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No. 122009
most of the guys who have been interested in me have been really slender and fit and i'm both really tall and really fat (shapely fat tho).
people i've actively fancied and wanted to pursue haven't always liked me back, and likewise, a lot of the people i attract i don't fancy. but i think that's just human relationships in general.
my currently partner is taller and much much leaner and more active than i. he isn't a fat fetishist. likes my thick thighs and once called me a gladiatrix lol. he cares about my health but also knows that i was severely anorexic prior to getting fat and me being a bit heavy is the lesser of two evils to him, i think. he's never given me shit for my weight, he's never looked elsewhere, and he's never made me feel anything less than an attractive, respectable woman in the last seven years. i didn't think it was possible and i genuinely don't deserve him.
there is somebody out there for you too, op. just don't waste your time chasing people who clearly don't reciprocate your feelings. in dating - regardless of body type - nasty people exist, and they might be rude or dismissive of you for your weight. it's not a big deal - if anything it's an arsehole filter. also there are some people who are just mean or have intimacy issues or they're insecure - with those people, even if you weren't fat, they'd just be rude and reject you/make fun of you for something else.
No. 122040
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>>122037Seconding this. Weight doesn't matter so much. These two women are at objectively obese weights (not being rude, these are literally my stats give or take) but the ways they carry their weight are so different.
Also presentation matters, you can't get away with looking scruffy in the same way a skinny girl. You have to learn to emphasise the right stuff and look clean + groomed.
No. 122062
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Like other anons said it depends on your distribution and just how fat you actually are.
I'm 5 lbs overweight (but I do lift 6 days a week and have a healthy whr, unsure of bf% since I don't have calipers) and skellies seem to be okay with it seeing as they're the only ones who flirt with me. Although I do have trouble with
short skellies, which is a bit sad. I assume my weight is just a bit too overwhelming for them on top of the height difference.
>>122055Honestly everyone should be at least willing to date their male counterpart. I think it's a good judge as to if you're on the right track with your looks/personality or not.
A guy who looks similar to me at the same BMI would be pretty cute ngl.
>tfw no self bf No. 122063
>>122040>>122041What is this app anon? I'm curious as hell.
Anyway, I was quite a chubby girl. Around 70kg at 170cm when I first started dating my ex boyfriend. I never really thought he found me very physically attractive, never really complimented me or said anything nice. He was significantly skinnier than me but he didn't have any fetish. We eventually broke up because I didn't think he truly loved me for MULTIPLE reasons and I lost weight like crazy, my bmi went to the 16s. We bumped into each other accidentally on campus and he commented on my weight loss and immediately expressed lots of interest, texting me afterwards on how much he missed me etc. It's funny and feels good but man… yeah.
No. 122080
>>122062>Honestly everyone should be at least willing to date their male counterpartEveryone sees me and my fiancée together think we're siblings. Our friends and relatives say we're similar in every other way, too. He's still thin and I'm kind of chub.
I'm 170cm at 70kg but I'm built strong and firm and I carry my weight good so it never was an issue past 18. Teens, back in my days, were all about skellies. Now that they're all grown up, most are lusting after me or thicker people. I guess it just depends on you and were you live.
No. 122087
I will probably hit a sensitive spot of some of you but: If your face is attractive, you'll still get the hot guys. I've always been a little chub-fat, and it's never been a problem for me.. I was even confident enough for JP guys.
No. 122091
>>122055You sound salty, has a fatty syolem your dream bf?
Maybe I'm biased, but fat looks so much better on women than men because women have softer bodies in general. Fat men are super unattractive to me while I've seen plenty of beautiful fat women (and I thought so even when I wasn't fat yet). If I were bisexual, I would gladly date a fat girl while I never felt attracted to a fat male (because it makes them look more masculine). I know that some women like the dad bod/lumberjack look though so how about people continue dating according to what they find attractive? It all works out in the end.
I became a fatty due to a lot of mental health issues, I've been slowly losing weight for the last year though. My bf is 77 inches tall and a skelly. He loves me and my body (though he gently supports my weight loss due to healty reasons). I've also seen plenty couples like that (fat and short girl plus tall skelly guy). You can do this, OP!
No. 122096
>>122055>is a fetishist Lol, sorry but is a man being sexually attracted to a woman's body, especially one that's not conventionally favored, supposed to scare anybody?
Guess women might as well give up if they find out their men have preferences for any physical features lest they become objects of lust. We all know how horrible it is to be sexually desired in relationships, after all!
>or he has very low self-esteemWhy's that a fat woman's problem?
What ugly man ever complained about an attractive woman "dating down" to him?
You sound upset. What a joke.
No. 122101
>>122068the fat distribution is pretty blindingly different anon
can't hide a belly like no 1 under a shirt and have it look like no 2
No. 122748
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>>122000Hey, I'm new to this site so I don't know if this is appreciated but speaking as a 62kg, 177cm tall guy I do think what the posters talking about shape and distribution of fat is the most important part of whether I'll like these girls. Probably wouldn't ever date a girl with a huge gut but I would date this mamacita in a second.
Sorry for interrupting your girl talk(nobody cares cumbrain) No. 122755
>>122748It‘s also photoshopped to hell and back, as can be told from the suddenly soft contour of her body around her hips.
Do yourself a favor and fuck off before you embarrass yourself some more.
No. 123046
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>>122748Looks horribly fake, jesus christ
What would y'all consider to be the ideal weight for a skelly bf? Assuming about 5'6ish for example
No. 123050
>>122063late but it's! a really cool project. it was v helpful when recovering from anorexia to put my self image into perspective
also it's a woman-centred space that hasn't been co-opted by trannies yet (touch wood) and that is worth its weight in gold
No. 123081
>>123043Not to mention our bodies are physically different; as to how slowly we metabolize food due to our lesser muscle mass than men, and also for the fact that we tend to be shorter on average.
I've said this before in a different thread but I once had to hold my tongue because some bitch male coworker was crying about how he had to eat 1800 calories to lose weight and cut out beer. Meanwhile most women I know are restricting at 800-1200 calorie a day diets with exercise and cannot even look at a carb without gaining weight.
>>123050Same. helped me gain perspective too and realize that people are way the fuck lying about their weight in media lmao.
No. 123099
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im not fat but this is a good thread. almost as skelly as possible is my preference. styling is irrelevant but this is basically peak male body imo. only downside to dating guys so thin is that you feel like a fatass when you're normal or skinny, but not as skelly. there are a lot of guys that are natural skellies that don't realize how aesthetic it is to be a skelly male so they really appreciate you having thighs and stuff, but the ones that realize that skelly men obviously look the best are really vain and annoying
>>123096idk my last bf had a 17-something bmi naturally and he was much older than 16. problem is that guys get into working out really early now so all of them are trying not to be skelly.
No. 123117
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>>123051This is a 5'6 125 lb guy. You'll have to go shorter if you have your heart set on 110.
No. 123145
>>123099Ahh fck yes anon I agree!
I had always luck with getting the super skinny / skelly ones. Either they had a fetish for chubby girls or it was my face.. can't tell.
No. 123231
>>123159There's men who cheat on their beautiful wives and wreck their own families just to get some puss. A man will take his shots if he believes there will be no consequence to cheating, it's not just a fat girl thing.
In case any of you thought looking a certain way will protect you from a selfish man and his infidelity.
No. 123246
>>123234No matter how good looking a woman is, some men just get bored sleeping with the same person for years. Hell some assholes get bored while they're still in the 'honeymoon period', no stopping them guys from cheating
I was slim and 12 years younger than my last bf, he always bashed big women but then cheated with a larger, mentally ill mother of 5. Still more exciting than me cos she was something 'new' to play with. It all comes down to boredom and no loyalty
No. 124264
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How does everyone feel about twiggy captain america?