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No. 1826

Hey women of /b/. How do guys go about successfully trying to get attention from women on social media? I decided to ask here because of any male-dominated chan board the answers would just be muh Chad muh Alpha muh Manlet. I've been trying to meet qt girls on tinder and OKC for years without much luck. Even women with a high compatibility rating usually don't respond to anything I say.

No. 1827

Then it has something to do with how you talk to them. Why aren't they answering? What do you say?

No. 1828


Usually I try to pinpoint some similarity we have, try to complement them, say that I think we'd get along, etc.

No. 1829


Okay I reported this thread initially but I'll humour you here.

When you first start off talking to a woman, or indeed any person you wish to attract, pinpointing similarity is always a good place to start because obviously you both need to know that you have something in common with each other. Complimenting people right off the bat though, for me at least, feels false. Whenever I've spoken to a guy I'm getting to know and he starts tossing out compliments I almost immediately cut the conversation because you know what I'm thinking?

>"this guy doesn't give a shit, he's just trying to get into my pants"

You might feel this sounds pedantic, but really how can you really compliment somebody without actually KNOWING them? Well, you can't, and that's why it sounds false and like you're just looking for an easy lay.

No. 1830

Be more interesting I guess. Saying "I think we'd get along" doesn't give a person a lot of room to make conversation. Its like "okay?"

Saying something more open ended like "you like Thai food? Same! Have you tried local restaurant?" Mention something from the profile and try to ask a question.

No. 1832

manfag here, just want to chime in with one thing I've learned over the years.. It really is a numbers game, like they say. You have to accept that the majority of women you msg are simply not going to respond enthusiastically. There is no magic formula or PUA secret that will let you get any woman. Just be persistent, don't get discouraged, and keep trying (with lots of girls). It's most important that you learn how to delete a contact and move on. Don't waste your time pining for someone who just isn't interested. You'll miss out on a good one! I recently went through my Tinder matches and Unmatched all the women who hadn't replied to my original message. It was very cathartic and now I can focus on other matches.

Most robot types fall head over heels for the first girl that replies to them and shares a single interest. Don't be that guy. Read that book Modern Romance by Aziz for more tips.

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