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No. 132014

Female Dating Strategy is a subreddit which was created in February 2019 as part of the larger arising of pp’d subreddits (such as r/vindicta, r/pinkpilledfeminism, r/trufemcels, etc.)

Female Dating Strategy is a female-only subreddit that was created in the interest of helping women to achieve their goals in dating, whether that be LTR, marriage or just FWB. It is centred entirely around maximising female benefit and minimising costs/risk. More saliently, due to its policy of being aggressively pro-female, FDS promotes a very unforgiving and cutthroat approach to interactions with males. In many respects, it is a response to the presence of the ‘manosphere’ and in particular TRP.

Important links:
https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/wiki/ideology Ideology of FDS
https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/dugj5t/fds_guide_nonmainstream_opinions_and_strategies/ Non-mainstream opinions and strategies held by the sub
https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/deoi18/psa_femaledatingstrategy_doesnt_believe_in_asking/ PSA on asking men out
https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/d22vzv/given_that_the_risks_of_sex_are_way_higher_and/ why sex shouldn’t be had easily
https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/dblfg2/mythology_break_down_1_men_telling_you_youll_max/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf debunking the wall
https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/dfeq1s/various_hacks_will_encourage_you_to_not_get/ on why career > dating for most women
https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/e7m5m4/the_most_important_fds_message_you_are_not/ women are not responsible for male depravity
https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/wiki/recommended_reading other links

No. 132015

I feel this might fit better in /g/

No. 132016

>It has been proven time and time again that asking men for their number, asking them out on dates, initiating texts with them, traveling to meet them instead of them coming to you, and splitting the bill – they don't work if you want a relationship with a man who's crazy about you, provides, and is proud to have you as their girlfriend.

Amen to this. Don't chase men, ladies. If there's one thing in current dating that really peeves me, it's this. Some women think they're being empowering by overperforming when all they're doing is attracting low-effort males who will only see these actions not as a signal of ambition, but of useful idiocy. They get the boost of ego without having to risk rejection because the woman is doing all the legwork. Don't give them this power over yourselves, you're making it too easy for them to use you.

No. 132017

I agree, it's more of a /g/ topic.

No. 132018

If the topic is pinkpilled/GC, putting it on /g/ means some whiny handmaidens will show up to cry about how they love penis or whatever, won't it?

No. 132019

I wonder how well this strategy would work in Scandinavian countries. Where I live it's not as many who think men should pay for dates - especially not more than the first one. It's considered old-fashioned and gold digger-ish. Is it more of a norm in the US?

No. 132020

its literally called Female ""Dating"" Strategy

No. 132021

same with my country, while some of the strategies might apply its clear somethings can't really translate to the culture we have here

No. 132022

This, the strategy is specifically for pinkpilled straight women, since most dating advice given to women is male-centred. Pick-mes would simply derail it.

Its ideology is radfem-adjacent and many of the mods/posters come from r/GC

No. 132023

How can I tell if a man is into me but trying to hide it because it would be inappropriate, due to the fact that we live or work together?

No. 132024

I found out about /fds/ in the reddit cringe thread and after browsing the sub for the last couple of days I don't understand why it got called cringy by several anons.
My relationship of 11 months just ended through mutual ghosting and I don't feel like dating at the moment but I plan to follow some fds advice if I start pursuing relationships again.

No. 132025

"While we believe in having your own career and making your own money, a man still has to add financial value to your life and make you feel like he can take care of you. This means not splitting the bill and not dating financially challenged men."

This is not radical.

No. 132026

yes tbh unhide the board and just ban the scrotes same as before

No. 132027

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I’ve been browsing /FDS/ semi-regularly since around November. There are definitely some cringy aspects of the subreddit, namely certain posters and the ‘yas Queen’ twitter bullshit. Most of the ire generated by FDS I think proceeds from the fact that males have a vested interest in keeping women’s standards and self esteem low, so that they can remain competitive. The male sexual imperative involves copulating with as many fertile high value women, for the absolute lowest investment as possible. Since FDS advocates in gatekeeping access to sex until a certain degree of male investment is procured (a measure of self preservation since it’s meant to ensure you don’t get p ‘n’ d), the FDS philosophy is antagonistic towards the fulfilment of that sexual imperative. The very same people (particularly males) who whine about FDS will handwave the existence of TRP, despite it essentially being the male equivalent and just as Machiavellian.

No. 132028

It is nowadays

No. 132029

Agreed. Men are so desperate to convince women that the lowest of standards are unreasonable.
One time I told a group of male acquaintances that I wanted a partner that took care of himself, had common interests with me, showed me respect and didn't expect me to act like his mother and they acted like I had shot all of their pets in front of them.
FDS is just taking men at their word when they say who they are.

No. 132030

>Most of the ire generated by FDS I think proceeds from the fact that males have a vested interest in keeping women’s standards and self esteem low, so that they can remain competitive.
Yeah, FDS is nowhere as vitriolic as its male counterparts like the redpill or mgtow yet it's being branded as being "just as bad" by a lot of people.

No. 132031

What really bothers me about FDS and trufemcels and even the pinkpill sub is that a lot of the users are literally teenage girls who genuinely believe that they're doomed to a life of misery because their crush ignores them. I'm not trying to invalidate them because school was hell for me too but how can you seriously call yourself a femcel at 19 years old? These subs are just so juvenile to me. They're not as violently unhinged as the male counterparts but its just very cringe.

No. 132032

>males have a vested interest in keeping women’s standards and self esteem low

Truth. And patriarchy is an unnatural affair that enables subpar men to spread their genes. The world would look very different if women were not oppressed and discriminated against, had good self-confidence, as we would only pick the most suitable and good men. We can still remember our value and only choose the men that lives up to our standards.

Still wondering how much luck FDS anons have with making men pay for everything though. That seems to be one of the most important rules of that sub.

No. 132033

It's nowhere as prominently exhibited as with the bullshit discourse of "women's romance novels create unrealistic expectations just as porn does for men so it's equally harmful!". Expecting your partner to be attentive, caring and well-behaved is apparently the same as expecting them to be consenting to anal sex, ass to mouth and having gravity-defying large tits with a shaved, bleached innie vagina. Requiring the bare fucking minimum is considered too much for women.

No. 132034

Thats so funny to me because usually the male protagonists in romance novels are straight up rapists or apathetic assholes. The 50 shades boom produces many novels with abusive males leads and almost all classics from like the 70s are also problematic as fuck. Scrotes are sperging about shit they have no clue about as always.

No. 132035

>The world would look very different if women were not oppressed and discriminated against, had good self-confidence, as we would only pick the most suitable and good men
Definitely. The other part of their strategy is to ensure women are DESPERATE to be married and have children before a certain age. Men use scare and shame tactics incessantly against women who dare not to do either or wait until they are older, because a woman who refuses to play the game is a direct threat to male interests. The combination of low standards/self esteem + a time limit for when we are 'good enough' to find a partner ensures scrots get to marry women who are much younger and better looking than them. Then they treat their wives like garbage with no consequences, because men also revile single mothers to give them incentive to stay with shitty men no matter what.

Women have to become comfortable with the idea of being alone if we're ever going to change male behaviour for the better and keep ourselves safe.

No. 132036

This is why I left r/vindicta and the related discord. Several of the members there are very young and have a laundry list of surgeries to get. While they may be average, it really can't be healthy to keep making morphs of yourself with only the tiniest of changes.

No. 132037

I completely disagree with this. I did all of this at the beginning of my relationship with my husband. We've been together for 6 years, and he financially provides for me while I'm in school (including the cost of school).

No. 132038

In what respect did you ‘chase’ him? Because not chasing a man doesn’t mean not initiating conversations, but rather ensuring that you don’t ask him out on dates or actively court a man who clearly lacks interest.

No. 132039

If it's inappropriate and he's trying to hide it, don't chase him, anon. Have dignity and don't shit where you eat.
You all gotta stop talking to online weirdos (I mean we are too, but women aren't degenerates like moids) and talk to some normies with core values who understand that women also want to be attracted to their partner. If you have to date men, find one who plays sports and at least has a nice body and understands teamwork.

No. 132040

>1.Be a high value woman.

Everywhere we go, we are treated like fucking objects. Ffs, stop it. Women don't have a value, we aren't related to the Stock Market in any way. We are human, thanks.

>She has her own career, hobbies, and a great social life that fulfills her emotional needs.

"you have to be the perfect, flawless bussiness woman to start dating correctly"

Yikes. I understand some of the points they are trying to come across but the phrasing is wonky. I know it's trying to tell women to develop themselves without focusing on males, but at the same time it can be read as "be perfect or no quality man will look at you twice".

I'm going to tell you a secret, anons. Don't date. At all. Why suffer through all of this when you can just forget about dating and, as the first rule says, focus on your life?? Men are all the same, if you don't like their general behaviour (male socialization) you won't like any of them. There's no special-snowflake-prince-charming waiting for you out there, and sure as hell there's no (rad)feminist man who will understand you. The sooner you understand this, the better.

No. 132041

Never been on FDS but I've never had trouble with it.
Works best if you act willing to pay/split and then they'll insist on paying for you.
At least that's how it's always been with me when I dated.

No. 132042

i need romantic love anon…

No. 132043

Yeah, it's unreasonable to expect all straight women to give up on romantic love. I still help my het friends with their love lives even if I fucking hate men with every fibre of my being because I want them to be happy

No. 132044

He’s extremely hot, and I think he may want to at least fuck me. He acts awkward around me, sometimes finds lame excuses to talk to me, but always keeps it 100% flirt free. I won’t be living/working here forever and I really just want to fuck him, but I’m so shy and awkward around moids when they’re actually fuckable, as I’m used to settling for ugly betas due to ripping insecurity.

No. 132045

How do I entice a man into being my fuckbuddy without being desperate and chasing him?

No. 132046

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I have a problem with FDS because they all seem to chase the same type of man. For me, a high value man is emotionally stable, caring, patient, not hypersexual (ideally a virgin), good looking, youthful somewhat feminie, loyal, etc. I wouldn't want a guy who pays for anything and is a provider or an "alpha" male. I'm curious if any anons feel the same?

No. 132047

isn't this manga shotacon? what are you trying to imply here???

No. 132048

I got that pic from some imageboard. I am into guys who are the same age as me (mid 20s).

No. 132049

nta but I thought the author clarified that it wasn't shotacon…I haven't read it myself so I don't know

No. 132050

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I read it some time ago, but I remember being kind of uncomfortable with how the relationship between the 30 year old woman and the (14-15?) boy was developed. Like, the woman couldn't restrain herself from being attracted to him, so she ghosted the kid for years. Eh… Reminds me of some lolicon mangas where the teacher is OBVIOUSLY ATTRACTED to the 6 year old kid but he tries not to give in to his fantasies (yuck)…

Sorry for derailing.

No. 132051

There's actually been a couple timeskips and the kid is in high school now. She's never really admitted she loved him, but he confessed to her in a way. Still a chance he'll end up with a classmate.

No. 132052

can you shut the fuck up

No. 132053

This is what happens when you try to discuss dating on an imageboard, someone derails with underage manga shit instead.

No. 132054

This, a high value man to me is empathetic and virginal as well.

But I also think the philosophy behind FDS is that no naturally kind males exist so seeking these sorts out is pointless, and that only money and looks can be the benefits of engaging with men.

No. 132055

all I want is just a young cute virgin boy who doesn't watch porn :(

No. 132056

you sound pedo

No. 132057

I hope it's ok to ask for dating advice here, since it's FDS-centric.

I've been in a relationship with this guy for a few years. He's a gentle nerd type. However, I make $10k a year (student) and he makes $200k with $100k in savings. He insists on splitting the bill every time. He even keeps track of minor expenses from over a year ago, and the value of gifts - only brought it up once, but it made me feel awful.

How should I handle this? He grew up very poor, and hates spending money on himself, so I feel bad trying to force him.

No. 132058

Holy shit, dump him. I don't think bill splitting is the worst thing in the world later in a relationship and I think frugality is usually a good trait, but the disparity in income is too much to justify it. What a fucking scrooge.

No. 132059

Keeping track of the value of gifts sounds like a controlling fucking nightmare. Gifts are gifts. There's no obligation put on someone for accepting them and there isn't a scale you have to balance.

This seems like a pretty big red flag.

No. 132060

He isn't a poor boy anymore. He makes so much more money than you. Talk to him about it.

No. 132061

What I don't like about /FDS/ is the gold digger mentality. I don't have a problem with gold digging, that's the traditional normal role for a woman.

However some women forget that an "alpha" man who provides also means control. These birds chasing old rich dick often end up used for a Chanel bag. That's pathetic. They're so delusional thinking they will finesse old experienced men lol.
Not to mention that these strategies don't work for ugly women. The "man must provide" mentally often implies that a woman's value is first and foremost her body.

The reality is: best couples are those where the two partners are equal (looks, status, age).

No. 132062

it's just sugar baby rhetoric with a little more misandry sprinkled in.

No. 132063

I've literally never seen FDS say that women should be going after rich old farts or that women should be completely financially dependent on men. The point of having the man pay for dates and financially provide is because it weeds out the men who aren't willing to invest anything into a stable relationship. It makes sense in that context. Do you honestly believe the man who buys you a McChicken and expects to fuck on the first date is more willing to invest in a relationship than the man who actually puts in effort to impress you?

No. 132064

Actually I don't see too much of that on there. Its mainly taking care of yourself and building yourself up. Not looking for a man who will provide for you all the way.
Looking for man to pay for your date is not the same thing.

No. 132065

The problem with gold digging is not having your own money and therefore relying on a man for it. Another problem is lowering your standards in other areas in order to prioritize money. It's not the same as expecting a man to invest financially in you to prove he's actually interested and not just trying to get the easiest fuck possible out of your interactions, and I've never seen FDS encourage women to date or 'finesse' old men, the opposite is more common.

I can understand finding it uncomfortable. I've always liked to pay for myself for a few reasons… so he doesn't think I owe him anything, so he knows I'm not poor, and yes, in a pickme-esque fashion I didn't want to be seen as a gold digger. I just genuinely don't need a guy's money so it felt like selling myself short if I acted like I did, as if we aren't equal even in finances. But men have pretty much forced our hand, if we could assume they weren't trying to get low effort sex out of every date, if we could be equal without them taking advantage at every opportunity, we wouldn't need to vet them like this.

No. 132066


On reddit they're all obsess with providing and I've seen typical Sugar bb tweets like "dating young men is like an unpaid internship"….It's also very common in women's forums.

A rich guy taking you to fancy restaurants and buying you a bag, isn't doing more effort than the poor guy buying you McDonalds. Providing isn't a sign of respect or commitment. Young women are easily impress with money and they should not.

It's just about common sense. Of course, someone really interested in you will do efforts. Of course you should care about yourself first, especially when you're young.
Idk too much "YAASSS QUEEN" shit in FDS and when you see the posters history, you see women that have dated drug dealers or else. I mean…

No. 132067

This woman's videos were recommended in the FDS sub. Sure, she might have some good tips (I have only watched some of it) but I can't get over this adult woman says "sprinkle sprinkle" and talking about being "too pretty to work". Well, what happens when you get older? What if your rich husband decides he wants a younger woman to show off?

FDS has a good message about avoiding fuckboys and being confident but this shit is promoting oldfashioned gold digging.

No. 132068

I hope this doesn't come across of as racebait but there seems to be a disportionately large amount of black women that are into FDS

No. 132069

Shera is a whole ass mess as well. She is the worst person to take advice from, most of the good takes she has are common sense or regurgitated. Not to mention she didn't exactly follow her own advice. Waiting 7 years for some older man to divorce his wife while your in your 20s doesn't seem like a good goal at all, but that's what she did before promptly pushing out his babies. She's no boss or anything to aspire to, yet people flock to her. She just genuinely seems lazy, so that's why I guess she thinks being a housewife for some sloppy seconds is cute.

No. 132070

>A rich guy taking you to fancy restaurants and buying you a bag, isn't doing more effort than the poor guy buying you McDonalds. Providing isn't a sign of respect or commitment.
Lol you're incredibly naive if you think a broke man with no ambition is just as capable of a committed relationship than someone who has his shit together at least. My mom works two jobs and her ex bf literally called her a gold digger because she told him to get a fucking job while he was living with her and not paying any rent. The fuck…

No. 132071

I didn’t say that. What I said is that for a rich man, buying you a bag isn’t much and doesn’t mean shit. Some of these men have bitches in every city and a whole hidden family.

I don’t say that dating a fucking bum is better. The two partners should have the same vision of life and equivalent status.

No. 132072

I agree with your point. How can you be 18yo and expect men your age to provide for you?
They're telling those women to seek mid to late 20s men at best if they wanna be provided for.

No. 132073

Why would you post this here? no sense of coding jfc
No there isn't, It's just common with girls in the sugaring community

No. 132074

This I grew up with my mom doing th cleaning and working two physical jobs whilst her lard ass potato husband called me fat.

LVM are the worst

No. 132075

>literally teenage girls
Well, yes, but no need to be bitter about it. I skimmed through this thread and that board, and none of this talk has anything to do with my life as a middle aged woman. But us older people have no need for such things, we know what we want and how to get it (spoiler alert: It's different for everybody). It's natural that the younger someone is, the more they'll be drawn towards stuff like this as part of their learning experience and experimentation.

That's not "cringy", just common sense.

No. 132076

No. 132077

Who cares. Men deserve it if they’re going to be shallow and superficial and to have their own idiotic standards. Perhaps they should try and bring genuine depth to a relationship

No. 132078

This isn't about men's feelings or whatever, this is about how these 666 rule are almost set up to fail, the perecentage of men who are well off, are over 6 feet and are endowed must be rarer then 5% of the US and the chances are is those guys will already be married to some other well off woman

No. 132079

So what if one women has higher standards than average? You're just assuming that she doesn't have anything to offer herself. Hot girls can afford to have high standards.

Why are men allowed to go for women way above their league but said woman is shallow if she won't settle for his broke, ugly fatass?
If incels want to use that to fuel their defeatist mindset that's their fucking problem. They're going to cry either way.

No. 132080

I knew I had seen this phrase on /r9k/ before
I cant find an instance of it before the first posts date on there so they probably literally invented it as a misogynist meme

No. 132081

I’m sick of anons coming here like ~we’re just proving the incels right, we’re just as bad as them uwu~
Women who are highly attractive and accomplished really should have high standards. It’s not unusual for a man to have standards that surpass their own assets, the incels are very guilty of this.
I personally use FTS as a way to get a partner who is equal to myself. Insecurity has lead me to date guys who are far lesser than myself, thinking they’d appreciate and be nice to me, but I ended up being abused, and I left the relationship as a diminished person. I want a man who is good in bed, not ugly, not badly groomed and a good conversationalist, ambitious and creative. All of those are assets I know I have to offer myself. I deserve to expect a man that matches me in quality and status, and I’d rather be alone than settle for less. If men and handmaidens want to cry about it then tough shit.

No. 132082

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I was thinking about creating thread on /snow/ based on incels forum (much like the fun r/incels threads we had few years ago), so I've been "researching" and the standards they all have simply floored me. Out of around 200 active users, there are maybe a couple willing to "settle" for their "looksmatch" (of course, only if she is a young white virgin). There are literally only two users who'd be willing to date a non-virgin woman around their age who is just as (un)attractive as them. Two out of two hundred have somewhat realistic/reasonable standards. And yet, I don't see anyone making fun of that. Those men are the lowest value males you can think of - NEETs, horrible hygienie, extremely unattractive, they often have BPD/NPD, they are almost all pedos (as in, literal pedos - they want to date 11yos), violent, lazy, etc. And all of them have sky high standards.
Just think about those men every time you get angry at attractive women who want o date attractive men.

No. 132083

I have high standards but they don't come in the form of a set height, salary and dick size. To me she sounds like scrotes saying they will only be in a relationship with a woman who has D cups minimum. It's not having a preference for taller men, bigger dicks and large wallets that's weird, it's autistically fixing a minimum size and making it such a priority.

A man, no matter how attractive, smart and rich he is would immediately looks pathetic to me if he had a minimal bra size as a primary criteria when looking for a relationship.

No. 132084

I mean I agree to a certain extent, it just doesn’t bother me. I don’t have a set menu for what’s attractive, like being 6 ft with a 6 inch would make a man seem more attractive im not gonna lie, but I’d be far more attracted to a guy 5’8 with a smaller dick if I got along well with him, found him interesting and funny and he pleased me in bed, similar interests and values etc.
I don’t want a prize, the way some of these people do, I want a companion. I say 5’8 cos I’m fairly tall for a woman, I’m just barely shorter than that.

No. 132085

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Well let me tell you ladies something: Ever since applying the FDS lens to dating, it's been very eye-opening. I'm in so much shock about how much disrespect I used to tolerate and was gaslit into believing was normal.
These men literally have nothing else to offer but the audacity!
Right now I'm relying on online dating (OLD) to meet new men. Can't say I had better luck meeting men through friends as they turned out to be monsters too. But I digress.

Anyway when I finally match with someone who seems compatible, they wind up being such low effort fucks. Because clearly they're spinning so many other women behind our backs. They want to get the most sex for the least effort and maximum convenience. So no offers to have a first date over dinner or something pricey to impress (date cheap, if not for free), attempt to manipulate the woman to take on the emotional load (make her chase, ask questions, and plan the dates), and to set the meetup location at their convenience (the woman is forced to be more invested by spending time and money to meet).

Matched with this dude who wasn't my type looks-wise but appeared to be put together due to his clean and stylish living conditions and hobbies. He reached out but I put him on the backburner for a few days. When I returned the message he wanted to meet up. I asked him what he was proposing. "Drinks," I was thinking sure–cheap. I hate having first dates in loud and crowded places.
I went along with it just to see where it went. Found myself asking the majority of the questions to drag his own date out of him. Pathetic right? If men ask women out they should already have an offer wtf.
When? And where? Saturday, okay. Time? "6pm." I laughed, I told him that's when people have dinner not drinks (he'd rather go cheap than spend for dinner). Instead of offering dinner, he wanted to push back the time. "8pm." Lol, sure dude. Okay, where for drinks? "[The nearest bar to where I live]." He didn't even bother to check where I was driving from to meet him at a venue that's literally 10 minutes from his place. And he didn't care, because his next statement? "Yeah we can get drinks and see where it goes from there. You can come back to my place and watch Netflix."
So basically this dude is expecting sex for less than the cost of a dinner date, with the added perk that I'd get gussied up and drive myself to him just for his dick.
I replied "Very convenient," then he responded "…okay?" Then he must have went back to my profile before I blocked him, because then he followed up with a "Oh you live in X?" Lmao, I guess he thought I'd throw myself at him.

These men are fucking creeps. What I hate most of all is that not even a month ago I would have agreed to this shitfest. Me expending all the effort just for an awkward and subpar fuck at the end of my night who I'd never speak to again.

No. 132086

Honestly unless your dating pool is mostly Hispanic guys for whatever reason, it's really not unreasonable to expect a guy to be above 5'10"
I hate that manlets make it out to be this huge deal.
Tbh the most abusive men Ive known have been manlets. They're insecure as fuck.

I don't think the rest of the 666 rule matters much though, depending on your age. If you're in your early/mid twenties it's more important to know a mans work ethic and his career plans than what his current salary is.

No. 132087

There is already one

No. 132088

No. 132089

I prefer short men. I’m a sexually dominant woman and I’m just more attracted to men who are shorter than me. 5’5”-5’7” is ideal. Literally every single time this has come up around a man, he’s immediately started trying to convince me that I’m mistaken, and that I ACTUALLY prefer tall men. It doesn’t matter whether the guy in question is tall or short. They immediately get really defensive and weird. Is it just the idea that women might have varied and unpredictable preferences? It’s really obnoxious.

No. 132090

No one cares if you like short men. Not the thread for it.

No. 132091

I think she's just saying that a "high quality male" isn't the same for everyone, which is one of the biggest issues with this imo. It's come up here a few times already.

No. 132092

Anyone else noticing an uptick in men expecting women to drive out to them?
Twice now through dating apps, I've had to turn down men who expect me to drive out where they live in order to have a dinner date or drink that they invited me on! They know where I live too so it's not like they mistook me for local. Also it's not like I wouldn't be weirded out if they offered to pick me up but they don't even bother with that anymore.

Good grief they just want convenience and sex on demand. I'm sure some women actually take them up on this too.

No. 132093

For anyone into FDS, I highly recommend The Rules Revisited blog. It's not very well-known but it's one of the greatest female dating blogs I've ever read. Better than the actual "Rules" book.
I recommend reading the Important Posts in the sidebar first; the other posts are just building on those ones.

Good for you anon. As soon as a guy gives me a lame response (short, no question to follow up) I unmatch them. If he was really interested, he would at least put in some effort

No. 132094

This blog is written by a man, it's redpill garbage. Pass.

No. 132095

So they want a free escort. Garbage men.

No. 132096

>cut off low effort men
>don't initiate contact with men you are interested in
>have strong personal boundaries
It's literally saying the same things as FDS. Sounds like you didn't bother reading.

No. 132097

Desperate women allowed this to happen

When I was still dating (a year ago) most of it involved
>Only being able to see them if you drove
>Dates involved you paying for shit or just having sex and leaving, after a few dates all you would be to him is to come over at 12 pm, give him a blowjob and have shitty sex and leave
>No affection, no compliments, no cuddling, no kissing and if there was it was gross/an excuse for him to judge your body

That's it. That's literally it. I was so used to being abused by men my boyfriend was getting a culture shock, I would cry anytime he cuddled me because I simply never got that before and he seemed so sad because I just assumed he wanted to have sex with me and had me leave. I wouldn't allow him to take off my clothes because most of the time when a man took my clothes off all I got was insulted, I was so use to being cold it hurt my current bf when we first started dating because I have a really fucked up idea of what relationships are.

No. 132098

>don't bother getting a degree because men only care about looks

FDS is about having the power to choose, not being some scrote's traditional wife. Respect yourself more.

No. 132099

I don’t drive and I live in a suburban area and dating was difficult for me. Guys hated that I couldn’t drive to their places for hookups and dates.

No. 132100

Men get handed everything in dating nowadays
Unless you're willing to be a mommy sex slave to every man that asks you're fucked

No. 132101

Nah you're fucked if you accept being treated like a free escort, better to stay single. If men get desperate maybe they'll start to make effort with women.

No. 132102

>If men get desperate maybe they'll start to make effort with women.
But how do we get rid of pickmes who allow this to happen? Men will get what they can get while putting in the lowest amount of effort possible, as long as if there is okay looking women willing to give themselves to low effort and bottom tier men, then men won't ever improve and the only people to reproduce is desperate pickmes who are going to be horrible influences on their daughters and mentally ill and selfish men who are going to be horrible influences on their sons

I'm honestly scared to see where the world will go, men will continue to deteriorate into greasy blobs who do nothing but cheat, fart, play video games and watch porn all day, women will be the ones who have to work hard on their careers to make money to support men, work out to keep their figure in check, all while doing the cleaning, cooking, child bearing, and so on. Men don't deserve women, mass suicide seems like a liable option at this point

No. 132103

Look for the guy who doesn't want a pick-me*

*not a femcel, take my words with a grain of salt

No. 132104

No offence anon, but as a survivor of abuse this post reads as porn to me kek someday…

No. 132105

Here's a great way to out filter men, that me and my friends have tried and has been proven accurate

I ask them what thier favorite book is. If it’s Atlas Shrugged, run. If it’s Catcher in the Rye or The Great Gatsby, then its likely he hasn’t read a book since high school. Maybe okay but he’s probably boring. If it’s anything by Margaret Atwood or Toni Morrison he’s lying to get into your pants. Any classic sci-fi or fantasy is acceptable but be very wary of men who are too enthusiastic about sci-fi and fantasy. Biographies are also acceptable but obviously it depends on who it’s about!

Anything by Franzen, Palahniuk, Pynchon or Chabon, run. Vonnegut? I mean, use caution. But generally okay. Dickens? Make sure he’s not lying but Dickens is a win.

Be a little wary if it’s something by a female author. cayse he’s probably lying and trying to just fuck you. Unless it’s Frankenstein, then he’s an adorable weirdo if you're into that, if its Harry Potter then it mean's he’s too young/immature for you.

No. 132106

What's that even supposed to mean?
That would be lovely if they existed. What men want and what men say they want are two different things, men can talk shit all day about how desperate women who live for male attention are pathetic and unattractive but still fall for whatever pickme manipulates them. Men are practically monkey brained

No. 132107

i think you mean to say "literally anything by ayn rand" rather than just atlas shrugged

No. 132108

atlas shrugged is her only well known work, even normies know about it

No. 132109

What about guys who only read non-fiction? This one guy I know likes to read books about drawing, cooking, gardening, and zoology. I don't think he's read any fiction since high school.

No. 132110

not at all, anon. the fountainhead is very, very popular too

No. 132111

File: 1580127386960.jpg (45.79 KB, 339x499, 51HEsYbtvvL._SX337_BO1,204,203…)

If his favourite book is a fitness related book, then it's likely he has some self loathing issues to some degree, If a guy has a standard genetic exercise advice book then you should be okay but if his favourite book is Sun and Steel, RUN away and never look back. If he has art related books then make sure its works related to art fundamentals and or the old masters and not weeb shit, I don't know much about guys who are into gardening and zoology though

No. 132112

Men who only read non-fiction tend to lack imagination and are kinda boring in that normie sort of way. He sounds like he's into self-sufficiency and homesteading. Like how my brother has a lot of books on plants, chickens, and beekeeping.

No. 132113

Obviously avoid men who like books about global politics written from a conservative perspective or men who are overly-focused on WWII when it comes to history books.

No. 132114

avoid WW2 History buffs, If thier into world history its fine as long its not just WW2, as for philosophy avoid anyone into aristotle, nietzsche, and especially Derrida and Foucault. other philosophy like Stoicism, kant and Hegel is generally okay

No. 132115

The guy I like is in love with Russian Literature, especially the Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Never read it, don’t know what it’s about. Sounds very male-oriented though.

No. 132116

he's most likely a miserable misanthrope disillusioned by humanity

No. 132117

>as for philosophy avoid anyone into aristotle, nietzsche
Why? I'm curious

No. 132118

Stoicism is a huge red flag, though

No. 132119

nta but aristotle is misogynistic

No. 132120

Those are actually really well-written books but if you read them then there is a high chance you have depression.

No. 132121

Why avoid men who like WWII? And I don’t know who Mishima is. Is he some raging misogynist?

No. 132122

Not necessarily bad that he may be boring. Books on plants chickens and beekeeping sound nice. Maybe gardening and cooking too. Idk maybe it's just my vision to be more self sufficient with home keeping and food into the future and if some guy likes that too, it's a win

Oh God aristotle being anti woman isn't talked about enough. He considered women being treated well, like fellow human beings, as barbaric. Be cautious with men who praise him

No. 132123

>Men who only read non-fiction
That’s most men. They hardly ever read fiction after high school because fiction requires too much empathy, imagination, and a large attention span. The modern male is more lacking in these attributes because they hang around empathy-killing websites like 4chan and their only hobby is playing video games.

No. 132124

in my personal experience, the guys into wwii were the kind of people calling you a feminazi for not shaving your legs

No. 132125

I don’t know. My brother wants to go live in a cottage one day with a large vegetable garden away from everyone he knows which I think is really boring but I suppose it can be appealing to some people.

No. 132126

he told me he's read it twice. he then went into great detail of the book's themes like active love and something about God (wasn't really paying attention). it looks like he's really into literature so i think i got myself a catch if he reciprocates because he's the opposite of >>132123

No. 132127

Men who are interested in Imperial Japan and Japanese nationalism are the worst sort of weeaboos. They like to engage in Japanese war crime denialism or apologism, think of the Japanese as "honorary Aryans", and praise Japan as a "utopian ethnostate" that knows how to "put women in their place". The alt-right is filled with these types of men who love anime and worship Japan.

No. 132128

it's important to remember there's a difference between people who are just ignorant to japanese Imperialism and think that Japan was unfairly nuked and occupied by the US and people who suppport nationalism and Imperial Japan

No. 132129

Don't forget about how men watch porn all the time and masturbate at least once a day so when they start something like nofap they get shocked at how productive they become and call it "superpowers". Men truly are a disease.

No. 132130

what their reaction is when you remind them women used to not shave back then?

No. 132131

Ngl that sounds appealing to me. It's basic, simple and cute

not that anon, but I bet they'll be denial. And use the sex scenes in game of thrones as evidence that women were 100% shaven everywhere. Ive witnessed too many guys used GoT as a history lesson

No. 132132

>Ive witnessed too many guys used GoT as a history lesson
This sounds too dumb to be true, I don't want to believe it.

No. 132133

This is honestly preety fun, What about guys who only read religious history?

No. 132134

Most men obsessed with WWII or history won't be able to handle life back then

Calling women gold diggers for paying for dinner, back then they would have to support her financially if they even want to think about a wife
Calling women fat, ugly, out of shape, etc
Most women back then didn't look like porn stars, even Marilyn Monroe would be relentlessly mocked by men nowadays
Women not shaving but most women had bushes and hairy armpits
"Wife bad" jokes were mocked, you HAD to learn to be happy with your wife

No. 132135

Just avoid WW2 and Japanese history guys, as well anyone too obsessed with the Romans, but if their in to anything by Will and Ariel Durnat then you've find a keeper, the Durant's give a nuanced portrayal of history and always mention the status of women for every civilization they discuss in that time period

No. 132136

No. 132137

I find that guys who are the extreme opposite (like guys who constantly make nuke jokes and classic "they deserved it" comments whenever anything japanese is brought up) are also best to avoid.

No. 132138

This makes me so fucking mad. Why are women so accommodating? She's fucking 29 years old and she stays with a bum who rapes her.

No. 132139

I'm always suspicious at big posts with no history because it's a throwaway and no comments from the poster.

But really
>For about 3 years I slept on the floor instead so I wouldn't be bothered.
Paid for everything and yet sleeps like a dog. Well no, worse than. Dogs sleep on comfy beds. She's on the damn floor. And shes hesitant on leaving because he doesn't know how to care for himself… Christ.

No. 132140

That's the entire point of a throwaway… To make a big post you don't want connected to your other accounts and that's it

No. 133082

Women have only themselves to blame. They got their sexual freedom and started fucking random idiots when they should have been selecting their men thoroughly.

It's funny, if FDS and RP were to meet halfway and reach a compromise we'd all go back to a traditional society.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 133101

nothing wrong with Sun and Steel

it's just ancient-themed self-improvement

muh empathy, imagination, attention… start recognizing areas that women lack in these areas if you really believe that. you might see past your biases and blindspots (e.g. maybe look at incel boards and appraise it for truth-value not your rationalizations). you are on a chan board too, so your whole statement is self-defeating

porn addiction is a big problem, start showing some empathy
https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/relevant-research-and-articles-about-the-studies/(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 133103

oops, i'm like this. i guess i'm just too picky with fiction. fiction for adults often feels voyeuristic and neurotic to me. like the author is just making versions of people from their own lives and overanalyzing every little move they make and assuming they know what they must be feeling. it's not real empathy. it's just projecting your feelings and mistaking it for other people's feelings. ofc there's some fiction that i like but i don't have as much patience for it as i do for nonfiction

No. 133105

Stoicism in itself is not bad. The modern day followers of it tend to have a superiority complex and use stoicism as an excuse for lacking empathy and acting like a general narc. "I'm not emotional like you/women. I'm stoic/logical." Aka "I have the authority listen to me."

As for porn addiction, I have 0 empathy towards men. You rarely see women addicted to it, and it's from the perspective of being the sub (abused). Porn made by men for men is violent, exploits children as well due to demand. For scrotes having a love of quoting statistics and pulling up numbers for divorce cases, they sure like to ignore information on this. Front page of porn website is facials, abusing relatives, anal, etc. This is on the tame side. Stop boo hooing for men. They gaslight us our whole lives as unintellectual, but we're supposed to forgive that they just completely ignore obvious patterns of sexism in the content they watch. The problem is I see men as human and would check that behavior if porn addiction affected me. Most men who go nofap, don't do it because porn is bad for those involved, but just because he wants to "retain semen" or "boost testosterone." He thinks it makes him even more masculine and desirable, which seems fine and dandy, until he uses this newfound ego to be an ass, all while claiming to be an intellectual stoic, this was his notice to begin with. Everything is about making males feel better. The whole point of this thread is to stop coddling them.

No. 133107

>start showing some empathy for pornaddled psychos! uwu
lol, why are you in this thread? is fds about mollycoddling undesirables for you?

No. 133110

You'll find there's a large and growing movement of men against porn for scientific, cultural, political and religious reasons. These are men who got exposed to it at a young age before they can reflect critically on it. It really is addictive, it's a supernormal stimulus that keeps people hooked the way gambling, cocaine and video games do.

I've spent a good deal of time in those forums, and the reasons they want to quit aren't reducible just to ego-boosting. Many of them report one day how far down the hole they'd gone when they realise how niche and grotesque the stuff they need to watch to get off, compared to the vanilla stuff that used to satiate within seconds.

The superpowers are signs of returning to normality. For guys who've been going at it since a young age (and it gets younger each year), it's a very transformative experience. Especially given that so many are adolescent and trying to get their lives going. The porn has the dehumanising effect. So many reports I've read affirm how happy they are to be free from it's grip and in the company of real women. They all report marked improvements in their relationship with women. That YBOP site has plenty of studies aligned with that too.

The irony of r/femaledatingstrategy is it's a complete mirror image of the redpill/ manosphere / MRA / incel cluster, but women aren't being called out for it. I'm all for an even playing field, and the coddling/condemnation is clearly unevenly distributed by issue for either of the sexes.

No. 133112

>The irony of r/femaledatingstrategy is it's a complete mirror image of the redpill/ manosphere / MRA / incel cluster,
female dating strategy is kind of dumb but this comparison is so faulty that i feel you must be a scrote or just massively deluded

No. 133117

>The irony of r/femaledatingstrategy is it's a complete mirror image of the redpill/ manosphere / MRA / incel cluster
You can't be serious. Care to elaborate? Yeah, some aspects of fds can be pretty cringy and juvenile, however, it's not anywhere close to levels of malice and violence present in male circles. Top posts on fds are screenshots of lackluster guys saying embarrassing things, or girls' personal experiences with abusive men, while those male communities are filled with posts like "can't wait for female sex slaves!", "women above 20 are old hags", "here's a guide on how to emotionally manipulate, destroy and cheat on women far above your league". FDS is more about adjusting your standards (men should initiate and court) rather than manipulating and lying to potential male partners through "game". It's about having firm standards. Why does it offend you so much? Is it because you can't meet them?

No. 133118

obviously a scrote. who else would advocate having empathy for incels?

No. 133119

they didn't do that tho?

No. 133120

>e.g. maybe look at incel boards and appraise it for truth-value not your rationalizations
>porn addiction is a big problem, start showing some empathy
ok, anon, sure they didn't

No. 133123

I only see men complaining about porn once they reach the point where their dick doesn't work from it. When it takes a death grip to get them off and when they can't perform real life normal sex.. that's when they care.

Sure some of them will pretend to care about how porn affects women, but that's secondary to their dick not working anymore.

No. 133130

that's obviously a different poster tho and not >>133110

No. 133131

>Selective women are evil
>Unselective women are also evil
Just say you hate women for no logical reason

No. 133132

I feel like I'm moving in the right direction by unmatching anyone who doesn't respond after a few days–but I still end up holding onto matches I'm really attracted to (personality, hobby, or physically wise)
Sometimes I'll have a great conversation that drops off and I still want more–

what's the best way to keep a conversation going?
In my case, it's "the several that got away"

No. 133139

>Selective women are evil (because they don't select me)
>Unselective women are also evil (because they select men other than me)

This is how male """logic""" actually works.

No. 133143

im married now but back when i was still dating i would just straight up ask if they wanna hang out or whatever it is i wanted to do w them tbh. if theyre getting fuccboi-ish about it i'd just block and move on. just didn't wanna talk to someone that wants to play mind games and it has saved me a ton of headache.

don't get too blinded by some positive things you see in a stranger you don't actually know. there are many more like them out there!

No. 133154

File: 1582278045086.png (1.34 MB, 1242x2208, CD803974-DF0D-4F51-907D-D1B55A…)

Should I be uncomfortable about these sorts of interactions between my bf and his ex. Bf is blue ex is red. In the pic she’s wearing his underwear. I’m friends with her and we’re on good-ish terms but still i don’t know why he’d be okay with seeing this

I’m livid why can’t he have some self control and stop embarrassing me like this

No. 133156

Yikes, I'd be pretty livid too. That seems a bit too flirty and in public too. I'm sorry anon :( you should tell him that makes you uncomfortable. He definitely wouldn't like it if you did something similar

No. 133157

imo he's being flirty

No. 133159


Anons, am I a being jealous/insane? It's not the first time I've spoken to him about his register in their interactions. It really, really pisses me off, I'm actually foaming at the mouth over this shit.

She must think I'm such a pushover, I'm so, so embarrassed

No. 133160

no, it's not really acceptable, especially being that she is his ex. obviously he doesn't care enough about your relationship if he continually takes gambles like these.

No. 133161

He's keeping her sweet for later (or maybe for right now?)
I had a friend who was like this exactly, and he platonically dated and semi-romantically messaged a lot of girls on the side while having a main gf.
She's also an ass to be posting pics in your boyfriends underwear and house while he is very obviously taken. Hop off his dick, lady. They are both at fault here, it is disrespectful to you for him to be so obviously keeping the ex sweet like this.

No. 133163


This makes me want to die I just want it to stop. I feel humiliated

No. 133171

That's good because you realize you don't deserve this. I'd leave, there is no coming back from that.

No. 133188

how do I stop trying to rely on men to provide my future for me? I don't mean to whine, but my whole life I've failed at most things I've tried, and I'm nowhere near smart enough or cutthroat enough to have a successful career that will provide for me my whole life. How can I be a high value woman when I have no value?

No. 133194

If you don't have kids you don't need a successful, high paying career, just a steady full time job.

This isn't really a question for a dating thread, there's a career thread in /ot/.

No. 133197

Is there an app you ladies prefer? Bumble seems good but I don't feel like writing every single first message

No. 133204

I've found that on bumble I'm expected to carry the whole fucking conversation, maybe it attracts more passive males but they come just across as disinterested or socially inept

No. 133407

>Selective women are evil

That's the opposite of what I said lol. Women should have sex ONLY with good men. That way, women shape men as a group into being good – since being good is the only way to get sex. TRP as a movement exists only because women are being lax in their vetting. The less mysoginistic values of TRP – self-improvement and independence – are enforced by FDS vetting.

Women need to stop fucking men that aren't good for them. I've seen literally homeless men get steady sex from his girlfriends. Why the fuck would other men even try?

No. 133408

100% agreed. Video game addiction is also considered a red flag by FSD and it's not without merit. They're literally designed to be addictive these days. I feel sorry for the children exposed to the predatory mobile games I've seen. Many of them are no different than gambling.

No. 133412

>it's not anywhere close to levels of malice and violence present in male circles

Isn't it? It seems just as hateful as TRP. The top/sidebar posts by staff are pretty good and have a surprising clarity in them but the comments are becoming increasingly substance-less, radical and hateful. Early TRP used to be like this too until everything was drowned out by man children who never got past the anger phase. It remains to be seen whether FSD will suffer from a similar phemomenon as the userbase grows but generally the more users you have the worse the community.

Both communities are filled with people deeply disillusioned with the other sex and the hate is likely to only ever increase as members of the community reinforce each other. Both encourage members to adopt radical and uncompromising strategies towards the other sex. Both look down on people who betray the interests of their own sex (chumps marrying their oneitis vs. pickmes indulging LVMs).

FSD is totally fine with LVMs literally dying off or having their dicks rot from lack of use. They're also opposed to them getting any release via prostitution or even porn. Given that LVMs are the vast majority of men according to FSD, I question the stability of a society where FSD is a dominant ideology. Not that TRP is any better since it discourages marriage. A society where everyone is able to form families and raise children properly is most sensible.

No. 133413

Why should LVM be able to get married and form families? For the record, LVM doesn't mean low income, introverted, shy, unambitious, or whatever LVM think it means. These things alone do not make a man LV. By the very definition a LVM is a man who will mistreat their wife and be a poor life partner and father. This doesn't necessarily mean abuse either. It could be neglect, laziness, apathy, or whatever. Not everyone should be entitled to marriage and children. Sad fact is, most men are just not suited to be in a relationship, while most women tend to go above on beyond. That's why there's a need for them to be "picky"

The truth is when it comes to dating, the majority of men need to be weeded out. It's a woman's job to do so. It has nothing to do with hate or malice. It's a simple matter of self-preservation and preservation of her children (if the woman in question decides to have them). While with TRP, everything they do is out of anger and hate that they didn't get their dick wet.

No. 133414

>A society where everyone is able to form families and raise children properly is most sensible.

This is the world you live in right now. Do you see healthy and happy societies?
Why are you so opposed to the idea that some people are better than others, and that these people should be the ones breeding?
The truth of the matter is, the vast majority of the people born today are either from rape or an ambivalent pregnancy. Why should any of these people be born, and why should their parents have been born either?

No. 133422

>Why should LVM be able to get married and form families?

If most men are LVM, then HVM are rare and it stands to reason not every woman will be able to have one. Currently FDS has about 50k subscribers, meaning it represents an elite group of women. If applied on a wider scale, problems are likely to arise.

I'd like to believe there is some way to integrate these people into such a society. FDS doesn't give them any options: no relationships, no casual sex, no prostitution, not even porn. They aren't entitled to any of this but it doesn't change the fact the result will be a huge number of very unhappy men. One could say LVMs could become HVMs and therefore gain fair access to relationships and sex but I doubt anyone on FDS believes they are capable of improvement.

>It has nothing to do with hate or malice.

Doesn't feel that way. A lot of women on FDS talk about LVM like they're subhumans.

>While with TRP, everything they do is out of anger and hate that they didn't get their dick wet.

I don't dispute that. TRP nowadays is filled with people who get off on the anger and don't actually do anything to improve their own worth. The core of TRP has a salvageable message involving self-improvement and becoming someone women are actually attracted to but that takes hard work which many guys simply don't put in.

No. 133423

>Why are you so opposed to the idea that some people are better than others, and that these people should be the ones breeding?

Not sure if it's wise to accept this. Many atrocities have been justified through this line of reasoning. It implies certain people are subhuman.

>The truth of the matter is, the vast majority of the people born today are either from rape or an ambivalent pregnancy

I don't know if that's true.

No. 133424

>If most men are LVM, then HVM are rare and it stands to reason not every woman will be able to have one.
Is that not what's happening now? Most women can't find HVM so they settle for LVM. FDS is just telling you not to settle, to know your worth and to not give up. If you find a HVM, great. If not, being single is way better than even taking the chance of birthing a child to a man who would mistreat you and your children.

>They aren't entitled to any of this but it doesn't change the fact the result will be a huge number of very unhappy men.

They would be unhappy in a relationship too, though. A lot of them end up resenting their wives no matter how much she does for them. The ones without a relationship think their lives would change once they find the right woman, but that just doesn't happen. They're alone for a reason, and it's usually because of their bitter personalities.

>One could say LVMs could become HVMs

That's what should happen. What will probably happen very soon is, they'll get addicted to VR sex or sexbots and leave everyone else alone.

>Doesn't feel that way. A lot of women on FDS talk about LVM like they're subhumans.

Usually towards men who are violent and hurt women. And those men are indeed subhuman.

No. 133426

>FDS is just telling you not to settle

This is sensible advice when it comes to LVMs. Do perfect HVMs exist, though? They will no doubt have some problems. How much variance, if any, from their targets should women be prepared to accept? I've seen one thread where a woman rejected a fine HVM solely because of his dick size, a factor that in no way contributes to mistreatment of women or children.

Is it acceptable for women to be single forever if they don't find an HVM? Is it acceptable to go without sex in order to avoid indulging lesser men? From what I've read, FDS doesn't approve of casual sex or friends with benefits.

>They would be unhappy in a relationship too, though.

I'm inclined to agree. What LVMs want most is unconditional access to sex in order to validate their own self-worth. They want lovers who have sex with them despite their failings. Giving them sex keeps them happy but it obviously does nothing to cure them of their problems.

>What will probably happen very soon is, they'll get addicted to VR sex or sexbots and leave everyone else alone.

I was under the impression FDS opposed this kind of thing on principle, just like prostitution.

>Usually towards men who are violent and hurt women.

Not always, unfortunately.

No. 133427

>How much variance, if any, from their targets should women be prepared to accept? I've seen one thread where a woman rejected a fine HVM solely because of his dick size, a factor that in no way contributes to mistreatment of women or children.
If someone turns down a guy who is otherwise perfect simply because of his dick, then they are retarded.

>Is it acceptable to go without sex in order to avoid indulging lesser men? From what I've read, FDS doesn't approve of casual sex or friends with benefits.

I'll get shit for this, or get called misogynistic, but I think if you aren't prepared for the risk, no matter how small, to have a child with that man then you shouldn't have sex with him. Casual sex is risky in many ways and not to mention unsatisfying. Let's be real, LVMs don't try. Most women can get themselves off way better than any man can. The only reason to have sex with them is for validation and approval, so what's the point? He gets his orgasm and ego boost, while the woman benefits minimally, if at all.

>I was under the impression FDS opposed this kind of thing on principle, just like prostitution.

Not at all. If they are busy with VR and sexbots they aren't going to try to harass women for sex. It's a win-win.

No. 133429

>If applied on a wider scale, problems are likely to arise.
Like what, men actually stepping up to the plate and treating women well enough to be high value? LVM dying alone as they deserve?

I'm sure there would be violent pushback and maybe strikes or some shit from men and that's scary to think about, but it's sad that aside from an 'elite group', women would have to universally subject themselves to men who treat them like shit just to avoid the threat of further violence.

>If someone turns down a guy who is otherwise perfect simply because of his dick, then they are retarded.
Nope. If that's going to make her sincerely unattracted to him, neither of them deserve to be subjected to that relationship. He deserves a woman who'd love his dick, she deserves a man she actually wants to fuck. Physical attraction is NOT an unfair standard regardless of what body part it is about. I've dumped a guy down for it and no regrets, ever. I liked him enough to know he deserves a gf who is super into him.

No. 133430

No, you look at the whole man and just not the dick. Functionality-wise, PIV is overrated as hell anyway. Sorry, but if one body part is enough to make you lose all attraction to someone you are smooth-brained. Smooth-brained like men who can only have partners with huge tits, or innie vaginas.

No. 133431

You don't know what FDS is if you think subjecting yourself to bad sex with a man you aren't sexually attracted to is, in any way, a good thing.

I don't want small dicks in my body and men can die mad about it. I am perfectly happy with an average dick or dying alone if i can't have that bare minimun standard met.

No. 133432

>men actually stepping up to the plate and treating women well enough to be high value?

That'd be ideal but it's probably not gonna happen.

>LVM dying alone as they deserve?

Probably. Lots of women too since HVM are rare and it's better for them to be alone.

>I'm sure there would be violent pushback and maybe strikes or some shit from men and that's scary to think about, but it's sad that aside from an 'elite group', women would have to universally subject themselves to men who treat them like shit just to avoid the threat of further violence.

Yeah, it's an ugly situation. Like it or not, a huge number of undesirable men exist and many of them are important parts of the workforce. They can't simply be ignored. We already have disgruntled incels shooting up schools.

>He deserves a woman who'd love his dick, she deserves a man she actually wants to fuck.

I understand that. For the vast majority of women, a thick penis will be better due to the sensitivity of the vagina to expansion. Smaller pemises simply aren't going to expand the vagina as much. There's no denying this.

Still, it's demoralizing when factors that can't be changed ultimately destroy one's chances for a relationship even if everything else aligns. A lot of men don't even bother trying because they're short or have small or even average dicks. This nihilism is at the root of black pill and related ideas. FDS is right when it says penis size warps the psychology of men.

No. 133433

I didn't even say that. I'm saying you're a brainlet who overvalues PIV just like men do.

No. 133434

Seems to be pretty common though. Women on FDS describing their experiences with big penises will no doubt make some men kill themselves.

No. 133435

Because they know it's the one thing that hurts their egos. Big dicks are only good for the visuals.

No. 133438

>I don't want small dicks in my body

What do you consider small though? I remember reading a post from a FDS woman that thought anything below 6 inches was small, 7 inches was average, 8 inches was the gold standard and 9 inches was big. An average penis is just under 6 inches.

No. 133440

>Isn't it? It seems just as hateful as TRP. The top/sidebar posts by staff are pretty good and have a surprising clarity in them but the comments are becoming increasingly substance-less, radical and hateful
Okay. I dare you to show ONE comment or thread advocating for stealing from and raping men, turning them into sex slaves, raping little boys and brutally murdering them. ONE.
Those LVM discussed by most FDS posters are abusvie, neglectful menchildren. It has nothing to do with looks, height, shy personality, etc. It's about respecting your partner and being willing to commit. I'm perfectly fine with those men not having any outlets. It's the only way they can actually improve.

No. 133446

Under 5 inches and/or noticeably thin at any length. Most sex I've had was probably between 5-6 inches and that's fine by me.

9 is such a tiny minority of men that it's not even worth considering, it's too unlikely you will ever encounter a dick that big. 7+ is big to me. I think a lot of women overestimate sizes they see irl tbh.

No. 133469

7+ and especially 9+ sounds fucking awful. Many women can't take dicks that size without pain and I don't know why they would want to. Big dicks, actually, dicks in general, are fucking overrated especially when you can get dildos that are the exact size, shape, and angle you want.

No. 133552

I'm a shy introvert

Where do I go where it's socially acceptable to approach people that isn't super filled with people?

No. 133556

Also, I just made a post in r/foreveralonedating or whatever it's called
Was that a smart move or nah?

No. 133601

> Like what, men actually stepping up to the plate and treating women well enough to be high value?

That makes no sense - no man can 'step up' and become taller, or get a bigger dick, or not be balding, etc. All things that FDS consider to make a LVM.

All FDS does is make both men and women miserable. If you have most women chasing only 10% of men, then 90% of men will be miserable. The remaining 10% will have lots of choices, and so have no need to settle down, making 100% of the women unhappy.

No. 133605

Talking about red pill, not incel boards. I realize there's significant overlap these days but it wasn't always so. Red pill hate is disappointment that women can't live up to our expectations and fantasies, a "can't blame a dog for acting like a dog" sentiment towards women. There's plenty of that in FDS. The day I posted I saw one woman saying she'd never take men seriously ever again and that they're servants to her from now on. There's that undercurrent everywhere. The feeling that we're all beneath you.

What you describe is incel aggressiveness that slowly builds up in a man that doesn't get sex. It's a terrible frustration that consumes the man. Your "no" is offensive to them. It implies their genetic material, their very being is garbage. A woman judging the worth of a man is offensive – how can they be productive, respected members of society and still get rejected by a woman? Other men can value an incel but not a woman. So they replace your value system with theirs. So that men can have access to women according to their own value relative to each other instead of their value to the women. This ranges from "the father must choose an appropriate suitor for his daughter to marry" to "we should chain all women to walls spread eagle so that they're always available for us to fuck". This is the source of the violence and aggressiveness in porn.

>It has nothing to do with looks, height, shy personality, etc.

All it takes to find examples of women who take this stuff into account is searching FDS for "height" or "dick". One neat example is a woman's 666 criteria: 6 feet, 6 inches, 6 figures. Shy personality? FDS women will write you off as weak willed with no attitude if you don't approach them confidently. They call it "big dick energy".

>All FDS does is make both men and women miserable.

Red pill too to be honest. Everyone's angry and disappointed with each other and the hate is growing even stronger as time passes. I genuinely think traditional societies are a compromise between FDS and red pill. Men were socially conditioned by other men to be the best they could be and provide everything they could for their wives, but they also had the right to have sex with their wives.(male)

No. 133613

>All FDS does is make both men and women miserable.

It's almost as if exclusively pursuing individual desires and constantly thinking about pointless sex and relationships is wasting the talent and skills of actual people.
I can only imagine how skilled and talented proponents of FDS and their male equivalents would be if they devoted even half the time to strict devotion to a community based ideology (ie their local community, their family, their nation, their spirituality).

Why should everyone get to have sex? Why should everyone get to be in a relationship, based on purely individualistic desires?
Just because they were born? Is that really the only standard we're going to have for an act that literally produces the next generation?

No. 133635

>but they also had the right to have sex with their wives.

they still have that right now. unless youre talking about spousal rape

shera's a mess, but she's one of the few people under the fds umbrella pushing things to the ideological limit and i appreciate it. trp has no qualms about lying to women, cheating on them, benefiting off them or generally acting in bad faith. i like to see a similar perspective from the fds side.

No. 133643

Fds actually taught me one thing I didnt even realize until now and I'm 28.

Men will make time for women they want to be with. If a guy is texting slow as shit, always busy anytime you ask to hang out(unless hes horny and needs a quick booty call) etc he really doesnt want you. If a guy really wants you hes going to be quick as fuck responding to your texts, he will be the one who makes the plans and If he knows hes going to be MIA for a while he will inform you before hand because he doesnt want to lose you lol

As soon as a guy starts going on with his "I'm busy" bs it's time to block his ass and move on.

No. 133644

And I'd like to add anyone who claims fds is just promoting dating advice on how to get rich men clearly havent been in there…they're pretty much telling women to have self love and stop being a pick me

No. 133655

>Why should everyone get to have sex? Why should everyone get to be in a relationship, based on purely individualistic desires?

Because it's part of being human. We have a natural desire to have sex, without it we'd have died as a species. People who want sex but can't have it are marginalized, subhuman. They're literally lacking part of their humanity.

>they still have that right now. unless youre talking about spousal rape

I'm talking about the idea that having sex with one's spouse is a duty that applies to both men and women.

No. 133662

>People who want sex but can't have it are marginalized, subhuman

Wow now that sounded nihilistic and bleak asf, are you an incel yourself?, stop projecting, if people want sex and can't have it that makes them virgins, not literal human scum, don't you have any other skills or goals?, you sound like a cumbrain robot straigth from the basement, acting like sex is the only shit that matters, and no, don't say you meant it as ~only a part of being human~ when you clearly go around telling people to die for not acting like babymachines.

No. 133663

>All FDS does is make both men and women miserable.
Except if you've ever been on FDS, you'd notice endless posts about how much happier the women are, and how much better their self esteem is. If you actually internalize the principles, you're going to be perfectly happy even if you're single, because you don't live for male approval or settling just to tick off the marriage and kid boxes on the life script.

And you'd also notice that looks are not the defining factor in what makes a man high value or low value. Short, balding pindicks most likely don't meet most of the girls standards, but value is defined by how he treats a woman. If you're attracted to a manlet who commits and treats you well, he's high value.

>without it we'd have died as a species
But we could easily keep reproducing with a majority of men not getting sex, the idea that everyone needs to be paired up is an artificial social construct that has nothing to do with the species surviving. There's nothing natural about the nuclear family or women being dependent on one man for her/her kids survival. Sucks to be the failed men who never pass on their genes but maybe they should be less repulsive and evil.

I'm honestly thinking you're a scrot at this point. Boo hoo, poor men not getting sex, roasties are gonna get btfo when they end up alone for having standards, people have a 'duty' to be sexually accessible solely because they're married… lmao fuck off with that shit.

No. 133666

Never said it was the only thing that matters. It's wrong to simply dismiss relationships and sex as "pointless individual pursuits" though. Lots of people want this and feel as if they are lesser for not having it. Not subhuman in the literal ape gorilla sense but in the incomplete lacking the full human experience sense.

>the idea that everyone needs to be paired up is an artificial social construct that has nothing to do with the species surviving
>There's nothing natural about the nuclear family or women being dependent on one man for her/her kids survival.

Well, so is marriage, momogamous relationships. Societies that lack these elements have existed in the past but FDS isn't keen on returning to them. FDS women don't seem to think much of men who refuse to commit, marry or are polyamorous. It's not strictly necessary for everyone to be paired up, yet FDS clearly exists to help women get paired up with the best man possible.

>roasties are gonna get btfo when they end up alone for having standards

HVMs are a minority and therefore not every woman will get one. Never said they're gonna get "btfo" or anything. FDS says that being alone is good compared to being with an LVM, not that being alone is good in general.

>people have a 'duty' to be sexually accessible solely because they're married…

They don't, not anymore. That's a traditional/religious concept. I'm not arguing for this shit. It's interesting because it seemed like a compromise between what FDS and RP want.

No. 133670

> Men will make time for women they want to be with. If a guy is texting slow as shit, always busy anytime you ask to hang out(unless hes horny and needs a quick booty call) etc he really doesnt want you.

You needed an online community to teach you that? Wow, no wonder you girls keep getting played.

No. 133671

Seeming busy is the red pill strategy though even with women you do want. It's also the FDS strategy. This is basic negotiation/power games really. The less you need the other person, the more powerful you are.

No. 133674

Redpill is retarded bullshit that doesn't work and ruins it's adherets lives. Stop trying to emulate it. Seeing the stupid shit that men do that makes them miserable, buying their copes that it is actually empowering and then trying to copy it is one of the dumbest things modern women do. Like having lots of casual sex, becoming consumed with advancing your career, heavy drinking, joining the military, ect.

In real life if you pretend to be busy with an actual high value person they'll think you're not interested or clock you're trying to manipulate them and leave you alone. So you're left with people who are insecure and needy enough to put up with it or have low emotional intelligence which don't make for very good relationships.

No. 133677

This reads like an actual LVM wrote this post. You're not fooling anyone. Inb4 "but I'm a woman!" Yeah right.

No. 133678

It's LVM that think redpill autism works but ok.

No. 133680

The autism in TRP is in the forums. The reference material is pretty sane. It's about becoming an HVM actually. The self-improvement message from TRP aims to teach men how to become something women actually want. Basic stuff like getting off your ass and working out, working on your career/finances, improving your confidence, getting life experiences like travels to stop being boring, learning how to talk to people, being better in bed, etc.

The 'autism' comes from a combination of two factors: the amorality of TRP which enables aggressive men and the fact most men don't actually do anything to improve themselves because it's too hard.

No. 133683

That's generic self-improvement stuff you could get anywhere but it's mostly the sad counter productive relationship stuff that's being copied. "It's the female version of redpill" is a worse diss than any detractor has come up with since they're the bottom of the shit barrel that is the manosphere. It's like wanting to be on the sex offender register because lots of men do that too.

No. 133690

FDS isn't a female red pill. There used to be a red pill women board but I didn't lurk much there. Generally these female-oriented boards don't encourage casual sex. They do encourage careers as a way to reduce dependency on men.

No. 133704

you sure wrote a lot just to say you don't understand the basic idea behind fds, which is that women should aim to become as HV as possible, and if they dont find a partner who's also HV they will be just fine being single
i'm sure loneliness happens from time to time but it beats the loneliness of being screwed over by LVM. sex isn't everything, after a nice wank there are friends and family to spend time with, hobbies to work on and jobs to be done

No. 133715

>Red pill hate is disappointment that women can't live up to our expectations and fantasies
I don't understand, why is this male not banned? Mods, c'mon.

No. 133729

That subreddit really made me notice how most men don't actually ask you out they just go "so when are we meeting". Dude if YOU want to ask me out how about you think of something and tell me? Like decide a place or something, I had enough with my ex where I had to plan everything and he only wanted to go where I wanted to go. They are so low effort and I've just now realized it. I don't care about fancy dinners like the rest in there, but at least you plan something don't wait for me to do it. I refuse.

I've also noticed guys on my area in Tinder all say the same dumb shit on their profiles. It's either "looking for chill people" which is so code for "sex only" and something about "beer". Like they all think liking beer is part of their personality. If they even mention soccer I just swipe left, ugh Argentina…

No. 133808

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Update on this: she posted this to his TIMELINE, as in all our friends will see. I asked him to please remove his tag and he told me I was baselessly jealous/suspicious and asked me not to talk to him for 24 hours.

Some context: she posts and comments on his statuses constantly. If he posts it, she's there, even when she has nothing to say.

She's supposedly friendly to me and me and her comment on each others' posts from time to time. I'm aware that this is kindof pathetic on her part, but it has a really bad look as me and him are dating, and the post she shared from 2016 is specifically referring to him as her boyfriend, which hasn't been the case for years.

From what I can tell, she is very clearly still in love with him and I get the feeling that she's trying to encourage us to break up.

I think I might have to break up with him, but giving her what she wants feels to me like rewarding bad behaviour which I'm stubborn about. I love him a lot, so it's hard but I don't know how much more I can take.

should i just ignore it?

No. 133818

You set boundaries after his behavior upset you and he freaked out and stonewalled you? Anon :(

I wouldn't say break up just yet. You're right in thinking she's laying bait. Idk what kind of communication you have w/ your bf, is it worth having a serious talk with him about this? In person, not online or over the phone.

Does he have a history of cheating? Why did they break up?

No. 133824

this is flirting and he clearly has no respect for you. who gives a fuck if she gets him back and 'wins' because what kind of prize is a pathetic male living in the past who can't appreciate his current girlfriend. you're better than the both of them anon- love yourself.

No. 133834

Initial reaction: Wow, what a fucking retard. Literally no one asked or cared that in the pic she's wearing his underwear. Why's he scoping out her photos like that?

Okay yeah now I've looked at this >>133808 and what he did in response to you and it's sketchy as hell. This is super inappropriate and embarrassing, flirtacious to the max. Oh he's gonna ignore you, big man.
You know what he's doing? Bitching to her about you and how awful and controlling you are for demanding some respect.
>giving her what she wants feels to me like rewarding bad behavior
Sis, you're the one who wins by ditching this trash heap! Shake her hand for taking this cheating-time-bomb-waiting-to-explode off your hands. A man who eyeballs other women while he's in a relationship is NOT a catch, and no less for an ex. He must be a special brand of sorry cuck to want the ex back. He's either gonna cheat on her or they're gonna break up for similar reasons that they did before. Sounds like they deserve each other.

No. 133836

lol gross, this relationship is dead in the water sis

No. 133839

He’s never cheated on me and I think they broke up because SHE couldn’t stop cheating and not long ago he was talking shit about her on a mutual friends post about how much she cheated

No. 133867

I'd ask him outright:
"Why are you entertaining her behaviour when it hurts me?"
If he tells you you're being ridiculous (you're not) and tries to dismiss you, I'd leave. I'm sure you do love him, and I'm sure you treat him well and this seems furiously unfair. Unfortunately, it's common for guys to get bored in comfortable relationships and it's especially common for them to reminisce about past relationships. You deserve a man who doesn't look back, and only looks forward to a future with you. You DESERVE that. And you are NOT responsible for his actions - you have not caused this, he knows what he is doing. Don't push your feelings of hurt aside to please a guy who (might) not even acknowledge them. That is a relationship that will never bring you contentment and fulfilment.

No. 133880

The owner of FDS doesn't practice what she preaches. Her boyfriend made an account on an arranged marriages website. Instead of dumping his ass, she's asking for advice on how to get him back under her control. It's been constant drama. People even heard her have an argument with him in voicechat. Just for everyone to hear.
It doesn't take much for anyone to get banned. Several split off subs have been created by people who got banned. Mainly for calling out femcel behaviour. Wouldn't recommend joining those subs either. The whole community is a dumpster fire. You're better off sticking with pink pill or general feminism stuff.

No. 133881

FDS has a tendency to only make women more insecure. They sell this idea of a high value this or high value that. So they get mistreated, they start to wonder whether they are low value themselves. Fast forward a couple of weeks and they are crying on r/Vindicta. Their boobs are too small, their nose is too big, too black, too white. All reasons why they think they haven't found the mythical high value man yet. It could not possibly be that he doesn't exist. It could not possibly be that he isn't a good man if he wouldn't have dated her before she turned herself into a sex doll. Nevermind the more extreme version of FDS. It is pro sexwork and encourages women who just got out of abusive relationships to get into it. Yeah let's show men who is boss by objectifying ourselves and make servicing men our career. That's what's private.
Don't get me wrong, they have a point sometimes. The problem is that the good things are all common sense to any rad fem or pink pilled woman.

No. 133956

Is this milk recent? Crazy if so, jfc.
Just looked up r/Vindicta and found it repulsive. Are they really trying to relate this to feminism? They’re objectifying themselves even more than women who are oblivious to pink pill/feminist ideology. Moral issues aside, true “stacies” don't have to obsess over their status like this. As you said, it’s just a huge breeding ground for BDD and insecurity.

No. 133974

Yeah it's fairly recent. FDSdiscussions is one of the split off subs. When it comes to the owner being milky, that is mostly noticeable in the discord servers.

No. 133978

>he wouldn't have dated her before she turned herself into a sex doll
Where do you draw the line, though? You obviously have to become and show the best "version" of yourself. The harder you try, the better.

No. 133980

File: 1583753846917.jpeg (158.62 KB, 750x969, D49190FC-3B43-4877-B363-D98E62…)

Me simply telling my boyfriend that I'm done talking to him for the night after he lied about going home and actually went to the bar to hang with our friends. I wish I could go back and tell past me that the best way to get guys attention is to ignore them, but then you really are left with scrotes that act like dirtbags. Considering ending this, kids four and a half years my junior and I can't handle the maturity difference. Like he's a bus boy with no plans for college and starting a band. Like I want kids or a marriage and he just bought a new keyboard synth kek somebody kill me.

No. 133982

Girl, I feel you. I dumped my shitty ex-boyfriend a couple of months ago, he was six years younger than me, fucking yikes… No idea what was going on in my head when we started dating. Never again getting involved with someone that immature.

We were constantly fighting over him not respecting my boundaries, space, wants, needs,.. and I just tealised I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t give a shit. You deserve better!

No. 133984

This. I also noticed that the members were the dumbest bitches ever, getting fooled by the worst men.

I think dating strategies are dumb anyway, even if they might work. Just take care of yourself and enjoy yourself.

No. 133987

Sure looks matter in a sense, but a lot of these women think they need to bleach their skin, get major plastic surgery, etc. to find love. They think that it is the only thing stopping them from finding a ''high value'' man. I have seen some pictures of them, they really don't look as horrendous as they describe themselves.
Their main problems usually are low self esteem, lack of social skills, being a NEET, etc. There is nothing wrong with 'leveling up' in a reasonable way, by getting a new haircut, skin routine, or something else that isn't too invasive or requires you to dislike a fundamental part of yourself. There is a problem when girls can say they need to change their ethnic nose and bleach their skin or they cannot find a high value man, and nobody bats an eye. Why would a high value man be so racist that he'd require them to bleach their skin?!

No. 133989

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It aren't even just the newbies. The mods and the women in the secret FDS affiliated subreddit are oblivious too. They think they are so careful and know everything, but not much later they are going ''not my Nigel''! They won't dump men who blatantly disrespect them and their boundaries. Despite advising everyone else to dump their partners for far less. If you even dare to call anyone out for being a clown, you can expect a ban.
Yeah there's no real point to following the FDS handbook.tm . It even has a specific timeline to follow, there is barely any room for flexibility. Which is somewhat understandable considering the naivety of the average poster.

No. 133996

How are you supposed to fuck according to FDS? Been on a dry spell for four months and that's making me desperate for some dick. It seems like FDS is only for women with a very low sex drive.

No. 133999

Someone in the gold-digger thread commented “men and people in general are not shitty rpg characters” and I’d keep that advice closer than any dating rule or handbook.
I’m sure there are more good men that would get bored with the waiting than there are good men who still hold onto the Madonna-whore complex. Especially in cities. Denying it once or twice to seem classy might work but I can totally see the 3 month rule backfiring.

No. 134001

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What a pathetic display.
Dump now to avoid any future retardation.

No. 134002

Maybe a park. Just make sure you don't go to one that's not too isolated though as safety is a concern. Also, a library. Or a dogpark if you like dogs!

Better than not trying. Just be sure to look into the people who contact you and make sure you're doing some proper vetting before divulging too much private information about yourself.

No. 134003

Oops, I mean
>make sure you don't go to one that's TOO isolated though as safety is a concern

No. 134004

If you find a dude with a decent dick and willing to please then go for it. FDS is retarded when it comes to casual sex, they have a really bad doublethink about sex on that subreddit.
>our number of past sexual partners is irrelevant and doesn't make us unworthy of love or lower our value
They like to pretend that waiting three months or whatever arbitrary standard makes sex with the man better somehow. I've had terrible sex with men I was committed to and awesome sex with guys I never got into a relationship with.
Having sex either lowers your value or it doesn't. There is no special magic circumstance that takes away the fact that a penis went into your vagina. No one cares that a woman waited three months, or one night.
I feel like it's their underhanded way to neg women who don't have the same hangups about commitment and sex as they do.

No. 134006

Agree but I also see too many women so desperate for affection and attention that they accept netflix&chill dates and don't even cum. They get nothing out of this except self-esteem issues "Am I only good for sex? Why don't any guy cares about me?…etc".

No. 134007

Any woman with self esteem issues shouldn't be looking for sex, or really even be dating, if she's one fuckboy away from decimating her own worth. Super sad.

No. 134010

Six years is a big yikes. I'm 29 and he's 25, didn't seem so horrible in the beginning but now our maturity gap is beginning to show. Also like a dirtbag he told me he's going to California at the end of the month to play a show with his old band and spend a week with his old friends. He's been planning this for who knows how long without me. I'm out of work rn but it's not like I don't have savings and a credit card. Gonna see how I feel after getting space for a week and probably end it.

Imagine planning a while vacation without your SO and expecting them not to be upset. People surprise me every fucking day.

No. 134011

You can have low self-esteem and be detached+ horny enough to have casual sex. The problem is having sex just to get attention and validation.

No. 134015

shera's advice on this was pretty good, basically compartmentalize your men.

No. 134019

It's so fucking sad seeing women talking about men's dicks like they're actually good for anything… just get a dildo that's the proper angle and shape. If that doesn't satisfy you then just admit you want the validation from some rando fucking you.

No. 134023

Girl no. Fucking isn’t just about shoving something into your vagina. There are the looks, the touches, the kisses… So many things you can’t do with a piece of plastic.

No. 134025

>There are the looks, the touches, the kisses
If any of the romantic, sensual, intimate things you're imagining were actually likely to occur during casual sex, we wouldn't need to have this conversation. Obviously good sex is better than a dildo, but random men who don't give a single fuck about you and actively look down on you for deigning to fuck them are more likely to make it traumatic and degrading than even remotely good.

No. 134027

What's wrong with liking validation?

No. 134028

I think most people go through a phase of seeking validation externally in their teens and twenties but then you reach a point of needing to get that validation internally.

No. 134030

Which you won't get from a hook-up. When people talk about this shit it's always "bloo hoo I want dick" instead of saying they want an intimate experience. Always makes me think they're a weirdo who worships dick and wants to be dommed by randos, which is why dildos don't do it for them.

It's not healthy to get validation from getting fucked by random men.

No. 134034

Sleeping around casually may work for some people, however it could make relationships later more tricky if there's ever trust issues etc. It sounds dumb but jealousy between partners can become very real even if it is irrational. Its probably also a good idea not to correlate having sex as an achievement. People overlook the sketchy situations they put themselves in for sex all the time when it isn't worth it. Idk

No. 134038

I don’t know with what kind of people you have casual sex but kisses and touches are just the basics. It’s so sad that it’s considered for some people as « romantic ». There are always disrespectful bastards but you can recognize them with a little coffee date before fucking.

No. 134039

i have literally never had a casual encounter that didn't have some kind of other intimacy. in fact men are usually super eager to show off their "amazing kissing skills".

No. 134043

Nta but depends on personal preference, I used to tell casual fucks not to kiss me, just never been a fan of it in those circumstances.

No. 134044

yea, do what you want, to me it sounds like it makes foreplay weird, but claiming it never ever happens is just stupid.

No. 134045

Being penetrated is ok but kisses are too intimate? lmaaooo

No. 134048

That's how you know someone hates themselves. People who have casual sex already inherently do, but that takes it to new levels

No. 134049

Which post is this even in response to?

No. 134053

Yeah I've had a pretty mixed reaction to not kissing hook ups. I'm lesbian though, just realised this is probably an exclusively straight dating thread, oops

No. 134055

I mean, of course sex will almost always involve kissing and touching, even casual sex. But I said
>things you're imagining
Because I wasn't taking anon 100% literally, I assumed she was thinking of interactions far more ~romantic~ than just kissing and touching alone. That is the bare minimum and hardly makes sex good or worthwhile in itself, and it doesn't mean a guy isn't treating you like a fleshlight. That part is what makes casual sex bad.

No. 134058

What’s wrong with Pynchon lol

No. 134059

nta and i don't think penetration is anything to write home about, but kisses are kind of weird, being up to someone's face so close, i don't know, it's not that enjoyable. i don't mind intimacy at all, i just think it's a little weird.

No. 134067

Same, not a huge fan of kissing even when the sex is otherwise quite passionate.

So if you have casual sex you must hate yourself? And if you opt out of kissing you somehow hate yourself even more.. does accepting oral count as hating yourself more? Or less? Would love to have you work that out according to your beliefs

No. 134083

Vindicta is "feminist" in as much as it acknowledges that lookism against women is a thing, not more not less. Vindicta refers to itself as "weaponized beauty". I don't think anyone there, including myself, deludes themselves into thinking that making yourself hotter by attaining patriarchal standards of beauty is feminist.

No. 134639

What is the dating app with the most attractive men? I don't know if I want a relationship, probably not. I just want to spend time with attractive guys, whatever it leads to.

The quality on Tinder is really low here in London.

No. 134657

…you're using tinder in London during the corona outbreak?

No. 134666

can't I ask a question without someone mentioning corona?

No. 134677

Are you though?

No. 134686

Anon has a death wish.

>Why not arrange personal meetings with many strangers in public places where they'll have plenty of time to breathe on me and touch me (at a minimum)

I've seen evidence of people dating as normal and taking the current conditions as an additional novelty to add into the mix. Now is the time to have an online-only romance, if anything.

No. 134688

Using it but probably won't meet up. Even if it's just to chat (and then meet when this is all over)

No. 135423

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I'd rather not have sex with a guy unless I was in a long term relationship with him. How many men are actually willing to do that? I feel like there would be guys that expect me to break my values and 'put out' too soon or I'll end up attracting virgin-chasers and radically conservative guys looking for a tradwife (I would like to get married one day though)

Should I just wait for marriage? (that's the advice I've got from /adv/) I'm still a virgin

No. 135435

I wish I was a virgin wait till ur engaged fr

No. 135450

If he really cares about you, he’ll wait until you’re comfortable with having sex. Personally, I recommend waiting a few weeks and going on a few dates in the meantime so that YOU KNOW EACH OTHER REASONABLY WELL AS PEOPLE. Lol sorry for caps but it’s gross how pervasive and normalized hookup culture is even in serious dating.

You can say something like this: “I’m attracted to you, but I’d like to get to know you a little better. Is it okay if we wait?” Be flirty and teasing about it so that he’s encouraged to pursue you. And if he gives you shit about it, then you know to drop him.

No. 135466

Is it best for me to say I'll only have sex with guys I'm efianced to upfront? I feel like that sort of communication is necessary.

No. 135470

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anyone have this weird almost uncanny valley like feeling when browsing FDS, I assumed it would be a space for women who are a little odd or GNC to find good high quality men and spot out redflags but actually going to thesespaces it just feel like spaces it feels idk very basic, like a space the mean girl who bullied me in highschool would hangout in

No. 135474

Well FDS prioritizes having high self esteem and confidence, I'm sure most high school mean girls projected those traits. And it consistently recommends self improvement and having high standards for yourself (looks, social skills, career etc), so that you can feel entitled a man of equal value.

I never expected anything but normies, lots of FDS strategies and language seem ripped straight off Lipstick Alley then given a feminist angle. I like it, I'm more comforted by the idea of basic girls wising up to male bullshit than another femcel community feeling sorry for themselves.

No. 135478

>Well FDS prioritizes having high self esteem and confidence, I'm sure most high school mean girls projected those traits. And it consistently recommends self improvement and having high standards for yourself (looks, social skills, career etc), so that you can feel entitled a man of equal value.
I have a decent enough job and I'm fine with that, not really into makeup and fashion for a number of reason, around men Im confident enough that they listen to me

>I never expected anything but normies, lots of FDS strategies and language seem ripped straight off Lipstick Alley then given a feminist angle. I like it, I'm more comforted by the idea of basic girls wising up to male bullshit than another femcel community feeling sorry for themselves.

but shouldn't they try to appeal to the women who need this strategy the most. like I have spoken to some online female friends who said they were turned away by the "boss bitch" memes and the flashy mean girl style

No. 135573

I’ve used FDS tactics in the past. At the end of the day, some of it is helpful and some of it is not important.

I do think getting emotionally attached to a guy too soon is a problem many women have. They’re like a project, you sink all this time and effort into getting close to this guy and you become attached to him. You feel like you have to make it work! And he becomes lazy and bored with you because he can tell you’ve already selected your wedding dress, so he makes no real effort. Or he gets scared off. You have to wait until he’s actually invested in you to allow yourself to become invested in him.
I think it’s nice when men pay for dates and I do prefer when they pay for the first few. Depending on whether he has money or not, tho. If he’s kinda broke (or has a job that I know doesn’t earn much), I’ll split after the first date. But if a guy who has money doesn’t want to pay for the first few dates, I wouldn’t continue with him. Within the context of our current society, paying for the first few dates means something. I have a great career, I can afford anything I want on my own, so if you’re going out of your way to make me feel special by treating me to dinner I would consider that generous.

so I don't think the advice itself is bad or crazy "most" of the time, that "yasss queen slayy" type of empowerment to is really really not that appealing.

No. 135598

Not really

No. 136017

What do you guys think about the FDS "get married within a year" thing? It claims a man isn't serious if he doesn't wife you within a year of dating.

I really, really don't want to get married that fast but I do want a LTR. I prefer dating for many years before marriage, and I don't want kids. I also don't want to wait 90 days before sex or some other stuff FDS claims.

No. 136018

> wife you within a year of dating

Imagine the divorce rates though

No. 136020

I think their point is that two high value people will stay together if they're serious, and two idiot normies who get carried away with puppy love and don't notice their incompatibility will get divorced.

But I still think getting married so fast is retarded. I'm fucking 22, I don't want that shit but I do want a serious boyfriend.

No. 136241

I feel like FDS makes some good points but is all too much like the red pill shit. Things aren't so black and white.

No. 136336

FDS women don't like being the 'forever girlfriend'.

No. 138123

What ever happened to being respectful, having healthy relationships! What's with all the crazy manipulation??

Also most of them sound like wishful fanfictions

No. 138127

I honestly don't know wtf kind of site anons are reading, because 99% of advice and posts on FDS are literally just 'STOP LETTING MEN TREAT YOU LIKE SHIT'. Like, respect and having healthy relationships is exactly what they're advocating? Expecting men to put in effort and pay for the first date isn't manipulation. It's the bare minimum they can do to show they take you seriously as a human being and aren't just trying to get the easiest pussy possible.

No. 138131

You wanna know what happened? Men, hookup culture, and online dating. FDS just draws from "traditional" dating advice like in The Rules and for the most part is for women looking for marriage.

No. 138147

Fuckboys happened and ruined dating with their sociopathic pump-n-dump bullshit. So now women have to be suspicious and guarded af at all times.

No. 138148

I think a lot of stuff from the FDS handbook were written by complete boomers. Like stuff about wearing tight fitting clothes and high heels being the standard of "polished" or wanting to get married withing one year.

In my opinion FDS has good posts about uplifting women, avoiding terrible scrotes and remembering how awful men can be, but the handbook is a bit "too much" at times. It holds good principles as a whole but some small rules should definitely be overlooked if you're not living in 1950.

No. 138177

>lie about partner count
>have sex within two months
I'd say wait one year of exclusive dating minimum if purity is something you want to project.

No. 138250

this is your brain on drugs

No. 138643

I thought LC's for laughing at this kind of shit, not being part of it.

No. 138648

Then how about you lurk more you retard?
What is there to even make fun of. Are you one of those 'FDS is female redpill!' reading comprehension lacking idiot?

No. 138649

Am I the only one who thinks: But I don't want to get married within one year? And I am very much serious when I date. I just don't think you can know the other person well enough after only one year. I'm not super set on a specific timeframe but 3ish years dating before getting married sounds ideal to me.

No. 138654


Looks like there's a bunch of older women who want to tick boxes before the clock runs out and don't care if any of the supposedly important life choices they make will work out. Its just so they don't feel like they missed out or look weird/unwanted to the world. IMO many will get one kid and then divorce the dude they probably never were all that into, he just fit the bill. There's no joy in all of this.

No. 138661

I think you can just ignore the parts that don't apply to you? Even if you hate marriage and just want a respectful relationship, the parts about self-confidence and not letting men waste your time would still be good advice. You don't have to buy into the entire philosophy to find it useful.

No. 138676

they get that though, they just have standards about the man attached to the dick

No. 138681

That is literally the complete opposite of what anyone says or does on FDS and goes against everything they promote. Settling to just to get married is the worst possible outcome, being single always is better than being with a low value man just to have anyone at all.

The 'get married in 1 year' thing is something I never see anyone mention either, maybe it's somewhere in the wiki and has been forgotten by the userbase. But the justification behind that idea is that
>men know if they want to marry a woman very, very quickly
>if he doesn't want to marry you, he'll still waste your time and you're at risk of being a forever girlfriend
>men will enjoy wifey benefits without making you a wife if you let them

1 year is a ridiculously short time period for getting married, but a time limit is not so illogical in itself.

No. 138751

>wifey benefits
Honestly if a man is getting more out of a relationship than he puts in, marriage won't settle that balance. Don't waste your wifey benefits on someone who doesn't give you husbandy benefits.

No. 138753

Depends on age tbh. For women 30+, that makes perfect sense. There's no reason a guy around that age wouldn't be ready to settle down soon unless he's a fuckboy.

No. 138762

yeah absolutely, you're right! However I was replying to an anon that asked what anons specifically think about that one rule, so that's why I replied that way.

No. 138795

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Honestly I know this is going to be slightly unpopular but i was active on both FDS and Vindicta for a while and tbh both of their philosophies ended up being really unhealthy and putting me in a bad place emotionally wise regarding relationships, in the end all of this mindset just makes you unable to form real emotional connections with your partner .
Also most of these women are just plain nutjobs, visit their discords, interact for a little while and you will its just a bunch of BPD and Narcissistic freaks roleplaying as uwu hot sucessful take no shit seductressess while being completely off the rails.

No. 138799

Yup, I’ve ventured into those subreddits and circles and got the exact same vibe. It’s silly women who want to LARP as seductive vixens who get their pick of the litter, when in reality it’s mostly insecure women who have probably never had a meaningful relationship with a man. They peach that a man only cares about looks, but in my experience, personality does play a role. Yes, to attract a good, attractive man you have to be cute- but you also have to be a good person. Also these chicks source all their self esteem from how men treat them and their relationships, it seems a vapid way to live life.

No. 138802

Where you in the Vindicta discord? Most of the people there were pretty and focused on the tiniest of flaws, or were planning to get $100k worth of surgery at age 16/18. I had to leave too, it was just too much lol.

No. 138803

Yess, honestly the discord is such a hostile place and they made me believe i was a lowly 5/10 worm, and they are straight up like those Botched BDD freaks who want to get 3 ml of fillers and lipo and then a BBL.

No. 139856

What's the best way to find a normal, even sorta boring guy?

Like idk if it's common for young guys to solely be into drugs, drinking, sex and adventures but it sure as hell feels like it being in uni and going on a dating app like Tinder.

As someone who's pretty much a homebody, I really don't want to be with a guy who's super extroverted and never wants to rest…just a guy whose sorta averageish, doesn't watch porn, doesn't care much about internet culture and watches the office

No. 139857

most people on dating sites are actually boring
the number of people with references to the office, sports, and coffee is staggering

No. 139863

r/femaledatingstrategy offers terrible advice. While it's rooted in come evolutionary psychology that makes sense (keyword: some), the problem with these subs (r/theredpill included) is that everyone on them really and truly believes they're at the top of the hierarchy and deserves the sort of partner that realistically only genuinely beautiful/handsome and highly intelligent people can obtain.

Just like redpillers think Mary Elizabeth Winstead is their looksmatch, FDSers believe they deserve an IBer making $400,000 a year who also looks like Christian Bale in his prime. In other words, it's a recipe for holding out for men sociopathic enough to use you over a long term period, or holding out for nothing at all. The only good advice they offer is to hold back on giving sex until he has proven himself a viable long-term partner, and really you could just ask your grandma to tell you that, you don't need damaged redditors on SSRIs to tell you.

I've noticed there's also this weird-as-fuck overlap between pinkpill communities and kpop fangroups. You'll often be reading a thread and some random no-value comment about how Asian/Korean "scrotes" are actually really great and everyone should be dating them instead because they're so much better than White/Black/Hispanic/etc ones. That or they're just Asian incels sockpuppeting. If it's the former I think the blind spot over how many women in the Korean entertainment have been killing themselves due to industrial-scale rape and abuse is kind of bizarre.

Finally, I'm tired of people who made bad decisions with prior partners (I swear half of the "ex boyfriend stories" here and on FDS are from people who dated random men they met on online games, interpals, 4chan or worse) projecting this onto others. Not everyone was dumb enough to date some disgusting /soc/ BDSM fetishist they met on a "kink thread".

tl;dr, don't take advice from damaged people online.

No. 139864

Yeah, if only they could appreciate higher artforms. Like Venus Angelic's early work, ranting about some skank in Japan on PULL, ironically watching generic moe anime and playing scooby doo games like Persona.

No. 139865

didn't you already post this before

No. 139866

Yeah, didn't know we had an FDS thread already on /g/.

No. 139867

The good advice on FDS about marriage is mostly concerning stuff like making sure he's serious, not being stuck with him for ten years without a ring etc. That all makes sense. It's also something you could ask your grandmother for, you don't need to engage with people of very questionable mental health on reddit about it.

The problem is that it goes beyond that. There are plenty of heavily upvoted posts about how its important to get a very expensive ring (it isn't, my partner makes decent money and I told him to spend a fifth of what he planned to and to put the rest in a savings account). There's this whole gold-digging undercurrent on FDS that I find impossible to reconcile with actual, good dating advice because the simple fact is there aren't enough good looking, wealthy men to go around, certainly not if you're talking about for women on places like 4chan and FDS.

They've also got this weird obsession of assuming if you like any sort of male aesthetic beyond kpop boys you're a "pick me". For example, I find dad bods cute. Not huge, obese men, but a tiny bit of pudge is something I've always liked. FDS would call me a pickme, say I like "LVM" etc if I ever posted something along those lines on there, just because I don't think jungkook is peak male aesthetics.

No. 139868

It's because it attracts a lot of people from chan culture/imageboards. Damaged people in other words. Remember how the cosplay scene at anime cons essentially just became a place for gossip, hookups, he-said/she-said, drama etc? It was the same thing: people who never experienced that at school found another space to recreate it.

FDS has a few different groups on there. The good content generally comes from the "involved with men" r/gendercritical types who still want to date and marry, but want to avoid the sociopathic hellscape that men (predominantly) have made of modern dating. You've also got a lot of girls who obviously were raised on imageboards on there, made bad choices in their youth and now feel angry and vengeful about it. These are the types who make posts about aborting male children and saying that any man who doesn't have a seven inch penis is inferior. It's almost like the latter group took what incels said about women and decided to internalize it and become it.

Yeah you're 100% correct but the right response is simply to disengage from this modern culture in its entirety. Not create something equally bad out of spite.

No. 139870

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>For the record, LVM doesn't mean low income, introverted, shy, unambitious, or whatever LVM think it means.
This is nonsense and you know it. When called out FDS backtracks and tries to claim they aren't gold-diggers, but there's literally thousands of comments that suggest otherwise.

Another anon put it best. FDS's generic advice is actually quite good. It's about being a little skeptical of men, in an age where too many women have become too eager to believe their weasel words and take them on trust, because we assume they have the same levels of empathy we do (they don't). The sidebar and so on also provide good, working advice. But that generic boilerplate advice (that any older female relative worth her salt would give you) isn't the userbase of the site. And the userbase of the site are largely damaged people from imageboards who use the platform as a way to cope with past mistakes and plan out what will be forever unexecuted and fundamentally delusional stratagems of obtaining a wealthy, attractive k-pop lookalike. You can clearly see this if you've ever joined the discord, by the way. The userbase is insane and has constant doublethink.

Case in point: a few days ago they were cooing over some older male youtuber who created a channel for people who never had father's to tell them how to do stuff like unblock drains. Saying what an amazing man he was and how they wish they had a dad like him and how HV he was, when physically I could really easily see his picture being used to illustrate "LVM looks", e.g. receding hairline and so on.

More broadly, the more I interact with people from here, the chans and elsewhere in the weebverse the more convinced I am that none of you have ever interacted with normal people in your entire lives. No exaggeration. The men you all talk about either sound like they were pulled straight from /r9k/ or an incel board, or like on of the more sociopathic, sexually successful 4channers like Sam Hyde. And the men are exactly the same. Men from 4chan and other similar websites really do believe in their heart of hearts that every girl is some e-thot with an onlyfans who has a partner count in the double digits precisely because those are the only women they interact with in the first place.

God damn it people, go out into the real world. Meet people at dinner parties, through family friends, even at bars. People on imageboards, at anime cons, in online gaming communities, on the "twitter anisphere" etc. These aren't normal people. They're not exceptional people either. They embody the worst qualities of both men and women imaginable. They're going to continue to make you miserable. And if you're meeting people on the basis of "shared kinks", then God help you.

No. 139874

they exist. but most of these guys are their 30's, I'm looking for someone like whose in his early 20's

No. 139875

> Case in point: a few days ago they were cooing over some older male youtuber who created a channel for people who never had father's to tell them how to do stuff like unblock drains

sage for off topic but you can link to that specif channel so I can a) Judge for myself and b) learn some things

No. 139876

nta but I think it's "Dad, How Do I?"

No. 139877

Too many mentally ill nutjobs there. Look at the moderation team, TheOGJammies is a complete man hater, I don't even get why she'd be part of a dating sub if she doesn't date anybody. Greenteaapplepie69 is a femcel who never dated any man either.

No. 139880

How do I get over the guilt of having "a type"? I just feel shallow and I'm not even pretty and im dark skin. I just find it hard to be attracted to anyone who isnt a tall, skinny, pretty boy with nice hair and clothes who is also emotionally mature. I know I wont get this BUT I have a hard time getting over the guilt of being so shallow becuz I low key think I'm trash. Idk why I feel bad. There are plenty of men who arent that great who have a type and they never stfu about it even if their ideal is put of their league.

No. 139901

lol this vagina valley hideout. "patriarchy," literal talk of eugenics against men who won't subsidize your life. you femcels are going to die alone and nobody cares.

No. 139902

eugenics are pretty neat dude

No. 139903

there's no conspiracy against women to ensnare them as early as possible, you lobotomized fembrain. females have a literal expiration date on their womb and by thirty most of your eggs are toast rendering procreation with you too much of a risk when there are swaths of younger women with less mileage to choose from, not to mention your looks begin to deteriorate rapidly from late twenties on. men choose young women because young women are fertile and aren't as embittered and insane as the oldies on this board from so many failed relationships.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 139904

File: 1590260427338.gif (538.97 KB, 625x626, Ohy3vO7.gif)

at least you saged

No. 139906

No. 139907

do you think this board doesn't corroborate exactly what the incel perception of a woman is like? it's almost a universal trait among holes to have zero self awareness, really quite remarkable.

No. 139908

so you willingly chose to fish for casual hookups multiple times on a dating app like a whore but took personal slight at the fact that someone expected you to transport yourself to the location of the date rather than offer to do so himself and this was an affront to your existence as a woman.

alright, i'm done here. enjoy dying alone, fellas.

No. 139915

I've never joined the FDS discord but still seeing these attitudes on the subreddit is bizarre. I don't understand the man-haters who post on FDS because what does the subreddit have to offer them, isn't there the femalelevelupstrategy? Like I understand man-haters but wish they would look into separatist ideology instead of devoting so much energy and thought into manhating. Putting that energy into the main sub when it's about women who still want to navigate dating is strange.

No. 140079

>How do I get over the guilt of having "a type"?
Don't. You're entitled to have preferences.
>I just find it hard to be attracted to anyone who isnt a tall, skinny, pretty boy with nice hair and clothes who is also emotionally mature.
You don't have control over who your body physically reacts to, with the exception you have an unhealthy mindset towards those who are the opposite of your preferences (ie feeling disdain for short men that have no control over this). That would suggest you like what you do over hatred of the opposite and what ideas/stereotypes you associate with it. Pretty is subjective, as is nice hair. Emotionally mature should be everyone's standard. Nothing here is unreasonable. You weren't even specific.

You are entitled to love and respect regardless of where you are in life, including how you perceive yourself. You are a woman, there is a man out there who finds you pretty (not that your worth should be based off of that). You are or you aren't pretty is how you perceive, and as consequence, carry yourself. Whoever finds you attractive is going to, regardless of how you feel. You might as well see yourself positively. Skin tone is irrelevant. Those that make you feel bad about it aren't worth your time. Easier said than done; our culture has a long way to go. There's underlying psychological causes here; therapy might help.

Sorry for sperg.
TL;DR Love yo' self sis

No. 140271

Your generalizations about men are laughable. A breach of rationality is needed in all your conspiracy theories. Often in the same vein as those about Jews. This is cynical and not in response to any reality but to a collective nightmare. Your thoughts are lowered in an utter act of cowardice where you must be the most vile as to never be caught as the more genuine and emotionally vulnerable. The "value" of a person huh? Great response to something ugly. Emulation.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 140424

so grateful to have discovered FDS recently. ignoring men and being busy (or seeming that way at least) really does work. we're all gonna make it.

No. 143110

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Farmers, how do you feel about the new site and the glossary specifically?

No. 143131

verification is pretty tedious and the glossary is pretty cringe but they’re on the right lines with it i guess

No. 143868

Have any anons got into the DTW subreddit? I want to check it out but I'm wary the verification process could be used to try to dox. Is it worth it at all?

No. 144089

Here's the easiest solution: realise that men are trash and spend time on yourself

No. 144095

based. just enjoy your lives man free, what’s the point in searching through piles of garbage for some slightly less stinky garbage.

No. 144103

a partner?

jfc straight people are a thing you know

No. 144513

Play online switch games maybe? Normal guys that don't go out are probably gamers.

No. 144515

Brainwashed into wanting to breed, like literally give birth to a babby
Personally I don't think Cronenberg could have come up with worse body horror than childbearing

No. 144520

do men who don't play video games even exist at this point?

No. 144521

I completely agree. The narcisstic and "unbothered high quality elegant woman" way of behaving in order to attract a man is in itself self-defeating. in my experience it has only been insecure simps who fall for this facade, and quality men can see right through it. On top of that, they advocate being a high value woman and yet a woman of that status would feel no need to roleplay as a seductress or stoop to playing mind games in order to keep a man. It's unhealthy but easy to get addicted to if you derive self-esteem from men chasing after you.

No. 144909

Any dating strategy ideas for female/female dating? I'm just lost and don't know where to start! I've tried dating apps with little success. I'm 26 and I've never really had a relationship. I know there's a lesbian female dating strategy sub but it's not super active and I'm not a lesbian, I'm bi in theory but no interest in dating a male.

No. 144943

If you’re looking for women unfortunately apps are gonna be your best bet, it’s hard to meet other lesbian and bi women irl depending on where you live.

No. 144979

This, tbh. If you spend enough time around them you'll realize they're mostly as successful as community college graduates working at a Starbucks part-time. Most of the pictures I've seen are mediocre, if not blatantly unattractive. It's amusing in the same way as TRP how ridiculously inflated their self-worth is.

Not racebaiting here, but I've noticed that a lot of them are black women, has anyone else noticed this too?

No. 144982

they have a lot of good points (wait at least a few months until having sex if you want commitment, avoid casual sex, weed out cheap/exploitative men, call out pornsick and abusive behaviour, theres also some good advice on looking out for red flags, etc.), but sometimes they just come off as insane to me. there are so many obviously fake posts. it doesnt help how american-centric a lot of the discussions and advice are. recently ive been seeing a lot more "pick-me" posts and comments too, maybe over the last month or so, which has gotten me questioning it.

im a part of the sub, but only because they do occasionally give good advice, as opposed to most of the other relationship advice places which are very biased in favour of men, and it's also one of the last places on reddit to freely bitch about men as well kek. dont take it too seriously.

No. 147360


tbh i think women who go into dating solely with the goal of marriage are pathetic. it's hard to explain because it's like why else do people date? but it's a very specific type i'm talking about. like, marriage is the only thing on the brain and they just want a husband and it doesn't really matter who is standing in for that role, they just need to get married.

No. 149452

This. FDS and Vindicta are just a bunch of insecure, bitter women who LARP as some succesful women. It kinda makes me sad that there are people who fuel their own BDD and want to become botched plastic surgery bimbos

No. 152135

So I've been having some dating woes, and my mom gave me this old book she bought when she was young called Mars and Venus on a Date. It's by a dude called John Gray, who is a famous author in the relationship category. The book itself is obviously a bit dated since it was published in 1997, but it's actually incredible how so much of the book preaches what FDS seems to. I mean, here are some snippets that stood out to me (these are specific to dating with the goal of a relationship of course, not causal sex):

>When a man comes on strong in stage one (attraction) and then pulls back in stage two (uncertainty), a woman sometimes feels pressure to give back sexually. She has received so much that she feels obligated to return the favor. She hopes that by responding in a sexual manner and fulfilling his desires, she will regain his interest. By giving more of herself than she is ready to give, however, she can actually sabotage a relationship. More is not always better.

>A woman needs to understand that by receiving and responding in a warm and friendly way to a man's romantic gestures she is already giving back to him. This basic understanding is crucial, and women today are missing it. Quite often a woman feels that she is not giving enough in return, and then she feels obligated to give more.

>If a woman's reaction to uncertainty is to pursue a man, it can actually prevent him from moving through his uncertainty to discover whether he wants to invest in a relationship or not. This is why, traditionally, woman don't call men. The wise woman waits for him to pursue her.

>Young women, particularly, feel a pressure not to let a man pay on a date so that they don't feel obligated to have sex. This is the woman's way of saying that he should not get his hopes up. The problem with this approach is that he will get the idea that she is not receptive at all and lose interest. Just because a woman enjoys a man's gifts does not in any way obligate her to give more than a smile or a thank you.

Now I haven't tried FDS (or any kind of dating strategy really), but I've heard of it and the premise, and it just really stood out to me that this book written over 20 years ago by an 'expert' in the dating field - and a man - also emphasises so much that woman should allow themselves to be pursued. That the role of impressing falls on the man. Something I do think a lot of young girls who are starved of attention forget, like I did.

No. 152204

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I think the fundamental ideology of FDS is (or started out) pretty damn good. Is there really anything better? Most of the [female] critics of FDS are libfem handmaidens that get played over and over again. FDS personally helped me to respect myself a lot as I used to be a woman who would date down severely. A lot of women like myself partook in FemaleLifeStrategy as opposed to dating, which I found to be more helpful. I think FDS is also inspiring in that it encourages women to create their own lives so that they are less dependent on men for sources of happiness. What you do with FDS's advice is your choice. While I was active in FDS I was immersing myself in hobbies, working out, getting my education, working with the goal of bettering myself for myself. I swore off of online dating and men because FDS had shown me how much better off I was improving myself instead of sitting around and swiping on dating apps, hoping to find a diamond in a mound of shit. On the other hand, there are women who are constantly on dating apps, talking about their revolving door of men, which isn't productive in my opinion but still isn't nearly as bad as TRP. TRP, MGTOW, MRAs, and incels are responsible for terror attacks, rapes, and murders so I have to lol when r/purplepilldebate tries to compare the two.
I can confirm as a former mod that some women on FDS are insane, a few are even cow tier. That much should be obvious–people who are among the more active accounts on Reddit, regardless of ideology, are insane. The woman here >>138795 who said that the women are ugly or below average is wrong. Yes there are a few that are not good looking and need a lot of help in the fashion/aesthetics department. But I've seen many women and I'd say that it falls all over the scale of attractiveness. We certainly had more than a few women who were really pretty. The distribution of attractiveness was far higher skewed than all of the men I've seen while lurking the manosphere.
I think FDS ideology is best off if it goes mainstream and reaches normie women and men to change the dating game for women. Men have said that they will only step it up if women require them to. Occasionally we had men (who lurked) that messaged the mods thanking the sub and saying that they want to become HVMs–that bit gave me some hope. One of my biggest issues as a former mod was that the sub went in a completely different direction from advice to memes. And the memes can be kind of cringe at times but on the bright side I have appreciated the gradual pinkpilling of the subreddit.
Ultimately the women who complain about FDS are more pathetic than the women of FDS. I'd rather see a woman who has too much self-confidence than some lowly pickme that wants head pats from MRAs for her "I'm a woman and I hate FDS!" I'm not affiliated with FDS at all whatsoever anymore and I have personal issues with some of the current mods so I have nothing to gain from talking positively of them.
Alright this became very long, I've attached proof of my removal at least but can provide more in case someone accuses me of LARPing as a former mod.
Vindicta's server was full of women with BDD who were obsessed with 'grading' their faces and scoring other women. I find that to be very unhealthy and contrary to the philosophy of FDS which was imo moreso about building your confidence. But technically Vindicta and FDS are not affiliated. One of the mods of that server was a RPW that was trying to spread tradthot ideology and recruit younger girls to RPW.

No. 152441

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FDS post with advice to make a dummy and real account to weed out men.

No. 153030

I’m not trying to argue and correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a lot of FDS advice irrelevant if the person really likes you for who you are?

Maybe this is impossible to know if you exclusively use dating apps or other means of dating in which you’re connecting with strangers. I’ve always dated people who I’m friends with first and have never worried about what people on FDS fear.

Like idk, do you really think someone who genuinely likes you and likes to spend time with you is going to care if you call or plan a date first? I think relationships where people are just allowed to express how they feel without worrying about “tactics” are much healthier.

And I feel like FDS’ cynical nature is causing people to not just let go and enjoy dating, just seeing where it takes you. Is it even fun if you’re constantly thinking about whether or not you’re being played or girlfriend material or whatever?

Idk, these are just my thoughts. I would love FDS users to give me their thoughts too, because it’s something I’m curious about even if I don’t follow.

No. 153107

> use dating apps
> cynical nature
Just aswering as another outsider but yeah I think FDS comes off as very defensive, then again when you look at the reality of dating apps you do need to play it safe and be cynical.

>just let go and enjoy dating, just seeing where it takes you. Is it even fun if you’re constantly thinking about whether or not you’re being played

A few years ago my long term relationship ended. I'm not the type to rebound. I spent the following 8 weeks stuck in a lease so living with my ex still. For those few weekends I went out for coffee with my friends and stayed out all day to try and pass the awkward time left living there. So fucking glad I never went on tinder because at that exact time in my exact town a man managed to meet and rape/torture 3 women over the span of 3/4 days. It was so close to home that I never want to touch one of those apps. He held one of the women hostage in her own home and the ordeal lasted hours.

No. 153123

This post isn't meant to bash you, I want to try providing a genuine answer. Different women have different mindsets and priorities is what it comes down to.

> isn’t a lot of FDS advice irrelevant if the person really likes you for who you are

In most cases I don't think these women have many male friends or acquintances, and are dating men they don't know well. Women on FDS are dating for a specific man who is compatible with them, who often plays a provider role (assuming this is because most want children). A man may care for you but if he doesn't want to settle down and play this role he's wasting their time, these women usually want to get married. You seem somewhat of a romantic, not a bad thing, in history and plenty of cultures marriage is less about that. People change and life stress (like child dying, etc.) can kill love and end relationships. These women value the meaning of men paying for dates, etc. because unless you spend more time with someone there's not much to go off of for a man's character for a while.

> causing people to not just let go and enjoy dating, just seeing where it takes you

Women can't date and engage in this "free love" kind of thought because of patriarchy. In most cases it's men who benefit from relationships more than women, so women don't want to waste their time, energy, and money when they can find a man who is what they want. When women face abuse, it often comes from their male partner. Radical acceptance of dating men (I feel like the subreddit is somewhat pinkpilled) means being aware of male violence and that most men have been raised to take advantage of women's labor.

> Is it even fun if you’re constantly thinking about whether or not you’re being played or girlfriend material or whatever?

No, but it's not fun to not keep it in mind and let yourself get played. A lot of these women come in with dating horror stories or trauma, and cringe at their past selves for a reason.

No. 153128

ntayrt, but I did post in the dumbass questions thread and this helped me to answer the questions I had. Those are some great points for people who follow FDS, but ultimately I have a different pov and want different things than these ladies. Thanks, anon, for the helpful answer!

No. 153135

Wow that’s awful. I’m glad you’re safe anon, and I agree about dating apps.
ITAYRT and it’s true I’m more of a free spirit when it comes to romance because idc about marriage and kids lol (while still not the 100% PPed “IDFW men” type.) I definitely don’t see your post as bashing because this is pretty much the answer I was looking for. I now totally agree with anon >>153128 that the usefulness of FDS depends on what you want in a relationship.

Also I feel like I’ve lived in a bubble or something because both of your posts mention dating violence and… wow, I should stay conscious of how dangerous men can be.

No. 155312

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this image makes me laugh so much and i don't know why. also, apparently the mods plan on cutting down the amount of low-effort posts and memes so that'll improve the subreddit.

No. 155550

File: 1602970779049.png (13.3 KB, 546x170, sdfgfgyhujii98u78y67t56r.PNG)

FDS is a nice subreddit and i really really think women (esp straight) can benefit from it but they should just leave lesbians alone and stop being homophobic pos. users constantly talk about how much they want to be lesbian, how easy it would be if they were a lesbian (lol), how easily they would find a female partner (LOL), there are even women who straight up say that they are researching ways on how to become homosexual (conversion therapy much?) or sharing polilez manifestos between each other so they can weasel they way into lesbian spaces. just fucking stay celibate, no lesbian wants someone who only dates other women because "men are traaaash". their shit is so tonedeaf for fucks sake. and before you come for me - i am aware that threads like these are not daily occurrence there.

No. 155652

I've checked out this subreddit back when r/gendercritical was shilling it (RIP), but I honestly just can't be bothered. If online and blind dating (which they seem to be mainly focusing on) takes this fucking much effort to do, then why even bother? Like someone posting about making a fishing account just to sort out if your date is also into casual flings, all that mental effort could be going into literally anything else.

Internet dating just sucks in general. There's a saying in my country that "a man coming from far lands can say whatever", for the best translation I can suddenly do, it basically just means that there's no one to call out the lies of a new guy traveling through your village or whatever. Word of mouth and tribalism helped a lot to know what kind of man you were marrying, that's why even today it's just so much safer to date friends of your friends, since there's at least a person who can vouch for them not being a serial killer or socially retarded. Online dating just seems to be a way for guys to get easy one-night stands and then even put the blame of women ('if you were more "____", he'd date you').

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not some tradwife type longing for village life, I just kept thinking about how unsafe and shitty 'tinder' as a cultural phenomenon is. I either meet someone IRL or I'm just staying alone.

No. 155657

Yes. Internet dating gives a lot of guys a clean slate that don't deserve it. I wish there were a respectable, vetted bulletin board where women could post warnings about awful men.

No. 155659

>"a man coming from far lands can say whatever"
Interesting. In my country we have a saying which conveys the same idea, loosely translated it's "if you want good produce pick it from your own garden". "Produce" being men, and "your own garden" being your society. By this saying grandmothers warned young women that stranger men can turn out to be rotten. This entire tribal system that fostered trust has disappeared. And we're left with Tinder.

No. 155678

Nayrt but I guess the problem with sayings like those is that they don't fit every situation. It's better if you can have trustworthy friends vouch for a guy but when I lived in a small bumblefuck shit hole any stranger would seem like a safer bet than the small minded men around me who expected me to date them just because I was their sister's friend

No. 158346

the user in your img joined a server I'm in and whines about missing her pedo ex.

No. 159066

does not surprise me, a lot of "FDS strategy coach" flair users seem genuinely unhinged

No. 159075

Not surprised. Jammies is a bit crazy. Do any of you read her lipstick alley posts? She must search for herself everyday, cos any discussion of that sub and she's on it straight away, insulting every member kek. Very thin-skinned.

No. 165173

Why are so many FDSers former camgirls/prostitutes?

Also, I can't relate to a lot of their complaints about men. I've never dated a man who tried to mooch off of me financially for example. Is this common in America? I simply don't date unemployed men or men who never pay for anything. This is the most basic red flag, you shouldn't need to be "taught" to observe it. It's obvious. Why on earth were you dating a man who had no job in the first place?

Finally the whole "don't disclose your partner count" thing just seems deceitful to me. If you're promiscuous (which is blatantly what it is covering up for) then find a man who is ok with your promiscuity. Don't find one for whom it is a red line and lie by omission. I'm not and have never been promiscuous myself, and I don't want to date a man who has been like that, so this particular one irks me. If I dated a man who I later found out had over 10 sexual partners but had lied to me about it, I'd be pissed off.

No. 165174

The problem is LVM doesn't actually mean anything. When FDSers have worked themselves into a rage about attractive cads playing multiple women at once, they'll say value != attractiveness, but when it's some screencapped comment from an incel, or an unattractive man who treated a woman badly, then attractiveness becomes a signifier of value again. Likewise for money, if it's a deadbeat, then high income = value. If it's a high-income man who cheated, then they claim income doesn't have anything to do with value.

It's schizophrenic as fuck.

No. 165176

Let's just say mooching may be more prevalent in men of a certain demographic, a demographic that is also prevalent in FDS

No. 165196

FDS is not the way, focus on building an independent life and just date men you like that aren't losers and abusers, its not that hard

No. 165198

I don't want to sound like a scrote, but when I hear stories like "yeah, my three exs were all abusive" and they list out these traits like "all of them were unemployed, all of them did drugs etc", part of me feels like it was less "manipulation" on the man's part and more just the FDSer walking straight into a series of giant red floodlights because she's fundamentally attracted to that sort of man.

Not excusing shitty men, but there's gotta come an age where you can't claim some dumb bozo who was an unemployed drug addict when you first met him somehow tricked you, when the red flags were there before you'd even started dating….

To me, real abuse and manipulation is where the guy is really normal and well put together on the outside, but turns into a psychopath months into the relationship. Those are the women I really feel sorry for and wish I could help. Not raccoons who continuously go rooting around in trash.

No. 165202

I know this is lolcow and shitting on other women is kind of the point, but in the interest of those reading things like this and further blaming themselves rather than abusive scrotes…

We're literally taught from a young age that Prince Charming starts out as an ugly frog or deranged beast. In popular media we're told that it's the women who stood by their men when they were down on their luck, poor, even criminals, and saw his "potential" and the good person within who are the ones truly deserving of love. To date someone successful who has their shit together is easy and nothing to be admired (and of course doesn't preclude you from experiencing abuse, in fact makes it harder for you ever to be believed because the rest of the world sees them as upstanding members of society and your abuse takes place in private). We're told to be empathetic towards men because "boys will be boys," they mature more slowly than us (because society caters to them and they don't need to) and to give them the benefit of the doubt and be understanding, while men barely even have to think of us as human.

So yeah, not dating guys who are poor and unemployed is a good first step, yet even that advice is radical to a lot of women who have been bludgeoned with the thought that they should "give a guy a chance" and that it's her duty to help mold garbage into some semblance of a functional human. To say women shouldn't date men who are abusers is even more ridiculous and condescending because the vast majority of abusers don't start out as abusive; they lure you in by acting charming and kind and seem to be "better than other guys" because duh, that's how the fucking con works. Then when he turns into Mr. Hyde the woman spends the rest of the relationship blaming herself because he was so fantastic and amazing to start, surely the only defining factor that changed was her presence, so she has to keep working to make him happy and awesome like he used to be because it's all her fault. Abuse is almost always a lot more insidious and sneaky than a guy out and out physically beating a woman during their first meeting, and the fact you don't realize that speaks volumes, so save the holier than thou oversimplification and stop victim blaming.

No. 165209

I never believed that. I thought "prince charming" came from a man who was outwardly charming and kind and had a good heart. Not someone who dealt drugs and had issues with substance abuse.

>that they should "give a guy a chance"

Come on anon, they're not doing them a charity. They're attracted to fucked up men sexually because there's something wrong with them.

No. 165210

I agree. I feel like the anon you replied to is blaming everyone else for at some level, women’s bad decisions. If someone is an unemployed, inattentive druggie, how delusional and narcissistic do you have to be to seriously think you can change him?

No. 165211

In my experience, these outwardly bad traits (drug addiction, dealing, violence, lack of any job etc) aren't actually negatives from the outset anyway. A lot of really damaged women will see these traits as attractive/arousing. Just so long as the violence and rage is being directed against others, then it's all good. Remember that tons of these girls are driven by pornified desires for sexual masochism too, so they purposefully seek out really awful, abusive, dysfunctional men.

I saw this time and again at art school. Girls who would fall for the moody troubled art boy. Thing is, that guy was never "charming", he was always a rude, unpleasant dick who openly talked about using women then tossing them aside, he openly talked about his substance abuse issues, it was an open fact that he'd scream at and even physically abuse his exs.

After a certain point you've got to ask yourself: are these traits that signify blatant low value not what are attracting these low value women in the first place?

No. 165218

That is quite literally exactly what FDS preaches, wtf do you think it is if not a guide to avoiding shitty men?

No. 165219

>If someone is an unemployed, inattentive druggie, how delusional and narcissistic do you have to be to seriously think you can change him?

If someone wasn't an unemployed, inattentive druggie when you started dating them - or managed to conceal these things from you effectively - how much of a heartless bitch do you have to be to blame someone for trying to fix what started as a good relationship?

No. 165224

>or managed to conceal these things from you effectively

But this is where we diverge I think, your point is that the majority of these cases involve a man concealing these things from her expertly from the outset. In my experience at art school the girls get involved knowing this full well.

No. 165227

>there's something wrong with them
Okay. So I take it you also blame people with cancer for not trying harder to push past chemo and live their lives to the fullest and get out more? If not, why is it okay to blame women who are clearly struggling with cognitive delusions, likely because they were repeatedly pushed to accept poor boundaries and/or went through former abuse? Why is one of these scenarios accepted as "out of their control" but people/society at large telling a woman to accept less than minimal effort from scrotes until they believe it's okay her fault? That's cool you didn't have the sort of negative beliefs I described pushed on you, but a lot of women have.

Again, they believe they can and should change men like that because society (and men themselves) tell us that's what a good woman does. Is it a crazy, lost cause? Sure. But that's not what they've been conditioned to believe and a handful of people telling her she's wrong for doing something she's been trained to do all her life isn't going to make a difference overnight.

>A lot of really damaged women will see these traits as attractive/arousing.
Great, so we agree a woman accepting these attributes is "really damaged." But fuck her and let's describe her as an inhuman creature scrounging among trash because she's been hurt and brainwashed to this extent, I guess? A woman so hurt that she tried to fix/help/support a shitty man like she's been told and gotten punished for it isn't "real" abuse but a woman who was deceived by a guy who seemed upstanding from the outside deserves support. That's an odd dichotomy you've got going on where you have the least amount of sympathy for the women you freely admit have been damaged the most.

No. 165229

>Again, they believe they can and should change men like that because society (and men themselves) tell us that's what a good woman does. Is it a crazy, lost cause?

"Society" doesn't tell women this. I don't know what kinda family you grew up in but my dad was always really clear to avoid men who have anything to do with drugs. Full stop. Most normal people think drug addicts are losers and would probably be happy with drug dealers being summarily shot. I'm not sure where you're getting this idea all of society is telling women to date abusive narcissistic drug addicted unemployed bums. I was told the complete opposite by just about everyone close to me.

No. 165230

this, even my negligent parents would tell me not to date guys who don't work, have no savings, do drugs, want casual sex, etc
what kind of headspace do you need to be in to date men that are literally bottom of the barrel??? though lots of young people do drugs casually now, even my friends dabble, so i can see a scrote being able to lie about the extent of their use. but not having a job and education is a huge red flag

No. 165232

I don’t really feel like society tells them they “should” fix a man, tbh. Also this post is so melodramatic, all the anons were stating is that a lot of these girls have more agency in these scenarios than they will accept. When a guy is an outright asshole, misogynist and abuser- it does seem like a lot of women, even ones from normal backgrounds, will still like them! Not because they’re damaged, but because they genuinely think they are better than other women and are the speshul one who’s going to change him. Dating someone who is openly an asshole to the people around them is on some level, you’re own doing.

No. 165235

I understand and have sympathy when the guy is genuinely playing a Jekyll and Hyde situation and is smart enough to do it, there are some very intelligent men who pull this off very well: good jobs, smart looking, polite, but turn into raging fucking psychopaths after 6 months into a relationship behind closed doors. The women who get involved with those men are the ones I'll reserve my sympathy for. However, and as an example, a grown woman dating a guy like Sam Hyde and then turning around and claiming she "didn't know how abusive he could be" or that he "was charming at first", yeah… No thanks. I don't buy that bullshit for a second.

For record, the same shit applies to men. I have a couple of male channer friends who got involved with the same art hoe girl they met on /soc/ who ended up breaking their hearts. Entirely their own fault. They knew what they were getting into and they knew what kind of girl she was from the outset.

No. 165236

>guys who don't work, have no savings, do drugs, want casual sex, etc
Few men are like this and even fewer women consistently date men like this, so wtf is the point of this argument?

Abusers are often very charismatic, manipulative and have good reputations, they aren't walking red flags like a jobless drug addict is. Men will lie and fake and put their best face forward right up until he's got a woman reliant on him, and then they're fucked.

No. 165240

Are women on FDS boss babes or are they LARP? I was curious enough to look into the discord but I didn't want to bother to get verified. Plus voice verification is sketchy as fuck.

No. 165241

Not to sperg about media, but that is not what the Beauty and the Beast trope is. I've only see the two Disney films, and the whole point is that the Beast ISN'T a bad person, he pushes people away but he's capable of kindness and it's only when he shows Belle that kindness that she gives him a chance. She doesn't change him. There is very few media examples I can think of where a woman changes a man into her prince charming.

There is also a world of difference between "childhood story about a rich handsome prince" and "unemployed abusive drug addicted porn watching loser".

We don't need to blame disney movies or the prince charming trope. The general society we live in that values women on their ability to find and keep a man is to blame, as well as the sunk cost fallacy. A woman might be lonely and hook up with a loser just out of desperation, not intending that it will last a long time, but 5 years pass and she is still with him because she never had energy to date around and look for other prospects, and she doesn't want to go through the trouble of going out there and starting the dating process all over again. We stop valuing women based on how men are attracted to them (farmers are still guilty of this, look at how many comments will be made about cows along the lines of "how can a man be attracted to her gross fridge body?" "she's so ugly, how does she have a man?") and we stop seeing so many women settle for assholes.

No. 165243

The discord is even more of a freak show shitshown of mental illness than the lolcow discord was (and I'm guessing still is?)

Every other post is "I broke my code and slept with this random guy on the first date". I mean ffs if you can't even get that part of your supposed "dating strategy" down, how the hell are you ever going to move forward with your life in general?

No. 165248

unfortunately all we can do as women is to br very discerning and selective, and give nothing away until we are sure of his character. the victim mentality won't get us anywhere since men don't even take our problems (including rape and violence) seriously

No. 165252

>the whole point is that the Beast ISN'T a bad person, he pushes people away

How do you tell the difference between a man who won't let you visit your family and screams at you who's a good person and a man who won't let you visit your family and screams at you who's a bad person?

No. 165254

easy, if one is a fictional cartoon beast man in a Disney movie, it’s fine. if it’s in real life, it’s bad.

No. 165264

Nah, lets be real, FDS is PUA for women its pretty toxic and weird. FDS hates scrotes but still wants to date them because reliable dick with financial benefits is that important I guess

No. 165267

lmao either you've never read FDS or you have no idea what PUA involves, because PUA is about tricking and manipulating reluctant women into sex. The idea that women would ever need pickup artistry is delusional. It's assumed everyone on FDS has plenty of options and no need to seek men out, just filter through the shitty ones who approach us. The only advice for getting a high quality guy is to improve yourself to ensure you're their equal and carefully choose one, not persuade them to fuck you through calculated PUA moves.

It also fully promotes being single if that's what you prefer, so I don't see the problem?

No. 165268

>It's assumed everyone on FDS has plenty of options and no need to seek men out

This is where FDS falls apart for me. It's objectively not true that I have plenty of options. I keep hoping the queen cheerleading will kick in and I will love myself even though men don't.

…but that's a tangent and a subject change, your point about PUA being different is on the mark.

No. 165334

I don't have a lot of options either, but you should still choose a man who deserves you and treats you right. If none of your limited options fulfill this requirement then stay single.

No. 165359

File: 1609553926304.jpg (154.8 KB, 948x690, fdsirl.jpg)

FDS is like PUA in that they think the other gender are evil creatures from Mars yet they're still obsessed with dating them and they treat dating like they're trying to get an A in Dating 101 its just so weird

FDSers think they're HV bad bitches but they really act more like this

No. 165363

FDSers see every man as potential abusers so they push the idea of exit plans a lot, honestly a lot of fdsers think there's always a red flag even if subtle and that the woman should take responsibility for letting her guard down, which is slightly 'toxic' but idk

No. 165393

Having an exit plan in any relationship is a good idea. I know a lot of women who have become way too dependent on their boyfriend/husband and got screwed when the relationship went south.

No. 165457

the problem with FDS is that they’re scarcely interested in examining /why/ they’ve allowed themselves to be taken advantage by men over and over again. therapy would be a huge asset to many of these women.

and sure, society may be to blame in some ways…but there are millions of women in happy, healthy relationships who have never needed (and will never need) FDS. following the source of their low self esteem (childhood abuse, emotional neglect, bullying, etc) would be infinitely more beneficial in the long run than made up rules like “wait three months to have sex,” or “require him to buy you gifts.” generally speaking, emotionally healthy people attract emotionally healthy people (both friendship-wise and relationship-wise.) and emotionally unhealthy people tend to repel emotionally healthy people. examining their past via therapy and improving their self esteem would vastly reduce their chances of ending up with a “low value” man.

if you’ve ever watched 90 Day Fiancé, a lot of FDSers remind me of Darcey. she has a very strong “girl boss, take no shit” attitude but continually chases men who can’t or won’t give her what she wants. and when she does get a emotionally healthy, laidback guy, her low self esteem and generally insecurity swoops in to sabotage the relationship. extended therapy would do her so much good.

No. 165479

Can someone link to some posts where OP managed to find a better man that's up to FDS standards? Do they even exist? So far I've only seem stories about people dumping their current bfs after FDS "made them realise" how much of a loser their bfs were.

No. 165481

They talk about that shit literally all the time… discussions about self esteem, boundaries and mental health are near constant, being emotionally healthy is always part of the expectation to 'level up' and having high self worth is acknowledged as the number 1 way to ensure you don't end up with a shitty man. Expecting a dude to pay for dates and waiting for commitment before sex is rarely discussed in depth because they're the most basic rules everyone knows and are just external expressions of healthy self esteem.

I seriously feel like I'm being gaslighted when I read anon's opinions about FDS because it's so dramatically, absurdly different to the posts I read on a daily basis. I don't even date, I read FDS because I find it encouraging and uplifting to see a large community of women who are all about growth, self respect and not letting men treat you like shit or bring you down. The opinions on there rarely differ from what I usually see on /g/ and /ot/, most of the advice re relationships is exactly the same. Do people here just read the wiki and jump to conclusions without paying attention to the posts?

No. 165490

FDS isn't a hive mind either, and the post quality can differ from week to week, so it depends on when anons visited it. When I first looked at it, it was all shit instragram screencaps about "queen shit" and discussions about loser exes. Also the wiki IS supposed to give the essence of a sub, and if it's out of touch, it should be on the moderators to update it.

There's simply a huge spectrum of being picky ranging from the deepest "pickmeisha" mentality to the FDS alpha female who dumps her boyfriend the moment he has a rough month in his life, which are unhealthy extremes, but some women still fall into them. Except it's still better to be the latter than the first, because at least you're not being taken advantage of.

No. 165500

i think what i'm talking about is kinda different. i definitely see posts that are like "having high self esteem is key," etc but IMO that's putting the cart before the horse (so to speak). before you get high self esteem you have to go back and analyze why you had low self esteem in the first place.

like i said, often childhood bullying/emotional neglect/etc is the cause and you can't truly become emotionally healthy until you address that. emotional health is more than thinking you're best, in fact the high self esteem you're talking about ("i'm a queen" self esteem) is derived from the marina and the diamonds "oh no" complex… ("i think that i'm the worst/so i always act like i'm the best")

like i said, emotionally healthy people will naturally be repelled by emotionally unhealthy people. they won't post screenshots online of them "taking down" some LVM or blocking a guy or the other stuff you see FDSers do sometimes.

i'm sure a lot of FDSers are great girls with unfortunate pasts and i just wish there'd be more focus on actual therapy.

No. 165501

*by naturally repelled i mean, they will simply think "wow this guy is a weirdo" and get away from the situation as quickly as possible. they're not going to reply to them or get in an argument with them

No. 165517

I agree. It's worth looking up attachment theory too. I have found that helpful. https://coupleslearn.com/attachment-theory-adults/

No. 165546

It's also a function of their sexual masochism imo. Coombrained masochists always seek out the most awful men and are turned on by trashy men with face tats and what have you.

No. 165547

to be honest FDS is putting the cart before the horse at its core, like why try to level up so you can date, when you should level up regardless so you can live a good life? kind of like how red pill dudes think they need to emulate chad to get a gf. not saying that FDS is even comparable to braindead scrote communities that condone abuse and constantly play victim, btw. girls on FDS at least take matters into their own hands in a healthy way, but i think pining for the holy grail HVM can really undermine the positives of being in such a community. that said i'm glad FDS exists, would rather have women be extremely picky than be pickmes

No. 165557

I think it’s just natural for most people at any point in life (after puberty) to want companionship, even when they’re not ready for it. There really aren’t general “life advice” subreddits besides things like Life Protips. Most people want to date and look for advice online.

You obviously don’t need to “level up” just for some guy, but having a good career and a good life before getting into a relationship is so important. I think putting it in the context of relationships is fine because it reminds young women they don’t have to rush into anything.

No. 165586

i would consider r/askwomen a life advice subreddit and when i checked it last (admittedly a couple months ago) their advice was supportive and the community seemed nice without all the extra “why are you going out with this LVM who asked you out for a coffee” spiels

tbh i’m in the minority but personally i always, always, prefer a coffee date if i’m meeting a guy via tinder or some other dating app (which seems to be how a lot of FDSers meet guys).

it’s way easier to bail if we’re just getting coffee and the guy is weird. getting dinner with a guy that’s (inevitably) uglier IRL than i thought he’d be and usually not how they’ve portrayed themselves is so disappointing but bailing mid-dinner is way harder.

if we already know each other (like we met through work or something) and know we’re both into each other, yeah i agree that a coffee date is shitty :/ context is important.

No. 165587

FDS does say you should level up for your own happiness, not for men. Part of its optics problem is that it is the only remaining facet of radical feminist thought on Reddit. The rest was purged. It's not an accident that the only type of female empowerment Reddit tolerates is the kind that results in men having relationships.

No. 165589

I prefer coffee dates because I really like coffee and restaurants give me anxiety tbh. If the "cheapness" of coffee dates is an issue for you ladies, just make him buy you the fanciest coffee and pastry they have. Don't let him take you to Starbucks. A date at a fancy coffeeshop is just as good as a date at a restaurant imo.

No. 165591

Is it really a sin to split the bill on the first few dates? I hate letting guys pay. Especially someone I just met. Even if he offers to pay I insist on splitting because I don't. want. his. money. The idea of accepting the money of a man I barely know disgusts me.

I guess this means I have no self-worth and I let men take advantage of me? But seriously, it's sus to me if a guy doesn't offer to pay but even if he does I usually insist on splitting… and if he doesn't let me do that I take that as a red flag that he doesn't respect my choices. Am I wrong? Anyone else?

No. 165593

Do what feels right to you! My bf can pay for me if he wants to, but I'd feel very uncomfortable if a random date insisted to do so, I've used to always insist on splitting too. Especially because a lot of men don't pay for a women out of goodness of their heart but because they expect something in return, and I wouldn't want anyone to get the idea I owe them anything for some petty date money.

No. 165598

for me it’s like this

guy i don’t know —> coffee date in a very public area away from my home, if he’s attractive IRL i let him pay. if he’s not attractive, i pay for my own drink, stay polite but end the date after i finish my coffee.

guy i already know —> restaurant date and then coffee afterwards, i expect him to pay but i’ll still offer to split just to be polite. if we go on a second date i’ll pay for that meal. i’ll expect him to pay for the meal after that, then i’ll pay for the next one…and so on.

No. 165603

I completely agree with you, FDS made me realize that society is pushing that women are not "complete" without a man and that there is nothing wrong with willingly being single. Society also shames the fuck out of women who have standards, we are thrown so many labels and insults just for having high standards. FDS made me realize there is absolutely nothing wrong with women having high standards and that it is OUR choice.

No. 165607

I think the important take away is that the man offers, sincerely. If you reject it, that doesn't change the fact that he intended to do the decent thing instead of trying to get laid on the cheap.

No. 165610

i think this is partially influenced by background. parents that admire/value high education will usually push their daughters to get a guy that has at least a masters degree if not a phd and is financially comfortable. my experience isn’t everyone’s of course, but my parents would definitely judge me hard if i ended up with a guy socially or physically below me.

if i had an overweight bf/bf without at least a bachelors/bf without a good job/a socially awkward bf/etc i would never hear the end of it. i think a lot of parents are like that and friends too (tbf). not saying your experience isn’t real, but socially at least i’ve never been encouraged to settle for less. i think that must be part of the reason i find FDS kinda odd. might just be me though.

No. 165808

I find it funny how couple months ago the main idea was "only low value people date during pandemic" and now, seeing how no one is slowing down on their dating, it has changed to "covid is not an excuse for a man to take you on low-effort dates". lmao

No. 165831

I've been spending some time lurking vindicta's discord and stuff and hoo boy the mental illness there is insane.

No. 165832

share milk don’t be shy

No. 165834

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So everything about vindicta is just nuts. There's an unhealthy obsession with prioritizing looks above everything else. Everyone there is largely working in retail or non skilled work and planning to save only to blow it all on plastic surgery.

Also! Another thing that creeps me out are all the koreaboos there. Occasionally there are a few on FDS too but vindicta is koreaboos all the way down. Why the fuck are there so many koreaboos?! Literal 20 somethings with names like "jaehyungsgf", what the heck is wrong with these people? You're in your 20s with no skilled job, no real education, no money, and your plan is to get tons of plastic surgery and go to Korea to do… What exactly? Marry a "HV" man? I wanna believe these are just dumb kids but on the discord most of them seem to average out at 24 or so. Do they know nothing about how misogynist South Korea is? Nth room? Molka hidden cams everywhere? Abuse of Southeast Asian mail order brides? Rapist idols who continue to go unpunished? Not to mention that white women are seen as sluts over there. How are they this delusional? I still like some k dramas but Korean men on average aren't any better than others.

Btw I don't understand the obsession with getting a wealthy man unless you're also financially successful yourself. If you're not you're basically symbiotically tying yourself to them and giving your husband enormous leverage over you. Think about not even having your own money to buy presents for your own family at Christmas lol. How can you live like this?

Finally, what's wrong with dating people on your level? If you're an average looking clerical worker don't expect a millionaire. Most of FDS and vindicta are low income anyway from what I've seen. Exact equivalent of incels claiming a really attractive actress is "average". For all the advocacy of self improvement my time lurking in these spaces has taught me that they're dumpster fires of mental health issues and that nobody ever really improves as a result of being there long term.

No. 165836

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vindicta, from the few times I lurked there, seems to be like a quasi-tradthot, pseudo-"girl power!!1" sub whose main purpose is to share how to looksmaxx and "secure the bag." Look hot, "manipulate" men with your looks and get money, yadda yadda. Stupid takes like in pic related seem to the mindset of that sub.

No. 165838

It's the same attitude that tells girls "a wealthy man to whom $700 is nothing giving you $700 to let him use you sexually is empowerment".

I think that's why they are so enamored with South Korean dating culture to be honest. Gift giving is very common. Doesn't mean the man is "high value" though.

No. 165843

i used to be in an older version before it got nuked due to drama (some insta group chat where ppl were roasting member's selfies). it was just a bunch of femcels larping as the mean girl from high school

No. 165858

This is why I didn't see appeal behind FDS or hypergamy it sounds like a bunch of bs. All of it is so focused on looks and money and chasing after men who would fuck a chicken at the end of the day tbh.

No. 165864

I starting looking at that sub regularly a few months ago and it is so unbelievably toxic. I already have had body dysmorphia and just knowing there are so many grown ass women out there actively judging every aspect of other women’s appearances in such a nitpicky, incel-like way sent me spiraling for a while.

No. 165867

Ooh same. It definitely worsened my relatively dormant-for-now bdd. Lots of mentally unwell ladies who need therapy, not surgery.

No. 165869

The coping on Vindicta is insane lol People make posts that are literally like: “Men don’t want to date me because I’m too hot and sexy :( they tell me that fighting off all the other men that want to sleep with me will be too much work. How do I look more pure and innocent?”

No. 165871

The sad thing is that all these girls get surgery to become more beautiful after browsing that sub and then unironically make posts like “no one even noticed that I got a nose job :^D”

No. 165876

For the same reason certain type of men become obsessed with Japanese girls. It’s a cope. Women in their own country reject them so they do all this mental gymnastics to justify their “preference.” Becoming acutely interested in women that are 1) in another country and 2) of a specific race allows them to “reject” all the women in their own country and avoid the embarrassment of being rejected themselves.

Women that become obsessed with having Korean boyfriends are almost always women who are rejected by men in their own country. Mentally, they can maintain self-esteem by fantasying that somewhere in the world (in this case, Korea) they’d be desirable and sought-after…it’s 100% a coping mechanism

…Until they actually get to Korea and cry about being fat shamed and used for sex

No. 165882

yup. so much mental illness in this thread, one of the comments soundd like fanfiction https://www.reddit.com/r/Vindicta/comments/krd6uw/ama_25yo_female_who_did_a_lot_of_hard_and/
OP posted a link to some before and after thingy and i think she looked totally fine before.

No. 165886

Lmao at OP saying having that many surgeries is “totally common” in Korea so that helps her feel better !? WTF Having 10+ surgeries is not common in ANY country. Why are they so obsessed with Korean men and women?

No. 165888

She looks better after surgery and she kept saying how people started to treat her better. There's nothing to judge here.

No. 165906

Vindicta was made by self-proclaimed femcels from r/Trufemcels and it shows. Their lingo reminds me of these looksmaxing forums.

No. 165907

If you don't pay they get the idea that " you owe them something for the meal " or that "you used them just for dine and dash". Splitting the bills usually "removes" this expectation

No. 165908

It kinda is more mainstream in South Korea than just about anywhere else.

No. 165918

she looked totally fine before, should have invested in therapy instead. the surgeries will age badly and cause a never ending cycle, for example the v line surgery causes sagging in the jaw area and she will have to get a face lift. the lipo seems like a bandaid solution to me… plus what's she gonna do when she has kids and they resemble her 'old' self? small surgical tweaks i can understand but spending $60k+ on procedures doesn't make sense. that's like a down payment on a house

No. 165925

Ngl I do think she looks better in her after picture

No. 165932

am i faceblind or does she look exactly the same in the before and after thing to me

No. 165935

I feel like difference is pretty slight and she looks a little better after, but was it worth $60k? she honestly looks like she was naturally a very pretty woman before she got all the work done.

No. 165939

Unless you’re in like 압구정, no, it’s really not that common to have gotten 10+ surgeries. A lot of girls get their eyes done but other stuff, even v-line surgery is not common outside of certain areas of Seoul. Hang out in Daegu for example and you’ll see tons of natural women or women who have only gotten small tweaks. It’s like saying all Americans get tons of plastic surgery because everyone in LA has gotten a nose job, Botox and lipo.

Plus women who’ve gotten a lot of plastic surgery are usually mocked or “outed” like 하늘.

No. 165944

idgi, her face just looks wider? or am I looking at it wrong?

No. 165945

That’s what always gets me. I very rarely see filler/surgery before and after and think, yeah that was worth the $15,000. Usually people only end up looking slightly better. The whole “I went from a 3 to a 7.5” is such BS.

Bella Hadid has had one of the most successful before and afters I’ve ever seen and she’s been ridiculed nonstop, called a horse face, etc since she got her surgeries done. And she was a normal looking girl before, so it still wasn’t a “I went from a 3 to a 7.5” transformation

No. 165953

What was she supposed to do? Die ugly?

I also dislike how most people talk about self-acceptance because if you accept the way you look, you have to accept being ignored and treated like crap. "Just stay ugly and be our punching bag."

No. 165956

She wasn’t even ugly before. Most of these women are or were totally normal looking. She even admitted in her post that she lost a ton of weight, which probably substantially changed both what she looked like and how people treated her.

Most people don’t look like models, and even after surgery don’t look like models. Bella Hadid gets a crazy amount of hate and is ridiculed as a “horse face” (gag) even though she objectively leveled up.

And as that girl mentioned in her post, she can’t even tell people she had surgery because it basically invalidates her “pretty privilege.” People will judge her or consider her less beautiful, which only further destroys their self esteem.

No. 165965

Are you just assuming everybody knows hangul?

No. 165967

IDK romanized Korean, but just googled it and the English name is Apgujeong-dong (wealthy district with tons of plastic surgery clinics, you’ll see a lot of people who’ve had PS in that area) . Sorry

No. 165970

yea more like she went from a 6.5 to an 8 (idk what her bod looked like before). i don't really see what's wrong with being just kinda cute/average. just like we can't all be doctors, why is everyone aiming so high in terms of looks/careers/social circles? i think we should definitely try our best but dumping all this time and money and obsessing over strategies seems delusional and ridiculous

No. 165972

>why is everyone aiming so high in terms of looks/careers/social circles?
It's not 'everyone', it's 20k people on a tiny niche subreddit… most people accept being average or decent, it's not some widespread phenomena.

Vindicta is extreme and OTT but it's very 'dead dove, do not eat', they know they are going way further than normal, secure people would. It's a calculated attempt to capitalize on beauty standards that may be ridiculous and unfair, but still result in tangible advantages throughout life. I'm pretty sure it was started by self declared femcels who preferred autistic, objective standards for beauty because it's easier for them to evaluate/improve their appearance that way.

No. 165975

How would you rate yourself on the 1/10 scale?

No. 165983

kinda harsh. i’d rate her higher than that especially in comparison to real people (not celebs), but it’s weird to rate random people on the internet in the way did.

No. 166042

true, though i think social media is making more people unhappy with being average. the autism makes sense tho
well considering the average person is a 5 and models and celebs are usually 9/10-10/10 i think 8 makes sense
i'm pretty average but considered cute so i'd say i'm like 5.5-6.
i don't like rating people by numbers but that's literally what they do in vindicta (i used to be in the discord so i'm going off their system lol)

No. 166051

It's a kboo. They do that sometimes.

No. 166055

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No. 166075

Lowkey some FDS mods are milk worthy (one of them haven't dated at all and is LARPing on the sub?). I don't get the love for this subreddit here, their ideology is based on some manipulative behaviour from 'Why men love bitches'.

No. 166078

I’d legitimately love a thread about vindicta cows/mods lol

No. 166080

I think it actually would be pretty milky to have a Reddit Pinkpill (FDS, Vindicta, RPW) thread on Snow.

No. 166093

They're delusional.

No. 166094

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forgot to attach picture, sorry

No. 166095

Anon, take a critical eye on your own life and ask yourself why you think this is a bad thing.

No. 166096

It's important to note the context of what this sub contains. This sub is used by self-proclaimed "high-value" women who insist on the highest standards for any men they may become romantically involved with. Look at the person in the picture and tell me, honestly, is that a woman that a "high-value" man would find desirable?

No. 166097

>honestly, is that a woman that a "high-value" man would find desirable?

Why wouldn't it be? Hold my hand, here.

No. 166098

She's clearly very overweight and dresses poorly. It's unattractive.

No. 166100

>She's clearly very overweight

Shh! You never know when The Architect might be listening.

>and dresses poorly

She's dressed comfortably for running an errand. Everyone, even couturists, does this. It might have been wise to wear satin and pearls in case the car salesman was single and cute, I suppose.

No. 166101

My apologies for posting a screenshot of what you posted to FDS.

No. 166109

Wtf do you think a 'high value man' is? Protip: it's not a millionaire or a male model. It's someone who treats his partner well and puts effort into the relationship. If a man dates her he should still be treating her with respect and love. It's scrote bullshit to act like being less attractive warrants poor treatment in a relationship, we have every right to standards and boundaries regardless of our looks.

No. 166110

Why would she think this was a good idea

This subreddit has a few good ideas if you're a doormat girl who's got no idea how to be romantically assertive at all, but sperging over coffee dates while looking like a Dunkin donut enthusiast yourself is just cringe

No. 166118

I think this is less cringey than all the other chicks giving promise rings to themselves.

No. 166131

not trying to racebait but FDS is obviously predominantly filled with black women and that's kinda cringe in itself and I don't really care what they have to say tbh(racebait)

No. 166134

She didn't post a real before after, just a faceapp thing that her friend says she looks very similar to her post surgery face.

The second faceapp is worse than the first!! cmon! Its that hot girl but 'done' something-is-off look that so many women go for

I mean if you were really homely and plain not attractive I get it, but the first face app video is gorgeous.

No. 166135

FDS creator is a black woman herself

No. 166140

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what in tarnation

No. 166141

Do you (or anyone else) have any users/moderators in mind?

No. 166145

As much as I would love this, since several fds users are milky as hell, I don't think jannies want to experience the hell that the thread will devolve into. Just at the shit-slinging chimpout that happens whenever anything fds related is posted on reddit hate thread
FDS super fans have already convinced themselves that anyone even slightly criticizing their views is a scrote or a cum-chugging pickme, do you really want a thread full of them and let's not ignore how the subreddit actively encourages to drop any friends that don't agree with fds views

No. 166146

Imagine FDS users raiding lolcow, oh boy. The whole drama would be milky

No. 166147

>high value man is someone who respects you and puts effort into the relationship

sis, that is the bare minimum, not 'high value behaviour'. just because many men are horrible, doesn't mean your standards should be low as hell. you would not even befriend someone who treats you like shit, why are yall worshipping men that do 1/10th of what a woman is expected to put into any relationship.

No. 166156

it is the bare minimum, but a huge number of women don't even hold out for that, instead giving their attention and time to trash men. If FDS encourages them to raise their standards, even to the bare minimum, that surely is nothing but a good time for women everywhere.

No. 166160

That is not what I meant, I meant that this type of behaviour just isn't 'high value' since it's the minimum. I don't disagree with what you said here

No. 166169

i see stuff like this thrown around all the time on lc but i would genuinely like to know what your bfs do that is so above and beyond?

No. 166173

Every FDS mod is kinda nuts at this point. Some of them are on Vindicta as well.

No. 166184

i'm not even into FDS and this is true. my brother is an absolute trainwreck, 'low value' in every sense, and our family would be better off if we could finally cut him off for good. i at least wish mommy would stop coddling him.

No. 166192

Man, this isn’t wrong. I knew this kid for years because our parents were friends. I taught him how to drive. The minute he turned 18 he started sending me dick pics and essays about how horny he was.

No. 166195

Do you think a man who respects you and puts effort into the relationship would treat you like shit? What more can you ask for besides respect and effort and having a stable job.

No. 166204

ffs, how are you so bad at this.
just like you wouldn't enter a friendship with a person that treats you like shit, you shouldn't enter a romantic relationship with someone like that either. all i'm saying is that you should never be with someone that disrespects you or puts no effort into seeing you, which is why it is not 'high value'. because without those qualities there should not be any relations at all. that's it. this whole high value, low value separation is autistic as fuck anyway, not to mention even on FDS nobody can formulate what makes a man 'high value'. stop nitpicking

No. 166206

OP sounds like a psychopath. Also, imagine r/FDS with kids:
>my 2yo has shown signs of becoming a LVM, should I put him up for adoption?
>my son is a LVM, should I cut him off from my life?

No. 166212

Obviously that is simplified, a short post isn't going into excessive detail about what good treatment in a relationship specifically involves. The point is that people assume HV = high status, rich and handsome, and that's not true. It's specifically referring to his decency as a partner and a person.

But yes, FDS would be the first to admit the bar is in hell for men. A big part of it is ensuring women have the bare minimum for standards. And yet you have anons like >>166096 who think she doesn't deserve even the bare minimum because of her looks.

No. 166215

Wouldn't you agree that a guy would deserve nothing or even should die because of his looks?

No. 166226

You must be a scrot for jumping to such a retarded woe-is-men conclusion. And no, I would say he should find a similarly ugly woman he can be happy with or improve himself if he could only be happy with a better looking girl.

No. 166231

Nah plenty of FDS say that men should die. Idk why you're trying so hard to lie.

No. 166244

Anyways, when are the anons going to post their personal mod cows or at least give a rundown? Also, just found out my personal cow from the sub is a mod
claims to be a febfem
constantly spergs about men
goes on the febfem subreddit to play obtuse and ask what is wrong with being a political lesbian and how the term is actually 'misogynistic' yet on FDS larps as woke feminist
admits people have called her a polilez several times
allegedly is in a relationship with a woman
bragged aboout how her amazing gf lets her sperg about how she wants to fuck Darcy from Pride&Prejudice
compared fds to suffragettes
claims being angry at men is an essential part of 'leveling-up' (I don't envy her girlfriend at all lol)

Spoiler because I don't think it is really milky, but I have a personal grudge towards women that only date other women because they are just angry at men

No. 166245

do you really want anons to shit up this thread with blogposts?
seriously, it is so sad seeing women think that a man actually listening to your problems to give half decent advice, or actually be baseline considerate is HVM behavior. they think they're queens getting what they deserve when that's just human decency…

No. 166256

>I have a personal grudge towards women that only date other women because they are just angry at men
please spill the beans anon

No. 166292

>plenty of FDS say that men should die

Absolutely! But not because of their looks, as you claimed. More because of the rape, abuse, murder, and exploitation of minors.

No. 166295

Sure Jan. And let's pretend that FDS act like being a HVM has nothing to do with looks, height, or money either

No. 166312

i mean she doesn't "larp" as a woke feminist, that's how woke libfems actually are kek

No. 166339

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One of them used to be a sugar baby and wanted to start stripping before corona happened. Her (totally rich /s) boyfriend at the time was looking for an arranged marriage

No. 166340

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To add another screenshot, he was supposedly a "HVM"; she held onto him for almost a year, I heard that they only broke up fairly recently. So the person who started it is a femcel and the other major mod is an ex-sugarbaby who ran several servers advertising that lifestyle to women while pretending to condemn it on the "official" FDS subreddit and discord.

No. 166343

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She also has an obsession with the 48 laws of power and routinely lies to her other mods, to users and compromises their privacy. She also steals content, almost none of what she posts which seems to have any substance is her own work, but is something she copy pasted onto reddit from one of the many servers she runs. Which would be fine, if she wasn't planning on literally creating a physical book and selling it, thus profiting off of other users while claiming it as her own work. It's not like the posts are even that good, but it's still just a scumbag move.
She has also let an AGP in one of her servers run wild and harass women for bikini pictures. They just excused the fact that he hadn't verified at all, except with porny pics and claiming that he can't download discord on his phone and all his possible microphones are broken.
She also airs all her dirty laundry and literally lets everyone on discord listen to her arguments. Well at least when she was still with her ex. I wasn't present there personally, because I've never been in the server myself, but I've heard it from people who have been in the server and from callout posts on reddit (pic related). I don't care if she hurt a scrotes feelings, but it's a bit cow-like to let everyone listen to your arguments via vc.

No. 166375

Ask for milk and ye shall receive

No. 166386

gimme that milk

No. 166390

Lmao, I was talking about the posted Ava milk, sorry to get your hopes up

No. 166396

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>Runs a sub about procuring high value males at all costs
>Is dating an Indian

You can't make this shit up. It's even more hilarious than the koreaboo FDSers. Holy fucking shit.

How do they rationalize this stuff to themselves?

No. 166398

This is the example that the mods do not preach their own handbook kek. FDS discord is a shitshow full of lunatics larping as self-sufficient queens.

No. 166442

What’s that text from? Looks like an article or something :0

No. 166484

Is this a different country where that's a lot more money? 1k is what we budget for a 4 day road trip. It's not flying to a tropical getaway or anything.

No. 166492

What Ava did in the quote sounds based. More women should do that to their men lmao

No. 166496

She lived in SF California at the time, no idea if she still lives there.
That is a screenshot of the reddit post I got the screenshots from. It's a post from r/purplepilldebate like half a year ago, but this is all I have of the post itself. The person who wrote the post was mainly upset about her being mean to her bf, but I think the screenshots are lulzy for other reasons obviously.

No. 166500

FDS seems to be all about getting men to buy things for you and building codependency as a result (see the mod who was dating an Indian she was clearly using for money above). They can do their own thing but I don't want them associating themselves with feminism/radical feminism.

No. 166503

>I didn't read a single word these women had to say, but let me tell you why they're stupid and bad

FDS is about rejecting codependency, in part by building one's own financial security before looking for a boyfriend.

No. 166508

WRONG. Every day there's a thread that implicitly or explicitly ties what a man spends on you to his intrinsic worth. Most recently it was some random kpoop star spending $100k on an engagement ring for his Eastern European mail order bride being described as high value ("if he cares about you he'll spend a lot of money on you"). This is why a lot of FDSers are koreaboos too, because the dating culture over there is about lavishing gifts on a woman. That's the entire reason Ava, one of the FDS mods, was dating a wealthy Indian she self admittedly wasn't attracted to.

FDS is a shitshow that changed their definition of a HVM the moment it's revealed he invariably cheats with prostitutes or used his money as a weapon against her during arguments.

No. 166531

I think there is an inability by some anons to separate FDS practioners from the actual strategy. Nobody's defending the batshit women who LARP as a boss bitch to cover up their emotional insecurity and aspire to be the glorified "feminist" sugar baby of a Korean idol. They're crazy. They do that craziness in the name of FDS, despite FDS calling for the exact opposite behaviour, and suredly muck up the community with their nonsense. Even so, none of that negates FDS' genuinely good principles. For example: improving one's self esteem, learning how to be single, and only investing in men who are worth the time and resources. I hate to pull such a lame comparison, but just because the crusades sucked doesn't mean we should throw out The Ten Commandments.

No. 166532

Ava is more than a FDS practitioner, she started the whole damn thing. And the other co-founder, OG, is a self declared/admitted femcel who thinks "pretty privilege" is a bigger problem than misogyny. Ava doesn't practice what she preaches and she changes the guidelines based on what she's currently doing in her life. It also doesn't help that the average person who posts on FDS is a massive stan of hers and will suck up to her, even though she cannot reply or post anywhere without first consulting The 48 Laws of Power. So nobody in there even questions the random changes and if you do or you talk about it anywhere on reddit, you risk getting banned anyway apparently. OG spends most of her day refreshing, looking for mentions of FDS.
FDS is Ava's brand and she's looking to make money off of it in the future (by selling merch, books etc.), it's not the second coming of feminism for straight women.

No. 166540

Yes, the leaders are just as crazy as the followers. I fail to see how that ruins the basic tenets of FDS or means that no one can learn from it. (also kek at "it's not the second coming," good one)

No. 166569

Anything of worth within FDS, like not sleeping with a man on the first few dates and not getting involved with men who are drug addicts (although let's be real, FDSers seem to struggle with both of these) you could get from just having a conversation with any half decent mother or grandmother about men.

No. 166572

Not all of us are lucky enough to grow up with good female role models. I think FDS can be good for a lot of women.

No. 166573

Tbf FDS puts a lot of emphasis on not having children with useless men that are going to make terrible fathers. It's sad how many women end up getting pregnant from pathetic scrotes who can't even wash their ass correctly. People are so nonchalant about motherhood as if they weren't talking about creating a whole human.

No. 166608

FDS is literally the book “He’s Just Not That Into You,” except they’ve replaced the “He’s just not that into you” motto with “He’s low value.”

Which is silly, again, because the reason most of these guys mistreat these women is because they’re just not that into them. It sucks and feels shitty and it’s a very hard pill to swallow, but women regularly do the same thing to men they’re only semi into.

For example, I’ve never met a girl who’s crazy about a guy but regularly ignores his text messages, forgets his birthday, cancels plans with him, etc. But I definitely have friends that are hooking up with a guy and are kinda into them…but will actively ignore their texts, don’t want to commit, spend non-sexual time with them, etc.

It sucks and it hurts and it’s hard to accept but that really is what’s usually happening.

No. 166612

It's the same thing, though. Anyone who treats people like this is an asshole, no matter the reason. Your friends are assholes.

No. 166614

The fundamental problem here I see is when people feel they can do better. Nobody is willing to settle. And let's be honest, settling means accepting you're probably not good looking enough to deserve a tiny slim blonde with big tits if you're a man, or a 6'4 muscular Viking if you're a woman.

Average looking people's physical standards are just unreal. I get the feeling a lot of the milky ex bf stories you read on FDS about how he was unemployed for two years, smoked weed every day etc are because they tried to settle down with the best looking man they possibly could and ignored all his other bad traits. So yes, the bar is low, very low, but FDSers themselves are partly to blame for that by being shallow.

No. 166615

They’re ex-friends, to be clear. And I agree it’s shitty behavior.

IMO It’s not the same thing though. A lot of LV guys (and girls) will suddenly become HV when they’re with someone they’re crazy about. And a lot of HV men (or women) will become LV once they’re no longer interested in their partner/spouse or realize that they’re not actually compatible long term.

Ask the people around you that are married. Both men and women will usually say the same thing: “The first five/ten years were great, but now they’re like a totally different person.” Most people in long term relationships become LV to some extent. There are definitely couples that remain HV but they’re generally the exception, and they’re usually the ones still madly in love.

No. 166616

They’re not willing to settle because they’re not that into them. I’ve been in love and the idea of whether I was settling or not never once crossed my mind. When I lost interest in them though, I definitely started feeling like I could do better. That’s just how it goes.

No. 166621

Settling means to be in a relationship with someone you're not atttacted to (if not actively repulsed by). Ofc nobody wants to settle, it's very uncomfortable. I think that some of them should learn to be ok with being single.

No. 166634

How can I have a conversation with my boyfriend about him looking at other girls on Instagram/ watching porn?
A couple of weeks ago, I told him that I only found him attractive and did not think of other men in a sexual way. He assured me that it was okay if I did. I asked why he kept reiterating that it would be okay if I looked at other guys sexually and if it was bc he looked at other girls. He said yes, but that’s just how Instagram is. I literally started bawling. I felt humiliated, but above all I felt disgusting and unattractive. I know that I do not have the looks to compete with other woman. I laid with my face buried in his chest crying and telling him that I felt ugly. He asked to talk about it. I shut it down bc I don’t like having emotionally charged conversations. The next time we hung out he brought it up again and asked if it was okay if he jerks off to porn. I said it was fine I just didn’t want to know about it, but it’s not fine with me. I just don’t want to come off as overbearing and controlling.I thought I could be okay with it, but today I went through his phone and saw his Instagram explore page. It made me feel so disgusted. I don’t want him to look at other girls anymore. Why am I not enough for him? I just wish that I was pretty then he wouldn’t feel the need to look at other girls,

No. 166635

The only way you'll feel better is if you give him an ultimatum or even straight up attempt to break up with him. He knows you have low self esteem but he doesn't know you have high enough self worth to not be put down by a coomer.

No. 166637

I know The Red Pill isn't the best comparison since it's basically a rape-manual, but it was also often defended by saying "but it has some good parts!". Yeah, it tells men to get buff, not to sit in their rooms and wash their ass, but it gets crazy and cultish pretty fast. And even FDS gets to a point where "oh, losing friends because they find your sudden shift of personality and being demeaning to them, acting enlightened constantly because you found a subreddit is A-OK".
Honestly, for every "new method" or "change of mentality" self-help movement the golden rule is just to read, never get 0 to 100 into it, and never ever engage with the community formed around it.

No. 166638


Looking in particular is a compulsion that is embedded on the mammalian level. People in general and men in particular (might be testosterone/estrogen up/down regulated) have a prebaked mechanism of immediately looking at the face and genitals to identify who they're dealing with, which is extra important for social animals. There were studies done, like clockwork most people did the same eye motions across photos. Foundation for behaviors like these are not individually developed, a man might be fully committed upstairs but he's still prodded by inbuilt mechanisms to consider other mates, since propagation of genes is the only real benchmark for trait selection and that impulse obv will get you ahead in the game. Welcome to monke, I guess.

In general men have a different sexuality (like triggers and thresholds for arousal being different) than you and as a result it interfaces with emotion differently.Though seeking exposure to coomer/consoomer content out on instagram is another thing. These apps are made to fry peoples' brains with sexual and status displays by using these simple mechanisms and keep them hooked. There's nothing "normal" in instagram hacking your mid and hindbrain.

No. 166641


PS maybe show him this video.


It isn't really on point but it does showcase using instagram as an example that while we possess a fantastic, flexible intellect that is so universally useful it almost seems like imparted by the metaphysical the underpinnings of a lot of our psychology can be very simplistic and easy to pull apart.

Evolution is not an engineer, everything it produces was essentially made blindly through trial and error and hangs on bubble gum and string. Having something normalized in society doesn't mean it won't fuck you up.

No. 166642

There are two negative core emotions, pain and fear. What I’m hearing is that you’re afraid you’ll lose your boyfriend to a “better” woman. I would explore the root of that fear to better understand how to move forward. A lot of people will say “just break up,” but if your insecurity is based on some past event (bullying, for example), you’ll find it bubbling up again and again regardless of who you date.

A skilled therapist can help you find the root of your insecurity. If you don’t have access to a therapist, some very deep and painful self reflection might lend you some answers. Were your parents emotionally unavailable/neglectful? Were you constantly compared to your more successful friends/family members? Were you bullied? Etc

Come back around to this BF question once you understand yourself a little better. Then you’ll be able to answer these questions: Does it bother you because you feel like it’s violating your relationship boundaries? Does it bother you simply because it makes you feel insecure about your looks? Does it bother you because it makes you feel unloved? Does it bother you because you feel like it’s disrespectful? Etc

No. 166643

is this an armchair psychoanalysis thread or what???

No. 166645

Armchair evolutionary biology as well, it seems.

No. 166650

Goddamn the best advice you’ve gotten so far is from >>166635 but I say just skip to the part where you break up because trying to convince a coomer to give up porn isn’t worth the effort, especially when he’s more likely to agree then just watch it in secret anyway. Your time would be better spent finding a man who wasn’t addicted in the first place. Believe it or not there actually are men who feel the same way you do and prefer appreciating/interacting with their partner over looking at porn, but it’s tough to fully grasp that when you’re living in a bubble where the primary guy in your life is a dipshit. You sound young so please take it from someone who likely has more life experience: If someone makes you feel bad about yourself, they’re not worth your time and certainly not worth being your partner.

>I just wish that I was pretty then he wouldn’t feel the need to look at other girls

This is so sad and I can promise you that it has nothing to do with your looks. There are men with partners who are literal supermodels who still cheat on them and watch porn. On the other hand there are men with partners who would be considered average by the majority of the population but because they love their girlfriend’s personality they would never even dream of another person. It has everything to do with the (lack of) quality of the man and nothing to do with the woman not being “pretty enough.” That is a misogynistic trap, a red herring that tells us if we just put in more effort then somehow a piece of shit will transmute into gold. But no, alchemy is pseudoscience and even a woman being near flawless physically is still no remedy for a coomer’s brain rot.

No. 166655

I agree with the other anons encouraging a breakup, but >>166642 is right, too. You owe it to yourself and your future partners to sort out your insecurities. Ditch the coomer and figure out why you're desperate to hold onto such a worthless male in the first place so that it never happens again.

No. 166681

Therapy is bullshit

No. 166698

The problem with the FDS subreddit is how retarded it can be at times. It's not blackpilled enough. The women on there are constantly simping for stupid libfem concepts like intersectionality and meh evil white women. Its full of nigfems who want to focus on race and retarded politisperging that isn't related to dating or to the problem with males or even to feminism. If I want other bluepilled left wing women's circlejerk I can go to any other page

No. 166702

How can they be blackpilled lol, they are obsessed with men. Every single post is about them. Even the posts about big bad redditors and other ones that try to seem pinkpilled are obsessive, they are just whining how hard it is to get a man and how many bad ones are out there which in turn makes it harder to get into a relationship. They can't live without that dick.

If some of you don't agree go and look for yourselves critically. FDS is male fanclub. Even their anti-porn arguments are libfem as fuck. How often do you see them talking about trafficked women and rampant abuse in the industry? Nah. They only care about how their ex boyfriend had a broken dick and made them insecure due of his porn consumption. That's it. That's the big feminist crusade they are doing. If there was no talking about how to get a man, this shit would fall apart. So much for muh independence

No. 166720

even the political/racial stuff is based on how much harder it is to get a man as a PoC, or that you have to put in more work to be considered pretty as a PoC. kim, people are dying….

No. 166721


b-b-but feminism means m-men get benefits too!

Forreal this. FDS is made so women don't fucking die not to make more members of the Scrote fanclub

No. 166819

wigs flyin'

No. 166839

While FDS has a lot of cringey aspects, I support them just because it's hilarious how bothered the rest of reddit are by this sub, I see screengrabs almost daily about their "hatespeak"
>oh, no, a single space shittalking men is allowed - MOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS

No. 167046

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>they are obsessed with men. Every single post is about them.
I mean, it is called female "dating" strategy. Why is it wrong for them to focus on a niche many women are interested in? It's a common, basic human desire to crave intimacy and partnership in life. Beyond that, saying they only post about men is patently untrue. There are a lot of posts that actively advocate for women to stay single and just live their best lives without a scrote dragging them down. One of the main concepts frequently pushed is, "If you come across a man who adds immense value to your life then cool, but if that doesn't happen you can still be super happy and fulfilled without a relationship." I don't see how that's promoting a male fan club. Also picrel was literally posted 2 days ago but go off saying they don't care about women damaged by the porn industry.

No. 168128

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FDS is really vibing for me as they get more radicalized and post content simply about how shitty scrotes are lmao. Things like this really help me remember being in a relationship just isn't worth it, even though the thought of a cute guy and physical affection can be tempting. The trade-offs and outright danger to both my mental and physical health just aren't worth it.

No. 168129

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Also these comments both made me laugh and triggered my memories of abusive asshats

No. 168145

Are they becoming more radical or is it just filled with r/gc refugees who think they are peaking other r/gc refugees? I don't think anyone has a problem with the concept of a female dating sub. If you look past the surface though, you will know that FDS isn't benign, considering it is literally based on r/trufemcels and r/vindicta beliefs and the mods are up to no good. Saying they are against BDSM, porn and prostitution one moment and giving tips on how to start sugaring/stripping the next. All while larping as a wannabe narcissist and desperate to make money off of the 'brand'. Part of becoming a 'HVW' to land yourself a 'HVM' is a quick trip to r/vindicta for tips on 'hardmaxxing'.
I think a lot of women feel personally attacked when anyone criticizes the FDS brand, (yes a brand, no it's not your fun cozy community) because that is how they found out about radical feminism and the like, but if you've actually looked past the surface, you would know how much of a shit show it is.
Like >>166720 says, the mods and the core members aren't feminist in the slightest. They worry mainly about pretty privilege and competing with other women. Why? Because it was never fucking meant as a feminist sub and people who moved to r/gc eventually are desperately coping to retcon it to be that way and the mods are fucking loving it. Because they can sell liberal "feminism" 2.0 with coping radfems making it seem more radical than it is, all the while the mods encourage adolescents to do sugaring and stripping behind the more 'sensitive' members' backs.

If you just enjoy the memes, go right ahead, but please stop ass kissing this femcel/sugarbaby wannabe 'brand'. Just see what happens if you would even try to make your own kind of version of a female dating sub. Some have tried, to have something without all the femcel and latent pro-sexwork bs. The mods will mass report you for stepping on their turf and ban anyone who even posts on subs like that. They spend all day refreshing for any mentions of FDS.

No. 168151

> Saying they are against BDSM, porn and prostitution one moment and giving tips on how to start sugaring/stripping the next.
>something without all the femcel and latent pro-sexwork bs
Can you link me to a single post within the last several months that idealizes sugaring and stripping in the sub? Because I only see posts against those things.

>I think a lot of women feel personally attacked when anyone criticizes the FDS brand… because that is how they found out about radical feminism and the like, but if you've actually looked past the surface, you would know how much of a shit show it is.

So your issue is that FDS is helping to peak normies despite the fact that the creators were prostitutes or whatever? Isn’t that a great thing then, that it’s helping women recognize their worth despite the fact it had shady origins? I really don’t see the problem with that if 99% of the people that browse the sub aren’t going to know or care about the founders. Plus it’s not like they’re getting fat stacks from a free online community.

> If you just enjoy the memes, go right ahead, but please stop ass kissing this femcel/sugarbaby wannabe 'brand'.

I don’t know why you’re so upset I posted a picture and comments recognizing women’s oppression and making fun of abusive scrotes, in a thread dedicated to this particular sub. If the founders are pickmes then all the more reason for me to ignore them and instead focus on the positive community they inadvertently fostered. My posts had nothing to do with “ass kissing” a brand and everything to do with appreciating comments from women over men’s fuckery.

No. 168163


NTA but I sometimes scroll past the top posts of the sub and there are certainly some "sugaring" type posts about the men needing to spend on the jewellery and the looks of his woman amongst posts of "self-care is important, get yourself a ring for your own money". And the whole "women are a prize" narrative where men need to give financial support instead of focusing on positive traits to look for in a man. The whole subreddit suffers from dissociative identity disorder.
But it's not like lolcow is better, one anon posted making fun of a chick just because she's fat and bought a car and doesn't look like those dolled up sugarbabes that give dating tips on tiktok.
Nice sisterhood, kek.

No. 168172

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Saw this in another place here on lc, but thought it vibes with this thread too.

No. 168175

She's spending her time and money in a way that's meaningful and valuable to her. I get this was posted to diss on her appearance and obviously she's not the "high-value" woman appearance-wise that FDS likes to preach about, but honestly? Good for her. She's not waiting to live her life just because she doesn't have a partner, a lot of girls and women could learn from that.

No. 168229

>there are certainly some "sugaring" type posts about the men needing to spend on the jewellery and the looks of his woman
I suppose. I'm not against criticism of the sub, and I do think that expecting a ton of expensive gifts early on is silly. That's love bombing, which is just as bad as a financial leech, and members do warn against that as well. I think most of the women are just advocating that you see some indication the man isn't a stingy hobo. Being able to afford a decent dinner if you're interested in a woman and giving gifts that are actually good quality (once you're in the relationship) I don't see as gold digging so much as proof the guy is a considerate partner. I've always done things like that for men I was in relationships with and got little effort back, so personally I simply see it as wanting someone who offers the same thoughtfulness I do. Though I agree a man shouldn't be able to "buy" you and that spending a lot of money isn't indicative of being a good person.

Yeah I thought this was pretty mean-spirited, but hey it's LC. I think posts like that are sweet and it makes me happy to see women valuing and doing things for themselves. Most men certainly won't and you shouldn't wait around for a guy to take care of you if you want a happy and fulfilling life.

No. 168230

I don’t think this is sugaring, I’ve definitely found most decent guys want to buy presents for the woman they’re dating (if they’re serious about her). There’s a difference between dating someone who buys you nice, thoughtful gifts and someone who’s just trying to buy your attention. It’s pretty easy to tell the difference.

No. 168234

Bahahah anon I'm late but I think the reason there's kboos is because kpop instills a lot of lookism in impressionable girls/women. Kpop fans get hyperfixated on their looks bc all of these idols are changing their faces and starving themselves to fit a perfect mold which they start to deem important themselves since it's so prevalent in kpop.
Personally I was into Vindicta because I just wanted to look better for myself with more thorough advice of what to do to improve mys looks than the typical "girl you're beautiful you don't need to change anything". I find that a lot of women there also have better aesthetics than some other subreddits but that's just me.

No. 169107

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Wtf FDS… I really liked this sub since it's one of the rare woman only spaces that doesn't suck troons kawaii girldick, so I didn't expected them to consider the hijab an ~armor~ and be like ~if it's the woman choice then it's empowering~. When they were the ones to call out liberal feminism and their ~if you choose to be a porn actress it's empowering then, get dat coin gurl! 1uwu~ Sounds hypocrite af.

No. 171385

anon did you end up dumping him

No. 171404

Unironically what is the argument for the hijab being feminist? I'm confused, isn't it supposed to be enforced "modesty" for women and belonging to your husband?

No. 171435

>isn't it supposed to be enforced "modesty" for women and belonging to your husband?
if you notice, they're forced to take it off. they're fighting for the right to be modest.

No. 171436

I genuinely think the mod only posted it to keep Reddit from giving them the banhammer. They delete subreddits without warning if there’s even the slightest hint that they’re not worshipping the almighty troon, plus the mod responses in the comments alluded to the fact that they had to play by Reddit’s rules if they wanted to use the site. Idk, just felt very “wink wink nudge nudge”

Dunno about the hijab tho, hell if it makes hijabi feel comfortable enough to keep reading and soak in that FDS mindset maybe they’re more likely to ditch it in the future?

No. 171438

> Idk, just felt very “wink wink nudge nudge”
You're talking about the 'no racism, homophobia, transphobia' post right? Because I absolutely agree. Other subs with stickies like that get in their feelings about defending trannies and ~TWAW~, FDS has the bare minimum, totally neutral 'we must abide by reddit rules' stock response about it kek.

I do believe they're against racism and homophobia, they call men and even women out on it all the time… but they never do for transphobia. FDS being radfem/terf aligned is bit of an unwritten rule/open secret and I think everyone understands how subtle you have to be about it to avoid getting banned on reddit. It's pro women and not pro scrot so no doubt mods are looking for any excuse at all to delete it.

No. 171444

Eh I vaguely recall this post and if I’m remembering right her point was just that she felt better hiding her body from men’s examination. There was a bit of everything in the comments from “wearing hijab definitely doesn’t make you immune to male scrutiny” to “I feel like this is repressive and wouldn’t see it the same way you do” but in the end she was only talking about her own experience and not recommending women wholesale adopt it. I’m definitely on the disagree side but in a sense I don’t see how using a hijab to prevent closer examination from scrotes is much different than wearing really baggy clothes or even going the genderspecial enby uwu route as in the end they’re all potentially ways women attempt to escape objectification. She felt this worked for her and since it wasn’t “omg you all must wear hijab now too” I didn’t find it too obnoxious.

No. 171445

>I don’t see how using a hijab to prevent closer examination from scrotes is much different than wearing really baggy clothes
I agree with this. Islam is misogynistic af and being forced to wear a hijab is obviously oppressive, but standards for modesty when it comes to clothes are so arbitrary. What makes a woman feel too exposed or sexualized in front of men will depend totally on the period, country, culture, current trends, her personality, etc and is generally just a response to the way men around her behave. In some women's case that's gonna mean feeling more comfortable in a hijab, in some it's gonna be hiding your ankles, in others it's just avoiding super skimpy tight stuff. I can't begrudge any woman wanting to hide their body from men for their own peace of mind.

No. 171460

Exactly. Not centering dick and male feels already has FDS in Reddit’s crosshairs. I’m surprised TwoXChromosomes has been allowed to keep their name for that long (despite having a tranny cocksucking sticky)

No. 171528

I hate how slutty men are. I don't completely agree with FDS stuff, but the 50-50 stuff made me really think as someone who insisted going dutch even when I was a student dating working men.
If some guy goes on about how first dates must be 50-50 I just hear that he's a slut now. Like how many dates are you going on for an extra meal to become a financial burden? They are agreeing to date everyone and anyone with no preselection, hoping that they get to fuck, trying to minmax it financially. Also an indicator of how shit they are in bed, since 95% of casual straight sex is dogshit and men don't try to impress women to keep coming back when they play the minmax-Tinder-game.
All in all, I just wanted to say, I understand the 50-50 meme and disgust, I think.

No. 171729

What's wrong with anal?

No. 171731

Have you learned NOTHING from anorectal violence anon?

No. 171734

I like anal with guys that don't go too fast, idk what's the problem

No. 171770

Nothing is wrong with it if the guy that s mature enough and knows what he's doing. Most men who want anal aren't that though

No. 171773

There's literally no reason to do it. Women have perfectly good, self lubricating vaginas intended for sex while there are no pleasure centers in the ass, it takes a lot of prep to not be painful and it can cause long-term damage. Most men are obsessed with the thought of anal because it's a taboo fetish and power play which is just fucking selfish because it typically does nothing at all for the woman (if you're one of those magical handmaidens who enjoys it then great, but you are definitely a minority) and if anything it ends up hurting. If anyone is receiving anal it should be the man anyway, considering he has a prostate which can actually be stimulating for him

No. 171857

The erectile dysfunction thing on the sub was always kind of weird to me.

Its taken as an accepted fact, but everytime someone posts sources, it comes from one of these """non-religious/non-partisan""" nonprofits that are stacked with ultra religious board members.

Like "https://endsexualexploitation.org/" for example. I googled a bunch of different people on there and they are all hardcore christian activists.

No. 171896

Not sure who you were looking at specifically, but here's some research from last year by a bunch of researchers presenting at the European Association of Urology: https://www.everydayhealth.com/erectile-dysfunction/pornography-habit-is-linked-to-erectile-dysfunction-research-suggests/

>they found that of those below age 35 who watched 300 minutes per week, 30 percent had ED compared with 10 percent in those who watched less than 30 minutes. In the 35 to 45 age group that watched 300 minutes per week, 40 percent had ED.

>in the group below 35 we saw more ED then we expected, about 23 percent
>Porn-induced ED is not caused by a low libido or an organic problem in the blood vessels or nerves of the penis. Twenty percent under age 35 say they need to watch more and more, or more extreme porn to get the same level of arousal to get an erection. And in those who feel they need to watch more to get the same level of arousal to get an erection [they] also watch more and have a higher addiction score

Fight the New Drug also has links out to research about how porn affects the brain from a bunch of different journals. (Select any of those topics and they list citations below the article) https://fightthenewdrug.org/get-the-facts/

No. 171922

Thanks. The first source you posted apparently supports it and looks very scientific.

fightthenewdrug.org however seems to be the same as endsexualexploitation.org. Its a religious (mormon?) organization astroturfing as a nonprofit:


i swear its like 90% of these sites…

No. 171933

Interesting. Funny how it explicitly states it's a "non-regliious" organization but is funded entirely by Mormons. While I'm personally against porn I do think that outlook should be supported by sound research in addition to moral reasons. However, my point stands that despite the org's personal leanings, the research they link in their citations seems solid. For example, one of their citations is this review by a number of medical professionals in the military, so I doubt they would have much bias. Their exploration of many references from medical journals also seems to implicate similar findings: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-328X/6/3/17/htm

No. 171989

I agree, as long as the research is actually legit, I don't think sponsor's religious beliefs should be questioned or picked apart that much tbh. Researches have to be funded, and if mormons won't do that who will? Apart from religious people, those with money don't bother to question porn industry because of how lucrative it is. You think liberals will go against billion $$$ porn? Conservatives? Says a lot that the only ones questioning widespread porn consumption and its morality and are giving money to fight it are the ones that believe jerking off will land you in hell.

No. 171990

Good points anon. Being against porn is a pretty spicy take these days because scrotes are addicted and don't give a shit about victims, and most women have been shamed and socialized into thinking they should be all about it too. It's been so normalized now that religious groups are some of the only institutions left that are critical of it. Of course, they're every bit as misogynistic as atheists, just in a more traditional sense so liberals get to consider them "backwards" and feel superior since they degrade women in more modern, socially acceptable ways. If Mormons want to compile legit anti-porn research even as they abuse their wives, then I hope they continue right on with that (the compiling, not abuse).

No. 171993

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Some extra comments:
>Enjoy your salty relationship with a "nice guy" and his steady negs and sarcasm. You deserve it
>They can never handle the negs and sarcasm back and call you a bad person
This might not be a popular view on lolcow, but I like that sarcasm is being called out more often. Particularly coming from men. After knowing several scrotes that pride themselves on it, I will never interact with one who believes being sarcastic is an acceptable major personality trait. It's hilarious seeing quite a few men on dating apps specifically note how sarcastic they are in their profiles, as if this makes them paragons of wit and intellect rather than everyday assholes. 99% of the time they only want a convenient excuse to put other people down so they can feel superior. It's literally the bullying "It's just a joke bro!" approach and yet they start crying and saying you're "taking it too far" if you turn it back around on them. Weak and fragile little egoists. The only time sarcasm is actually funny is when it's used to mock shitty situations, like if someone works 2 jobs and still barely scrapes by then jokes that they're living in the lap of luxury as they heat up a $3 frozen meal. If a guy uses it to mock people, especially those he doesn't already have a close relationship with, he's just a dick.

No. 172022

there are men actually put that in their bio? lol wow
that's annoying
i would say constant sarcasm is a red flag as it diverts from a genuine expression of self
i wish i was less sarcastic just because of that, if anything

that said, it's fairly easy to counter a prissy sarcastic guy by confrontation ("what do you mean by that?") and just escalating things

No. 172024

why would a man bother paying for a meal on the first date (not that that's bad, I do it just bc) with a woman he doesn't know that he met online ?

at that point of him not knowing her, what worth is she ? very little

the 50-50 mentality is only wrong when the man actively pursued the woman and offered to take her on a date, but when it comes to online dating it's pretty implicit that both the man and woman want a date

No. 172026

It’s really sad how even ‘anti porn’ dudes almost solely focus on their broken dicks/brains and don’t give a shit about the women or kids being exploited by the industry. Men are incapable of having empathy towards anything unless it is a direct extension of themselves aka their dick or their own daughter.

No. 172048

>Apart from religious people, those with money don't bother to question porn industry because of how lucrative it is

im honestly starting to believe this is true.

The guy who ran the study apparently owns facebook.com/realbattleministries/. Which calls itself a "Christian Broadcasting Network Nonprofit Organization"…

No. 172060

This is the most logical conclusion. Who else really cares about pornography being harmful? Radfems? They don’t exactly have the money/influence to conduct scientific studies on porn. Religious groups are the only ones with the money and the inclination.

I definitely agree with being skeptical of who is funding these sorts of studies (you should always be skeptical of groups who are incentivized to want you to believe something), but there is pretty much no one else who cares to be critical of porn. More people are incentivized to be accepting of porn because it’s such a lucrative industry for producers/some sex workers and everyday regular men can’t live without it. Anyone who makes money from or uses porn regularly (that’s a lot of people) don’t have any reason to study the negative effects. You’re basically trusting coca-cola to do a nonpartisan study on sugary drinks and obesity kek.

No. 172067

But I'm not talking about online dating, or at least not the kind of blind dating where people go to meet off of 2 exchanged sentences. That's already a sign of a manwhore.

No. 172070

Let's just all agree that expecting expensive and/or thoughtful first date, followed by constant gifts and proof of his affection/worthiness pre-relationship from some OLD dude who doesn't know you is a pipe dream no matter how hot you are.

No. 172094

ah my bad- what kind of dating did you mean ?

No. 172137

Don't people chat online for at least a couple weeks before meeting up?
>at that point of him not knowing her, what worth is she ? very little
Female attention is worth WAY more than male attention. Women can live happily single, while men become severely mentally unstable if they don't get female attention. Besides with all the competition, any man worth his salt knows he needs to invest while the trash ones will try to skirt by on minimum effort. Not to mention the average woman is attractive, empathetic, good with personal relationships, unlike the average man. You are seriously undervaluing a woman's worth.

No. 172154

>Don't people chat online for at least a couple weeks before meeting up?
i have no idea, never done that.
convos fizzle out if i dont get a date set up, so i dont even bother with texting
also text personality =/= in-person personality such that i might like someone's text personality but their in-person personality is lame as shit, vice versa

>while men become severely mentally unstable if they don't get female attention.

hahaha really ?
i've always thought it's easier for men to be single, as women seem to yearn for emotional relationships while men yearn for pussy, and the latter is easier to relieve than the former.
i always come across women who jump from one relationship to another, as if they cannot handle being alone, while i do not see that as much with men

>unlike the average man. You are seriously undervaluing a woman's worth.

either I am overvaluing myself, or im above average, but one pattern i noticed is that men and women are equally average, but the imbalance is with many women who think they deserve more in a man than they are actually worth based on our current societal culture to empower women and making them more confident

No. 172155

you sound like a pickme tbh. in what world is pussy as equally cheap as dick?
>i've always thought it's easier for men to be single, women seem to yearn for emotional relationships while men yearn for pussy, and the latter is easier to relieve than the former.
>i always come across women who jump from one relationship to another, as if they cannot handle being alone, while i do not see that as much with men
you don't see women making memes and entire online communities/movements based on tfw no gf. also pusy is not easy to come by for the average male, they get much fewer matches from online dating and often will feign emotional attachment just to get pussy. dick is what's cheap, and women aren't as horny so they can go longer without a hookup. and the fact that so many average women can go from relationship to relationship means that they can easily find people to date and make connections with, whereas so many men are single. of course i'm speaking for normie women and not maladjusted terminally online ones

No. 172158

>you don't see women making memes and entire online communities/movements based on tfw no gf
ok that's true
dick is very cheap yes, and thats another thing that gives women the illusion that they're worth more because they have something that's more expensive, while ignoring the greatest factor in healthy relationships being personality, views and values
>you sound like a pickme tbh
nah, just a dude

No. 172163

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Agreed. Certain sarcastic comments can be funny in situational contexts, but people who try to be sarcastic all the time (or being just plain rude and then inaccurately calling it sarcasm when called out) are insufferable. It’s always who watch too much corny tv and think they are just like the characters.

No. 172171

Absolutely, I hate these two characters so much simply for the mass exodus of assholes they allowed to crawl out from under their rocks thinking "ooh being an unsufferable prick is 'in' now!"

No. 172500

With how much it is said that FDS principles work I don't actually see any proof. You want to say that women that post their minute life details on the subreddit (finished a workout, bought flowers, did nails etc.) stop doing that once they meet and marry the mythical HVM? I don't buy it. It doesn't seem that FDS has such great track record.

And also who is writing the dating advice? Women here and on fds love to make fun of men that listen to 'male motivational speakers' like Peterson or Rogan but at least they have a real face and a background that can be checked. Meanwhile all advice given on FDS comes from anonymous people you know nothing about. I don't think it is healthy to blindly follow and change your life based on some reddit posts. They are not your friends. it is not a real community. Who wrote the handbook? What are the 'RUTHLESS STRATEGISTS' credentials? is the poster even a woman? has she been in a single healthy relationship? All this shitting on reddit advice subs, yet when a poster prefaces their post with 'all men are trash' and claims to be a woman suddenly what they say can't be questioned???
I think we crave a female-only space on the internet so much that once such thing exists, people get scared to even slightly criticize it. Look at all the rabid FDS stans

No. 172503

Lurk more. Everything you wrote has already been discussed ITT. You are not special for knowing that critical thinking exists.

No. 172507

Anonymous posts that are well-constucted isn't that bad imo. The bottom of the barrel is taking dating advice from teens putting on a "bad bitch" performance on TikTok, which somehow gets voted into top posts.

No. 172516

>I don't think it is healthy to blindly follow and change your life based on some reddit posts.
>It’s okay to have standards and drop a man if he doesn’t meet them
>Don’t stay in an abusive relationship
>Don’t try to change someone, move on and find someone better suited to you
>Don’t be dependent on a man for happiness or money
>Do nice things for yourself and understand that while a partner can be great, you can have a wonderful life on your own too
Yes, the women espousing these horrible, toxic, self defeatist outlooks are clearly not our friends and cannot be trusted. I can’t imagine why a community would develop around such vile adages. Stay frosty ladies, think twice before taking anonymous internet advice! Instead, listen to THIS anonymous internet dweller!

No. 172542

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NTA. It's mostly positive. But there are surely some weird sugarbaby fantasy tier LARPs. Sometimes they really can't decide if HVM is a good, understanding guy, or just some kind of russian oligarch's son.

No. 172548

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i creeped user understatedalways and it seems she's a single mother. I have nothing but respect for single moms but that really shattered the sophisticated sugar baby image for me

No. 173268

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Anyone else seen this, One of the big influencers in the FDS community, Michaela Pink a dating coach whose videos and rhetoric often get posted on FDS got arrested for money laundering and stealing from her clients

No. 173584

Sage for blogposting. That explains a lot. A friend of mine went from one great relationship (that she fucked up in because she broke up with him to 'trade up' with some other guy that didn't turn out well), into completely casual stuff, then into a horrible relationship and became addicted to fds after the last one made her insanely jaded.
When I pointed out how some of the stuff she was preaching from them very double-standard-y, or straight up toxic (she unironically followed the '6 figures, 6 feet, 6 inches' rule, while telling me her suitors should date her for how ~unique~ and NLOG-y she is), she got insanely defensive. So far she's seen 40+ men and found none of them 'good enough' for her. She says this all while she doesn't want to waste time dating a guy that won't propose to her on the first year of dating either, so I have no idea how she'll achieve that.

No. 178414

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do they really?

No. 178415

? Isnt buying yourself jewelry normal

No. 178416

I like FDS a lot and defend it all the time but the 'I bought myself a ring!!' trend is cringe af. Buying yourself rings is normal and it just seems like a weird cope for not being married.

Also people already think every woman on FDS is a fat, ugly femcel, I don't believe that's true but it doesn't help when you see fat hands like that being posted…

No. 178420

Buying yourself jewelry is normal, buying yourself a promise ring is for chubby turbovirgins

No. 178454

I found FDS to be better when it only had around 10~20k members. There was more actual content I think (and plain man hate kek) while now it's mostly just tiktoks, memes and "Yaaaas queen, slayy" type of content and comments voted to the top. I guess it's inevitable the original content gets muddled with ten times as many members, and especially trying to appease the reddit admins, but I'm still a bit sad about it.

No. 178463

Here's what I don't get: it's not a promise/engagement ring. It's just a ring. Rings with stones in it aren't exclusively engagement rings if that's what they're thinking? Like, is that the train of thought here? "A ring with a big stone in it is supposed to be an engagement ring, but I just bought one for myself, slam dunk!!"

No. 178469

95% of FDS is fucking embarrassing. i'm not a 10/10 catch by any means but even i can find decent guys without having to "multi date" and "vet". most of the women on there just need to get a grip on reality, they're not very desirable and trash attracts other trash

No. 178473

I guess the multi dating and scrotation shit depends on where you’re at. When I lived in Denver and had a good social life I met decent dudes constantly, and the people in general were overall more normal and upfront about themselves. I wouldn’t say down to earth but they didn’t care as much if you wore makeup or had a tit job as much as if you could do their stupid ass over the top athletic activities with them
Moved to SoCal and it’s ridiculous, literally everyone is putting on a front. Luxury shit, gold digging on both sides, guys trying to fuck as many and as young of women as they can, I can see why people have to rotate just to see if one sticks.

What I don’t get is how they keep a rotation if most men are garbage and finding a hvm is so hard.

No. 178477

Don't get the multi dating, but the vetting I understand. The bar for males is so low, dropping them at the first sign of being idiots is advice every girl should recieve on her 10th birthday.

No. 178480

>Most people on a dating strategy subreddit are gonna be losers

Breaking news. Next you'll tell me that all redpillers are incel virgins (duh).

Most sane hot women don't need to be taught "FDS principles" as they have them instinctively. Beckies and young women need to have them spelled out. Nothing wrong with that, as all women benefit from reducing male reproductive choices. Multi-dating is mostly for keeping yourself from developing cock myopia and oneitis.

No. 178486

This is a shitty take. Nice, smart, pretty girls end up with horrible men all the time. Are you saying girls who are 'not very desirable' bring abuse on themselves and deserve to be treated badly? That if they appeal to men even more they're guaranteed to be treated well?

Not everyone is fortunate enough to naturally have high self esteem, strong boundaries and be surrounded by great guys. Decent men are not actually common (not wanting a guy who watches porn cuts out 99%) and society does everything it can to brainwash women into lowering their standards, vetting is common sense.

No. 178492

95% probability that anon is as a future foreverfiance reddit Becky who just found her first oneitis (who she thinks is a "decent guy" because her sample size is 1) and assumed she's set for life kek

No. 178516

Has anyone listened to the FDS podcast? What do you think of it? I binged the episodes yesterday and I found them fun. If you've followed sub for a while nothing new but hearing them talk about Bridgerton and more shows in future sounds fun. Here's a link to the most recent ep about the vice hit piece.

No. 178518

Yeah, this is so wrong and it's such a misogynistic, arrogant attitude. Abuse could happen to that anon just as easily as any one of us. As easily as it could happen to any man! It's just that those manipulative behaviors are supported by society at large for men (and by their physical strength) in a way they aren't for women. No woman ever imagines she's going to fall for an abuser. Smart, strong, independent, beautiful women are taken advantage of by men all the time. You don't fall for a guy and then he immediately starts calling you names and beating you within a day. It's a drip feed of him saying something that seems a bit sexist/racist/homophobic once, and you think, "Huh that's weird, but maybe he just phrased it wrong." So you talk about it and he explains it away. Then it happens again, or he makes a negative comment about you, and it keeps adding up and adding up until he's controlling what you wear and saying you should shut up and by that time you're too fucking embarassed to realize how much you've let him diminish you to bring it up, precisely because you thought you were "better" than that and maybe if you find the right words you can reach this person who started out so wonderfully.

Many of us have grown up with the idea you "stand by your man" and that it's normal to try and help your partner be a better person, so you try to speak to them like fellow humans who want to improve, but they care about their egos and sense of power more than they do you. No one teaches women about how shitty most men are. It's why so many of us approach men in that empathetic, patient, respectful way, because we think they're the same as us. They aren't. Their subjugation of us is how they maintain power, so it would be stupid of them to deviate from that. FDS is one of the only places on the internet that says, "Hey, maybe don't ignore those early red flags that you brushed off or assumed were misunderstandings." That says women are right to trust themselves, that they shouldn't drop their standards thinking a man loves her enough to not be a shithead (vast majority don't). This is not common knowledge and instead women are blamed for men's behaviors, when we're taught to just "give him a chance" and "no one's perfect" and put up with it like a good little toy.

No. 178520

uhh you kinda need at least some oneitis and whatever else the other thing you said was if you wanna be in a long term relationship. literally killing off all pair bonding in you is not healthy

No. 178521

FDS needs to be a little more pinkpilled. It's very simple:

There is a vast biological empathy gap between males and females. Women empathize with men, men don't empathize with women. Therefore, women need to condition themselves to be more pragmatic in order to negate the advantages men have.

No. 178522

I totally agree with your point, but I disagree in thinking FDS doesn't state this frequently and emphatically. A ton of the posts talk about how men lack empathy, manipulate their partners, play games, cheat, ghost, watch porn and perform otherwise sociopathic behavior (there's a post there now about a man who put literal SLUGS into his girlfriend's shakes) to the point many women have disavowed themselves of dating entirely with the attitude of "if someone great shows up then I'd love to have a relationship, otherwise I'm going to focus on myself" which is what women need to hear and do for themselves.

No. 178525

>there's a post there now about a man who put literal SLUGS into his girlfriend's shakes
I wanted to post this story somewhere on lc but I couldn't decide which thread, it's one of the most horrifying, disgusting things I've ever seen a scrote do to his partner. Literally sickening. I want her to tell the police.

No. 178528

they put any ring on the left ring finger and call it a promise ring
you know a lot of girls have had unfortunate upbringings where they aren't taught how to have self worth or boundaries, or worse are actually discouraged from those traits. add a few dashes of systemic and cultural sexism and you have a perfect cocktail for young, pretty, smart and kind girls being treated like doormats by mediocre or even downright toxic males. i shudder to think of the things non-conventionally attractive women put up with. FDS is cringe but much better than some of the old mindsets women had towards dating

No. 178534

As long as you control the oneitis, sure. Though in my opinion limiting your strategy to "hurr durr cuff my one and only prince happily ever after" Disney shit is wack. Mammalian pair bonding is not permanent, and you don't need to believe that something is eternal in order to enjoy it.

I'm in a happy marriage, but my rational self understands that there's much more to life than this, and it's for 5 to 10 years max, so I planned accordingly.

No. 178536

The "HVM" idea is pretty utopian once you consider the fact that men have poor impulse control and are inherently prone to coomditioning, and accidentally nutting at the wrong thing can change everything about your Nigel over the course of one week. He's a "HVM" until he isn't.

Obviously FDS is great and so much better than the default simpette mindset girls are raised with, but still too unrealistic for my liking.

No. 178537

you got married thinking that shit would last 5-10 years? even with proper planning that sounds insane.

No. 178540

what a weird mindset you have. my parents have been married for 30 years but go off with your 5-10 years plan lol. do you have trauma by any chance?

No. 178543

You sound like you have serious abandonment issues and that ((mammalian pair bonding)) shit sounds like a cope to use when you run away because the partner wanted to become more emotionally intimate

No. 178546

It should be plenty of time for me reach my goals. I think you might be assuming that marriage itself is the endgame.
I know myself well enough to know that I grow bored quickly, anon. I'm happy for your parents, but not everyone is looking for the same thing. If they still truly love each other and aren't just sticking around due to habit and material entanglements, that's pretty based (and rare).
I have considered that and tried to meme myself into being different, but it just didn't fly. Overall I don't understand why my approach viscerally offends as many women as it does men. I do admire trying to be a romantic, betting against statistics, shoot for the moon (my current partner is like that) etc, but I like my way.

No. 178552

why did you get married then? seems pointless with that mentality

No. 178553

props to him for being a romantic and still marrying you

No. 178554

if it works for you it works for you, but you don't need to look down on people who choose to be monogamous over the long term

No. 178555

This. I don't get how op doesn't understand why anons are judging her for this when she was judging people who want long-term marriages with one person. Imo, you can have (and reach) big goals in life and have a long-term marriage at the same time.

No. 178558

>in FDS thread
>the only benefit of marriage is marriage
I wasn't judging, I said it's not for me. It's okay to find my views a little upsetting.
Just wondering - I hope you anonitas don't really broadcast the details of your FDSing to potential mates, right? It's kind of defeating the purpose if you do.

No. 178569

I don't care if marriage is your endgame or really scrote feelings if he's aware, I find idea of planning such a serious financial entanglement for a relatively short period of time (5 years) really odd especially going back to risks of male violence. Are you prepared to pay for all the legal aspects of divorce?

No. 178574

>marrying a man so broke you'll be paying for both lawyers
>paying for anything in a marriage
>abuse attempts not making a better case for you in court
>not consulting a divorce lawyer before you even marry

Anon, you sure you're FDSing correctly? Either I'm getting trolled or I'm in the wrong thread. The only one assuming financial risk by marrying is him.

No. 178576

>abuse attempts not making a better case for you in court
Are you saying he's attempted to abuse you or that you will accuse him of abuse in court? I'm so confused. I don't even think accusing someone of abuse is something they recommend in FDS.

No. 178577

I think a lot of women within the FDS community recognize this though? I've seen videos posted where women express that men are way more likely to leave if you ever get sick, so plan accordingly. Know that you have to "vet" forever and if he ever displays abusive behavior even years down the line you should be ready to leave. Cultivate your own wealth and resources so you're never dependent on a man even if you live together. Also whenever you see someone say they think they've found a HVM you get tons of women saying that's nice but don't ever give him a free pass or assume he's going to be perfect forever. Basically: Enjoy men while they're meeting you're expectations, but always be ready to walk.

No. 178578

Same nonny. I've read a lot of disgusting shit over the years and I thought I was pretty deadened to these sorts of stories, but I had a powerfully visceral reaction to that. It literally could have killed her due to the parasites they carry, in addition to being so deviously repulsive and vile that it could've come straight from a fucking horror movie. Males are evil.

No. 178586

What I mainly don't get about the fds sub is them being all about modern women and women going their own way if the men aren't suitable, but still idealizing gestures that came from like advertisements in the '70s like diamond rings, drinking champagne in high rise restaurants and all kinds of hollywood clichés. They're also still usually about performing high femininity, just "for the right man". It's a weird chimera of the girl power movement and tradwives.

No. 178588

Samefagging but also, has anyone listened to their so-called podcasts? I'm sort of intrigued to listen how cringey "yass queening" it is, but also sort of afraid of dying of overdose. Or is it surprisingly decent?

No. 178592

Their views conflict because imo many different groups are represented on that sub and nobody really tries to reign them in on an organised level. As far as I have noticed, you have
>tradwives that worship trad femininity of whatever
>users that unironically idolize arranged marriages and talk about how le modern men are ruined and muh good old times!
>women that like to larp as radical but the moment someone talks negatively about makeup/beauty industry or taking personal responsibility for engaging in culture that furthers misogyny, they backpedal and say that they only care about good dating prospects and not politics
>pinkpilled celibates
>As A QuEer WoMAn
>users that see themselves as edgy ruthless femme fatales with men lining up for them (and unironically are subbed to darktriadwomen)
>straight up confused women

Feel free to add more, anons

No. 178604

>users that see themselves as edgy ruthless femme fatales with men lining up for them (and unironically are subbed to darktriadwomen)
These are the more baffling to me, combined with an overlap with unironic sugaring. Like I assume it's all just LARPing and lies anyway, but mods/regular posters going on about receiving cars/houses and "rich troubled millionaire falls for common woman" women's erotica character trope fantasies seem ill-fitting with the message of not being blinded by materialistic offerings over character traits.
I also remember seeing someone post that subreddit cross-tracker, and some of the highest overlap in users were with r/purplepilldebate and r/divorce.

No. 178622

this thread isn't for FDSers, it's for us to discuss FDS or prolific FDSers, so people are free to disagree with FDS and the way you specifically choose to apply it

No. 178628

i checked out purple pill debate and it's a bunch of delusional redpillers/incels arguing with (most black?) women. the women have really good points usually but lol what a waste of time

No. 178634

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I misremembered, it was breakups, not divorce. Mostly seems like female centered subreddits, but lol at r/belgium. Seems like it's a big belgian conspiracy.

I just don't get why you'd even want to debate them when you know they're all shitters hurling insults at women. But I wouldn't be surprised if some of the FDS chicks sympathized with TRP types in the more traditional "I'd rather date a jerk that plays with open cards than a liberal man that hates me behind my back" type of way.

No. 178646


He wouldn't be around if he did. In case of divorce (even in a no-fault state) abuse can still be used in your favor in a settlement. If you're a dependent spouse, he will still owe you alimony, for instance - you just need a halfway decent lawyer. In a hypothetical situation where he cuts everything off financially, the case may be taken on a contingency basis and the fees are paid out of the settlement. Your situation may vary.

The only way you might be fucked is if you 50/50, have your own property or kids. In any other case, everything your husband makes after marriage is legally marital property aka 50% yours.


Oh, got it.

No. 178648

Same way males want an independent girlboss who sucks the dick and makes the dinner. The idea is to (if you're doing it right) match their level of amoral opportunism.

No. 178650

I think it's due to the low-ince backgrounds of most of the posters. Some are teens or early 20s working retail type jobs, others have made poor relationship choices that have cost them a lot of money in the long term, some might simply be from a low-income background. So these grand gifts and gestures are aspirational

No. 178651

>>178650 income*

No. 178652

It's not just that. Women (especially egirl types) tend to think that men's interest is defined by how much they want to fuck you. In reality, it's determined by how much they're willing to do for you/how many resources they invest. In that sense, the only way you can be a "femcel" is when men don't simp for you, not when they don't fuck you.

Everyone here is familiar with the reddit type of girl who posts on r/relationships asking whether she should "le communicate" over her boyfriend taking a dump in her mouth while she sleeps. FDS is those women in recovery. Naturally, they're going to be a little cringe.

No. 178661

So are you dating a guy who makes much more than you/are you financially reliant on him? That can be risky. And if you're only planning on being with someone for a 5-10 years I question how well the man will handle it.

Abuse isn't only a financial risk, it also harms your mental wellbeing and relationships. If shit gets bad no amount of money can make up for being in a bad situation with unequal dynamics.

No. 178722

really interesting, thanks for posting

No. 178913

I'm married to him and yeah, I know the risks.

No. 179057

Do you not see the hot af female celebs acting like giant pick-mes constantly? I get this is you doing a big cope and pretending you're hot on an anon board, but it's fucking cringey.

No. 179385

Women like to have someone who gives orders to them and commands them, that's why many of them end up with assholes?

No. 179396

Ah the smell of scrote

No. 179413

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I'm only quoting something a psychologist (who studied gender studies, psychology in social processes, and decisional processes) said 10 years ago (before she graduated).

No. 179414

quoting what someone said a decade ago is ridiculous.

before you sperg about some tranny response, ive spent my college years writing scientific papers, like both translating them thing for the lay and for as it is for publication. in any scientific field, quoting anyone in gender studies is met with general disdain, psych degrees done mean shit until they reach masters but even then if you have credentials just think, you have people like jordan peterson a professor with a phd who is known to be an absolute piece of shit and addict claiming what they know to be rote.

if thats your biggest argument then youre out of luck kiddo

No. 179417

damn even my typos and shit, considering i have a learning disorder, still quoting outdated recourses is still embarrassing. you give no reference or study to support that?

No. 179473

[In another video] "This book (50 shades of grey) is read by women because, whatever they say about feminism, and about rights, they love having someone who gives orders to them. It's a reason many end up being attracted by assholes. The book tells about a successful man who ties them up and gives orders to them. There is something that women like about these traits.
The character of the man is also complex, and this taps into another weak spot of many women who think they can change the man for the better, they want to help him."

Additional notes: this psychologist has created, and is the lead, for an online project regarding equality, intersectional feminism, LGBTQ+ rights.

No. 179554

is not that witty of a reference? to make in this thread? she's a femlib, with a minor prominence online in her country.

btw 10 years ago she would have been just out of high school (her face and mannerism give me awkward or even used-to-be sheltered vibes) post Berlusconian era, oof

No. 179556

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>just out of high school
Born in 1989 and she was 23 when the said the sentence quoted above, so at least 3-4 years into her degree.

>give me awkward or even used-to-be sheltered vibes


No. 179558

Also, enjoy this piece by her.

No. 179579

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Would my relationship be considered "High value" or whatever by FDS standards ?

I married a guy who was my FWB and we generally get along, we likely won't ever cheat on each other mostly cause we don't wanna deal with other people, have no plans for children and I guess were more like roomates who are in good terms more then a married couple but I like him and he likes me and Im glad were together

No. 179585

No. "Likely won't cheat on each other"

- what the fuck? not to mention your relationship seems like a mere extension of being fwb. Now, your life's your life, and you don't need to live by FDS standards. From your description, your relationship sounds like a cope and if either of you find someone you like genuinely, chances are whoever it is will leave the relationship. Don't get too entangled in this relationship would be my advice, anon.

No. 179587

I don't think he's ever gonna cheat on me and I don't wanna cheat on him, we really never discussed it and we really don't care for the most part

>- what the fuck? not to mention your relationship seems like a mere extension of being fwb. Now, your life's your life, and you don't need to live by FDS standards. From your description, your relationship sounds like a cope and if either of you find someone you like genuinely, chances are whoever it is will leave the relationship. Don't get too entangled in this relationship would be my advice, anon.

I mean wouldn't you wanna be in a relationship with your friend rather then have something that might not even work out, and we do genially like each other and enjoy each others company

No. 179591

NTA but if you've got more of a friendship/partnership rather than a typical romantic marriage, your relationship can't really be judged by FDS standards. Generally a HVM is a guy who adores you and that doesn't seem like a priority for you. But as long as he adds value to your life and treats you well, that's fine.

No. 179596

I mean, if you’re happy anon. Some people would rather have a happy smooth sailing type of relationship and I respect that.
Now I think like other anons mentioned before, make sure that you always have a backup plan in case your husband empties your bank account and runs off or something, or be able to support yourself.

IMO FDS can be a bit cringy and some are a bit too jaded by guys (yeah I know most are terrible, but if you hang around decent men, you will see that a lot of them are still pretty normal) but at least they’re not writing off the entire genre and you can find some gushing about their husband in the comments and that’s kinda cute. Incels and redpill guys hate all women without exception so I always found the comparison ridiculous.

I don’t agree with waiting forever before having sex with someone for example because I don’t want to waste time dating someone who’s terrible in bed or afflicted with a micro dick. I don’t even personally require dudes to whoo me with dinner. But I’m good at establishing boundaries and plan on remaining financially independent even if I ever get married. So some of their tips are pretty good, plus I like the “women first” mindset.

No. 179597

I mean he does add value to my life, I'm not gonna find a perfect guy who is rich, satisfy me sexually, loves me endlessly and has all my interests, I'd probably require me to go through a lot of garbage men and hassle, I have a guy who can satisfy my sexually, takes care of his own shit but helps me with mind and well likes and we have similar interests and Im really fine with that

No. 179620

heh. Feels good for the asshole who just broke up with me.

No. 179869

hey bestie im also from belgium, wonder how many belgian farmers out there

Back on topic… I havent dated a lot for the past couple years because my SSRIs kinda blocked my libido but it came back, however with Corona, things are complicated. What I've been missing is that one dude to sext with, exchange faceless nudes w etc and I know it may seem contrary to FDS but I think it can be a good distraction if you know you're for sure not gonna date him or even fuck him. However I don't have a guy like that right now in my life. I dont want to use tinder because I dont want him to be from here and my online circles used to be full with men however Ive been hanging mostly with women online lately, so now I dont know where to find him

No. 179874

>we generally get along
>we likely won't ever cheat on each other because "we don't wanna deal with other people" (what the fuck?)
>I like him and he likes me
>I'm fine with that
You sound so lukewarm about it, kek. Then again, I never got the point of spending time with someone you're just "fine" with, whether it be boyfriends or friends. It totally sounds like you're settling and imo, eventually it will hit you later that you've been wasting years of your life with someone you weren't that invested in.

No. 180111

that has never made sense to me either, i hate grand gestures like that and feel like they are empty. i still enjoy fds tho, it has taught me a lot about red flags when it comes to men and i like how it encourages women to be more ruthless when it comes to dating.

the only negative aspect about fds is that it has made browsing /ot/ and /g/ really difficult. a lot of anons in the confession and advice threads are desperate and chase incels from 4chan who clearly aren't into them.

No. 180158

I had to stop browsing FDS every day, because it made me feel visceral hatred towards all men and made me depressed lol. I did learn a lot and am grateful for it. Unpacking and healing my past pick-me self was extremely embarrassing.

No. 180201

its a process

No. 180279

What do you guys think of Anna Bey/schoolofaffluence?

No. 180474

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more like pork princess

No. 180477

She seems like she has completely internalized the male gaze and watching her videos makes me sad for her

No. 180486

Again, as a former mod of FDS I have to say that nothing good comes out of laughing at the "value" of FDS women–you're literally giving MRAs and MGTOWs and whatever else manosphere trash the material that they want to 'prove' that women who expect better of men must be ugly and undesirable anyways. And no, it's not "full of black women" (which is something I've only seen manosphere men say btw, keep outing yourselves scrotes). The majority of women I interacted with (probably the most active users for reference) were white. I'm not going to lie and say all of them were 10/10 catches but a surprising number of less active women were much better looking and more accomplished than angry moids like to think that the average FDS user would be. Overall I think the philosophy that FDS (or better yet, FemaleLIFEStrategy) promotes is necessary for young women to hear and that discrediting the women by how ugly or undesirable (kek, what a joke) they are is not just petty but goes against female empowerment in general. And this is coming from someone who actually had bad interactions with FDS and is not affiliated with them anymore but sees the benefit for ALL women to expect better of men. I'd actually support a private group if [female] farmers really want to make fun of FDS (I wouldn't join personally, just seems like a waste of time), just not out in the open like LC where manosphere moids can benefit from it. Look at all of the obvious men who have posted in here, they're clearly reading and getting off on whatever we post that's roasting the women of FDS.
Anyway I wish more focus was on FemaleLifeStrategy or some other movement based on women's personal development and not FDS. Women are taught to feel like they need a man to be complete. Even if you're an attractive woman, you will be judged for not having a man despite it being clearly obvious that you could get one easily if you tried. And men are shit, you can't change them or the shitty ones who come into your life. So imo women should be focusing on improving their own lives so when men come and go then you have a healthy and happy life to fall back on. Compare this to women who make men their entire existence and go through existential crises and have no money when their man leaves them. Actually even the majority of women who I met through FDS ended up in long term relationships with men that they met IRL, not the ones they spent hours on dating apps finding. Moral of the story: live your life, better yourself as a human being, and don't fuck around on dating apps or seeking out to date men because the majority you'll encounter who are seeking out women are always desperate for a female partner for a fundamentally bad reason (bangmaid, mommy 2.0, needs a free therapist).

No. 180487

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anon that pic made me want to cry and it ruined my day

No. 180494

dude people in general need a partner to feel complete, not just women. it's not about being "taught". that's why incels are so vocal about not being able to get girlfriends, or why ugly women cannot cope. the reason FDS exists is because those women are literally failed women, and the reason MRA/MGTOW exists is because those men are failed men. i cannot see how the average woman that naturally fosters healthy relationships could benefit from FDA; a lot of the stuff posted there is bitter and frankly reeks of undesirable women (whether physically or mentally) that consider themselves a dime. i would not trust a man who learns from PUA's just as much as i would not trust a woman who learns from FDA.

No. 180504

>i would not trust a man who learns from PUA's just as much as i would not trust a woman who learns from FDA.
Hard agree, FDS is the female equivalent of PUA strategy. Both are retarded and will never result in a fulfilling relationship. But
>people in general need a partner to feel complete
Sis if you feel incomplete without a partner you need to do some work on yourself. You're setting yourself up to be devastated if your relationships don't work out. You're a complete person and worthy of happiness without needing another person as a crutch. Ffs buy a pet if you're that lonely. They make much better companions than the majority of men.

No. 180510

I don't really see the similarities between FDS and PUA to be honest. A PUAs goal is to sleep with as many women as possible while doing as little loss as possible, while FDS' goal just seems to be to find a permanent partner who puts in effort.

No. 180513

not an FDSer myself because I've been dating the same person for years, but I don't see how it is at all similar to PUA. it's just a process to avoid getting entangled with useless men. I've used FDS principles to improve my relationship (self improvement, raising my standards, remaining independent) and not get taken advantage of by "nice guys" who pretend to be my friends. genuinely improved my life and I'm not an "undesirable" woman, I get hit on regularly, am in my mid 20s, no children, have lots of career prospects. Unless by being "undesirable" people mean not being a doormat pickme, which in that case I'd rather be undesirable lmao

No. 180514

Yeah, please point to where FDS is teaching women how to sleep with as many men as possible or future fake in general. It starts on the premise that you are looking for a serious relationship and tells women that they deserve more or equal to what they can offer to a man. I mean it make sense–why play mommy or unpaid therapist when you can be happier alone? Unless a guy is actually adding to your life and not making it worse,
This person (man?) >>180494 has no idea what the fuck they're talking about. I'm gonna guess it's a man because they did the whole "actually EVERYONE is made to do xyz" when I made a point specific to women and they seem to really think manosphere moids (who are correlated with literal school shooters, ok) are somehow equivalent to FDS women.
Also, men aren't taught to feel incomplete like women are–they are taught that they are entitled to women. Whereas women want to be seen as normal, desirable, men will literally shoot up public spaces with some manifesto about how they were never "given" a woman. I'm so sick of moids and their lack of perspective on literally everything kek.

No. 180539

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Morally, of course PUA is much more repugnant, but when it comes to delusion and sheer stupidity, they are very much equivalents.

Think about it this way, what kind of men will you attract (or filter) when behaving in accordance with FDS? If you keep giving man cold shoulder in belief that "the right one" will persist, then you will inevitably end up with someone who has no respect for your boundaries. Man who showers you with material gifts is probably going to view relationship in terms of trade, and you as a glorified prostitute. If you show no sexual interest in a guy for X amount of time, then the ones who stay with you are probably not very sexual themselves.

The best thing you can do when dating is try to turn off you superego. Ignore societal norms and your insecurities and dont try to please the guy. Unironically just be yourself and follow your own desires, so that you actually attract men who like you for you.

No. 180541

>If you keep giving man cold shoulder in belief that "the right one" will persist, then you will inevitably end up with someone who has no respect for your boundaries.
NTA but I don’t see FDS saying to give men the cold shoulder or act like a cold bitch for no reason, and they don’t define HVM as someone who just buys you stuff. Plenty of guys who aren’t just looking for a quick fuck are very willing to wait on sex as well, that’s really not an unreasonable standard.

I’m not even a member of the subreddit and I’m not gonna accuse anyone of being a scrote on lolcow, but it boggles my mind how so many posters say FDS is just like PUA forums or some red pill for women. It’s hardly a ridiculous standard to want a scrote to be invested in your relationship when so many clearly aren’t.

No. 180543

>It’s hardly a ridiculous standard to want a scrote to be invested in your relationship when so many clearly aren’t.
My point isnt that it is unreasonable, but that FDS simply does not work. To treat dating as "investment" will result in you ending up with people who also see it in these transactional terms. Which is exact opposite of a healthy relationship. You should be enjoying each others company. If you dont, then what is the point?

No. 180551

Enjoying your time with that person doesn't mean they give you what you need emotionally, make you feel loved, or even care about you. Imo a lot of women tend to give relationships their all, where men tend to be along for the ride and put in minimal effort. And that's why many women are unhappy later. She enjoyed his company and they had fun together! But now months (or even years) later when things have gotten serious he won't listen to her worries, he reacts to stressful situations by yelling or blowing up at her, he leaves her do all the chores by herself, and he barely even shows her physical affection outside of sex they maybe have once a month.

If only she looked beyond how entertaining he was or how much fun they had together when things were going smoothly. That's what FDS advises women to do, to look at things objectively because if you don't chances if you choose wrong the relationship is going to look like the above in a couple years.

No. 180552

Not seeing your point, tbh. As >>180541 says, FDS doesn't give the advice to give the cold shoulder, they just say don't chase after men. As for gifts, simply picking stuff up you saw, thinking of anniversaries and birthdays and so on is normal in relationships, no? And with sex FDS says to keep it at 3 months minimum, but I thought about half a year plus/minus a few months was standard for every non-fuckboy anyway lmao. Idk, maybe I'm just drawn to FDS because what they say already IS what I do/did naturally by being myself in which I concede your last point lmao.

No. 180555

You know, I head this one quote, dont remember where anymore, that is always comes on my mind when thinking about relationships. It goes something like: "If you are not married by the time you hit 30, statistically speaking you have avoided your first divorce". I would love to have my happily ever after, but it is a fantasy. People evolve, feelings change, nothing is going to last forever. I mean look at how those old couples that have been together for decades live - no passion, no excitement, staying together out of conveniece and habit. Finding someone with whom you share genuine connection, spending couple years together and when the flame burns out, moving on to find someone else. That sounds like a lot better life. I mean when my time runs out I am not going to be able to feel anything for all eternity, so until then I want to get my share of passion.

No. 180556

I see what you're saying, but if it burns out to begin with it wasn't a genuine connection. Maybe you just happened to entertain each other when you were just bored/lonely, or maybe you satisfied each other sexually. Basically a temporary relationship which was born out of convenience (ie. you're both attracted to each other and get on "well enough" so that means you should date, right?) and therefore doesn't really mean anything. It's just a time waster, but in that case it's just better to spend some quality time with yourself doing things that you love.

I don't know about everyone on FDS but chances are they want a deeper connection, not something both parties go along with just because they're horny or lonely or want to split rent. I feel like most relationships fall under this which is why they fail. Maybe it is unrealistic or a pipe dream but it's still worth it to me to find someone worthy to share my life with in a meaningful way.

For the record, I feel the same way with my friends as well. I just don't see the value in keeping mediocre people in my life who I'll eventually want to get rid of.

No. 180569

I agree wholeheartedly anon. I didn’t lurk FDS until after I got in a committed relationship, but I can say I was already doing a lot of what they recommend just from past experiences. I personally don’t doubt their recommendations work. If anything, most women need much much higher standards. Women should be more critical and calculating about relationships, we just have more to lose if the guy is trash, or even violent/abusive.

No. 180604

I can't believe someone came in here ranting about "failed, undesirable women" and didn't get banned for penis-having. If you're fat, ugly, or mentally ill, then you should give up on yourself and disappear, or just let men abuse you? Nonsense. Everyone benefits if these so-called "failed" women continue to improve themselves and put their energy into the world. You could argue that, even without exchanging a single word, strangers benefit because sharing a space with a confident, self assured person is preferable to a depressed, self deating one. I hate men so much for shackling women's self worth to their appearance and obedience. I hate men for their entitlement, lack of empathy, and looking like swamp creatures. They're hideous and disgusting. Every single woman on the planet is better than even the highest value male, including the fat ugly psycho bitches, just by virtue of being female. I'm proud of every woman who looks to FDS and learns to prioritise herself, especially those who were raised to have low standards and even lower self esteem. It takes a lot of courage to admit to yourself "this isn't working, I don't want to be hurt anymore" and then actually work towards a better future. For any anons in here going through it, please know I have your back. I'm cheering for you always.

No. 180627

>Every single woman on the planet is better than even the highest value male, including the fat ugly psycho bitches, just by virtue of being female.
lmao. they really need to bring back the pink pill containment board for retards like this

No. 180687

dating IS an investment. it's an investment of your time (a non-renewable resource), emotional labour and in some cases even a financial investment if you end up moving in together or buying things/pets/property together.

No. 180694

but its true. but yes please bring back pink pill threads

No. 180713

it is certainly not true. i would not take the word of a lot of the psychos on this site over good men i know in my life. it's so boring and easy to hate men, what a low quality low effort activity

No. 180724

NTA and I get what you mean but lol most if not all of the good men you know get off to violating women and will only go along with feminism and female empowerment until it starts chipping away at their privileges. Even men who claim to be radical feminist allies are just gender critical, they don’t give a fuck about anything other than gay men trying to trick them into fucking their neovags. Nofap for instance doesn’t give a shit about the human rights of women and why porn poses an ethical issue. Men have and will always have no empathy for us.

No. 180745

I love how men cry about FDS and how those women destroy society kek

No. 180757

Is this guy from Slovakia or something?

No. 180760

>oogaa booga birth rates are decreasing because women can now choose partners and aren't forced to marry a guy next door in order to survive

No. 180771

First things first: why do you want to date?

No. 180773

After a lifetime of cultural messaging that says I am worth less than males and I should not only accept it but be happy about it, man hate is both high effort and extremely justified. Female socialisation says:
>be polite at all costs, even when a man makes you nervous
>assume men are just stupid and not intentionally mistreating you
>give men who hurt you multiple chances
>stand by the men in your life even when you suspect they've done something terrible
>change your appearance and interests to be more attractive, regardless of what you personally value
>destroy your natural body with and spend all your money on hair removal, makeup, etc.
>you should look beautiful at all times because you only exist for aesthetics
>men are allowed to yell at you, gawk at you, and encroach on your personal space
>men are better at sports, maths, music, art, chess, cooking, driving, writing… everything, so don't bother trying
>the trauma of your father leaving you makes you undesirable
>dating, marrying, and bearing children for a male is your life mission
>it's normal for men to disregard your pleasure during sex. in fact, it's supposed to hurt
>married couples always bicker and hate each other. don't be alarmed if your husband says you're holding him back despite doing all the cooking, cleaning, and child care
>jokes at women's expense are automatically funny and you should be laughing too
>other women are mean, catty, and not to be trusted
XY parasites are the ones who benefit from and perpetuate these terrible ideas. I guarantee all the crazy anons on here have been through some awful shit, most likely at the hands of men. Recognising and unlearning this societal brainwashing takes an incredible force of will. I suggest you get started.

No. 180774

Come on, now. Even Domics who's 5'2" has had several girlfriends.

No. 180777

Good for you for never meeting creeps, being catcalled on a street or getting sexually assaluted by weirdos, with a touch of 'I am befriending you just to try getting you in bed' and many more. Your life must be full of sunshine and rainbows!

I am not a pink-pilled person, but I still know that men are shit. Some are just hiding it or are less bad.

> inb4 calls me single

No. 180781

reading stuff like this makes me glad I've never been on a date

No. 180998

Nta but
# of instances of women being shitty to me > # of instances of men being shitty to me
# of instances of men being nice to me > #of instances of women being nice to me
Simple as

No. 181187

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This was brought up in the 7th and latest podcast episide. Have you seen this play out?

No. 181189

>>181187 When I was in high school, there was this straight up model-ish girl. She was the most beautiful person I've ever met. Dudes picked apart her appearance because they noticed her and didn't for uglier chicks. It also happened to me when I got toned, did makeup, and glew up. Reasons, idk, but I've seen it quite often.

No. 181207

This is so spot on. When I was an awkward pimple faced teenager wearing baggy clothes, I couldn’t walk into Walmart without some (often much older) man hitting on me and calling me beautiful. Later on when I got more confidence, dressed more stylish, actually styled my hair, etc, I noticed a dramatic drop in the random “hey beautiful” comments. Trashy dudes really go after the easiest targets, usually young women who exude a lack of confidence (easier to manipulate). If they think she isn’t getting a lot of compliments, she’ll be more likely to respond positively.

No. 181213

ugly and tacky

What does it mean if I don't get comments from men either way?

No. 181227

I got the most attention from random men when I was an overweight 14-17 year old. Men would compliment me at live music shows, they'd pull up in their cars when I was waiting for my dad to pick me up after english practice, they'd box me in on public transportation when I was trying to read my book. All those precious compliments women are apparently missing out on "because of feminism" is just straight up predatory shit, picking out the women/girls they think won't push back too hard.

No. 181231

That's because men put attractive women down, so they might consider fucking then. When you're not remarkable or attractive they over compliment you so you'll think you're special to then, and fuck them. Not bragging but I am quite attractive and did some modelling pre pandemic and all the time man would pick on my flaws and things I might be insecure about, then attempt to ask me out later. It's known tactics

No. 181235

I'm glad these PUA tactics are more talked about nowadays honestly, the more women are aware of them the better they can get at avoiding disgusting men that think of themselves as master manipulators just because they berated a woman before asking her out.

No. 181256

How can you tell the difference between a neg compliment and a real compliment?

No. 181276

Negging would always put you down a bit, or make you feel weird.
Compliment: You look great in this dress!
Negging: I hate this kind of dresses but you look good in it!
Here's pretty good article about it.

No. 181351

I dress like that and have no confidence, and nobody talks to me at all.

No. 181448

I agree, but just to be clear, you won’t necessarily stop getting catcalled altogether. It’s just that men who typically would approach you as an uglier version of yourself will leer and undress you with their eyes instead. It may have been bc I was with my dad but once I was out to eat and this old scrote who was older than my own father, fat, and ugly, kept staring at me to where my practically MRA father noticed and got super pissed. I’m an attractive 22 year old but apparently that won’t stop geriatric moids if they have enough audacity. Had I been alone he probably would have approached me, yuck.

No. 184418

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Can we discuss the‘hot guy day’? Or if it is a good idea? Your thoughts? I am not so sure if that will bring attraction to the subreddit at all..if anything, more negative attraction.
Surely, most of the subreddit knows the difference between a man who works out and a man who does not.

No. 184419

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seems the only people into it is the moderators wtf

No. 184421

It's probably because you look and dress older as an adult and are more confident instead of being an awkward kid? Men don't like grown women who know their worth, they're intimidated by women really.

No. 184423

There's several reasons I'm on the fence
One on hand they usually preach about how men who like other women's pictures, look at lewd images of women etc are red flags which would make it hypocritical regardless of mental gymnastics

On the other hands the FDS ladies who have some pickme left in them will find butt ugly and fat men and use it for "hot guy day" just because they are scientists or something

No. 184427

>One on hand they usually preach about how men who like other women's pictures, look at lewd images of women etc are red flags
Women will never be able to objectify and dehumanize male bodies like scrotes do to women. It's not hypocritical, because women don't react to erotica and porn like males do. Looking at a photoshoot of an underwear model is different than simping for an anal gape thot or obsessively collecting nudes of all kinds of women, no matter if they consent to it.

No. 184436

You're comparing two different scenarios. Don't act like FDS users haven't compared a man having a playboy mag or even liking a picture of a girl in a bikini on Instagram was literally cheating and a red flag (not that I disagree with that statement) but FDS has become an almost joke with hypocrisy. It's literally all over cringe subreddits and have been doing the exact opposite of what FDS was meant to do and has been driving women away.

Yes I get it men suck and the porn industry is corrupt but becoming what you were just claiming was wrong makes you automatically invalid. Why not just be a healthy minded group for young women?

No. 184439

That anon is right, because women and men do react to these things differently. Most men are taught it's okay to objectify women. Even if they are just looking at tasteful pinups or nudes doesn't really make a difference, chances are in their head they still see the woman as a fleshlight. Women will find models or whatever hot, but rarely will ever dehumanize them and see them as a set of abs like men look at women as a walking pair of tits. It's just how it is. Sure, there are men who look at this stuff who don't objectify women as a whole and women who objectify/dehumanize men, but they are the minority imo.
>It's literally all over cringe subreddits
Not surprising when plebbit is mostly male.
>has been driving women away.
Not really because they have more people subscribed than ever.

No. 184446

>more people subscribe
A lot of people admit to subscribing to things they don't believe in/inactive reddit accounts

I'm telling you if you act hypocritical and start trying to spread out there beliefs it will ruin something that could have been extremely helpful to women. Please don't be like this

No. 184450

Old post but maybe you should think about why women don’t like you, and why men would be willing to be nice to you on the surface. Pickmes stay mad

No. 184451

>Women can never do no wrong until I determine that they're pickmes
STOP RUINING FDS you fucking nutter

No. 184454

Seems extremely cringe. Like someone in my mom's group chat of 45+ ladies will send in a hunk dressed only in an apron with captions like "happy women's day, for you, girls" and they laugh, which is kinda cute, but these women just want to thirstpost in public.

No. 184457

That's what FDS seemed to turn into. Especially as of lately how they blasted someone for telling teenage girls not to lie about their age because it's the man's responsibility to know because teenage girls are too immature to know not to lie about their age, but also a teenage boy who's a slob is asserting dominance against his mom. Or the counter pickme posts like "ooo you're so trashy and a pickme and I'm classy and high value" over stupid things like if you like to eat at chain restaurants or not. Like seriously how little problems do you have in your life that you spend this much mental effort over strangers going to chili's?

No. 184458

Calm down lmao. Pickmes are traitors but they deserve to wake up to the reality of the average male

No. 184463

Women's worth isn't determined by being fat or unattractive though, pretending that's at the level of all the good men you know jacking off to porn and thinking of women as dick receptacles makes you a pickme, men are inferior for countless reasons that actually meaningfully reflect human worth.

No. 184469

Re: dadbod shit. I can see the value in a lot of FDS "teachings" about self-value, being financially stable and getting set for life. But war on dad bods? Really? Is it such a pressing issue it needs its own day? I don't even think it's misrepresented in media, those "ugly loser dates hot girl" aren't even typically movies aimed a female demographic, and romantic dramas have plenty of beautiful men.

No. 184479

>But war on dad bods? Really? Is it such a pressing issue it needs its own day?
Yes. r/FDS is a laughable shitshow, but expecting men to put an actual effort into how they look is unambiguously good. Bloated gut is a very good indicator of LVM, it show that the man does not care about womans pleasure.

No. 184482

YOu will never be a woman, tranny.

No. 184494

Stop trolling all over the thread.

No. 184499

>One on hand they usually preach about how men who like other women's pictures, look at lewd images of women etc are red flags which would make it hypocritical regardless of mental gymnastics
Not really a fair comparison, FDS aren't posting hot guys because they want a convenient collection of fap material once a week. They're doing it to prove a point and make scrotes seethe (even if they say otherwise, it's too satisfying for that not to be the case). They know there are a tonne of insecure male lurkers who can't stand women openly expressing their attraction to conventionally handsome, fit men. Inferior men are gonna get hurt feelings and throw tantrums, because they've convinced themselves women actually prefer dadbods and geriatrics. It's petty but women have spent too long pretending to not like hot guys out of fear of being called shallow or attacked for their standards while men expect us to be 10/10 teenage supermodels.

Personally I don't think FDS has the right vibe for collective thirsting and they're just gonna post boring, generic stock image models but I like the sentiment.

No. 184502

Actually it's the direct opposite of what you're saying. My bf's gut always rubs against my clit when he's fucking me and it makes me cum hard.

No. 184503

Honestly, we can tell the men from the women on lolcow.. it's very laughable.. FDS does not have bad viewpoints. I just do not see how looking at pictures of men(opposite of dad bods) is going to accomplish anything? We ALL have different preferences. A muscular guy is definitely not MY preference neither is a chubby gamer. But if women do not like it when men lustly look at us then why do we have to do it back? Yes men do jack off to us more to our pictures(yuck) but really? is this really the right way to get the point across?
Yeah I'm definitely leaving the community and I believe I stayed too long, kept having toxic thoughts about men. I do believe in the HVM,LVM,NVM,pickmes and upping standards. I believe in a lot of stuff there but the subreddit has turned slightly hypocritical as if the moderators (WHO?) are very pushy with THEIR ideas. If I don't want to be treated that way, then I will not treat others that way. Scrolling past hot men on "Fine AF FRidayS" or whatever is not something I plan to be doing while I already have a partner. I already scroll past a lot of the overused memes and tik toks..

No. 184506

>FDS does not have bad viewpoints.
I would say that while FDS has pretty much only good points, it's exactly the VIEWpoins that are the problem.
While every single point made in the guide is objectively right, the whole community is covered in a miasma of bitterness and hate. I look at the biggest FDS aficionados and I see nothing but disillusion and thirst for revenge, it just fills me with confusion because if you reach the point where your premise for dating is that every single man is garbage and only 10/10s MAY temporarily not hurt you or waste your time, then why are you still dating men in the first place?

Someone earlier in the thread likened FDS to PUA, and as far as the motivations of its members, the aspect of revenge does seem similar.
The same way a lot of PUA incel recruiting comes from the promise that they'll get to "strike back" by cajoling the dreaded Stacy into sleeping with them with trickery, so many FDS threads seem to focus on how they're gonna enact revenge on the LVM boogieman, as if leaving a date without paying is going to strike back against moids as a whole and mend the wounds of past relationships.

FDS really needs to get repackaged as FLS, like another anon said.
All of the advice within is really valid, and it needs to be accessible in a way that doesn't attract broken, bitter people whose main interest seems to be making everyone else as disillusioned and jaded towards dating (or hell, life itself) as they are.

No. 184516

NTAYRT but agreed except they lost out when they made FemaleLifeStrategy after FDS. Thanks to >>184506 for backing me up kek. Imo swiping left on a bunch of desperate men all day is not the type of HVW life any woman should be living.
Or he could stop being a lazy fat piece of shit and rub your clit with his fingers. Men have very little justification to be fat considering that men have no pregnancy weight gain, have easier time losing weight and gaining muscle, and also have anatomical advantages for physical activities by default. Just in regards to sex, fat men run out of stamina more easily, can't do certain positions because they're not fit enough, and have a dick that is relatively smaller than the size it would be relative to their frame if they were thinner. Fat men are just a disgrace to the human race as a whole, maybe we don't need to be thirsting over Chads but we need to be shaming the actual LVM traits instead.

No. 184541

FDS itself doesn't have viewpoints but refusing to acknowledge there's any crazy people who frequent and post on FDS is dishonest. Sorry to inform you anon but there's bad apples in every group even your holier than thou FDS

No. 184542

>They post hot men to piss off scrotes even though scrotes aren't even allowed but you do several posts in the situations that they lurk
Childish and also psycho.

No. 184560

FDS'the main problem is that the bad apples are the very mods. I only browse it casually and you can still tell they're self-obsessed "i'm so crazy, guuuurl" type of women, also shilling their podcast so they can become the "faces" of FDS, and the things some of them submit are extra painful. One of them submitted her "W" of mocking another woman for taking "walkies" with her boyfriend in babyspeak and emoji spam, and didn't notice that she was way cringier than the other party, it even got removed before I remembered to take a screenshot because people were pointing it out yesterday. I'll also claw my eyes out if I see that nail painting emoji. Twitterspeak in general can go rot it hell.

No. 184576

I feel like the the core problem of FDS is the same as with any dating advice subreddit - people in healthy fulfilling relationships have no reason to use them, and those are exactly the ones you want advice from. The userbase consits of people whose romantic lifes are either non-existent, or complete fuckups.

No. 184583

There are girls who like chubby guys

No. 184594

No, anon, you musn't!
I don't think posting ripped men is changing much, it's not like men didn't date chubby women in the anorexic clubgirl era just because that was in the media. FDS doesn't even know what it wants to say a lot of the time, because much of their text is somewhat contradicted by what gets posted. Like in-text "high value" is not supposed to be peak physique or being rich, but it often gets conflated. Also how "high value" women are supposed to independent and critical of "libfem lies and values" but all the iconic tiktoks and image macros they post have women dressed and painted like high-end prostitutes speaking with an annoying vocal fry.

No. 184600

Yeah but FDS doesn't believe that anyone liking what they like must be pickmes. Also the whole thing about how "HVM love to compete with other men" is dumb and very manipulative

The blind teaching the blind pretty much. I remember a while back women in fufilling relationships (or at least claiming to have them) use to frequent but constant unstable posting pushed them away. It's become more of a pink pill subreddit in disguise which on reddit while likely get banned if it keeps acting this way and do the complete opposite of helping women. I honestly think women needs to be eased into seeing the side especially in this male centric world but when the opposite side keeps displaying instability and nobody does anything and keeps defending the bad apples it will shut down everything

No. 184601

Anon, these desires do not exist in the vacuum. You should examine how patriarchy and past experiences led you to wanting to be abused in that way.

No. 184626

>Being in a relationship with a chubby guy is abuse
Is this bait? I don't like chubby guys but how is having physical preferences for men "wanting to be abused"?

No. 184653

I dont mean physical abuse, but psychologically it stems from feeling of low self esteem and worthlessness. People who are into fat guys believe (mostly subconsciously) that they deserve to be degraded like that. It is unhealthy attitude that should be called out.

No. 184661

Not all cases even then you shouldn't really judge. Maybe they were abused by a fit/skinny man and all they can bring themselves to be attracted to is chubby men? Maybe they find it attractive because they themself is chubby as well and they want to improve it together? Who are you to concern with what women are attracted to physically? At least they're not like men and wanting literal deathfats and trying to kill women and give them eating disorders for the sake of their fetish. Half the time women who like chubby guys just like a small tummy not hamplanets

No. 184669

Look, you do you, but dont propagate your fetish on FDS like it is normal to be degraded by your boyfriend. There is already thread where you can talk about this >>182842.

No. 184698

>I don't like chubby guys but it's stupid to care about women who do and equate it to being abused
>This is exactly your fetish
Bitch are you illiterate

No. 184750

this whole post reeks of cope and mental gymnastics

No. 184771

And the "dating chubby guys is abuse" anon isn't?

No. 184775

Cmon nonny, their defense of it it "it cant be abuse because she likes chubby guys", as if abuse victims never internalize these things.

No. 184782

What? No one's saying chubby guys can abuse. Just having a physical preferences of men alone isn't abuse. What's the big deal? Can you prove to me that a girl liking a chubby guy is abuse?

No. 184783

I don’t think fit automatically equals high value, but if a guy is healthy it shows that he’s disciplined and has a positive relationship with himself. I wouldn’t want to date a guy with no discipline and a negative relationship with himself. He’d be more likely to be apathetic at best and straight up negative and delusional at worst. Same with broke guys, like clearly they can’t control their desires or plan ahead. Back when I had low self esteem and was less accomplished I said the same dumb cope things. If only I woke up sooner and spent my energy on myself instead of dating losers. I have two degrees, a sizeable bank account, investments, fluency in two languages and a nice body but imagine what more I could have done without scrotum in my life. Money and time spent going 50/50 with losers could have gone to working out more, taking classes in interesting things, developing more skills, learning more languages, more time for friendships. Pickmes take note

No. 184790

>Same with broke guys, like clearly they can’t control their desires or plan ahead
I disagree with that, the economic system is set up in the way that always produces underclass. Even if every person on earth was equally smart and disciplined, you would still have some (increasingly growing) percentage of population in destitute through no fault of their own.

No. 184795

True, but if he comes from a decent financial background and has no disabilities and can’t make something of himself then that’s a red flag for me. The guy doesn’t need to be making 6 figures but living paycheque to paycheque is a no. Even when I made under 50k a year I still saved money.

No. 184801

>dating chubby guys is abuse
As if FDS needed more reason for people to think their user base is insane. Why can't you retards focus on tangible problems instead of crazy shit that just feeds into the stereotype that everyone on FDS is coping in one way or another?

No. 184807

Hello, "dating chubby guys is abuse" anon here, I am just fucking with people. But like, they treat BDSM the exact same way, so screw them.

No. 184812

BDSM is abuse though

No. 184815

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No. 184820

Look I'm sorry whatever thing(s) went wrong in your life that made you want to be abused and degraded during sex but it's not normal.

No. 184822

Are you just a master troll? Be careful, these girls have autism

No. 184826

I know it is not normal, and I do have a theory about what might have caused development of these desires, but nevertheless, I find it fun, pleasurable and fulfilling.

No. 184827

No words lmao

No. 184831

Only if the male is the dom.

No. 184857

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No. 184879

Bdsm is a sexual act and chubby guys are a body type (don't even have to be overweight, just toned). It's not the same thing

No. 184930

Sure it is not the same, but given the choice between gentle lovemaking with fat dude, and being violently throatfucked by 10/10, im gonna take the latter, no contest.

No. 184937

>Damaging my throat is better than fucking a fat guy therefore bdsm is the same as dating a chubby guy
The mental gymnastics

No. 184955

Instead of doing these retarded mental gymnastics you could just leave it all up to preference.

No. 184971

Of course I could! That is exactly my point. It is nothing but a sexual preference, and acting like other peoples preferences are somehow inherently bad, because you yourself find them gross is hypocritical and moronic.

No. 184996

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It's fascinating how openly terfy fds is on twitter, constantly interacting with radfem accounts. The response here is absolutely delicious.

No. 185001

based fds

No. 185017

KEK no stop trying to reason with women who already have embarrassing standards for men. I have to believe that some of you are either nonnys with chubby poor leeching bfs or you’re just straight men who are trying to police us in what we can/can’t expect from men. The anon said she has investments, a career, and an education and you still want her to be open to some moid who is ultimately leeching off of her in all regards esp financially?
Imo if you don’t have the basics covered in your own life you should not be dating. The majority of people who do anyways are looking for handouts. Their partner always has to “make up” for what the other person doesn’t have. And nowadays this is pushed among career-oriented women because it’s some sort of bs narrative for us to say fuck you to the patriarchy and traditional gender roles while we slave for 70% of the wages our male partner would earn in the same job to support the both of us. If any of you have seen World of the Married then you’ll know that marrying some moid to do all the SAHD shit because you’re a career woman just fucks you over because you get all the negatives of male behavior and none of the positives. Ik it’s ficitional but the portrayal of the working wife and lazy husband was too on-point for myself and other women. Like the cheating husband of that show, a number of lazy aspiring SAHD moids who want female breadwinners are drains on women who have so much going for them. For any woman in this situation carrying a moid who she knows she’s too good for, get out now. Whatever qualities that you’ve compromised on (attractiveness, finances, personality, ambition) are not paying off because he’s so sweet and supportive—these men will be just as unhinged if not more as the hotter one who seems more intimidating. I mentioned that I’ve been in the same situation but ime my ex was harmless soyboy type to other people but eventually always came to blame me and showed a ton of odd aggression about his problems on me. When I told people later on about it they couldn’t believe it because the kind man will always get their sympathy before the dominant, assertive woman. To me he was capable of physical aggression and typical male abusive behavior but to everyone else he was the most harmless beta ever. Not like a frat Chad who people go “oh I could see how he’d be a dick”. I only found out how “male” he was when we fought bc he had none of the positive male characteristics that you find attractive in a dude like assertiveness to correct a wrong order at dinner (ik, love yourselves girlies).
Like The World of the Married, these men are the type who are deep down a bum ass bitch with flaky career ideas and nothing to offer on paper other than the qualities you think he has. He plays up his sweetness and harmlessness to make women believe that the trade-off is worth it. He goes for the go-getter woman who has way more stuff going for her but also has fear around relatively more assertive/responsible men. For me and other women, the fear is oftentimes being controlled by someone else. But eventually it’s just a woman caring for a man child which is not empowering in the slightest. The same ex was always back to dating after breaking up as well because he cannot be alone with issues that he needs women to try and fix. He is persistent in leeching whether that be emotional labor or material gains like financial support. People who don’t have stable lives atm are just going to introduce stress into yours, especially when the relationship gets serious and more often than not they start depending on YOU as the relatively more secure one. Finances are a big component of your life, there is nothing wrong with preferring a man who isn’t broke or one who earns more than you do since men earn 30% more than women by default (in America).
So tl;dr: compromising on standards isn’t worth it. Don’t shame women into accepting lesser, esp because men get worse looking and fatter with age. People deserve a legitimate equal, not someone who is basically a dependent. Just stay single and live your life if that’s going to be the case kek. Sorry for any typos, adhd brain makes me over look stuff when I go back and forth with edits. Also sorry for blog post but I hope someone here relates to my own experience.

No. 185069

I totally agree, I don't get what the point of that anon's comment was. If the subset of the population she's referring to is that desperate then what the hell are they, hobos? That's insane, no woman needs to consider dating that. If she meant people temporarily down on their luck, then it should indeed be temporary, and they have no business dating anyone until they're better situated. If you're unemployed or in a shithole job, hold off looking for a partner until you have something to offer. I held myself to this standard as well; I focused on improving myself and my opportunities when I was in a crap job until I was able to land a better one, improved my education and got more life experience. Then I persistently dated these "down on their luck" men because that's supposedly what women are supposed to do ("Give a guy a chance!"), and even when I slaved away helping them get their lives together, they were never sweet and attentive and supportive in response. They may have gotten better jobs but they stayed useless and leeched off me in other ways. Everything was about them and why not, because that's the standard that was set at the start of the relationship. It's never going to fucking happen again, the least a man can do is have his finances together, and I'm not going to shame myself for having standards. Believe it or not there are men like this out there as well, who realize they need to bring something to the table and concentrate on themselves before attempting to find partners.

No. 185078

Very well put. Men are obsessed with dating and sex and feel entitled to a relationship even when they refuse to do the bare minimum for their self-improvement. We need to stop enabling those losers.

No. 185131

Really discouraging to see women here defending scrotes and arguing against the bare minimum that men should do and encouraging to 'just have fun!!! Lol!!' When dating, as if dating doesn't come with risks to women like wasted years, emotional attachment to someone who only hurts you and adds nothing to ur life, possible pregnancy and diseases (if hes a cheating scumbag). Not to mention domestic violence and possibility of him being unhinged and stalking/hurting/killing you. Women who compare TRP to FDS as if they're the same honestly sound very ignorant and dont even know the basic tenets of FDS.

No. 185143

EXACTLY, thank you. The viewpoint "People shouldn't date until they have their shit together" seems reasonable right? Well unless you mention it to a moid because they always freak out. I think it's because we all know men don't take care of themselves in comparison to women, rarely have their shit fully together with some reason for it each time, and when they do have their shit together there's always some catch (prob a womanizer or married kek). I'd say 99% of men on the dating market are looking for a woman to give them a chance and provide the bangmaid services. They haven't got much going for them or have some sort of issue blocking their potential. Eventually the woman starts caring more about this and starts to make an active effort into improving their Nigel's life. We're trying to get them into jobs, good habits, self-improvement, while they can hardly give a shit themselves. Men just like the company of a woman, more specifically sex, emotional labor, manual labor, and the financial contributions. Moreover, men grow up with the idea that they will settle down and 'have' a woman and that she will do X, Y, Z–doesn't matter if this is a marriage, sister wives, whatever, they fully expect to have a woman who is essentially a slave. When men reach their grown adult age they realize how useless they are. Not only do they loose credit around other men for not having a woman but they also have no control over their own lives without a woman to clean up their messes. Think about it–they grow up with no emotional intelligence, little drive for self-improvement other than to pick up women or impress other men, and no insistence on neatness because that would typically be delegated to women of the house.

As far as a healthy relationship goes, I see it like this: an actually healthy relationship is two people meeting each other while walking on their own life paths towards their individual ultimate goal. Since they like each other and their paths are aligned, they decide to walk alongside each other as they continue forward. Best case scenario, you have fun together and if goals change (you have to reroute) then you're not in some complicated mess of circumstances or feelings where you feel like you have to stay with that person or you'll die. Of course it's emotional but you are still your own person, your hopes and dreams and your values don't fall apart because of this person. The worst case scenario is you lose sight of your original goal and continue walking wherever they go because you just want to walk next to that person. Somehow you end up sharing their path/lane and completely lose sight of your own. If it ends then you're 10x devastated because you perceive yourself to have nothing without them since you lost sight of yourself as an individual. This is basically a metaphor for self-sufficiency and codependence.

Men, unfortunately, are parasitic as a class to women; they need us to survive. If that wasn't true then men's life satisfaction and life expectancy wouldn't be significantly larger when married, but it is. Men are blissfully useless at and ignorant of so many things (parenting for example) because society just lets them do whatever they want, leaving the actual relationship/family duties to women.

Nothing was ever expected of them to begin with and when they do try men's capabilities are overstated. Now think of how many skills seem totally normal to us but are a foreign language to men because the extent of their development is however much they develop in a filthy flat shared with 3 other roommates where they cook at best they cook pasta with ragu sauce (or just like college meals in general but in their 20s-30s). Their skillsets rarely get past this gross college boy phase. It's like that one based anon in the MtF thread said, men are looking for someone to replace mom because once they're on their own they're absolutely fucked. Without mom to nag him, he'll bloat up from eating ramen every night, have bug infestations due to the fact that he never does his dishes and waits like a month to do his laundry laundry, etc. Easy solution is to get a girlfriend who will help you "be a better man" (kek suuure) because she'll be so disgusted by your apartment that she cleans it herself.

Vidrel is hilarious as fuck by the way, every woman needs to watch this.

It's because they're smegmoids themselves but can't call them out bc hi scrote is a bannable offense. I've even appeased the jannies by reporting them instead of saying hi scrote but they still remain shitting up these threads with NO RED TEXT (literally jannies wtf). I'd rather use a vpn and get banned for saying hi scrote at this point instead of letting the ejaculators coom up this thread with stuff that women definitely would not say and derail a fun conversation among women.

No. 185166

>Not only do they loose credit around other men for not having a woman but they also have no control over their own lives without a woman to clean up their messes.
That video is funny but also so true it's painful. Looking back I'm embarassed and disappointed that I got meme'd into dropping all semblance of standards. The line I quoted in particular made me think of how I once examined the different points my recent ex and I were at when we started to date. I had just been promoted at my job, was exercising regularly and lost weight, saving money, working on a personal business and in general improving my life. I figured since I had all my ducks in a row, it would be a good time to meet new people. My ex lived in a spider and rat-infested shithole where he had clothes scattered everywhere, worked two different jobs ("How industrious!" I thought, although both were minimum wage) and was thousands of dollars in debt NOT because of poor luck but because of stupid choices. When he decided to start dating, he told me he had been getting drunk with a friend and looked so miserable, the friend said, "Man, you need to get yourself a woman. You look like shit." When he was at rock bottom, that's when he decided he needed a mommy-bandmaid to make it all better. We are literally seen as bandaids and servants to them. I'm not going to get into all of it, but let's just say he stayed a hateful, selfish and demeaning individual throughout even when his circumstances greatly improved. Do not try to "build" a man or bet on potential. It doesn't work that way. He's either kind and competent or he's not.

No. 185219

has anyone here followed the 3 months before having sex with someone rule from fds?

I always thought I'd not wait too long before dating a guy to sleep with him. just long enough that I felt comfortable with him and was able to feel we were getting along well. I couldn't see myself being able to wait that long, especially if he really turned me on. I'm an older virgin too (past 30, jesus) I've romantacised the idea of sex for the longest time but the reality is most sexual encounters with men result in them not really giving a shit if you enjoy it or get off and the last thing I want is to be pumped and dumped. I've waited this long to find a guy who'll respect me, not that 3 months is some magic amount of time to weed out guys who want to pump and dump but I do think it'll definitely help. reading about the 3 month rule on fds has opened my eyes and I definitely think I'll apply it to my dating (I'm just starting to date using OLD and my last date was many years ago)

okay this is based

No. 185299

can i ask why you're a 30 y/o virgin?

No. 185335

Why are so many FDS posters bitter and cringey? I get there's a lot of old women and locals that somehow adopted the FDS mindset from twitter or whether they found it but there's also a large amount of young women on there

No. 185347

Why shouldn't they be bitter after realizing that the libfem rhetoric they have all been subscribed to had been a sham just to benefit men and bring down women? I dont care if women start legitimately hating men as long as they start waking up and educating more women about it so that they dont get hurt by men.

No. 185354

Seriously, you sound like the tone police and on lc of all places. "Omg ladies why r u just so… angry? Really unfeminine." Fuck off, I'm allowed to be annoyed that 50% of the population are retarded violent apes.

No. 185355

young women bitter their male peers have been watching porn since 13ish and see men act all kind of horrid online. virtue signalling and hollow appearances hide that they're same if not more misogynistic as men in paat. It's better young women hate men and stay single then end up in an abusive relationship young!

No. 185387

So in the end you're gonna do what makes your puss tingle. Doesn't matter if it's wrong, oversteps on other people's boundaries, or fucked up.

No. 185389

I’m the person who originally made this thread and tbh FDS as a community has notably declined since then. I think it all went wrong with r/GC being deleted and the radfems migrating from there (even though it’s always been mildly radfem)

No. 185491

self isolation basically, working very isolated jobs too, never meeting anyone. I pushed away all my friends in my earlys 20s and never had much of a social life. I'm also incredibly picky when it comes to men, don't find many attractive. the dates I've been on never went anywhere. bad anxiety too.

No. 185529

I think it's generally a good idea. I've had two ltrs and the first I waited over 6 months, the second I hopped into bed on the 2nd date lol. The first one was absolutely useless and terrible in bed, the 2nd was terrible at first but I was able to "train" him to be okay-ish. He still ended up being a useless sack of shit, so eh. Three months really isn't that long a period of time but it's too long for most men wanting an easy hookup, so at least it weeds some out. I also believe sexual compatibility is of prime importance so you don't want to wait forever. Basically, and I believe FDS agrees, the main goal is to explicitly confirm with the man that you are in an exclusive relationship at that point and he has acted flawlessly in all other interactions. Of course everyone has their weaknesses, I'm saying he has to be perfect, but like… occassionally leaving dishes out, okay. Revealing misogynistic attitudes, acting aggressive and manipulative, flaking on you, not okay. It's still not going to guarantee the dude isn't garbage, but it will definitely give you a better shot at things.

No. 185552

anger stage of grieving

No. 185553

File: 1620948725201.png (127.16 KB, 275x275, 9AD9D9A2-24C9-441F-B7FF-E61539…)

It bothers me that my clone is on lolcow. But I feel better knowing I’m not the only wizard-chan on here.

No. 185554

Is it even dating strategy so much as female life advice now? At least they’re telling the truth—finding a genuinely good man is hard as hell and requires sheer luck

No. 185557

They do have r/FemaleLevelUpStrategy too! It's not as big so you get some overlap with women posting general advice in FDS, but if you want self improvement/living your best life tips minus conversation on scrotes it's a really nice sub. I've enjoyed it.

No. 185780

File: 1621089782573.png (30 KB, 651x205, Capture.PNG)

I am all for hottie fridays, but this is so incredibly pathetic.

No. 185798

This is probably a moid but anyway I’ll answer. First thing, you didn’t mention it but one huge misconception is that “FDS is just black women”. I have seen this claim so many times when seeing scrotes mention FDS. Moids always talk with authority when they don’t know shit and that includes assuming that they know FDS women are black because a lot of women there use AAVE twitter lingo.
Second in my time there as a former mod I feel like lot of bitterness exists because of the connotation around FDS outside of the community on the internet. FDS is commonly compared to PUA manosphere ideology when the worst of the actual ideology of FDS is just pettiness at most. The “bitterness” there stems from the outrage when women create standards because as women we’re are not allowed to have any standards, it’s always “GIVE A GUY A CHANCE!!!!” as another anon said. Men on the internet brand FDS as a bunch of gold diggers and “dinner stealing thots”. They spread blatant lies about FDS like it’s encouraging gold digging or is comparable to The Red Pill, this much is just infuriating because the actual message itself is just for women to get some standards. The number of men who hate lurk or even post there is way bigger than you’d think but you don’t even see a lot of moidposts on there because the automod FDS has in place is really good in that regard. Men are obsessed with hating it and trying to ruin it by getting the subreddit banned. The reason that they’re constantly saying “to all the scrotes lurking” is because scrotes ARE lurking and are commenting as well. You just don’t see how many moids there are who comment and post unless you’re a mod.

No. 187006

kek I got permanently banned from there for pointing out how pathetic and desperate this is. 90% of the attractive men they post are LVM anyways so i don't get it.

No. 187077

https://boards.4chan.org/r9k/thread/63755807 idk why OP didn’t post on a female oriented imageboard but I think she has an interesting take on FDS and thought I’d share it here

No. 187079

>Posting hot guys for the intent of pissing of scrotes
Please for the love of god don't turn into MGTOW. This is a female subreddit, make posts directed to and for women, not to troll scrotes. Like what are you 12?

No. 187083

I ain't clicking that shit. Post screencaps.

No. 187091

A lot of FDS users are black though. It’s not just the AAVE, it’s the emoticons which are obviously black. FDS aligns with a current trend with black women called hypergamy. It’s definitely retarded and racist that men are trying to discredit FDS because the user base happens to have a lot of black women in it

No. 187097

True it’s cringeworthy. Watch it be some boomer Karen tier men like Ryan gosling or whoever the fuck. I could care less about leering at pictures of “hot” guys it genuinely does nothing at all except attempt to trigger random MRA incels and children on Reddit.

No. 187114

File: 1621726195555.png (101.76 KB, 438x979, fds overlap.png)

No. 187134

ok this one kinda just proves that the FDS userbase is going through natural selection. simple as. imagine being over FORTY and still not having learnt basic things like "don't date men that don't fulfill your basic needs" or "don't date men that don't reasonably communicate". seriously wtf is this

No. 187137

You are way too optimistic about how many women internalize ideas like that. It seems like common sense when you have good self esteem but so many don't and have been brainwashed to constantly excuse and explain away bad male behaviour. Just go have a read through the relationship advice thread on lc if you need proof.

No. 187170

Where did the belgians disappear to?

No. 187178

Women who are around this age grew up in times much worse than ours. They had to put up with more shit and internalized things, I know it looks stupid but it is how it is.

No. 187180

That's just the harsh reality of women. Plenty of them are divorced or still yet married to lazy men, and making "haha I wish my husband/10+ year boyfriend made a meal ever himself/didn't fart and burp in front of people, but I have 2 kids so I can never find another man again". But they literally cannot imagine not being in a relationship, because that's a "failed woman". But I'm also talking from an eastern european perspective.

No. 187215

This! It makes me think of my mom (in her late 50s) who only in the past few years started consciously engaging with feminist ideas, mostly because I slowly pushed her to examine the sexist concepts she grew up with. She was abused and taken advantage of by a lot of men as a child and as a grown woman. For the most part they had it much harder than we did growing up and those ideas are even more entrenched. I'm glad older women are starting to see the ways men have treated them are wrong, even though it's very bittersweet they're only recognizing this later in life.

No. 187241

The Belgians ascended

No. 187312


No. 187323

Yikes lmao

No. 187362

>waah waah these women have standards and get approached by LVM who they reject, that's why they're alone.
>so they should lower their standards and be happy with LVM so that they're not single!

Jfl pickmes are so self destructive and desperate for any male validation especially from fucking 4channers. How hard is it to understand that women are entitled to their standards and should know their worth, and that there is no issue at all if they never find a man and to be happy while single as well?

No. 187408

>idk why OP didn’t post on a female oriented imageboard
maybe cause the post is bullshit pick me propaganda. "She" would get torn to pieces on the farms. She should stay with her incels kek

No. 187466

Is this thread supposed to be for the discussion of FDS, or an extension of the FDS community? Lately it's been looking an awful lot like the latter.

No. 187475

Both, you can see people both shitting and defending FDS, and I think most people fall somewhere in the middle. There's like one ex-mod who comments here, and people sometimes crosspost their cringiest content.
To add something to the topic, it seems like they made a "no-meme monday" now to cut back on tiktok and twitter cap posting. It seems like a better idea than posting half naked dudes.

No. 188521

File: 1622300929131.jpeg (122.8 KB, 720x1103, slugs1.jpeg)

I had to look for that slug story after it was mentioned here… and it's awful. That poor woman.

Saged because this is old.

No. 188522

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No. 188523

File: 1622301106767.jpeg (53.85 KB, 720x508, slugs3.jpeg)

No. 188525

Wtf, did she break up with him?

No. 188526

>he really loves me
>he felt compelled because of OCD
>he didn't mean to cause serious harm
>I think he could just stressed
Olympian mental gymnastics

No. 188527

Because men are obsessed with relationships and can’t imagine a life without one. It’s like they’re parasites that can’t survive without relying on women

No. 188560

>my partner spits on my toast and feeds me my dead slugs but he loves me truly!
Does that sound like the kind of woman who would break up with him

No. 188567

In the first image, last paragraph she says “my ex” but the way she keeps referring to him as her “partner” in the rest of it has me confused. Not sure if she’s talking about two different people or not. This is so vile.

No. 188631

File: 1622349903698.jpeg (95.7 KB, 640x759, 6r2a6hgc10s61.jpeg)

She did dump him… and the asshole left a bag full of frozen slugs in the freezer for her.

No. 189432

File: 1622626673866.jpg (410.94 KB, 1080x1280, fds.jpg)

Sometimes this sub really makes me doubletake. Like I'm not even about the "motherly martyrdom", but why the fuck ever would you even give birth to a kid you don't want, even if the man holds up to those conditions? Really feels like a very vocal part of that sub are just the future narcissistic mothers of our generation.

No. 189526

>Oh nonon ohno
>Look at the top of his head
This is sad

No. 189542

I hope that second commenter never has kids, or a guy that's willing to do that for her for children. Sounds like the most emotionally distanced mother ever.

No. 189562

File: 1622690056368.png (309.77 KB, 685x799, 540783940385435436.png)

I'm not sure which sub the poster found this on but the fact that men like this not only exist but openly post about their incestuous fantasies is disturbing in the extreme. I feel so sorry for their children and hope they never have to find out about their depraved fetishes or actually have to suffer assault at the hands of their own fathers.

No. 189577

This whole thing is fucked up obviously, but I can’t get over how the guy in the OP says he called his fwb by his daughter’s name and “hope she heard,” what the fuck lmao. He calls her a friend so presumably she was aware of the daughter’s name. What a bizarre situation for that poor lady. Imagine being fwb with some seemingly ~hardworking single dad~ friend only to have him reveal some incest fetish for his own child, like wtf do you even do?

No. 189579

Why post this in a dating strategy sub? This is more like pinkpill and female celibacy fuel than some sort of LVM material for straight women on what to avoid. But hey at least it'll help some women with realizing men are actually a waste of time and that being on FDS or trying to date men as a woman is fucking pointless kek.
If you're trying to date men then this kind of pinkpilling is going against your cause. You can't exactly identify scrotes who are going to rape their daughters, it's often the worst and also the most perfect seeming men who do this shit. And also all of the men in between. Again, you really can't identify them, you're just guessing. So just don't date men at all and stop wasting time on dating apps where all of the men, literally all of them, are shit. Even the cute bf you want will have some sort of shitty sexist behavior, like habitual porn usage or habitual sexist behaviors like questioning women or being an annoying fuck who is obsessed w hearing himself talk.
If only Reddit didn't ban r/pinkpillfeminism then this would have blended in very nicely over there.

No. 189586

I agree with you. Posting the most degen shit from reddit is not going to help women date men, it will only make them more and more jaded which I doubt is an attractive trait in “HVM” eyes. Imo if you want relationships with men, you have turn a blind eye to a lot of shit they say and do as a collective to stay sane and happy

No. 189587

Right? I had to laugh at the absurdity of it, this retard whispered because he knew it was gross and yet he also wanted to get caught like some sort of naughty kid stealing a cookie. It was a sort of psychotic game for him. The contrast between very intentionally doing something sick and yet being coy about it is the epitome of unhinged scrote.

I hear you, FDS has become the pinkpill refuge in a lot of ways but also I do think it tangentially helps women who want to date. We’re so trained to give men the “benefit of the doubt” but in reality they need to be cut off at the first sign of poor behavior. I can very easily imagine a woman posting in some relationship sub “I thought I heard my FwB say his daughter’s name while we were fucking, is this weird?” and all the replies would be “you probably imagined it” or “he’s such a committed dad I’m sure his mind just drifted to his beloved child while he was raw dogging you.” Lol. Fucking insanity. I mean they shared the snail woman story where after all that she was still saying “he was just stressed and really loves me!!” The level of self delusion is unreal and I think it’s beneficial to hear things like this right from the horse’s mouth so when you get an inkling something is off, you should know you’re 100% justified in getting the fuck out because it’s probably even worse than you realize. They don’t advocate for OLD either, advice is basically to do your thing and potentially meet someone in your normal life, otherwise don’t waste time on men. No point in literally commodifying yourself on the meat market for a bunch of desperate, low effort scrubs.

No. 189593

I mean isn't this what their "always vet" rule is about. Like a HVM is a HVM, until he is not. If a man stops caring about his wife/family 5 years in, it doesn't really matter that he was in the past, if he's not willing to work on it anymore or turns out to be a sexual degenerate.

No. 189594

Isn't it obvious FDS has become a thinly veiled pinkpill/gc sub in addition to dating advice? They do just enough damage control to keep it from being banned but it needs the plausible deniability of being about dating to keep it above board. It's an open secret that most users are terven radfem types and many people on there admit they don't date or have any intention to.

I'm not mad about it at all.

No. 189719

File: 1622777133555.jpeg (511.24 KB, 481x1319, 8DF82929-0DF9-4012-A746-DA794C…)

I personally love this interpretation and women embracing shitty female characters but this is so damn funny.

No. 189724

Pure autism

No. 189727

Thanks anons for the responses. I totally agree >>189594 as well but didn't wanna say it out of fear that scrotes might see it. FDS might actually be the last pinkpilled/GC aligned space that exists on reddit afaik although I do see some GC women in r/tumblrinaction. Are they still not accepting trannies on the sub? I'm really happy to hear that they stopped endorsing OLD btw >>189587
Tbh this seems like it might have been written by a moid who just wrote something like this to later say in some MRA groupchat "LOOK AT WHAT I WROTE AND HOW THEY REACTED!!!!!"

No. 189737

File: 1622787959746.png (154.84 KB, 1426x891, Image2.png)

They seem to be getting even bolder with their GC discussion, like actually using the word 'trans' rather than vague allusions. It's not too inflammatory but hopefully reddit doesn't use the occasional mention as an excuse to ban the sub.

No. 189743

I think this is Ovarit, anon.

No. 189744

Shit I'm a dumbass, I read both at the same time and got mixed up lmao. Please disregard me

No. 189755

Although to add, I see more and more "men shouldn't be in our safe spaces" posts on both FDS and even the much more troon-hugging XXChromosomes, and start to worry how long it is until the tranny powermods ban them because they make the males posting as women there unconfortable.

No. 189769

this is a problem that comes with the sub insisting you have to be a career woman to be a woman of value. I don't agree with women who shame pregnancy and mothers. There's literally nothing wrong with wanting to have kids or build a family, I can't go in a female-only space without these kidshate schizos. It's not this orwellian nightmare they describe, your body doesn't get so fucked up post-pregnancy as you think, it's just some skin, have a proper diet and it'll be fine

No. 189792

I understand not wanting kids or being scared of pregnancy, and I think it's better to know the risks before. But reddit exaggerates it so much you'd tink 90% of mothers are crippled or had a near-death experience because of the selection bias.

No. 189839

>It's not this orwellian nightmare they describe, your body doesn't get so fucked up post-pregnancy as you think
I've seen actual moms say otherwise. There was even this website made for mothers revealing secrets about pregnancy and motherhood that people didn't talk about but I forgot the name of it.

No. 189845

>it's just some skin, have a proper diet and it'll be fine

1 in 2 women prolapse after birth.

No. 190708

File: 1623066261175.png (125.86 KB, 800x439, male_suicide_is_misogynistic.p…)

fucking BASED

No. 190709

This..feels like bait.

No. 190712


r/FemaleDatingStratPros is a parody/mock subreddit ran by males

No. 190713

Imagine being threatened by FDS and having to make up shit to make women look worse. Sadly women don't have to make up shit to make moids look worse.

No. 190714

Yeah, and the constant comparisons to TRP are annoying too, even though I don't even like the FDS sub (they're way too fucking hard on brandbuilding over community). TRP had tips on how to rape, the worst you can say about FDS is that they're insensitive.

No. 190769

My bf showed me a tweet the other day which was a screenshot of FDSpros or whatever it’s called and he and many other males can’t tell it’s satire. Testosterone gives you autism

No. 190771

I mean it's pretty alarming that apparently the text they read on FDS sounds just like OP's picrel to them. The same way any criticism of males gets translated into male infanticide or like a war message to them.

No. 190801

It seems that when FDS is describing a "LWM" it's just men that don't fit certain masculine standards: a narrow beauty ideal + the passion/ambition measured by money paradigm. But when they defend the concept of LVM, they purely describe it as antisocial behavior. I don't even understand the concept, why would a man who does not attract you be a low value male? Wouldn't they just be not-partner-material or whatever? Why are they unworthy as a male if they don't attract you? It reminds me of how TRP types evaluate womens humanity on how suitable they find them sexually. But I shouldn't be surprised by this since "the manosphere does it too" seems to be the goto FDS defense in 2021.

No. 190820

fds supporters or whatever you wanna call them are crazy. it has been known

No. 190827

I don’t get this thinking, there are tons of threads that say HVM doesn’t equal “rich hot guy.” You can search for HVM on the subreddit and there are lots of examples of what the users call HVM, ie being supportive of your interests, planning dates, making time for their gf, considerate/caring stuff like that. Someone low value is the opposite, doesn’t support your interests, doesn’t make plans, always late, etc. I met tons of guys like that in my early 20s, it was draining as hell. How is calling out that kind of shitty behavior just like TRP?

No. 190956

File: 1623179114945.png (112.87 KB, 730x780, never_spoiled.PNG)

Maybe because there are also posts like these? How much do you think a man has to earn to afford all-paid international trips? There are shitton of opposing ideas posted on fds in general

No. 190975

>when they defend the concept of LVM, they purely describe it as antisocial behavior. I don't even understand the concept, why would a man who does not attract you be a low value male?
Are you implying that anti-social behavior does not bring negative value to a relationship? Imagine trying to defend abusive moids.

No. 190980

I obviously don't know this poster's history, but she also says even receiving "just because" flowers would be nice, which isn't asking for much. I think she brings up the jewelry and trips because apparently her friends/sister/other women she knows have been talking about their partners doing that sort of thing. Sure, every guy can't afford that level of gift, but you can still buy nice jewelry for a moderate price or take your partner to a cute Airbnb over the weekend. It's showing thought and making an effort over the most bare minimum thing possible with a card and cheap meal. I used to spoil the shit out of my ex and I've never been super well off, but I was still able to buy him things extremely catered to his interests, take him to nice restaurants, and bring him on trips through credit card point bonuses and saving. It's embarassing looking back. Not that I made the effort, but the fact that he reciprocated to that extent maybe 3 times over the course of years. My friends and family did far more thoughtful things for me during that period. I would expect a similar level of investment (doesn't have to be perfectly equal financially, but putting in that mental/emotional work) if I were ever to be in a relationship again.

No. 191035

Nothing she said indicates she expects a rich man or considers it a necessity for being a HVM. A man with average earnings can save up for a thoughtful gift, an impoverished man should not be dating until he's financially stable.

It's extremely obvious she's upset about not being spoiled because she believes that men only spend money on women they love, therefore the men she's dated didn't love her enough to do so. And she's right lbr, though it's more about the thought and effort put into the gesture than the actual money involved.

No. 191046

Seriously, what’s too much about wanting some nice “just because” gifts from your partner? My ex wasn’t rich but he still bought me some cute jewelry and other gifts without needing an occasion. One piece was from Etsy and only like $20, but it was from my favorite game and a very thoughtful present. It doesn’t take money to be thoughtful. If someone is really invested in you, they tend to show it with small actions like that, like remembering your favorite things or getting you considerate presents, not just the bare minimum “teddy bear I saw at Walmart a day before Valentine’s Day” presents.

No. 191076

Nta but this. My ex bought me a quality necklace (~$100) not long after the one I wore for years before broke. That was the only present I remember because everything else he gifted had such insignificant thought put into it.
When it comes to gift giving, cost doesn’t matter. Women like to be thought of. Men who insist otherwise (“women only want my money!”) are just so selfish on top of being fucking lazy that they’ll generalize and lie about women as a monolith rather than admit that they can’t be bothered to care about their spouse. It’s depressing to think of how much effort I put into gifts vs how much effort my ex put into my gifts. Tbh if I could have had a gift made by the other person then I’d choose that as it shows that it took a lot of effort/time/thought means way more to someone compared to a necklace or a handbag and so on. I used to rack my brain trying to think of something that would be super useful and meaningful. My ex used to have no ideas and would draw blanks on what I liked; it was downright offensive when in comparison I could name so many things that he liked and point out so many of his quirks. My ex was my bf for years yet was regurgitating the same lines, buying promotional sale presents that are seemingly impersonal and have no reasoning behind them, and just overall being a hollow empty shell of “I love you”s. And my ex’s actual profession was being a creative so the fact that he couldn’t formulate meaningful words or put together a thoughtful present for one day of the year says a lot. Essentially that it’s not an inability to do these things imo, it’s the lack of expectations for men to do them for their female partners.
Anyway sorry for sperg, I agree that it’s the thought and the effort that counts overall.

No. 191101

>offering to pay rent
>all-paid international trips
>designer goods
>there are ladies living a life that is all paid for by their boyfriend

So did you ignore those post parts on purpose when were giving your $20 and $100 examples? My post was a reply to the claim that hvm is not expected to be wealthy, yet there are posters that expect actual expensive gifts. I was not making a point about how women shouldn't expect anything, but if you want expensive gifts, then understand that only certain men can afford them. Let's be real, we are not talking about a couple hundred dollars here.
And since she mentioned designer goods specifically, then cost does matter for her.

No. 191136

The point in the screencap is that guys who are really invested in their gfs/wives will spoil them within their financial reason. They will look for thoughtful, nice presents, and yes that includes designer goods if they can afford it. If your bf needed a new wallet and you had the means, would you get him a nice designer wallet that will last a long time or some crap from the discount aisle? Most women I know have bought their boyfriends nice watches, wallets, electronics, etc. It’s not crazy to want that same effort and consideration in return.

No. 191154

Jesus christ moid make yourself less obvious please. Her bfs didn’t even buy flowers for her. FLOWERS! My ex who bought the $100 necklace was a broke college student too, so if he could do that then I’m sure a guy who has a salary of $60k+ could spend <$1k on a vacation getaway for him and his gf.
Jfc why are phalloids so obsessed with us to be posting in here? Or even on that fake FDS subreddit spinoff, it’s so embarrassing how the supposedly superior sex is so obsessed with us that they can’t leave us alone. You yourself are so obsessed with proving your own point (fds are golddiggers) that you fail to pretend to see the obvious (OP hasn’t even gotten damn flowers) and thus you fail at any attempt to empathize with farmers as women. Work on your LARPing skills before posting here again.

Sidenote but if I was a man I surely wouldn’t be stalking the few female-centered communities and policing what they can and can’t say. It’s a whole new level of pathetic that women can’t even come close to. Honestly I think you should just off yourself. Now if any of you do take my advice then don’t kill the women of your family or your children when you do it.

No. 191164

the recent podcast with the early childhood educator was so fucking cringe, that bitch had no fucking clue what the fuck she was talking about, ages 0 to 6? boys need to get out their testosterone? and aggression? children before puberty are on the same hormonal level and physical strength, little boys have no 'testosterone' to be getting out. it was bad enough she unironically dropped a 'boys will be boys' early on but it just kept getting worse, how about vetting your shitty guests also? i agree with a lot of the comments on the reddit thread, the lilith host and mod seems kinda butthurt in the replies, idk why the fuck they even uploaded that, what a trainwreck

No. 191199

Men are extremely narcissistic so any criticism feels like the end of the world to them. They end up shutting down, deflecting/shifting blame, making excuses, or getting angry whenever there’s any conflict. At least women are willing to talk about issues, yet we’re considered the emotional ones. FDS is definitely necessary despite the amount of hate it gets

No. 191218

I haven't listened to this episode but I did check out the most recent one with Gail mf Dines and I highly recommend it to every single anon on this board considering how often I see girls coming on here crying over "my bf watches pooorn but I don't wanna limit his freeedumz but it makes me feel bad, what should I do?" Fucking leave. Fucking own up to how evil that industry is and have some self respect and leave. Women need to hear other women putting their foot down when it comes to that bullshit rather than the libfems saying it's ~empowering~ to get paid to show your asshole on social media.

No. 191220

Straight from a scrote's mouth btw:
>Porn taught me how to masturbate into a woman.
If you've only had sex with pornsick men (vast majority of them) neither you nor your partner has ever had fulfilling sex. When close emotional intimacy, physical pleasure and human connection are involved, it's an entirely different world. It's no wonder most women hate sex and most men treat it so carelessly, like the level of pleasure is the same with an interchangeable partner, when they've never actually experienced the good stuff.

No. 191223

I talked to my bf years ago after I got over my cool girl phase about how evil and dangerous porn is. He listened to me and we researched the topic together and both decided to not watch porn again. It helps that more and more people in the manosphere are speaking out against porn use (though the focus is on oh no no no my pee pee broken, rather than people,getting exploited). Basically why not have an open convo about why you think no one should watch porn, and their true colours will reveal themselves. Better to have these conflicts and learn sooner rather than later on when you’ve been with them for years and years and maybe even live together or have kids.

No. 191252

That's great anon! I agree, there's nothing to lose by asking a man to learn about the industry. As the episode says, basically all men have watched porn at some point in their lives, the question is just whether they continue to do so. If a guy is open to discussing it rather than getting defensive the only real conclusion you can come to (as a good person at least) is to quit watching. There are just so many horror stories of men agreeing then sneaking behind their partner's backs anyway. Not implying that's the case with your boyfriend, just that you have to carefully watch a man's reaction and see if the rest of his behavior seems to support a capacity for growth and self discipline as well.

No. 191258

Is r/vindicta (or an archived version of it atleast) ever coming back? It got pretty bad and obsessive towards the end and I'm happy greenappletea shut it down but I lost a lot of bookmarks and idk how to get them back

No. 191261

It got shut down? Wtf, how long ago was that?

No. 191265