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No. 119061
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might makes right
No. 119063
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How do you break into the subject of this kink in a casual way?
No. 119064
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>>119061The next biggest thing
Pun intended
No. 119065
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>>119064LGBT is sexual nationalism.
It’s time for feeders to rule.
I’d like to tag team an conquer like a beast.
No. 119074
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Femdom with smaller man and bigger lady.
No. 119088
>>119087wwas actualy gonna write knife/gunplay but with guns you can remove the
trigger or other tricks to make it harmless
No. 119104
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>>119099In the movie Saint Laurent, there's Gaspar Ulliel and Louis Garrel making out a lot and while it's very gay as in gay mannerism/faggy queens, they're still so hot.
No. 119132
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Feederism is the best ever.
Make your boyfriend fat. He can’t escape and he’ll be yours even if you leave him.
No. 119134
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No. 119139
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>>119132I’m doing that right now, starting now.
Its true love and this will only make it better.
Imagine turning The One into a glutton
I’m imagining it and now I’m going to do it
No. 119140
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Feedee here. Represent.
No. 119141
>>119139You don't have to imagine.
Men automatically stop taking basic care of themselves when they marry you.
No. 119148
>>119147I mean, I enjoy a good thicc boi myself (so long as he's shorter) and love watching men eat, but I don't want to make a guy become morbidly obese.
But if you all are indeed unique anons then…interesting.
No. 119153
>>119074Patrician taste anon, that's a hot picture. Too bad I'll never be able to engage in this fantasy because I'm already short, and the few guys who I had a crush on that were slightly shorter than didn't like that I was taller than them.
>>119080I think about this a lot, no guy has ever been comfortable in letting me engage in this fantasy though, even just the cross dressing portion. Of course, those men asked for anal from me. I said I was comfortable with anal, just not from them. They pressured for sex a few times, and finally ghosted when I wouldn't cave in. lol
>>119081Also hot
>>119085Not into feet, but jerking a guy off with my feet and watching a guy's facial expressions as he whimpers is hot.
>>119115I like watching videos of guys jerking off to porn or using dolls/fleshlights. They look so desperate and vulnerable.
>>119145No, I'm a different anon. I've always had a thing for chubby guys. Realized I had a feeder fetish when I was just a small child because of that scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
No. 119158
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Hypnosis. I prefer being hypnotized more than anything, but I also enjoy watching other people get hypnotized and living vicariously through them. I like it when they have that dazed expression on their face, I think it's beautiful. I strongly prefer when it's cute boys being hypnotized, but that's not terribly common.
It's annoyingly hard to find good real life photos portraying that moment when someone is completely transfixed. Pic related is one of my favorites.
I feel like a bit of a creep digging for videos with attractive subjects and waiting for that "perfect moment", but it's so thrilling, and I don't have many other options.
Most of the caption stuff and photomanips with swirls in the eyes don't really do anything for me. Also, I hate how oversaturated the whole kink seems to be with AGP guys who want to be turned into sissies.
No. 119159
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>>119158Pic related, another good one. Her eyes are so glassy.
No. 119189
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>>119148i agree, there's a limit to how thicc i like my men (and preferably with no beard) and pic related is only how far i would go tbh
>>119138hhhhhh yes
No. 119190
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i just want a cute boy to dress in full fetish gear so i can abuse him
No. 119191
>>119190i should specify when i say boy i mean a twinky man
ain't a childfucker
No. 119192
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>>119189the best way i can describe my ideal male body type is "1970s fat"
No. 119195
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>>119060>the un-ironic attraction to fat men that some farmer's ITT haveI wasn't even
triggered this bad by most of the shit in the shame thread.
I'm really into muscles so fatties and pencil-necks are a no-go. No. 119198
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No. 119200
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>>119197Chill, just giving you guys guff. That's what 70% of this thread is, anyway.
I wasn't kidding about my muscle fetish either, no shame.
No. 119203
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>>119115god, this, it's such a stupid fetish but sometimes I just want to see men act like the animals they are
>>119134Personally I'm more into the noncon/embarrassment factor than the actual weight gain
No. 119205
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>>119203>I'm more into the noncon/embarrassment factor than the actual weight gainthis is me with watersports. i love guys pissing themselves/getting pissed on and being grossed out and humiliated by it.
No. 119208
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>>119205You made me think of this.
I'm also low-key into piss.
No. 119211
>>119115Ever seen "Call Me By Your Name"?
I hated it but it's very relevant to your post.
No. 119245
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>>119099This bit from Eric Andre immediately came to mind:
>>119158I forgot I had a hypnotism fetish until I saw the Incredibles 2 last year (pic related). You are right about the fetish being oversaturated with sissies and weird/uncomfortable captions and photomanips. It's sad that when I think of hypnotism as a fetish, my mind immediately goes to those weird deviantArt photomanips. It makes it really hard to find genuinely good content. I do like the swirly eyes thing, but it really doesn't work on real people I guess? I mean, I think the reason why I have the fetish is from the Jungle Book of all things.
I guess I'll contribute: I've got a huge thing for MILFs and DILFs. There's something incredibly appealing about being with an older person. My earliest crush that I can remember was Helen from the Incredibles, and I was like 8 years old, so… and now that Stranger Things S3 is out, I'm only now realizing that Hopper is a fucking DILF, and I'm crushing on him hard. Not sure why it took 3 seasons for me to realize that.
No. 119256
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>>119061Obese men are the lowest form of life. Imagine having the potential to have a practical and aesthetic body, but instead choosing to be a flabby bitch of a man child. Cute cartoons can't hide the reality of flesh turned necrotic due to obesity.
>>119063Well proportioned obese women are the peak aesthetic. Don't @ me otherwise
No. 119288
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>>119256>Obese men are the lowest form of life. Imagine having the potential to have a practical and aesthetic body, but instead choosing to be a flabby bitch of a man child.It's true and you should say it.>>119263>>119277My sistren.
>>119287>NaturalStatements like this are why you all get shat on
No. 119312
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>>119309im in the process of doing this rn with a skelly.
No. 119349
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>>119309Yes! It bums me out when I see new people at the gym that kind of stay for a couple weeks and don’t go back. I’ve seen some big guys turn themselves around and look amazing.
No. 119386
I considered posting this in the old thread before, but tbf I'm not ashamed at all.
Since I first had sex I thought for years that I was super submissive, wanted to please, wanted to be fucked well rough, and it turned out that I had my wires crossed. I dont want to be the good little girl who gets fucked very hard, as porn and my naivety had me thinking, I just knew I wanted to be fucked very hard and how I wanted things, and thought being submissive suited me. I thought femdom was obscure and unfamiliar and that partners, especially men, would be weird about it.
You know where this is going. Now I'm very much the domineering one, especially when it comes to men. Especially with mature, very intelligent, usually artsy creative types who are also into degenerate shit. I love to piss in a mans mouth or on his chest and use him as a urinal. Kicking and slapping and kneeing him in the balls. Completely tying him up and blind folding him, to fuck him as I like, use him, or pour hot wax on him or whip him. Having him act as a stool or chair, having him require my permission to speak, hand signals for him to kneel at my command. Being eaten out in full lingerie including tights and almost suffocating him, and also facesitting reverse cowgirl style so I can kick him in the balls ft my stockings if needed. Spitting in his mouth and slapping him. Generally also love knifeplay, bloodplay, needleplay, wax play, any form of pain as long as I'm the one inflicting it (on him or me, weirdly). I'm average height but slim build now with small assets and tbh I think looking like the type of woman that men picture as their submissive fuckdoll, but actually pissing on them and kicking them, gives me just as much of a buzz.
It's so normalised to hear about or envision guys who love to spank women, pull their hair, make them choke on their dick and gag, tie them up in rudimentary bondage, make their mascara run, call them mildly degrading names etc etc, like even if you arent into it, you've read or heard or experienced it. Yet turn the tables and be a woman who is the boss in the bedroom and people will side eye you so hard lmao
No. 119433
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>>119203Just dropping by to say you're engaging in the kinks of the gods, anon. I fantasize about denying a man sex then watching him act the fool by furiously jerking off in front of me, because he's no better than an animal and needs that instant relief. Also watching a guy sheepishly realize he's eaten too much and his shirt is now too tight and showcasing his weight gain.
Stripping men of their dignity is the most divine pleasure there is.
No. 119482
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>>119208>Imagine having your hair freshly washed and styles, only for some man to ruin it with his pee.Man? Who said anything about men?
No. 119494
There's just something incredibly hot about androgynous or even slighly feminine guys that are well hung, ESPECIALLY if they are generally shy or ashamed of the size of their junk (just like some busty girls are ashamed of the size of their boobs and hate the fact that they can't hide them at all). Unfortunately it seems that this is a very niche fetish, but after getting into K-POP it's much easier to fantasise about it.
I think it's related to what was said here
>>119290 there's something very manly about them, but they are also vulnerable, fragile and submissive to me. Normally I'm the one that enjoys being submissive in bed, but thinking about having my way with a guy like that and making him obey me is the most exciting thing ever!
No. 119507
>>119497It's not only the surprise, it's also the contrast between his boyish body and his oversized cock.
>>119498>He only wears skinny jeans and smiles shyly when I tell him he looks like he's bursting out of his pants.GOD I'm so jealous! Please, tell me that you grope his junk often and it makes him blush. And if you don't, you should really start to do so!
No. 119514
>>119433>>119080Humiliation in particular is such a fickle thing for me. It turns me on so much, but I'm not as turned on if it's from a place of deep insecurity? I just want them to be embarrassed at the fact that they are being dommed, and blush like crazy.
I love teasing a buff boy who is sexually innocent and/or inexperienced, despite being hot and super masculine.
No. 119601
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They kinda get a bad rep because of serial killers but,
No. 119602
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>>119601there's so many sexy characters that wear masks and you pick some scrawny troon-looking thing?
No. 119604
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>>119602Fight me
I like scrawny grunge dudes alright
also just really didn't want to post literal serial killers but here we are
No. 119620
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Nice military uniforms. But especially goth military clothing. I despise the military as such and I am aware that a huge portion of it glorifies and fetishizes nazi symbolism. But I just can’t help it. It’ll make me submit within seconds if worn with the right attitude.
No. 119621
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>>119601wait that's my fetish too…
it's because i'm autistic though, no eye contact please.
No. 119639
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Neo-Nazi's falling in love with black women,Just something about the mental image of a skinhead with a SS Tattoo on his shoulder and Swastika T-shirt who has a beautiful black girl around his arms just makes me smile(necessaryspeed4)
No. 119658
>>119622>I'm not ashamed of my boyfriend being my fetish(es), living my best life hereI don't think people should feel ashamed of that, as long as it's nothing very weird and there's a genuine emotional chemistry there's nothing wrong with it.
Also, I'm
>>119494 and I'm jealous as fuck, enjoy your near-perfect boyfriend! And if you don't mind share some stories with us too!
No. 119698
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>>119664lol yeah I think it's the obvious choice. I also like the fact that they are Asians, they usually have cocks that are swarthier than the rest of their skin and I find that very aesthetic.
Something that I really like is to stare at group pictures or collages like this one and think about who has the biggest one. I know it's really shallow to focus so much on size alone, but I just can't help it.
>>119674I feel the same, I enjoy looking at pretty girls but I consider myself straight.
>>119691>Turned out to be amazing sex. No. 119699
>>119698I fucked up! The last reply was meant to be this.
>>119691>Turned out to be amazing sex.That was a huge risk, aren't guys from 4chan basically trash?
No. 119769
>>119702I can relate to this and would happily choose guys from image boards over tinder. In my experience they can be a lot more appreciative and are sometimes really thankful when you suck them off. Like anon said: most of them are virgins.
Tinder guys usually want to prove how great of a fuck they are. They want you to worship their cock and act like you're having the best time of your life while having average sex that lasts 5min tops. Nah, thank you.
Never had that with NEETs/Hikkis. They're happy with whatever action they're getting.
No. 119784
>>119639so necessaryspeed is the cuckposter
not surprising at all
No. 119805
>>119803i mean no shit lol yeah he said he's been jerking off too much so he's going to stop for a few days
i asked what he jerks off to and it isn't hentai but it is some extreme/hardcore stuff. he is into all the weird shit i like that comes with being dommed so i wasn't surprised he jerked off to a more extreme version of what we do
No. 119818
>>119812NTA, i'm the other anon and yeah a lot of farmers tend to enjoy lumping men into one big pile of shit especially if they use 4chan. i used to be that way too until i got out more and got laid more.
sage for OT/possibly annoying sperging
No. 119941
>>119691That sounds super hot tbh… Ashamed because I'm a fucking repressed virgin who only wants to save for a bf plus it's 4chan. Although because it's 4chan, it appeals to me a bit more, that and I find autism to be adorable.
I'm also pretty scared too because of what happened to that girl and that it's 4chan.
No. 119960
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>>119601I like masks that are more like this.
Like power armor or other futureisticness.
I guess it's the mystery of it, but there still has to be a good looking guy underneath it.
No. 119993
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>>119514That sounds really hot, anon. I also want my muscular men to call me their mistress, princess or queen/empress. And ofc kiss my hand etc.
No. 120426
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calaca facepaint
No. 120469
>>119060cmnf but mostly in private, maybe at specific clubs or parties, but never out in public
There‘s a scene in Mad Men that basically captures the specific fantasy linked to that perfectly.
Being locked in a hotel room/apartment/whatever for a while just to exist for someone’s pleasure. I’m only allowed to talk or do stuff that I’m told to.
Bonus points if he tells me to masturbate while he sits on a chair and watches without showing any sign of arousal. Even better when combined with orgasm denial.
I just want some middle aged, wealthy man in a suit to (want to) own me.
No. 120474
>>119190This type of clothing looks just funny to me but I love gas masks.
>>119494I had sex with a guy once who wasnt exactly feminine but very short, a bit soft, had babyface, small hands and feet. Huge cock. Im not a size queen but I liked how weird it looked. I have always been into short guys, shorter girls too but Im taller than average so they arent rare.
I have a lot of stuff I like, I was a lonely sad teen and had a lot of time to rot ny brain with porn. I have stopped watching it almost completely as an adult but I guess the damage is done. Biggest things would be femdom related and I also love eating ass.
No. 120476
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>>120474>having sex with a very short tiny babyaced manYou're so lucky, anon. What's the secret on how to get them interested? I want one in my life.
No. 120579
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>>120556>>120476cool your jets anons she described him as
> a bit softso he probably looked like Bobby Hill kek
No. 120623
>>120476I dont really know, but I think some guys can be afraid of hitting on taller/same height girls so you should clearly show your interest. Showering and being confident always works lol.
>>120556What do you want to know?
>>120579Kek. He did have thick thighs and some belly but thinner than bobby.
No. 120637
>>120623>tfw clean and okay looking and have been confident enough to ask out severalThank you anyway anon, perhaps my issue is that I'm
too confident.
No. 120790
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>all these feeders ITT
No. 120896
>>119060I had an ex who could take a fist in his ass, in our three years of dating I only did it a handful (pun lol) of times cos it was more just something I did for him..
Now I've been single for a while and I've found a male porn star who takes fists and massive strap-ons in a bunch of scenes and I can't stop watching them all the time
No. 121030
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>>119060I like teeth and eyebrows..
-and men who are manly but have softer features-
No. 121471
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I suddenly have a huge thing for grungy or rocker guys who have long hair. They have to also be twinks to some degree.
I want to watch them fuck and/or engage in casual bondage.
No. 121562
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>>121550Nice eyes, but I can't deal with the facial hair. If he'd shave that and grow his hair out some more, I'd probably be into him.
I'm personally more into Rory Culkin and Jack Kilmer in their Lords of Chaos roles.
No. 121616
>>119158I'm in pretty much the same boat as you. i hate sissy hypnosis with a fucking passion. since it became a huge thing in the last like 3-4 years, every single content creator caters to them almost exclusively because they're fucking whales. I don't even like telling people I'm into hypnosis because they'll probably think it's some weird sissy shit, and I can't really blame them. The sissy hypnosis subreddit is over 2x the size of the normal erotic hypnosis one (though that one is far too redditmale to look at anyway). The 8chan hypnosis board literally has (had I guess) wars where sissy people get pissy that people are making fun of them, and they just spam the entire board to kill every other thread.
anyway… i haven't really found a good source for hypnosis content that I like. there are a couple tumblrs with gifs that have those GOOD moments, but that's really it other than youtube, and the tumblrs like barely post.
No. 122083
>>121562Anon, you have wonderful taste.
Jack Kilmer looked so cute and innocent, I just want to dominate him. TFW when no metalhead bf and no good metalhead porn out there
No. 122138
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I got into this year. Before that I was vanilla.
No. 122140
>>122138Are you the same anon who spams this here and on cc?
I s2g my sexuality is so easily suggestible because you're getting me into it. First I was thinking "you know what, maybe a thicc boi wouldn't be bad" but now it's "what if I dated a skelly and made him chubby?"
Jesus christ I'm as bad as men.
No. 122894
>>119312Guy took the brooding chad meme seriously:
His smile and optimism gone.
No. 122903
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Another feeder anon here. What I find a little strange about myself though is that I'm super turned off by guys with even a little bit of excess pudge. I guess that because I'm a baker, I just really, really want someone to enjoy my cooking. And like, eat all of it. Maybe on a cheat day. (I do blame this one pic related Youtuber for it too, google Matt Stonie if you're like me and wanna see a cute fit boy devour pounds of junk food)
No. 122950
>>122934>>122938Patrician taste, Anons.
Truly is the best fetish.
The more they whine and struggle, the more I want to deny them and get them even more desperate.
No. 123531
>>123525>>123513Privileged men have always been able to engage in their fucked up fetish hobbies. As they were rich and powerful with free time and plenty of enablers. Even Gilles de Rais had helpers.
Now we got the net, degeneracy for everyone.
No. 124562
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For me it's girls with bangs long enough to cover their eyes. I hate myself for this but am lowkey happy that i'm the only person i know of that has a fetish for this. At least it's not illegal or disgusting.
got diagnosed with Aspergers when i was a teen so that may explain it lmao
No. 124637
>>119060I like crossdressing. Not for myself but when attractive men do it. Specifically in cosplay and/or along the lines of it (bunny suit, maid outfit, school uniform..etc)
What also would tie into this, is humiliation and domination :')
No. 125369
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Reverse traps. The idea of a women passing off as a twink is hot.
No. 125534
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Trailer trash, of both genders.
No. 125572
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big beastly hairy men. I feel as though more and more men are becoming self conscious of their body hair. the media is pushing them to groom themselves and put in effort like women have always been expected to but with that comes manscaping, shaving, perfectly groomed facial hair and waxing, much to my chagrin!
I like bulky body types but even a skinny guy (who I'm not usually attracted to) looks so much better with a thick carpet of hair on his chest. the more hair, the sexier the man (to a point, I'm not talking men with hypertrichosis) and to me there will never be anything sexier than a big, gruff, hairy beast of man especially ones who are proud of their hairiness
No. 125581
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Boys crying. Somehow it stimulate my heart boner and my ladyboner. I’m talking big, snotty heaving tears.
On top of that, male pregnancy and breeding. I know I’m gross but whatever, I’m not harming anyone or contributing to the harm of women through conventional pornography.
No. 125584
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Are you into impregnating men yourself, or is it fujoshi-style with one man impregnating another?
It's the first for me. It's taken a while, but I've analyzed it to be a manifestation of my fear of being controlled by a man in any way and bad tokophobia combined with desire for a family. idk if it's similar for you.
It's such a fucking weird fetish though, even if it can be wholesome. I'm not sure I'd admit it irl.
No. 125638
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>>125584Honestly, I live vicariously through my OTPs and I just want one to impregnate the other, pump him full of cum, and then spoil him rotten. Then they can have perfect little idealized fictional kids. The big round bellies are a plus and of course, mood swings = tears.
It’s a cringe fetish for sure but I’ve come to terms with it.
No. 125759
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>>125645You're oh so welcome anon
No. 125768
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Leatherface is absolutely perfect. He’s exactly my type and all my kinks combined into one character, southern men, being chubby and tall, hairy, and wearing a mask. He probably stinks and is sweaty too so that’s a bonus. I’m lucky to live in the south where I see guys like that pretty often. Oh and the idea of a country dude and a city girl is cute
>>125663I hate feet…. but mine are pretty sensitive so I wouldn’t mind a guy who likes them.
No. 126265
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If something enters one of your holes then he gets something in his hole too
It's only fair
No. 126297
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I watched Quills a few days ago and literally all I can think about now is Joaquin Phoenix as a hot priest, goddamn. No exaggeration, I was blushing every time he appeared on screen. It just reenforced the lowkey kink I have of seducing a shy inexperienced priest, confessing all my sins and making him desire me
No. 126346
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Jock straps are so hot. I love the way the elastic frames their asses. Yummy.
No. 126388
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Catching incels, tying them up, and giving them the time of the day but with the slowest possible action, in order to increase their frustration.
No. 126467
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>priests/overly religious guys (the more zealous the better)
>whump, blood, bruises (only on strong guys who can take a beating, if it's some frail twink it'll just make me feel bad)
>stockholm/lima syndrome
No. 126533
>>126467Sneixkzhs a cute little church boy who lives a double life.
He lives a lie about who he is during the day, being all sweet and pure, confessing his sins at church and shit. Then he comes to me, takes off his silly abstinence ring and turns back into the the disgusting, sex obsessed, sinful degenerate I made him become
No. 126559
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>>126545What would you consider worse between cucking your partner and getting fat because of overeating?
No. 126572
>>126571Whoah I'm an idiot and meant to reply
>>126569 not put in the email field. My bad
No. 126619
>>126568You don't think incest causes harm? Inb4 "muh consent between adults" it could still be considered child grooming if it's a parent and a adult child and older sibling still can have emotional power over younger etc
Incest fags are the worst
No. 126821
>>126775No you dont want older women, you just want the fantasy of it.
There are tons of old lonely lesbians that you can date if you wanted to.
From what ive noticed alot of them are hard-work and want you to act like you re their care-taker,they act like they are in a retirement home and you have to take care of them which made me lose interest in women older than 35.
No. 126849
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I just want a man to fuck me the way Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor fucked
No. 126860
>>126840>>126848I'm also into the idea of this, although I'm still a loser virgin myself (saving myself for the right person and all that nonsense).
But I am only interested in men younger than myself who are most likely virginal as well (either due to being antisocial or growing up religious). It's cute when they have no life experience in general and look up to me as a sisterly or maternal figure. I've a few friendships like this, and while none of them are "right" for me, it's still enjoyable.
But realistically I don't think it's possible to truly "corrupt" most guys unless they're low libido or literal children. They all have access to porn after all.
No. 127536
>>127081Are you me anon? I have a guy I'm hooking up with who's very into BDSM and I want to ask him to cut his initials and the word 'slut' into my thigh.
I also really get off to being marked by one guy and then fucking someone vanilla so they can see what the other guy does to me.
No. 127651
>>127499Damn, this is hot. Now I'm imaging the guy I like atm is like this since he's blunt and confident, but a few times he's let himself be vulnerable by expressing insecurity that I don't like spending time with him/forgot his name. I can totally see it.
He's a little guy too and has never had a gf.
No. 128058
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Beaten up/pink-red nose and cheeks, ugly crying; but no violence, nor aggression
No. 128278
>>128273Because it's currently a popular way to be violent against women in porn with no bloodshed but still life-threatening.
Men have been doing this to themselves in the past, and often accidentally committed suicide by hanging themselves as the lack of air strenghtens their boner. But now this is done to women in porn instead, which has led to more than a few men murdering their partners by strangling them and blaming it on "rough sex".
Basically don't do this unless you're cool with injuring or killing yourself or your partner.
No. 128293
>>128278There was a case recently enough where a young woman met someone off a kinky hook up app and he killed her in a hotel room, then said it was an accident
I tried looking it up to find her name but all google brought up was a bunch of similarly killed women
No. 128305
>>128294These were so disturbing
At first they had me looking back on my hook-up days and cringing at my risk taking but then as you keep reading you see alot of these women were in relationships with the men who gave them the most unimaginable deaths
No. 128662
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>>128658Honestly Chris seems like he could fund some kind of plain-looking woman if he treated her like a queen.
No. 128710
>>128281I thought I just had bad luck and met psychos but this is common? Men are ruined.
Makes me feel bad for liking femdom even though I would never do it if Im not sure he is 100% into it and I refuse choking completely. I dont want to be a similar porn brainwashed dumbass as those guys.
No. 131985
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Boy tummies!
Sometimes I'll start threads on r9k asking for tummy pics
I think it comes from men not having much to their bodies?
No. 134915
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>>134902Majestetic and hairy is how pussy should be.
No. 134923
i want to have sex with a zombie- and i mean a real, proper, shambling corpse, unidentifiable and falling apart. she would be completely braindead and only driven by a desire for physical pleasure. i want her to shove my face into her dried-up, maggot-infested pussy and make me lick the scum and rot from her clit. then i want to finger her gently while she tries to grip my head with her thighs, but she would lack the capacity to do so due to her gangrenous state, so instead she would fall back, splayed out, moaning and spasming while i run my other hand up her body, squeezing her breasts which would be sliding down her ribcage as though melting. when she reaches orgasm, i want to feel her clawing my hair with her gnarled, withered hands, which probably have horribly long and yellowing nails (except for where they've blackened and fallen off), i want to see her muscles contract weakly and flesh fall apart as she grinds against my face, i want her to scream so much her jaw dislocates. afterwards i carry her back to her grave bridal style and kiss her forehead before returning her to the earth, uncertain of when we will meet again but comfortable in the knowledge we definitely will.
No. 136377
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scars, specifically ones that look like they came from some kind of battle like pic related. i blame auron from ffx entirely for this one
No. 136471
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>>136461That's…. surprisingly hot as fuck, anon.
No. 136483
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Victorian and Edwardian aristocrats, oh my fucking god I am DISGUSTING for vintage sugar daddies.
Image related, Oscar Wilde.
No. 136485
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>>136461Same but the opposite. Whenever I see a silly hot villain (like this one) I want to punish him and teach that bad boy a lesson. A sexy lesson.
No. 136491
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>>136490Sorry if the quality is shitty. How do you scar fetishists like ritual scarification?
No. 136495
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>>136471>>136476picrelated is your new husbando. yw
No. 136607
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>>136485holy fuck yes that's hot
re-reading the nemu threads reminds me that i was into turbo and now thinking over my previous choice in men, it makes me realize that i love short kinda chubby smug men who i want to dominate badly.
No. 136637
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>>136490i think the combo of the scars and the tattoo is so damn hot
>>136491i think any kind of scar is incredibly hot but risen ones/ones that show an obvious wound pattern like from a knife, whip etc are especially appealing to me
you have great taste anon
No. 136640
>>136639i didn’t know if it was okay to link him before because i didn’t wanna be accused of maleposting sorry anon! it’s he’s a cringey dom account but scrotes be scrotes
No. 136657
>>136638idk, back in 2012-13 on tumblr he was big (similar to the onceler thing but more tame). the site seems to latch on weird looking male characters who look and act insane but can easily be dominant/submissive depending on your personal preferences
see: komaeda, guzma, junkrat, beetlejuice (due to the musical), gamzee, pennywise, 2019 joker. sans the skeleton is the only chill one i can remember
No. 136667
>>136643I think it's interesting how this dynamic played out like it was straight from a wildlife documentary.
>unattractive, low-test betas flock to the only female who will sexually tolerate them for a chance to reproduce>they enjoy the relationship because there's zero competition and the female doesn't demand much>the female enjoys the perks of their pooled resources and money>the female gets pregnant by one male and the others play along because the changes aren't jarring yet>when the baby is born the rival males become jealous as it's clear the dynamics are changing for the sake of another male's offspring>the baby is a screeching ball of snot, poop, and constant need that eats up their resources which reduces fun time with the female who is now focused on the baby>rival male gets so agitated that he hurts the baby>the male either abuses the baby out of agitation or finds a way to disappear or kill it so things can return to normal pre-baby with the added bonus of terminating another male's reproductive success for maybe his own chance in the futureBunch of monkeys.
No. 136731
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>>136637scars & tattoo combo just for you anon
No. 136841
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>>136731>>136794i was absolutely obsessed with Sergei after seeing his ballet video for Hozier, but he's aged like milk. he looks abysmally haggard, and his recent tattoos are just fucking awful. they include a giant Putin on his chest and a massive Joker on his arm, in addition to a ton of other ones that are just downright fugly. the ballet bad boy aesthetic was very hot, but he completely nuked his career and image by being an idiot on social media and ruining his looks. he doesn't dance anymore, and he just talks and looks like your dime-a-dozen Krokodil-injecting gopnik now.
No. 136942
>>136841Goddamn that made my pussy dry up real fast. What a bloody waste.
>>136937Do you mean whump of autists, wtf?
No. 136974
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>>136841ugh I thought he was so hot after seeing him in a movie, but some of his tattoos weirded me out (isn’t that a a white power symbol?) and now he looks like shit
No. 137011
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>>136974I doubt it's a white power symbol. Maybe some white supremacists may use it, but if this is what I think it is, it's just a symbol that conveys slavic pride. It was featured on one of percival's album covers, that's where I first learned about it from
No. 137422
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i want a high functioning autistic bf to cuddle and touch until he's super comfortable w me. idk if that's possible with high functioning autism but in my fantasy hell yeah it is. he'd be so uncomfortable our first hug and a few months later he'd find our hugs to comforting and safe. also sucking his dick would be so hot like he'd be so uncomfortable at first and then the feeling of pleasure he'd get from my mouth would help him relax and moan :')
No. 139557
>>119060>>138137This thread sure makes it feel like it…
like who the fuck are these twelwe year old wattpad fanfiction writers in here? go back to tumblr :(
No. 139559
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being spanked with paddles etc on ass and back of thighs