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No. 107505

This is a thread for crochet and knitting, and other yarn-related crafts.

Anyone starting any new projects or completing old ones? Share some patterns!

No. 107506

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Not a huge knitter but I go through phases every now and then. I knit this scarf in green for an aunt a few year ago. My other aunt liked it a lot, so I would like to knit her something similar for Christmas, but I can't find many lace patterns that I think she'd like but are still within my means. May just do the same pattern but in cream or light grey. Here is the pattern if anyone is interested, it's a short repeat and pretty easy, a good pattern for someone just starting to move past basic knit and purl: http://www.classiceliteyarns.com/pdf/SALLaceScarf.pdf

No. 107507

I want to make my boyfriend a scarf for Christmas. I made a scarf for a friend last year and my bf hinted/joked at me that he might want one too. So I asked him what his favorite colors were but all I got was an "idk lol".

Any suggestions for patterns? He doesn't care much for fashion so I was thinking of something in a dark, neutralish color with a good thickness for snow. When I knit I like to challenge myself so I want to stay away from the basic bitch ribknit men's scarf if I can.

I'm also going to make a scarf for a friend in Texas. I don't know quite how cold their winters are so I'm not 100% on the kind of yarn I should aim for.


That's a really cute pattern

No. 107508

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What about this one?

And this cabled scarf:
was a really good learning experience, but I don't know how a man would feel about the cables.

No. 107509

Ravelry dot com is perfect for patterns by the way. I've been using that site for years and years. Only downside is you have to make an account but that's literally it

No. 107510

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Necroing this thread because I started getting into knitting and oh my goodness it's so therapeutic.

I'm currently knitting my first scarf. The progress started off pretty slow, but in 5 days, I was able to make 6 inches of fabric and 50 loops wide using worsted weight acrylic yarn.
My next project is probably going to incorporate purl stitching and I'm going to use chunkier yarn.
I just ordered some chenille yarn off eBay, I really want to make something extra soft with it, like some socks or a hat. Maybe a simple bracelet or a plush. I think a soft yarn Yoshi or Chao would be super cute.

Hopefully in a few months, I'll try crochet, but knitting seems to be my preference. I tried crochet first, but it was a little too difficult for me at the time.

No. 107511

i can crochet but ive never learned to knit. i thought knitting was a lot more difficult? you find it easy?

No. 107512

Same here. Crochet is okay, but knitting is straight up magic to me. But I like the crafts better. Crochet sweater/tops always look so soviet to me.

No. 107513

i also thought knitting would be more complicated, but the hardest part about crochet is remembering how many loops you have and where to put your hook.
knitting is pretty foolproof because you barely risk making any mistakes since the material stays on a needle, besides the part where you're switching between.

No. 107514

wow this was me, how nostalgic. We've since broken up and he never wore that scarf. my friend loved his tho and wears it.

I find knitting easier, but I just have more experience with it. I'm working on a basic crochet project atm, but for some reason I find the terminology less intuitive? It was also pretty awkward going from two needles to one hook. I also feel like crochet has less versatility wrt to patterns (can you even cable?), but maybe I'm just uninitiated.

No. 107515

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This is a cute and simple pattern. I'm gonna try this for my next project.
Haha that's funny, I'm glad your friend put it to good use!

No. 107516

i was the same as you anon, i learned how to crochet at age 4 and found it very easy and didn't learn how to knit for the longest time but last year I made it a new years resolution to learn how to and honestly it is not that bad! more tediuous than crocheting for sure, but it's alright! have knitted 6 pairs of socks since lol (not just for me but also as xmas gifts). i prefer to knit in continental fashion bc it's less confusing to me lol and if I get stumped with a particular stitch or something I just look it up on youtube

my only issue is that i can't do it for long stretches of time bc my fingers start hurting, guess that could be alleviated if i used bigger needles&chunkier yarn but i like the fine look. also making coloured patterns is fun! like pixel art in a way!

oh I love raverly! it is also really helpful when trying to figure out how variegated yarn will look like knitted up!

No. 107517

I've been crocheting for years as well and tried knitting on several occasions, but I'm struggling to spend enough time doing it to get familiar with the stitches and getting past the beginner phase. I love the cabled blanket and sweater patterns I've seen but I've kind of given up on ever being able to make something like that. Just can't get the same effect with crochet.

Are socks difficult? I always need more socks for work.

No. 107518

nayrt but knitting socks isn't difficult at all! if you know how to knit stockinette, ribbing, and can do basic decreases, you're golden. only kicker is getting used to circular needles/DPNs if you aren't familiar with them already.

i recommend this pattern:

i've probably knitted ~15 pairs with variations of this pattern and they always fit perfectly.

No. 107519

really depends! you can knit them in plain stich (still can look very cool if you use posh yarn) or with cables/varied stitches or with changing colours etc!
I prefer knitting them toe up instead of cuff down because they are easier to try on that way and the individual knit stitches look like little hearts lol, I learned mostly through youtube tutorials, arne and carlos have a good one for the heel bit (if German short row heel is what you're into) but I used new leaf podcasts video series (vid related) for everything else! I find the foot part inbetween the toes and heel to be the annoying bit because it seems never ending unless I do a cable pattern of some sort (knitting like 70 rows of plain stitch can get to you lol). You can also use cable needles to knit both socks up at once, which helps with the "oh god, I now have to do the other sock" feeling and helps have the tensions match across both socks (so one isn't slightly bigger than the other you know), but is bit finnicky, especially when casting on and doing the heel.

No. 107520

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dumping some cute coloured sock work inspo

No. 107521

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No. 107522

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No. 107523

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No. 107524

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bit late lol

No. 107525

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something about these yarns just looks so cute together idk

No. 107526

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No. 107527

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No. 107528

Are these patterns dyed into the yarn? That's so next level wtf

No. 107529

I have never been knitting, but all these socks look so comfy and I actually may give it a try one day.
Is it rather hard, or easy and just takes much time?

No. 107530

no! you just use 2/3 different yarn colours and drag the colour you're not using at the time at the back and switch the active yarn out when it's turn for a different colour. pic related how nordic mittens look inside out

it's not particularly hard, just finnicky as you have to match the tension of the two yarns othervise the fabric will curl, best method to do that imo is to knit one yarn English and other continental style but that varies from person to person!

No. 107531

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1st patterned socks I made pic attached, took me like a week I think but I'm the anon upthread whose fingers hurt when knitting for longer stretches of time

No. 107533

Oh wow so many colors and detailing. Good job anon!

No. 107535

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thank you anon (heart emoji), it's only 3 yarns (dark green, white and a variegated one) but they do go together well!

cannot believe i forgot the pic smh

No. 107536

oh wait I'm an idiot, in those two pics w pumpkin and sheep patterns they are dyed into yarn, sorry! there are some cool yarns like that but they are bit pricey at least here! sorry!

No. 181866

Anyone have easy classic looking hat knitting guides? Or mittens.

No. 181880

I’d buy this so cute

No. 181920

Ravelry is a really good source. Other than that, you want double pointed and circular needles. I learned how to make a hat on circulars but eventually moved onto double points because it made the finishing of it easier. Hats are really easy and fast. Mittens are pretty easy too but they come with a thumbhole which is quite easy as well.

No. 182364

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I go through phases on knitting, at the moment I'm doing socks in West Yorkshire Spinners Fairylights (it's a seasonal yarn, I ordered it off ebay) and they're going to be so cute!

I usually work with thicker yarn and needles since I'm from Finland and that's what I was taught to do but I'm trying to get more ambitious and try working with different weight yarn and smaller needles.

What projects do you want to sink your teeth into? I want to do a I'm a luxury few can afford-jumper from the eighties at some point etc.

No. 182365

I wish I had a girlfriend who knew how to knitt, I have no patience for it, but I love you all sweet ladies who do know how.

No. 182439

That's sweet nonny! I hope you find someone to knit you all the things!

I knit my father-in-law socks and he's been gushing about how they are the best ones he's ever had and he's had woolen socks all his life! He might be impressed because he likes me but it still makes me happy.

No. 204147

I followed this video to make a shawl for my mom, now I'm using it again to make my own to match the one I made for her.

No. 217746

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I'm working on this scarf pattern from Lion Brand that's essentially just a 3x3 rib and I keep having this problem where the last purl before each knit stitch is super loose and looks horrible. I thought it was because my tension changes between knits and purls, but I did a few rows with consciously tight tension and it looked the same. Is it there anything I can try, or does it just go away with more experience? I've been crocheting for a year and I just picked up knitting again so I'm still a beginner.

No. 217768

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I only knit during the winter because I’ve got no willpower for it the rest of the time
Here’s a scarf i made for my dog

No. 217770

What a cutie!

No. 217792

I love your dog and how fabulous the scarf looks holy shit

No. 218351

It's beautiful anon, great job! Your dog is very lucky to have you.

No. 219570

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Dear anons, my bf wants me to knit him a sweater, he just wants a plain cabled one really, I have a female sweater pattern that should fit the bill and I have knit up before for myself but it's female. Not to be retarded, but could I get away with it? It's just a straight up and down one, only decreases are around arm cuffs and bottom ribbing.
pic unrelated

No. 219573

You could do that, but have you tried on Ravelry? Hundreds of free patterns on there!

No. 219574

Women's clothing tends to look off around the shoulders when worn by men because our shoulders tend to be smaller and more rounded and our clothing reflects that. It'd be safer to keep looking for a men's pattern.

No. 219575

There are a few things you'd need to consider:
If the sleeves are meant to be quite fitted they might end up quite tight on a man, I'd do fewer decreases than the pattern suggests.
Are the sleeves set in or more of a raglan or dropped sleeve? If they're set in I wouldn't recommend knitting that pattern for a man because it'll be very tight at the shoulders. You might also need to make the sweater a little longer than the pattern suggests.
It's such a pain in the arse to knit an entire sweater that the other anons are probably right that you should just look for a free pattern online.
Good luck anon!

No. 219880

Ty nonnies for all the advice! I tried scouring raverly for patterns but they'd either be a clusterfuck of different cables and stitches or paywalled. Or you work panels in flat and sew them together, which I'd like to avoid. The pattern that I want to use has dropped, loose sleeves which made me think it could be feasible. Might come back here in a month crying aha.

No. 245516

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girl dont do it

No. 245583

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Learned about thrum/thrummed mittens, so sad it is like end of the winter now, they look so comfy and fun to make!

Nta but I saw a discussion thread on this elsewhere and apparently if you weave in some strands of your hair it counters it? Love the slightly witchy/Victorian vibe of this superstition tho. Have any knitanons experienced the sweater curse?

No. 245635

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Ah, I really wanted to crochet thrummed mittens like last month but decided it would be too late for it. I'm not really a mitten person, but they look so cute and cozy.

No. 245699

How did you all learn to knit? My great-aunt taught me how ages ago, and when I picked it back up again recently I tried to learn from online tutorials and I could not figure out purls until my mom showed me the lazy way to do them in continental style. Somehow I became convinced that I had been taught Russian-style knitting, aka that weird shit with intentionally twisted stitches, when I had actually learned regular continental all along and all my projects were coming out wonky as a result.

No. 245702

You could just make them now and wear them the next winter, though?

No. 245734

seconded. i was never taught to knit or crochet, is there a kit that i could buy to start learning?

No. 245756

ayrt, the best way to learn is to have someone show you. Most local yarn stores (i.e. not the big box hobby stores) have some kind of knitting and/or crochet classes, and if you're lucky you can find one for beginners. Other than that, VeryPinkKnits on YouTube is a great channel. I don't really like how she teaches continental purling, but I also think that most American tutorials over-complicate continental purling. If you just put the working yarn over the left needle like it's another stitch and guide the right needle through with your left thumb the stitch practically makes itself, but I digress. As for kits, all you need to start is some cheap yarn, preferably bulky/category 5 because it's easier to work with as a beginner, and then either knitting needles or a crochet hook of the appropriate size. You can just get the size recommended on the yarn package if you're unsure, or if you're following a pattern use what the pattern says. For first projects in either knitting or crochet, squares and/or simple scarves are good. For knitting, you can try first garter stich (knit each row) and then stockinette (knit one row, purl the other, and so on). The first things you make will probably be hideous but that's OK. If you get bored of the beginner's rectangle, make a Ravelry account and try looking for easy patterns. Hats are usually not too complicated, but most knitted hats will require circular or double-pointed kneedles so those are better tackled once you're past the beginner phase. Have fun!

No. 245763

Crochet, not knitting, but I'm 100% self taught. None of my older relatives know how to do anything crafty, so one summer about 5 years back, I picked it up and learned everything via online tutorials. Some video, mostly blog posts and beginner's patterns.

No. 245770

I had knitting in school but I never learnt it there, had my parents help with the projects we had to do and couldn't do anything besides plain knit stitch. Then like 3 years ago I learned on my own via youtube tutorials because I wanted some cozy knit socks.

Anyone here has any experience buying yarn cones? I just realised its much cheaper than buying normal balls of yarn even if you go for high quality stuff. I read about the waxy coating and stuff but was wondering if anyone here has practical insight/negative experiences with them.

No. 245796

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Anyone want to share your favorite free patterns you've made?


I love this stitch so much.

No. 245798

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She comes out lovely, considering trying to scale up the pattern for a huge snail.

No. 245834

anon this is so cute! now i want to make a massive one with chunky yarn

No. 245840

Crochet, but I only taught myself recently with videos. I just saw yarn in Walmart and decided to pick it up.

No. 245866

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I made this scarf for my mom and I almost kept it for myself because it's so warm and squishy.


No. 245910

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https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/WoolCoutureCompany This ladies etsy shop is so lovely, it makes me want to get into crochet and knitting. I love the kits she does!

No. 245911

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So sweet!

No. 245930

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No. 248172

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Per request of the anon in /ot/, this is the page I was talking about. These are Creative Grandma's stitch of the week patterns. I said 50 in my posts, but I now realize that it's actually 257 stitch patterns. They're all free and I plan on trying them all.
Pic is just a random picture, not from the site.

No. 248362

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Oh my god what a perfect thread! I'm a pattern """designer""" (of zero fame with no audience) but I'm knitting myself a sweater right now and designing it as I go. I've posted about it in /ot/ without knowing about this thread! My night has been made. I did German shortrows at the back so the neckline doesn't choke me to death, its hard to take pictures of but I'm nearly at the sleeve separation now. I recently made a croptop too but my photos of it are shitty.

No. 248363

That yarn is so beautiful! I don't know anything about knitting, but it looks great so far anon.

No. 248364

Thank you kindly, anon!

No. 248600

That yarn is gorgeous, anon! Would you mind sharing the brand/colorway?

No. 248723

That's beautiful, anon! The idea of doing my own pattern terrifies me, the most I'll do is tweak an existing one. Please post pics when it's done if you're comfortable doing that!

No. 248757

This is so beautiful! Amazing work so far nonna, I hope you share the finished project when you're done!

No. 248789

Thank you!! It's just a Michael's Store Loops'n'Threads brand. I'll link it! I like it because its an incredibly soft acrylic meant for baby blankets, but I notice that it gets fuzzy really quickly. The colourway is called Blossom in case the link doesn't go to that colour directly.
Thank you! Tweaking patterns is how you begin to make your own, that's how I started! Eventually you get really comfortable with not using a base. I'll post if I remember! >>248757
Thank you so much as well!

No. 248802

How do you anons feel about using free patterns to make things to sell? I’ve considered getting a booth at a local shop and selling these hats I like to make (not because I need a side hustle, it’s because I have fun making them, but have run out of family/friends to gift them to.) However, the pattern is a random internet person’s free pattern, so I feel kind of weird about doing something like that. Using it to make a profit.

No. 248803

I don't think there's anything wrong with it but I'd feel a bit weird about it personally as well.
You could always contact the person and ask their permission if you're unsure, or maybe find a similar free pattern by a big company like Lion/Red Heart/Drops etc where it would feel less like a big deal? Is it a really specific pattern or is it quite simple?

If it's just for fun rather than profit, you'd maybe feel less weird about it if you gave any profits to a charity or something? Of course you don't have to do that, it's your time and your work, just a suggestion!

No. 248812

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Does anyone have any cute sky-themed amigurumi patterns? I've been trying to make a mobile for my friend's new baby. So far I have a bunch of clouds and raindrops, plus a rainbow colored base I'm attaching them to. I'm thinking about adding a sun and some birds or bees, I'm not sure yet.

Thanks for the link nona! I was just looking for a resource with different crochet stitches to try out.

Also I just watched one of her videos and for whatever reason it really hit me in the kokoro. She really reminds me of my own grandma who passed away like 10 years ago. She was really good at knitting and sewing but I never got a chance to learn from her.

No. 251070

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This is more of a rant, but I hate when I find a pattern I really like, but the instructions are unclear as fuck. I'm looking at a pattern for a case and they don't even include the instructions for every part of the case. It's not too complicated, so it won't be hard to just wing it but it's still very annoying.

No. 251246

Which parts are you confused about? Creating the bottom portion before you start crocheting in the round? I hate when patterns are like that, too. Sometimes the pattern creator has a "contact me" portion of the pattern if you get confused though near the end.
Also I just started knitting a beanie. I know it's Spring but I'm hoping to have stock for the winter and for Christmas gifts without overwhelming myself come Winter again. I'd post a picture but my lighting is pathetic right now. The yarn is an alpaca, silk and wool mix so it feels kinda soft but kinda rough. It's not plied very tightly either so it'll be super fuzzy

No. 251338

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I love knitting but unfortunately it takes way too long. So I bought a knitting machine for 50 Euros and now I am able to knit a cardigan in two weeks. I am too shy to post my stuff here but I found something similar to mine. It is inspired by an outfit Harry Styles wore to a concert.

No. 251344

I was thinking about buying a knitting machine but it looked kinda complicated to use? what has been your experience with it nonny?

No. 251851

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>tfw I get yarn barf

No. 251866

who the FUCK invented UK sizing

No. 251892

I've just realized that when I'm working in a round I can put a marker in for every last stitch instead of tediously counting my stitches for every round. I feel so retarded for not doing this earlier, especially since I've been marking every last stitch in a row on a blanket I'm working on. I just didn't think to do it with any other projects.

No. 252027

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I just started learning to knit a few months ago and I love it so much, it's so satisfying and meditative (when I'm not fucking it up)

I am about to start knitting this vintage pattern out of cotton worsted for summer. I love the photo because it's how I imagine I'll feel wearing my stupid little vest

No. 252034

That is so cute anon! It looks like it will be very comfortable

No. 252968

Can anyone guess what yarn weight is in vidrel? She doesn't say and I'm a beginner so I'm not good at identifying weights. I thought it may be alright to use the same weight of yarn that was instructed in the original pattern for the cats but I've never made a garment before (other than accessories) so I'm not sure if it would be alright to use worsted weight yarn for a sweater.

No. 253237

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Since she used a 5mm hook, it sounds like you’re right that it’s about a worsted weight. Good luck with your sweater!

No. 253299

Thank you so much anon! I appreciate it.

No. 253306

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My biggest pet peeve regarding patterns is when someone makes an entire video tutorial for how to make an item, and then you have to pay for the written pattern. I prefer reading written patterns so I can watch other stuff when crocheting so it just sucks. I know people wanna make money off of their work, that doesn't bother me (it doesn't even bother me when pattern makers do stuff like say "no selling items made with this pattern") but why would you make a free video tutorial if you want to charge for the pattern.

No. 253531

How can I fix a gaping hole in a wool sweater if I have no prior experience in knitting or sewing? It's aprox 2 inches wide, a bit less. Is it even worth trying?

No. 253568

Because it's a great way to advertise and get people to buy your pattern. I understand your frustration but you can't just expect things for free. They deserve compensation for their artwork. I hope you get what you need though anon!

No. 253597

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There are a handful of ways to mend a hole in a knit. If the hole is vertically short enough you may just be able to kind of “sew” it shut with similar yarn. If it’s a larger hole, maybe get a speedweve darning loom of the necessary size and a tapestry needle set. There are a lot of YouTube tutorials showing how to darn with one. Look for one that shows someone darning a knit garment (for some reason a lot of ppl use them for darning jeans too).

No. 284135

How difficult is it to learn to crochet? I saw an amazing project I really want to make, but I have no crochet experience. Does it have a big learning curve or does mastering a few basic stitches allow you to make most things? Compare it to sewing if you can.

No. 284136

It can be a bit hard to get a hang of the basics (slip knot, chain, slip stitch, single crochet, half double crochet and double crochet) but yes after you learn those you can make most things. Any other stitches that a pattern might call for will be easy to learn if you already know those.

I recommend vidrel, the Crochet Guru. When I was learning I used multiple different tutorials but this channel helped me the most.

No. 284687

who keeps bumping and deleting

No. 299404

What would be the best way to get started dyeing my own yarn? Do people just buy white/plain yarn like cotton or wool, and add those dye packets that you can use for clothes, or is there more to it than that?
Sorry to necro a dying thread, I have hope that it will thrive again!

No. 299426

Oh nice! Had no idea there was a thread for this! I hate chenille and plush yarn, talked about it in art salt like a week or two ago

No. 299443

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Plush and chenille are up there with black yarn on the list of yarns I hate but roving takes the (yarn) cake. Even faux-roving like Red Heart Unforgettable AKA Unforgiveable makes me ragequit like a Fortnite-playing moidlet when I inevitably try to frog it.

No. 299512

I had to look up what that even was. Sounds evil.

No. 299523

Maybe a stupid question: How do you choose a garment pattern ensuring that it's flattering on you? My fear is knitting my first sweater, putting in all that effort, and it looks busted

No. 299553

It definitely deoends, to a degree, on how you're caring for/using it… But roving yarn also holds up like shit over time IMO. Hands down the worst.

No. 299554

She's a TiF, but handweavers on tumblr is probably an approachable person to ask this question to.

No. 299900

Plush and chenille is so fun to work with for me. I love it!

No. 299982

What are some of your favourite simple stash busting projects for crochet? My motivation to start a long project is frazzled but I still want to be making something.
I’m working on a little book pouch/sleeve currently to keep my book safe if I’m carrying it in my bag and it’s a perfect mix of simple and quick to just switch my brain off

No. 300008

I'm trying to teach myself, and am casting on okay, but literally can't figure out how to add a second needle. Does anyone have any videos that may help? The ones I've found still leave me a bit hopeless.

No. 300013

It’s pretty boring, but I just make granny squares. Someday I’ll get a blocking board and also have enough to make a massive blanket, I hope. Only have like 20 or so right now.

No. 300014

To those of you who knit and crochet, so you find yourself being more picky about yarn material with crochet? I was trading leftover yarn with a friend who knits and she rolled her eyes when I said that I can’t stand acrylic because of the way it rugburns my fingers.

No. 300033

This is the one I used. She also has one for continental style. It still took me lots of pausing and repeating and slowing down the speed though.

No. 300225

File: 1668921968678.png (269.42 KB, 720x960, cat.png)

I'm being forced to check the gauge for a garment I'm working on, and no matter what hook I use it's always one or two stitches more than I need.

No. 300313

I am terrible at remembering numbers so I can only loom. Could I knit, or is it alot like crochet in that you have to remember your rows?

No. 300317

You can just count rows and stitches in crochet

No. 300404

File: 1669047361675.jpg (252.27 KB, 794x1461, il_794xN.3628546544_k4c0.jpg)

You tend to handle the yarn more when you crochet so the risk of slowly garroting your fingers is higher than with knitting, plus crochet tends to make a denser fabric so shitty yarn really screws up the drape of the finished product. I only ever crochet with shitty acrylic yarn when I'm testing out a new technique or making a functional item that needs a tough, structured fabric. Recently I made a wonderfully rigid pencil case from this horrible scratchy acrylic that would not be suitable for any wearables other than maybe a biblically accurate John the Baptist cosplay, and it cracks me up that it's advertised as a blanket yarn (picrel but in taupe).

No. 300405

you have an astounding way with words anon

No. 300618

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NONNIES what should i gift to a woman who loves knitting? would just yarn be enough, or ? maybe there's something cool!

No. 300627

nice yarn, nice needles, nice pattern book

No. 300642

File: 1669169298461.jpg (215.86 KB, 1280x1280, 630183__01469.jpg)

You could get her a yarn bowl, picrel is a basic one but there are tons of cute kitchy ones out there too, like my mom has one shaped like a sheep

No. 301517

Returning to the thread because I bought and started using this for a project, and while I don't regret it (the color is really nice), it is an absolute mess to work with and I can't ever undo my stitches

No. 301571

How do you follow YouTube crochet tutorials when it's a mess of knots and you have no clue where to stick your hook in next kek

No. 301578

By trying more than one channel and turning the speed of the video down

No. 301799

I usually put the hook where I think they’re telling me to put it, and keep going for a while because it’ll become very clear if I’ve made a mistake. Then I’ll just rip the stitches out and try again, usually it becomes a bit clearer after I’ve fucked it up a few times. Time consuming but the payoff is worth it

No. 301901

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What's your favorite yarn anons? It can be a brand, a type of yarn, or your favorite fiber. I personally like anything soft, fluffy and thick (like chenille or the Lion Brand hometown yarn). The process with fluffy yarns is a struggle but I think they make nice projects.

No. 302128

The cleanliness of your work and ability to interpret it will get better with practice, and there's not really any way around that other than just continuing to go for it until you get there, like >>301799 says.
There are a lot of tutorials out there dedicated to how to read your work, though, if you want some extra help. Not going to be much use until you get practice in to the point where things look consistent, though.

No. 302170

wool with tweed

No. 302886

File: 1670448603353.jpg (104.33 KB, 750x900, 1-im-a-knotty-knotty-hooker-cr…)

Does anyone else find the hooker jokes pretty corny? It was funny at first, but I kind of roll my eyes when I hear them. It doesn't have anything to do with my personal feelings on actual hookers or anything, btw

No. 303026

normie humor

No. 304993

I'm making last minute Christmas scarf. Pray for me.

No. 305003

File: 1671916534148.png (2.04 MB, 1218x1274, lmao.png)

agreed, hooker jokes are cringe. its in the same category of thing as "doggo" and "heckin good boi"

speaking of crochet cringe, there was drama in a facebook group I'm in because some moron is making crocheted packers complete with ball hair and shaft veins. I guess several people had the AuDAcItY to click the LOL-reaction which caused the OP to start frothing about transphobia. i didn't want to get banned from the group so I restrained myself from pointing out that no one is desperate enough for "gender affirmation" to stuff a cartoonish wooly knob in their pants.

No. 305013

I find this super cute lol

No. 305046

Imagine the smell of those acrylic sweat-absorbers inside the panties of an unwashed fujoshi, cooking in that fleshpit for multiple days.

No. 305048

File: 1671949729549.jpg (779.99 KB, 1090x710, 20211116_095741.jpg)

After the holidays I will use my yarn stash to make a shongololo. https://www.projectarian.com/shop/product/shuttle-the-shongololo-free-pattern/
I pray.

No. 305049

oh my god i have the exact same pipe dream. i managed to do that designer's octopus and dragon so i can personally say she's an excellent pattern writer

No. 305051

Are those…hairy fucking balls?

No. 305052

Omg, I saw this yesterday and wsntbto make it too! It would definitely be a long-term sort of project for me. Thank you for your prayers nonny, I am very nearly done with the scarf.

No. 305079

I've seen these before but.. sold as lil gag gifts. Which is what they should be.

No. 305091

The OP was getting pissed at anyone in the thread even making a lighthearted, well intentioned joke about these. It also amuses me to no end that they photographed most of them in a dim room with flash lighting at weird angles, just like a real dick pic

No. 305093

Thanks nonnie, I will make this one day.

No. 305173

Can more knowledgable nonnas help? I'm a begginner with crocheting and I made the 2nd sleeve of my cardigan too lose. It required less rows compared to the 1st one and is only a centimeter higher. Other than that, they're almost identical size wise. Would it still "work" or will it ruin the whole project? I'm quite anxious about it since this is my first cardi. All of your advice is appreciated.

No. 305177

Did you do a gauge swatch? Also it may be more helpful to post this on the crochet subreddit.

No. 305179

I havent, I dont have the tool for it. I didnt even know what that was until now kek. most of the results are related to knitting, but i didnt know that it could be used for crocheting too. But thanks nona!!

No. 305182

File: 1672076801717.jpg (909.52 KB, 2000x1333, The-Importance-of-Crochet-Gaug…)

You shouldn't need anything but a ruler or measurement tape really. Gauge is just how many stitches are in a 4 inch section of your crochet pieces. It's pretty important for most garments (like your cardigan) to make them fit properly, and patterns usually have how much your gauge should be at the beginning.

If the second sleeve is looser, you may have just loosened your tension. I also meant to ask, did the pattern say the sleeve required less rows or did it just end up looking like it needed less rows? I was gonna say that if it's not a noticeable difference you may not need to frog it, but it might end up looking weird when you inevitably have to wash the cardigan.

No. 305187

File: 1672078743087.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.23 MB, 3072x2533, IMG_20221227_021008.jpg)

yes, I didnt put as much tension on the 2nd sleeve like i did with the first one.

The pattern i'm following didnt specify how many rows it should have, rather, it told us how much inches it should be. the 2nd looser sleeve had less rows since the loose stitches made its height longer. so instead of it being 18 1/2 like the 1st sleeve, it's 19 inches instead. so yeah, it ended up needing less rows.

pic rel. are my sleeves. left (1st) right (2nd)

like you've stated, i dont think it will be noticeable if my sweater is chunky and cuffed anyways, but i'm always open to other advice!!

No. 305189

How did you nonas learn to crochet? Do you have any book or online video/tutorials/courses you can recommend pls? There are so many out there, I don't know where to begin.

No. 305194

I suggest this

No. 305212

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Has anyone here ever made their own hooks (or needles)? I'm seriously thinking about buying molds, resin, and clay to try and make my own

No. 305306

Hate magic knots.

No. 305869

To be honest Clover Soft Touch Crochet Hooks are my gold standard. I crochet a lot and my set of clover hooks are very comfortable and durable. As much as I love the cool resin and sparkles of custom hooks I would not recommend investing in them purely based on my love of how smooth Clover hooks feel to use.

No. 306265

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I've never made any, but I inherited a couple hand carved crochet hooks a few years ago and I think they're so neat. I suspect they were made around the Great Depression era. Pic isn't mine, but looks similar enough.

No. 306272

File: 1672812577186.jpg (123.47 KB, 740x1665, how-to-single-crochet-row.jpg)

British terminology literally makes no sense at all. Why would this be called a double crochet?

No. 306317

It’s stitched through the loop below the top I think. Normally for single in that second image I would stitch through the top string not where their hook is.

No. 306320

I don't mean that picture specifically kek (I'm pretty sure that was called a single crochet), I just used that one because it's a picture of a single crochet.

No. 306346

I thought it was a very cool set of wands, Harry Potter inspired but even more awesome.

No. 306491

those are my favs too

No. 306502

How did they know how big to make the hook?

No. 307026

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These new-ish sesame street yarns are so stinkin' cute

No. 308246

I’m looking for a pretty afghan pattern, with up to 4 different colors

No. 308249

Knitting or crochet? What kind of vibe are you going for (cosy/rustic like a granny square blanket, something more modern, idk)? I usually use ravelry if I want to find a specific pattern but I wouldn't blame any anons here for not wanting to use it troon owner etc

No. 308251

Use ravelry, Pinterest or ribblr.

No. 309560

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I picked this one

No. 310404

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I've been diligently collecting my scrap yarn to turn into more, new yarn, and I'm starting to realize how different my definition of scrap yarn is to other crocheters. I consider scrap yarn to be like, the little pieces you cut off after weaving your ends or when I have an extremely tiny amount of yarn left after a project, but other people are able to make entire projects from their scrap yarn kek.

No. 310641

I'm doing some amigurumi and I was thinking, what happens if I do all my increases/decreases next to each other instead of spacing them out? Like if instead of doing for example, (3SC, inc)*6, can I do instead 18SC continuously and then 6 increases continuously?

No. 310657

all the increases would be concentrated in one area. you can just do it yourself to figure out what it would look like. I've seen it used for more pronnounced shaping i.e. a nose on an animal head or something

No. 310730

I have only done amigurumi in the past, but am trying my hand at crocheting a blanket for the first time. It's a simple afghan, just the same alternation of sc and dc stitches over and over again. For the border, just sc all the way around.
Now, the pattern gives a specific number of recommended rows to accompany the number of starting stitches- around 205.
Will there be any issues if I don't keep track of the exact number of rows I have? Or am I good to just keep crocheting rows until the blanket is my desired size?

No. 310817

It's just a blanket so yeah you can do it until it's however long you want.

No. 310839


No. 311028

Help me make an army nonnies

No. 311045

Cute! First amigurumi?

No. 311061

Making an amigurumi without a pattern using a very fat yarn. I need a flat, circular base, and therefore tried doing the typical magic circle of 6 chains, and then increasing by 6 stitches per round.
I believe it's due to the fatness of the yarn, but I'm ending up with a bowl shape rather than something flat. What should I do?
Increase more frequently? Add more stitches to each increase? Start with a larger number of stitches in the magic circle?
Any help is appreciated!

No. 311068

Are you doing your increases after a certain amount of stitches? Like doing an increase every 2 stitches in one round, then an increase every 3 stitches in the next round, and so on.

No. 311129

Yep, I'm doing what I usually do when making an amigurumi.
Ended up just using a MUCH larger hook and that resolved the issue.

No. 311369

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Anybody able to figure out how Asako Ito does her work? Rather than the traditional amigurumi made primarily from going in continuous rounds, it looks like she crochets individual panels that she then joins together (in a manner closer to traditionally sewn plushes). Does that sound about right?
I really like the greater level of flexibility this seems to lend her shapes, and am curious about trying the technique.

No. 311773

Has anyone ever bought yarn online (particularly any North American nonas?) The place where I buy my yarn doesn’t restock its colors as often as I’d like and I’m thinking of ordering on hobbii or somewhere like that. I also prefer using 100% cotton, but I think most stores carry at least some cotton yarn so that shouldn’t be a problem.

No. 312993

I'm not familiar with that artist, but this technique sounds interesting and I think I'll try it soon as an experiment.

No. 314006

Whenever I feel like giving up on crochet, I just remind myself that I am The Chosen One and destined to do this because I basically immediately grasped how to do a magic circle

No. 314072

Anybody have a knitting or crocheting business? I got pretty far into a scarf I was planning to sell until I noticed that I made a mistake I couldn't fix so I unraveled the whole thing. It's not something that the average person who doesn't knit would be able to notice without looking closely so I'm wondering if I should have just finished the scarf anyway. What are your thoughts on this? Would you sell an item that had a mistake in it?

No. 314318

Yeah. You're a person doing handmade items, not a machine. Imperfections will happen. If the mistake isn't really noticeable, I doubt anybody would mind.

No. 314409

Yez ♥

No. 315024

Update : I have made way too many and given them all to my perplexed coworkers

No. 317045

i've bought from lion brand's website, premier, bamboomn, joann's and amazon. what did you have questions about nonna?

No. 324013

I want to knit some useful gifts for a soon to be mom friend. I was thinking about burp blanket (I don't know the name but the thing you cover yourself when your baby nerd to burp ). I'm not sure about the optimal dimension but I'm more worried about the yarn to use so it dont become ugly and faded after multiple wash. Would a cotton or acrylic be best ? I guess the way the yarn is spun would play in it looking ok after the wash

No. 337478

Crocheter here, I fucking hate working in my ends because I feel like a little pieces always ends up sticking out and they never feel secure. But sometimes that's like the only choice cause for some projects its hard to weave the ends in so I'm just gonna keep doing it and get some fabric glue to hold it down

No. 337541

File: 1687674924622.jpg (188.49 KB, 1500x1419, woobles.jpg)

Has anyone here heard of these The Woobles kit? They're pretty popular for beginners. A kit like picrel is $30, and while I don't think it's an insane price, I think its incredibly silly that people are paying $30 to make this ugly little thing when you could everything you need for less than $30 and make something way cuter.

Also, the kit comes with a magic circle/first round already made even though magic circles come up multiple times in the pattern. So whoever buys this is going to have to learn how to make a mc anyway.

No. 337542

File: 1687675260749.png (1.87 MB, 2000x2000, EasyPeasyBeginnerBundle_1024x1…)

Samefag, and this bundle is going for $120. One hundred and twenty dollars. But I do get the idea that their target audience probably isn't people who want to learn how to crochet, but for people that just want a quick craft project and to make something cute.
this amigurumi has hella gaps btw

No. 337547

I don't knit, just saw your post while browsing. IMHO, this kit looks adorable and I guess it's more of a gift thing that something a serious knitter would buy.
I think it's like that "paint by the number" pictures that you can gift to someone, they are pretty fun and you can do it just in one weekend and than get the result to sit on your shelf.
Although I guess it's would be a poor gift for a pro. I draw in ink and my classmates once gifted me an adult coloring book. I didn't knew what to do with it, since it's not my cup of tea (if I like drawing, than sure I would love a coloring book… uh, no?). But at least I had fun coloring it with brother when we had a blackout. So, a funny gift, but I guess not everyone would be impressed with it.

No. 337566

Just curious, how expensive in materials would something like this be? Is this doable for someone who hasn't crocheted before?

No. 337580

Hi anon, that's the Cozy Days Daisy Blanket by AllaboutAmi. It should be a fine project for beginners. The hardest part would just be putting it together, it would probably benefit you to join as you go. The pattern says she used 11 skeins of yarn in total, how much that would cost would depend on what brand you buy. She used 900 yards of the blue color, 311 yards of the white and 46 yards of the yellow. She also used a bully weight yarn. Find a bulky yarn you like and look at how many yards comes in a skein. Then figure how much you would need to buy of each and that's how much it would cost. Here's the pattern.

No. 337582


No. 337595

Something rubs me the wrong way about forcing random Chinese factory workers to make all those magic rings (and they are all human made) just so buyers don’t have to start with le scary magic ring. If starting a mr is THAT big a source of anxiety I don’t get why they don’t just tell them to start with ch 2, working into second ch on hook.

No. 337711

Thanks for the detailed response! Super helpful ♥

No. 341526

Dishie yarn is really nice and very affordable. The only problem is that it's a small size, you you either have to modify any patterns you make, or just accept that they'll be smaller than the example.

No. 344085

File: 1691703610646.jpeg (395.1 KB, 1421x1338, IMG_8116.jpeg)

would it be possible to make cardigans that look like these as a total beginner if I took it slow and was very meticulous? I'm assuming it'd be very difficult and take me a long time but is still doable

No. 344092

Since they're made in panels and supposed to be oversized I think it would be pretty doable. Just make sure you're using similar yarn for all the panels and they're all the same size and you should be fine

No. 344105

what about doing different designs, like making the frogs or the fruits? I found this tutorial for crocheting custom pixel designs, would I use a similar technique to this?

No. 344108

samefag I'm posting this here for future reference and in case anyone else ever wants to make their own crochet pixel art, this tutorial seems a bit more thorough than the other one especially for beginners

No. 344114

It would be simple in the sense that you're only doing one stitch, but maybe a bit tricky to juggle multiple yarn colors at the same time (something I've never been great at lol). Regardless, I still think you should go for it!

No. 344125

thanks nona I'll definitely attempt the full cardigan! keeping track of the different colors does seem tricky, maybe I can do a few small projects just for practice first and then move on to the cardigan

No. 344568

Do you know any yt channel/blog/book to learn how to design your own crochet clothes? I'm not looking for specific patterns but rather general guidelines about different pieces of clothing. I guess looking individualy for free patterns and then adding my own modifications could also help but I was wondering if I could find somewhere the basics for each garment.
Also, are blocking mats worth it? I'm almost finishing my firts two pieces, a shawl and a scarf, and they're too big to block on my ironing board. I could buy blocking mats for 30€ in my local yarn shop, that doesn't sound too pricey since I intend to use them after I finish all my current and future projects. My mother disagrees, she thinks it's not worth it but she doesn't do any crafts so maybe I shouldn't follow her advice.

No. 344814

File: 1692139948934.jpg (71.36 KB, 1133x1500, 61EgsLW7lXL.jpg)

I'm forever stuck in a loop of buying a gazillion of these and then loosing all of them. I don't een know where they go.

No. 344969

I find it helps having a tools kit with pockets and zippers. That's how I managed to keep my stitch markers in a place where I know I'll find some. I put my tapestry needles in there too.
The problem is having enough stitch markers when you have the tendency to have a lot of WIPs at the same time.

No. 348157

Just splurged and ordered some hobbii yarn, hope it's good (i'll say something here if it's not). I'm a real snob about only using cotton and my local craft store has been cutting back on the colors they offer in cotton so i'm resorting to desperate measures.

No. 348785

File: 1694800450939.jpg (152.24 KB, 700x700, dahlia-front-700xauto.jpg)

Have you tried them yet nonna? Hobbii has some really pretty yarns, I like these dahlia ones.

No. 348801

>>348785 nope, unfortunately I’m in the IS and I don’t think my package has even left Denmark yet. Tracking just says it’s awaiting shipment on USPS’s end. Might go and bitch about it to them but I know my expectations for delivery speed are spoiled by Amazon.

No. 349633

Finally got my yarn and had a chance to use some of it! picrel is really pretty, but I crochet with thicker yarn so I can't really speak on it. I got some Friends 8/8 cotton and Rainbow 8/8 cotton (does anyone know the difference between those two lines? they feel exactly the same to me) and I thought i'd share some of my thoughts on the yarn here: First of all, this is my first time messing with cotton that's got so many threads. it's interesting because it gives it a slightly rope-like texture when it's worked up, compared to the cheap store-bought worsted weight cotton i've been using. It also sheds a lot less which is nice. What I don't love about it is how small the skeins are. I knew they were small going in so I'm not saying i got duped or anything but i got a single ten pack of colors and I feel like there isn't enough to do a whole lot with any of them. (it's the warm colors set though, so maybe i'll make a leaf garland or something). It took about a week for it to arrive to me in NA from Denmark, which isn't too bad all things considered. Given the small quantities of yarn per skein though, I'd say it isn't a particularly good deal or super cheap or anything. I could see myself sampling a few other yarns from them in the future though. I've got my eyes on a few of the wool blends.

No. 350759

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This was my first time making dolls but I think it came out really good.
Pattern is by Greenfrog crochet.

No. 350775

Soooo cute omg

No. 350837

Nonna this is absolutely adorable!!!

No. 350866

you should keep making dolls!

No. 350868

Thanks for the review anon! I might buy some now.
Very cute! It looks super neat and well-made, especially for a first time.

No. 350871

That's so adorable! The curls and the ruffles, love the details!

No. 357202

What do you like to do with your scraps? I'm tired of just tossing them in the bottom of a basket somewhere or getting rid of them, so I've started making these little hearts, and maybe i'll get a little christmas tree to put them on. https://www.planetjune.com/blog/free-crochet-patterns/love-hearts/

No. 358005

File: 1699654589601.jpg (2.25 MB, 4000x3000, 20231110_171220.jpg)

Does anyone know or could share a tutorial on any tricks to hide these? I made one of those bags that you flip inside out but these things end up at the bottom of the purse.

Also, where is the cheapest place I can buy yarn? Specifically the chunky one for sweaters? I currently get mine at Hobby Lobby where it's sometimes 30% off. Regular price is $4.99 - 8.99. I'm wondering if there's a place I can buy in bulk for cheaper and it's not crap quality?

So far I really like the Yarn Bee brand.

Thanks in advance.

No. 358012

I guess I should also add I tried "I love this yarn" which I used for pic related but I don't think I liked the quality. I started crocheting about a month ago so I'm still not familiar with a lot of brands or know exactly what makes yarn good or bad quality. I really like Yarn Bee but I love this Yarn has way more variety of colors.

No. 358092

I have some wire cutting pliers that I use to snip off the ends of these. I've also heard of melting them into flatter nubs with a lighter, though I havent' tried it yet. Either of those you do, you could do that and then just make a small flat circle to sew to the bottom to hide the eyes.

No. 358094

samefagging too, lol. I also mostly shop at hobby lobby, though I usually go for I love this cotton just because I can't stand the feeling of acrylic on my hands. The obvious drawback with that is that it has a pretty limited color palatte. Cotton is also more expensive. I've been looking into online cotton brands (like hobbii) but I haven't found any yet to match how much I like I love this cotton.
For acrylic, you could try big twist from joanne's? It also comes in a very wide color variety and is probably of a similar price point.

No. 358097

You're the best! And thank you for the brand recommendations! I'm going try that for the eyes.

I've never gone to Joanns for yarn because they're always out of stock of everything, have limited variety of things and tend to be more expensive at least where I live.

I always see the people who make the tutorial videos have sooo much yarn in their rooms and wonder how they're able to buy so much lol.

No. 358102

>wonder how they're able to buy so much
in my personal experience, i'm not, lol… but I'll leave my consooming for another thread

No. 358120

File: 1699678238841.jpg (2.38 MB, 2617x2647, 20231110_235021.jpg)

Worked perfectly thank you!

No. 359532

Does anyone think I could get away with making this with a Medium 4 thread and a 6mm hook?

No. 359540

yay i'm happy to hear it!!

No. 359556

I want the red and white one sooo bad

No. 359572

You can do it! Make your own!!

No. 359698

Isn't that all double crochet? If the hook is too large you'll have really big holes. You can just try.

No. 360171

File: 1700510777141.jpg (2.28 MB, 2539x3152, 20231120_150403.jpg)

I did it anyways lol.

I have some acrylic yarn I really wanted to get rid of so I didn't really mind if it came out looking nice or not. I have a pretty strong tension when I stitch so maybe that helped?

No. 360260

Does anyone know of any sweater tutorial that uses stitches like this one but the person is explaining more closely?

No. 361533

Any ideas on gifts I can crochet for men?

No. 361535

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From what I can see on her shop, looks like she's going treble crochet, but in picrel she says you could switch it up with any other beginner crochet stitch you'd like.
Also if you look in the comments under the video, someone gives some indications about the first few rows that you basically repeat as you swap colors.

No. 361622

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Is it possible for a total beginner to learn to crochet with this super thin, 100% cotton yarn? Like an idiot, I ordered a ton of the stuff online because it was relatively cheap, nice colours, and 100% cotton (my favourite material), without realising how thin it was or that pure cotton yarn is difficult to work with. When I opened the box and realised I shelled out for literal string I wanted to cry kek. Clearly I did not do enough research beforehand but it is what it is. I can't return it and I don't have the money to buy more materials, so this is all I have to work with.
My main problem is that it's so small and thin, I struggle to count and insert my hook into stitches I already made. As much fun as I have making the first row, I have never managed to start the second. The actual mechanics of crochet make perfect sense to me and I can follow tutorials just fine, but my yarn/hook not behaving as expected has been seriously demoralising.
>Should I just give up for now and wait to buy different yarn? Or should I try to push through?
>Would a smaller or larger hook help?
I have only 4.5mm and 5mm right now, and I read somewhere that using a bigger hook could make it easier.
>Should I try to loosen up the stitches to make them more distinct and easier to put the hook into?
I have more fun and feel more satisfied making tight stitches, but if loosening up is my only recourse then I will try.
Thank you crochet nonas, I would really appreciate your advice.

No. 361655

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How do I differentiate when something is supposed to be knitted or if it’s able to be chrochet? (complete beginner). Like pic related

No. 361660

You can do something really simple and use two balls of yarn simultaneously to crochet, as if the two separate strands of yarn were one. I can't see on the label for which crochet hook size the yarn is recommended, but if you double the yarn up, you roughly double the recommended hook size depending on how tight or loose the spinning of the yarn is (for example crocheting with two size 4mm recommended yarns gets you close to a size 6mm to a size 8mm hook project).
I do that whenever I have a lot of yarn leftovers I wanna use up in projects, that way you can still practice your stitches and see if that's good for you.
Getting a few hook sizes above a 5mm is advised if you're the type to prefer working with thicker yarn (it's my preference too). You'll see as you make different projects what is more fun for you to work on and what isn't.
I usually work with 4,5mm up to 8mm crochet hooks, some of them I got recently with a wire at the end to try Tunesian crochet. I have the exception of 3-4 strand yarn cakes to make shawls where I use 2,5-4mm size hooks which is way more fun for me than amigurimi making. But it's up to you to find your sweet spot/what you find fun to try out.

No. 361668

I bet the yarn is super soft! And seconding the other anon, you can just use two strands together. As for hook sizes, i just go by vibe now and completely ignore what’s on the packaging. I find I usually use hooks a lot smaller than suggested but I usually do amigurumi so that’s what I’m used to

No. 361669

Picrel is almost definitely knitted, or it’s using a crocheted stitch that is meant to look knitted anyways. If you were to pull the sleeves apart you would see a “netting” where many strands are woven together if that makes sense, whereas crochet can’t easily achieve that netting effect without chaining a lot and the fiber would look much more bulky.

No. 361674

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That's definitely knit. You just have to crochet more to be able to tell the difference. To me, what immediately tips me off is the stitches all pointing up/in the same direction, the perfect arrow shaped stitches, and the lack of holes.

No. 361703

Thank you both so much! Doubling up did the trick and I crocheted my first ever ~second row,~ twas awesome. Of course then I couldn't quite manage to start the third kek but oh well. Practice makes perfect. The recommended hook size for this yarn is 5mm and, doubled up, I think I ought to go bigger. I'll keep trying with the 5mm and look into 7-10mm if it gives me too much trouble.
Ah, you have no idea how much you've helped me tonight. I feel relieved that I can actually use all this yarn, and appreciate its softness too! A blessing upon all your crochet projects. Mwah. Thank you again.

No. 361824

Thanks anon that makes sense!

No. 364068

It's just over two weeks til Christmas, how's everyone's holiday gift-making coming along? I'm only a third of the way through my biggest gift project and already feeling anxious about finishing on time.

No. 365379

I don't have anyone to give any crocheted gifts for Xmas. But I'm busy making a couple of Matrixx hood in different colors (I bought the pattern for less than 10€ from that Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/de/shop/creatrixinthematrixx?ref=l2-about-shopname) for myself because I like my ears to be protected from the cold winter wind.
I made one in a burgundy red already and it looks like a crossover between Little Red Riding Hood and Emperor Palpatine when I wear it kek.

No. 365400

Hey, I don't do crochet or knitting but I've noticed that AI generated patterns have become somewhat common apparently and I was wondering if they are at all reliable, just out of curiosity. There are people out there developing ai for sewing pattern generation but it seems it's not yet infiltrating the market

No. 365539

Never used an AI generated crochet pattern, and I can imagine that it could only work with small projects (coasters, flowers, maybe granny squares etc.) ATM because I'm not sure AI could generate a complex pattern with like mosaic crochet or even patterns with Celtic cross motifs or even making intricate amigurumis (like that one IG account that makes octopi plushies) without screwing up somewhere in the amount of stitches required.
If the AI learns about all the math behind making some patterns so they are viable and not wonky looking, I'm sure in 3-4 years that AI generated patterns for crochet will make a lot of pattern sellers real mad for sure.

No. 366739

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As promised in the mundane thread: my new yarn! I am making a headband with it although I still don't have chosen a pattern, I want something simple.

No. 366779

What a lovely blue color! Have fun making that headband nonnie

No. 369493

I got gifted some hand made sheep wool and i tried hand washing it twice but it's still full of random debris, is there a way to thourughly clean a skein without autisticaly picking at every individual dirt particle or do i make my garment and then wash it?

No. 373106

embrace the dirt nony

No. 373233

How do you deal with people asking if you sell the stuff you make for fun, or asking you to make things for them? One time I wore a hat that I'd crocheted to a coffee shop and the girl working there complimented it, so I told her "thanks, made it myself". Her immediate response was to ask if I sold them, and I just laughed and said no. At the time I was really bothered by her question and the implication that crafts exist to be sold, but in hindsight she might have just wanted one for herself. Either way, her question caught me off guard. Has something like that ever happened to anyone here?

No. 373244

When you card and spin it, a ton comes out. Put a towel on your lap while you spin to catch the mess

No. 373544

I know this is a super old post, it just cracks me up. I love the roving trend just because I spin and now I can find pounds of white roving on etsy super cheap for all my dye experiments. Silver lining lol.

No. 375129

I watched a vlog from some youtuber thath does crocheting and the stores in the us have so many options…
the three in my entire country have such limited options

No. 375539

I get asked constantly. It doesn’t insult me but I always answer honestly that if I did I’d charge exorbitantly high prices to account for the work that goes into it. The question itself is definitely meant to be a compliment though. It implies that what you’ve made isn’t just good enough to be your hobby but could be realistically appealing even to people who didn’t make it.

No. 375680

Usually when people ask this it means they want one of their own. I’ve seen other girls wearing cool ass shit and when I ask them where they got it and they say they make it themselves but don’t sell I always feel kinda sad because I can’t have that lol

No. 376628

I've just picked up a hook for tunisian crochet, and while i can understand tutorials well enough, it feels like learning to crochet all over again. My tension is FUCKED and it's got me feeling like a complete beginner again

No. 376912

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Can any knitter help my identify this stitch? To me it looks like stockinette but the back looks like the front if you look closely at the few parts you can see the scarf turned, so it's impossible. I was thinking maybe fisherman's rib but the stitches look so tight. I want to make a scarf just like this, I even have Lana Grossa Pappagallo yarn like the one used in this scarf (just different color), but I've been atempting it with 6mm needles (what they recommend) and it looks too loose. It's probably because I am an absolute beginner and I have no proper tension. Should I work with needles a size smaller?

No. 376914

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It looks like double-sided knitting. I haven't tried it but as far as I understand you knit two sides simultaneously and it results in a thicker fabric

No. 376917

Thanks! I could've never guessed it. It doesn't look like the kind of project for a starter like me then

No. 377360

So I tried crocheting for the first time this weekkend but I can't seem to get past a basic chain. As soon as I try a second row it turns a misshapen rag sigh.

No. 377395

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A 1x1 rib stitch will give you results similar to that and would be beginner-friendly. Just make sure your needles are on the small end of appropriate for your yarn gage.

No. 377429

That's normal anon, don't give it. Its very hard at first and then it gets very easy. What does your misshapen rag look like? Maybe we can help.

No. 377434

Can concur, when I first started crocheting I found it really difficult because I struggled with tension at first. Just keep practicing nonna, my first project was a facecloth made with cotton yarn that I still use. Do you know any crocheters irl? The first time I ever did crochet as at a one-day workshop with all the supplies provided (so if I didn't like it I hadn't invested in a ton of materials) maybe an in-person class might help, as I found it useful having someone watch me and give advice. Plus I found that once I understood several stitches, I was able to learn via youtube videos as well.

No. 377607

Thanks for the encouragement! I think I'll try some more and if I can't figure it out, I'll post a picture.

No. 379385

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Scarf anon here! I gave it a try, well, several tries, and now I have a reasonable piece of double stockinette that I'm determined to keep growing until I have my scarf. It looks a bit wonky but not only I've managed to only make 2 mistakes at the border, but fix one mistake in the middle inserting a lifeline afterwards. That was the most complex thing I did. Casting actual stitches instead of doing the most simple way of casting was also difficult, but I am positive that once i block the finished project the edges will look neater. This takes much more time than crochet, but the scarf is so light yet puffy I am not regretting quitting crochet for a while. I crocheted a scarf with merino yarn some months ago and it ended up being so heavy that I am also going to reuse that yarn for a knitted project instead.

No. 379851

Looks lovely!

No. 380306

Samefag, but I just finished my first project! A set of fingerless gloves. The first one is much worse than the second one so I probably won't be actually using them, but I'm still satisfied.

No. 380876

I can nooooooot for the life of me figure out how to make a magic ring. I can get the loop part, but not the stitches into it properly, nor does it close into a circle when I tug on the tail end. If I do make a circle it has a huge hole in it

No. 380878

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Are you sure your tail yarn is on the correct side? You have to make sure it's on the opposite side of your hook and that you're crocheting over it, or it won't close. Idk how you make your look, but if you wrap it around your finger, I recommend making a chain before you slip it of your fingers. It keeps it together and helps if you're having trouble doing your stitches.

No. 382758

Another way to make a scarf with stockinette on ‘both sides’ is to knit in the round and make a tube, then sew the ends shut (or bind off with a three needle bind off). I wanted to make a fairisle scarf this way last fall but didn’t get around to it.

No. 387997

I came to this thread just to vent about my hatred for woobles. so overpriced, the yarn is weird and hard to work with and leaves ugly gaps between stitches. it feels exploitative of beginners who don't know better. I tell any beginner to just buy some acrylic yarn and use youtube videos to learn, way cheaper and more helpful

No. 406252

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making harnesses for my kitties because they've been dying to go outside lately.

No. 406254

Love this, hope the kitties have fun!

No. 406269

That's the cutest thing ever!!!!

No. 408595

If you find the time and its not too revealing, I'd love to see your kitties in these.

No. 424700

What's the learning curve on learning how to knit in the round like? Can you begin with learning to knit in the round before knitting flat? I love the idea of knitting my own sweater in the round but I also know myself and know I'll get bored if I have to knit a lot of flat pieces first before getting to the thing I actually want to do. I already know how to crochet so I'm not completely new to yarn textiles. Thoughs?

No. 425473

Knitting in the round on circular needles is super easy as long as you pay attention when you join after cast on and use stitch markers. It’s easier than knitting flat imo because there’s no wrong side to worry about. I even got into steeking (which involves cutting into your work) because I prefer knitting in the round over knitting flat even for cardigans and such.
Knitting on double-pointed needles can be very fiddly, but it’s necessary for some smaller structures like narrow sleeves/ sleeve cuffs and socks. I’d imagine it’s even more daunting for someone who’s used to only using a single crochet hook. It’s definitely something you can get used to with practice, though.
A pattern with wide sleeves might not need DPNs at all, so that might be a good project to start with.

No. 428553

I hope needle felt nona updates us on her realistic cats

No. 428555

I was just about to post about my stuff arriving today kek I've been felting all afternoon but it's not looking like a cat quite yet. I'll keep you updated nonnas.

No. 428556

why did you choose an AI OP pic nonny?

No. 428557

Nonna… The thread was made 8 years ago.

No. 428607

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Well my cat blob looks like an eldritch abomination so far but that's ok. Was tempted to abandon this one but I'll try to embrace how cursed it looks and continue kek Spoilered because I don't want people on the front page to see my cursed felt cat.

No. 428645

It looks good!!! Using multiple colors like that is a bit tricky when you’re just starting out so I think you did a very good job for your first pass!

No. 428658

That's real crochet anon

No. 429086

Aww thank you nonna! I should be able to finish my cat this week if I don't break my two remaining needles.

No. 435008

Any ideas for small projects I can make while on a long plane ride? Thinking of maybe gifting it to some friends I'm meeting with.

No. 435034

Nonna I wish you could see the reaction this is getting from me. I am so mesmerized. I can't crochet or knit for shit but fate simply brought me to this amulet

No. 435881

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Can I do pic related with elastic thread to tighten up part of a garment in stocking stitch? I just finished knitting myself a sweater vest that was supposed to have negative ease in the waist but ended up stretchier than intended so now it’s a bit baggier than I would’ve liked. I’ve only seen people use this technique in ribbed cuffs and necklines.

No. 438414

Bumping thread because I came here to ask the same thing. I want to make a vest and I'm afraid it will fit like a rectangular pillow case.

No. 440780

just saw a tiktok today (inb4 go back) where someone just added a row of single crochet (not sure which loop, she probably did a row of the skirt flo and crocheted the elastic into the back loop)on the inside of a skirt and the before and after looked really good.

No. 441637

How do you knit less tight? I've come to pulling the needle forward to make the loop larger before slipping the stitch off the needle but surely that can't be how you're supposed to do it. I have trouble with getting my needle through ssk and k2tog, so that probably means I'm knitting too tight right?

No. 441713

>How do you knit less tight?
I knit combination style so for me it's a matter of holding the yarn loosely and not pulling it taut. But if you wrap the yarn to knit then it might have to do with the way you wrap it?
Or it could be that maybe you're knitting too close to the tip of the needle. Before moving on to the next stitch make sure to slide the one you just knit to the widest part on the needle, don't leave it on the tip or it'll be too tight.

No. 441784

I just use bigger needles. Of course you have to be careful with gauge but if you’re knitting very tightly your gauge is probably off anyway.

No. 442655

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I'm a beginner and my goal rn is to make cute colourwork socks. I've done a few single basic short socks to get an idea of how socks are constructed and they're fine. Is it too soon to jump into picrel? Or should I practice colourwork on just plain squares or something first?

No. 442658

If you've already done basic socks I think you should be good, go for it. I would do a swatch anyway just to make sure the colors I chose look good in this pattern, check the gauge and to practice. Also it's a cute pattern please post when you're done!

No. 443506

Am the above socks anon. The colourwork part was surprisingly simple so I'm happy about that, but I'm now stuck on the heel part lol. Is it okay to post part of the pattern here so I can ask for help or is that not-done since it's a paid pattern?

No. 443556

Go ahead and share it anon, I’m happy to help

No. 443622

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I've finished the 'back of heel' part and ended like it said on a row 3 with right side facing, I haven't turned my work. I have reversed YO stitches on my right needle and single stitches + reversed YOs on the left.

The next part 'bottom of heel' is where I'm stuck. I think I might be misunderstanding what 'leaving YO' means? What does the leaving part mean?

I must be doing something wrong because on row 2 it says to p to paired stitches, but I can only purl 1 stitch before getting to the paired stitches so idk.

No. 443674

Never mind looking at it again I don't think I ended on the right row after all lol.

Still what does leaving yarn over mean?

No. 444723

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How do you girls keep tracking your projects? Made my first garment out of linen and it’s a pick and choose of different techniques that I forgot where I found them. Videos, instructions…how would you get an overview of your project? I’m stuck at the right sleeve and forgot how I did that

No. 444813

Why is this in /g/

No. 445934

I just make a new note in my phone app where I link and sometimes hardcopy the pattern, any videos etc. I use, and add some sections for any changes I've made plus tracking whatever progress I need to. I keep a separate folder for all fiber arts stuff in my notes. I'm sure there are other tools people use but this works best for me since it's synced with my phone and computer and it's the simplest.

No. 447772

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I don't get it, why make all these DS stitches and then knit them together again?

No. 448986

I've been having a lot of fun with tunisian! I love the pattern it makes on the right side. I'm making a scarf and I think it would look really cool to cross stitch into it afterwards

No. 449706

For Toys for Tots I gave out a bunch of crochet kits. I tried one and it was super hard, now I feel bad for the tweens and teens who will get them.

No. 450239

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https://kweenbee.com/easy-to-knit-owl-fingerless-gloves-free-knitting-pattern/ I've made 2 pairs of these already, they're so nice. I've only ever knit a simple scarf and these weren't too difficult, they fit really well too. Highly recommend this pattern even if the owls might be a little dated, it's not too noticeable anyway it just looks like cableing if you dont add the eyes.

No. 450246

Can someone explain to me the appeal of Stephen West Knits? Some of his designs are interesting but most of them are butt ugly and/or boring, yet every other knitter's profile I look at includes at least one of his designs and they're always really hyped up about it for some reason. I regularly run across (female) designers on Ravelry whose work is at least as interesting or innovative but nobody's freaking out about them the way they freak out about this weird little bald dude.

People often used to give me these cheap amigurumi kits for some reason and the yarn is always the crunchiest, stickiest acrylic and the included crochet hooks are made of thin plastic that snaps easily. 0/10 would not recommend.

No. 450275

Holy fuck his stuff is almost as ugly as his mug is

No. 455268

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Used up some GITD yarn from my stash to make pic rel. Mittens are https://www.lionbrand.com/products/fairbanks-crochet-mittens-crochet and bag is https://www.lionbrand.com/products/star-keychain-crochet. I obviously adapted those to my yarn. Hat is from an old pattern book that I had lying around. Pretty basic, but I'm pleased with them.

No. 460978

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Any nonnies know of a replacement for garter stitch that still has some veritcal stretch? I hate how garter stitch looks but it's used as a border for the leg holes. I was considering just omitting the garter stitch and picking up stitches to replace with normal ribbing.

No. 460990

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seed stitch is quite stretchy and looks nicer, but I think picking up stitches for normal rib would look better with the waist band

No. 473128

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I recently bought a couple knitting machines for cheap and was thrilled to start working on plushies and hats. I work with my hands at my job which has never made it easy for me to come home and knit normally. I thought these little machines would be a good gateway into using my flatbed machine that I received years ago but never felt confident enough to take the time to learn everything right. I bought new worsted weight yarn for the circular machines and of course half it doesn't work in the machine. Apparently 50% acrylic 50% cotton isn't loose enough for them. The only yarn I recently bought that ended up working was the recycled acrylic and cotton yarn. I hate acrylic yarn tbh but it's the only thing that will work on these plastic nightmares. Some of my old skeins of wool worked okay but I'm afraid of spending too much money on wool as I'm still learning and afraid I won't be able to sell a wool hat or plushie vs all those acrylic made items others sell at lower rates. Now I think I need to clean my flatbed machine and learn how to use it properly in order to make things out of my yarn stash that 90% doesn't work on the circular machines because of fiber or weight. Does anyone else have experiences with Sentro or Addi machines? Anyone have experience using flatbed machines?

No. 481314

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I’m learning to knit. Are my stitches twisted? Is there anything I can be doing better? I feel like my purl row is always much tighter than my knit one.

No. 481318

Definitely twisted

No. 481371

Yep they’re twisted. You might be knitting through the back loop instead of from left to right in the front. Uneven tension between purls and knits is really common, it’s called rowing out and I find it generally blocks out fine. Other than that it looks good nona!

No. 483498

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Fixed my technique! Feels amazing to finally get this right!!

No. 483519

there are so many knit-a-long tutorials on youtube for the sentro! i have a silver reed LK150 flatbed machine, but sort of wish i saved up for the silver reed SK280. what kind of flatbed machine do you have?

No. 511782

I know, I know. Not the designated thread for sharing socials. That's not what I'm doing. Has anyone else heard rumors of a huge pattern sharing discord? I've only seen it in the context of people hand wringing about muh stolen art but no one actually posting invites…

No. 512840

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I've never knit lace before, but I'm kinda obsessed with this pattern from these monster high doll stockings… Is this possible to replicate, like by hand for human scale? I have no idea where I would even start or what to look up. Does anyone maybe know of a similar pattern I could follow to get this shape?

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