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No. 112271
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never really had trouble after i developed the habit of channeling my bleak understanding of the male psychology into a game when socializing — the aim of which is to trip them up, but only indirectly. basically 90% of my interactions with men are me trying to get them to ask themselves the question: “is she making fun of me?” it turns off the weaklings and can weed out the woman-haters early on, leaving only the arrogant and the brave. boss battles, and if you’re lucky potential allies.
No. 112273
>>112272But what if your not hot? What if them just saying hello to you in the morning
triggers you?
No. 112302
What's the point. Just flirt with them and lightly make fun of them like
>>112271 said. Weeds out the retards.
No. 112551
>>112274I agree that they're just simple.
I'd even say that they're mostly just naive or dumb with one-track minds. There's no reason to be afraid of them. When it comes to general conversation you will always be smarter than they are.
They won't know if you're being awkward. They don't even get obvious body language when you're
not into them. They don't get any kind of "hints" towards anything, you have to be straight up with them or they won't understand.
No. 112571
>>112362Agree with you. A little natural banter every now and then is fine but I don't care for the men who try to incorporate it into every conversation. It quickly becomes tedious and boring, not fun at all. Imo its kind of childish and indicates they can't hold a genuine, interesting conversation with a personality of their own.
I have had guys tell me they liked talking to me because it was different from their guy friends. "More personal and serious." And another said he felt like he could talk with me about anything from the dumbest stuff to intimate. Men will like you either way if you just be yourself.
No. 112600
>>112271This is really bad advice for social idiots. The kind of nuanced ballbusting that endears smart men and turns away the morons isn't something every girl has a good grasp on.
I can only imagine some shy gal responding to everything with a half-hearted putdown before wondering why people start thinking she's an awkward bitch when she just wanted to do things right.
No. 112601
>>112274I'd also say I think it's more complex than this. It's not that they're simple, or unable to pick up on subtext (obviously some really are that dumb.). It's just when it's a first impression and they don't know what they're dealing with, they aren't picking up on your singular, obvious intent or mood, they're picking up a thousand separate possible intentions and failing to be confident about any single one.
"Hi" gets turned into a long internal process of (Who put her up to this? Does she need gas money? Do I have something on my face?) and so on. Being kinda sexy and sly is just as easily comes off as bait as does an invitation.
Point is, they're not being simple, just very anxious. Being straight with them is your best chance at dissolving that anxiety and letting the two of you have a legitimate back and forth conversation.
No. 112627
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>>112571>I have had guys tell me they liked talking to me because it was different from their guy friends. "More personal and serious." And another said he felt like he could talk with me about anything from the dumbest stuff to intimate. Men will like you either way if you just be yourself.This is the most important thing stated hitherto in this thread. In my experience, when a guy and a girl first meet and really get along, they're mostly just telling stories about their lives. Childhood stories, funny things that happen at work, embarrassing memories, etc. When a woman is especially into a guy, she'll push this further and further and try to unravel even the most trivial things about his life. Men can't really have these sorts of conversations with other men because their friendships are activity based, they can for the most part only bond over things that they do together. Many male friends don't even know basic things about their other friends, such as their age or their last name.
No. 112639
>>112635>90%Are you just exaggerating? Maybe on cow boards but it's too TERF-y and manhate-y otherwise.
It would be funny to learn I've been interacting with mostly male NEETs with nothing better to do for almost 2 years though.
No. 112646
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>>112635First cc, now lolcow? It'd be naive to believe this board is 100% female but fuck off with your 90% male paranoia.