleeding? jesus, how does that even happen

No. 491049

Is it normal for me to always have white discharge daily? I now wear those little liner things every day. Do any of you anons?

No. 491056

I have the same issue but with inverse psoriasis, my armpits healed with Salicylic acid wipes and became visibly lighter but I'm terrified to use it around my private parts
It's never healed and flares up every 2 months so ther scarring and darkness is gonna be nasty

No. 491113

You don’t have to wear a liner for that, it just washes out in the laundry. Pads and liners are confirmed to have carcinogens in them, this isn’t a tinfoil it’s been studied and on the news, it’s just that no one cares about women enough to not put cancer in vagina products.

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No. 475475[Reply]

Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly, creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.

Previous thread: >>>/g/470594
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No. 490766

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No. 490907

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Extremely based. Two more weeks til TESVI! Have faith!

I was weirdly into him in The Good Place.

No. 490913

Late but agreeing with having kind of a crush on Jhonen. I read all of his comics in high school kek, and they don't stand the test of time. That 2000s humor with cutesy characters stabbing people got so old and should never come back. Also he has hypnophobia, which makes me think he is impossible to be around and batshit crazy

No. 491037

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No. 491109

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Uhm. I really like Matt hargreaves. Like from eddsworld. I think he's very conventially attractive but I put him here because he isnt really famous or relevant anymore besides managing eddsworld since edd passed. I dont even have a preference for gingers but god he is so handsome… very lucky wife
I never got how somebody has a phobia of sleep, like, sleep is the best feeling in the world. you just get to turn off life for a few hours

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No. 482816[Reply]

you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.

Previous Thread: >>>/g/411848
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No. 490941

I could be this for you if I tried

No. 490968

I'm using my laptop in a comfy double bed, the matress is on the floor and the room is warm and dimly lit. Really wished I had a girlfriend by my side, tempting me to quit what I'm doing by slightly undressing herself or just tuckig a strand of hair behind my ear and caressing my face. I wouldn't hesitate to put the laptop aside to devote myself completely to her

No. 491101

I need to know what picrel is this isn't FAIR!

No. 491108

I hate when I don't get to see an image before it gets removed

No. 491110

nta but it sounds like it's the recent art by lacryboy captioned "roachification comm" kek.

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No. 408483[Reply]

Welcome to to the divination thread. Here we discuss our experiences with tarot or any other form of divination, be on the giving or receiving end. You can also use this thread to practice reads and ask questions to readers. General discussion pertaining to the topic is also allowed.

>Info for people seeking a reading

If you want to get a reading, please leave a post here with your query and general details about it. It's optional but you can include your age, sex, sign, a picture, a song, or any other info you might feel is relevant, anything that might help the reader pick up your energy better. Some readers may ask for distinct requirement according to their reading style. Although you may post your query here, it is not guaranteed that your post will be picked up by a reader quickly, but it may still eventually happen.

>Info for readers

You can come here and offer readings for anons, how many spots you offer and how many questions you'll answer is up to you. You may also pick up any query from this thread and answer it. Remember to disclose what your requirements for a reading are (age, sex, sign, length of the question, etc) and what method of divination you're using. If there's certain questions you won't answer (death and sickness related for example) be sure to disclose it as well.

>Info for people seeking a trade

As a reader, you may come here and ask to trade a reading, meaning you leave your own question and then wait until another reader picks it up. If that reader answers your question, be sure to reply back as soon as possible. Always disclose what method of divination you're using. Try to match the length of the other anon's response, don't leave them hanging or reply with a shorter text than theirs.

>Info for people learning any divination method including tarot

Feel free to come here to practice your skills. You can ask for advice, tips, and feedback. Even if you're not actively learning and are just curious about it, please don't shy away from posting in this thread.

Have fun!
Last thread: >>>/g/288268
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No. 488811

Yeah, and you will experience self sabotage (probably in work and artistic and hobby endeavors) and relationship dysfunction (friend and romantic), so really try to get out of your groundhog's day habits. I mean this genuinely but I understand I was being overly flippant and rude in the beginning so I apologize for that. Also work on self-reflection and overly sensitive and reactive nature.

No. 489608

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Happy Birthday nona! I may not be able to read tarot but I wanted to give you some positivity. You rock and your zodiac does not define you. Much love to you

No. 491092

I'm back doing more readings.

No. 491104

Initials: A.R.C.
What should I do in terms of my love life and making myself more attractive/confident

No. 491107

My initials are BG
What's the biggest thing coming next in my love life? Good or bad. I'm in a relationship.

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No. 469977[Reply]

>What is this thread
By popular demand, we have created the retarded shitpost thread which talks about husbandos and/or horny shit about fictional men in general.
>Why was this made / what is the difference
The difference is that here you can be retarded about your fictional 3D (as in characters from live action movies or shows) and 2D crushes so you don't clog /ot/. Post memes, be frisky, whatever. Be as mild or as spicy as you feel like.
>But why
Farmers are some horny bitches
>Examples of posts that go here
-I want the Jojos to gangbang me raw
-I love me some man tiddies
-I want to cuddle Reigen
>Examples of posts that DO NOT go here
-Actual real life men hornyposting
-Your husbando is trash/ugly/cringe/moid-tier etc
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No. 491070

I'm sorry it embarrasses you. I'm not saying that you have to share but if it brings you joy and doesn't hurt anyone, then I hope you can embrace that side of yourself.

No. 491078

Thanks. I have no commitment though and always end up giving up on my little projects. I'm too braindead to get into it even if I didn't find it embarrassing.

No. 491079

Does anyone else collect husbandos smaller than them?
Nonnas…. I’m not going to lie. I kinda like small penis humiliation.

No. 491093

I think I’m the opposite of a height/size queen since I feel disappointed whenever I learn a fictional man I like is taller than me.

No. 491105

Pretty sure he's average/slightly smaller, it's been described as "a sorry thing".

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No. 464530[Reply]

Like the title says.
Previous Thread: >>253921
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No. 483104

No, he’s east asian and I’m not

No. 483106

No. 483135

1. For me it never hurt but also dont find it very enjoyable. You can try penetration with fingers/sex toy if you want to know how it feels.

3. Asexual men are very rare if they exist at all. There are mostly closeted gay men and men who are so porn addicted they cant be turned on by sex anymore.

No. 483136

I would recommend seeing how you go with penetration by yourself if you’re really nervous. Also there’s nothing wrong with being celibate.

I would be very suspicious of any man who claims to be asexual. 99% of the time he’s saying that to bide his time/make you let your guard down/some other sort of weirdo.

No. 491064

What’s a good lip balm for blowjobs? I would like something that stays on with friction.

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No. 208345[Reply]

Since /cgl/ has been invaded by scrotes and trannies, let's discuss general things about the fashion here, from new releases to your dream dress. Share makeup looks and diy's, or your favorite coords. Talk about the comm you are in and your lolita friendships. Ex lolitas and newbies are welcomed too. Etc.
For drama, check out the tread on /w/: >>>/w/143376
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No. 490704

I think that dress doesn't help. it's a baby themed print, why add a bib on the bodice? I hate this type of sweet lolita so much, it attracts the worst type of people like trannies and ABDLs.

No. 490925

I don't want this thread to die/become just another drama thread where people sperg about Lor, but I'm also so sick of this happening and need to vent about this in particular. When I joined my comm years and years ago it was great. Most people cared about their appearance to some degree and had somewhat similar hobbies and interests. Meets were abundant there were a variety of different types of events. It was so easy to find people to talk to and it wasn't hard to make some friends. There was always some drama, but it was easy to avoid. Since covid the drama became awful and divided everyone in the comm. This made all of the well-dressed people start having private meets with friends only. Whenever there is a meet or a con, which is rare, it is always overrun by greasy weebs and taobao/tiktok obsessed zoomers with terrible taste who bring their nigels and normie friends everywhere they go.

The discussion earlier ITT about comms/lonelitas really applies here too. My main friend group kind of left the comm. We're all still in the comm groups, but we barely interact with it. There have been a couple people shoehorned into the group by one person and everyone just went with it. They are kind people, but they have absolutely no taste in or out of lolita and don't take care of themselves at all. They don't even have any fun hobbies or interests to talk about. Just the usual taobao/tiktok itas who are more focused on looking as weird as possible and buying the most costumey garbage you can find. I'm not a terf and I don't care if someone is trans, but they're genderspecial losers who have nothing else to talk about and make that their entire personality which is so fucking annoying. They hate doing any of the usual lolita meet things (tea, museums, nice restaurants, ballet/opera, theatre, etc.), they're always fucking broke and never want to spend money on anything, and they act like children. It always has an impact on our plans because no one wants to make them feel left out. I usually just say I can't make it unless I know they won't be there or I ask the people I like most to hang out alone. Our group was all goths and classics and the shoehorned in itas wear sweet. We only ever got compliments before if we got any attention at all, now we are constantly harassed and asked if we are coming from local conPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 490926

>it is always overrun by greasy weebs
I mean Lolita itself is a weeb hobby

No. 490934

ayrt, the issue isn't them being weebs, it's the greasy part that is the problem. I used it refer to people with poor hygiene who don't care about their appearance at all despite being in a fashion hobby with an emphasis on looking presentable. This is probably bait, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.

No. 491002

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Not like it's a new thing to be fair.

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