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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 91747[Reply]

See the last thread for outcome of the first poll and for a description of how voting works.

60% of users have voted for some kind of persistent VPN ban and the purpose of this runoff poll is to determine how that should be implemented. We have limited the voting options to the 3 that had the most votes from those in favour of a persistent ban.

If a VPN ban is put in place we will:
- Create exceptions for sensitive/legally risky threads (e.g. ex-muslim thread, TERF/anti-trans threads)
- Create a way for users in countries that block lolcow.farm (e.g. Russia, China) to bypass the ban
- Monitor the health of the site and consider removing the ban if it is detrimental to it

Threads on boards that are not subject to a VPN ban may have a thread-specific ban implemented if they have a problem with ban evaders or being raided by scrotes.

The poll will automatically close in one week on the 26th of March and the option with the most votes will be implemented ASAP.

How should VPN banning work?

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No. 90723[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/meta/89037
974 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 91908

I reported that shit. It's actually disgusting

No. 91909

I swear it's like one or two unintegrated retards who use TikTok slang

No. 91910

I made a potential new thread pic and got banned for fan art, is that normal? should future threadpic suggestions just be left out?

No. 91911

Can we address that the mods are genuinely retarded? Like, 16 year old zoomer on tiktok retarded? Farmhands need to be held accountable.

No. 91913

imo that's insane. It's one thing if a thread is being spammed with nona-created pics, but that's not the case. LC has always had nonas making funny edits occasionally and creative threadpics. That's not fanart.

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No. 65391[Reply]

This is a containment thread for meta discussion that doesn't fall into complaints and suggestions. Feel free to tinfoil or talk about the state of the site but try to avoid being too autistic.

If cerbmin needs to hear it, post it here.

NEW /meta/ THREAD: Site Updates Thread

Previous responses to anons:
>>62774, >>62928 regarding moovie thread
>>62963 accusing other users of being moids
>>63136 explaining infighting from a handful of users

Previous threads, newest to oldest:
733 posts and 69 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 91881

You need to sage in celebricows

No. 91882

Go back to kiwifarms

No. 91883

You aren't even going to mention the troons, retard?

No. 91888

>i cant bait anymore and im seething
sucks to suck but i agree on too many moid themed boards on ot same on m aswell

No. 91889

lurk moar

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No. 70855[Reply]

How many admins do we have left? Communication admin is obviously gone. What about the other two?

No. 70856

Kek we have one admin and 3 staff members? If I'm not mistaken

No. 70897

Did you really need to create a whole new post for something that could have gone in the meta discussion thread?

No. 91856

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Has anyone seen proof of life from the “other two” admins because I’ve only seen the admin with the teal tag.

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No. 1706[Reply]

Excuse my autism, but I've noticed posters sometimes seem to mix up the following terms. I see this on other websites, too. This is understandable, since the terms are vague and not widely known.

These are subjective to some degree, but here is how I personally define them.


This is a general term for deceptive posting. It can mean the following things:

- Taking on more than one persona in a thread to make it seem like your view has wider support than it actually does. This is also called sockpuppeting. May involve replying to your own posts agreeing with yourself, or significantly changing writing style to make it seem like a different person is also giving similar positive or negative remarks. Particularly dedicated samefags may try to use a different IP address as well.

- Making multiple posts back-to-back, without obvious indication they were all made by you. This is not always deceptive, though is often annoying.

- May also apply to general false or omitted self-identification. For example, if the subject of a /pt/ thread started secretly and anonymously posting in her own thread to disagree with people or defend herself, this may also be called samefagging. There may be a better term for this, but if there is, I'm not yet aware of it.


Posting about yourself in any way, whether anonymous or self-identifying. For example: posting a picture of yourself, linking to your own profiles, giving excessive details about your life, etc. Self-posts are completely acceptable in some threads and some contexts, but they usually are frowned upon otherwise. You shouldn't try to make yourself stand out on an anonymous board. Valid spellings also include self posting and selfposting.

Vendetta / vendettafag / vendetta-posting

Posting about someone as if you are a random person who happens to dislike them, when in reality you have some sort of personal connection or grudge. Often involves samefagging. Generally has no relation to self-posting, except in cases of self-victimization. In cases where you present the chan with an implicit or explicit "call to action", to further your vendetta, this is also called a personal army (PA) request. It often involves misleading or deceptive information.

An example of a vendetta post would be arguing with a girl on social media, and later posting a thread calling her a whore. Asking people to send things to her parents, or falsely claiming she's violated some site's terms of service and requesting people report her, or including her address and phone number in the post, would be a vendetta post as well as a personal army request.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
200 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 91442

I'm so tired

No. 91490

It's for "funny" content about the cow, not just any content. E.g. a selfie is not milk.

No. 91496

it depends on the selfie. but milk is just anycl cringy actions of cows. doesn't need to be funny. the definition is broad and we need to post random selfies as part of archiving. admin is just pushing the milk and "don't post x" shit because it tips the bandwidth when in reality we should be posting as much as possible incase things get deleted and brought up later in a different context.

No. 91643

what's a munchie

No. 91644

Person who has Munchausen. Fakes diseases for attention

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No. 87485[Reply]

Voting is now closed! We will announce the winner in a new thread in the next few days.

2024 has been quite the year, let's celebrate it coming to an end with the Lolcow Awards! Nominate in the following categories:

Best Milk
Worst Milk
Favorite Cow
Worst Cow
Biggest Plot Twist
Bleakest Cow
Best Comeback
Best Thread
Worst Thread
Best Comment
Most Cursed Comment
Most Retarded Infight
Best Shitpost
Best Cow Fanart
Best Drawing
Best Picmix

>greentext your category

And write your nominations below

Linking post numbers is appreciated but not required, and you can make multiple nominations within one post. Nominations will close on the 20th of December and voting will begin!
115 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 91068

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Hello Cerbmin, are you alive? Where are you hiding?

No. 91230

but where is it actually?

No. 91296

I hope to see the results soon! As long as they eventually come out I'm fine with patiently waiting.

No. 91544

results pls, i see you with the vpn poll

No. 91572

Its been 3 months now come on

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No. 56111[Reply]

I’m looking for entertaining, drama filled threads. What are some favorites that you guys liked to read? I liked the jaelle and nika series, Shayna, Erin painter, and onision happenings
127 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 91542

Soren (she killed herself)

No. 91543

I remember there was one cow who died and people actually felt kinda bad but I can’t recall her name. And she’s still alive but ready to glare is also a cow who makes me sad. Her pretentious youtube videos are definitely cringeworthy, but the way her thread ends is quite heartbreaking.

No. 91547

did she? I thought she died from srs complications

No. 91549

Nah she killed herself right after she got the surgery. May as well have burnt the money used for the surgery

No. 91551

i felt bad for kadee konstantino. yeah she was a lying munchie drug addict but the circumstances of her death were pretty grim and i don't think she deserved to go out the way she did

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No. 91498[Reply]

This poll is now closed, click here to see the runoff poll

If a VPN ban is put in place, we will create exceptions for threads where users in certain countries may be legally at risk for posting in them (e.g. ex-muslim thread, TERF/anti-trans threads). We are also aware that users in some countries can’t access the site due to government censorship (e.g. Russia, China) and we will create a way for those users to contact us and get a workaround for the VPN ban so that they can continue to use the site. Regardless of the outcome, VPN posting may be temporarily banned sitewide during raids.

You should vote from the device and browser that you generally use to post. You must have post history from before the poll was created to be eligible to vote, this is to ensure that the poll cannot be rigged. If you regularly clear your browser storage, or the browser you use does this automatically, it may prevent you from being able to vote by interfering with your posting history.

If you have already voted, submitting again will not count your vote, but you will be able to see an up to date count of the results. You can only submit the form once per minute in order to prevent abuse.

The poll will automatically close in one week on the 18th of March. If there is no clear majority, a runoff poll will begin on the 19th of March. The results of the poll will be implemented when polling finishes.

How should VPN banning work? - RESULTS
  • Banned on all boards: 98 votes (21.8%)
  • Banned on all boards, excluding the hidden board: 30 votes (6.7%)
  • Banned on all off topic boards and on an ad hoc basis for individual milk board threads: 62 votes (13.8%)
  • Banned on /ot/ and on an ad hoc basis for threads on all other boards: 80 votes (17.8%)
  • Banned only on an ad hoc basis: 179 votes (39.9%)

Total votes: 449

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No. 6821[Reply]

Post all technical help questions and technical/feature suggestions here. This is the place to go if you're having some problem with the site or want to request a new feature.

If you have some non-technical issue, like wanting mods to do something or a suggesting a change in policy, please use >>1134

If you want to email me: admin@lolcow.farm


  • Rules: https://lolcow.farm/rules
  • Max file size is 20 MB.
  • Boards have unlimited pages and threads allow unlimited posts. However, all threads will "bump-lock" after 1200 posts. This means further posts will no longer bump a thread.

You can read more site usage information at https://lolcow.farm/info. If you are new to imageboards, please read it.

Post styling

*words* => words
**words** => words
***words*** => words
##spoilered text## => spoilered text
[spoiler]spoilered text[/spoiler] => spoilered text
~#words#~ => words
#<3 => ♥
818 posts and 97 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 91014

I was automatically permabanned (and unbanned in the meantime), exactly like this anon >>90461, but I still keep getting redirected to farmcow, even though I cleared my cache, what can I try to fix it?

No. 91023

I'm trying to post this video in the chuckle thread:
But it's not being accepted. I copied it straight from tiktok and the format seems correct. What's going on?

No. 91031

I think it's their username. I had an issue trying to post a tiktok from someone whose username started with a symbol.

No. 91603

No. 91611

test test

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No. 73959[Reply]

As the board software is being upgraded, it is likely that bugs may crop up from time to time. Please use this thread to report any bugs.

Do not respond to other users in this thread. To discuss bugs, please use the General Meta Discussion thread.
434 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 90994

Whenever I try to post this image (https://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/sites/default/files/featureimages/PADutchExhibit.jpg) as a local copy saved to my device, I get a 500 internal server error. Posting on mobile, chrome/android.

No. 91013

On mobile using safari sometimes images I tap to enlarge are opened in a new tab. Happens to links to posts or threads too. Not sure if my phones display is misbehaving or it’s a safari issue perhaps.

No. 91035

The pictures in this thread are broken:

No. 91037

Thank you for the report! Two of us moved the thread over at the same time yesterday and it seems when the duplicate was deleted it deleted all of the images from the server. It has now been fixed. >>>/g/492830

No. 91038


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The lolcows posted here are, shockingly, not works of fiction or falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as false.