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No. 101362
My new hobby is reporting thots to the IRS. You can help too. For every substantial tip, you can be financially rewarded. Tumblr and Instagram are especially profitable hunting grounds.
Do your part to stop cyber prostitution.
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There are really people who are this autistic?
No. 101426
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No. 101436
>>101430>lots of these guys are going to argue that they are reporting SW to protect the economyThey are very open about doing this because they don't like sex workers, anybody saying that they only do this to help the economy or give the government more money for them programs only says that with their tongue firmly in their cheek.
>they aren't going to join in putting pressure on Amazon or StarbucksSome don't care about that, some do, but in either case it's a lot easier to rat an e-girl off to the IRS than to bring down Bezos' evil empire.
No. 101519
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>>101512>You're a retard if you think I support Roosh VIf you, not unlike some of the replies ITT, are so enthusiastic about random women being reported to the IRS by the likes of Roosh V because
>muh high school rejection revenge fantasyThen yes, I can only assume that you're siding with these absolute mouth breathers.
>get a grip and a better jobYou are heavily mistaken if you're under the impression that the only people who think this behavior is pathetic are the ones spreading their pussy for quick cash. Like I was saying, the sheer autism…
No. 103528
>>101429Its not something that should be romanticized or seen as empowering. f you want to suck dick for money so be it but dont expect to be seen as a person every again.
>>101430No shit. What of it?
>>101506Then they have nothing to worry about.