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No. 112369

Didn't see a thread specifically for this kind of stuff so use this for discussion about things relating to bathroom stuff, advice, how to better your gut, how you personally maintain a healthy gut, general frustrations if you have an unhealthy gut (IBS, Crohns, etc) and/or how you manage it, asshole insecurities, etc.

No. 112370>>112371>>112372

I guess to start it off, does anyone have any good recommendations for fiber supplements? And/or do probiotics actually do anything? I've been (pretty irregularly) taking psyllium husk powder but I know it won't do help at all if I don't also drink enough water. I can drink anywhere from 8-32oz a day but its pretty erratic, is it worth it to set a reminder to drink more water or should I just buy one of those giant water bottles and make it a goal to drink all of it throughout the day?

No. 112371


I use a giant water bottle that holds 120 ounces of water and highly recommend this. Keep it filled at all times and near you so you can drink the whole day.

No. 112372

don't take probiotics, even if people say "they work for me" probiotics are pretty dangerous, they can change your gut biome in the opposite way you want and you can end up really sick.

No. 112373>>112375>>112377


So I used to think I had IBS. I mean I still might have it but I think I’m just sensitive to certain food triggers and going to a gastroenterologist helped me with that. What I’ve noticed makes a big difference is my stress level.

I never thought stress levels would be related to my past issues (ulcers, gastritis, extreme constipation) until I got diagnosed with CPTSD.

The doctors explained to me that my amygdala is larger/hyper active so I get into a fight or flight mode almost daily sometimes with even small stress triggers, and that this could possibly explain why I used to have more of these issues more when I lived with my shitty family vs now (alone).

So if you have similar anxiety/stress issues it may be making your GI issues much much worse. I’ve noticed now that when I feel stressed out I tense up and even with a healthy diet I will have issues but nothing compared to from before. Meditation, centering and grounding myself has really improved my gut Heath. Crazy thing how our bodies work.

No. 112375>>112381

Also I’d like to add some general things that have helped me

-cut out milk and dairy besides sometimes cheese. For some reason I tolerate the thick fresh style cheeses better than sliced cheese.

-cook only in light olive oil but I still avoid extra oil in general.

-air fryer has been awesome! I can eat fries and other types of food now that I would have had to previously avoid. You don’t even need to add any oil which is great.

-avoiding red things. So tomatoes, peppers, strawberries (occasional is fine). This is something my gastroenterologist told me to do. Avoiding certain fruits like lemons, limes, mandarins, oranges, pineapples. They just hurt long term so it’s not worth it for me. If you can keep them though then it’s cool.

-adding certain fruits like papaya, watermelon, and mango to my diet has really helped me feel more regular and healthy overall.

-no coffee ever pretty much. I get my caffeine from matcha if at all. Coffee messes up my stomach sometimes. No alcohol either. I don’t really drink anyways and it just makes me feel more dehydrated which is bad anyways.

No. 112377>>112378

That's so crazy to think about but I'm glad you finally figured out what it actually was. I don't really have an issue with anxiety but definite issues with stress just because of work, and I'm really bad at letting myself relax. I've had issues with bleeding (mostly super light bleeding) when I go to the bathroom for a few years and hemorrhoids as well and I'm barely 20 years old and its super frustrating and I know this stuff can happen at any age but it makes me feel old and gross, and now self conscious because its resulted in a pretty sizable skin tag that I'm not sure would even be a good idea to try to get removed in the first place. I'm about this close to buying a bidet just to help minimize any unnecessary irritation.

I've never really formally asked a doctor about it all though, only my gyno as a one off "hey what's that thing on my asshole and should I be worried about it". I know I need to get it checked out by someone who actually works with that part of the body, its just a matter of finding a doctor now.

No. 112378


Yeah it was honestly like a “wow this makes so much sense moment!” As silly as it sounds because , like you, I’m also young (early 20s) and my worst GI issues happened when I was younger than now.

Even weird things like straight up peeing myself even though I don’t have any incontinence Issues made sense! Due to anxiety, I would either pee either 24/7 or just go and not be able to hold it in. Since I’ve calmed down and gone to therapy this has stopped.

It sucks feeling old and gross like this, I really feel you. But you’re neither trust me. A lot of people struggle with these issues. I even have that skin tag like thing you mentioned due to a particularly bad case of constipation one time. I think the only way to fix it is a physician visit but I don’t really care to have a doctor look at my asshole right now unless something was seriously wrong. I asked my gyno about mine actually but she said it’s not an issue unless it’s causing pain (in my case) but it’s definitely removable but likely benign.

No. 112381>>112386

Wow, I feel like this advice would help me a lot. I have issues using the bathroom like some days I won't pee or poop and other days I'm like a race horse every other hour.
I still deal with stress and general anxiety despite having a healthy diet, little to no sugar and caffeine, and exercising and I also have CPTSD. The fight or flight mode thing is also daily for me as well so I think I'm gonna invest in an air fryer and avoid those certain foods you listed. Thank you anon!

No. 112386


I also am the same way! Some days I pee 24/7 and horrible diarrhea and others cannot go to the bathroom at all and other days I have normal urination. I think stress is a HUGE aspect of it. At least for me, definitely and it has been a game changer to try to relax. Something that has also helped me is sleeping regularly and also taking power naps as well if I have time. I use an app for this that wakes me up in a relaxing slow way and I feel so much more calm.

The air fryer is awesome because you can cook so many things in it and it’s super easy to use. Enjoying foods you can’t normally eat is really nice, since I love fries but the oil makes me sick so now I just cut up my own potatoes and stick them in there and they come out so yummy. I’ve also made chicken in here, super toasty . I got one for 40 bucks on amazon.

No. 112416

I wish that it was more normal to talk about this stuff, not necessarily talking about poop at the bus stop but just being more aware of how it's normal to have gastrointestinal issues or how they happen. I get really shy even talking to a doctor, but my Asian friends just talk about their poops daily. I wish my family was more like that because everyone knows old people need to "stay regular" but nobody teaches you anything about that, your own guts are a secret to yourself until something goes wrong and you need to go see a doctor.

During a really stressful time I was having so many bowel issues I thought that I had cancer or even an anal prolapse because I just didn't know what was happening so I just cried to myself in secret until I could see a doctor. It turns out it was just temporary symptoms, I didn't even know stress could do that to you.

No. 112419>>112425>>112432

Had anal bleeding this morning after trying taking a dump and it's something that happens every few months or so. I also have this weird lumpy skin growth on my anus that connects to my labia but i'm not so sure if it's a hemorrhoid or not. From what I've researched, it's likely something that's not medical and insurance wouldn't cover its removal but it's grown pretty large over the years. How badly should I be seeing a specialist about these things?

No. 112425>>112429


Are you sure the bleeding is just from fissures? If you have dark stool or any blood in your poo then definitely go see a doctor. If not and its a just a fleshy growth that is causing you to strain to the point of tearing then still definitely see if you can get a doctor's opinion on it. Straining will just continue to exascerbate the problem by actually causing hemheroids ontop of whatever you already have there.

No. 112429

You're probably right that this it's an issue due to straining. I keep putting it off because it's embarrassing to me and I keep considering it a low priority issue but it might just keep getting worse if I ignore it.

No. 112432>>112433

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I've had issues with anal fissures for a while, if it's bright red blood either in the toilet (just a small amount) or when you wipe along with a sharp splitting feeling when you go to the bathroom then that's most likely it. More fiber and water should help

Also if the skin lump just looks like a ridge of skin then that's normal, a good amount of women have that. NSFW image but if it looks like this then you have a perineal raphe and it's nothing to worry about, this happens during fetal development so it's normal for those who have it

No. 112433>>112436

That's almost exactly what I have except that the the part on my anus that connects to the raphe is way bigger than other pics I've seen online and often gets a bit inflamed and irritated. Part of the reason why I get discouraged by seeking treatment for it is because it's generally seen as a cosmetic issue and not something that insurance covers. I'm not sure if there's a connection between that and all the general straining problems I have. Anyways, more reason to just suck it up and finally go to the doctor about it.

No. 112436

You could also have a hemorrhoid where it connects to the anus as well but it can't hurt to ask a doc just to be sure. If you think it's a hemorrhoid pick up some prep H and up your fiber intake and that might help in the meantime, also don't spend more time on the toilet than you need to, straining and sitting too long can definitely contribute to hemorrhoids.

No. 114291>>114321>>114328>>114339>>114340>>114350

apologies for necro, but i suppose this relates to this thread as it's to do with assholes (insecurity i guess?). Do any anons wax/shave or generally move hair from their asses? I honestly never heard of this or thought about it until a friend of mine mentioned she shaves, and other people have mentioned getting it waxed. Is this common? Does anyone have any experience getting it done?

No. 114321>>114328

I shaved my asshole area a few times, I didn't like it. The area felt really moist and it got itchy after a while. The upkeep isn't worth it.

No. 114328

For me it‘s the complete opposite of what >>114321 said.

I used to ignore my butthole but ever since I found out I like when my bf does stuff to my butthole, shaving it together with everything else has become mandatory. I love the smooth feeling and it’s not an effort that’s worth mentioning to me.
I also never got a moist feeling or itching. I have to admit though that this area is a lot more prone to razor burn, so that can be a problem (but I can avoid it by using coconut oil and disinfecting my razor).

For the few ppl that I’ve talked to about it, it’s 50/50. Some do it, some think it’s unnecessary.

I personally only do it because I enjoy the soft feeling of it. Never felt insecure about it or anything. Insecurity or pressure from your boyfriend/friends/media should never be the reason for you to shave. If you don’t feel comfortable, don’t do it.

No. 114339

Did it for years but now I don't bother. It's only a few hairs and it's not worth getting a potential ingrown down there in an area which comes into contact with poo.

No. 114340

I don't do too much to it since I use a safety razor (great shave everywhere except where you can't see), but I keep the area from looking like a rainforest

No. 114350

I'm surprised you've never heard of it. Its extremely common. I do it just because I like being shaven and so do all my friends.

No. 115746>>115751

So I'm pretty sure I have IBS (I've been exceptionally stressed lately and have alternated between mostly diarrhea or constipation the last few weeks, sometimes totally going from having diarrhea to being constipated within 24 hours, but even when not stressed I seem to do this at least a few times a month and have been having more frequent stomach pains/urgency issues than usual). Honestly I've had to sit with ice wrapped up in a towel stuck up between my ass cheeks because of how much pain going to the bathroom has caused me before, but I also now get to deal with hemorrhoids because of all of this (I'm only in my early 20s, yay me). I haven't talked to a doctor about it yet but my brother was just diagnosed with IBS so its not like it'd be unheard of in my family already.

I used to be vegan and had a really high fiber diet, I would go to the bathroom every single day at the same time like clockwork which was such a blessing, and they were normal shits too. But I also had horrible gas the whole time I was vegan, I had a steady regimen of 2 gas x every single day I had to be out for more than a few hours and had to leave school early a few times because the pain in my stomach was so bad (I didn't use the bathrooms at school).

I also have dealt with constant anal fissures (for years) that never seem to go away and seem to split open regardless of the size of the movement. Does anyone else with IBS relate to these symptoms and would a self DX be a horrible idea? Should I just switch back to a high fiber diet and see if that helps or just suck it up and go to the doctor. I just went for a throat issue a few days ago and I feel like I'd be perceived as a hypochondriac. Should I just go straight to a gastro doc?

No. 115751

Anon go to the doctor. This isn't tindr, the doctor doesn't care if you text him back too fast, but your health is on the line here.

No. 115766>>115772>>115776

I constantly have diarrhea (i have a healthy and balanced diet) and a lot of times it's like pooping water but it is yellow and really..bubbly? It's like a wad of spit coming out of me :( and sometimes i have what i call "ghost poops". The poops are a white color? The doctor called yesterday and said i had two liver functions that were abnormal. Today i have extreme swelling and pain in my abdomen. What does this sound like? Is this something i should be super concerned about?

No. 115772>>115787>>115811

Extreme swelling sounds kind of abnormal but the weird poop is probably mucous that lines the bowels. Some people poop it out when they are constipated or have issues like IBS, UC or Chron’s.

Are you having your period at all too? When I have my period I usually get constipated occasionally with gas/bloating and it hurts a lot. I found out recently that certain foods really set my stomach off, like coconut water. You might want to look into FODMAP or see what things could be triggering you.

But overall the best thing is to continue seeing a doctor if it is really affecting you.

No. 115776>>115787

Could also be low bile levels. Did the doc go into any detail about your liver function results? Sounds like something isn't letting bile flow the way it should. That can cause white and yellow feces. Bile is what gives poop its brown color, if your poop is pale, it could mean that there's an issue with bile levels which means it could be an issue with your liver, gallbladder and/or bile duct.

But it could also be food intolerances, or malabsorption, I'm not a doc. But the fact that you did have abnormal liver function tests tells me its more likely to be the former.

You need to see a gastroenterologist soon OR if the pain is getting worse OR you see your skin or eyes turning yellow, go to the ER immediately. Call a gastro soon (as in today) and make an appointment ASAP but if you notice any new symptoms, go to the hospital.

No. 115787>>115796


Yea the swelling is really squishy and makes me look like i have a fupa even tho I'm relatively thin.

I had my period two weeks ago. They've regulated (i never used to have periods..or at least barely) since i had an abortion last year, but they are also heavier, longer, and more painful. I'm seeing a nutritionist next month and I'm going to try and weed out some foods until then to see if anything is causing it.

Hmm i don't know about low bile levels. I have lately also had bile come up my throat and shit. But what I've noticed along with the pain and the poop stuff I've been nauseous every day, have trouble regulating my temp, and see dots and overall feel like shit. Always groggy and in pain. I'm a little worried. I have no insurance at the moment and the doctor i see is at the only place in town that sees people with no insurance. I still have about 20 days until my next appt and they can't move it up. I've called the nurses station two days in a row but they're so damn busy i always get sent to voicemail. Ugh i went septic before and ugh just UGH. Sadly i can't just waltz into a hospital because as i said, no insurance…and no money.

Thanks for the information though nonnies, i will see if the swelling goes down by tonight. The pain levels are ridiculous. And btw no they didn't specify what liver functions were abnormal, they gave me the results over the phone. I've also had my gallbladder removed so really idk at this point the google results that match this don't look optimistic so ehhh. I'll try calling the clinic for the second time in an hour. Thanks again!

No. 115796>>115800

Hmm, I don't know then anon. How long has this been going on?

No. 115800>>115811

About a month ago? Two months ago i got out of the psych ward after swallowing 180 pills so maybe i fucked my liver up and have some sort of induced hepatitis? But it also seems similar to the endometriosis pain i had laparoscopic surgery for almost 3 years ago. Can rhat come back?

No. 115811

I don't have endo but I think it can grow back sometimes after being removed, which could explain the pain and swelling and to some degree the diarrhea, I'm just kinda concerned about the color of it. Yellow (chronic) diarrhea alone could mean a gut issue like >>115772 said especially if it comes out greasy or mucousy, but white poops are puzzling. Also the liver is pretty resilient, one of the most resilient organs in the entire body (kinda has to be when its essentially one big filter), but I don't think a drug induced liver injury could be ruled out, at least not until you get more details on your liver function tests and see your doctor again. I really can't say.

I wish I had better answers but just make sure you're getting back all the fluids you're losing because of the diarrhea plus some and I know you don't have insurance/money but if the pain gets worse, you noticing any yellowing, or anything else concerning happens go to the hospital. Your health is way more important than any bill you might get in the future. Keep us posted anon!

No. 116717>>116748

Should I be embarrassed about leaking a bit and having a hemorrhoid? My doctor didn't remove the hemorrhoid so I guess that's just my thing now. And no it's not going away on it's own.

No. 116748

if it's bothering you, you should probably have it removed
I'm not sure I understood you correctly but don't be embarrassed in front of your doctor, they see this kind of stuff every day, it's their job

No. 116882>>116884

Every time I’m constipated and try to poop, I have this clear liquid jelly that hangs out of my butt hole. I don’t know if this is alarming? I asked my doctor and he said it’s perfectly normal and is a sign of constipation but it still freaks me out when I seee it.

No. 116884

It will just be the mucus your bowel produces in order to move things along, sometimes you can over produce it if you are constipated. Its totally fine

No. 116887

is there any connection to irregular bowel movements or issues and birth control? my diet isnt the best but i haven't had stomach issues so constantly before i started birth control. it's starting to get really annoying.

No. 116928

I'm a recovering anachan, 23 years old. I used to abuse laxatives in my early to mid teens and as a result (I assume?) have had severe distention since the age of 13-14. I've restricted up until recently. My stomach will literally swell to the point where I look pregnant. I also have pretty regular issues with constipation though fiber supplements have seemed to help that a bit. The distention, however, is still horrible and I was wondering if anyone shares this experience or would know how to alleviate it? I've been to doctors, but they seem to either brush it off (and say it will get better with time) or insist I take a bunch of tests I don't have the money for. Sometimes, I'll go to bed with a bloated stomach and wake up still bloated. It's incredibly frustrating.

No. 116992>>117035>>117946

Went to the doctor today and learned I've got my first hemorrhoid. I'm health-conscious and regular (never any straining) so I'm reeling from this a bit. I'm wondering how it happened. I did have an extremely stressful week, so do you guys think this was caused by stress? Aside from upping my fiber intake, using hydrocortisone, and taking hot sitting baths, can I do anything to ensure that it goes away and stays away?

No. 117035

I don't really have advice but I wanted to say that I think I've got a few external piles due to the general sudden lumpy and off color appearance of my butthole.

I'm also going wtf because there's nothing obvious that would have caused them for me either.

No. 117171>>117328

This doesn't seem to be totally appropriate for the skincare thread but sort of goes between vagina/bathroom talk…My gyno says it looks like I have eczema just in the whole sort of private area and it's really uncomfortable and itchy. I'm kind of embarrassed about going to see my bf like this because I know we'll have sex but it's not like I can help this either. He doesn't seem that bothered. My main question is dealing with anal itching and irritation. It's driving me insane. I'm pretty sure it has eczema too. The vulvar is bad but seems to be sort of improving with prescription hydrocortizone. What else can I do or use? Could it be more than eczema? I've never dealt with it being this uncomfortable. Help.

No. 117328

hydrocortisone is safe for use on the anal area, so use it there too. try witch hazel, it's anti-inflammatory and should help the itching calm down.

No. 117944>>117972

I‘m really sorry if this question is super weird but I just found out that apparently there are people that wipe their ass blindly a few times before checking if they’re actually clean and I’m genuinely baffled and feel … odd now? Because I look at the paper al throughout the wiping process? Is that weird/gross?

Like, obviously it’s not because I enjoy looking at my feces or anything. Like, I literally never thought about it at all or questioned it because it’s the way I’ve done it all my life. And now I’m like… wait, is this not normal?!

Besides, if you only check if you think you’re clean, isn’t there a chance to miss potential signs of illnesses that come with bowel movement irregularities?

I’m just so confused and it reminds me of when I found out that there are people standing up to wipe and oh lord.

No. 117946

It may seem odd but it helped me. Take a cotton round and saturate it with aloe gel and tuck it flush against your anus. Leave it there for 15 minutes and then you can throw it out, but don't wipe the remaining gel off. Just let it absorb. I did it after every time I used the bathroom, even peeing, and the pain and swelling went away almost immediately.

No. 117972>>117981>>117982

It's not weird, I look every time I wipe just to make sure.

But how do you wipe while still sitting down? You're supposed to go front to back, but how do you reach if you're still on the toilet?

No. 117981>>117988

Different anon but what exactly does front to back mean? I wipe my front first and then reach behind for my back. There is some room there to fit my hand if that makes sense

No. 117982

I don’t sit all the way back, so my crotch is almost at the front of the seat. If I bend forward a little, I can easily fit my hand behind me and ‘into the bowl’. (It’s not really inside the bowl, but slightly below seat-level.) Some people are entirely grossed out by the idea of their hand going that far down but tbh I never touched the bowl (or anything I didn’t intend to, really) in my life.
I’m also quite petite though so I can see how this would maybe not be an option for someone with a bigger bum. Just another thing I never really thought about prior to hearing about it.

No. 117988

that you start at your urethra/vag and push or pull towards your butthole. you're supposed to do that to keep feces particles off your vagina/urethra, so you should start from there first even if you didn't pee.

No. 117991>>117995>>118270

Anyone else stand when they wipe?

No. 117995>>118007

Wipe what? Male?

No. 118007

both areas. I always stand when I wipe cuz it’s easier for me. I have a very large bottom and my hand always touches the toilet bowl if I try to sit and wipe.

No. 118270

yes, and when inserting tampons. I refuse to have my hand close to toilet water

No. 118317>>118319

Does anyone have tips on having bowel movements in the morning before work? I get the urge to go right in the morning but because I’m so dehydrated when I wake up, nothing ever comes out and I’m constipated. I usually poop immediately after work because I hold it in all day. I have the urge to go throughout the day but I refuse to sit on a public toilet. This really aggravates my constipation problem because I’m never fully evacuated.

No. 118319>>118430

Coffee and a big glass of water in the morning always makes me go.
Also why not just flush the toilet, line the seat with toilet paper, then toss a layer of toilet paper into the toilet to prevent splash? That's my public toilet strategy.

No. 118347>>125111

I hate having IBS so much.
I have a very important exam coming up and I'm more worried about when/where to go to the toilet than I am about the actual test.
Today my friend drove me to uni, I got motion sickness and boom, got diarrhea. Last week it was hot, I was sweating and of course again diarrhea. On thursday I wore a skirt, meaning there was a tiny bit of pressure on my belly and it immediately triggered it again, I had to run out of class like 3 minutes after it started, so everybody probably think I'm a weirdo (and rude) now.
I get diarrhea because I am nervous and because I'm so nervous I get diarrhea, it's a vicious cicle. I wish I could leave the house without having to worry. I constantly panic and have to find a way to sneak away from friends, class, etc to find a toilet. Had it since 10 years already.
Recently I found some pills in my local drugstore, but it's so expensive, 10€ for just 1 week, I can't spend hundreds each year…
Do you think that birth control might make it worse?

No. 118430

Thank you for your poop hacks anon!

No. 119016>>119018

I went to the doctor and showed her my hemorrhoid, she said it's not a hemorrhoid anymore but a skintag and told me to put vaseline on it to make it go away but when I poop it seems to swell up and sometimes hurts so I think it IS a hemorrhoid? I just got a boyfriend and I'm worried he's gonna see it or is that unlikely?

No. 119018>>119023

I don't know what to say about the rest of it, but I do know my boyfriend has never noticed my hemorrhoid even when he's behind me during sex. I think on that front you'll most likely be okay.

No. 119020>>119036

I have an iron stomach and nothing makes me poop but laxitives and waffle house hashbrowns, why?

No. 119023

Thanks a lot that's a big relieve already.

No. 119036>>123312

For some reason I poop regularly every day only if I have a smoke in the morning. I literally finish my cigarette and run the fuck to the toilet.
Research is not really solid on that one so I don't even know if it's a common thing. I haven't smoked for a long while and I was constantly constipated and I honestly don't want to keep smoking now that I have quit for almost half a year since if I get something like colon cancer regular pooping wouldn't be my biggest problem at all!

No. 123308>>123325>>123377

I have a problem I already went to the doctor for but she didn't give me any advice other than the standard water fiber exercise stuff. My stool is basically always soft, a bit too soft, sometimes the first part is hard but the rest will be soft. Problem is when I poop the soft stool is hard to pass and often comes out in small parts and I usually leave the bathroom knowing there's still some left that I couldn't get out.. it takes so long to clean and takes so many wipes because it's soft so I don't want to attempt to poop a bit like 10 times a day, how do I get all of it out..?

No. 123312

I have a friend who only ever smokes if he's on a weekend away and it's a social thing, he told me he shits his brains out afterwards though. Was the first time I'd ever heard of a link between smoking and shitting

No. 123313>>123314>>123327

So I've been diagnosed with IBS by process of elimination, my bloods came back normal and nobody said anything about my stool sample. I've been getting really poorly on and off for the last couple of years (24 when it started, just turned 27). I'll have bouts where I'm unable to eat anything without losing it immediately, one way or another. It honestly feels like food poisoning when I get a flare up because of the insane nausea and retching. I used to get cramps and bloating really badly but they're secondary to the nausea and diarrhoea/occasional vomiting now. There's a loose correlation between stress and flares but sometimes it just kicks up for no reason. Raw onion makes me ill during a flare but otherwise FODMAP hasn't done much to ease my symptoms.
I guess I'm just asking for reassurance that this is standard fare for IBS and it's not something else. I can't see my doc for a while because the waiting times are insane and you can't make appointments in advance because they're so fully booked right now.

No. 123314>>123327

The vomiting is what stands out to me here. I had ibs flare ups from ages 20 to 30 and never experienced vomiting no matter how bad I was

Maybe other anons will have your experience but I would think the vomiting indicates a different problem

No. 123325>>123329

I have that only sometimes and it's dependent on what I ate, I get it if I ate really greasy stuff and lots of cheese

No. 123327>>123336

Thanks anon. I haven't been able to find out whether vomiting is a common IBS symptom but had a suspicion it probably wasn't.
Out of interest, you said you had IBS between 20 and 30, does this mean you stopped experiencing flare ups? Do you know why?

Also, I forgot to mention that I keep getting feverish when it's really bad. I don't know if that's normal either.

No. 123329

Well it can't be my diet.. Do you also get that problem of not being able to pass that soft stool or not..? I don't understand what that could be or how to fix it

No. 123336

I stopped having symptoms a year ago right after I got out of an abusive relationship and once I'd moved out of a big city and to a small town. I've had generalised and social anxiety forever so anxiety was the cause of mine and I needed a huge lifestyle change more than a diet change personally

The vomiting and fever are not ibs symptoms I've ever heard of, makes you think of an immune system reaction, some autoimmune disorders cause bouts of vomiting

No. 123377>>123527

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Try propping your legs up. You don't need to buy a fancy stool since you probably have something already that you could use.

No. 123378>>123382>>123430

How do you guys properly wash your asses? I feel like I'm not doing it right; I'm always worried I'm going to leak something into my vaginal area.

No. 123382>>123384

Wipe, bidet, and then pat dry.

No. 123384>>123385>>123515

Nta but there’s usually no bidets in North America which sucks

After wiping until there’s no brown stains left, I use non scented soap and wash front and back. Only the outer skin at the front (never put soap inside your vag). At the back, spread cheeks apart and get the crack/hole with soap and water using your hands. I use the bathtub faucet and squat to get the most water down there (I literally put my crack in the water stream) Showers are unfortunately undetachable where I’m from but if you have a detachable showerhead aim for the lower parts of your body after lathering with soap. Idek if this is the proper way or if it’s bad for but that was the way I was taught

No. 123385>>123430

you can buy a cool "portable bidet". i have one called the washlet by a japanese brand. it nice.

No. 123430

After a dry wipe I wipe some TP that's wet with a bit of warm water, then pat dry. I like the idea of wet wipes but they will clog and don't actually dissolve no matter what the package says. I saw someone on reddit say they spread their ass before they poo to minimise stickage but that only applies if your're thicc

Gonna have to get one of those. Why aren't bidets popular in North America? They make so much sense and they're not unpleasant to use

No. 123472>>123473>>123482>>123485>>123486

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Just curious, but how common is having diarrhea during your period? i know it's sort of normal, rarely see this being mentioned

No. 123473

I think it happens to almost everyone, all my friends and coworkers always complain about it while they’re on their periods and it happens to me aswell

No. 123482

It’s normal. A combination of hormones and uterine contractions makes it happen.

No. 123485

Very normal, it is caused by the same hormones that make period cramps a thing. Try getting your hands on Drotaverine-containing medicine if you want to alleviate it.

No. 123486

I think it's very common but a few friends were very surprised once when I mentioned that. Then again they have super heavy periods that can last for several weeks so thank god they don't also have diarrhea on top of that.

No. 123499

What's your experience with irritable bowel syndrome?

No. 123515

You can get a handheld one for around $10 online.

No. 123527

Doesn't work.

No. 124474

My poop smells yeasty, almost like beer, why?

No. 125111


I understand and relate so much. Everytime I must leave the house, the only thing I can think about is my ibs. Lately its been so bad I end up barely eating hoping that way I wont have a flare up.
Also lots of times I end up not going to class or coming back earlier. And it sucks because people dont know whats going on, and assume I'm lazy or dont care.
I believe birth control actually helps in a way. Without it felt worse for me at least.

No. 125230>>125329

Sorry if this isn't super relevant to anything, but would like a little squeeze bottle of a cleanser that you could sorta spread or spray onto toilet paper be a decent idea?

I was thinking about baby wipes and flushable wipes and how they don't really break down as easily as toilet paper–which can lead to clogs–and how useful it is to feel a lot fresher when I end up not as clean as I hope to be
Would this be a good idea or would I just be a weirdo?
Like, even if I'm just carrying it in a purse

No. 125257>>125329

Sorry for grossness but in the last year or so I've started using flushable wipes (though I know they're bad) cos cleaning after I poop has gone from a 2/3 wipe job to a 10 or more wipe job… and dry paper isn't sufficient. I don't even know what the cause could be cos while I have a history of IBS I've actually found my cramps have stopped and for the first time in a long time I have a once a day routine.. it's just the clean job that leaves me feeling gross. Anyone else dealt with this?

No. 125329>>125374

For travel, I just carry little Summer's Eve wipes (I can't find individual baby wipes) around and throw them in the trash.
Either don't flush them, or consider a handheld bidet. Wipe to remove bulk before using the bidet and then dry off with paper towels. A portable handheld bidet is around $10 on amazon and you can just fill it from your bathroom sink. It saves a lot of time and you'll feel so clean.

No. 125374>>125410

Is there a reason you prefer the wipes over some sort of alternative? In the sense there's some sort of benefit you don't find elsewhere?

No. 125410

They are individually wrapped and already wet, so I'm not stuck trying to wet paper towels in a public bathroom.

No. 125417

made the mistake of eatting too many sweets before bed. Never doing that again lmao

No. 125623>>125654>>125691

Sometimes I'll wipe (and I'll use up like 1/5 of a roll just making sure there's nothing left to wipe) and I'm all good but then like a few hours later my butt feels spicy to put it one way
I go to the bathroom to wipe again and there's still some stuff that needs to be wiped
Is that normal or is there some sort of sanitary product I missed out on that cleans deeper inside your butt?

No. 125625>>125633>>125689

Does anyone have any experience with enemas? Everything I’ve found from a cursory google search is fairly clinical and I’d like to hear something more anecdotal, if only to make me feel less weird about actually doing one.

No. 125633

I don't know of any specific educational anecdotes but I got an enema a week ago so I could try anal
It's pretty straightforward, you lie down (hopefully you have a clean rug so you're not on the cold floor), you insert the application device, and then squeeze away
The specific one I had was premixed, so there are probably cheaper ones that need a bit of work, but other than that, I would say get a pillow and bring your phone because it's not like an instant thing
I didn't actually feel the liquid going in until I was halfway done, but I'd definitely try to make sure the application device (sometimes it's just a bottle with slightly lubed tip) is inside just deep enough to where it won't spill out
But after a few minutes, and the enema you buy will probably be more specific about how long you have to wait, you should feel it coming back out
Then you just poop for 20 minutes–it's not like a constant stream, it's a lot at first and then a little bit at a time every few minutes
Stay as long as you feel comfortable, I ended up staying for 30 to 40 minutes until my body felt that I was completely empty, so definitely bring a magazine if you don't want to use your phone

Hope that was good enough

No. 125654>>126358

Eat fiber, use wetwipes/wet tp

Honestly, 99% of the shit in this thread is solved by eating more fiber, you'll get no wipe shits and its great. Just dump a spoonful of psyllium husk in a smoothie and enjoy not shitting and wiping yourself bloody guys, thank me later.

No. 125686>>125701>>125735>>126216

I'm so gassy I had to step away several times throughout cheer practice to fart and I feel like Beano or gas x would make me just bloat because farting helps me not bloat, it doesn't help that pressure from all the movement I so can cause loud farts

No. 125689

My main bit of advice would be to stay on the toilet for longer than you'd expect, getting all the water out can take a while and you don't want to discover you've left some in, set plenty of time aside

I don't know if you're doing it for sex related reasons? but I did it twice for that reason and felt so fed up and unsexy after the water-shitting session that it put me off enjoying it afterwards

The only couple times I've enjoyed anal were when I happened to be having a good stomach days and could be spontaneous. That rare though

No. 125691

I get this too anon, thank god I'm single!

No. 125701

No. 125735

I take gas ex regularly to stop bloating and it works for me. when I take it, I don't notice either bloating or gas. It doesn't cause bloating because it stops farts.

No. 126216

You're lying, everybody knows it's just rainbows and sparkles right there.

No. 126358>>126808

Found capsules but the description says it makes your stool softer, that only seems to make wiping worse? My issue with my stool is that even when it's soft it refuses to come out, usually I have to wait until I really have to poop and then a big part will come out but afterwards there will be some left and I can only get one really small part out every 10 minutes and with a lot of effort. I know pushing is not healthy but if I don't push I don't poop. Wiping is a pain because the stool is soft and there's still some left afterwards every time..

No. 126801>>126851

i'm scared anons
>overate last night, nothing extreme
>started getting intense abdominal pains
>assume it's gas
>went to the bathroom, sat on toilet, nothing's happening
>i realize that my vision is getting darker and i'm beginning to black out
>not straining or anything, just sitting on toilet
>have to lay on the floor for several minutes before i can see properly and get up

what the fuck happened to me? it still hurts today but no more passing out.

No. 126808>>126817

It makes it bigger, soft and in one piece. Honestly it fixes my poop issues no matter what, just remeber go drink lots of water.

No. 126817

Thank you.

No. 126851

It might have just been a one-off reflex syncope, but I really think you should see a doctor just in case since that combination of symptoms could definitely be something more serious.

No. 127480

I feel really embarrassed when I poop. Not every single time I poop, but some times (especially if I've been holding it in) when I poop I just get this intense rush of embarrassment and I feel like people are watching me or something

No. 127524>>129306>>129308>>129312

Woke up with a stomach ache this morning. Went to use the bathroom and just shat out clear mucus and this has been going on all morning should I be concerned

No. 129306>>129324

Try eating iron gears.

No. 129308

Yeah take some electrolyte solution and eat some plain rice. Call your doctor up.

No. 129312

happens to me very very rarely like once a year for no reason, if it's still happening after like 30 min or an hour definitely see a doctor but i'm sure you're fine. keep us updated, i'm curious. get well soon

No. 129324

Lmaooo I think I like her more now

No. 129335

I have struggled with gastroparesis for years. But I am afraid to bring it up online now because every munchie is claiming it. I don't want people to think I am faking. I don't have a feeding tube. I can eat solids. I just struggle with pain and reflux. My reflux was under control and now the omeprazole doesn't work that well anymore.

Back when I was diagnosed there was almost no info online about it that I could find. Now everyone is holding up tubes and crying gastroparesis and it feels like if I ask for advice I will just be seen as a faker who hasn't aquired precious toobz yet.

I also have diverticulitis now and am having a very hard time giving up seeds. I love them. I can only partially give them up and I think it's as far as I'll go. Plus it seems like not eating seeds barely made a dent. I still feel awful.

No. 129373>>129416>>130017>>130046>>130188

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Years ago I got a hemorrhoid from stress and straining on the rim of the anus. Throughout the years it's swelled up and deflated depending on my lifestyle but it NEVER truly goes away. A normal anus usually has many tightly coiled folds but because of the hemorrhoid one is always slightly inflated. It doesn't hurt or give me problems but it's a very big insecurity of mine.

Everybody, even doctors tells me to leave it alone and that it doesn't matter but I hate it. I want to have a normal looking butthole. Does anyone else have this? Is there any way to make this pile just go away and have the anus look like it did before?

No. 129416>>130046

One time during a crazy episode i lacerated mine with a needle and shit and it still didn't go away idk

No. 129435

My stomach is fucked up.

No. 130002>>130046

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got a pretty bad hemorrhoid (small grape sized), literally want to kms, feeling like an old person and constantly thinking about my fucking anus. germolene works for a bit but it always goes back to it's full sized glory. it has been a good week and a half so am pretty sure it won't sort itself out. guess this is the push I needed to finally sign up to a gp (foreign student), just wish it would have happened in a non-holiday period as now I def need to live with this for good 3 days + however long it takes to get an appointment.

literally don't even know why, my diet has always been shit and I have always been stressed by my bowel was quite happy, missing those days dearly. is this aging? I'm only 22

No. 130014

I am trying out fasting. I'm on day 4 and ooh boy I have the weirdest diarrhea of my life - like an oily stream of poop colored water. I don't want advice, just needed to vent about my bowel movement somewhere.

No. 130017>>130046

Same, anon! I wish I had a normal looking butthole. It's there all the time, sometimes looking like a tiny flap of skin and other times it's more inflated, but thankfully I never have any pain from it.
However, it does make me self conscious in bed sometimes.
My current partner isn't into anal sex, but eventually I would like to have it and I'm nervous it's gonna hurt or swell as a result, or turn my partner off from having anal to begin with.

I brought some Preparation H, but I haven't started applying it 3 times a day yet.
If that doesn't work to get rid of it all together/keep the swelling down forever, I was considering treating myself to hemorrhoid banding, however I'm terrified of doctors and not sure I could justify a medical procedure because I don't like how my butthole looks…

No. 130046>>130057>>130188


>Came here to vent about my perma-hemmorhoids including the worst one I've ever gotten that sprung up a few days ago

>Was worried everyone would be like ew wtf
>Turns out we are all the same <3

No. 130057>>130058

foreign student whose brain is the same size as her hemorrhoid here again with a retard update, can't print out gp application forms pr bank statement as proof of address because uni library us closed until 6th! kms time! current plan is to wait until 10am when the bank opens and print my statement there and then go get the forms in person, really want to get signed up today so I can get an appointment as soon as possible after new years. after work it seems to have inflated some more but am not sure whether that's my paranoia and expectations of anal prolapse or actual reality. fucking otc cream is doing fuckall tho besides temp numbing. it's painful to walk even but nhs website says to go to the hospital only if you have fever/are leaking pus/birthing tier pain and my ass buddy doesn't quite quality so suffering it is.

keeping all y'all hemorhoid sisters in my thots and prayers!

No. 130058

Ayrt and please update us butt buddies. I have a gp here and everything and I'm just too weird and nervous to bare my unshaven roidy ass to my doctor. I have prescribed cream from mentioning it to them but it's doing nothing at all. Having an ass is futile. I've been tempted to just fucking stab the thing but I know how retarded that is

No. 130188>>130459

Absolutely same. I feel the pain.
I got my first in hs which was years ago, it was like a red almond took over my asshole. That one went away, thankfully. Then, not sure what the cause was, but like 2 years ago another one has returned, tho smaller. An irl friend has the same issue & tells me she can push hers back in. Tried it out & it works a bit until the next shit or whatever. I always find myself fingering my asshole real quick before sex with my bf because I’m insecure. I’m almost positive he’s aware of it due to the fact that we’re into ass stuff, but he hasn’t commented on the issue.
Lately it’s been deflated & less of an issue due to watching my diet, straining less & treating the hemmy with witch hazel.
One tip given to me by a gay friend (gay guys have the best advice on this issue I swear) is to soak a cotton ball or wipe in witch hazel & tuck in in your ass cheeks right up on the anus & let that chill for a bit. It actually has helped reduce!

No. 130459>>130697

Does the witch hazel sting, Anon? I'm greentext hemmanon and my worst one ever is FINALLY calming the fuck down but Ill def do this when it inevitably flares up again.

I'm thinking of going to get them banded or treated because now it's like a ton of almost skin-tags permanently around my ass that flare up like a lizards fucking neck defense mechanism every few days

No. 130697

on the days that the flare ups were particularly bad the witch hazel press kinda feels a little sensitive but not like a stinging sensation at all. I recommend it fa sho
I actually haven’t looked in to banding but if the hemms don’t eventually go away I’d be more than happy to have an operation to rid of them.

No. 131101>>131102

I don't want to take a shit at my boyfriends place because I literally take half an hour and need 50 wet wipes to clean my gross hemorrhoid included ass.
Help. Yes I did see a doctor no she did not have advice for me.

No. 131102>>131103

Also; I have to poop basically every day so when I stay for a day or 2 I can't avoid doing that. Anyone have advice or kind words for me?

No. 131103>>131108

I'm so sorry, anon. Try a travel bidet. Brondell makes a good one, and it's around $10 online. Elevating your feet a bit might help speed the elimination part up a bit. You don't need a squatty potty; if you have two wrapped rolls of toilet paper, put one under each foot.

No. 131108>>131125>>131126

I don't think I can find wrapped tp rolls at my bfs place.. I'm also not sure that would fix my particular problem, I don't even really understand why it won't come out. Also uhm the hand bidet doesn't seem very practical..? I'm pretty unhandy and clumsy and I'm worried I would achieve being messy with that tbh
But I haven't thought of the bidet thing before so I guess I can try to find one and try it at home first..

No. 131125>>131126

>travel bidet
>when you can just use a plain ol' bottle of water

No. 131126>>131127

Oh I should have mentioned you need to wipe first to get most of it. The bidet is just to clean up at the end instead of spending forever with baby wipes, further irritating your hemorrhoids. Another thing that helps is getting enough water. Fiber is important, but without water it leave you with cement.
The travel bidet has a special way of spraying out at an angle.

No. 131127>>131132

My problem is that my stool is soft already, if I drink even more it will turn into water.. So I don't know what exactly is my problem. My doctor didn't know anything either.

No. 131132>>131133

Have you tried taking metamucil? If your shits are super watery that should help you have cleaner easier shits.

No. 131133>>131134

So fiber basically?
I do have fiber supplements but I keep forgetting I have them and I only used them for a few days so far.. Didn't notice a change when I did use them but maybe it takes longer to work?

No. 131134

…yes girl it does. You need to take things for at least a week if not 2 to notice a difference.
Metamucil isn't just fiber iirc it has some other things but just take something to harden your shits please. And stick to it.
Also what's your diet like?

No. 131138

Okay super fucking gross, but is it normal to have a bout of constipation every 6 or so months? My shits are non-existent for a day or two and I'm just pushing out mucus, farts, and probably a single rabbit poop. I only drink water and I rarely eat fast food so it just confuses me why I would be having it. Could hormones also affect your poops?

No. 131158>>131307>>131482

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>tfw only times i'm not constipated is when i'm having diarrhea
it's not like i just can't shit, but i can never do it fully,most of the times feels like i only got half of it out and it just wont move
tried loads to little fiber,more water,stuff like prune juice and laxatives don't even do anything. Always feel in pain and/or bloated. Can't shit at all when i'm in a hurry or other people are staying over. No motivation to go anywhere while feeling bloated.
This really is messing with the little of a life that i have. Often have breakdowns over how not fair this feels

No. 131267>>131275

I clogged our toilet with toilet paper and I feel so stupid and embarrassed ugh

No. 131275>>131286

Tip if you down own a bidet is to slightly dampen your toilet paper so you don't need to use as much.

Unless you're english and your toilet paper is flaky shit and disintegrates in your hand.

No. 131286

I'm Dutch and we have the same problem. But we don't have a sink in our bathroom so that's not convenient for me either way.

No. 131300>>131311

>greasy and sugary foods make me vomit and get migraines
>Especially processed sugar
>Acidic foods give me massive acid reflux and chest pains
>Sodas and highly sugared drinks make me shakey and nauseous

What is a good diet to go on for this? Keto makes me want to die, my boyfriend suggested Mediterranean and Paleo but idk it sucks to not be able to enjoy food I like. Does anyone else have issues similar to me?

No. 131307>>131312


Do you eat a lot of meat, anon? I didn't know even eat that much but going meat/dairy free 6 days out of the week is the only thing that freed my bowels.

No. 131311>>131322

Do you mean you got the keto flu? You just need to get through that, after that you'll feel fine.

No. 131312>>131316

i'll try,i eat it pretty often but not in big amounts
sofar eating a big portion of fruits in one sitting has been helping

No. 131316>>131324

That's why you're shitting - fruit is full of sugar which will cause it to run straight through you. Eat more leafy green vegetables and cut back on the fruit.

No. 131318>>131338>>131343>>131364

Any advice on pooping less often and no I don't want to eat less
Or making it harder so I don't need a full box of wet wipes and don't have soft stool stuck left behind each time I take a shit for literally an hour

No. 131322>>131350

I never did keto or anything, just eating unhealthy foods makes me shit and vomit. Which is good diet encouragement but sucks if you're a typical college student like me

No. 131324

>That's why you're shitting
thats my goal

No. 131338>>131340

go to a doctor and stop eating fucking garbage

No. 131340

Don't make stupid assumptions you dumb fucking cunt, I probably eat better than most people in general. And I've already been to my doctor and she had no idea what to say to me.

No. 131343>>131429

do you eat a lot of vegetables? because those can cause you to have a loose stool due to the high fiber content.

as for the left behind stool, really the only thing that could help with that is washing after every time you go to the toilet.

No. 131350

oh oops, I misunderstood what you meant by Keto makes me wanna die

No. 131364

try a low FODMAP diet- it cuts out common irritants for IBS. didn't realize pooping all the time wasnt normal until my gf brought up I might have IBS and it's helped a ton.

No. 131429

Isn't fiber also being used to make it more firm..? I read it can help with both problems
And I just started using fiber supplements again and my shits were better but I don't know if that was a coincidence or not. Today it was messy again but the only thing I ate today was stuff from burger King so maybe that's why, I barely drank anything and took my fiber supplement tho

No. 131441>>131458

Heartburn poops are literally the worst. Farting is also atrocious after having heartburn. I sometimes feel like I accidentally sharted myself and every time it's a false alarm.

No. 131458

when i get heartburn i dont stop being gassy until i go to sleep and wake up

No. 131482

I seem to be constipated almost all the time (except for when I’m ovulating and on my period; those days always give me painful diarrhea) but I don’t mind, tbh? Is that bad?
I only poop every 2-3 days, it’s usually very firm and therefore I barely have to wipe.

The only downside is that I tend to get hemorrhoids, even tough I don’t even press hard and bowel movements take me about 2 minutes tops.

Now the solution to that seems to be not to constipated, duh. But the thing is that whenever I get looser stool it becomes a (literal) pain in the ass. It always feels like acidic diarrhea and I’ll need just as much paper as the other anons itt. I always read about how fiber makes your poops so easy to clean, apparently, but I just can’t relate.
I also get the same feeling >>131158 described about feeling they’re not getting everything out. Whenever my stool is a bit softer it will always feel like I’m not really done.

I don’t know how to feel about all of this.

No. 132340>>132403

Poop was green and bloody. Hella constipated, what the heck!

No. 132342>>132343>>132391

this is gross, but… anyone else get a weird satisfaction when they eat super clean and healthy, then take the biggest, easiest shit? like, hell yeah, clearly i'm doing something right.

No. 132343>>132391>>133013

There's something super satisfying about taking the kind of shit where even the first wipe is clean

No. 132391

Yeeesss omg. So much.

No. 132403

Merry Christmas anon!

No. 133004>>133014

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I sympathise with anons talking about their hemorrhoids. I have them and I hate them. it's been down to my ibs and straining on the toilet and now I have these two external hemms. I know people talk about them hurting but mine never did, they just looked fucking ugly. I'm glad I have no bf because I know I'd be so ashamed of him seeing them.

I'm only really posting this because recently one of them has been bleeding. ugh it's awful. It sucks because I'll use the toilet and whatever healing the 'cut' has done since my last time is just ruined cause it's stretches the lil scab/healing open again. this is so gross, I'm sorry.

I'm going to try and up my fibre and stay away from foods I know give me ibs flareups. in the past when I've eaten well the hemms have 'deflated' so hopefully I can get there again.

also, I read that witch hazel can help to shrink em. has anyone tried this?

No. 133013

That's called a ghost poop

No. 133014

the only thing that's worked for me is using hemorrhoid cream and cleaning with non-scented soap daily. after a week or so of doing that, it shrunk completely.
I've never tried using witch hazel though

No. 133035>>133052>>133057

I've never ever EVER had a hemorrhoid, and I'm not even super clean or anything.

My vagina does smell nasty though, I've tried doing normie hygiene for weeks but I wake up with a smelly pussy, I go to bed with a smelly pussy, I go to the shower with a smelly pussy aaannnnddd after the shower I have a smelly pussy. It comes to the point where every time I sit I can tell myself that I fucking hate my vagina. My vagina never smelt good, like ever.

No. 133052>>133057>>133174

i too have a smelly pussy anon. it is the bane of my life, but you are not alone. it's definitely not BV, or any other kind of infection, i've just got a smelly pussy.
my hygiene is good, too - i've tried a load of different stuff (though no douches because UK anon and I think they genuinely are pretty bad for you).
the only thing i've had moderate success with is this - keep my pubes short, wash vulva thoroughly with femfresh active wash and a fresh flannel (not just hands), blowdry area after shower on cool setting, follow up with deodorant designed for intimate areas afterwards.
i wash all my clothes and bedding with antibacterial cleaning agents on a hot wash so it's not my clothes either.
this is the only combo of things that gives me a remotely inoffensive pussy after years of trial and error - i've tried washing with mild soap and water, tried shaving/not shaving, i always wear natural fibres, i've tried changing my diet, i've been to the doctor.
my pussy just smells bad. i can smell it through my clothes after a particularly exerting day. i've never smelt anybody else's pussy though so maybe it's more about being hypersensitive? i don't know.
i DO know that i'm tired of trite advice that's like "it's a pussy, we've all got unique smells, it's not supposed to smell like a tropical paradise" - bitch i know! i just want it to stop smelling like metallic trash! thanks!

No. 133057>>133063

Have you considered that it might be your diet? Foods can alter the way sweat smells and change the PH balance of the vagina.

No. 133063>>133214

literally wrote in my post that i've already tried that

No. 133174>>133178>>136335

smelly pussy anon here, I have no longer a pussy that I want to get rid of ever since i wash my urine off my pussy, I think I should wax my vegene hairs though. Thanks for the tip. Also, I did not know deodorant for genitals existed, thanks a lot for that tip as well. I hope the washing my genitals with water after every trip to the bathroom will help you. I was thinking, maybe we should take a test for fish odor syndrome.

No. 133178>>136335

>fish odor syndrome
Kek anon that's called bacterial vaginosis, anon already said she doesn't have it but you should get checked out. It's really common, unprotected sex can cause it

No. 133214

Sorry I wasn't clear, I mean eating a diet with more acidic foods. What you eat can influence the PH levels of your urine and vagina. A vagina should be slightly acidic, if it isn't too much bacteria grows and this can cause it to have a strong smell without being a full on infection.

No. 136226

I took like 3 types of laxitives and did two enemas within the past week and only have been able to poop rabbit turds like 10 times a day

Am I becoming a rabbit?

No. 136229

This shit's fucking nasty. I know your ass is a dude and why is this allowed to be up?

No. 136262

My stomach was hurting so I woke up and took a big giant shit, the entire bowl was green like a swamp.

No. 136335


Trichomonas vaginalis. An STD usually asymptomatic in men. This thing makes putrescine and cadaverine, responsible for the smell. Gotta go to the gynecologist, primary care or general practicioner and get some antibiotics.

No. 136352>>136353

Girls, multiple stds can smell like fish, multiple stds can cause green discharge,, regular infections can act the same as stds, Google some experiences from women and you will find that you can never actually tell which infection you have unless you get tested

No. 136353

r/iameverysmart anons like coming in here and acting like complete experts of human anatomy, I've seen people attempt to fully diagnose random cows with specific STDs because of irritated pubic and thigh skin. Like if you are that good where you're easily able to tell the exact disorder just from a picture or hearing a few symptoms then you're either a world renowned doctor and shouldn't even be on here or doctors wouldn't even have various forms of testing

No. 138471

JESUS CHRIST!! You know quarantine is getting to you when you're spending the night reading the shitting thread on lolcow.

No. 140600

Oh no.

No. 147172

Real talk here

No. 147776>>147863>>147913

How do you hide using a lot of tp and wipes when you visit someone else?
I've had bowel issues for the past 5 or 6 years and I hate completely filling the trashbin at my SO's after just one visit.. I don't want it to be so obvious that I have gross bowel issues and I don't want to be an embarrassing dirty burden :(

No. 147863>>147877

I keep a travel pack of wipes in my purse! You could bring a little bit of TP in a ziploc or something too. This might not work if you are somewhere that you can't flush wipes/tp though.

No. 147877>>147897>>147912

I've clogged our toilet with tp before.. My problem is that I need too much tp and wipes for a toilet to handle but I also don't want to not be clean lol

No. 147897>>147917

Maybe look into a portable bidet then, like a squirty bottle kind of thing. Wipe the initial mess away then wash yourself clean. Surely you're not blasting that much shit everywhere that you need to block the toilet. Or do multiple flushes instead of cramming it down in one go.

No. 147912

Maybe carry a washcloth and a ziplock bag for it. Just rinse as necessary with the tap. Has nobody noticed you filling up the bin lol?

No. 147913

If it's happening at your significant others place I would think that you could be open about the issue.

My last ex used alot of toilet paper so he would stay in the bathroom for a while so he could flush a second time. Some might be embarrassed by that but I'd rather that than deal with a toilet clog.

No. 147917>>147932

I've also had stomach issues (IBS) throughout my life and I can tell you, multiple flushes is a lifesaver when it comes to not clogging toilets. I don't know why I didn't think of until a few years ago but basically, just flush as frequently as you can. It may be embarrassing if someone is listening at the door, I guess, but far less embarrassing than clogging a toilet with TP.

Also I bet a portable bidet would be helpful, but I've never used one myself so I don't know.

No. 147932

Multi flush saves my life around my period or if my IBS isn't too good. I flush after I poop and initial wipe, then clean up properly and flush again. I'd rather someone knew I took care not to flood their house with a backlog of shit and paper than feel embarrassed about them hearing me flush. Give a bidet a go, they are pretty refreshing!

No. 148112>>148114>>148119

Ok, so I have diarrhea every morning. Maybe not severe diarrhea - it's not very painful or completely liquid - but it's definitely not healthy stool. Does… anybody else have this problem? It gets better during the day, although I assume I use the toilet far more often than other people. I ALWAYS have to make sure that I'm close to a toilet the first 2 hours after I wake up.

I haven't been to the doctor because I honestly have no idea what could cause this, although I should probably go.

No. 148114>>148206

Please go to a doctor, this could be a GI disorder or something more sinister, not trying to scare you but this is something you really should go see a doctor for.

No. 148119>>148206

How is your diet?
This happens to me when I don't eat all day then binge unhealthy food at night.

Make sure you're balancing out your eating throughout the day and eat things with fiber.

No. 148145>>148198>>148199

i think i have ibs-c or something and was previously taking senna laxatives almost every day to help me go. this went on for a month with some breaks in between. i'm a dumbass and thought that ~natural gentle relief~ meant it was just like metamucil. realized the error of my ways and stopped taking them immediately. i never gained a tolerance to them so i didn't really feel the need to slowly decrease the amount i was taking or anything like that.
now it's been almost a month since i stopped and i'm extremely fucking constipated. i'm doing everything right though. i get enough fibre, drink a fuckton of water, cardio, eat yogurt yknow shit like that. i've even tried prune juice. (and lots of coffee. and sugar free candy. etc) but none of the 'natural' methods seem to work for me.
and yes, i know i should perhaps go to a doctor in case i have some serious fuckery going on but i am absolutely not going to my doctor in the middle of a pandemic to be like yes hello i can't shit.
do u guys have any miracle cures? i don't wanna go back to any kind of laxative but i'm really tempted to.

No. 148198>>148199>>148204

Hate saying this but if you're desperate to unleash a shit, sugar free multivitamin gummies had a shocking fucking effect on my normally ultra constipated bowels

Other than that I have always been insanely constipated, like could go weeks at a time without anything happening if I left it. My doctor prescribes me a ton of macrogol very regularly otherwise I'd never shit a day in my life. They're fine with me taking it long term bc shit sexual experiences make me extremely hesitant to get my ass poked by a doc to see what's going on. (It's sure as fuck not good though and I desperately need to move forward on that.) You don't want to let this go on too long anon because some day soon your stomach will go nuts like mine occasionally does and the pain for 24hours is unbearable, on par with childbirth. If you call a doctor maybe they will be happy to discuss this over the phone given the pandemic, not sure how it is in your country but my gp is offering that. Just make sure you emphasize exactly how bad it is

No. 148199

Sorry samefag but just wanted to add that my diet, lifestyle situation is the very same as yours so this shitting thing makes no sense. Sugar free haribos and candy doesn't do anything for me either but one time I shamefully chugged a lot of those super tasty sugar free multivitamins for CHILDREN bc they're so nice and Jesus Christ himself nearly appeared out my ass that night

No. 148204>>148216

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thanks for the response! honestly not above eating a fuckton of gummies, do you remember the brand?

No. 148206

Thank you anon, I need the push. Will book an appointment!
Thanks for good advice anon. I tend to eat a couple of small meals throughout the day and then I eat a lot for dinner before I go to bed, not necessarily unhealthy food but I definitely don't balance out my eating. I eat a lot of fiber as well. Probiotics actually helped, but after using it regularily it gave me semi-painful cramps

No. 148216

They were from Aldi; not sure where you're from but I guess they're just generic non-name brand vitamin gummies. They were strawberry shaped tho lmao. One time I swallowed a ton of sugar free starburst chewing gum from there like a dumb fuck and had a similar effect. I wish you luck with it, it's such a dumb stressful issue when your body can't even regulate your damn shits

No. 148221>>148370

What probiotics etc do you all take? After a lifetime of not giving a fuck about my gut health, because it's terrible no matter what I try, I really want to try to put some effort in again

No. 148370

I eat yoghurt every day and eat kimchi, miso soup and bone broth every now and then, these supposed to be great for your gut. You should cut out anything with sweeteners in them, they have been proved to destroy the good bacteria in the gut

No. 149067>>149069>>149073>>149074>>150400>>150428

Girls with a really, really hairy ass crack, how do you deal with it?

On one hand I don't really care because I can keep my ass clean without shitstains and dingleberries or wtv. On the other hand I know I have too much hair for a normal woman (even for my ethnicity) and I think I should get rid of it because it's perceived as gross.

I don't want to shave because I don't want stubble in my ass crack, but I'm ashamed of showing my butthole in order to get it lasered off. I thought of waxing myself, but I'm prone to ingrows and don't want them so near the poop chute. What to do?

No. 149069

I view it the same way I view armpit hair..if it is totally acceptable for men to have hair there without having their hygiene constantly questioned then we should be no different. If you're keeping yourself clean I don't see the issue.

But if you want to, shaving does seem to be the only option that isn't stupidly painful. I don't even know if asshole lasering exists? I imagine the area is too senstive for lasering. But IME the issue of shaving/stubble irritation goes away after a while. Your skin becomes less sensitive after the first few shaves.

No. 149073

Just leave it anon. As long as you are clean and hygienic, what does it matter? I used to shave there then I realised I was doing it to please someone else and thinking about what they might think of it. Then I stopped caring. I also read that it can be risky shaving around your arse area because of ingrowns and the potential for shit bacteria to get into them/any grazes through wiping/general toilet activity. It can cause infections and a friend of mine ended up with an ingrown cyst growing inside of her skin and it ruptured, leaving her with a nearly 1 inch deep scar where they had to take the tissue out. It just isn't worth it. Carry on being hairy and keep clean.

No. 149074


I used to very carefully trim in the shower with nail scissors until I decided that if I did that for several decades I was guaranteed to end up in hospital with scissors up my ass eventually. Now I just have an electric razor set to a super low guard, works fine. For me it's only a few hairs but they get really long if ignored, so trimming them down even to 2mm makes it as if there's basically no hair at all. I wouldn't laser or wax it.

No. 150202>>150362>>150365

I don't understand why but I love holding my poop in. I try not to do it (almost shit myself a few times) but it's like an instinct at this time. Idk if it has something to do with nerves or something.

No. 150362


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_retentiveness ? I will say it's really nice to poop when you're already 75% of the way towards shitting yourself.

No. 150365

I’m the exact opposite… I try to poo every time I use the restroom because I hate the idea of having it inside me. I have a high fiber diet and quick metabolism so I empty my bowels 3-4 times a day kek. It disturbs my bf a bit

No. 150400

Don't do it for someone else. It shouldn't matter to people. But trust me you don't feel the stubble there if you're worried about it being itchy or something, I only shave with a razor sometimes and I've never felt the stubble.

No. 150403>>150404

I’ve been thinking about getting a portable bidet but I have questions…
I’ve never used any sort of bidet before, so please don’t judge.

So, basically, how would I use it? I’ve seen a couple of videos but all they ever say is ‘just point it at your bits and squirt and you’ll be clean!’ which … idk, I don’t feel like lightly splashing water at my asshole will really clean it all the way? Do I wipe first? But then again I’ve seen a couple of people on YT/IG who use it without any toilet paper.

I’m also kinda worried about having the water run over my vag? How would I prevent that?

No. 150404

It depends, some people clean themselves with paper before and after. I personally go straight to the bidet and yes, it does clean everything. I don't know how portable bidets work, in my country we have bidets in every single bathroom and it's literally a tap, the water just goes up, and you can regulate how high/strong it can go and the temperature.
And to prevent the water running over your vag you have to stick your butt just a little bit, go over the tap subtly, and not go hard on the water stream (by regulating it). After that I just dry myself with paper
I hope I was able to explain myself

No. 150408

Was bored enough to finally read the poop thread lord be with me

No. 150428>>150432

My personal recommendation is just to get over your embarrassment and laser it if you have the funds. Keep in mind, being especially hairy, you’ll probably have to get it done anywhere from 8-10 times to get it mostly gone forever. Also, if your hair and skin doesn’t have high contrast (light skin and dark hair), it will not be as effective.

I’ve gotten a full Brazilian laser about 6x at this point. I’m not super consistent with it, so it’s been over the course of a few years. If I let everything grow out now, it takes about 4 months to reach less than a cm in length, the hair is baby fine, and I have 1/6th of the hair I started out with. Not sure if the regrowing still happens because of my inconsistency or because of my hair color (medium-dark brown). My husband has also done the same amount of laser in the same spots, but his hair (black) literally never grows back now.

By the way, if showing the nurse your hairy butthole is the source of your embarrassment, know that you’re usually asked to shave everything as well as possible beforehand. If you miss a spot, they can usually touch it up, but they can’t laser with hair in the way.

No. 150432

To add one other piece of advice, I would probably recommend trying to find a place that has a more medical setting vs a casual/spa setting. They may not be as trained in checking the state of your skin, and their laser machines may be weaker.

The country I live in is fairly homogenous and I generally hear good reviews about laser overall. I’m not sure if the bad reviews I see from English speaking countries are due to wider variations in skin/hair color or shittier machines. Just something to keep in mind before you drop money on it.

No. 150701

I have IBS and the two things that have been huge livesavers for me was cutting out dairy and eggs out of my life, and taking a prebiotic (inulin specifically) whenever my gut biome gets out a whack. The brand I use is NUE co, it's pricey but cheaper versions that actually make your IBS worst. Also I've hear if you a very high sugar/simple carb diet any Inulin will make your IBS worst because it acts as food for bacteria; it can feed your good bacteria but it will also feed your bad bacteria if you have too much.

No. 150781>>150844>>150846>>150849>>150921>>152391

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So I've had chronic constipation all my life, literally since I was in diapers. It sucks so bad to walk around with a bloated feeling 80% of the time. My stomach is naturally pretty flat but that's only visible the first two or three days after my last bowel movement. I can't plan outfits in advance because whether or not I feel pretty in a tight dress depends on the last time I was able to shit.
Last month I went to a sauna with a friend and I was so stressed out about whether I'd be bloated there or not, since I'd have to be naked all day. It seriously fucks with my life. Very occasionally if it's a day where I absolutely want to look and feel good I'll take laxatives the night before, but those give me stomachaches from hell for about three hours before working so that's not an ideal solution either.
It sounds stupid but my bf (and most other people apparently) can just decide to go take a shit whenever the fuck they want, even outside of when it's urgent, and I'm so jealous.

No. 150844

Wait what, is it normal to be able to take a dump whenever? That doesn't sound right. As far as I know it's just common to take a dump around the same times you're used to (morning, evening, whatever). The frequency can be quite naturally varied as well.

No. 150846>>150921

We're in the same boat, for as long as I remembered, I'd never have a "daily" shit. Everyone around me can shit at least once a day, but I go like weeks without shitting, and I was once told that it's normal by an emergency doctor @ the hospital but, I'm not quite sure. Started taking a lot of Fiber to help, which helped me reduced it to at least once a week, but still no improvement.

Speak with a doctor if you're afraid, but from what I'm told, it's pretty normal.

No. 150849

i've been getting constipated a lot lately for some reason. Have you tried giving yourself a gentle enema with a detachable shower head? its pretty rank picking up the poopoo pieces (or you could just go back and forth to the toilet) but it works for me.

No. 150921

Take magnesium supplements. I had the same problem and magnesium resolved it.

No. 151130>>151207

I recently started doing CICO and I’ve been pretty much eating the same shit I always would just in smaller portions. It’s been going fine for 3 weeks but now I’m SUPER bloated?? I’ve also been constipated for a whole week ugh I’ve tried some natural laxatives like coffee and prunes and still no dice. How retarded would it be to resort to laxatives? I’m getting desperate I’m so bloated that it’s painful

No. 151207

not at all retarded, its actually sensible if you are in discomfort. although I personally would do a self enema given how much i couldnt stand laxative cramps, also very unpleasant shits to do. cant trust a fart either

No. 151695

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No. 152388

My diet hasn't changed at all lately but I've gone from being someone who doesn't leave much of a smell behind to it being pretty bad. Wondering what causes that if it's not diet?

I've lived with enough partners and housemates before and I've noticed some just consistantly leave a worse smell behind but I was never like that til quite recently. Hoping it doesn't last

No. 152391

I was like this, I have IBS that was greatly helped by giving up gluten and taking a fiber supplement (psyllium husk).
May be worth systematically going through your diet and checking to see if you have a intolerance for anything (gluten/dairy/FODMAPs etc)

No. 152394>>152402

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I'm so sick of having IC and IBS. I feel like I'm literally spending just most of my life on the toliet. I can't go 40 minutes without needing to either piss or shit my guts out but mainly it's piss. I'm having a flare up as of late with both issues along with my GERD and I feel like I'm in hell. I just want a new body and I just want to be able to have a full night's rest without waking up to go to the potty every hour.

No. 152402>>152406>>152409

I rarely see IC brought up on here, feel free to ignore me if this is too personal but you find any relation between being sexually active and your IC flaring up?

I used to think any sort of penetrative play was leading to me getting UTIs but after a while my doc actually started testing me (he used to just give out antibiotics based on symptoms before that) turned out I would have UTI symptoms but no actual infection so IC I guess. Doc was never very helpful or concerned after that. I've learned that any type of penetrative play is a massive trigger for it and that by avoiding that for prolonged periods of time my symptoms almost go away completely. Although sometimes just using tampons will give me a slight overactive bladder again (ffs lol) It's so long since I've had bad symptoms that I basically forgot about it being so bad..I got a toy lately and omg I'm suffering for it. One use and I want to throw out again, it's not worth this.

No. 152406

I wish my symptoms would go away but they're constantly present. I dont notice sex making it worse. I think it's flaring up even worse lately because I have a lot of stress happening and I've not been keeping myself as hydrated lately due to having a lot of stuff going on.

No. 152409

YES. Although it's not nearly as bad as it used to be, I just have to be dehydrated and it will come back. It also seems linked to my vulvodynia when it flares up.
Maybe it's a physical thing and penetration irritates your bladder/urethra. I think recurrent infections can give you scar tissue and hypersensitive nerves.
I also get thrush/ BV really regularly even when I'm single but it gets worse if I don't use a condom/ have bad dry sex.
Why are my genitals broken??

No. 157784>>157802>>164175

This probably sounds really stupid and gross but often when I take a dump it falls to the side and hits my butt cheek and it feels fucking gross I tried standing up while going which helped but I feel like it's not good for the muscles down there lol

No. 157802

Thank you for containing this to the proper thread

No. 157818>>161429

I keep shitting a little bit at a time I go and it feels alright then like 10 mins later I suddenly have to go again it's been like this for weeks. I used to just poop 2-3 times a day now I have quick shits 5/6 times why am I so full of shit?

No. 161400>>161402>>161419

My poop always floats. 90% of the time and has for years. Making it incredibly hard to flush in old toilets. It also streaks the sides which is killer when im in public without a toilet brush.
I have GERDs and stomach/acid problems run in my direct family. My aunt and cousins have Celiacs and dad passed away over 10 years ago from pancreatic cancer (non alcohol or smoking related as he did neither) little seemed to be known then so i dont know if its related or not.
I brought up Celiacs when i was being diagnosed with GERDs but the doctor seemed unphased; i didnt mention the floating poop as i kinda thought it was normal until someone pointed it out (it looks flushed but later will float back up into the bowl).
I see that floating stools often mean fat malabsorbtion; which could be celiacs related. It doesnt seem to be GERD related though.

Anyone else have constant floating/oily poop that streaks the toilet constantly?

No. 161402>>161411

My exes kid had this problem, blessed us every visit with unflushable poop lol.

He had a pretty sweet-heavy diet at the weekends (dad spoiling him during his visit) so I always just thought it was that issue of a fatty diet. I think I've only had floaters around christmas time before.. which lends itself to the sugar/fat heavy diet theory. Is your diet generally healthy though? Or are you unusually underweight indicating you're maybe not absorbing fat?

No. 161411

I am not underweight.
I think its fairly balanced; I noticed no difference when i was purposely losing weight (via CICO) and stayed away from highly processed foods because theyre a waste of calories but i will admit i was eating a lot of Salmon which has a lot of "good" fats. I also cook regularly but i do like sweets. I dont binge eat sweets or fatty foods but i also cant say no to a few pieces of chocolate or a couple cookies. I do eat nuts as a snack often as well which are often higher fat.

I dont have a deep fryer and almost always measure out the oil i use to grease the pan when i cook meats. I also dont order fast food or take out all that often; especially compared to americans.

No. 161419>>161494

Just a tip for the streaks, put toilet paper in the bowl in like an X shape before you take a dump. It catches the poo and puts a barrier between it and the bowl so it doesn't leave a mess. Also helps with muffling any splashing noises. Yes I do this every time I poop, but at least I don't leave skiddies behind or make noises when I go. Can't help with the floaters though sorry!

No. 161429>>161455

>2-3 times a day

Is that healthy? I go at most once per day.

No. 161455

When I was younger and struggling way worse with anxiety I would shit three times in a day. I was told I had ibs and put on meds that slow stomach spasms. A few years later I'm off meds but managing stress better and going once a day.

I've pointed out to anons before that 3 times a day is on the edge of what docs consider normal. One doc might brush you off for that, another wouldnt. Shitting that often doesn't feel great though, doesn't make plans fun or trips/stays at people's houses. Then theres the self consciousness around hygiene and intimacy. I remember it wasn't a good time

No. 161494>>161516

I actually learned this from another chan board a while back. It was more about sound muffling in public. The problem is a lot of old houses have really shitty plumbing and putting the toilet paper down requires flushing directly after pooping before wiping. Otherwise i risk also clogging their toilets. but still good info to share with others

No. 161514

I know when you google it those are the limits of what's considered normal but in reality if you lived with someone shitting 3 times every day that would stand out as them having an issue.

Similarly I've had the odd time where I didn't shit for 3 days (thank you antidepressants) and I'll always remember how unwell I felt and how much of a panic inducing struggle those shits were lol. Being on either end of that scale is kinda miserable.

No. 161516

I get you! It just helps in public where there may not be facilities to clean up the toilet after use or you're anxious about others hearing you let a bomb drop!

No. 162212

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No. 162352>>162361>>162368>>162382>>163152

I had Brussel sprouts the other day and they made me so insanely constipated. they also gave me horrible, disgusting gas, my bf was literally getting angry at me because it smelled so foul. I think I have ibs lol

No. 162361>>163152

Sprouts wont give you constipation, they're an amazing source of fibre which will make you shit. Must have been something else causing that. But the gas? Definitely the sprouts.

No. 162368>>162380

imagine getting mad at someone because their farts don't smell good enough lmao

dutch oven him to assert dominance

No. 162380

Nta, but I have straight up gassed myself out of a room before and left. I've been a cunt about smelling my SOs farts, which isn't necessary but who wants to smell someone's butt flakes?

No. 162382

Oh my godddd you just reminded me of the last time I ate brussel sprouts and had a particular bad time in the bathroom the next morning. My bf went in after me and gagged. I felt so bad and gross plus it was my birthday lmao

No. 163152

Many people with IBS can't have brussel sprouts, also things like cauliflower and cabbage

If it bothers you, it's a good idea to get an intolerance test

No. 164016>>164023

Why does it burn sometimes when I shit? Even if I didn't have spicy food recently.

No. 164023


Hemorrhoids mayhaps

No. 164031>>164033>>164034

How do I make it easier to clean when I have soft poop that never fully wants to come out and an external hemorrhoid? It's always a mess and I use up SO much toilet paper and wet wipes that keep coming back dirty and I always worry I didn't clean it fully.. My doctor didn't have any advice for me

No. 164033

Get in the shower

No. 164034>>164201

Use a bidet, can't believe a doctor didn't tell you that. Water will clean you entirely

No. 164037>>164043

hi gals, i ate too many cashews a couple weeks ago and my shit has never been the same. like yanno the orangey-oily pooop. please help me

No. 164043

You need pancreatic enzymes I guess and/or something to normalize your intestinal flora. Also don't eat anything fat. Look up a diet for pancreatitis. Go to a doctor.

No. 164175

late ass reply but try parting your cheeks with your hands when you poop, it's what I do, actually my ass is fat enough that I can kind hold them open with the toilet seat to free up my hands

No. 164201

I've seen those hand bidet things but I'm worried I'm too clumsy and make a mess lmao

No. 174124

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That was solid.

No. 174132>>174224>>182006

You mean to tell me none of you bitches are spitting on the paper before you wipe? Amateur hour out here.

No. 174172

A water pistol?

No. 174224

Yes girl I sometimes wet the paper with my spit it’s an underrated life hack

No. 174316>>174317

anybody else w experience taking magnesium supplements, do they usually make you shit your brains out at first?

No. 174317

If they do that, that means you're taking too much.
>tfw I know this bc of drugs

No. 174481>>174518

Yesterday morning, I was forcibly woken up with the shits and nausea. I think the cheap Walmart wine (Barefoot, I believe) my sister bought me for Valentine’s Day had something to do with it.

Shame, I liked the taste

No. 174518

Cheap wine fucks up my stomach. I've never really been one to get head hangovers, always thought I was lucky in that regard.. but as I get older my stomach sure suffers for it.

I hear about people getting drunk and having one night stands and all I can think is…I wake up and explode after a night of drinking lol. Must be nice not to.

No. 181745

Bumping this for anon who needs to vent about bad digestive cramps from /ot/ so they won't offend the fragile resident autismos and get banned.

No. 181756

god I love shitting. I think I've been developing a shit fettish. maybe hitler would like me. maybe if I went to Germany and shit around he would appear kek judt kidding nannies but I did have a major Major Shit this morning. Kinda thought my bowels were connected to a portal some where

No. 182006>>182007

my skin is right next to my toilet so I can just reach over for a little water for my tp. the perfect set up

No. 182007

*my sink

No. 182441>>182462

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Not shit-related, but asshole-related… I have a couple boils that appeared around my asshole the past couple days. I've had experience with boils on other parts of my body (I had a staph infection a while back), and luckily my sister (currently in med school) knows how to express them and I'm grateful for her help in the past. But these are in such a gross area and I'm way too embarrassed to ask her to prod around them, so I'm resorting to remedies off google to make them hurt less. Just now I pressed a warm, moist cloth to the area, but I'm really worried about them getting bigger/worse. Anything else I can do without having to ask another human being to stare down my asshole?

No. 182444>>184005>>184041>>184102

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Does anyone else likes enema here? I deadass love giving myself one on a daily basis. I know I'm weird Pls nobully

No. 182462>>182473

Are you fat?

No. 182473

Uh, no, I'm just prone to boils because of eczema. Do you have any advice for me or

No. 182491>>184043>>184104

I just want a normal looking bum hold

No. 184001>>184014

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From a young age I've had problems with constipation and even on occasion difficulty with urinating as an adult. I'm probably just crazy, but I'm now legitimately starting to wonder if It's a psychosomatic effect from my inability to be open with myself and other people. I'm always holding so much in emotionally & mentally, I'm starting to wonder if It's even effecting me physically.

No. 184005>>184102

Do you do enemas to purge or are you like Freelee the banana girl who just does them for natural health stuff?

I used to do coffee enemas sometimes when I was younger. I read about them in a magazine or something and decided to give them a try

No. 184014


I have major peestipation / shy bladder too. It is definitely a psychological thing for me, and my BMs aren't affected at all. It's gotten worse with age and can be so debilitating, sometimes I really have to pee but can't because I'm in a public restroom or it's too loud or something. I've noticed that if I'm very distracted or my thoughts are racing it makes it worse and I need to focus and re-center before my body will unclench the pee muscles

Breathing exercises and meditation help sometimes, other times I'm basically SOL. Sometimes counting things (bathroom tiles) or doing multiplication tables can help too.

No. 184041>>184102

same nona, i do it everyday

No. 184043

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Ive been dealing with hemmeroids for almost 10 years. My best advice: go see a colo rectal surgeon. Your first appointment will be discussing the nature of your issue, and then either an exam or scheduling an exam. Theres so many causes of hemmeroids that its really hard to give advice on a general Q like this. godspeed and best of luck anon

No. 184102>>185024

…do enemas have benefits at all? Don't they destroy the good bacteria in your colon?

No. 184104

Never eat hot (as in spicy, not warm) food. I don't even indulge in a single hot pepper anymore, so sad, but my bum's been perfect since the doc told me to cut it out.

No. 185018>>185117

Probiotics, probiotics, and once again, probiotics, especially the natural ones.
Pickled cabbage, pickled beetroot juice and kefir. That's better for your guts than any pills. I also eliminated sugar, gluten, and most dairy from my diet and I basically got rid of my IBS.

No. 185024

Probably only beneficial if you’re blocked up, same with cleaning out earwax. It shouldn’t be necessary most of the time

No. 185117>>185118>>185169

>Pickled cabbage, pickled beetroot juice and kefir
how do you make meals out of that? a cup of beans will do you wonders too but its hard to make a meal out of that as well

No. 185118

You don't make meals out of it? You just eat and drink it? like a half a cup per day

No. 185169

Beans are super easy to cook with, they can be hard to digest for some people though,

No. 187085>>187087>>187090

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I found a worm in my poop i want to cry yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

No. 187087

Anon this is one of my worst nightmares. I remember I had pineapple and pooped and thought I had worms but it is just because the pineapple strands don’t digest or something lmao. You need to go to your doctor and get some meds ASAP

No. 187090

praying for you queen, what kinda worm?

No. 187150>>187402

I think the anal fissure that I've had for months is finally healing. Thank fucking christ because I really did not want to go to a doctor for this

No. 187402>>188565

how did you get it, nonnie?

No. 187512>>187527>>187534

I poop usually like 3 times a day. Sometimes even more, up to 6 or so, small amounts. It's been like this for over 6 years, I don't remember before that. Warning for tmi but it's usually pretty watery. Is that normal? I'm pretty skinny, might it be just some kind of fast metabolism? I don't have any stomachaches or pains, I'm just a bit tired but that might be everyday stress.

No. 187527>>187531

What is your diet?

No. 187531

Pretty average I'd say, from time to time I have junk food but mostly I try to eat healthy. Salads, chicken, water, home made meals.

No. 187534

If it's both watery and that many times a day that's classed as diarrhea.

I had ibs for years and I would go too often for someone who didn't eat alot. That and the consistency was more like something that'd come out of a baby than a healthy adult. I maybe went 6 times a day at my absolute worst though. So that's alot to of not seen a doc about already. If you have stress related ibs then your insides are spasming too much. It causes you to go very often in smaller amounts. I haven't changed my diet but I manage stress better and now my 3/4 movements a day have reduced down to one normal sized solid movement.

The wateryness will likely concern a doc. Like you could be regularly dehydrated because of it. Which would explain you being tired. That or not absorbing nutrients. Definitely enough to warrant an appointment.

No. 188565

Constipation plus rock-hard shits. It still hurts to go to the bathroom, but it's not unbearable/bloody anymore. I'm gonna keep doing what I have been until it heals entirely. Make sure to have plenty of fiber in your diet anons kek

No. 188968>>188971>>189011

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Wtf is going on.
The last few times I had to poop I've noticed red spotting after I wipe. I didn't really pay too much attention bc I thought maybe I just wiping too hard??
However last I went to the bathroom though there was a noticable amount of blood in the toilet.
I'm not even straining to go or have any stomach pains, I dunno what is going on. I don't feel or see anything abnormal down there. I read sometimes hemorrhoids can be internal and get irritated, could that be the case?

No. 188971

if it's bright red blood then yeah hemorrhoids or an anal fissure, make sure you stay well hydrated and eat enough fiber to help

if it's dark stool that looks black/dried blood then that's more serious internal bleeding, but you said there's no pain so that is good but just it's good information to have

No. 189011


start taking metamucil. It is most likely hemorroid or fissure that is irritated when u poop. I had this exact same issue earlier this year - taking metamucil twice a day cured it (and made pooping so much better).

No. 189684>>189691

How many farts a day is normal? Is it normal to find gas hard to hold back? How often does it happen to you guys that you try to hold it back but it comes out nevertheless?

No. 189691

Some days I'll emit a loud heavy fart from my core every two minutes. I haven't died so I assume its normal

No. 189694>>189697>>189711

I shit literally twice a week and it's usually ridiculously small compared to the amount I ate. I used to be an ana chan so that might be the reason. I have a sedentary job but I go out jogging every second day, I eat lots of vegetables and no sugar. No junk food regularly either, maybe a pack of crisps a week. Green tea every day. I'm not a fan of bread or cereal but I try to get my fiber in legumes.
Help, I can't remember the last time I had a good shit and I need to feel clean.

No. 189697

Me too nonita, except I've always been like that but 6 years ago I had an ED and that definitely made it worse. Do you also feel bloated all the time except for maybe one day after you've taken a shit? Because I do, it's not painful but it does suck.

No. 189711

former anachan here, spent about 4 years of my life being constipated and only getting rabbit pellets a few times a week. i agree with >>189705 , upping my fat percentage has helped me go everyday without having to strain.

No. 189712>>195013

have any of you ever had sudden diarrhoea after fainting? I just fainted in my bathroom and thought I was going to be sick straight after but ended up just having explosive diarrhoea and idk if that's normal. I already went to the bathroom once today so I'm pretty sure I didn't need to go again before.

No. 193503

Food goes right through me.
If I eat a meal around 4:30 or 5pm I'm guaranteed to shit at least once by 8pm.

No. 195010

I'm starting to think I should get a referral to a counselor or something. I think I might have DID and repressed traumas,a nd all this is from my observations about my pooping behavioral patterns. Some cycles I will shit and love it. It feels like a release. This is indicative of one psychological profile, but hear me out. There are also times where I don't like shitting at all, feels like an intrusion, a chore. This indicates repressed traumatic exp. in many people so I believe I have DID. And I learned it because of pooping. Just kidding. But really it is weird that I can go from feeling freer after a big one for like months and then I'll be all chuffed to go sit and shit for a while. hmm dietary, most likely

No. 195013

That could be a sign you need more electrolytes.

No. 195018>>195040

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pooping again, for the third time this morning. thinking about that ad i get on youtube that says "humans have 20lb of toxic poop in their bodies at any given time" and i keep hoping all this poop that's leaving me is some of the toxic stuff

No. 195040

This made me remember the time where I went to get an ultrasound because I think I had some GI problems and the doctor was moving the scanner across a HUGE area of my abdomen saying "There's poop here. Here too. Here as well. Young lady, you are positively filled with poop."
I don't think I've ever experienced an even 50/50 split emotion of embarrasment and amusement. I was poop lady that day.

No. 195166>>196092>>196822>>196947>>196951

Is there a technique to wiping after a shit? I feel like I could be wiping forever, there's still gonna be residue. And fiber is not the problem, I eat vegetables every day

No. 196092

Use more tp and bunch it up into a taco shape (kek). When you wipe, put more pressure on the tips of your fingers and do a scooping motion. The trick is to not have the tp flat which just spreads it around. If it's not a fiber/diarrhea issue it sounds like you may have too much oil/fat in your diet. Also I hear bidets are magical. Hope I explained this right nonnie, godspeed.

No. 196752>>196812>>196943

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I don't know who needs to hear this but if you are addicted to coffee enemas, laxatives, etc. Be aware that are yoga poses that can make you shit. I'm talking A Lot. You're going to shit so much and I don't think it's harmful to your bowels. Just pressing on certain parts and opening your body by readjusting your innards is probably not going to do anything. No, I am not anorectal violence but I'm no better or worse. Google "yoga shit pose" and you'll get the results you're looking for. Good Luck, and you're welcome.

No. 196811

Is coffee beneficial for bowel movements or does it get you addicted to it and you rely on it to feel the urge?? Idk if it’s just me but oh wow do I NEED my cup of joe before I go to the bathroom. I tried not drinking for a week and it took me 3 days to feel the urge, and even then I wasn’t fully evacuated. I rely on it to feel completely empty. Which is bad because coffee worsens my anxiety immensely

No. 196812

Thanks for this nonny, going to try this when I eventually wean myself off coffee

No. 196822

Use a handheld bidet (costs around $10) after wiping.

No. 196943

Oh dog

No. 196947>>197549

if there is a sink nearby put the tp underneath and get some water, or if no sink then water from a bottle on to the tp. game changer imo

No. 196951>>196980

>Wiping forever
Not to freak you out but you might have very low grade internal hemorrhoids. Wiping too hard can also cause them

No. 196980>>197132

I see. Could that also be the reason for feeling like I'm never really finished pooing? Like I go once, and then 20 minutes later I feel 'another part of the package' arriving. So I go 'several times' a day but I feel like it's the same portion of poo, just spaced apart? Idk if this makes sense and sorry if it's gross

No. 197132

Also, I could wipe my butt perfectly clean but the next time I go to the toilet and wipe, there's gonna be residue on the toiletpaper. Even if I just peed

No. 197539>>197548

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Anons I knew I had some funky stuff going on with digestion because I've binge drank myself into IBS (40+IPAS weekly for years, guts are officially scrambled, my fault ikik) but I found a fuckin whole noodle after my 3rd shit this morning and now I'm wondering if I should go see a DR.

Like I knew I wasn't digesting things properly because there'd be whole bits of undigested food, but I figured if I just kept on eating healthy and didn't give in to beer temptations that I'd eventually level out. But should I go in? I've never before seen a whole entire undigested noodle just chillin in the toilet bowl. I was hoping this would fix itself with a better lifestyle but I'm wondering if my guts are too far gone with traditional clean-eating and wellness and junk.

Any anons gone through something similar to alcohol-induced IBS? What was your course of action?

No. 197548>>197555

How long have you been clean eating? How long have you been going without beer?

My spouse was a heavy drinker and had the same issue for about a month and a half after he quit drinking completely.
Also, up your fiber intake asap. Increase it slowly but steadily. Drink lots of water with it.

Are you having any dark black stool? If so then go to the doctor now please.
Other than that, if it’s been less than a 3 month period and you haven’t had any blood in your stool, then just wait it out. You body is probably gettin use to the lack of carbs.

No. 197549

Dude. this. I’m going get a manual bidet. I know that Muslims use lotas or bodnas. So I’m just going to a plastic flower watering jug lol

No. 197555>>197603>>198131

Thanks for the speedy reply, nonnie. This made me feel a lot better and gave me a lot of answers.

The noodle makes sense now because yesterday was nothing but bone broths, coconut milk, and chicken noodle soup since I've been sick with the flu for a couple of days, so I'm definitely lacking fiber lately. I'll pick up some fiber pills and incorporate that into my diet as I start feeling well again.

And honestly I've experienced all sorts of poop colors and textures. Looks like someone threw in a handful of sand? Check. Black and tarry mounds? Check. Pale/yellow and loose? Check. The thing is that they never lasted longer than a week or two , so I never really pursued anything of it. I know that they point to signs of internal bleeding, yada yada, but I figured since it eventually stopped that it fixed itself, that things are just sucky but will eventually heal. Am I wrong in assuming that?

I'm pretty early in on my quitting/clean eating so you're right in that I probably need more time of clean eating and wellness. Of all things to scare me, that noodle definitely did a number on me this morning. Thanks again for the answers nonnie.

No. 197603

No worries.

Oh coconut milk is mild natural laxative so be careful and remember that for a bit until you get some fiber in you.

And black poo is really only a problem if it’s sticky dark black like tar and won’t go away for weeks combined with vomit or fever or any other crazy stuff that happens super fast.
Also, white poo is a big red flag too.

Poop is weird lol but I wish it didn’t have such a stigma around it. It really is an insight into your overall health.

You’ll be ok nonnie!

No. 198061>>198063>>198075>>198127>>198128>>198131

okay so literally all my life I have only had diarrhea. I have never had a single normal poop in my life. I've never mentioned it to a doctor because it's just like my normal and I've learned to live with it but how concerning do you guys think it is that I have diarrhea 3-4 times a day and have never had a normal poop in my life. I dont really have doctor money but I want to know if anyone has any insight

No. 198063

Sounds like irritable bowel syndrome

No. 198075>>198204

You could experiment with cutting out food groups like dairy, gluten and things like that just to be sure but most often it's ibs.

Docs will usually test for infection, recommended trying out elimination diets and if they can't find a cause they'll give you antispasmodic meds for ibs. Stress can be a huge trigger so stress management can provide a lot more relief than any meds do ime..but if you have it since childhood maybe thats not your issue. Most people with ibs do seem to either have autism or mental health issues though. They're looking into what the link there is but currently it's a frustratingly vague diagnosis to get.

No. 198127>>198143>>198204

I had exactly what you had.
I had to cut ALL grains, inflammatory agents (spicy, carageanan preservatives) fermenting foods (beans, any fiber).
I reduced internal inflammation with lots of tumeric (have to get USA grown, all others are from contaminated soil in Bangledesh and are biggest reason for child lead poisoning), until I could tolerate some things. My diet is caveman like, lots of simple recipes, lots of chicken, tons of the heart+brain healthy omega 3 fats from olive and coconut oil and fish(low mercury like tilapia, supplement selenium with several brazil nuts a day to avoid possible toxic build up, also salmon is loaded with healthy fat).
Seeds, nuts good in moderation. Vegetables and fruit good, don't force yourself spinach. Supplement the enzyme l-glutamine (necessary for gastrointestinal cellular repair) as well as making sure that your d3, magnesium, are good or partially supplemented.
I can tolerate some cheese, muenster is pleasant tasting imo and it is loaded with vitamin k2(mk4).
Sunbathing is great for body beyond getting d vitamin.
Potassium cannot be viably supplemented, eat vegets (potatoes are very high, but are inflammatory).
It seems strange to reduce all fiber, but what a science journal I read found was that people taken off of high fiber diets had improved digestion. It makes sense that we should not bother eating stuff we can't digest, we are not cattle so we should not eat cattle feed (like ALL grains).

No chronic sensitivity, pain, bloating, or diarhhea.
I hope this helps.

Also, speaking as a licensed pharmacy tech who was perscribed theses, IBS drugs are kinda terrible for you and ultimately won't fix the problem. You will statistically be taking them for life (reduce acids, body has to increase acids, can't stop because now problem is worse), and they are usually anticholinergics that lead to dementia later in life. Fix diet, return to caveperson foods.

This diet is cheap too.

No. 198128

Sounds like celiacs tbh

No. 198131>>198204

Gut isn't absorbing liquid, sounds like inflammation. Soothe it, reduce shit like grains and fermentable fibers. Go get calories like body builders of healthy oils and proteins.

Alternatively use low-fermentable bulk fiber from psyllium husk.

No. 198143

I know this is the bathroom thread but please give a write up like this for eczema in the skincare one because it's slowly killing me. A lot of bodily inflammation is the same, right? Could any of this apply?

No. 198204

thank you, it helps to give me a rundown of what to expect if I were to ever to go to a doctor for it. I am usually very stressed and have bad anxiety which causes it to get worse than usual so it could definitely be a factor

thank you so much for this, it is REALLY helpful and it feels good to know I'm not the only person to suffer with this. Do you think you could give me a rundown of what your daily eating habits are like, or some meals that work for you? I'll definitely look into tumeric and vitamins

For some reason I never thought about my gut being inflamed and I just lived with it, thank you. I will look into it

No. 198231

Almost everytime after I go to the bathroom I get this horrible pain on the right side of my stomach so strong I have to lay down for a few minutes to a few hours. Sometimes I still feel it the next day.
It's recent, 2-3 years, never had it before even though I'm chronically constipated. Should I be worried?

No. 198454>>198491

I’m not sure what’s wrong with me… today I woke up with nausea/vomiting brown and yellow and having liquid diarrhea, this went on for hours and I need to go again. I’ve drank water with anti-acid powder which helped a little but ended up throwing it back up.

I haven’t eaten anything yet because I don’t see the point when it’s just gonna come back up and am feeling dizzy right now. Has anyone experienced this? All Google tells me its likely to be ulcers, stomach virus or food poisoning.

No. 198491>>198525

That sounds scary, what did you eat yesterday? Be sure to stay hydrated and drink a lot of water

No. 198525>>198552

I ate subway and still couldn’t keep it down, I feel slightly better but still feeling dizzy and can’t stand up longer than 2 minutes without feeling lightheaded. I think I may be vomiting blood from what Google told me.

No. 198552

I'm worried about you anon. If you live alone please call someone over to stay with you, just in case.

No. 198615>>198620>>198633

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I am prone to hemorrhoids and now have a horrible, ugly scar on my asshole that I'm so fucking insecure about. I can recognize it's not the end of the world, like I'm not a gay male so my ass isn't going to feature highly in my sex life, but I still feel so ugly walking around knowing it's there.
How can I cope?

No. 198620

well if it makes you feel any better I have a scar at the top of my buttcrack because I slid down a wall to sit down at school when I was like 16 and must've hit something really sharp because it fucking hurt like hell and left a pretty big scar lol, idk you're not alone butt-scar anon.

No. 198633

I mean any time I see an asshole I kinda recoil at the sight of it. That's assholes in general. The only time it'd matter is if you dated an asshole fetish guy. Admittedly there's an annoying amount of those guys around but I guess you just have an extra excuse to stay clear of them.

No. 199059>>199081

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I can't make a huge shit if my asscheeks don't get good enough traction on the toilet seat!! I have lotioned up and am trying to drop a big one but I'm sliding all over! Simply Lugubrious!

No. 199081

LMFAOOO hang in there shitnon

No. 199188>>199198>>199199>>199220

Dunno if i'm in the right thread or not, but I guess this is butthole related. Do you guys bleach your assholed and can you recommend a brand?
I really dont want to go out and spend money to get someone else to do it and I also hate how dark my asshole and the area around it is. Or maybe you guys have natural suggestions?

No. 199198>>199222

Anon please take a step back and realize how ridiculous that is. Stop watching porn or whatever media is making you think the only normal genitals light pink. If your ass is clean then that's all that matters.

No. 199199>>199222

>Do you guys bleach your assholed
>can you recommend a brand?
>maybe you guys have natural suggestions?
Love yourself

No. 199220>>199222

Why? Do you think the men you're having sex with give a shit or have their own testicles bleached? They won't even fill in their eyebrows or cover up a pimple for you. You surely aren't doing this for yourself, it's not like you can see your asshole unless you pull your cheecks apart in front of a mirror.

No. 199222>>199226

Thank you anons! I guess I just have a really low self image, and anime/porn doesn't help when they're all beautiful.

No. 199226>>199290

I don't know if you're straight and doing this for a guy/partner but I've dated asshole obsessed guys and never heard a bad word about mine being dark. Tbh I think men are very much aware of the function of assholes and the dirtiness of it's function is the root of why they fetishize it in the first place. Sure they want it clean but the pigmnet change is linked to that forbidden nature of it, it's part of the appeal for them. So I don't know if guys (or even women who are into that) actually want them all perfect and pink. Even if they did… seems like a ridiculous chore to add on to your beauty regime.

No. 199290

Thanks anon, when you put it like that it makes all the more sense. Yeah I have a bf and have just been super self conscious for so long, now after thinking all night about what you all said, not so much.

No. 201022>>201067

Anyone else get nostalgic when their shit smells a certain way? Sometimes my shit smells like middle school. Other times it smells like more recent times. Either way I get a sensation that feels like what I imagine DIDfags get when they switch alters.

No. 201067

Yes. Mine smells like christmas sometimes. Feels retarded just typing that shit lmao

No. 201070

My poop has been smelling different and stronger from how it usually does. It honestly feels super weird to not recognize the smell of your own shit. I've been making a lot of crunchwraps recently so maybe that's why it's changing.

No. 201295

Every time I poop I have so much shit on my ass. Is it just because of my hemorrhoids or could it be something else? I do feel like my hemorrhoids are making it harder to poop well like kind of blocking the opening idk. I took fiber supplements for a while but all it did was make me shit more often

No. 201353

i'm so retarded i overflowed the toilet at my parents' friends home because i use so much toilet paper because i get distracted in the bathroom rip

No. 201789

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My farts usually smell like cabbage even though it's not regularly in my diet. The scent is highly reminiscent of Panda Express chow mein. It's weird but Fat Bastard was not wrong. I usually did order the chow mein when I ate there. Surely these are correlated.

No. 201800>>201804

Would you recommend an enema (water or milk) before going to the bathroom?

No. 201804

No. Try drinking a warm beverage, though.

No. 201904>>202558

Is it normal for heat to fuck up your bowels? We're on day 4 of a heat wave and I haven't had a single solid poop. I don't have an upset stomach or cramps or anything though, it feels like a normal poo but has the consistency of diarrhea.

No. 202558

maybe it's melting inside you and you need to eat more ice cream to make it solidify

No. 203138>>203139

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shit three times this morning. it was all that Crazy Calzony Pepperoni I ate last night. T'was delicious and came out easy. I give the shit three times this morning. it was all that Crazy Calzony Pepperoni a 7/10

No. 203139

oh whoops I fucked up that copy and paste oh well I;'m not reposting that

No. 203287>>203578

I've been very stressed recently and it has caused me to become constipated! I hate it! I'm very close to trying magnesium supplements. I can't hold all this in forever now can I?

No. 203355>>203377>>203469>>203957

I know you're supposed to wipe from front to back but every time I wipe front to back until it seems clean I suddenly find poop again when I gently wipe from back to front. Has anyone else tested this? I feel like some poop gets above my butthole and wiping front to back doesn't really get to that area like you're just wiping "over" it.. It might not help that I have hemorrhoids but I don't know if it's related.

No. 203377>>203381>>203428>>203456

Jesus Christ how do people not know how to wipe their ass. Your asshole has creases and folds where poop can get stuck so you need to stand up, relax your muscles down there, and try to do a "scooping" motion with the toilet paper to get fully clean. And for the love of god never wipe back to front you will get an infection.

No. 203381>>203416

Or just wash your ass

No. 203416

I always take a shower after, but there are degenerates out there who shit in public places.

No. 203428>>203450

That doesn't solve that there's this area above your butthole where poop can get to and also wtf standing up?

No. 203450>>203570

I will never understand how people can reach back and wipe while sitting on the toilet. How does your arm even fit. I've always stood to wipe ever since I was a kid. Put a foot up on the seat to really make it easier.

No. 203456>>203462

standing up to wipe is weird to me since you go from being able to sit down on the seat in such a way as it can hold both your spread apart buttocks open to standing up and only having one free hand to hold one buttock open

No. 203462

I squat on the floor and wipe. Standing my shit doesn't get cleaned properly

No. 203469>>203569

Get a handheld bidet. 10/10 clean every time.

No. 203569

I don't trust myself with these, I feel like I would end up with poop water splatter everywhere and there's no (space for) sink or cleaning supplies in my parents bathroom.

No. 203570>>203612

Why would it not fit unless you're huge?

No. 203578

2 days on the magnium supplements. how long does it take to work?

No. 203612

Doesn't the back of the toilet get in the way?

No. 203946>>203948>>203953

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Please help me anons. I frequently have shits that are too big for my butthole, causing it to tear and bleed a large amount of blood. I’m not constipated— I have regular bowel movements (Once every 2 days) and they’re not hard to pass. I eat a ton of fruits for fiber and drink a shit ton of water, have a healthy balanced diet, am not under or overweight, and don’t have any stomach troubles.
I’m really upset because it seems like as soon as it heals, I’ll have another bowel movement that rips it open again. It’s not unbearably painful but it is uncomfortable and the amount of blood is always disconcerting to see.
Does anyone have experience with this or any advice on how to help my asshole not tear? I know this sounds ridiculous but I can’t talk to anyone about this and you ladies are my only hope fml

No. 203948>>203951

once every 2 days is not normal

No. 203951

????? I’m pretty sure it is. Maybe I worded it weird but I mean every other day. That’s considered average from what I’ve seen.

No. 203953>>204250

Try eliminating nuts, seeds and corn for a while and see if it helps. If it doesn't, maybe it could be a hemorrhage?

No. 203957>>203961

I relate, I feel like I could wipe my butt 77629259 times after a poop, it's still gonna be poopy afterwards

No. 203961>>204010

I feel like I wipe my butt "clean" sometimes then i go back later and there's more poop. Not sure if I missed it or if more poop seeped out. Either way it sucks

No. 204010

Literally same!!! We have dumb butts

No. 204250>>204283

File (hide): 1630823757048.jpeg (23.11 KB, 236x225, E9E99A18-8F96-4704-9323-EBDD55…)

Ah…. I already don’t eat any of that stuff. Maybe I just have some sort of freak condition, FML. Huge turd syndrome or something. But I don’t think they’re that big, tbh. I think my asshole is just tiny for some reason. Regardless, had to put lotion on my asshole tonight after disinfecting it to help it heal and I’ve never felt so ridiculous in my life. I’m imagining committing sudoku and having to leave a note explaining “my asshole was just too small and I couldn’t take it anymore.”

No. 204283

If I were you I'd have a doc check for hemorrhoids like that anon said (misspelled). That's the most common cause of asshole blood so it's definitely one of the first steps to check for that.

No. 204781>>204805

I ate a whole can of this dubiously named chili and things haven't been the same. lots of gas, which isn't totally unusual but the farts seem a lot more effective. not like farts really "do" anything for you but it feels like the farts are more dense, not dispersed, more like thunderous clouds that are a precursor to lighting (big logs) like these farts are really cleaning out my colon. Like god has sprayed some air duster in there

No. 204805

Your gut and intestine bacteria is having a hard time tolerating the stuff you digested.

No. 205030

I only poop like 1-2x/week. I don't think I'm constipated though, I don't feel bloated or have a hard time actually pooping. They aren't especially large or anything. idk.

No. 205536

I have shit SO MUCH! in the last 48 hours it's almost unreal.. except that it's 100% true. Not sure what this means other than my colon is pumping IRON potentially, along with many other trace minerals

No. 205840>>205865

im crying and shitting myself i have a hemorrhoid, idk how this happened my entire diet is fiber but i do strain on the toilet, it doesnt hurt at all it feels like i have something stuck inside my asshole when i'm walking but its not too annoying, should i go to a doctor or does it go away on its own? i looked it up and it said its only possible to surgically remove within 72 hours of onset after that they cant do surgery

No. 205865

- drink more water
- no alcohol
- less sugars
- no spicy foods
- drink more water

No. 206066

REEEEEE why do all the best foods with seasoning give me diarrhea. my ass is burning sandpaper now, almost throbbing

No. 206892>>206925

Feeling really regretful and sick after drinking a large chocolate shake tonight from mcondald. worst decision of my month hands down. and that's going against some pretty tough shit (not literally, which is why this incident is so brutal) As I type this the farting is turning into something more. something greater.

No. 206925

a post pooping update for all who are curious, it was a pretty grueling battle and it smelled like a perm

No. 206952

When I was younger I didn't really get the period shits but now I get them every month without fail. I noticed that my period is running late this month (could be recent stress) so I got my period shits the last 2 days and it's calmed down now. I haven't even started bleeding yet but I know period shits and that's definitely what I was having. This is new.. Sometimes my cramps will come way early but not that.

Come on body, lets get this show started already. I've run through every other symptom but the bleed itself.

No. 206973

Normally I shit every morning after my coffee but I didn't do it for a few days idk why. My stomach is super hard and bloated. Now I'm able to shit but I'm screaming because of the pain aaaaaaaaaaa. Still happy that Im finally doing it

No. 207842>>207862

I had the fabled "coming out of both ends" experience last night and I seriously thought about shooting myself to escape it. I don't have a gun but I sure wanted one.

No. 207862

I'm thinking about this more and I'm assuming this was a physical-spiritual cleansing. My GUT BIOME is refreshed and so are my CHAKRAS

No. 208161>>208198>>208309

File (hide): 1633465592610.gif (1007.3 KB, 287x287, itW9q83.gif)

I really just have to vent about my hemmoroids. I used to sit on the toilet for long periods of time and would strain, I've had internal hemms for years now and sometimes they make their way ouside after I've been to the toilet, I have to push them back inside (I use a finger with coconut oil on it). I've also had external ones but they're since shrunk (leaving the skin of my a-hole fleshy and weird) it honestly really gets me down and makes me feel disgusting, it looks disgusting. my diet is a lot better and I'm in and out of the bathroom very quickly these days but I really believe I've messed my asshole up for for good. the damage is done after years of poor diet and toilet habits. I feel so angry with myself for it.

I'm not sexually active but I'm dreading the first time someone sees my asshole. I don't have any desire to use my ass in a sexual way but it's going to have to be seen since it's so close to my vagina. if I clench my asshole really tightly you can barely tell there's anything wrong with it but I can't go through every sexual experience with a clenched asshole! I don't think someone would break up with me over it but it is still such a big worry for me and makes me never want to attempt a relationship because I am so self conscious about the way it looks. I put myself in the shoes of whoever may fuck me and how they'll be like 'there's that gnarly asshole again'.

No. 208198>>208204>>208286

anon pls don't be so hard on yourself. i struggle with hemorrhoids too (used to be worse tbf but still sometimes a problem) , it sucks knowing my asshole is a bit fucked up for reasons beyond my control but i 100% promise you no potential partner will give a shit. im not even sure they'll see your asshole all that much unless theyre looking really closely for it, and if they do care and decide to make a big deal out of it then honestly they're being weird and probably not worth being with.
from personal experience my partner has never seemed to notice, or if they have they haven't said anything about it even though its something they know about

No. 208204

>my asshole is a bit fucked up… no potential partner will give a shit
I don't know if the pun was intended but this slayed me

No. 208286>>208302

thanks for this anon, it helped me feel a bit better. yes, it isn't something I can help now, I can only deal with it by eating well and staying hydrated. I appreciate you saying no potential partner would give a shit and I hope that's true. I have such low confidence in my body as it is and I know I'll probably never be able to have sex in any position where the asshole is front and centre near the partners face (doggy or 69) and I'll want to keep the lights off or very dimmed. I'm glad your partner has been sweet enough not to mention it or notice much. I hope in the future I'll experience the same

No. 208302

Well don't worry too much, most guys can understand the problem and are not likely to care about it.

No. 208309

If you don't like butt stuff and you're stayng away from asshole fetish guys then you should be fine as long as you're clear from the beginning and it's not just a compromise.

I hate butt stuff but I've had a weird run of dating guys who were more into assholes than anything else.. I should've dumped them earlier because they'll say it's not a big deal and then they'll still go on to nag you to perform an act you've already clearly ruled out from the start.

Find yourself a guy who doesn't want to lick bumholes and cherish him lol. I feel like they're becoming a rare find.

No. 208368

I farted and then I queefed too

No. 208452

File (hide): 1633604842980.jpeg (46.28 KB, 576x764, 530DC0A1-43DB-4AF0-BED3-1BEB88…)

My shit smells like a pit toilet right now. Ever since the "coming out of both ends" incident things haven't been very compact. My diet has been scattered and reduced for a week now due to stress. I will take this as a warning. Something is not right. Usually I have a certain smell, my shit smells nothing like my own but more like the conglomeration of a wide breadth of poops.

No. 209200

pale stool. I wonder if it's really a problem?

No. 209332>>209334

File (hide): 1634139739597.gif (646.37 KB, 275x205, 1629847000636.gif)

Sometimes your poop just feels like this.

No. 209334>>209419

get that colon checked nonny

No. 209419

mine doesn't feel like that right now, just sometimes we all have that

I'm on the toilet now, things are normal but they still don't smell like my own brand. weirdly enough my poop smells like cat poop this morning

No. 209535>>209549>>209735>>209745>>209836>>209851

File (hide): 1634282060767.png (931.94 KB, 1251x644, 3VFqrtc.png)

I managed to figure out how to clean the mineral build up in my cruddy toilet. I dissolve it in some hot water, wait for it to cool as I empty the toilet, then I pour the solution into my toilet and leave it for an hour or two, when i check back it looks like it's fizzing and the water becomes cloudy, I give it a good scrub with a sponge then flush and it's as good as new. Seriously try this nonnies if you're starting to get bothered by the stains at the very bottom of your toilet that have accumulated because you got too lazy to empty your toilet bowl at least once a month when you use a standard cleaner. I feel so much pride shitting in a clean toilet.

I tried:
- baking soda + vinegar several times, it helped only a little bit at first
- standard toilet cleaners
- bleach
- pumice stones

I was really at my wits end trying all the hacks I looked for online and this is the only one that fixed it.

No. 209549

You didn't even say what you used

No. 209735

please spill the details

No. 209745

what did you use??

No. 209836


No. 209851>>211229

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No. 210844>>210922

just had a crazy fart. it was so dense that it lifted me up and went both ways underneath me once it had lifted my bodyweight off where I'm sitting. Wildshit

No. 210922>>211223

Thanks for the kek, nonna. Bless you!

No. 211223

thinking about the anon who said her favorite farts come around and pop her pussy but lately I've been really enjoying the "fart log" types where it feels like I'm shitting loaves of air

always happy to share a kek(post history contains tens if not hundreds of scat fetishism posts)

No. 211229

Idk why but everytime.someone posts this I can't help but laugh/smile thanks anon for posting him, I've been grieving all day and this is the first unexpected joy I've had today.

No. 211334>>211336

Does anyone have radioactive farts after eating fermented food? I went to my very german families house and had a ton of sauerkraut and started farting up the bed when I went to sleep last night and when my husband went to cuddle me he lifted up the sheets and gagged and said "oof you've been farting up a storm in here" and cuddled me anyway. It was like that for the following two weeks. Anyone else? My farts usually aren't bad

No. 211336

your husband sounds sweet. also I don't know because I'm a pretty farty person in general.

No. 211362

Just finished two rounds of antibiotics and my gut flora is destroyed. Gained so much weight in just 2 months and feel disgusting. I've been eating my usual yogurt every day but it's not enough. The constipation is horrible. I just gave birth to this Eldritch shit that had been brewing for days. It looked like a multicolored ginger root.

Probably going to start probiotics soon on top of my yogurt.
What sucks too is the antibiotics did nothing so I'll need to take even stronger ones now.

No. 212291

my ass is having its period and it hurts so much. even had pms (pre massive shitting) cramps

No. 213007>>213013>>213043

What's the best course of action when your butt is bleeding due to too much/hard wiping (and maybe?? too dry skin in that area)? So far I've always switched to wet wipes when it happened, and then rather patted the area instead of wiped until there's less blood. In the end there's still a bit, but I figured doing more than that would make the bleeding worse again, so I just get up and sit down carefully for the next few hours and wipe really gentle for the next or so day. pls tell me if this is alright, i don't wanna die of butt blood poisoning

No. 213013>>213135>>213885

You'll be okay. Get a Brondell gospa from Amazon and use that after the initial wipe then dry yourself. Much less friction than wet wipes, andthey cost like $11.

No. 213043>>213135

I had stress induced hemorrhoids when I was a teenager, and my doctor told me to use witch hazel (which can be found at really any pharmacy) and put it on toilet paper before wiping. Be careful not to use too much/soak your skin though, it is astringent so can mess with pH if overdone. Best of luck!

No. 213135

Thank you both, I'll look into it.

No. 213845>>213884>>213889>>213909

I've been eating granola with yogurt for a bit more than two weeks and went from shitting once every 7-14 days to twice a week. My ass is thankful it's not being destroyed anymore by gigantic poop (I remember like it was yesterday.. when my ass was obliterated by an almost a month old shit). Never been more satisfied with my shit.

No. 213884>>213915

Congrats anon. Sounds extreme tho… How come only once a month?

No. 213885

I too have worried about butt poo poisoning and take this tip most graciously.

No. 213889>>213915

>shitting once every 7-14 days

What in the diddly darn. What does your diet look like? Do you eat rocks?

No. 213909

That's great! If you're looking for a low-effort way to add more bowel movements to your week, frozen blueberries are great with yogurt, and there's no prep involved.

No. 213915>>231874

I eat lots of eggs, not much meat (like, sometimes once in two or three months), no fast foods but also not enough vegetables and fruits.

It probably has to do with the fact I'm extremely sedentary and don't eat a lot to begin with. I used to be underweight (not anachan, been like this since I was a kid) so I imagine this also factors it?

Anyway, exercising also helps, I noticed I get the most bowel movements when I'm regularly exercising, but I guess keeping this routine is the hardest part when you're used to not moving at all. Haven't exercised in months now.

No. 213959>>214423

i need help. how do i hide hemorrhoids as fast as possible? the ones that are sticking out

No. 214322

I took the quickest dump ever today, it was so quick that I can’t believe I did it so quickly. Maybe I’ve unlocked an amazing power I didn’t know I have because now this dump I’m taking has been quick as well. I hope I can continue on shutting quickly.

No. 214423


No. 215787>>215788

I have an event today and it's been a few days since I shaved my legs so the hairs are prickly. How do I shave when the hairs are too short but too long? I feel like I'll get razor bumps for sure.

No. 215788>>215793

Shave in the same direction as hair growth before shaving against the grain, and rinse your razor frequently.

No. 215793

Thanks anon, I'll try that

No. 215893>>215906>>215934>>217636

Is it normal to shit literally every single day and for most of the shits to be pebble sized? It's also more difficult to push it out. This only started happening in the past 2 months even though I didn't change my diet and have always drank tons of water, before I only shat once a week. And on the rare occasion I get a normal/bigger sized shit I still have to take another one the next day or sometimes after several hours. Before if I took a shit that big I'd mostly be empty enough to not go for a few days. Ironically my once-a-week shits, though also unhealthy, felt way more comfortable than this newer kind.

No. 215906


You need more electrolytes and fats I think. Daily is normal, pebbles is dehydration or low fat

No. 215934>>216108

you used to shit once a week???

No. 216108

NTA but same… I've been constipated since I was born. It's gotten better now but I still can't poop daily, nonitas pls help

No. 216497

took a poop so massive my butt literally still hurts immensely 5 hours later. wtf. also i dont think ive ever pooped without blood coming out & in my childhood i used to poop like once a month LOL

No. 217560

do you guys also have those poops where they are so warm/hot they almost feel like they are burning ? my poops are usually room temp or cold cos they are usually sat inside me for weeks before i finally take a dump, so IDK if this is normal

No. 217569

ITT: literally everybody could benefit from an insoluble fibre supplement

No. 217632>>217675>>217841

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I was doing some Christmas shopping in a huge gift store the other day, when suddenly, an immense urge to poop fell upon me. it wasn't exactly diarrhea but I had to clench my buttcheeks. the store turned into a fun house and I could barely focus on anything. thank god they had a public restroom that was single use. it was weird because I was totally find before and after kek

No. 217636

I've always shat every other day or once a week even with fiber in my diet. They say once to twice a day is healthy and normal but I think it depends on metabolism too

No. 217653

I cant stop thinking about the shit i took this morning. I have constipated IBS every day, but I binge ate half a box of bran flakes last night and this morning i was pooping for a solid hour. I had to get up and flush halfway through to stop the toilet from clogging but it still partially clogged. I genuinely feel like I'm in shock from how much came out of me. I'm horrified I feel sheer horror right now.

No. 217675

I thought I was the only one I swear to god B&N puts breathable laxies in their air conditioning

No. 217841

>the store turned into a fun house and I could barely focus on anything.
lmfao anon this is such an apt way of expressing this feeling

No. 218515

I'm so happy my pee finally smells normal

No. 219377

I was constipated for a few days and then I binged on turkey and chocolate and booze for Christmas and now I want to die. There's so much coming out of me and it won't stop.

No. 219381

File (hide): 1640483014638.gif (687.12 KB, 240x240, CoarseEasyHorseshoecrab-max-1m…)

i have only shit myself one time, i was walking home from work and i got to my block and as soon as i saw my house i just immediately had to shit. but i still had to walk like half a block. so i tried my best to carefully get there but nothing could save it. i went inside and threw my underwear in the trash and immediately got in the shower. so glad i was just going home.

No. 219588>>219594>>219603>>219607

Don't stick stuff in your ears and yada yada yada, but when you clean your ears with q-tips, are you supposed keep going until the cotton part comes out clean or do you accept a 'good enough'? I used to always do the former until I pushed some ear wax into my ear canal and had to get it taken out at the doctor. Since then I always do the latter (after removing most wax with a wet rag first) because I'm too scared to push it in too far again, but it honestly never gets really clean, and now I'm wondering if that's just how it's supposed to be.

No. 219592>>219597

Dae has difficulty holding in gas?

Never had childbirth or any other trauma but I've literally always had this. It feels completely random to me, sometimes I can keep it in, sometimes I cannot even if I clench like a mofo. It's more difficult to hold in when I'm walking or standing. I can hold back poop just fine (in fact, I always have to strain a bit when I go). It seems mysterious to me that the same muscle controls poop and gas, it doesn't feel that way.

I went to a doctor with this problem once, she put a finger in, told me to clench, I did, then she told me that my sphincter muscles are perfectly fine and it's the volume of the gas that might the problem and I should look into diets. But I'm not sure. Sometimes I can feel random small bubbles of gas just slipping out when I'm just standing or sitting.

Related question: when you hold gas in, do you just clench the same muscle you would when you're holding back to pee or do you also clench your surrounding muscles (like the butt muscles/cheeks)?

No. 219594>>219603

That's how it's supposed to be. We need some wax inside our ears

No. 219597

I can clench my urethra, vag and butt sphincters semi independently of each other, although there's always some overlap. I don't use other butt cheek muscles no.
Both constipation and leaking farts are symptoms of a weak pelvic floor, so you could look more into it.
I found something called a Kegel8 Biofeedback Trainer which is supposed to be for your vag but I guess you could use it for this. When you squeeze, it shows you on your phone what you're doing on like a graph, so you can learn better brain - muscle connections.

No. 219603

Yeah, it seems healthy to have wax in the ears for protection, just like having boogers protects our noses. A few months ago I had my ear wax sucked out and I had uncomfortably sensitive hearing for weeks and it's still harsh for me now. I believe a surface clean is enough for most people.

No. 219607

I have dry, flaky kind so I sometimes stick things up in my ear with little to no problems and all that comes out are little flakes or bigger booger-oid looking things. However, not everyone has dry earwax and my anecdote should be taken with a grain of salt.

No. 219732

Any anons who use to abuse laxatives become regular again? It feels like I poop once a month at times no matter what I eat

No. 219827

I think I’m developing crohns- my grandma has it and lately every symptom i had in a small way in the past has intensified to the point i’m passing blood and mostly undigested food - to go to the doctor or not, shits (get it) kinda embarrassing

No. 220249>>222686>>225701

I clog my boyfriend's toilet every time I'm over. He claims that I shit abnormally big but I've never had issues with flushing until his toilet. Everything in his house is fucking broken but he just shames me and says I have huge shits. I feel so gross kek

No. 222673

I've never been very regular but lately my body is in this weird cycle where I don't poop for a day and then poop 2-3 times the next day. Next day no poop. Day after, 3 poops. What's up with that

No. 222686

He has a weak toilet, most toilets esp in the US are scams. For a country that shits so much you'd expect the standard household to not have to use a plunger for every other shit, but it's probably got something to do with water efficiency crap and OnLy UsiNg 1/100th of A GaLLoN for each flush. A dainty flush to just soak the poo and leave it there, bravo Big Toilet. The only strong toilet Ive encountered in a long time was in a federal building, so nice to know the political Zerg get to shit in peace at our expense.

No. 225699>>225700>>225747>>227124

Sorry for Necro and i know i should see a doctor, but i can't go out atm so i need to ask something: is it normal that every time I take a shit i feel dizzy, get headaches, shivers and my hands and feet turn cold? I don't have diarrhea nor constipation, hell, my stools are perfectly normal but why do I feel so bad? I've IBS if that helps. I've been like this since Christmas when i started taking Omeprazole to control acid reflux

No. 225700

Also my digestive circle hasn't been normal these days, i can go two days constipated and then get diarrhea out of nowhere then the circle restarts, is so strange

No. 225701

Lots of toilets clog more easily nowadays because they're made to be ~ecofriendly~ aka not use a lot of water.

No. 225747

Nevermind guys, i just noticed i avoided eating meat for like a year and my iron levels are probably hella low, i should eat more meat god this was not a good idea

No. 226100>>226102>>226108

i am so fucking constipated right now

No. 226102

nevermind, i’m not anymore. thanks for tuning in

No. 226108>>226166

what happened in those four minutes (asking for me)

No. 226166

the shit came out

No. 226923>>227130

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i had spicy dinners two nights in a row and now my butthole hurts so bad its hard to sit in my chair

No. 226927>>227133

Anyone got resources on how ana damages your gut flora?

No. 227124

I have gerd myself and am weaning off PPIs. What’s your diet/lifestyle like? For me I get flare ups when I consume too much foods that are acidic or lay down after I eat.

No. 227130

Your anus has taste receptors. You're actually experiencing the spicy taste of poop.

No. 227133

fucks it up nonnie- but it can get better with better habits over time

No. 227135

File (hide): 1643484387049.jpg (5.35 KB, 128x128, 201958778_1185533241868550_536…)

>tfw I work right across my boss and stomach decides to randomly BRRRRP for hours
Never skipping pooping before work again

No. 227474

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I haven't had coffee in a while and drank some today and I pooped at least five times today… Wtf is in this laxatives??

No. 230553

i let out a whet fart and it left a stain on my bedsheet

No. 230575>>230584

How best does one counter anti-depressant constipation? I'm barely hungry but I normally eat a fiber-rich diet. I drink a fair amount of water

No. 230584>>231012

Some supplements make me more regular when I double up on their doses. Vit C, Magnesium, Chlorophyll. I've heard good things about castor oil too.

No. 230914>>231012

I recently experienced what it's like to be severely constipated and it honestly felt like period pain x3. Never again. I bought some psyllium husk and meal prepped some curry. I will not go through another traumatic constipation experience, I'm manifesting regular poops.

No. 231012

thanks, I will try some of these (maybe not all at once). I've always had issues but I'm frankly worried I've injured my backdoor now. A ton of blood. I know it's just from the constipation but have I done permanent damage to the interior? I don't really want to go see another dr about this.

I know a lot of people drink coffee for a laxative effect but I don't really like it (only drink it at cafés sometimes, never at home), and I can't see that being healthy for this type of constipation anyway - it's a known side effect of the medicine. ugh. Anyway thanks for the supplements, I'm much more interested in using something like that.

No. 231045>>231525>>231801

Honestly, coffee never did anything to me. I drink it everyday since I was like 5 and only recently got my chronic constipation solved thanks to yogurt and granola

No. 231525>>231785

Was it a special kind of yogurt (like activia)?

No. 231785

No but that also works. It is "natural yogurt" and it's just white yogurt without sugar

No. 231801>>231805

anon… coffee constipates you, stop drinking it if you have issues with that

No. 231805>>231832

Oh, ok, it's fine now, I'm drinking much less nowadays
Why people say it helps pooping anyway?

No. 231832>>231867>>231874

I wonder if you are not drinking enough water? Or consuming high amounts of fiber?

No. 231867

not the anon you're responding to but i drink so much water to the point of pissing every few minutes and still stay constipated for a whole week or slightly over that

No. 231874

I'm drinking more water nowadays which is also helping along with trying to eat healthier (adding more variety). I made this post >>213915 a while ago

No. 233179>>233372>>233499

File (hide): 1645015697214.gif (456.06 KB, 340x192, D41AA412-13DA-4255-8125-C7533E…)

Why do I poop everything all at once?
This is the cycle:
Have to poop
>It starts out a little bit of a hard to pass poop but nothing too crazy. Get out and feel ok
>Twenty minutes later I still have poop left and have to poop again, this time it is a very good normal healthy long soft poop
>twenty minutes later, still need to poop yet again. It’s still got a good texture but my tummy is starting to feel weird
>twenty minutes later I have to shit again and now it’s straight diarrhea

Then if I have to poop later that day or the next it’s also diarrhea.
THEN- most importantly- my stomach really hurts during this time. It hurts for days and I take ibuprofen to make it stop.

Finally, I don’t poop for a few days as my colon fills up again. It’s like I only have the urge to poop when I’m full of poop and it hurts me to poop it all out at once and why do I get diarrhea?? Like that poo wasn’t ready, why couldn’t it have stayed in my booty and brewed more?

No. 233372

Sounds like IBS.

No. 233499

If its ibs then a doc will be able to prescribe you antispasmodics to ease the diarrhoea and usually sort out the pain too. If you're taking painkillers right now it's probably better to look into those instead. Painkillers can cause their own set of stomach issues over time.

No. 246981>>246987>>247000>>247011

Does anyone else do enemas? Daily?

I have done them for a while daily, sometimes even more often. I just cannot stand the idea of tiny poop balls being in my colon's nooks and crannies. Enemas get them out, but I wonder if that does some harm I am not aware of…

No. 246987

enemas are very dangerous to do regularly unless you have a medical condition, nonnie. they can damage the tissue in your rectum and colon and make it irritated or even infected. they are not supposed to be done regularly at all.
poop is meant to be stored up there, as long as you wash your butt properly after pooping it will not be a hygiene issue. please don't do enemas unless medically necessary…especially don't do them every single day!

No. 247000

do you have ocd?

No. 247011

I would worry that in the long run you're only disrupting the natural movement of things, bit like how people who abuse laxatives go on to have issues evacuating their bowels on their own.

You either do these things in moderation or it ends up being counterproductive.

No. 247293

I think I may have a gluten intolerance. I feel suicidal with the amount of issues my body has been giving me and with how restricted I'll have to be from now on. I can't even eat some crackers without having to liquid shit it all out.

No. 247750

I don't know why I have this problem, it's honestly so weird. But I get really embarrassed when I poop. I don't know why, I just get this really intense rush of embarrassment and (sometimes) start replaying embarrassing moments I've lived through in my head, or imagining people watching me poop, sometimes people I haven't seen in years or don't know very well. It doesn't happen every time I poop, and I can't really figure out why it happens some times but not others. The only thing I've noticed is that it almost always only happens when my poop is very hard/solid (it has happened with diarrhea, but rarely). I've been experiencing it a ton lately and have to take my phone in with me to distract me and/or poop in the dark. I always assumed this was a normal issue but I tried googling it once with a bunch of different keywords and couldn't find a single person with the same problem.

No. 247931

holy fuck how do I avoid painful poops on my period I feel like I'm gonna die

No. 248892

I'm looking for a book or resource talking about IBS or autoimmune inflammation in general. Something like "It starts with the egg" where it's evidence based but also covers the more out-there claims with less supporting evidence for people to evaluate themselves, without falling into full woowoo bullshit.

No. 250743

I ate like The Shuts for a day and now I have The Shits

No. 252271>>252272>>252274


No. 252272>>252273>>252274


No. 252273>>252274


No. 252274

Schizophrenia in action…

No. 252294

Not to be gross, but I think I'm backed up. I haven't been pooping well and now my stomach hurts

No. 252667>>252686>>252703

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i’ve been violently shitting out diarrhea for the past 20 minutes

No. 252686>>253345

Thoughtful, Helpful, Inspirational, Necessary, Kind!

No. 252703

all my diarrheas have always been 1-2 hours long

No. 253329

I hate when I'm pooping and I get that horrible painful burning sensation. I've literally had to stop mid poop because of it.

No. 253345


I kekked

No. 253630

bump, there's gore

No. 254147>>254161

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Nonny's help and TMI warning but basically I got constipated or something for the first time in my life on Saturday and took this massive super painful shit that was like giving birth to a fucking log or something and since then my ass hurts a lot, I've been taking warm baths, drank a laxative tea and wiping with these flushable wet wipes but wanted to check what do nonnies rec to check out? I'm looking at prune juice and hemmaroid creams because I can feel like an external one I'm guessing popping out of my anus now (I ask my doc but I hate him from how useless he is with my previous complaints + away on vacation for the next two weeks) thank you!!

No. 254160

My GP tried to tell me nothing is wrong with me and it's just IBS, meanwhile I have to get surgery Friday to have part of my small intestine removed thanks to intussusception probably caused by a tumor. They have also already seen tumors in my liver. I'm not allowed to eat any solids and I celebrate every time I have a BM, because it means I'm not completely fucked yet. I've been having gut issues for a decade and tried to eat healthy, exercise lots, never drink alcohol etc. Now they have to take part of my intestine out. I don't want to scare any nonnies, because this is fairly rare in adults, but you know your gut. Get it checked out if you get much worse despite doing everything right.

No. 254161>>254167

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I gave myself a hemorrhoid giving birth and dermoplast was my savior. Also stool softeners. Avoid thongs or any undies that go up your butt. Sorry about your anus.

No. 254167>>254184

thank you nonny! They apparently don't sell dermoplast in my country so I'm just looking for a dupe

No. 254184>>254220

In the UK we have anusol which like everyone uses for piles so maybe you could get that? Think it's similar to dermoplast but specifically for a painful anus.
Drink lots of fluids and try taking pressure off your butt.

No. 254220

We have that and just bought some! thank you nonna, just been drinking green juice and water and trying to heal my poor ass before a friends wedding this weekend, so glad I'm just a bridesmaid and not MOH kek

No. 254223>>254224>>254236>>254238>>254263>>254313>>254518>>254569

File (hide): 1649191705272.jpeg (14.96 KB, 474x246, ghsgiw3ehgifj.jpeg)

haven't shat in 3 days

No. 254224

Try and get some laxatives (from a pharmacy) and stool softeners, eat some high fibre food (like a fibre one bar) and drink lots of fluids then the next morning drink a huge espresso coffee (like 3+ shots) and do some cardio exercise, potentially smoke if you are already a smoker and this is almost guaranteed to make you poop.

No. 254236

Take senna tea and drink lots of fluids

No. 254238

Eat oatmeal and drink a cup of coffee.

No. 254263>>254313

confess your sins and update your will

No. 254313

Eat some kimchi and then to a little bit of aerobics exercise. Good luck!

No. 254518

Eat a stick of butter and drink a glass of water

No. 254569>>254583

Are you still alive anon

No. 254583

sometimes i dont poop for a month but ive been like this my whole life. though in my childhood it was because i had a fear of pooping for some reason kek

No. 254793>>254821

Cleaning a toilet after a massive shit is hard

No. 254800>>254802

Nonnys I got a fucking anal fissure please send thots prayers and tips thank u

No. 254802>>254804

Please god in heaven strike down my sister's anal fissure with your divine fury and exorcise the malady of asspain from her body as long as she draws breath

No. 254804

thanks sis for making me laugh in my spitz bath, really living my best life rn

God how do people willingly put shit up their ass I just want to know, this is so painful and I'm like buying all the restrolax to help this and I didn't choose this ailment, may god give fissures to everyone single one of our enemies amen

No. 254821>>255109

I don't get it, am I meant to hoover my toilet?

No. 255109

lmao no she was just saying only a woman would know how to use that particular tool when using a vaccuum cleaner and how men think putting some in-toilet cleaner around the rim of a toilet bowl is the same as cleaning it. tbh I thought initially she meant women use that tool in their toilet and was confused for a moment haha

No. 255472

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I shit more than i ever shit in my entire life the first 2 days of my period, seriously every 20 mins and I don't even feel cleared out after

No. 255843>>255847>>255867>>255940>>256013

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havent had my first poop of the month yet

No. 255847


No. 255867

File (hide): 1649717304518.jpeg (130.65 KB, 1440x1440, 582F6BCA-82F3-4017-95F7-0B3292…)

for the love of god nona… eat some damn oatmeal

No. 255940

Girl if you don't poop soon it will come out your throat…

No. 256013

Nonna, put some olive oil in your food everyday. A tablespoon should be enough to help your bowel. My niece’s nutritionist recommended us that and turns out it actually works.

No. 256018>>256020>>256248

I'm so scared. I had some bleeding, probably from a hemorrhoid or fissure like 2 weeks ago and my stool is like perfect picture health (it literally is just like a thick, solid tube in the shape of my colon and it comes out easily), but I keep on reopening the fissure and it hurts so bad. I dread going to the restroom and I just wish it would heal. When do I go in?

No. 256020

Also, like every morning, I take a massive shit that is basically everything in my colon. It doesn't hurt or make me strain. But it is a lot, so maybe that is affecting this? It's not soft or loose stool.

No. 256248

Get some hemorrhoid cream (some cream to numb your anus). You want to have some really soft stools so that your anus needs to stretch less so try taking some stool softeners, having a high fibre diet and drinking lots of water.
Try and not strain or stretch your anus in anyway so be careful how you sit etc.
If it still doesn't begin to heal after a week or 2 then I would go to the doctor cause sometimes medical intervention is needed for some fissures.

No. 256355>>256367

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I always thought this is a thread for nice bathrooms but it’s not but I’m posting a picture of a nice green bathrooms I really like green small or medium bathrooms

No. 256356>>256367

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No. 256359>>256367

File (hide): 1649903818472.jpeg (94.21 KB, 495x619, 08C5F1B8-DCBA-4690-913D-1D4F3D…)

No. 256367

Hey these are really pretty nona, I appreciate them.

No. 256951

why do i love spicy food so much my butt it hurts aaaaaa

No. 257697>>257701>>257703>>257705>>257706>>257707

i can't poop because it's too big and it fucking hurts, yesterday i tried and it hurt too much and it's too solid
i need a fast solution pls help

No. 257701>>257708

Happened to my friend once. All I’ll say is that her eventual solution involved a spoon….

No. 257703>>257708

Gloves or a spoon and oil.

No. 257705>>257708

Drink tons of water and try to walk around for a while. Also coffee might do the trick.

No. 257706>>257708

Stool softners, caffeine, gentle exercise, breathing like you are trying to push a baby out, lube, anal numbing cream (for after) and an an enema.

No. 257707>>257708

Drink lots of water and get a good walk in. Seconding caffeine too. Then back to the potty, put your feet up on the toilet seat or some kind of stool and try to relax, take deep breaths, try not to push or tense up, just relax and let your butthole naturally work it out. Try to distract yourself, think happy thoughts. Worked for me when I had a really hard compacted shit, no digging required. You could also try a suppository laxative.

No. 257708>>257881

tysm will try
hoepfully no spoons involved

No. 257881>>257989

Nona, please let us know if this worked out for you, I feel weirdly emotionally invested in this.

No. 257989

late but
i drank some coffe and some herbal tea later, i massaged my stomach with some oil and no spoon but i did needed a glove
also it was huge, i hated it but i'm better now!

No. 258154>>258164

How come some days my pee smells salty and normal and other days it smells like burning rubber and chemicals? Like a really caustic ammonia smell? I drink plenty of water too

No. 258164>>258176

Do you eat asparagus? What you eat can impact urine smell.

No. 258176

Nope, my diet is the same as it's always been. I've been to the doctor for a urinalysis and everything appeared normal. I know I shouldn't worry if it's fine health wise but it just smells so bad that I nearly vomit while peeing.

No. 258191>>258195>>258212>>258263>>259277

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After getting ear wax stuck so hard in my ear that I couldn't hear anything at all I did what I heard (heh) from every side to do, and stopped using q-tips entirely and instead cleaned my ears by only using a wet rag, and only ever as far as my pinky could reach. I didn't put anything in my ears for four whole ass years, the thing that's apparently the healthiest thing for you to do to your ears, and yet I woke up with clogged ears. I didn't do anything at all, I literally woke up at like 2:48, went to pee and back to sleep, woke up again at 3:13 and suddenly couldn't hear. Asking my doctor what to do to prevent it from happening, she told me there isn't anything, I simply have to get my ears cleaned at their practice every once in a while. So thinking that doing anything and doing nothing at all seems to lead to the same issue, I figured it's smarter to use q-tips again, considering the first time I have had it happen after using them on a consistent basis for about 18 years, while the second time was then only four years later after doing nothing. I basically feel like I "unlearnt" how to clean my ears with q-tips lmao because I get panic-y thinking about putting something in there again, as even before my, let's call it trauma, I was really sensitive in regards to anything related to my hearing and ears. Now, to get to the point, or rather, tl;dr– I feel like the consistency of my ear wax changed(???) over the years. It used to be wet-ish and and a dark yellow, while nowadays it's dry, flakey and light yellow. I feel like nowadays it's harder to get it out than it used to be before I ceased to use q-tips. Would it be safer to use q-tips directly after I shower, when everything is softer, or do I run into the higher risk of it somehow balling up, or something like that, and push it in deep again, so that it'd be smarter to just fight through the discomfort when everything's dry and try to get it out before I shower?
Such a novel just for my dirty ears and incompetence in grooming, gotta be honest, reading through this is embarrassing lol.

No. 258195

Wait, I associate ear cleaning entirely with my bathroom routine, hence me posting here, but the OP only talks about butt stuff–is this the litterbox thread?

No. 258212

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I wouldn't recommend using q-tips to clean your ears if you have dry earwax. Q-tips really only work if you have the wet goopy kind of earwax. I use a metal earwax remover similar to the ones in picrel to clean my ears. If metal is too harsh for your ears, look for ones made from bamboo. Just be careful when cleaning your ears as the ear canal is very delicate

No. 258263>>258267>>258281>>258545

File (hide): 1650693585859.jpeg (28.81 KB, 642x642, images.jpeg)

my doctor told me to visit a nurse to get my ears cleaned out but who really does that. my doctor used the bulb thing in picrel to flush out all the earwax and it HURT like hell but it worked. I tried doing it at home with hot water and… the water was way too hot and I burned the fuck out of my ear. don't use any crazy tools like the anon above suggested, nor the spiral-shaped sticks for earwax removal. they are a meme and they only grab the tiniest amount of wax at a time and are dangerous because you may scrape your ear canal. use a product like picrel. q-tips are probably fine just don't go jamming them in too far. I feel like if you q-tip them regularly (assuming you had them cleaned out at your doctor appt.) there will be less of a chance for giant chunks to form that could potentially be impacted by the q-tip. keep washing your outer-ish ear with soap and water, ear wax kinda just melts downwards out your ear and onto the sides of your neck over time which is why we are taught to clean behind the ears… anyways that's my novel re: nonnie's earwax
(sorry for delete +repost 3x I hate typing on a touch screen rip to my blackberry)

No. 258267

I just use warm water in one of those bulbs, omg it feels so good. Getting your ears syringed at the doctors is better but it's good enough for the meantime.

No. 258281

nta but the thing in that pic just clogs my ears even more.

No. 258527

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No. 258545

Go to a nurse. Don't use qtips, ever. Get yourself ear oil and ocassionally use it. Before an appoitment use it 2 times a day, your nurse will thank you.

No. 259211>>259228

File (hide): 1651018744686.gif (817.34 KB, 400x231, 3f96c37f-5dc9-4981-bc00-2318c3…)

Why do they say if your poop floats its unhealthy? Those are the ones I feel the best after

No. 259228

It's meant to be a sign of a very fatty diet or trouble with digesting high fat foods.

No. 259277

I ate a bunch of yesterday food trying to get a bm going but it ain't happening. Waste of calories.
Some people just produce more wax. It's normal and has nothing to do with your hygene. Just go to a doctor every 6 months to get your ears cleaned.

No. 259622>>259790>>259822

I feel like I'm going to shit myself to death. What the fuck did they do to me? How can something like carob cause this? It's been an hour and I'm still shitting liquid, that Buscopan IV did jackshit. "Mild laxative" my ass. I feel bad for the cleaners in the hospital, I tried my best to clean after myself, but I can only do so much with a toiletbrush. I hope I never have to get a MRI scan again.

No. 259790>>259822

I'm alive and everything is back to normal, except for right upper quadrant pain.

No. 259822

Aaand I got the results, possibly lymphoma, but I also have those liver lesions still. I have to get a push endoscopy next.

No. 260180>>260250

Does anyone know if oat milk is okay to drink colace syrup with, the instructions say fruit juice or milk but wondering my lactose intolerant ass will be okay with using an alt milk instead?

No. 260250>>260939

The milk or fruit juice recommendation has more to do with masking the taste than to make it work afaik

No. 260939

ohh thanks, I'm gonna try it then!

No. 261219

I'm so embarrassed. I'm 25 and I have food poisoning and I crapped my freaking pants this morning. I was in bed and suddenly my whole body was burning hot and then my stomach started hurting.

I tried so hard to get to the bathroom and didn't make it.

No one knows. The shame is still so real though.

No. 261514>>262251

File (hide): 1651790418648.jpg (91.7 KB, 687x490, im sorry.jpg)

does anybody else sit on the toilet at the very edge just enough that your pee goes in it ? im thinking the reason why i do this is probably out of habit when i was younger and therefor smaller as a prevention from falling into the bowl, but i have not grown out of this since. an added bonus to this is that it lessens the noise the closer you move to the edge. yes i sit like that even when i poop.

No. 262251

I have scrotes in my house who blow up the toilet and leave shit all over the back rim and seat so I instinctively pee on the edge of the seat because i fear I'll touch their shit. Also made a habit of movng the bath mat to the toilet where I rest my feet because they miss and get piss all over the floor. This was never a problem living in a mostly women household.

No. 263777

I recently have been having perfect poops again, except for a noticeable amount of slime and clayish color. They are absolutely massive, like over 5cm in circumference, probably more than 20cm long, no needing to strain, comes out in a couple seconds after sitting down. It kinda scares me how much things can stretch down there and how fast. My butt doesn't hurt, at all. It does hurt when the log travels through my colon, but it stops hurting when it reaches the rectum. I'm not constipated either, I go several times per day. I easily get 35 grams of fiber a day.

No. 270128>>270137

I'm going through urinary incontinence now and I'm fucking mad about it. I have always been active and conscious of my pelvic floor health, I've been doing Pilates for years specifically because my female relatives have gone through prolapse and all that horrific stuff.

What could cause incontinence in someone young and healthy? Does anyone else struggle with this?

It's not like I lose control and piss myself, but a couple drops leak out almost constantly, to the point I'm wearing pantyliners daily so I don't have to change my knickers. It's so uncomfortable. I can't even sleep in the buff anymore and that's one of my simple pleasures, I hate clothes.

Combine that with an overactive bladder, some days I go from zero to desperate for a wee in seconds, every half hour, the whole day, and 4 times a night. But I think it's partly psychological because when I'm out I can go for hours without that feeling?

I've done many UTI tests and I'm clear. I've never given birth either. I don't even drink caffeine.

Nonnas you're my last hope before an expensive and stressful gynecologist appointment. Somebody tell me I just need to cut jelly beans out my diet and this problem will go away.

No. 270137

I don’t have a magic pill Noni, but here’s somethings that might be impacting you:
>Too weak pelvic floor
>overly tightened pelvic floor
Both can lead to issues. You’re pelvic floor should sit like a level shelf. Too lose and it tilts and can’t support your bladder, but too many kegels without proper surrounding support can over tighten the pelvic floor “tilting it” causing the same issue.
>Overall muscle tightness.
Can you sit with your legs crossed? Criss cross apple sauce?
>Do you pee in the shower?
Don’t it teaches your brain to relax your muscles to pee when it’s warm. It becomes more problematic as you get older.
>Gluteal strength is especially important to bladder health.
How’s your booty Noni?
>all carbonated drinks and water are bad for your bladder
>holding your pee wears down bladder granules
Leading to you peeing yourself over time, don’t do it

No. 275161

The air is produced mostly by microbes in your intestines. It's their poop from eating your food basically.

No. 275163

I've read that stat and I feel something is wrong with me because I can prolly count on one hand how often I fart per day. But maybe stuff escapes while I sleep?

No. 277007

My poop smells like… Grass? It's very weird, almost smells like giraffe poop or something. My diet hasn't changed recently

No. 277053>>277834

This is gonna be disgusting so don’t read it if you don’t wanna get grossed out.
Quite frequently when I take a shit it hurts. At least once a weak. I feel pain pushing it out. It’s a big amount but I am never constipated. One time I saw blood on the toilet paper, I wasn’t on my period.I tought I should see a doctor or something but I searched online and I think the bleeding was because of an anal fissure and it said to just wait it out cause sometimes it happens. I never did anal never done anything to hurt my butt.But it’s been getting harder to retain my farts. It’s like I lost senses in my asshole so my biggest fear is that I’ll incontrolably fart in public. I don’t eat beans or anything that could trigger them yet it still happens and I can’t stop them.Is there anything I can do about this stuff? Have I weakend my anal muscles or something by shitting? This stuff was so silly to write out lmao

No. 277834

Your butt is a muscle so it's possible you strained it. Something that really helped me was realizing I had a lactose allergy (hence the gas and uncontrollableness but I still eat milk products) and also kegals. Strengthening my pelvic floor has really helped and same with glute exercises. I experienced worse gas when I was overweight but now I'm also a regular/lower BMI. Hope that helps

No. 278539>>278571>>278634

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why does it take me forever to pee ? i go into the toilet room feeling like my bladder is about to pop yet the moment i sit nothing comes out until minutes pass. its starting to freak me out, never happened to me before. got me feeling like a really old faucet.
i sit there thinking maybe i just need to pavlov myself again because a long time ago unrelated to this instance i thought the reason i pee so fast is due to the coldness of the toilet seat, so i keep resitting in spots my butt hasnt touched in hopes it will send signals to my brain to release pee kek i laugh now but in the moment i feel so much panic

No. 278571>>278661

you may have trained yourself to feel urgent need to pee when your bladder is only a little full

No. 278634>>278661

You may have a UTI if you feel urgency and nothing comes out for a while, even if you don't feel pain when you pee. If you don't have very much pee come out by the time you're done, or if it comes out in very small amounts over several minutes, I'd say it's almost certainly a UTI. If when you finally go a lot of pee comes out, then you should try to come up with a technique to relax your mind and body when you go, for example as a little girl something like counting sheep would help me relax enough to pee in the public toilets. If you are taking any new medications you might look into the side effects of those. But sitting on the toilet for a long time is not good for you so you really ought to take it seriously or you could have issues down the road if it keeps up for too long.

No. 278661

true i did not really think of that but it makes sense…
noted, i do have a history of having UTIs since like childhood although usually they would hurt and i am pain at the moment , but i will still take that into account.
thank you anonitas for your replies !

No. 278685>>279088>>280879

if i use a bidet what are the odds on poop going in my vagina?
my perineum is almost nothing, so the way i see it, water that is directed forward/upward from the back of a toilet from the wrong angle could potentially blast poop off my asshole into my vagina. am i overestimating the risk?

i'm not interested in an argument about whether toilet paper or bidet is more hygienic. neither one involves soap so they're both disgusting.

No. 278699

any nonnas with ulcerative colitis? i need pain relief rn warm baths are the only thing that helps, i have left sided colitis

No. 279088

I had the same fear and thought process as you but it literally never happens. The spray from a bidet is so strong that trickling down into your vag isn't really possible. Excess water just turns into mist. It's more like a gardening hose than a drinking fountain

No. 280864>>281088

This is very embarrassing but googling online hasn't brought up any useful answers: Ive never been a regular pooper even as a kid and I worry something is wrong with me?? I'm so infrequent in fact, I was surprised when I learned people pooped more than once a week. Every 7 days is impressively regular for me and Ive never had "side effects" like bloat, pain, etc from not pooping more often. Ive done all the "tips" people suggest from drinking more water, running/being more active, straight up laxatives, adding fiber, eating prunes, oatmeal, pysillium husk and probiotics. Those always help in the beginning and I can poop daily but inevitably my body gets used to it and it stops being effective. Im not really looking for more advice, but what should I even say to a doctor and should I just go straight to a specialist or something?

No. 280879

well i wipe clean with toilet paper first and have a handheld bidet so i can aim so i have never experienced that

No. 281088

I mean if it's not causing you problems, then you shouldn't worry. But if you do go to a doctor, just tell them what you wrote here, that you've had infrequent bowel movements since you were a kid and nothing makes you poop more often in the long term

No. 282728

I've been regularly using a bidet for almost 2 years now and my wand just broke while I was having diarrhea. I feel so unclean with just tp. I don't know how I lived my whole life just using. My ass feels like it's radiating filth, even with wet wipes too.
Take the bidet pill, nonnies.

No. 295179>>295225

Since yesterday when I have gone pee I’ve been having a really weird sensation that runs from my groin, to my heart, and partially to my left arm. It isn’t painful but it is a sensation, almost like a tingling pressure? I only get the sensation as I’m peeing. Does any one know wtf this is?

No. 295225>>295239

It sounds like you peeing is somehow triggering your vagus nerve. I often feel sick when I go to the bathroom, clammy, heavy breathing, my heart pounds and even hurts sometimes, but it's only then and it goes away. And no, I'm a low end of normal BMI so it's not because of weight.

No. 295239

What does it mean when peeing or pooping runs from the side and back of your head?

No. 295315>>295318>>295355>>295362>>295380

File (hide): 1666447895104.jpeg (56.49 KB, 599x450, 121967BE-1F4A-4223-80CC-29F962…)

Have you found that you shit more when you get older, or something? I’m 28 and lately it seems like I’m shitting more often than I used to. Instead of having my one daily shit I have a 2-3 per day, sometimes a couple within the span of a few hours. I guess it might just be a hormone thing too, I’ve been exercising a little bit more than usually lately and eating a more plant based diet.

No. 295318>>295327

if you're eating more plant based you probably consume more fibre, hence the increased poos. i think with exercise it really depends what kind, but anything that would increase circulation and movement in the gut area might also move things along a bit - but fibre would be the main reason I assume

No. 295327

that makes sense and seems fucking obvious idk why I didn’t come to this conclusion myself

No. 295355>>295407>>374036

My bowel habits changed with age and I definitely poop more often, not to mention other things like for example I could eat broccoli with no issues in my 20s but now I have to think twice before having some as a lunch when I'm at work all day. Also I get constipated right before my period which never happened when I was young and it's definitely a hormonal thing, not lifestyle.

No. 295362>>295407

I have been eating the same amount of fiber for a decade (I'm proud to say I eat more than the recommended amount, which makes me actually not like the other girls uwu, since most people don't get enough fiber in general according to stats), I'm working out less actually (used to be 2 times a day). Yet I shit at least 3 times a day and when I'm unlucky it's 5 and I'm apparently still constipated (no butthurt though), despite taking multiple humongous poos a day. My activity changed from training for competitions to just maintenance, that's all. It can't be just that.

No. 295380

Nope quite the opposite, despite drinking more water and eating more green foods. Somehow as a child I shat either every day or every few days despite an atrocious diet, then during my teen years to now in adulthood it became once, sometimes maybe twice a week even though I eat way more fiber now.

No. 295407

i mean honestly, the body does change with age and subtle intolerance do become more severe over time. i only got properly lactose intolerant by the age of like 23, 24 and now at age 29 I literally cannot eat dairy without throwing up and stinking up the room. the body does change over age but I also think and increased fibre intake will probably change your pooing habits significantly the folder you get - the older, the more noticeable ime

No. 295956>>295976

I believe I am suffering from urinary incontinence. No matter how much I clean myself, my panties end up pee-stained anyway. I don't feel the pee leaking, and it's not much, but it really bothers me. All my panties are ruined because of this.

No. 295976>>296019

Start doing kegels and having more orgasms to strengthen your pussy muscles. I can effortlessly hold my pee midstream now and shoot my piss out at 200mph.

No. 296019>>296046>>297538

Kek nta but I've had the same issue my whole life. I brought it up once to my obgyn and she said normally only women who've given birth need kegels so she didn't think I'd need it. But it's gotten worse for me lately and you've inspired me to give kegels a shot

No. 296046

your obgyn sounds retarded, when I have any issues at all related to the muscles, I get sent linea recta to the Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist

No. 297538>>298130>>302406

File (hide): 1667527428221.jpg (65.46 KB, 600x600, Kegel_Main_600x600_3f21a423-99…)

Same anon as >>296019 I bought the kegel weights in picrel. I'm on day 2 of using the lightest weight for 15 minutes and I'm so so sore. The weirdest soreness I've ever felt. That means it's working out those muscles right? Just a lil nervous about it. Still dealing with the incontinence issues

No. 298122>>298204

nonnies how do you prevent bad farting as it starts? I hate having to keep leaving the room so I don't stink the place out

No. 298130

Let me know how this goes please!

No. 298161

My shit is not nice. It seems like it's rushing out very fast and is not a nice feeling. It has weird colors. I'm taking supplements in pulver form and it's green sometimes. Or sometimes a seemingly too light colour. Often seems too soft. Could it be that I'm so stressed that my body doesn't take the time to digest it correctly and just rushes the progress? I'm naturally a very stressed anxious person. Also last night I woke up from my farts kek anyone else farts like there is no tomorrow when ovulating?

No. 298193

Hey anon. How are your glute muscles? Your pelvic floor and glutes are connected. If your glutes are really weak you’ll want to work them out too as they’re necessary to support your pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor is like a trampoline. It should be level and taunt to support everything. If your glutes are too weak and you overwork your pelvic floor you’ll end up over tightening your pelvic floor and “tilting the trampoline” leading to more potential issues with being able to hold your urine.
Another thing I can ask since your doctor didn’t can you sit on the ground with your back straight and butt on ground and can you sit in the butterfly position or are your thighs too tight?

No. 298204

No. 299676>>299685>>299721

I poop and clean my asshole with baby wipes until the wipes come back clean, sometimes if Im home Ill even use a mirror to double check the cleanliness. But two hours later when I pee and wipe front to back my butt has a small amount of poo back on it. Is this asshole leakage? Am I becoming incontinent? Is there something I can add to my diet to help? Also this will happen only some of the time but then I will go a week without it happening. Pls help idk if this thread gets replies anymore

No. 299685

Spoiler because gross TMI but if it's only a tiny bit of poop maybe there's some trace amounts getting left behind. When I wipe I use one hand to spread my cheeks so the asshole skin is fully taut, if that makes sense. I also push in a little, not actual penetration but like the first cm inside the rim to get any residue.

No. 299699>>299712>>299934

How do I get over my anxiety about pooping at my new bf's place?
It feels very immature to be so embarrassed about it but I am almost physically unable to take a shit in his toilet. We've known eachother for quite a while but he is an extremely clean and proper sort of person. I've never so much as noticed a fart from him, and I can't imagine him even saying the word poop, let alone bring up the subject. Meanwhile, I know for a fact that the bathroom in his house is not very well isolated and most of what happens there is audible and smellable throughout the whole place.
This has made it impossible for me to relax enough to poop there, and it's starting to become a real issue. I've always been prone to constipation and even a short period of clenching and holding it in will result in days of giant nasty farts and bloating, all the while being unable to actually go. Recently I spent 5 days at his place without pooping. By the end my midsection was painful, clearly bloated and constantly making loud noises from the gas buildup. There's no way he didn't notice anything.
And still, I cannot for the life of me manage to shit at his place. I know it's completely irrational and juvenile, but it's like there's a physical block preventing me from doing it no matter how hard I try.
As soon as I come home and can be by myself there's a full day of letting out all the gas and solids that I built up. How the fuck do I get over this??

No. 299712>>299713>>299722

Nonni I know this sounds like a sitcom (and I cant remember but I swear it was a plotline in something I saw) but have you considered going to the gas station or whatever public toilet nearby and pooping there?

No. 299713

there’s a satc episode about this

No. 299721

Have you considered installing a bihet?

No. 299722

Lmao I actually did seriously try something like that! The closest thing was an ice cream shop about a 20 minute walk away so I figured it would be a perfect solution to just go there. Well, cue to me sitting on their toilet pushing with all my might and fucking nothing. I figure I still couldn't relax enough, probably because I was putting too much pressure on myself by thinking this was my one and only chance so it had to happen. I get up in my own head too much about this stuff and it ends up sabotaging my body, I guess. Although even outside of this situation I've never been able to control the timing of when I go that precisely. I get the urge for ten minutes and if I don't go within that window I won't be able to until the next time it happens maybe half a day later.

No. 299728>>299743>>299754

>nonnas deadass afraid to take a shit when their bf is in the same building
Straight relationships will always be a mystery for me.

No. 299743


No. 299754>>299931

First thing I did when I met my Nigel was puke in his car. I have terrible motion sickness.

After that I unleashed a colonic holocaust during our initial "honeymoon phase" which was recieved with both confusion and awe. If he can't handle my bowels then he ain't the one.

No. 299931

>which was recieved with both confusion and awe
did he think women couldn't poop or something

No. 299934

It's not juvenile, nonny, it's millions of years of evolution telling you that taking a dump in the middle of your mate's living space during courtship is a big no-no. Your options are to either eat a bunch of cherries and paint his toilet or plan around it until you can relax enough at his place to poop there. You're not going to "get over it" in the sense of just mentally not caring anymore, you pretty much have to force it every time.

No. 300559

it feels so good to fart hard

No. 302387>>302394>>302396>>302398

Has anyone else have not shat this month? I think it's been a week for me.
I've tried laxatives. I've even tried putting the end of a plastic knife, as well as a chopstick up my ass. Hardly anything came back.
Now my trash can smells like shit.
This week I feel like I've not eaten as much due to the feeling of having a huge mass in my rectum, but I've definitely had enough to shit.

No. 302394

nona wtf please go see a doctor and don't stick chopsticks in your ass or you'll have to see a doctor to get them removed anyway

No. 302396

Last month I didn't shit for 3 weeks kek, I've always been irregular but that was a new record. Weirdly I had zero symptoms like bloating or stomach pain the whole time, which felt almost impossible given I was eating normally. I just never felt the urge to go and couldn't force it either, it was really starting to stress me out by the end but eventually it just sorted itself out and I could finally shit again. In your case though I would consider going to a doctor since laxatives aren't working. Also it sounds obvious but make sure to drink plenty of water, I'm pretty certain my whole situation happened because I was barely drinking anything.

No. 302398>>302402

I posted about this a bit in /ot/, I had food poisoning, got super dehydrated from diarrhea and after I went to the ER I didn’t poop for almost a week. It was really annoying that the liquid magnesium is recalled everywhere, because that seems to be the go-to for severe constipation. In the evening of day 5 I wound up swallowing a tablespoon of olive oil and had two servings of smooth move tea (it’s senna, which apparently is not good for you, but I used it because this was an emergency). In the morning I had cramps but couldn’t contract enough to poo, so I had another tablespoon of olive oil. That did it. I knew I still had more to poop so I had black coffee and a banana for breakfast, and then I sat on the toilet and pooped a few more times.

No. 302402

Why don't you install a bidet attachment in your toilet? They're like 25 dollars or so on amazon. The water shoots up and makes you poo if you're having trouble.good luck anon, I always see other anons having trouble pooping which is astonishing to me because I always had good poop habits.

No. 302406

Kegel anon, please update!!

No. 302413>>302463>>303593>>303605

so is there just one anon posting multiple times across different threads about their chronic constipation that is so severe it has them sticking things inside their anus, or is this a problem for more users here? because I'm starting to think it's a fetish poster kek. if not, if it truly is one extremely constipated woman, for the love of christ please go to a god damm hospital and follow up with a specialist

No. 302463

definitely a fetish poster

No. 303583>>303764

Oat milk or kefir + dried prunes helps me a lot.just wish kefir was cheaper.

No. 303593

honestly i've posted like twice or three times about not having a shite in several weeks to more than a month but all those instances were seperated by a large amount of time and its been a while since i have posted anything kek i just literally just dont ever feel the need to poop until it becomes a health risk so i think its the same with other anons and not a fetish, or i hope not. i just have no one else to share that information with (obviously) so might as well here since there's a dedicated thread and maybe fetch some advice if i am offered any plus its anonymous so no shame. never tried sticking anything up there i would kms and probably rip mysel a new one in the process

No. 303605

Yeah, betting that's a fetish poster. I'd be panicking if I had constipation that bad, and I had (TMI but) low-grade chronic constipation for years which caused numerous um, fissures in my butthole, basically when the stool is too hard and gives you a cut there.

Mostly cutting out dairy and eating more spicy food fixed it, softening things down there basically.

No. 303761>>303773

I don’t know where to post this so sorry if this isnt the right place

this might be tmi but do any other anons suffer from sharp rectal pains during PiV sex? Specifically in positions like doggy style??

I’ve suspected I have IBS for a couple of years now and my dad is diagnosed with it but I can’t find this specific problem anywhere else?? but its just a really sharp pain when im being penetrated from the back - I get fissures occasionally so i suspected maybe that or maybe a hemorrhoid?? im also starting to suspect endo but I haven’t had a period in months (not pregnant just irregular/on BC) I have been extremely stressed and constipated these last three months so thats why I thought it could lean more towards IBS but i really dont know

No. 303764>>303777

Have you tried making water kefir? It’s pricey as a start up cost (buying the kefir beads, proper glass bottles etc) but then you have endless keifir basically for pennies and some of your time.

No. 303773

Yes! Turns out I have a retroverted uterus. I just stick to positions that don't hurt me.

No. 303777

Thank you, but I read a recipe,it sounded nice until I read you shouldn't use reverse osmosis water. Send me to the conspiracy theories general but I don't fuck with tap water.

I was also considering making kvass, which is like burned bread water but it's supposedly good for your gut.

No. 303788

why do i keep getting little poop specks and smears on toilet tissue even after washing my ass, wiping myself dozens of times and after taking showers?

No. 303813>>304115

I'm not trying to brag but like how come it didn't hurt when I had a hemmeroid? It just felt like I had tp in my bum. I didn't even know it was a hemmeroid cause Google called it a painful bloody ordeal but there was no blood or anything just a small uncomfortable at worst bump.

No. 303818>>303921

Reminder: if it takes you more than a minute, or more than five minutes even, to do everything on the toilet emptying your stuff then you might have a problem. You first need to check that diet and eat better.
Suggestion: eat whole grains like oat flakes with milk in the morning for breakfast and then have a small cup of coffee, if you don't want any caffeine then try out a cup of ginseng

No. 303921

milk and coffee makes my shits worse personally

No. 304115

Because you only had one little one on the outside. Now that you've had one you are more likely to have them again. When you get to the point of having multiple on the inside of your butt it gets very painful.

No. 304184>>304193

Can you get toxic shock syndrome from wearing the same pad for 24 hours?

No. 304193

No you'll just have stinky pussy

No. 306656>>306662>>306739

Bumping this thread because I need help with my itchy ass!! I have either hemorrhoids or an anal fissure, I'm not 100% but I think it's the latter because when I look in the mirror there are long red lines that look like blood vessels going from my anus up my perineum. They aren't open skin though so idk.
Whatever it is, it's healed enough so it doesn't hurt or bleed when I poop anymore, but it still itches so bad that despite all of my inhibition I still end up scratching my butt with a piece of toilet paper until it's raw again because I can't fucking stand it. I've been using prep H which helped with the pain and itching for a bit but now does nothing for the itch and almost feels like it's making it worse. I tried that chinese mayinglong ointment that apparently heals hemorrhoids really quick but I had to wipe it off because it started itching after like 10 minutes(also it smells like fucking mold). Lately I've been using cerave diaper rash cream(externally) and it is kind of helping but even after applying it still itches a bit. It's not noticeable when I'm on my feet during the day, but very noticeable when I'm lying in bed at night for some reason.
Am I doing something wrong or do I need to be tested for worms? Please help

No. 306662

dude i have the same fucking problem idk what it is.
i've used a topical steroid that my doctor gave me for a seperate problem (careful not to get it inside my asshole idk what that would bring about) and that did seem to help a lot. but obv be careful with putting random creams in your crack. i wish i could give advice or something but i haven't been able to completely fix it myself and i also don't know what it is because i'm too embarrassed to tell my gp about it. what i find does help a little with the itching is putting some baby oil on there after a shower, and it also seems to be worse when my asscrack has been sweaty so i try to clean it with wet toilet paper and then dab dry carefully when i noticed it's getting moist down there. i've also heard cotton panties can actually aggravate it more, but idk about that since i've never tried anything other than cotton. best of luck to you nona <3

No. 306739

Sounds like a fungal infection nonnas.

No. 312725

i am in burgerland right now and i suspect i've gotten my first UTI. i had the symptoms of busting to go but a tiny bit coming out but getting no relief. then i went out and used a public bathroom and ripped some loud farts that echoed through the (thankfully) empty bathroom. i think i saw some blobs of blood in the urine but i honestly thought it was because of the loud fucking farts i probably pooped out some blood vessels or it was something like uterine lining. i would've paid more attention had i looked up the symptoms before going to the bathroom.
on that note, i'm not used to how big your public toilets can be. next time i'll need to learn how to seal in my fart sounds with my butt and thighs. it's going to be a pretty mean feat, and i'm a big girl.
my farts didn't stink thankfully, they were most likely a product of eating way too much trail mix. god bless your fucking country for putting a sprinkle of mnms in mostly cheap ass peanuts and pretending it's healthy. maybe i won't have issues soundproofing the public toilet if i keep eating trail mix.
also i have no insurance here which i thought wasn't a big deal initially. online i found out about uti test strips and found a service (hellowisp in case anyone needs it) that would send me some antibiotics for $65 which is probably the best deal can get. but i only tested positive for leukocytes twice and no nitrites? i did another test and got the same results, i'm planning to try again in the morning. i ordered some UTI strips from amazon that also test for other things and are WAY cheaper than AZO. hopefully they give me a clearer picture - i just want confirmation that i definitely have a UTI so i can get these overpriced antibiotics.
anyway, my symptoms have been pretty mild since yesterday. if i wake up in pain tomorrow it might not be too bad if it means i test positive on the final AZO test strip.
stay hydrated nonnies. don't be like me!

No. 313906

got my first uti and swear it is bc i wait too long to use the bathroom at night because i am cold kek

No. 313925>>313962>>313970>>313971>>313976>>314233>>315787

this is super embarrassing to post about but a couple weeks ago I pooped, went about my day and hours later when I wiped after peeing there was some brown on there. I even saw a little bit in my underwear, gross I know. a couple days ago the same thing happened again. I don't understand how this is possible, I always wipe extremely thoroughly, get the tp way up in there and continue until the tp comes back clean. my bowel movements are usually very solid and not overly messy. I thought this sort of thing only happened to dirty scrotes who don't bother wiping properly, I feel so disgusting about this and am now paranoid that it's actually happening more often and I just never noticed it before. what do

No. 313962

Maybe you're farting it out? Idk that's super weird. Or maybe you're missing a spot when you wipe. But yeah that sounds gross and annoying

No. 313970>>313976

The same thing happens to me even right after I take a shower and literally scrub my ass. Still looking for a solution

No. 313971>>313976

This happens all the time to me too, maybe it's because of my minor hemorrhoid?
Just one of the many reasons I don't bother buying fancy underwear.

No. 313976>>313979

Are you guys sure you're not just spotting and mistaking it for poo? Sometimes if I spot far after my period ended, it's brown and makes me think i skidmarked my underwear for a second until i realize it's just discharge kek.

No. 313979

It's definitely not spotting/discharge in my case, the texture and color is different. All the times I got actual brown discharge looked nothing like that kek. I didn't get any on my underwear like OP though.

No. 314233

Sometimes a few hours after I poop I get the same thing, I wipe thoroughly with a wet wipe but I think it's just residual poop from higher in the rectum making it's way out. That's my theory anyway. Personally it seems like it happens more when I have big shits that make my asshole sore/swollen.

No. 315783>>315787>>315820>>315929

I have hemorrhoids and I have my period and if I wipe too hard I don't know which hole is bleeding, in other words I'm suffering. Will putting somezhing warm to my butt relieve the uncomfortableness?

No. 315787

get a bidet

No. 315820

Electric heat pad, or a sitz bath

No. 315929

No don't think so, hemorrhoids aren't a cramp so heat isn't really gonna do anything to them. Putting some vaseline on it can help temporarily, I've also used neosporin. It feels gross but hurts less when you move.

No. 316015>>316016>>316040

Why is my piss so yellow in the morning I drink a gallon of water a day

No. 316016

you're not drinking water in your sleep and your body uses/loses moisture overnight.

No. 316030>>316075

this is super embarrassing please don't mock me.
Why can I only poop in my sleep? when it comes to peeing at night I wake up and go to the bathroom but I don't wake up when I have to poo I tried pooping before going to sleep but it doesn't help

No. 316040

Its supposed to be like that. Piss is supposed to be yellow, having water clear piss is overhydration

No. 316075

…Are you saying you shit the bed?
I'd say you should go to a doctor for incontinence issues.

No. 318365>>318487

I have a hemmeroid. Ugh what the fuck.

No. 318487>>318664

Stay hydrated and eat fiber if you're not already

No. 318664

I think I got it from squatting 105lbs it doesn't hurt but it grosses me out and I'm scared they'll start popping out of my anus like a little tail

No. 318922>>318923>>318931

This isn't exactly the thread for this but it was the best I could find. I waxed my armpits and there were little black dots on the hair roots of the hairs I ripped out. I've waxed my armpits before and there were no black dots. What is it?

No. 318923

Double post but I want to clarify that the black dots were on the hair on the wax strip. I'm trying to google for an answer and a lot of results are about black dots in/on the skin, which is not what I'm talking about

No. 318931>>318932

Idk, I’ve never waxed anywhere (I am fuzzy as god intended) but what color is your hair? Could it just be you did it so effectively you yanked out the bulb? Cringing even typing that cuz it sounds so violent kek

No. 318932

My body hair is blonde. Is the bulb of hair always black or something? I could have sworn last time I waxed, there were no black dots. Are you suggesting I pulled too much of the hair follicle out? It DID hurt pretty bad, but it always does so I'm stumped. Unless, of course, you're correct in your assumption that I yanked too much hair out and if it's correct that the bulb of hair is always black. Hmmmm

No. 320044

Fun stuff about the bathroom

No. 326264

Hello everyone. I am sitting on the toilet after a shit, and there is blood dripping out of my ass/ farting blood. I’ve read that if it’s bright red it’s nothing to be worried about, but the toilet bowl is cherry red now and I’m wondering if I should be concerned.

No. 328989

For years I used to poop one/two times per week and recently (about three years ago maybe?) it started changing and now I have a pooping pattern of doing it every two days. Did I become healthier? I was surprised by the change, I always thought that's just how I am (popping rarely compared to what I read) but not it became more frequent (not too frequent to be worried).

No. 336481

I just used a bidet for the first time and I think maybe my angle was wrong and it jetted water up my urethra or something (?) because I’m now having instant pain just like a UTI after using it. Hurts like hell. I can only pray my immune system is strong enough to beat back whatever this might turn into. I cannot afford a doctors visit right now. Ugh.

No. 337178>>340959

When I have to pee really bad, I start crying super hard. I don't even know why it happens or even how I could fix it. It's not even while I'm peeing, it's just from the urge. So fucking embarrassing. I'm gonna try to do pelvic exercises to improve my ability to hold my pee and see if that helps.

No. 338074>>338075>>338769

File (hide): 1687992589119.png (115.66 KB, 1200x1200, azo-dmannose-capsules-hero.png)

Anyone use this stuff? I'm recovering from a UTI and I never want to go through this again

No. 338075>>338080

I've used Dmannose before, I like it. It's not a cure but a preventative measure and also good if you're experiencing burning. I think it only works for UTIs caused by a particular bacteria though.

No. 338080

Thanks for your fast reply nona, I'll try it out, seems like it can't hurt at least. 4 tablets a day seems like a lot though.

No. 338759>>338762

When I breathe deeply, I feel my butthole/poop muscles activating and wanting to push something out. Is that normal? I suspect that I wouldn't even notice if I wasn't chronically constipated, like there's always more poo waiting to be excreted. I struggle to breathe deeply for a myriad of reasons and it's even harder when I feel seconds from shitting myself.

No. 338762

>is this normal?

No. 338769

It works, I'm very prone to utis and I take it the second I feel the slightest hint of an uti coming and its gone the next day.

No. 338778>>340601>>340605

Warning gross
>be in hotel
>have to poo
>go to basement bathroom to not stink up my room
>bathroom is smelly and dirty and old
>constipated as fuck from all the ouzo yesterday
>sit there for way to long in this shabby bathroom
>oh God I finally did it.pdf
>get up
>oh shit there is something else going on
>back on toilet
>worst diarrhea ever
>use whole toilet paper roll
>still not clean
>use the water from sink to clean myself
>flush the toilet
>it’s clogged
>read the sign on the wall
>do NOT throw toilet paper in toilet
>get out and into my room as if nothing happened
I’m sorry for the cleaning lady and I’m sorry for whoever read this

No. 340601

I cleaned two toilets last week and I bet one of them was visited by you

No. 340605>>340609

>read the sign on the wall
Big mistake on the part of whoever did it. Signs that important should be taped eye level to the inside of the door, all because of people like (You).

No. 340609>>340610

Go back.

No. 340610>>340612

No. 340612

>annoying reddit-tier critique on proper sign placement
>4chan (You)ing
>no u dumb typing style meme in a regular thread not even the dumbass thread or something
go back.

No. 340959

Idk about this but sometimes when I pee and really exert the pee muscles I tear up a little bit, I remember this as a kid, I thought pee was coming out of my eyes kek

No. 344927>>344953

Anons please help, sorry for the incoming mega retardo question: I got a bit too enthusiastic while wiping and got toilet paper stuck IN my butt. Judging by what I threw away, half a leaf. While feeling around I managed to rip out a tiny bit more, but I don't know if I got everything. Will I dieded now? Am I going to explode? I'd say I'll try giving myself the runs, but I've got a stomach made of steel, so none of mother natures warriors work for me, no prunce juice, nothing, and I'd like to avoid taking any actual laxatives. I would be that salt thingy (no idea what it's called in English, sorry), so none of that stuff that could make you dependent on it, but still. Please tell me it'll find its way out again with no problem next time I go.

No. 344953

Nvm, just managed to poop completely normal, hypochondria strikes again.

No. 347261>>347634>>347636>>347833

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nonnas if you are ever constipated EAT TURNIPS. never in my life have i shat so much kek but like healthily it obviously wasn't diarrhea and at the exact same time as yesterday when i ate them back to back. i usually take a dump maybe twice or max three times a month, so this was crazy. kept thinking when will it end was this really all up in me just now jeeez i even almost clogged my toilet yesterday kek and now i am feeling so light and looking extra svelte. highly recommend.
i spoilered picrel of turnips because i don't want people to look at food while reading things about poop kek. third time's the charm…

No. 347262>>347625

nonnas i poop like 3 times a day, is this normal? usually once in the morning, once at night, once in the afternoon. i pretty much always poop after a day out with friends.
i eat a good amount of fiber i think and i've upped my protein recently, oh also i sit on the toilet with my legs up so maybe that's part of it. i half wonder whether i just go too often since my dorm room has an en suite.
still though it's not all the time, i travelled recently and didn't poop once during the 3 flights.

No. 347616

So I don’t wanna sound too gross but my poops take really long lately like I’ll be pooping and it’s not hard but it’s like.. a lot and I have gas in between the turds

No. 347625


ur fine anon, 3 times a day is normal

No. 347634>>347652

>i usually take a dump maybe twice or max three times a month.
Anon this isn't healthy. Please see a doctor. Usually you should go to toilet between like once 2 days to twice a day, you seem like you have chronic constipation which might have underlying reasons.

No. 347636>>347652

You are supposed to wash the turnips before you eat them anon

No. 347652

yeah, i do. i've been extremely constipated all my life and have spent some time of my life as a child at doctors with no real solution, so whenever i take a normal dump at least two days in a row it feels exhilarating in a way kek because they're so rare. thanks for worrying anon that's kind of you.
not sure why you're telling me this, i didn't have diarrhea or anything i was just flushed out. like it wasn't a weird texture i don't want to get too graphic but you get the idea kek i was fine after

No. 347821>>347829>>347980

i have a hemmorhoid that won’t go away on its own even though i tried the recommended stuff and i don’t want to spend money to go to a doctor. would i be retarded to try to lacerate it myself

No. 347829

Yes, you would be retarded. DO NOT TRY TO LACERATE IT YOURSELF. Jfc go to a doctor.

No. 347833

twice a month? girl you need a medical professional to perform an exorcism on you

No. 347843

I'm so full of shit.

No. 347980

As a dumbass who has lacerated my own haemorrhoids out of frustration, I'd say it depends on the size. If it's freakishly big then don't, but if it's normal size and just bugging you it's actually not that bad to deal with it yourself. It's a lot of blood, even the little ones, so keep that in mind. You have to make sure you're draining it regularly and using something antibacterial to clean the area, but they heal just fine after that IME.

No. 348120>>348537

Does anyone else shit like…5-6 times after waking up? This isn’t even with caffeine…I read somewhere it was healthy to do all your bowel movements in the morning but idk where I read it kek. I just know that I wake up, shit, start getting ready for my work day or getting ready for the gym, shit, and I will shit four or five more times during my getting ready process. Usually it’s just normal but sometimes it’s super loose and more diarrhea-ish. If I take pre workout it will be far worse, but I do take it on days I’m planning to do more intense workouts (2.5 hour sessions of hard cardio or weights or whatever) I don’t hate it tho bc I always feel so nice and empty and not bloated! You don’t have to tell me I’m a freak lmao

No. 348537>>348554

Yes but its a medication side effect for me kek

No. 348553>>348575

nonnies with hemorrhoids: how did you heal them?
This is my first time and I want to cry, it doesn't hurt nor bleed nor anything, it's just there. I've been applying cream for 4 days now (and I have to do it for 10 more - 2 weeks basically) and I want to cry, I feel dirty and wet all the time.
It's around the size of a very small bean but I know it's there and I'm struggling psychologically. Do I have to get surgery? Or cream, along with diet, fibers, no strain, a lot of water (2L) work just fine?

No. 348554

Mine used to be bc of very high dose adhd meds but I went off them during my pregnancy and never got back on (roughly 2 years). I go back and forth about wanting to get back on them but idk if my digestive tract could take it anymore lmao

No. 348575>>348577>>348881

If its external, keep pushing it inside your ass again and clench. Drink lots of water and eat fats to have a smooth bowel movement and use a stool when you use the toilet. It will go away with time, dw.

No. 348577>>348648

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yep, it's external, I keep pushing and clench but it comes out the moment I sit down. It's 4 days too early to see results? Sorry for the many questions, I'm a very anxious person and I hate everything medical related, I also want a normal asshole…
So there's hope, right? Thank you for replying with some positive things since I already saw myself in the operating room sigh

No. 348648>>349014

It took about 2 weeks for mine to go away. Just keep pushing it back in with hemorrhoid cream, make sure you dont strain when you poop/spend as short time as possible sitting on the toilet, even for peeing.

No. 348880>>348887

I have ibs and I'm moving in with my bf in a place where the toilet is close to the living room and bedroom etc. My dumps fucking reek does anyone know if poo pourri is effective enough for that? I'm from europe and it's been hard to find it online but I don't know what else to try.

No. 348881>>348883

Why would you push something external inside? If it's attached on the outside of your asshole you're not supposed to push it in

No. 348882

i've just been shittin'. i've just been shittin' all week and i'm praying the liquid diarrhea is almost over. at this rate i am never eating food on my period ever again. this entire week, every thing i ate, even just bread… straight water. straight dookie poo poo water. please lord, will it ever end? make the rain down in my africa stop, i beg of thee.

No. 348883

Its blood and a bulging vessel, push the blood in to restrict the supply

No. 348887

Yes. That shit is amazing. I keep one in all my bathrooms and one in my purse/backpack. Just make sure you spray the toilet water BEFORE you shit, that way it works. Good luck nonna!!! Also sorry you have ibs, that really sucks.

No. 349014

Hello nonny I'm the hemorrhoid nonny, thank you for saving my ass, quite literally. Turns out my circulation is fucked but the moment I clench it kinda reset itself so after days of doing it, everything is almost gone, no doctor actually told me to clench. I'm aware it can come back but now I know what I have to do…doctors told me to rest for 2 weeks but now after 8 days I can say I'm healed and I only have to maintain the situation…ty, love you….

No. 349895>>349965>>359155>>359334

>be constipated for a few days
>have diarrhea
>body is cleansed, completely empty not a single poo left
>eat something small like a bagel
>immediately super constipated again
>now always feel bloated when i eat literally anything at all, including foods with fiber

No. 349952

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I am so severely constipated right now and it is pure hell I'm having bowel movements but the shit I need to push out of my asshole is so massive and rock-hard and I am terrified of hemorrhoids or my anus prolapsing or an anal fissure. Just a couple of days ago the same thing happened but I managed to get it out but my asshole has been itchy afterwards so I'm paranoid I may already have hemorrhoids, but this time it's even more excruciating and I have no idea what to do right now my stool softener doesn't work for shit and never has I've been chugging water and that triggers bowel movements but doesn't make the shit any less painful to try to get out of my ass. I'm kind f panicking right now idk if it's even a medical emergency or if I just need to get enema from a pharmacy or smth but it's late at night and nothing is open and I'm scared of leaving it in for longer. I've always had pretty bad constipation but it hasn't been this bad since I was a small child It's probably even worse right now I just don't know what to do

No. 349965

Go to a doctor

No. 359155

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Drink more water
Just do it

No. 359334

Bread constipates you fool! Lol do research, eat fiber. Drink water.

No. 361544>>361548

I seriously fucked up taking too much ibuprofen over the weekend. I can't eat or drink anything without having the sensation that someone is stabbing me in the gut, and the pain continues down in my digestive system. Pretty sure I caused myself a stomach ulcer.
I hate having to go to the doctor but I have to cuz there's no way I can work like this.
This hurts so fucking bad, I can't believe I was so dumb for not being more mindful with taking meds. This sucks…

No. 361548>>361571

Please see a doctor ASAP. Taking too much ibuprofen can damage your kidneys.

No. 361549>>361580

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nonnies what should I do, I fucked up my digestive system by being an anachan and now that I’m trying to get better/recover I get constantly bloated and constipated but I don’t want to rely on laxatives too much

No. 361571>>361614

My GP sent me to the hospital, that they check if there's bleeding in my stomach with a tube through my oesophagus.
I was really careless it's really on me, I had too much stuff at once causing issues for which I took ibuprofen (mosquito bites to which I react strongly to, cold medicine because I got sick) and my stomach had already suffered from heartburn in the middle of last week. I was dumb.

No. 361575>>361624

I'm sick of my poo being black from iron
its weird and I dont like it
it feels harder too, like it comes out in pebbles kind of?
at least soon i'll know if i need to keep taking my iron tablets or if I need to get an infusion

No. 361580

Cut the laxatives forever, come on now you know better. Drink more water. Sit through the bloating for three or four weeks so your guts have time to adjust and fix themselves, they need to grow the right bacteria for what you’re eating. If you keep using laxatives you’re just resetting the process constantly, stop it. Eat some kimchi.
I’m not sure what you did to yourself before but imagine it’s like you took antibiotics (if you’ve ever done that) and this is just normal gut recovery from getting all your good bacteria killed.

No. 361614>>361627

Samefag. Spent about five hours in the ER, most of it waiting between procedures. They checked my blood, examined me, asked me questions, did an ultrasound on my digestive system and a rectal test to find some of the remaining black stool I had from yesterday's number two (wasn't pleasant but at least I didn't have to go through an endoscopy or colonoscopy).
The blood test and ultrasound didn't show any bleeding but if I have still black stools, I have to go back to the ER and let em know.
They perfused me with a med that protects the stomach lining, and gave me a painkiller "shot" (which I was supposed to have perfused too but nobody checked on me for thirty minutes cuz it was busy today) tomorrow I go back to my GP to have that medicine prescribed, which I gotta take 30 minutes before my first daily meal. And I'll ask him to get me at least two days off before returning to work so I can recuperate, cuz I can't handle servicing people at my very service oriented job with the pain I still feel.
I'm spent nonnies.

No. 361624

Switch to heme based iron, it gets absorbed much better than elemental iron (80% vs 10%)

No. 361627

I'm so glad you're at least safe nona, I was worried. I hope you'll recover soon

No. 372696>>372865>>372944

i have difficulty urinating unless i stimulate myself while doing it or masturbate before (it still doesn't come out easily but that's the only way i can get a decent volume) and i feel extremely uncomfortable explaining this to a doctor. should i just leave the masturbation part out??? the urogynecologist is in her 60s too. I am really nervous about making an appointment but sometimes I can't get it out at all. also, it might have to be a moid doctor instead which is even worse.

No. 372847

My incontinence makes me want to die. It's gotten so much worse that I can't be in denial about it any longer. I'm so embarrassed about it but I feel so much deep rooted shame about my vulva and it's functions. I couldn't stand up for myself when I tried to bring up the problem to my gyno and she said that only women who've been pregnant deal with incontinence. I've actually been dealing with this all my life to some degree because as a kid, my mom used to make comments when cleaning my underwear how a man will never love me because of it. I feel that's where my shame took root. Anyway, I tried kegel weights but the lowest weight feels like it gets sucked up in there, bumps something and gives me massive cramps for the rest of the day. Two days ago, I started pelvic floor exercises and I'm feeling muscle soreness in my pelvis so hopefully I see some progress if I keep it up.

No. 372865>>373056

Masturbating is totally normal, no doctor is going to bat an eye at that. And if for some crazy reason they did I still wouldn't risk my kidneys over the opinion of some random doctor who has surely seen much worse.
If it makes you feel more comfortable you can replace the word "masturbate" for "clitoral orgasm" or something like that, so that it doesn't specify whether you do it yourself or you just have sex with your partner. In any case either one is normal and the doctor doesn't care.
Stimulating the urethra to help the pee come out is also not unheard of. I've fostered baby kittens and when they're too young they need to be stimulated to pee and poop, normally their mom does it by licking their bits, but if they don't have a mom you have to grab a wet tissue and massage their butthole and genitals, and this is just normal procedure lol.

No. 372944>>373056

You can say you need to use your fingers to stimulate the area in order to pee. I don't see how "I need a clitoral orgasm to pee" would be any less uncomfortable to say to a doctor than "I need to masturbate to pee" kek

No. 373056

Thank you anons.

No. 373124>>373125>>373136>>373165>>373490>>373714>>373738>>374584

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to preface this, i have an issue where no matter how much fruit and water I consume, i experience extreme constipation. I'm literally injuring my asshole these days so I've taken doses of miralax for the past three days alongside eating at least 6 prunes with every dose, and… nothing is happening.
Real question: can you be fucking immune to fiber?? can you have a condition where it is impossible to not be constipated? I feel like a fucking scientific medical enigma. What the fuck is there even left to do?

No. 373125>>373126

Fiber can make you constipated too. How much fat are you eating? Try eating a stick of butter and report back.

No. 373126

I mean I'm pretty sure a normal amount. I eat peanut butter like daily and regular stuff like cheese and sausage. Of course I eat healthier things too but since you asked about fat. I really eat extremely normally, just with a lot of extra fruit and water since like forever, in an apparently futile attempt to shit without tearing my asshole open. I'm seriously at a fucking loss. I'm going to start eating exclusively fucking baby food at this point because I am in extreme pain after so many years of this.

No. 373136

Obvious but still gotta check, do you consume enough probiotics? Might be an issue with your gut microbiome.

No. 373165>>373738

I've also struggled with constipation all my life. Fibre, water, probiotics, exercise, none of it helps. Even stimulant laxatives don't work when it's bad.
I started taking triphala a few months ago and it's honestly been life changing. Now I go almost every day. Everyone is different, but I highly recommend you try it!

No. 373490>>373738

fiber can make some people more constipated

No. 373714>>373738


No. 373738>>373745>>373755>>373766>>374584

Update my friends 6 days into taking miralax daily with prunes. Still have not had a complete BM (just like three tiny pebbles and just that made me bleed so bad the water was bright red). I can only eat tiny meals now because it seems like my digestion is just not moving, and I'm frequently nauseous. These are new symptoms since starting miralax. Is it possible it has made things worse????
Thank you anon, I'll look into that… although it seems to just be a dried fruit mixture, so as someone who eats dried fruits a lot already I wonder if it will really help.
Does that mean I should eat less fruit?
I've really been hesitant to use that because I've heard your bowels become dependent on it, but it's starting to seem like I don't have a choice.

No. 373745

nah, keep eating the fresh fruit and prunes. anything high in water should help and most fruit isn't that high in fiber anyways. if you're consuming a ton overall it can cause issues.
if laxatives or suppositories have failed it's time to get an enema kit, sorry. definitely take the magnesium as well. hopefully you're able to see a doctor soon.

No. 373755

Have you tried chugging oil or heavy cream? There's a drink I get at Starbucks that has coffee, half and half, and olive oil and it makes me shit every time.

No. 373766

RE: triphala, it doesn't work because of fibre from the fruit. The ingredients have strong healing properties like being anti inflammatory, studies have shown it can heal intestinal damage.
For me actually cutting out sugar, starches and simple carbs also really helped. I don't eat much fruit anymore aside from berries occasionally because they're low sugar, and my digestion has improved a lot. When I was drinking a lot of fruit smoothies my digestion was honestly at it worst, which was confusing, but I think the sugar wrecked havoc on my gut.

No. 374036

>Also I get constipated right before my period which never happened when I was young and it's definitely a hormonal thing, not lifestyle.
This started happening to me in my late 20s. I get very bloated from constipation the few days before my period then spend the first day of my period shitting out what feels like a weeks worth of backlog.
Maybe it might have something to do with the endometriosis I got diagnosed with over a decade ago.

No. 374584>>374591>>374596>>376120>>376146

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Final update. I am cured, but at what cost? Turns out what was happening was there was a plug of extremely hard and compact shit that just wasn't moving through my system, with all the miralax-and-prunes shit waiting and building behind it. After 8 days, I gave birth to the last of the concrete ass-breakers and what has followed since then is non-stop brown worms-on-a-string. I am afraid to fart now because I fear it will release them. My biggest problem is that when I go to shit, which is now like 4 times a day, it never really… completes. So I'm stuck wiping fruitlessly for like 10 minutes and it gets messy I cannot lie. When you fail at wiping and get poop on your finger you really feel like a fucking understimulated chimpanzee in a backwater zoo.
Also, I am horrified to figure out what "old people smell" really is. Anons, it's shit. Specifically miralax and prune shit. Going to the bathroom is now giving me flashbacks to sitting next to my great grandmother due to smell association.
I always thought I had a tiny appetite, and was kind of proud of it, like teehee look at my reasonable portion sizes. Well now I realize it's because I wasn't shitting and there simply was no more room inside for food to go. Since the miracle, I am absolutely ravenous. I haven't been this hungry ever in my life. I'm wondering, will I get fat now? Or was it like, before i was squeezing more nutrients out of my food and taking longer, but now I'm squeezing less out of my food and going quicker, does it even out? Or am I going to become a hambeast? And if so is it better to be a hambeast with healthy shits and an intact asshole, or a normal weight with a super fucked up asshole?

No. 374591

Anon I'm sorry for your misfortune but I can't remember the last time I actually laughed out loud reading something on lolcow so thank you for that. I've been quietly monitoring this saga. Despite recent developments I'm glad you at least got the blockage out!

No. 374596

Sorry to your asshole, that sounds like it burns. Congratulations on evicting the concrete ass-breakers though!

No. 376120>>376123

Use wet wipes or buy a bidet. American culture of just cleaning with dry paper is disgusting and needs to be un-normalized

No. 376123>>376146>>376227>>376249

Nta but wet wipes break toilets and idk if bidets can be purchased separately there..

No. 376146

The old people smell got me good.
Trashcan or toilet paper with water is what I do. Or just shower when convienent.

No. 376157

I'm so uncomfortable nonas, I dread going to work tomorrow because my stomach is so bloated none of my pants fit. I usually get constipated a week before my period and if I'm lucky and catch it early I can somehow manage it by taking magnesium, chlorophyll tablets or dong quai. This cycle it started earlier and none of my usual tricks work. Is there any other gentle non-addictive supplement I can try? I'm not looking for laxatives, I can poop okay-ish in the morning and be constipated again by evening, so it has to be something that works continuously by stimulating the guts to do their work. I saw someone recommending triphala, I'll report back when I get my hands on it.

No. 376227

Never broken any of my toilets. Just dont get the wet wipes that are made of those thick synthetic stands

No. 376248

Is there a connection between bad breath and constipation?
I have bad breath in spite of brushing/flossing but it stops for about half an hour after taking a shit.

No. 376249

Bidets can definitely be bought separately here and many are cheap and fairly easy to install.

No. 376279>>376529

I've been taking a double dose of senna lax by mistake the last 4 days and at first it did nothing but that was just the calm before the storm. I've been having cramps for 8 hours. I birthed a bm the size and diameter of my fucking forearm. And alas, I still sense theres more. Pray for me.

No. 376352>>376357

Is there a personal grooming thread or should I just ask for advice here? I need some advice on waxing down there

No. 376357

body hair thread, vagina thread, it's definitely been talked about before. Search the catalog.

No. 376529>>381203

Are you still alive nonna?
I hope you drank a lot of water to recuperate, taking poops en masse due to diarrhea or laxatives consumes a lot of bodily fluids.

No. 381203>>381219>>480869

I am alive! Took me a few days to feel normal. It was like getting over a stomach flu, and the constipation came right back. Never again kek, senna is evil. I've found a much better way to deal with constipation now. For very bad days I take 5g of psyllium husk powder with at least 200ml of water, chased down with even more water. Then I have oatmeal with prunes, berries and yoghurt. Throughout the day I'll do stretching and core exercises (mainly after meals) and 20 minutes of cardio in the evening + 20 minutes of stomach massages. If it's real bad, I'll have a binge day to stimulate the ol pipes into moving. But most of the time, psyllium and exercise does the trick.

No. 381219

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A student drank too much psyllium husk powder, this is what happened to her intestines

No. 386023>>386272

I've made a bad again with over taking some pills. I took too many soda pills for my acid reflux and I've had diarrhea since last night. By the time it was 3pm at work, all that came out was liquid and I've been a gross fart machine. I'm going to have to go on a white rice, bananas and water diet the whole week. I'm sad.

No. 386082>>386100>>386445

I’ve had an anal fissure for about 3 days now, and it’s so painful to poop. I think it has to do with my chronic constipation, but I’ve never had this before despite the medical issues. How long do these things take to heal? It feels like every time I poop, it just opens up again

No. 386100

I had this and I realized it was only going to keep getting worse unless I softened my stool. I've been drinking a dose of miralax after dinner for the past 2 months and I am all healed now. Go pick up some of that stuff specifically (bc its okay to take for a long time) and wait for it to kick in. I had a really slow digestive system so for me it took about 8 days to see results. But yeah I think if you don't soften things up you'll really cause permanent damage.

No. 386272

Samefag. Since last night I'm at the stage of how retired people probably feel all day every day. I waltz between "Do I need to go to the toilet fast because I'm going to shit myself or is that just me passing gas?". I can only post this online and tell that my best friend because of how hilarious and embarrassing it would be to admit this to anyone else. I understand now why adult diapers exist kek.

No. 386356>>386762

I hate taking a shit at work so much. I have to walk to another floor then wait for everyone who was in there before me to leave then once I do my business I wait for someone else to get into the stall so they can take the blame for the smell.

No. 386445

before i got diagnosed with crohn's i had multiple fissures for a year and a bit more (ended up needing botox for it and i still have scars), it got so bad at some points i blacked out from pain but i got weirdly used to it and i was embarrassed to seek help. one thing that helped tremendously was to take hot baths before and after, i don't have a tub so i used one of those you can put over the toilet that a lot of post-partrum moms use.
also see if you're able to get lidocain gel, apply it a little before you have to poop and it halves the pain or more. i wish you a smooth recovery it is truly hell.

No. 386762>>386782

Can't you use an air deodorant or perfume in the bathroom?

No. 386782

Better yet spray before you go spray, and maybe a portable bidet?

No. 388959

I'm seeing a colorectal surgeon tomorrow, I had a stomach issue (now treated) and developed a prolapsed hemorrhoid a year ago, which started making it hard for me to go to the bathroom normally and resulted in an external one too. I'm getting worried reading posts here about doctors not doing anything… If hemorrhoids are actually symptomatic and there's legitimately no more "lifestyle changes" left to try to fix this, is it that hard to be approved for surgery? Can anyone share their experience of how things went? I'm scared of living with these forever because even if I get banding, that won't remove the external one…

No. 389112>>389139>>389479>>392137

I don't know if it's just coincidence but every time I drink the Starbucks Passion Tango Tea with only a packet of stevia that I manually add in, I have diarrhea the entirety of the next day. There's no caffeine in the tea, it's just herbal. I drink other teas at home and I'm perfectly fine, but why the hell does it do that to me? One thing different from the Starbucks tea and my tea I make at home, the Starbucks tea is cold, but that's it.

No. 389139

Are you sensitive to artificial sweeteners at all? I don't see anything in the ingredients that would make your body react like that other than the stevia

No. 389479>>392591

are you getting it from the same starbucks every time? maybe they aren't cleaning properly and bacteria is what's making you sick.

No. 392134

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It has been pretty much certified that some polyols or sugar alcohols like mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol cause gastrointestinal problems in some people. Be careful when substituting that table sugar and when looking at food labels in case you suffer from IBS (which may be a generic term doctors use for "I don't know why you experience bloating, stomach cramps, and various other problems")

No. 392137

Sounds like its the stevia

No. 392460>>392469>>393576

I routinely cleam bathrooms, do you have some questions about them and how they're treated by customers?

No. 392469>>392471

Yes, what sex forgets more frequently to flush the toilet?

No. 392471

nta but I also cleaned toilets for a while and it was pretty even. There are more toilets in a ladies room so it almost seemed like women forgot more often but that was just because there were twice as many toilets to not flush. I don't know why people don't flush. Maybe they're afraid of germs on the handle but it's just so rude.

No. 392591

No, this was from a different Starbucks each time.

No. 393576>>393580>>393598

Do you have the same experience as my janitorial work were men's rooms are disproportionately more disgusting and need less paper and soap refills? A scrote in one place I worked always pissed on the floor in front of the urinal.
I wound up convinced men are too stupid to use urinals and they should be banned.

No. 393580

Fuck I never cleaned bathrooms but whenever I went to the shared bathroom at my old workplace and in the hospital after men, it was often not flushed (someone even wrote an email about it to everyone at work), not cleaned properly with a brush or there was piss on the floor/toilet. Actually wtf

No. 393598>>393599>>393712>>393719

I always see dumb shit about how "womens restrooms are sooo disgusting compared to mens'". It's become a meme at this point and I sincerely doubt the validity of that claim.

No. 393599

The worst I see is maybe an unrolled pad

No. 393712

I remember in middle school, the principle had to give a PSA to all the students about bathroom etiquette because the boys thought it would be funny to piss on the walls and floor.

No. 393719

People clamouring to declare women the ickiest grossest gender have an agenda (reminds me of the 'akshually women are domestic abusers just as much and maybe even worse than men!!' cope) and I don't believe it. Theoretically women are dealing with potentially gross situations more often than men (periods, changing diapers, etc), we have to use the bathroom more frequently, and don't have urinals that might be a bit easier to keep clean. But women are overall more considerate and try to avoid inconveniencing others- why would that change in a bathroom? Even when attempting suicide women worry about whoever is going to see and clean up their body.

I've only ever had to clean women's rooms so I can't really compare but the cleanliness of a bathroom in my experience is based almost entirely on location (private vs public place, nice area vs dodgy area, if it's within a business that has people cleaning throughout the day, etc).

No. 397494

Lol short film
Saged because it needs to be saged

No. 400531>>400720

I'm having one of the worst nights ever. I had something to eat that was past the expiration date and I've been puking my guts out for the last hour and a half at regular intervals, with most of it being liquids since 50 minutes ago. I hate having the taste of stomach fluid coating whatever is being stuck in my mouth and oesophagus.
Topped with all the goddamn party goers in the neighborhood having to pass by my house, all loud and drunk to remind me that I'm miserable and have to work tomorrow on little sleep, it fucking suuucks.

No. 400720

What was the expiration date and what food was it?

No. 423455>>423456

File (hide): 1723348934322.gif (89.32 KB, 220x164, haleine-beko.gif)

How concerned should I be about a change in the smell of my farts? Recently they've gone from being consistently not great but inoffensive (to me), to heinously bad, like rotten eggs and spoiled milk combined. I assumed it was just something I ate and would eventually pass but it's been nearly 3 weeks and is still bad. I've not gone through any major diet/lifestyle changes in this time.

No. 423456

I don't want to freak you out but I did see a video on my algorithm recently about some woman finding out she had colon cancer because her farts smelled different. Not sure if clickbait, didn't watch. Probably worst and unlikely case scenario but good to stay informed. I went through a bad burp and fart phase for a few weeks once, and I think it was just stress. Maybe your gut flora is being thrown out of whack.

No. 480869

Anyone else have anecdotes like >>381203 on their experiences of psyllium husk powder? I’m considering taking it, I don’t think I get enough fibre my body actually needs.
Usually my diet looks like:
>breakfast: Greek/skyr yogurt with protein powder, granola, and berries or some other fruit
>lunch: leftovers from dinner or just boiled eggs and an orange
>dinner: your typical carb/veg/protein (I.e., fried rice with peas and carrots and egg, spaghetti with sausage and side salad, steak with mashed potatoes and broccoli etc)
>drinks 8L of water everyday

I eat relatively healthy and yet I am always constipated. I’ve noticed I have better poops with oatmeal as my breakfast but yogurt and granola is just too tasty for me to stop eating. I’m gonna buy prunes to put em in my brekkie. They’re pretty tasty tbqh.

Ever since I was a baby my parents and family doctor say that I am one of those people who don’t poop everyday. But I like pooping everyday, it makes me feel less bloated. Apparently I could go up to 4 days without pooping and that was no cause for concern. Anyone else like this?

Also apparently women with IBS (which I might have) are more commonly constipated than men with IBS, who are more likely to have diarrhea problems.

No. 482123

Anyone else have difficulty voiding both ways becuase of hyper tonic pelvic floor? What helped? I know I need to keep building core muscles and stop clenching the pelvic muscles due to stress but damn it's hard

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