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No. 913498[Reply]

If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.

Previous threads
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No. 955036

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This Sinead O’Connor brand of white woman is really getting on my nerves plz someone make a thread of this COW
>Be born as a normal white american from Washington named Emily Cathleen Bailey
>Be an insane weeb who cosplays for fun
>Wants to be in government but decide you hate it
>Feel the need to be different and oppressed for special minority points
>Claim you have ADHD
>Claim you’re bisexual but that’s not enough
>Convert to islam and start wearing hijab
>Change your name to ‘Izdihar’ after conversion
>Go on TedTalk complaint about people trying to be inclusive and respectful to your religion
>Praise the guy who called you an Isis bride
>New special interest: Communism
>Blame everything wrong with world on Capitalism
>Marry a muslim Chechen man from the former Soviet Union
>Larp as a babushka and claim now to be Danube-Schwabian
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No. 955045

god forbid someone decides to be muslim and a communist, not everyone is a basic b like you

No. 955067

Any interest in a Jani Schofield thread? KF has one and it looks like they are pretty active now that she's moved back with her mom. For those who don't know the milk >Jani Schofield was "diagnosed" as schizophrenic at age 3
>Put on heavy psych meds by Dr. shopping munchie by proxy mom, Susan, who also convinced her husband Mike of her disease.
>Susan claimed her son Bodhi, Jani's little brother, also had schizophrenia and got him meds as well.
>She went on Dr. Phil because of this and tricked him as well it seems.
>Years later her husband figured out what was going on and divorced her and called CPS and got the kids taken, but wouldn't take them so they went into foster care.
>Bodhi turned out to be autistic and Jani off drugs was doing well but she moved back in with her mom when she turned 18 and now is likely back on drugs
>Jani and probably also mom now have an active youtube channel.

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No. 939201[Reply]

>Previous 3 threads:
Hell Is A Place On Earth Edition >>930240
Carve A V Edition >>294375
Doxing And Stabbing Zaddy Edition >>286668

>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up has-been Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community. She married and cuckolded a Japanese fan named Manaki who doesn’t appear online anymore (because they are now divorced after she cheated on him with her zaddy ken who she started seeing in 2018, she broke up with her zaddy this year though). Venus faded off into internet irrelevancy for the most part and tries to recapture some amount of attention by uploading random videos every other month, thotting on OnlyFans or threatening suicide.

Recent milk:
Venus' online presence continues to tank after many of her attention seeking attempts

In the last thread:
Venus goes live after a 3 month disappearance to talk about nothing; claims her visible shaking is from being nervous (not to be confused with withdrawal tremors); still hasn't gotten her Youtube account back after giving her password to a random scrote >>930256
Another nothing live looking very unfortunate ft. severely rotted teeth >>930263 >>930275 >>930292 >>930347
Ken breaks up with Venus again >>930338
Announces another recovery journey >>930434
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No. 955042

it's just a big shirt and sweater, weird how you point out her legs when they don't look fat

like others were saying she probably got second hand clothes

No. 955048

Fatty? You need to go outside more and see real people if this is what you consider being fat. Venus always had a round face even at a low weight. She still looks skinny but she isn't malnourished.

No. 955049

>> Why even do that? The post wasn't even ban worthy or deletion worthy?
Venus said the no no n word in one of her posts. That and the mod claims keeping the posts up is against reddit’s TOS and would get her in trouble somehow.

No. 955055

Not her in trouble. It would probably get the subreddit down as well. And all these wuwus would cry for a drop of milk

No. 955065

That's so hilarious from the reddit faggots. Running scams, cheating, homewrecking, insulting the ppl who provide for you, stealing, being a drug addict literal schizo is all absolutely fine. But if you ever ever ever type the nigger word, you've committed an abhorrent act, the moral obligation is to ban you eternally from the premises and have you quartered by horses.

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No. 949092[Reply]

First thread: >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>940310
Websites: https://momokun.co/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/peachygirlmomo
OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/momokun
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad, mmallad.jpg (formerly btsmomokun, xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscats), peachycollective.co
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@peachygirlmomo
Camversity: https://www.camversity.com/MariahMallad/profile (Old, deleted)
Pornhub: https://www.pornhub.com/users/mariahmallad (Inactive)
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/momokuncosplay
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No. 954943

Moo owns a Tesla so she's not going to squeal about vandalizing them. It would be amazing if she did though because it would be way too easy to out her for it.

No. 954946

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oh hey look at that. someone mentions tesla, as she has to post a random tesla meme, in argument that had nothing to do with tesla.
knowing moo, she'd either say A)she brought it before elon became bad, which makes it okay; B) her daddy says she's allowed three exceptions to boycotts; or C) she'll make somehow unhinged rant about how israel is bad whilst avoiding answering why she owns a tesla

No. 954947

She's a tough 600 lbs girl. If she sits on someone they'll die.

No. 954952

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edited bc I forgot to sage l

but Moo and Alyssa already tried to pass off as it was for someone else. But Moo posted about it when she bought. Not to mention she’s a ok with sssniper and her elon obsession. She picks and chooses her outrage and always has.

No. 954978


Kek. When are those gonna make a comeback?

No. 954917[Reply]

GAMECUBian is a 23yr old autistic manchild that lives with his parents. He has an obsession with underaged characters such as Tomo Aizawa, Chara, and Gaz Membrane. He's made sexual comments about/ liked porn of these underaged characters on his (now deactivated) Newgrounds account. On his failed Youtube channel he makes faggy videos about him being a vigilante hero who beats up his bullies. He takes his character and story very seriously, and goes on rants if you dare get anything wrong about his character/storyline. He's extremely retarded and very easy to troll/anger. Some more things that offend him include: being called gay, being called inbred, women hate, tomboy hate, anime hate, Undertale hate, racism, anti-christianity, marvel fans, non-gamers, Bowser Jr, Donald Trump.(shit thread)

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No. 950941[Reply]

>New “Viper Model” pic, same old crusty cumrag clothes, ratty polyester extensions, abysmal editing and shitty plastic backdrop >>875718

>Vicky to the rescue, how generous of her to offer up time out of her hectic schedule to replace Amber Heard in Aquaman >>876397
>Another one of her tattoo victims stops by, 10/10 delicious, absolute flavourtown >>876506
>Clearly back on the booze, immediately after the surgery she had that definitely wasn’t fabricated >>877404
>Icky Vicky now available in HD wallpaper, praise the lord >>878142
>Imagine being proud that you’re a misogynistic piece of shit, at the brown age of almost 40 >>878496
>Nobody, especially surgeons, thinks you’ve had surgery >>879918
>More excuses for not working, just give it up Vicky >>880301
>Claims she dumped her boyfriend of 1.5 years, immediately starts fishing for scrote attention on Facebook but is totally happy being single >>881791
>You don’t have any clients or close friends, Vicky >>884157
>The projection, my fucking sides >>884977
>Icky’s new hobby while “recovering” seems to be leaving rambling, grammatically incorrect and ultimately pointless reviews of doctors and restaurants on Google >>887268
>Makes some random old dude’s death all about her >>887606
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No. 954925

women have had children in their sixties and even seventies, but almost all of that was with IVF

No. 954927

Seems like she’s off Twitter licking Trumps asshole as a Canadian I wonder how She feels now about him. Such a smooth brained retard

No. 954948

…to support a man?

No. 954950

To support a child, anon

No. 954990

kek she’s a musician now oh lord(this is an imageboard)

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No. 953811[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>949775
The Basics:
>Luna is a 28 year old “sober” heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on/off “sex worker”
>Claims to have overdosed 9 times
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides make shitty art and write cringeworthy “poetry”
>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun; the most noteworthy illnesses include BPD and an elusive eating disorder
>Started dating her (now) 45 year old “fiancé” Matthew (also known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”; they’ve now been together for 10 years and he clearly has no intention of marrying her
>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but spergs on the internet about how vile it is to do so
>Loves to share her grimy life with all and sundry, including awful photos of her (now dead) cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, layers of dirt and mystery stains on every surface of her home, et cetera
>Constantly buys cheap garbage on Amazon with her dad’s credit card while complaining about being penniless

Historical Milk:
>Squandered a 50k dollar inheritance from her grandmother within the space of a year, claims it went on rent and bills when in reality she spent it on drugs and fuck knows what other useless shit
>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)
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No. 955051

Can you imagine what she wore to court?! How many mystery stains and where? Or, are court sessions like that still all in person, or on Zoom? Did she fill just the center of her brows, like a mental patient, and have just one eye turned towards the door?
And she pled 'not guilty'! Does she have to present some kind of defense to explain why she's not guilty?

No. 955052

It's especially funny because Lurch is also a fat bitch. Fat bitches stick together I guess

No. 955053

She has a state appointed lawyer assigned so tuna likely doesn't even have to speak or do anything besides maybe show up when required.

No. 955062

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the person he replied to about the session is an IRL escort, and he replied with this as well to another video of her blowing a black guy

No. 955063

exactly, fat moids especially need to shut up about women’s bodies forever
Lurch and Luna are looksmatched, they’re both manatees in filthy human clothes

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No. 871861[Reply]



>Dasha is outed by lolcow admin for posting 142 times in one thread alone >>>/pt/519998

>Posts included doxxing Mina via a photo of her passport, unreleased semi-nude photos stolen from Mina’s phone, rumors about Mina being a sugar baby, implying Edwin is a kiddy fiddler for dating a 20 year old, and praising/defending Dasha
>Edwin makes a video about the nonsense, alluding to her posts on lolcow
>An old clip resurfaces of Dasha saying "Sieg Heil, mein Führer!" while doing a Nazi salute >>>/pt/525575
>Dasha reacts by deleting her Twitter and making her Instagram accounts private, and announces she is getting “phone therapy” for her depression
>Dasha’s true form is revealed in pics and videos shot for a pluggednyc campaign >>>/pt/532499
>This was particularly delicious vis a vis her addiction to extreme shooping and the fact that she was also caught out editing Mina’s photos >>>/pt/533091
>Dasha and Cyr conspire to take down Edwin’s videos and ultimately have his YouTube channel deleted as revealed in leaked voice messages Dasha sent to her flying monkeys >>>/pt/534251.
>Someone who may or may not be Dasha assumed Mina’s identity and succeeded in getting Mina’s YouTube channel taken down (it has since been reinstated) >>>/pt/536040
>Cyr himself has yet to comment on the situation, leaving his attack dog NetNobody to whiteknight him against Edwin on Twitter >>>/pt/546541
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516 posts and 119 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 954721

Stop bumping your own thread.

No. 954729

lol what? Is everyone here really that dense that whenever someone brings up Mina instead of Dasha, you instantly think, Oh, it must be a self post!(sage your shit)

No. 954743

Jesus Christ. Cyr had a dramatic twink death. He used to be fairly attractive at one point before dating Dasha

No. 954838

He is so fucking disgusting
I thought he was so sexy when I was 13 kek

No. 954899

pisses me off that he’s doing fairly well on Twitch.(sage your shit)

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No. 948048[Reply]

Lillee Jean is a physically and emotionally stunted unwashed "beauty guru" turned "actress" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on
her suspended Twitter, and 22k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.
Lillee is best known for abusing copyright strikes to silence her many critics. LJ and her momager, Laur Trueman, have been on a multi-year "anti-bullying" rampage where they ruthlessly mock other people for their age, looks, socioeconomic status, and more, all for the crime of questioning Lillee.
Many dedicated Lillee critics have created callout videos and posts to expose her racist, dishonest, and absurd behaviour. However, Lillee and Laur remain convinced that this is all a conspiracy organized by one person out to get her.
>Extremely stunted social development due to being removed from school around 13-14 years old. Does not appear to have a single friend IRL besides her helicopter mom.
>Is now 23 years old but legitimately plays with dolls
>Speaks and writes in "attic pidgin", our affectionate name for her limited grasp of the English language (her only language)
>Claims to have a totally real, not-made-up boyfriend who is both a French diplomat and also a family friend since childhood. "Phillipe" (an incorrect spelling of the French name) seems to hop across continents, being either local or foreign depending on Lillee's convenience. Conflicting details about when they met suggest an inappropriate age gap (with a 23-year-old Pheepy asking out a 14-year-old Lillee). Her alleged boyfriend has no internet presence of his own, and has never been shown by Lillee, despite oversharing every other aspect of her life. As of Feb 2024, she claims she is single with absolutely no mention of Pheepy.
>Uses her "Jewish identity" to deflect all criticism as anti-Semitic, despite not practicing the Jewish religion OR having any clear Jewish lineage
>Constantly exaggerating her status in the beauty community with fake PR
>Got caught running her own fan pages, many of which were racist caricatures of minorities. This included (alleged) POC claiming to hate their own dark skin and wishing to be pale like Lillee.
>Once posted a photoshopped image of herself over Katy Perry's body, claiming to have attended the Met Gala. Later backtracked and tried to pass it off as a fan-edited image.
>Went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab, created a custom lipstick colour (the point of their business, which anyone can do) and advertised it as an official collab, claiming that her fans could ask for "the Lillee Jean collection" in all Bite stores. Bite Beauty formally asked her to stop making this false claim.
>Lillee participated in a public Covergirl ad campaign where anyone could submit selfies to be displayed on a scrolling billboard in Times Square. Lillee waited through hundreds of submissions to catch a photo of herself on the billboard, then posted it as though it were a collab where she exclusively modelled for Covergirl.
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No. 955001

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Finally some pants that fit her.

No. 955016

Huge improvement! If she stopped carrying crossbody bags on one side and the ok off the dopey hat, she’d pass as a perfectly normal person. Not an actress or model, but a normal person, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

She needs a dermatology appointment though. Her beard and moustache rash is almost purple.

Still, Laur bought her pants that won’t give her a UTI and that’s wonderful.

No. 955025

Perfect casual outfit to go pick up the kids from school or go to the grocery store (if she could drive of course). But happy for her because maybe this is the most normal she's ever felt, and I hope it feels good.

No. 955026

This is a pretty cute picture if you crop out her head, the outfit is cute! Her face ruins it and the hat looks retarded, if it were a normal fitted ball cap instead of being a boxy trucker hat it would be nicer. Even with the hideous giraffe neck guitar pick logo

No. 955043

Good for her! If she just relaxed her face a lil and wore the bag across instead of on one shoulder as a nona pointed out this would be a perfectly normal look- which Lillee might find insulting as she's going for off duty celeb/model/actress but girl.. normal is basically full on baddie or whatever compared to the usual crackhead energy and it should be celebrated imo. For real tho I'm actually really happy for her kek

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No. 890025[Reply]

A new thread was overdue so decided to make one to chronicle the shenanigan's of the now second place Ostrenga sister. for unfamiliar farmers see https://lolcow.farm/kiki

previous thread >>>/pt/818510

last thread:
>Kiki continues on her quest to find love. recent conquests include:
>Hottie bugatti >>818572
>Some russian >>830001
>Sweater fag >>840038
>Drug dealer >>845927
>Cosmic cowboy >>848262
>White guy with dreadlocks >>851598
>Homeless surfer (more on him later) >>865088

>Writes and publishes a recipe e-book about how to put almond milk, an overpriced fruit and bananas in a blender. Page layout designs are new age geocites website level of busy >>826633

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783 posts and 170 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 954537

are u serious? kaka made a video called 'jewelry truth' admitting she stole the designs that she's been filing copyright claims for other people using since 2008?
thats believable. more than likely a fabrication made by kaka to make it seem like it is that easy to get sued how she will do.
there's all kinds of milk that is irretrievably lost but for like 20 different peoples basement. but the tip of the iceberg is her privated youtube videos. the wayback machine wont play any of them but returned the title "Vadalism". maybe the stunt where she got her house spraypainted was a tribute to Vanessa Vadalism.
inb4 oldfags does anyone have some of this more surface level milk or?
i think spergchan needs to unleash her fury on the tiktok disney adults who are surprised she is the way she is

No. 954822


Just wanted to jump on to clarify.. Love bites & bruises was a fake company with a fake website that was built to trash Kiki’s jewelry. They never made those diamonds and was pretty much a smear campaign.

I remember being a fan of Kiki back in the day and have personally bought her jewelry - really didn’t understand the hate and fake smear campaign people made around it. They poorly photoshopped fake “cracks” in the strawberry jewelry, saying her pieces broke in the mail etc. I could’ve done a better job at photoshop lol.

Drama aside, her pieces are thick acrylic pieces not resin. I still have mine from 17 years ago and it still looks great(sage your shit/whiteknighting)

No. 954847

So much is lost to time. I passively followed the ostrengas because they were everywhere at the time, they had these super long buzznet pages that lagged like crazy. I searched for the strawberry necklaces and couldn't find them anywhere now, I remember discovering Kikis sister only because I thought they were super cute, obv couldn't afford them as a preteen. I remember a lot of random deleted stuff, I thought they were so cool because I was 11 but it makes me chuckle now. I wish someone could find the strawberry necklaces, they were pink and blue. I knew one girl who bought the diamond necklace and everyone ooohd and aaahhd because that was so richie rich. The thing broke really quickly. I completely forgot about them by the time I was 14 and when I saw them again, Dakota was photoshopping herself into an anorexic football and trying to sell those disturbing digital paintings for like a thousand dollars

No. 954956

It's in the first thread. >>16375

No. 954998

That one's different. The ones I'm thinking of were way smaller, maybe people were converting the phone strap version into necklaces.

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No. 946704[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/pt/926623

>Tiktok (INACTIVE)


>Deranged sketchbook tour mentions how she was raped but not sure by who, implied incest, wants to "arrest her parents" >>>/pt/926643

>Posting tiktoks claiming she's a man, showing off her ghost penis >>>/pt/926675
>Schizo posting thinking there's "something in her room" >>>/pt/926759
>Tiktok of her just eating a banana >>>/pt/926760
>Sperging about lethal injection for attention >>>/pt/926809
>Her car was towed >>>/pt/926853
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No. 954938

Yeah but it's right next to the part that goes on about being scared to die especially as she isn't religious, also mentions dysphoria, going back on T and something that will "come true finally" I think it's just an extension of her usual sperging, not an actual indication that she might

No. 954959

Damn I wondered how her talent suddenly jumped 1000x fold.

Can't imagine how sad it would be to look at baby photos and feel misgendered. Kek. Normal people don't look at their baby photos and think "I totally would never wear that."

No. 954974

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No. 954975

I swear to God she makes me chuckle. I want a book collection of her tweets.

No. 954985

A book of Sarah's tweets and FB posts would unironically be better than that poem book Gabby Hanna or whatever her name is did a few years ago kek

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