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No. 127114
How often do you poop? Serious question.
My digestive system is horribly fucked up since an eating disorder a few years back, and I only poop once every 2 weeks or so. It hurts, and I'm constantly bloated. Enemas and Laxatives work, but I try to avoid those because it'll slowly become my only option. Fiber supplements don't work either. Everyone just says "Eat more!" They don't understand that I physically CAN'T, because I'm in so much pain and discomfort from not pooping regularly.
And yes, I've tried coffee and smokes.
How about you?
No. 127116
>>127114what you eats matters too, anon. Do you eat enough fruit? Melon goes straight through me. And make sure you're hydrated. You can't properly digest if you're dehydrated. Drop the enemas and laxatives. Drink more, move more, add in smoothies. Don't eat hard to digest food, like sweetcorn, or any meats. as
>>127115 mentioned, the position you use matters too. You
must squat to poo properly. That's just our anatomy and how our colon works.
>change position>eat more veg, fruits, drop processed foods and meats>drink drink drink>move move move I shit every single day. I don't feel clean unless I do (mental problems moving on). And I can't remember the last time I had diarrhea or constipation, and even then it was caused by a sickness.
going the route of unhealthy habits, like smoking or laxatives, is so counter productive and will cause worse problems down the road. The key to feeling good is to be healthy.
No. 127118
>>127114holy shit anon, you should seriously stock up on fibers, are you eating enough veggies and fruits?
Also I suggest using Squatty potty or something like it, this goes for everyone. Humans are designed to poop squatting.
Check out the fun video for more info on that.
(Honestly I'm not a squatty potty salesperson because anything could work really, lika a stool or small table.)
I poop several times a day btw.
No. 127119
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>>127118Some more info
>>127114Is the person in your pic pooping in a washing machine?
No. 127120
>>127114i feel you, I poop twice a month and it always hurts and cloggs the toilet
I've tried these laxative teas once but I seem to be one of the small percentage of people who have really bad reactions to them, i thought I was about to die from pain and getting incredibly dizzy, I had to lie on the floor to not faint
embarassing as hell, I'm so fucking glad it was in the middle of the night where none of my roommates caught me crying on the bathroom floor
I think I eat healthy enough so I'm really not sure what to do against that… probably drink more water
No. 127121
>>1271143-5 times a day.
I have IBS. I hate my life!
No. 127126
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I poop pretty regular, at least a couple times a day depending on how much I eat.
The only time I ever have a poop problem is when I get old spicy bleeding butthole.
It's when I eat something incredibly spicy, and also get constipation/diarrhea at the same time. I wind up going to the toilet so much, pushing hard, and wiping that I develop an anal fissure. So then I've got a bleeding butthole and spicy shit sliding against the open wound. Holy fuck it's so painful and it takes a couple of days for it to heal!
Rarely happens though, maybe 2 times a year, max. Sometimes zero if I'm lucky.
No. 127134
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You all are making me feel weird for shitting multiple times a day. What are your diets like? Like what do you eat in a typical day? Do you hydrate? On any medications that could cause weird constipation?
I remember I couldn't poop after surgery for like a week but the entire time my body knew it had to shit, but couldn't, so it was uncomfortable af. I can't imagine that being a daily routine.
No. 127137
>>127135For me
>two servings of pistachios with shells onLunch/Dinner
>six chicken wings>a piece of multigrain toast with a mashed avocado on topSnack
>boiled beets for a snack
>lots of water to go with all mealsAnd usually midday I walk for about an hour.
I've shat like thrice today.
No. 127139
>>127138Pistachios are pretty good for you. I like to have those for breakfast.
Beets are pretty good as well for a snack since they have lots of fiber and are not very high cal.
I will admit the chicken wing and avocado toast is pretty damn random. I think I was just slapping together whatever was in the fridge for a substantial meal.
I can name everything remaining in my fridge and tbh any two foods would seem like a weird combo.
I have frozen fish, an acorn squash, a yam, some onions, and like three korean frozen laver rolls left. I really need to go grocery shopping.
No. 127140
>>127137You shit two servings of pistachios?
You shit as often as you eat so surely you shits are tiny?
No. 127141
>>127140Could be residual shit from the day before though. It's not like I shit right after I eat. Maybe that's more like.
So how about you anon? What did you eat today and how much did you poo?
No. 127144
>>127114Honestly thanks for making this thread anon.
I've had problems with pooping very rarely since I can remember. My mom told me that even as a baby I wouldn't poop regularly and always just tiny rock hard pebbles.
I shit about once a week now, sometimes with the help of laxatives. It sucks because as soon as I haven't pooped for two days on my stomach becomes crazy bloated and I feel too insecure about it to wear anything tight. Right after I've had my weekly shit my stomach becomes flat again.
I also have problems shitting anywhere that's not my home, and even there I can only go when nobody else is there.
No. 127149
I poop everyday, it must be horrible to only do it once in a while. It was my case when I was little, but now it's everyday, with no precise hour, once or twice a day.
I usually wait until I feel like I reaaally need to shit before going because I hate having to wait and push.
>>127146>I hate how fast almond milk spoils, had a batch turn purple within one day ew.Uhh that's not normal. Most plant milks have ingredients for conservation in them so they don't spoil fast. Try another brand, also I recommand oat milk, not sure if it's less gassy but it tastes good lol. And to keep gas low on a plant based diet, remember to soak beans before cooking them.
Going vegetarian actually made me fart a lot and quite odorous but I'm pretty sure it's because I put raw cabbage in my salads…
No. 127153
>>127151do you scarf down your food when you eat? you might be swallowing too much air. try to slow down when you eat and avoid swallowing too many huge solid chunks of food - it's gross but your digestion will be much smoother if you swallow your food when it's basically turned to liquid in your mouth.
it could also be a reflex problem. try popping a few tums before meals.
No. 127154
>>127151Pooping more after lifting is understandable. All that movement is going to get blood flowing and get your bowel working! It's like when you walk a dog and it poops, even though it's just pooped at home in the yard. The walking can stimulate them into needing to go, just like you and your exercise.
I shit like clockwork. Twice or three times a day. Once an hour after I get up, again around midday and another in the evening. It's never gross looking until I'm on my period then it's like playing russian roulette with the toilet bowl. I used to have severe IBS symptoms but cleared that up by fixing my diet and exercising consistently. I recently switched from being vegetarian back to eating meat again and I feel a lot less bloated and am no longer being crippled by farts.
But yeah… look after your shit, it can tell you a lot about what's going on inside of your body!
>>127151Maybe try taking a peppermint supplement. I find taking one of those or sipping peppermint tea settles any wind I have.
No. 127156
>>127153that might be it. I'm so used to eating meals in 15 minute breaks because of work.
I'll try slowing down and hopefully that will help. Thank you
>>127154I'll try this as well! Thanks
No. 127167
I'm so jealous of the anons that can poop more than once a day. I'm lucky if I can do it once every other day, and I don't know why. I eat prunes every day and most of my diet consists of mainly meat, vegetables, fruit, water, and tea. The only thing that I know for sure will help get things going is my ADHD meds. And even then, it doesn't work all the time.
I know a lot of people have said that coffee is a great kick-starter, but I can't drink it because I'm hyper-sensitive to caffeine (I can't even eat a square of dark chocolate at night or else I will stay up all night, that's how sensitive I am).
Also, does anyone else apply lube to their hole before they go?
I saw it mentioned in a Reddit thread like half a year ago, and it changed my life.
The poo literally just slides right out. Combine that with the Squatty Potty, and you'll have the smoothest shits ever.
No. 127185
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>>127181i love that since there is a company marketing a pooping device, this info is spread like wildfire.
nonetheless you dont even need a squatty potty, just lean forward a lot with your upper body. I was camping once and had to squat down in nature and it was hands down the best shit ive ever taken. since then I only ever poop like this at home too.
When I have my own home, I want to install an asian toilet where you can only squat down.
No. 127186
>>127181>>127183>>127182More like they don't get enough fiber in their diet; therefore it takes them longer to poop. Same goes for women.
Hell, same goes for most people.
No. 127189
>>127185> I was camping once and had to squat down in nature and it was hands down the best shit ive ever taken.On the subject, I love camping in the wild but I hate taking shits outside. It stinks, there is no flush button to make the poop and toilet paper magically disappear, and wiping is a chore.
Anyone have tips and techniques?
No. 127197
>>127194I wish people stopped grouping non-Europeans cultures and peoples together as if we were a monolith. The same goes for Europeans to be honest, but seeing people talk as if Papuans, Japanese and Lebanese have a lot in common on the basis of being
not white is ridiculous and annoying.
>asian/african/south american foods areDo you realize how big Asia is, and how many different cultures and ethnic groups it has? Same goes for Africa and South America, but it's even more absurd regarding Asia.
sage for OT rant
No. 127199
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i pretty much shit every night. i don't know why but it feels like a routine now
No. 127201
>>127192>>127194You must be American, otherwise you'd know that this is completely false.
>>127193I agree. People who believe it are usually not very informed about our different cultures and believe europe consists of scandinavia, germany and france, kek.
No. 127207
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On Saturday I'm invited to a birthday party. I haven't see my friend for a year now, since she lives quite far away. This would be only the 3rd time I'd meet up with a friend this year, so I really feel like I should go (and I also miss her dearly…).
However, apart from her there's only one other girl I'm friends with going to be there - I don't know the others, so that makes me extra nervous.
My very first thought when she invited me was,"Oh god, on Saturday I have Uni all day long, that will already be a problem with my IBS. But then additionally driving for 1-2 hours and meeting strangers for several hours…" The worst thing is: whenever I don't eat for let's say more than 5 hours I will get diarrhea as soon as I eat again. So what if I don't find time to eat before - or if I still need to go even after though I ate…? When I'm at home I really go after nearly every single meal; I also always get up earlier just so that I have enough time before having to leave the house.
Any ideas about what to do? It's a goddamn circle: be nervous about doing something -> need to shit -> avoid going out/doing stuff because of that -> get even more anxious and less used to social situations, and so on…
No. 127211
If I don't poop as soon as the urge hits, I can't poop at all until I get another urge to poop. This can take 15 minutes if I'm lucky, or typically hours. Sometimes it's more than 24 hours. I also can't poop away from home, no matter how hard I try, unless I am in a hotel or something and have the whole room to myself.
>>127181I can't squeeze it out by force, either. I just wait for the urge and it comes out with little effort.
>>127189Dig a hole and use a portable bidet after the first few wipes.
>>127208I'm sorry you had that experience, that's rough. I remember when I visited my brother in college for three nights. Couldn't poop because none of the bathrooms nearby were private, and by the time I could reach the single occupancy bathrooms, the urge had passed. I was only supposed to stay two nights, but there was a delay with the train I was taking back. Agony.
No. 127213
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>>127212i feel for you anon.
last week on my day off, my boyfriend and i went out and had and super romantic fun day together. like literally nothing went wrong the entire day, until we got home.
i really needed to go #2. and when i did i not only clogged up the toilet, but the bathroom flooded.
my boyfriend decided to plunge the toilet and clean up, and the whole time he was getting grossed out and making this ashamed expression at me. (even though i offered to do it myself, he was adamant about doing it himself???)
but yeah it really ruined our perfect day.
No. 127220
When I was in school (both general education and university) my body absolutely hated me. I could clog any toilet with my shit.
Seriously. I could literally shit bricks. I fucking hated it. I even, in an attempt to plunge the shit down, managed to make the toilet overflow in a university apartment. More than twice. In college, it got so bad that I did a minor
>>127215 thing where I would break up my shits with a pair of disposable gloves on because I knew plunging wouldn't be enough/efficient. It fucking sucked and has induced a public pooping paranoia on me where, unless I am having some sort of explosive diarrhea, absolutely refuse to shit in public because I am afraid I will clog a toilet.
But however, now that I'm out of school, I have had absolutely zero issues and can poop successfully every morning before I go to work. And they're a good texture–not too hard, not too soft. I don't know what the hell is up with my body. Stress, I guess, caused it? Because my diet hasn't changed really since school, and I've been out of college for three years. I'm still scared to poop in public places, though.
No. 127223
>>127222Holy shit anon you have roids or a fissure go see a doctor ffs don't you think shitting blood is enough of a wake up call?
In the mean time, lots of water, green vegetables and high Fibre every day. Don't strain and push on the toilet, if it's not coming then go drink lots of water and take a stool softener before coming back. Use a bidet or wet tissues when cleaning if you can.
If it's uncomfortable to sit, look into hemorrhoid creams and donut pillows
No. 127228
>>127114Finally a thread where I can comment something useful. My digestive system completely went to shit from my late teens and into my twenties, getting progressively worse since I first started my period. I was constantly exhausted, with abdominal pain, and would always be in worse pain if I ate something. Got anorexic levels of skinny without being ana chan, and was on the toilet for at least two hours a day. I would have put a TV in there if I had the energy.
Turned out I have Crohn's diseases and the treatment options are shit. Can be drugs that either don't work or give you cancer, don't work and still give you cancer, can be surgery so you carry your poop in a bag attached to your body and fuck no, and you can die from it young if you're really unlucky.
Anyhow, treatment options terrified me as much as the disease, so I tried going vegetarian for a month, with a lot of soy milk, which made things even worse. Then found this retarded idea on the internet about a diet which was 70% fat. But I had nothing to lose. Gave keto a go and the pain was gone within a week, then the fatigue lifted. Gained weight back, now going to the gym and building muscle, living my best life and never going back. Fuck pastries, bread, rice, pasta and all processed shit, all of it, including the hippie dippy alternatives that idiots like Goop market. I'd rather eat meat now, and liver, fish, butter and coconut oil, heavy cream and eggs, stuff like that, with occasionally a little fruit, because fiber is a meme but fruit is nature's candy and a treat. Poops are fine and don't hurt anymore.
No. 127229
>>127118Fiber can make constipation worse and rip up your bowel, resulting in pain. Drink more water and add coconut oil to green tea to make shit slide out smoothly.
Sauce:>Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms>Patients who stopped or reduced dietary fiber had significant improvement in their symptoms while those who continued on a high fiber diet had no change. Of those who stopped fiber completely, the bowel frequency increased from one motion in 3.75 d (± 1.59 d) to one motion in 1.0 d (± 0.0 d) (P < 0.001) No. 127232
>>127231>>127229The article seems a bit… dodgy. Absolutely no mention of the crucial distinction between insoluble and soluble (for me insoluble: useless, soluble: miracle) and the weirdest thing - no description or discussion of what the zero fibre diet entailed. Just oh they stopped all fibre. What, how? What did they eat? It's a suspicious omission that suggests they were on liquid diet and the one movement a day is some liquid one. Article has very few legit citations.
There may be something to it but… be cautious
No. 127240
>>127239>>127238Go see a doctor anon, shitting blood is
never normal.
No. 127244
IBS is destroying my life.
I truly believe it's the main source of my terrible anxiety. When an important event is coming up, either an exam or a journey, then the thing that makes me the most nervous and scared is, "Will I be able to go to the toilet in the morning???" Because if I don't and my anxiety gets too much, then I will get diarrhea.
I panic if I don't manage to go to the toilet before leaving the house, because I dread having to go while in class or during work.
I usually shit multiple times a day, it's as if I am addicted to it. If my intestines are not empty, then something bad could happen.
Thinking back I've had this problem for ages already. Even back then as a young teen I was worried during sleepovers, about going to the toilet. When is the best time? Is everybody asleep already, can I secretely go to shit? So being somewhere for more than half a day, makes me feel awful. I was to the doctor so often, thought I'm allergic to dairy, and so on, he never found what causes it, but now through internet research I'm quite sure that it's just a mental problem. Cutting out certain type of food would have been easier.
In 3 weeks I have a christmas party from my workplace: work from 2 to 8 and then immediately head to the restaurant… I especially get diarrhea often if I haven't eaten for a long time and then eat a big/hot/greasy meal. Such as it will be in this case. Great.
No. 127249
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Anyone else improve pooping by starting to drink coffee?
I've never had horrible issues with BMs but usually my stool would be harder and I'd poop once ever 2-3 days. I got into coffee about a year ago. It wasnt my intention that itd improve my BMs but it's an accidental bonus. Now I've been pooping about once a day and it isnt strenuous. I'm in and out of the bathroom pretty quickly
Side note I dont drink an absurd amount of coffee. Average 1-2 cups a day
No. 127250
>>127249same here!!! I drink 1-2 cups everyday as well and it has seriously improved my movements. now I can go to the bathroom once or twice a day, and it's always quick!
if I don't drink coffee I can go 2-4 days without pooping, but if I do poop it can be painful, difficult, or take forever..
No. 127252
>>127244Do you take any medication with your IBS? A lot of my cramping and shits are from anxiety driven, but also not going daily. I went back to a new gastro doctor last month who told me to stop taking my hyosycamine and docustat, and start taking 2 doses of basically Metamucil. If that didn't help they would introduce a fiber supplement, except the issue after trying the Metamucil for a week and the fiber supplement is I started to get the shits way more. Took one fiber pill and boom, next day on the toilet for several hours with tons of pain, 3 times in one week. I went back to taking my docustat but the past few days I've been going normal.
My doctor say if there was still cramping he would start me on a low dosage antidepressant but I still think the anxiety should be addressed as well. I have IBS-M(mixed, constipation and diarrhea. I've been trying to phone him all week to discuss what to try next but no luck.. I can't get a job with this up and down randomness of never be able to have a proper routine and the stress/anxiety of the cramping prevents me from holding a full time job. I got fired from my one job for calling off too much.
Someone once told me they do this experimental test where you basically swallow a pill that is someone else's shit, and your bowel system takes on that persons bowel movements but it's only used in extreme cases like celiac or chrons disease.
No. 127264
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My butthole is always dry so I have to moisturize it with vaseline. Why does it get so dry
No. 127271
you dont know how good you've had it until it's gone. the last week or two i've had painful shits because of stress eating, which means carbs ontop of carbs stuffing my stomach until i feel like throwing up. the shits are what i imagine anal sex without lube would feel like, while being shy and fucking going right back up.
I used to wonder why people take their phones to the toilet. When I was good about my weight loss, poops just slid right out like a lozenge, super satisfying, i'd get up and think, "man that was a good shit." And even be a little proud of it. A long soft round turd tapered at the end naturally lubed and firm but springy. It'd take under a minute, so I didn't understand people who say, "Saw this on the toilet." I'd go once a day or eod, never even thought about it. Now, I go every other day or so and I'm scared that it'll hurt. Damn I'm scared for you guys who go once a week!! I already have strained shits (cause of carb stress eating) and I worry I'm going to pop my intestines or something. I can't imagine people who take 30m or 1hr shits. One time it took me 10min and I started crying worried I'll never shit again (tfw hypochondriac)
When I was dieting I have a serving of vegetables everyday bc that's one of the only things worth the calories lmao. For example vegetable medley's, a serving of salad, or 10 brussel sprouts daily, sometimes with oatmeal and probiotics. I'm sensitive to caffeine so I still take a cup of coffee decaf cut with half-and-half. And those were the days I had splendid shits I took for granted. I feel honestly sad for people who abuse laxatives. In my ana-chan days I did use them but it was limited so I'm glad it didn't do any lasting damage. One time I used s much I ended up at the ER thinking the pain will end me… (hypochondriac) I can't imagine what crapping once every 10 days would be like when I get scared if I go less than once every 2 days. I guess I'm saying I'm proud of my shits at least LOL. when I was good about my diets I felt like I had just won the guinesses world record for long and beautiful shits each time. Eating a packet of vegetable medley right now as I type. It's been getting better. But I had a whole pizza today too from stress.
No. 127274
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how do i deal with this? i nearly end up using a whole roll every time i go
No. 127277
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>>127275yes, i do lol
had to google what a "bidet" was but i do have something like pic attached>>127276ah, i'll keep that in mind and start eating more fiber!
Thank you for the advice anons
No. 127282
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>>127274Wipe like twice, and then blast with a handheld bidet. Pic related is $10 on amazon. Pat dry with more tp. A built in thing like you mentioned here
>>127277 is probably nicer, but a travel one is really just fine, too.
No. 127288
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I ate a bunch of homemade tacos loaded with red onions for lunch.
I've been trying to go to bed since midnight but I felt really bloated. Like I had the sensation of wanting to crap but nothing was coming out. Suddenly, twenty minutes ago, the hellish anal dam finally ruptured.
The bathroom…it just reeks like someone cut a rotten onion. I had no idea my body was capable of this reek. You know when you go into an apartment building and you smell other people's cooking on each floor and you go "What are they cookin'?" It's that, plus crap.
No. 127289
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Not shit-related yet still ass-related:
I found this huge lump on my right ass-cheek and I’m not sure if it’s super srs business. I remember a bug biting me (probably an ant) but idr if it was on my top bunker (bed) or the couch where I currently sleep on, and that bite was a few days ago.
Forgot to mention that puss is leaking out of that bump
No. 127291
>>127289Looks like a pustule to me, not a bite. But I don't know where you live so I wouldn't be able to tell you if there's a nasty bug capable of such a thing. It's just that bug bites tend not to leak pus, the fact that it's doing it means it's infected.
Best drain, sanitize, and bandage it.
No. 127292
>>127289I had something similar happen to me. Except it was on my foot. After a day of looking OK, like it was getting better, my foot turned green in the span of two hours. I high tailed it over to the ER and they put me on strong antibiotic pills. Yes, just a bug bite. But sometimes you're unlucky and they get infected, especially if its on a spot where a lot of friction is generation that can aggravate the sore and prevent it from healing properly.
Keep an eye on it anon, it could get serious.
No. 127293
>>127291I live in Texas in an area of my city that’s prone to have spiders, cockroaches, etc..
>>127292Now I remember something bit me from behind while at my bunker trying to get something. I no longer sleep there because there are spiders on the ceiling so I’m forced to sleep in the living room (along with other fam issues to why). I do hope it’s not a spider bite…
About 6 months ago, my mom got bit by a spider at her job and went to the emergency room a week after because she could no longer stand the pain on her ankle where it bit her after so many failed home remedies. Surgery was a success and she had full use of her leg again. I just hope it’s not that serious for me
No. 127297
>>127296I don’t have medical insurance
>>127295Can you get staph from a bug-bite?
No. 127299
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Update: I feel like it’s getting smaller and hurt less but idk if this is looks like it’s healing? It’s been two days since I’ve posted the previous
>>127289 No. 127300
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>>127299Hey! It looks like you forgot to spoiler that picture of your weird ass lump you just posted. Can I help with that?
No. 127311
>>127146I used to drink a lot of soy milk(vegan) I had the same problem, but really what can you expect when you're drinking literal bean water.I just stopped drinking milks.Coconut/Soy/Almond are the most accessible but if money is not a problem cashew/oat/hemp/rice are other options + consider getting milks with preservatives.
>>127165some are really oily..
>>127174oatmeal is under-rated also how you cook + how much water to oatmeal you use is important.
>>127180Yes I'm not sure if it's something I've always had or a result of some risky sexual behavior.Either way it's been getting better lately, but I'm still worried.
>>127181sometimes you have to force it but I don't think it should be considered safe:>inb4 webmd is 怖いI realized sort of late how old this thread is but maybe someone can find this useful.Also I don't study shit.. I just know shit
No. 127314
>>127313i'm so glad i grew up in a household that was open to EVERYONE farting and talking about their bathroom issues. my mom has IBS so it was definitely normalized for me, i can't believe how many households tell women farting and pooping is just a man thing.
my best friend used to get severely anxious using public restrooms because she feared knowing other people heard her going to the restroom. she told me i helped her get rid of that fear when i would invite her to come into single stall restrooms with me when we both had to go because i'd just be like "it'll be faster if we go in together"
tbh, i used to be the same way with pooping, but i got over it when i would sit in bathrooms for long periods of times, either due to diarrhea or just sitting with my phone for a while, and hear other women poop and fart and then realize "they won't remember me or who was in that stall if i stayed here long enough" over time i just went "fuck it, i have things to do" and that anxiety pretty much left me.
No. 127317
>>127315Because when you sit down on the toilet it aligns the muscles to release farts
Also why do we have this thread when there's a bathroom thread on /g/ lol
No. 127318
>>127317It's not because of sitting down, men also fart before peeing when standing up.
>>127315To pee we have to relax our pelvic floor muscles and these muscles also control our rectal area.
No. 127321
>>127318>men also fart before peeing when standing upI have to wonder how you know this
It must be at least in part due to sitting down though, as it's harder to hold in a fart when you bend over