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No. 115116
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>>115009Probably 2 weeks ago. Reading this thread made me realize I don't really cry too often.
I was breaking off from my boyfriend.
No. 115152
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The last time I cried was when my last guinea pig died, which was the 25th August 2018. It died out of sudden which made everything worse because I do care a lot about animals and I still wonder if I missed any signs that something wasn't all right. It was just a very old piggy but still ugh. I miss her a damn lot.
I usually don't really cry or barely because there is nothing that really gets me. Just watching "The last unicorn" makes me bawl my eyes every time because I feel the movie gets sadder the older I get. I've never watched the movie without crying EVER. But I haven't seen this movie in a long time, for a reason.
No. 115247
>>115244I don't understand the charcoal thing but it sounds bad. Please stay safe. Your problems can be solved without harming yourself
(sorry if I'm misreading the post)
No. 115275
>>115244Killing yourself will ruin your kids life worse than leaving your partner will.
Get help,reach out to an emergency suicide prevention line now if you don't have any close friends. Then speak to your school about your home life and mental health issues to see if you can extend or resit.