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No. 2083115[Reply]

After several threads filled with blogposting, infighting, and the posting of off-topic (yet still effusive with milk) cows due to low pro-ana cow activity, nonnies of the Pro-Ana Scumbag threads were finally able to agree on something: we need a separate thread for these Cluster B(itches).

This psych ward is open to: diagnosis-in-bio oversharers, headbangers and scratchers, revolving door patients (not munchies), cows with personality disorders, lurkers/posters, and probably some other criteria that are yet to be determined.

Do some of these cows have eating disorders? Yes. Maybe. Kind of.
Does the majority of their milky behaviour have to do with their eating disorder? No.

The Pro-Ana Scumbags thread will inevitably have some cow crossover with the Cluster B(itches) thread from time to time, but please refrain from posting cows whose antics aren't primarily related to their eating disorder in the Scumbags thread.

Last thread: >>>/snow/2054439

Laura: https://www.instagram.com/flourishingfxiry/
Posted a 4 month “glow-up”. Such an incredible difference! A photoshopped and filtered picture compared to an unedited one! Laura reunited with Dween, her ex girlfriend, no, friend, no, lover. Whatever their relationship is, it’s weird.

Enara: https://www.instagram.com/enaralouise
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No. 2102366

Of course she “has” “Ehlers Danlos” “syndrome”

No. 2102373

If someone has been fabricating Enara messages you are the nuttiest nut of them all. Crazier than colours! You deserve your own thread.

No. 2102375

this is edited, look at the 't' after 'but' in the second line, it's been chopped and changed.

No. 2102409

Omg thank youuu im glad you saw the mcas post too i literally was thinking i was going crazy over here when she was straight up pretending she had never heard of mcas before! I was kicking myself for not DMing her about it because I almost did to give her advice but then I got busy and forgot kek.

No. 2102508

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I don't have access to enara's cf list anymore. She must have culled some of the followers. I was searching through the reels that my friends have liked. I initially believed enara about the mcas post however, after seeing her like this reel, it's hard to believe she is telling the truth. F, I feel embarrassed that I have been gaslit by a known manipulator.

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No. 2087357[Reply]

Lately milk is very skimmed and cows are more silent than usual, but we still had some interesting posts and additions.
Previous thread: >>>/snow/2045809

Momsfav: she’s under strict observations of some nonnies that are waiting for her to drop at the usual skeletal state. We shall see

The Twins: an anon asked about them 6 times in the thread, but they’re alive and well (for their standards).

Fi: she’s silent, more than she ever has been (is she breathing tho?)

Lavipop94: everything she posts is more confusing than the previous and that makes it difficult to really understand what’s going on.

find.ingrfances: she was (and probably still is) admitted at death doors and the stress of it made her headbang so hard some anons didn’t even recognize her. She proudly displayed it on ig, along with her birthday pics where her family look utterly done with it.

Jaycie: she thinks we’re obsessed with her and that we’re eagerly awaiting for her to post some other shitty lies. She still didn’t loose any weight or change in any way.
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No. 2102497

I have been in treatment with Stefania and it was not fun. If she perceives someone to be more ill than her she would throw a toddler fit. Everyone hated her, including the staff, but I honestly don’t know if she realized it or not. She lives in her own world

No. 2102500

I’m kind of surprised as much of an attention seeker Stef is she has remained off the internet other than her super locked down insta. Wonder if she’s taking this time to drop back down to admission criteria for acute? Kek

No. 2102505

She likely has hidden accounts where she views/comments on people’s posts just not in her name. Going offline should really help her recovery and I really hope she has taken time to reflect but knowing her that’s probably not the case

No. 2102506

She looks so much better (and happy), but what is that all over the walls?? Dirt? Bugs???

No. 2102511

Woww. impressive. She looks so well. Never thought I'd see that.

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No. 1536773[Reply]

Self proclaimed hybristophilie who makes edits and cringy thirst tiktoks about serial killers and mass murderers, especially one's about Igor suprunyuk
She’s been banned from reddit, twitter and tiktok countless times for her open affection towards murderers but makes new accounts
Claims that hybristophilies are oppressed by society and there's nothing wrong with their infatuation cause it helps them deal with their mental illness
Recently her bf broke up with her cause when he learned about her "interests" so she started an online relationship with an actual family mass murderer

Her youtube account for Igor suprunyuk edits
Her youtube account for robert beaver edits
Her youtube account where she intends to document her relationship with Micheal beaver(her official bf)
Her deviantart and artstation accounts
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No. 2102485

Wtf, why on the floor even? At least she could have sat on the toilet, lul.

No. 2102487

what the hell inspires a person to actually upload that shit kek

also in another recent video she's showing her meaty thighs quaking. and in the background you can see that she still has pictures of that serial killer guy still up

No. 2102493

Archive this before shithand chan dfes it

No. 2102495

>in the background you can see that she still has pictures of that serial killer guy still up

No. 2102498

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sorry i'm retarded the photos on her wall are actually of this guy named Murad Mansurovich Kurbanov which is also her profile picture. he was arrested for stealing a uhaul truck

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No. 2089259[Reply]

Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dimes Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.

Milk from thread #51:
Hegelian e-girl Nikki Deletes Twitter
A wheelchair bound Matt Christman appears at the Chapo live show
Aimee quote tweets Kamala campaign and uses the word "niggardly"
Anna posts legs
Anna posts picture of her son, refers to him as a "groyper"
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No. 2102385

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No. 2102449

>usaid funding cut
>redscare subscriptions start tanking
Very interesting…

No. 2102459

Adam and Stav seemed to have a good time reconnecting. Nick came off as bitter and disengaged.

No. 2102482

thank god

No. 2102483

Have Stavros, Adam, Felix Biederman / Chapo and the entire Chapo-adjacent orbit like Brace Belden ever said anything funny or interesting, ever? Who is the audience for this shit supposed to be? Who wakes up in the morning and says "I want to hear what Stavros Halkias or Felix Biederman has to say". Pretty much every single one of these people sucks, bad, with the exception of maybe Nick and he hasn't been funny for years.

Someone mentioned upthread or in the previous thread that the Chapo Patreon has only grown ~$6k since 2019. Is most of the audience for this garbage fake or are there really that many tasteless retards?

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No. 2093745[Reply]

COVID-19 unleashed a new wave of conspiracy-theorist, right-wing wellness influencers who can't trust the government, but somehow trust every X grifter selling Ray Peat and Bulgarian research chemicals. From taint-tanning, raw liver and testicle-eating "biohackers" to tradwives LARPing as submissive homemakers while secretly running side hustles, these figures profit off of fear, insecurity, and anti-modern hysteria. Variants include:
>"Ancestral" dieters (carnivore, raw meat and dairy, butter blocks, testicle eating)
>Pseudoscience and biohacking (quantum healing, methylene blue, anti-seed oil hysteria)
>Ray Peat/Peatard cultism (methylene blue, thyroid overdosing, sugar guzzling, claiming estrogen is a "shock hormone")
>Tradthots & pickmes (hyper-feminine influencers who secretly girlboss, either Christian or spiritual "woman are lunar" feminine energy coaching type shit)
>Anti-vaxx & crunchy mom culture (natural birth obsession)
>Large overlap in White Nationalism communities

Favorite subjects:
1. celestialbe1ng/Werica/Veronica "Hoffman-Bleu" https://x.com/celestialbe1ng
Polish Nazi peatard who spends her days shilling supplements, claiming Ray Peat’s work, picking unhinged arguments with other women on X daily, and posting AI-generated slop. Despite presenting herself as an intellectual in the bioenergetic health community, she is best known for regurgitating Ray Peat quotes, blocking anyone who questions her, and cosplaying as a “trad” while seething about being unmarried and childless. Despite constantly bragging about her beauty and saying she hasn’t had any work done, Veronica has been exposed for lying. Claims to be a former bulimic, alcoholic, and junkie.

2. bioenergeticmel/Isabella Nigro https://x.com/bioenergeticmel
A childless Computer Science student in the Delta Gamma sorority at the University of Alabama, notorious for her involvement in wPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2102472

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This patriarchy hannah dupe is getting worse, still doing Spaces way late into the nights, and claims she is now friends with lots of aggressive big redpiller accounts who used to attack her. The high for her is leeching off their power, and thinking she really did something with her “wiles” to get them on her side.

No. 2102473

Cockerte tortured ballet angel aesthetic; middle age

No. 2102476

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>Do you think feminist misogynist is really married and doing her husband every night?
Kiwis say no. Late past midnight spaces desperation to have rando guys praise you as well reeks of larper.

No. 2102490

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Weronika released her "Fairy Princess Diet" weight loss guide. $47.
X is 60% male and Veronica cultivated a follower base of NLOGS and edgy schizoposting/alt-right moids who post bronze age bodybuilder & tradcath esoterica, yet she named her diet plan "The Fairy Princess Diet" which sounds like something you'd find on 2013 pro-ana Tumblr. These are titles of real books that appeal to these people: Bronze Age Pervet, Sun & Steel, Harassment Architecture, The Conspiracy Against the Human Race, or at least something that appeals to contrarian conspiracy types like the sugar lie or something. I guess she was trying to stand out but it was a poor marketing choice imv she should have went the edgy route to stand out given the following she grew.

No. 2102491

More grifting bs from this skeletor bitch.

> fairy princess diet will keep you skinny

Not mentioned are years of drug abuse, anorexia, lip filler, and BPD crash outs on X at 2am

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No. 2100731[Reply]

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology hate thread: >>>/ot/2444792

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2102344

When troons like this claim to be catcalled by men it's either pure fiction or the guy was taking the piss and they're too autistic/narcissistic to realise

No. 2102451

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No. 2102455

What the hell. He is a violent moid through and through and him wishing harm on whatever poor girl in his friend group who doesnt want to kiss the pervert on the face is fucking disgusting. I hope he ropes.

No. 2102466

How did tumblr go from “always be super mindful of people’s boundaries in every situation, especially sex” to “if you’re a TIM you’re allowed to override people’s (female’s) boundaries to demand they treat you like a kin- I mean queen”.

No. 2102488

topkek. it's only human nature to want to avoid touching people that are obviously ill

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No. 2089696[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/2054561

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 27-year-old failing prostitute, pornsick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid-filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents’ help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread

>shayna luther king attacking her fanbase after election results are revealed >>2054579, >>2054580
>went to texas spanking party and hung out with lots of degens >>2054627, >>2054582, >>2054685, >>2054885
>shows off more nasty scarring >>2055400, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2102416

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Kek her face in this one made me think of trumps official portrait

No. 2102418

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This dog has seen some shit man

No. 2102435

How has her hair gone from looking like she washed it in deep fat fryer oil to heavily used party city wig levels of dry?

No. 2102445

Her only type is "desperate loser" because she isnt desirable enough to be picky and have a "type". She will take what she can get.
How she has daddy issues is beyond me. Wasnt he present her entire youth? He was even willing to put her through college on his dime. Aint no way. He either didnt tell her that he loves her or that hes proud of her enough, or he gave her platitudes and ass pats for bare minimum.
1000 yard stare but she looks so much happier and healthier now than she ever did being solely under shays care. Wonders what a yard, walkies, good dog food and someone who actually gives a shit about you will do for your figure. She can sit regularly and not like a gross obese dog.

No. 2102499

Mfw that one anon calls noodle retarded

On a positive note noods lookes so happy with other dogs and finally getting to go outside it shows. Love that for her. Just imagine having shay as your owner, even degenerate traniel hated that shit kek

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No. 1944726[Reply]

>What is Breadtube and the leftist sphere?
A new leftist movement aiming to address, fight, and destroy the growing presence of fascism in the USA. AKA, breadtube is keyboard warriors making response videos to anti-SJW’s and the leftist sphere is a place that preaches diversity while all their biggest players are White, TIMs or upper class minroties

>General summary of their beliefs

- They are not liberals. Liberals believe first and foremost on changing the system from the inside while Leftists want to destroy it.
-They have slap fights over the intricacies of their political beliefs every other wednesday. The only thing uniting them is a vague dislike of capitalism.

>Breadtube: The big players only. Other online personalities exist, but these are the ones pulling the shots.

Famous 'Breadtubers' include Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube, Hbomberguy, Xiran Jay Zhao and Shaun.

Previous threads
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No. 2100310

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No. 2102090

No. 2102094

trailers for video essays

No. 2102374

An hour-long video unironically defending surrogacy. the first 22 minutes has a somewhat nuanced look at the issues surrounding surrogacy that feminists have raised(the exploitation of poor women and the trauma it can cause to mothers) but she makes that the problems with surrogacy stem from the fact that wealthy cis-heterosexual white couples are buying children. Instead, surrogacy should be used for gay and trans families who want to have children and banning surrogacy would be akin to banning prostitution, leading to the formation of an underground market without any regulations.

No. 2102492

>banning surrogacy would be akin to banning prostitution
Whats bad about banning prostitution? An underground market is going to be present always even if something is legal. Alcohol and cannabis is sold in places it shouldn't be all across the world, the legality doesn't change much. God forbid males have no women to pay to rape. Anything to pretend misogyny is progressive.

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No. 2094652[Reply]

Zoe Simone Lorange is a 20 year old pedo-incel pandering, hard drug addicted, self-proclaimed "denpa menhera girl", cluster B pickme e-girl streamer from Burbank, LA. She has been actively destroying her life for over a year now in an attempt to gain online attention. Zoe has been known within e-girl and otaku online circles for several years now, primarily due to her sanrio/anime consoomer bedroom and fabricated obsession with Ruby Kurosawa from Love Live, but rose to noteriety among the IP2 community at the start of 2024 after she started dating homeless meth addicted IP2 streamer IncelBinLaden and screamed "nigger" at Scientology protestors on Hollywood Boulevard. Ever since, her life has been rapidly going downhill and only seems to be getting more hopeless as time passes. Her streams have primarily consisted of hanging around with middle aged scrotes in a homeless shelter RV, tweaking out on meth in run down motels, getting into fights with her boyfriends/fellow tweakers, showing off her hoard of lolicon anime garbage, or on the rare occasion that streamed IRL, screaming slurs in public and being a general nuisance. Nowadays, she is hated by the IP2 community and has mostly resorted to spending a large chunk of her time desperately baiting for attention in incredibly depraved ways, such as suggesting she cosplays as 11 year old Natsumi Tsuji for her OnlyFans, or asking her incel followers if they would let her overdose so that they could rape her dead body. Despite the poor abused homeless larp, Zoe's parents are very well-off, with one working in the medical field. They have given her countless opportunities to get help and turn her life around, even offering to pay for her to study abroad in Japan, however Zoe feels no shame and only continues to act this way, as her desire for online attention, positive or not, is insatiable and comes before all else. Her cowish antics are known to have been going on publicly since at least 2020 and are incredibly extensive at this point, but unfortunately poorly documented.

>In April of 2023, former incels.is moderator Komesarj/Walter went viral for "ascending" and leaving the incel community, resulting in articles by several news outlets including Rolling Stone, as well as a KnowYourMeme page. It was later revealed by Zoe that she was the woman who he "ascended" with. She moved to Colorado to live with him 3 months after meeting through the incelsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2102427

Damn two kids that ended up as drugged out failures, parents must be proud

No. 2102448

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No. 2102450

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Sorry for doubleposting, does anyone know what her thread is?


No. 2102452

Found it : >>1536773 . I suppose it is due for a revival.

No. 2102453

birds of a feather or something, continuing her trend, Zoe continues to idolize other lolcows lulz

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No. 1993065[Reply]

Thread for the general discussion of people who use and abuse animals to gain internet clout on social media. Some of the more infamous ones include (but not limited to);

Save A Fox AKA Mikayla Raines

>Runs non-profit fox sanctuary

>Supposedly against fur farming, but buys nearly all of their foxes from fur farms
>Purposefully imprints on wild animals she intends to rehab
>Co-habs different species which has led to injury
>Has had multiple preventable/questionable animal deaths, and many escapes
>Lets infants interact with wild animals
>Hard to keep track, I think they have around 50 animals, at least 20+ foxes
>plans to get 500 foxes from a fur farm starting Nov 2023
>Registered as a fur farm to get around pesky laws interfering with keeping animals like foxes, minks, etc as pets
>Bred black backed jackals then took them away from the parents to be hand raised to keep one as a pet
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No. 2096049

some people are not cut out homesteading, especially attention whores running to youtube complaining about living beings dying under their care.

No. 2102324

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This FB post kind of got to me. Basically a 'woe is me' because she can't work with her 'dream animals' (not the foxes or the minks or the black jackals that were her dream animals, but something else) for free under the guise of her non-profit. She isn't poor by any means btw, her husband has an extremely expensive car collection. She doesn't have a living room/carpet/couch because her 'dream animals' are not compatible with these things. I just hate that she's acting like she's doing this for anyone besides herself.

Anyways some other news;
>Atlas the Mink is having trouble walking on back legs - radiographs are WNL, they are getting an MRI next
>It's been a little over 1y since buying that fur farm; they still have 100 foxes in the fur farm to get out. Meaning they have done something with the other 400
>Yearly audit shows they were over 27k over budget in a single month
You can search non-profit tax filings on the IRS; According to her 990, she made over 1mil in 2022 and over 200k in employee benefits and salaries, and as far as I can tell only one employee is getting paid compensation.
>Took in a solo lemur that she seems to keep in a ferret nation cage
>Waverly the fox with bone cancer, they decided doesn't have bone cancer but some other type of tumor that just so happens to also metastasize in bone but allow for a good QoL (lol)
I think they also rehomed Waverly too, which I find kinda fucked considering the poor thing has an aggressive painful cancer for someone else to deal with.
>obtained a pine martin that regularly is kept with their mink
>Dixie the fox in their care was found with a tail injury in the enclosure that had to be amputated
>Found out she at some point rehomed her pet chinchillas, stating the predation risk

A lot of other shit that is just normal for Mikayla; mixing incompatible species, children with rabies vectors, inappropriate handling, etc. I don't even bother with that shit anymore.

No. 2102326

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I had to make another post for this gem on SAF;

Mikayla wants YOU to volunteer your life and live in this yurt to work for free 5 days a week! It's unpaid internship, but she is generous enough to give compensation for food and toiletries, and a tent to live in. There's a one week 'trial' period where you don't get shit though. I'm sure the yurt is rated for hurricanes. Also hope you enjoy shitting outside in the rain.

Also she did some photoshoots in lingerie in the outdoor bathroom to post on Facebook, then wonders why everyone is mad when she promotes her stuff to very young kids. Mikayla, you made an OnlyFans specifically for this type of shit.

No. 2102342

Bone cancer is so painful for animals and they should absolutely be euthanized unless they’re a dog and it’s caught extremely early and the limb can be amputated. Bullshit grifter.

No. 2102346

> exedra - ah yes, absolutely. Makes total sense.

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