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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 1[Reply]

All threads posted here must revolve around some sort of literature, music, game, film, show, or image topic. e.g “pictures of cute animals”.
Please read https://lolcow.farm/rules

No. 9087

##spoilered text## => spoilered text

No. 17995

K-idol spam threads to be merged at the next bump limit

No. 47997

Any race related posts or discussion is prohibited per global rule 7.
Repeat offenders are subject to a permanent ban from /m/.

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No. 365047[Reply]

post any image you want here
except AI, that belongs in the containment threads
previous thread: >>>/m/298361
910 posts and 715 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 473478

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(ai outside of containment )

No. 473522

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i like how people didn't used to smile as much for pictures back in the day

No. 474377

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No. 474465

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No. 474475

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No. 432121[Reply]

Post one page (spreads acceptable) of a manga you enjoy to entice others to read it. Good or crazy art is a great way to convince someone! Or maybe you just want to show off awesome art. Please post one page.

Related threads:
Post manga panels you like here
General Manga Thread #3:
Yaoi and BL General:
Anime screenshots:
Mecha thread
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
38 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 470754

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No. 470758

moid dialogue

No. 470776

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Everybody loves Gon!

No. 472348

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No. 474471

The author is a woman but she's a massive coomer.

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No. 185471[Reply]

Want to Jojo post but don't want to clog up any threads? Here's the thread for you!
>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure tells the story of the Joestar family, a family whose various members discover they are destined to take down supernatural foes using powers that they possess.

Any and all discussion about JJBA goes here! Make sure you hide any spoilers by putting '##' before and after the spoiler (without the apostrophes)
363 posts and 168 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 474345

Why did part 8 and 9 drop off so hard. Part 7 is so good too. Araki is phoning it all the way in.

No. 474357

Part 8 was actually fun. I enjoyed the family drama intertwined with the mafia and rokakaka fruit plot line. J8suke's mystery was also very interesting.

No. 474449

Are there websites that have a better jojo fandom than fucking reddit

No. 474454

Kek nice catch. Autocorrect.

No. 474469

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Steel ball run anime will be an inconsistent ugly mess and they will butcher all my favorite scenes. DavidPro's attempts at imitating the manga art style are horrendous.

No, leddit isn't a good place either. Jojo fanbase is dead.

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No. 461065[Reply]

Discuss all things related to Infold's sci-fi 3D mobile otome game, Love and Deepspace. New updates, theories, fanart, advice and questions are all welcome!

Previous: >>>/m/442434
Related threads:
/otogen/ - Otome Gaming General >>>/m/192885
Mobage General(s) >>>/m/186848 and >>>/m/76929
846 posts and 270 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 474461

This is exactly what I want, you can't tell me him kissing mc and then supernovaing isn't a premature ejaculation metaphor kek

No. 474462

Nona this is great! You nailed his characterization perfectly! Charming, witty, but something intense lurking underneath. Please keep posting! i can’t wait for the smut kek

No. 474468

>they got a dragon
I'm not complaining, but I love sci-fi so much more then fantasy. So a potential space pirate Sylus is much more interesting then dragon.
Though I only got one card so I haven't actually read the myth yet…
I really hope Zayne isn't going to be stuck on fantasy/china mystic guy or modern 'serial killer' and could get something sorta ridiculous space someday too.
Also I'm just mildly annoyed that the guy they decide to make super sci-fi is also the annoying yandere.
Though maybe it wont be as bad in the myth cause AU.

No. 474470

This is some good shit nona. You captured that tension perfectly. I await the gegefucking with excitement

No. 474474

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>"Control? You already have it. You might as well be holding the leash. Just…let it go.”
Ahhhh thank you for the food, nonna! I can't wait for more!

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No. 165676[Reply]

Previous Threads:
645 posts and 220 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 472187

Is this that anime where a guy shoots a bullet through a woman's boobs into a zombie or is this another disgusting coomer anime that happens to look just like it?

No. 472206

The scene you're referring to is so fucking ridiculous. Her breasts were jiggling at bullet speed.

No. 473609

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shauna fucking shipman. I have never liked her. not even in season one. every new episode she finds a new way to get in my nerves.

No. 473649

HARD agree with both of you, not one untrue thing was said

No. 474467

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Absolutely worthless addition to the Sonic franchise. I haven't met one Sonic fan who genuinely likes her. No personality and shitty 2edgy4u black and red Deviantart OC design. I feel like only lolifags like her.

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No. 467427[Reply]

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No. 474433

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No. 474438

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Its lexi from the snow threads. Gross. Lol >>474226

No. 474440

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No. 474446

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No. 474463

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her facial hair is drawn on with an eyeliner pencil and she works at starbucks while wearing a he/they pin

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No. 15093[Reply]

needed some way to vent about this, and i always love reading about other people's raging hate boners for (insert x title here). this isn't limited to books alone - it can be a show, comic, webcomic, etc. as long as it has your blood boiling almost every time you see it and you can't begin to imagine how anyone could get into it.

i'll start us off: "a matter of life and death" (https://tapas.io/series/A-Matter-of-Life-and-Death) is kind of the brainless beauty of western BL. now, it didn't start off that way, but between the author deciding to start acting like a spoiled brat instead of taking responsibility for her growing fanbase during the past year, and the story itself taking an olympic nosedive into overwrought, melodramatic, needlessly vindictive (while somehow still failing to deliver all the emotional punches during actually appropriate scenes), everything-that-makes-BL-shit territory.

now, as a disclaimer, i will admit that i'm not a fan of BL in general. i've seen way too many works that portray stuff like rape, abuse, etc. way too voyeuristically for my comfort, and even in more lighthearted series it usually feels like the authors don't know how guys interact with other people, let alone how gay guys do it. it's just not for me. but for fuck's sake, even i can recognize that BL fans deserve better than this.
816 posts and 152 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 474395

This is such a funny reason to hate Umineko I can't even be mad at it.

No. 474401

{Fiction} fucking sucks, you just waste 50 hours reading about shit that never happened and people who don't exist.

No. 474417

You got lost or something?

No. 474459

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I hate Wuthering Heights. I hate it's shit ass story, it's shit conclusion, the retarded wringing style of story in a letter in a flashback letter, I hate the characters, I hate the author.
It is could travel back in time to meet her, I would burn her manuscript and say her sisters are better than her (I've never read thier novels)
Heathcliff did nothing wrong, until he did, but long before that he should have burned the house down with the siblings, thier parents, and Cathy's future husband trapped inside.

No. 474464

KEK i liked it for all the reasons you said, i thought it was hilarious. Now i'm sitting here laughing imagining what you said (heathcliff killing everyone with fire etc) and that cranky old manservant with the accent i couldn't ever understand trying to report the crime but the police not being able to make out what he's saying (but his gibberish would still be written out over 8+ pages)

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No. 285833[Reply]


The thread for all things related to the Sims! Talk about news, updates, your current save, prominent community members, favorite/least favorite games, etc. !
Here are some questions to start off the thread:
>favorite Sims game?
>least favorite Sims game?
>what kind of player are you? (legacies, challenges, builder, cas mode, etc. ?)
>favorite neighborhood?
>least favorite neighborhood?
>favorite townie?
>least favorite townie?
>what is one thing you have done in the game that you are proud of? maybe it's making it to 30 generations, or building a really good lot, finishing up a collection, etc.
597 posts and 125 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 474231

I love the Life and Death pack and I love Ravenwood so much. Such a beautiful world.

No. 474453

ayrt, i guess it was obvious but i get kinda tired most of the conversation in any community space is "mpreg pascal x nervous amirite?!?!?!?!?!" as if it was a hot take and not one of the most popular ships. shoutout to johnny/ophelia/ripp as a polycule because they can only care about ophelia if she's involved with two teen prettyboys.

No. 474455

Anyone who gives a single shit about the premades isn't worth your time or energy. Giga Stacies bulldoze right through the Maxis storylines.

No. 474457

The Spector-Nigmos family in Strangetown is what the Goth family wishes it was.

No. 474472

would i be a giga stacy if i like making my own families and marrying them off with premades?

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No. 474251[Reply]

Discuss The Hunger games books, prequels and adaptations. Feel free to discuss the most recent books (Sunrise on the Reaping) SPOILERS at your own risk.

No. 474252

I liked the new book, although i thought there were a bit too many callbacks to the original series. I must admit getting to see Effie again was a real treat though.

No. 474264

> How would you rank the books? (Original trio and 2 prequels)
> Who is your favorite POV? (Katniss, Snow, Haymitch)
> Should there be more books? If so what about?
> Gale- love him or hate him?
> Who is your favorite character?
> Which death was the hardest on you?
> What do you enjoy most about the series? The games, characters, political interest, panem etc

No. 474316

Haymitchs connection to Katniss’s dad was a bit of an eye roll. But I LOVED being able to learn more about Beetee, Wiress and Mags. For me that was fan service done right.

No. 474452

I don’t understand the fandom’s insistence on Katniss being Native American. I don’t mind it at all as a headcanon, but why do people act like it’s explicitly stated that she is? And the reasons they give are so ridiculous—it’s always that she has olive skin, wears her hair in a braid, is good with a bow, and is from Appalachia. Never mind that her mom is blonde and blue-eyed, though—lol.

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