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No. 2087357[Reply]

Lately milk is very skimmed and cows are more silent than usual, but we still had some interesting posts and additions.
Previous thread: >>>/snow/2045809

Momsfav: she’s under strict observations of some nonnies that are waiting for her to drop at the usual skeletal state. We shall see

The Twins: an anon asked about them 6 times in the thread, but they’re alive and well (for their standards).

Fi: she’s silent, more than she ever has been (is she breathing tho?)

Lavipop94: everything she posts is more confusing than the previous and that makes it difficult to really understand what’s going on.

find.ingrfances: she was (and probably still is) admitted at death doors and the stress of it made her headbang so hard some anons didn’t even recognize her. She proudly displayed it on ig, along with her birthday pics where her family look utterly done with it.

Jaycie: she thinks we’re obsessed with her and that we’re eagerly awaiting for her to post some other shitty lies. She still didn’t loose any weight or change in any way.
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No. 2091525

You're probably right. I'm not sure what made me think she was IP for an ed. I think something on her profile said it was ed but I'll have to check.

No. 2091526

I didn't see these pics. Maybe she made a new post. I'm speechless at the privilege. This is not a serious psych ward. Can't be anything much wrong with her because I don't see any of the usual psych ward hall marks here at all. It looks like she has a TV in her (massive) room which isn't inside a cabinet. She has normal plates IN HER ROOM which could easily be smashed. She has her phone and laptop. Normal bedsheets and pillow case. A closet for her clothes. Gets to have all her stuff with her.Staff giving her nail polish and fake tan and doing unorthodox and boundary crossing things. This is clearly a place for people who aren't really sick.

No. 2091528

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Anyone knows whats going on with her belly? Comments suggest she has liver failure or odema from organ failure.

No. 2091538

Whoa, I have not seen her look like this before. This is alarming.

No. 2091544

Yea me neither, I wonder it's possible to intervene somehow? She looks like she's about to drop dead, her facial expressions are so slow as well

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No. 2091522[Reply]

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans"community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2351915

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2091540

Kek I couldn't help feeling sad when I saw the thread pic despite the subject matter, I hate seeing an animal in distress even if it's just a cartoon.

No. 2091542

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Found this fucking ogre on reddit who's unemployed, retarded, and terrifying

No. 2091543

YandereDev if he trooned out.

No. 2091550

i looked at his post history and there are nudes

No. 2091551

He probably has Cushing physiognomy kekk

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No. 2031556[Reply]

The Karl Jacobs allegations summary



Opening statement for context
1. Predatory sexual behavior towards creators and fans
2. Public Controversies
3. Not paying and not crediting Artists
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No. 2031594

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Screenshots (P)

No. 2031596

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Screenshot (P+)

No. 2031598

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11. Addition: Setting the record straight about stan projections

- Fanbase inserting „sob story“ and „idolization“ narratives in order to absolve Karl from accountability, inject empathy into otherwise sociopathic behavior or parasocially „feeling and thinking“ on behalf of him ((Screenshots (T) Examples: Claiming for months Karl has an „eating disorder“, because „he gets bullied by haters“ =/= him clarifying multiple times he occasionally forgets/delays a meal due to ADHD completely unrelated. Again pushing for the ED when „Mr.B visited him to feed him“ =/= Mr.B and Karl filming a basic promotion video for B-Burger. Claiming he looks „so sad“, because „people say he ruined Mr.B“ =/= being sleep deprived due to workaholism and stating he only laughs about that slogan. Claiming he's an „innocent virgin“ and idol for the „aro ace community“ =/= isn't a virgin, is not aro ace, goes on dates, sexts, had girlfriends. Spreading on wiki sites he's a „nice Hufflepuff“, because he's so „wholesome and loves nature“ =/= tested as Slytherin with Tinakitten describing him as „the most slytherin motherfucker i ever met ever, he is so evil“ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zqdb92mRPLE&t=5620s 1:41:33-1:41:49 and 1:49:25-1:49:30) and on his own account even „dislikes nature“. Dozens of tiktoks claiming he was „stunned in sadness“ during TinaKitten's birthday stream because of „chat messages of Technoblades death“ =/= Karl knowing about it far prior and idling for 5 seconds as a pouty comedy bit in direct reaction to BrookeAB teasing him. Fans praising his „wholesome softboi nerd uwu image“ =/= When asked about himself he joked he „wants to be a bad inspiration“ and is „bad to the bone“. In the Padilla Interview he is not surprised that people regularly publish heinous things he's said and done - not fearing what they might be, but wondering how upset people might be this time. Also, due to it being shown in „innocent minecraft graphics“, people tend to miss that his content mainly thematically revolves around fighting for money, powerplays or playing god, mind games, people manipulating and betraying each other, mass destruction, mutilation, torture and death. (Screenshots T+)

- Despite stans insisting of him acting as a role model, Karl gePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 2031599

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Screenshots (T+)

No. 2091534

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Adding to the grooming allegations: This still active tiktok thread clarifies in the comments it's about Karl. (Minors coming forward)

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No. 2088555[Reply]

“Lisa Yo” is a 23 year old German “influencer” who has indulged in an extremely unhealthy amount of plastic surgery to look asian despite being fully German. She floods her socials with bots that validate her extreme transracial lifestyle. She has put almost all of the information about her past under the rug.
>Fully German, lies about being half Mongolian
>obsessed korean culture and products
>Extremely anorexic
>Has gotten a SHITLOAD of plastic surgery done to look asian, none of the work done is proportionate to her natural face shape
>Her comment section on IG reels is often full of people being disturbed about her botched look, she often deleted their comments and floods it all with bots comments. Her entire social media presence is fabricated
>She had an old account where she looked normal, on the right, (kind of) where she was still on about her koreaboo shit named “lisartesandcookies”
>Was often made fun of on the German side of youtube for her appearance before discovering her true transracial self
>She has put everything about her past social media presence under the rug
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@its_lisayo?lang=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/its_lisayo/
Youtube (Old/Defunct): lisartesandcookies
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@lisayoooo?si=4-i9pj7SFC6q1qOi
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No. 2091517

her lying about >>2088666 being a nose implant she had to get removed which led her to her miss Piggy Necro Michael Jackson tier nose is absolutely hysterical. if she would just admit that she hated herself so much she changed every feature, it would be fine, she can destroy herself as she wishes but to lie about it to this degree is mentally ill

No. 2091533

Most males are pedophiles, I'm sorry to say.

No. 2091539

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I know i am not suppossed to encourage more surgery but her philtrum makes her look ghoulish imho a lip lift would make her look less scary cause that philtrum is scary long

No. 2091547

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is this her? found on pimeyes

No. 2091548

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and thiss

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No. 2076941[Reply]

Billionaire exploiting his workers whilst neurotically dog whistling on Twitter and abusing various drugs.

>Names of X’s investors are revealed >>2028853
>Musk sexually harasses Taylor Swift after she endorses Kamala >>2032438
>Azealia Banks defends Taylor Swift against Musk >>2033097
>Errol Musk “exposes” his son on a podcast >>2036000
>Musk attends a Trump rally >>2042640
>More Musk cringe at a Trump rally >>2051551
>Musk galvanizes male MAGA voters >>2053683
>Musk publicly flirts with his ex, Grimes >>2054029
>Errol Musk praises his son for embracing Apartheid family heritage >>2063091
>Musk spends Thanksgiving with one of his baby mamas, Shivon Zilis >>2069394
>Musk declares war on his own fanboys >>2071527
>Musk double downs on his support for Indian immigration >>2071530
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No. 2091495

it's off putting when an actual honest to god sped tries this hard, him trying to be funny is like Shayna trying to be sexy

No. 2091515

he's south african. that's just the accent people have there. it's terrible. many people don't know it in the US but outside the US south african is regarded as the worst english accent in the world.

No. 2091520

This gave me cancer.
You just made that up. The Afrikaner accent is awesome. Everyone loves it here in Australia. Shitlon abandoned SA and pretends to be American now with that fake accent. It's enragingly cringe.

No. 2091549

people HATE the South Effriken accent in the UK, it’s constantly mocked
but Leon’s accent is kind of a roll-your-own tour of the most annoying accents from all the world’s English-speaking nations, with autism sauce and ketamine mumbles

No. 2091552

Unironically he and Vicky Shingles would be the best couple

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No. 2074306[Reply]

The previous 14 threads were about Grimes and Elon Musk. Elon and Grimes are no longer together, so their threads will be separate from now on.

>>2028186 claire reveals herself to formally be “the single pro patriarchy bitch on the planet”


Serial sexual assaulter And frequent grimes collaborator/ good friend nusi quero thankfully kills himself

>>2032721 Apparently he was making a porn time capsule with claire and showed her private pics to other girls, and one of his last tweets was talking to her on her private about hanging out (she knew he was a rapist atp)

>>2032954 Constantly replying to elon on twitter instead of texting him like a normal person with a private relationship

>>2033664 Claire unedited singing voice revealed, its hideous.

>>2034786 Claire dyes hair her leelo orange
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No. 2091514

he's also been carting X around in Washington to the point that people are referring to him using the four-year-old as a human shield, so if there's something thAT kid needs to have addressed, very unlikely that either the dad or the child are willing to go sit in an unfun doctor's office with unfun mommy.
how Elon has any custody over his children whatsoever, I do not know. Surely someone should be able to make the argument that he is too busy with his DOGE bullshit and too vehemently hated by the general public to be able to irresponsibly cart their child around to public events like this.

No. 2091519

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Na I don’t buy it tbh.
Theres a reason many posts here and on the subreddit sound exactly like picrel.
Grimace isn’t a “perfect victim” but I’m certain now that we’re watching an insidious form of DV. We know he is a control freak. We know he gets off on hurting things/people (not a nurturing bone in his body obviously) we know he bugs the cars and probably homes of the women he’s involved with. Hell he’s probably behind the spergler nazi accounts, just talking to himself all day on different accounts in a fuckin k hole.
Kanye is the same type piece of shit as Elon on the Bristol stool scale, they treat women the exact same. Seriously, think about it. Screech all you want but come back to this post in 6 months.
There was a post a long time ago that was deleted which spoke of Elons online stalking activities and just how many dummy accounts he has, like, apparently thousands.
You think an incel this obsessed with his hair plugs and body fat percentage is not chronically online trying to shape the narrative about himself - by any means possible? I think he’s a sociopath who chimps out daily and emotionally and physically abuses everyone in his life in order to keep his own dark secrets with Epstein under wraps. Pretty obvious.

No. 2091521

Elon is literally causing the deaths of children around the world right now. He uses his own toddler as a human shield. It absolutely does not matter to him if his children live or die

No. 2091531

oh i remember this account, this was the one where elon was roleplaying as his son and then he accidentally revealed the official elon account belonging to him and then he deleted his account where he roleplayed as his son X.

No. 2091541

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Now it’s pretty much confirmed Elon was the one messaging Azaelia about his mangled penis. Wasn’t this during the 420 secured episode, that the SEC was looking into him for? I’m sure this was when he was trying to lure AB from grimaces account to offer her an impregnation package. KEK predictable moid. AB being a bruja knew she was looking the devil in the eye and gtfoutta thereeee



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No. 2080821[Reply]

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2351915

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2091461

Not Rock & Rule and Space Ace! I hate this old pervert and he somehow became worse.

No. 2091475

isnt this faggot the one implying that all women are the same by generalising the female race and amplifying a very vocal minority?

No. 2091477

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this is so sad because he would be so cute as a boy

No. 2091478

a little rape would set him on the right path(alogging)

No. 2091487

I dont get it, why would moids sabotage their dicks like this.

>be cute guy

>women and men drooling and simping after you
>become tranny
>most people disgusted by you
>dating pool is now other troons, blue haired fat themlets and vaush tier greasy perverts

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No. 2022653[Reply]

Kristian "Varg" Vikernes aka Burzum, Count Grishnackh and Louis Cachet
>infamous black metal musician, murderer and arsonist from norway now living in france with his family
>notorious neonazi and chronically online sperg since the early 2000s
>creator of the failed nazi ttrpg MYFAROG
>author of countless self-published books mostly consisting of unedited, incoherent ramblings about his life and racist ideology
>father of 8 kids including one he had with a norwegian woman at 18 and who he's not in contact with
>huge breeding fetish and freudian obsession with foreskin disguised as ideological and religious beliefs
>list of peoples, things and ideas he hates too long to include and differentiates from day to day

Marie Cachet
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No. 2091401

Autists are retarded. Literally. Autism isn't a defect of cognition, it's a genetic defect of metabolism and mitochondrial function. There is nothing "healthy" about the autistic brain because there is nothing healthy about the autistic body.

No. 2091404

This. Moids are hyperaware of how devastating pregnancy and childrearing is to women's bodies, social lives and romantic lives, it's why abusive men usually have more children

No. 2091405

This. It's been proven that autistic people have full body inflammation, from their brain to their gut.

No. 2091437

I blame the muh extreme male ebin logik brain "researchers" and autism superpower boymoms. I also find it comical how the gender screeching about DEI was the first one to try and fashion their literal retardation and deformity into a special and unique ability.

Most autistic people, even high functioning ones, appear to be physically diseased from just a glance.

No. 2091502

kek @ Varg thinking people live in big cities solely for recreational purposes instead of other reasons, like access to a more diverse job market, because he has spent his life being a fat lazy sped who's either been in jail or doing fuck all.

it's hard to comprehend the outside world when your entire existance has been recreational.

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No. 2073307[Reply]

Thread to discuss radical feminist or radfem-adjacent lolcows.

This thread is not for discussion/discourse about ideology or anything else that isn't discussion of radfem lolcows and their milk. There are many other places for that.


Seba Abdullah / Mithliya (formerly Menalez)
>Straight DDLG blogger turned "lesbian" radfem
>Constantly powerlevels about being "literally from a third world country!" despite the elephant in the room that she lives a more privileged life than most first worlders because her family is wealthy
>Lied about being black for years
>Still uses AAVE online despite dropping the larp
>Over exaggerates every aspect of her life, thinks having BPD means she's "disabled" and having sold nudes online a couple of times makes her a "prostitution survivor"
>Known on radblr for constantly creating drama and driving women she doesn't like off the site by siccing her followers on them
>Threw a huge self-victimizing fit and "left tumblr" earlier this year because her years of consistent malicious behavior towards other women were criticized by people who weren't dismissable retards, came back 3 weeks later
>Always dismisses all criticism directed at her as racism, believes that what happened in the last bullet was that "the racists banded together n [sic] attacked [her]"
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No. 2091507

She’s fat.

No. 2091512

KEK self-poster attention seeker confirmed. You literally forgot the fact that you were still on your account when you took this screenshot, i can see your edit profile button. Attention seeking and talking about yourself in third person so that anons talk about you….cringe

No. 2091513

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Nayrt but Nonna said picrel was a screenshot that LsPajeet posted. See MY picrel

No. 2091527

You retard it’s from the accounr

No. 2091545

Nah don't WK the biggest RF cow alive on this thread. Sheila Jeffreys is so obsessed with male attention she goes up to random lesbians and tells them men want to fuck them because of their looks (=younger or more attractive than her). She's fascinating to me because every negative cliche about feminists is real when it comes to her. Behaves just like a bitter tradthot who's engaged in constant intrasexual competition, there's not even a drop of concern for women behind her rhetoric, it's all in service of her deep obsession with men. Truly the blueprint for male-obsessed crackpots with cult leader ambitions

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No. 1222039[Reply]

The spam community on Instagram is a community where people (generally private accounts with no connections to irls) overshare their lives. Most accounts don't gain much traction but there are a few notorious cows on the app, these 3 have threads that are either dying or locked. If there is any others let the farm know.

Jaelle Stiles:
> 21 year old NEET who sits on social media all day and lurks
> Has been on the internet since 2011
> Used to be best friends with many spams including Julia, Nika, Lex, and Iana
> Had a mother who passed away of cancer
> Livestreamed her reaction right as she was passing
> Does insanely disgusting things for attention including sticking a used tampon in her mouth, smoking a tampon, drinking bleach, and letting her own mother give her hickeys.
> Searches her name constantly on social media for any sense of relevance
> Deletes her account once a month only to come back weeks later

Nika Petrova:
> 19 year old drug addict poly sex worker anachan
> Drug of choice is heroin, benzos and possibly meth?
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No. 2091282

no but she takes poor care of her dog. always asks for donos to take her dog to the vet but never does always some excuse why she can't. she has ran over someone on live stream while she was reading the chat

No. 2091296

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this is so disturbing

No. 2091311

Kek what the fuck are we even supposed to do, we're just here to gawk at the trainwreck

No. 2091321

We're not your personal army faggot. Call the police if you're so concerned and stop bumping the thread. Moids are so mentally deranged

No. 2091364

Literally what the fuck is your goal here? Like what do you expect us to do? Call the cops? Go to her house? Host her intervention? This is a site for rubbernecking Internet dumpster fires, not putting them out. If you think something needs to be done, fuck off and do it yourself, faggot.

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