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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 1575241[Reply]

Previous Thread >>>/ot/1337722

Come draw together with anons! Nobody else in? Leave a doodle before you go! Everyone welcomed, artfags or not. Drawings of board-tan highly appreciated.

>How it works

Every doodle board has a theme to encourage creativity. There are currently 4 main boards that are cycled through, and when the current board is nearly full a poll will be posted for users to vote on the next theme. Polls stay up for about 2-3 days, and they are your sign that the board will be cleared soon. A picture of the completed board and the new theme name will be posted. Occasional reminders will be posted with the link and theme of the current board. Miss the previous theme? That's alright! Just go to the previous board and add your doodle. Make sure to post it to the thread when you're done.

If you have any theme requests, please post them! We always appreciate new theme suggestions. Themes are merely a suggestion, you can draw whatever you like on the board but please keep in mind that we have a shitpost/no theme board.

Aside from the main board(s), there may also be multiple active side boards at any given time. These side boards have themes such as coloring book, vent/horror, shitposting/no theme, etc.

If you make a new layer and then leave the board you may not be able to access that layer again due to restrictions put on the boards to protect against raids and defacing. In this case, feel free to ask in this thread for your layer back and an admin will assist you.

In general, please do not be afraid to ask for help with anything. Admins cannot be active 24/7 but we will try to help you work out any issues as soon as possible.

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No. 2406194

hi neighbors! doodlemin, I'm popping in from the moovie thread because when we started the current thread, an anon posted an idea of having drawanons make the thread image. is it possible to make a board to create a new thread image for the next moovie room thread? I'd love to see what anons come up with! just let me know if that's alright and thank you for all your work! always a pleasure to see the contributions in this thread.

No. 2406197

doodlemin here!, why not! ill make one tomorrow asap. do you want a certain theme to it? like the board being a cinema? or a outdoor cinema?

No. 2406202

how exciting!! we usually do images of cows watching movies, eating popcorn, things like that. I like the idea of an outdoor cinema with cows watching something and sharing snacks.

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No. 1936427[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1481070

>What are moovie nights?

When a host is available we hold a "moovie night" where we unite and watch movies together. Please refer to the announcement posts per event to see when they are scheduled. Everyone is encouraged to host!

>What is Tunesday?

Tunesdays are days when we listen to music, often according to a theme. They are held on Tuesdays, but you are free to hop in whenever and organize your own! Everyone is allowed to add music to the playlist. The host will alternate by who added what so everyone gets a chance to listen to their picks.

Timezone Resources
March-October: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20230713T190000&p1=tz_aet&p2=tz_awst&p3=tz_eest&p4=tz_cest&p5=tz_bst&p6=tz_et&p7=tz_ct&p8=tz_mt&p9=tz_pt
November-February: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20231214T190000&p1=tz_aet&p2=tz_awst&p3=tz_eet&p4=tz_cet&p5=tz_gmt&p6=tz_et&p7=tz_ct&p8=tz_mt&p9=tz_pt
Hint: when in doubt, update the date to the current one on the site linked above, it will let you know if daylight savings is in effect.


We have a dedicated room for Moovie Nights here:
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No. 2406053

God bless.

No. 2406107


yes, will make one after the stream

No. 2406159

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No. 2159378[Reply]

We have created a page which lists all the posts with missing images (ordered newest to oldest) to make it easier for any anons who may have the images to help out.
Click here to see them!

Due to an incident on August 29th 2024, all the images on /ot/ were deleted. We managed to restore the majority of the images through various methods. To read more about this, check this thread:

Current recovery status:
Only 627 missing images remaining out of 320,118

Updates were slow for a while as we worked through the forensically recovered files, which required some manual work to do effectively. Unfortunately, some images couldn't be recovered. As far as we can tell, many of these were lost well before the incident. The oldest posts appear to have been lost when the threads were moved from /g/ to /ot/ many years ago.

If you have any of the missing images, you can send them in bulk to admin@lolcow.farm, or you can report a post with a missing image and put an image URL as the report reason. We appreciate anyone who can contribute!

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No. 2394510[Reply]

A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly and the merely confused.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2374760
Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.

If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.

Random Questions thread: >>>/ot/2361589
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No. 2406333

i asked someone for help an hour before work ends. would it have been better to send it tomorrow morning or was it okay to send it now? i just wanted to get it out.

No. 2406334

I've been seeing a lot of anons talk about sugar cravings lately… are you sure you're not just hungry? I never want to eat more than a couple of pieces of my favorite candy after I've just eaten, much less a whole bag.
You might be understimulated, too. You can try doing some light exercise and see if that helps. Make sure you're hydrated as well.

No. 2406336

Just tell them you don't need an answer today and that tomorrow is fine too.

No. 2406365

Dumb food safety question:
I made fried eggs with cheese and kimchi for meal prep but apparently you can’t eat cooked scrambled eggs cold the next day and have to reheat it at 78 degrees Celsius for food safety??
Just wondering if I can safely eat scrambled eggs cold for a packed lunch or if I have to heat up a pan and eat these for breakfast. Which sucks because I had prepped pancakes for my breakfast and now will have to eat cold pancakes for lunch.

No. 2406367

I have… never heard of this. I used to eat cold eggs pretty often. Is there a microwave you can use at work?
Hopefully a professional cook/chef nona can chime in kek

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No. 704153[Reply]

ITT we post about what we learned today. Whether it's an interesting scientific fact, an important life lesson, or whatever.
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No. 2402340

is someone running a bot and posting the most retarded shit it can come up with on every thread or what?

No. 2402407

classic lolcor!

No. 2403388

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TIL italian male Donna Summer fans are..like that
A few months ago an anon in the confessions thread admitted to using AI to reply to posts so this is actually possible

No. 2403397

We need to kill this bitch. AI on MY lolcor… I feel like goku

No. 2406362

There's a Korean urban legend that the word "Obama" is short for a Korean phrase meaning "tonight, you can drink, I'll drive you home." It's not true but it's a popular joke there. Obama memes transcend cultures and countries.

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No. 2405774[Reply]

Previous: >>>/ot/2351907

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
-screencaps are necessary while talking about milk
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No. 2406298

Post art.

No. 2406304

Report and ignore the infighter. Replying to them only makes it worse.

No. 2406305

I'm not the ayrt and honestly don't care about who's right about a bunch of artists who've been dead for hundreds of years before my birth, I'm just having a laugh at your tard tantrum and how you're still here after your sassy goodbye in >>2406276 kek

No. 2406307

Also dead. Too full of politics and trannies for me to want to gain traction. Was greeted immediately with insane postings of retards when I first made an account. At least Twitter had the benefit of remaining clueless by being an older site when I made an account there for the first time.

No. 2406360

>being a famous artist with a hundred devoted yumes at my beck and call
Cringe. You seem to only care about popularity and not your husbando himself.

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No. 2262680[Reply]

Continue to discuss news stories that upset and disturb you more than usual, crimes, disasters and events that stay on your mind, stories of criminals, victims and survivors that you want to discuss etc. Try to post relevant pictures, names, links to articles, websites etc if you can, so that people can look up the cases for themselves easier.
Previous thread >>2146125
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No. 2406341

Oh, I'm anon that mentioned the underfunding. I heard the flight was coming from the states, so I thought there could be other factors related to it at play (fuel, pre-flight checklist, etc). Sorry if what I said was misleading about this crash.

No. 2406350

I don't think it's productive to try to understand them, i'm more concerned over what makes europeans think that letting them in is a good idea.

No. 2406354

If they were smart they wouldn't be religious, much less muslims. Stupid people are gonna make stupid choices.

No. 2406358

The idea that not letting them in would be inhumane and racist even though they currently crash our already strained social systems and are even more misogynistic and violent than our homegrown ones.
No, the Netherlands had underground animal brothels and became the last European country to ban bestiality in 2015.

No. 2406361

samefag. Denmark, my bad

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No. 2342535[Reply]

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2276512
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No. 2406326

I will, cuz I'm about to tear off someones head off. I feel like someone punched my puppies

No. 2406327

Yeah that started being a thing in my 20s too, don't have PMS tho. Take with grain of salt but I read reducing sugar in your diet can reduce the pain because sugar causes inflammation and messes with hormones? I tried it once and I didn't get boob pain that cycle but I didn't keep up with it afterwards to see if it was just a fluke or not

No. 2406328

tbh I need to reduce sugars and bread in my diet anyway. I'm booking an appoitment but I'll be reducing sugar just cuz

No. 2406331

Agreed, we don't need 50+ posts whining about "THE THREADPIC ISN'T FUNNY, REMAKE IT NOW" like goddamn, maybe stop being a lazy newfag and make threads yourself then kek

No. 2406353

Yeah, it's kind of weird how entitled and impatient everyone is. The vent thread got filled last night, and instead of making a new one, retards started shitting up mundane things. What? I don't make threads but I just picked a photo, copied everything over, proofread, checked my styling, and hit post… it took less than five minutes, but it seems as if designated anons aren't online, nobody will help maintain the site they all want to shit up.
And it's not a big deal if you mess up. Anon last night accidentally broke her link in the new artist salt thread, I let her know why it was doing that, and she remade. Nobody was mad or anything, I was very happy she made the new thread at all. And she went above and beyond in my opinion, because most anons don't bother to correct mistakes in their ops.

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No. 2385632[Reply]

>don't be stupid
>be a good citizen
>no non-americans

Previous threads #33-23:
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No. 2406275

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It crashed in Canada but it is an American airline and a flight that departed from the US. Nonas what the FUCK is going on. I know they think it was most likely weather issues that caused the plane to lose control but still. I’m getting on an 11 hour flight on Saturday and it feels like I’m playing a slot machine kek

Idc that it was just the weather/winds. I think having such insane political turmoil has an impact on everyone and everything. It’s like we’re a retarded third world country that can’t have safe flights anymore

No. 2406345

>Elon Musk's DOGE revealed Tuesday that President Donald Trump has saved taxpayers a staggering $55 billion in less than a month. It said the savings were found through a combination of detecting and deleting fraud, canceling contracts and leases, and selling assets.

No. 2406348

BIG doubt.

No. 2406351


No. 2406364

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The selling of assets I find interesting, I hadn't really heard of it so I looked it up, and honestly what's the point of reducing this spending when to do so you are dismantling the government willy-nilly? Why would you tell a department to sell off all their assets and end their leases and tell them no more work from home?? (i mean, i understand he's gutting everything but still it's so inane)

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No. 2397894[Reply]

Mundanity is in the air edition

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events from your everyday life.

Previous thread: >>2381717
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No. 2406190

The guy in the unit below me got a new car and unknown to him I have also ordered the same car but in black. I'm raging.

No. 2406200

Samefag, I did it! I hit an ok E5 and F#5. I can rest in peace now knowing my voice isn't that bad and it's just the cold standing in my way the previous times I tried to sing it.

No. 2406216

Been phasing in weighting and using chatgpt to help me count macros, and holy fuck they didn't lie about what an eye opener it is even when you think you are doing things "right"! It wouldn't be too bad if I still had the time to go to the gym and burn the surplus off but fuuuuck… gotta see if I can squeeze in some home cardio before bed or something.

No. 2406220

Maybe buy weights and do lifting and squatting with a weight at home?

No. 2406347

Having a nice passion fruit and berries fresh juice from one of my favorite local restaurants after eating a brisket sandwich from there. It's so good and obviously fresh, it has seeds in it. I was hesitant to try it out because of the price, but eventually caved in and bought one out of curiosity. I thought it would be much bigger though.

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