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No. 106790
Hello everyone, i wanted to make a thread about NBE, i know you might think it's BS or wishful thinking, i did too, but recently stumbled on a site called breastnexus, its a forum where both women and transgender people have increased their bust sizes naturally with herbs!
I'm not talking about bs like "big bust cream" or something like that but herbs like: Saw palmetto, red clover and so on.
Does anyone have experience with this?
I myself am gonna try this method out in a few months:'s a user who went from a size 32B to 32F with just roasted soy flour and grounded flax seeds.
I can post updates here when i start.
Anyhow, if anyone has something to contribute, please do so!
No. 106793
>>106790wow I've always made fun of men for their penis enlargement fantasies but somehow never thought I'd come across this
people will literally say they've cured their cancer by snorting oregano regardless of how many scientific studies debunk their quackery
I can't think of any evolutionary purpose for breast tissue growth from consumption of very specific herbs or spices.. of course i'm open to being proven wrong if you have any legitimate studies
No. 106794
>>106793I think the idea is tweaking your hormones with estrogenic and related herbs to mimic puberty, obviously its not gonna work for everyone but its cheaper than implants and worth a try.
As for studies, for breast growth specifically i'm not sure, but there are some that indicated that Spearmint tea significantly reduced androgens in women with pcos/elevated androgen levels: one about a man developing gynecomastia from soy consumption: being, these substances HAVE the ability to alter ones hormones.
I'm not an expert or a scientists, but lots of women on the site have reported breast growth by altering their hormones from herbs, it's worth it to check out!
No. 106796

>>106794Hormones (and the endocrine system in general) are very sensitive and easily altered. Sure, you could fuck with your hormones if you want, but that seems counterproductive in the long run. Consuming whole milk for example (like OP of that thread was suggesting) is associated with increased risk of breast cancer, because you're literally consuming bovine hormones.
>vid related And here's a study:>Dietary fat in dairy is a source of estrogenic hormones and may be related to worse breast cancer survival. We evaluated associations between high- and low-fat dairy intake, recurrence, and mortality after breast cancer diagnosis.>The researchers found that women who reported eating one or more servings per day of full-fat dairy products had a 64% higher risk of dying from any cause and a 49% higher risk of dying from breast cancer compared to women who ate fewer servings per day of full-fat dairy products or women who ate low-fat dairy products. No. 106797
>>106796Phytoestrogens do not increase cancer risk, which is what these women consume.
Sure dairy might increase cancer risk, but i dont really care tbh, i consume dairy everyday, but because it makes healthy food taster better, not for boobs.
No. 106799
>>106797Okay but that woman from OP is telling others to drink half a litre of whole milk a day in order to increase their breast size.
Phytoestrogens (typically studied in soy products) are usually not bad at all, but there is conflicting evidence about over-consumption, and in general too much of anything (especially hormone disruptors) isn't good.
No. 106802
>>106800She was on spiral, after she stopped growing she went on BC and gained an extra cup size (final size 32F)
I doubt someone who is obsessed with growing their breasts will measure them wrong, especially if they are the same band size after.
No. 106814
>>106810Lol, do you really expect me to read through 19 pages of pseudoscience?If she lost weight her band would decrease.
But you know best anon. Start a diary here with photos and prove us all wrong.
No. 106815
>>106814You were implying that she just measured wrong a was suddenly bigger due that that, i was just saying that if that were the case her band would change from 32b to 28 something, which she didnt.
I'm not gonna try to convince you of anything, it's not psuedoscience or else hrt would be psuedoscience aswell.
No. 106819
>>106818i doubt you eat 60 grams of flaxseeds and 50 grams of roasted soy flour every day, the key is in the dosage and combinations of things and how they interact.
Hrt is different because its done on natal males which has more limitations but alot of men on hrt grow to a B cup.
No. 106850
>>106845lol i'm this anon
>>106796 but I haven't posted in this thread in 13 hours, so it looks like you're the only one samefagging then
Why would you ask for opinions, only to respond defensively to every single reply and then cry to the mods about how no one is pandering to you? You really didn't predict this is how it would go down when you started the thread? You sound underage or you just have body dysmorphia issues, maybe seek out therapy or a nutritionist before you end up hurting your health based on a random woman's recommendations.
No. 106860
>>106800I’m this anon. I was trying to explain what the most likely explanation is. Women in Asia are not known for being particulrly busty yet eat the largest amount of soy.
Someone tries the homonal approach here (along with suction) and it just doesn’t work:’t you think that if this stuff actually did work companies would be all over it and selling it in every pharmacy? Breast implants are expensive, dangerous, and look (unintentionally) fake a lot of the time.
No. 106926
>>106919increased estrogen from giving birth or taking hormones can increase breast size, but it purely depends on your genetics.
For some it does absolutely nothing. While another girl I knew grew 3 cup sizes and started lactating.
No. 106938
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>>106878Women's breasts grow naturally until the age of 25, anon. There are multiple other reasons that affect breasts.
weight loss can make breasts appear larger as mammary gland is not affected by weight loss. Mammary gland has adipose tissue over it , but it's not normal fat tissue.
>>106882Japan also does collection of Nasopharyngeal Specimens, aka sticking a q-tip up someones nose to swab and check for a flu. Japan also doesn't use anesthesia for giving birth. Japanese medicine and medical system is bizarre in general.
No. 106941
>>106938>Japan also does collection of Nasopharyngeal Specimens, aka sticking a q-tip up someones nose to swab and check for a flu.Uh, what is so weird about it? That they don't collect these samples from the throat or what?
Also, weight loss can affect breast size. It's not like lowering your body fat percentage doesn't have any effect on your breasts. Of course, it depends on how extensive the weight loss is.
No. 107050
>>106941Well when I say up the nose, I really mean up the nose. It's extremely uncomfortable and painful to have a q tip all the way up next to your eyes. As for comparison the non painless throat swab is much preferable and they do the q tip up the nose just because.
Their medical system has a lot of nonsense, so them approving non surgical breast enhancement is not really meaning it actually works. They allow a lot of nonsensical and useless procedures in general.