No. 117469
Guy posting here because I don't know what the fuck else to do,
pls no bully
Girls don't like me and I have no idea why. I've flunked every proper
relationship with a girl I've ever had. Girls whom I didn't necessarily
want to spread my DNA over or even start a relationship with. Girls who
were genuinely interesting, whom I've genuinely liked and wanted to be
a part of my life because they shine a little light through the endless
torrents of shit and fakeness I always have to endure. Every time I
suggest meeting up, for example, they completely break contact with me.
I don't want to analyse the way I ask things, because I think it's
retarded and redundant, but I've tried analysing it anyway and couldn't
for the life of me come up with a single reason for them to completely
break off any kind of contact. I can respect it if they're not
comfortable meeting up; fuck, I'm super nervous about these things all
the time; but why completely break off contact? I'm never weird about
these suggestions, I never make a huge deal out of them, I just suggest
it regularly like I would to a man, for example. I have no problem
talking to women, I actually really like talking to them. I find that
they're much more chill and less fake than most men, at least where I
live. I just don't seem to be able to somehow make them a part of my
life. I'm not trying to have sex. I've lost my virginity at a fairly
young age, and it was fucking horrible. I felt nothing for the girl,
as if she was some kind of sex doll, a mere aid for masturbation, and
that kinda freaked me out and I've been kind of scared of sex ever
since. I don't think I'm very good looking, but I take care of myself -
I work out regularly; I groom and clean myself; I have many hobbies and
a curiosity for a lot of things; I have a stable job. I just can't
figure out this one fucking thing. I did have some social anxiety like
all of us but I've worked on it and I have no problem talking to
people, I'd like to think that I have genuine confidence (not like
RSDTyler or any of those irritating cunts), I just can't figure out
this one fucking thing.
Please be as harsh as you fucking can, I just want to be able to properly talk to girls without any bullshit(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 117491
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Do you ramble like this irl OP because your post nearly put me to sleep