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No. 123052
>>123029Good idea!
I love that my partner and I are best friends and we actually have a language of our own with how dense our in-joke jargon got. We share pretty differing views on a lot of nuanced topics which is fun because we get to deiscuss them and change each others' minds when we make good points. We learn new things from each other constantly, since our interests and careers are pretty different as well. We have a lot of shit in common as well but for me it's the stuff we differ on that makes me appreciate our relationship. I love the amount of change my partner inspires in me.
No. 123098
I started dating my bf when I was severely depressed and a huge NEET, I don't know how he was able to overlook those things, but he did. With his kindness and patience I was able to slowly come out of this dark place and I now have a (kinda shitty) job and I'm living again. I never realized how having a steady schedules would help with depression, and he was always convinced I "wasn't originally supposed to be like that", he trusted me to make those huge changes in my life and let me live in his house, paid for my food, etc. He was never afraid I would become a leech or a dead weight, because he genuinely believes I'm smart and hardworking. I love him so much for seing those things in me.
He's always really sweet and tender with me, he genuinely thinks he's lucky to have me in his life and he believe other guys are jealous of him (lmao). It's just adorable how in love he is with me and the great thing is I'm head over heels for him to, so it works pretty well.
The thing I find the most adorable is how gently he handles me, he's always kissing my hands like they're the most precious things he's had to handle in his life. And if we have an our to kill he always just wants to cuddle with me and talk about nothing and everything.
No. 123118
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I've been with my boyfriend for 8 years and he's such a sweetheart. He still regularly schedules date nights and romantic weekend trips abroad. He helps out with cooking/cleaning. All he ever wants to do at the weekend is spend time with me by having lazy mornings in bed cuddling and chatting or staying up to the early hours of the morning drinking alcohol and playing video games. He's just so perfect and I love him so much!
No. 123122
(Sorry for cheesyness and confusion)
I met my boyfriend when I was at a very dark place in my life. I was in a toxic relationship with his ex best friend at the time. No one knew what it was like to live with him and be with him as I used to keep everything to myself and no one of his fiends knew what he was like at home and with me.
Everything started to change when I first met my current boyfriend in person. We already used to spend a lot of time together chatting via text apps, we shared a lot in common and was the first time in my life I could feel connected to a person.
When I first saw him in person, I saw his back and immediately thought "it's him" with a warmth in my heart I never felt before. I saw his smile and I kind of melted. I knew it was love at "first" sight.
Months passed and my ex and I went to his hometown, where my current boyfriend used to live. We spent all summer hanging out with him, and when we were together in group it was like the whole world vanished and we stood there, in our personal bubble with no worries in the world ever. Everyone thought I was his girlfriend and not his friend's.
As soon as I came back home, me and him confessed our feelings. That day my ex went throught my texts on my PC I left home since I was at work. I found him home covered in cuts and threatening suicide.
We broke up after that. I met again my boyfriend a month later and it was the most beautiful experience I have had in a long time. He helped me heal after years of wandering in the dark. We both went throught very hard experiences and related on every level or talked until we had clear everything in front of us.
Three years has passed and both became better versions of ourselves, we went through a lot and did it to stay strong to a point we don't need to talk to get what we're feeling. We share a lot together, he's very smart and honest and I wouldn't be so proud of myself if he weren't there to support me. I discovered so much, developted so much, learned to appreciate so much about life since I'm with him. I feel like I'm now having the dream relationship after struggling so much to find a little bit of love it is almost surreal. I'm really grateful to him and to life.
I am no longer lonely, and I now know what it's like to love and to be loved, to take care of each other, to have fun with someone, to be truly yourself. Each day is so much fun, even if we live together for a while now.
I feel like even if we'd part ways (and I hope not! I want to grow old with him and walk in parks smiling at dogs and kids playing there), I won't be lonely anymore and I'd finally know how to be a better person for anyone surrounding me.
I can finally say "I am home".
No. 123191
>>123029I love my bf so much,
I didn't grow up in a emotionally healthy household so he's been very patient with my shortcomings
This year we took a flight to the US and visited Disneyland together which was my dream since I was 5.
He supported my career as a freelance artist and does anything he can to help me, even taking time to help me table at Artist Alley events without asking for anything in return.
A few months ago he had to move away to the big city to pursue his career in making games at a company, and offered for me to move there and he could support me financially and I can do art at home.
When he's not working he comes and visits me as often as he can.
I applied for a job opening at the company he works at last week (in a different department).
I hope I get it so we can spend our lunch breaks together getting bubble tea
No. 123447
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>>123442Your post really hit close to home and it is seriously heartwarming to hear about such a treasure of a connection to someone that you have. The last part about you meeting him at the opportunity that you did instead of working it out with your ex makes me think about my own situation. Thanks for sharing with us… wishing you two the best!!!
No. 123468
>>123458I would generally give anyone the advice that if things are that turbulent during the honeymoon phase to dip and not waste years, a relationship like that is -nearly always- doomed
Glad to hear you've been in the minority to turn that around though, that day almost sounds like an epiphany for you both