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No. 137343
>>137339No, but I wish I could switch back and forth at will to garner more respect in discussions and workplace environments. I also wish I could switch into a male to comfortably go on night walks.
I don't care about any of the social "disadvantages" they whine about these days, the reason I wouldn't want to be permanently male is simply because they're ugly.
No. 137358
While it would indeed be more simple to be a man (no discrimination, no fear of being sexually assaulted, beated and degraded for just for having a certain set of genitals and the list goes on) I would never, ever want to be a man. As women, we struggle a lot, we fight a lot, and deal with a lot, but I couldn't be prouder to be a woman. We are strong, we are sensible, mature, wise and have a lot of emotional intelligence. I love my feminity. I love my body, I love my biological and emotional experiences that remind me that I am a woman. I like our sisterhood, the fact that we can genuinly be physical with each others and emotional without the ""fear"" or stereotype of being called "gay" or "sensitive". We may not be as physically strong as men, but I do believe that we are stronger emotionally.
If I were given seven or a hundred million more lives, I would never want to be reborn as a man. No matter what.
Plus, we are hotter and age better. lol
No. 137363
In some major aspects, sure.
For one thing my mother would have loved me more and would have spoiled me, as what happens to all males in my family regardless of how they perform or behave. Because I was born a girl, my mother set very high expectations and was quite frankly very cruel to me due to her internalized misogyny that was passed down to her from my grandmother.
My mother thought I had it too easy as a female because of that, she thought she was being good to me in comparison to how she was raised. I didn't have male siblings to raise and take blame for like she had to with my two useless uncles. She wasn't as tyrannical as my grandmother, so whenever she'd lash out at me she'd chide that she had it way worse implying how dare I ever complain or mouth back to her. She let me have boyfriends, unlike my grandmother who literally ran out hers, but she'd always remind me that I was a slut who could not be trusted and she never approved of a single one. The day she found out I wasn't a virgin was like the day I died. If I wore a low cut camisole with a jacket hoodie to school she and the female teachers would treat me like a harlot (weren't the 2000s crazy?) Otherwise my family considered me a weirdo because I dressed alternatively and not like an average girly girl at all, but my mom argued this was fair because at least she didn't force me to starve and be in beauty pageants. Lastly, while mom wasn't outwardly racist, classist, and homophobic (like my grandmother), she begrudgingly let me be friends with whomever. Even though she judged my friends for those things behind closed doors while she smiled to their faces, then chewed me out for having befriended them and always reminded me that they were losers. Had I been born a male, she wouldn't have placed as many domestic responsibilities on me (not my role~). Instead of fancying me as a slut with bad friends she would have given me asspats for caring about my appearance and also for being kind, generous, and compassionate to those downtrodden.
I watched my grandparents spoil my male cousin (continuous cars and trucks that he'd crash, lawyers for when he'd get into trouble and have to go to court, a house, money for his out of wedlock baby) just for his only concern to be about how much inheritance he was getting when they died He got nothing because he racked up thousands that they paid while they were alive. He was a prick and they cherished him like treasured gold. They even had delusions that he'd become a dentist despite never going to school. It took him stealing my uncle's guns, pillaging my deceased grandpa's house, and using his baby to act like an even bigger entitled prick before anyone cut him off finally BUT they still buy him furniture and shit for his child to this day so there was no real consequence.
Me? I earned up to my master's degree, never been in legal trouble, not a single parent, pretty much have always been gainfully employed, and I function independently–and yet my entire family is shunning me because I finally put my foot down on how my mother was treating me. I was called "sensitive" whereas if I were male I'd been taken more seriously. I was reminded to be endlessly grateful that they had bought me a used car so I could commute to college (they told me they weren't helping me if I wasn't going to college), and paid for my tuition to my state school that my scholarships mostly covered. My mom threatened that if I ever got pregnant I would be on my own, unlike my spoiled cousin. So, yeah. Really makes me think why I bothered trying so hard to earn their approval over the years when it amounted to a big fat nothing, and I was meant to be content with my servant status forever. Crazy to think I could have been a literal criminal and douchebag as a male and had been handed everything. The ONLY non-sexist thing I can say my mom cared about is that she never pressured me to marry or reproduce, because both were very traumatic for her and obviously she never wanted to be a thrice-divorced mother to me (and she only feels this way because the game didn't work out in her favor). Nonetheless, I will never forgive any of them for what they put me through and I hate them.
Socially? Academically? Work-related? Don't even get me started on all the benefits that being a man would have granted me throughout my life in those departments. The family thing makes me pissed enough.
No. 137372
>>137339“Yes, my consuming desire is to mingle with road crews, sailors and soldiers, barroom regulars—to be a part of a scene, anonymous, listening, recording—all this is spoiled by the fact that I am a girl, a female always supposedly in danger of assault and battery. My consuming interest in men and their lives is often misconstrued as a desire to seduce them, or as an invitation to intimacy. Yes, God, I want to talk to everybody as deeply as I can. I want to be able to sleep in an open field, to travel west, to walk freely at night…”
Honestly no. I just wish that I didn't live in a world where this quote was my reality. I don't want to change myself, I want everyone else to change.
No. 137374
>>137372ayeee Silvia Plath.
On a more serious note I feel that it's a more common experience for women than expected. People seem to think women are a monolith, which clearly isn't true.
What irritates me is that i know people who identify as trans just to escape the reality of being a woman- they'll ask to be referred to by male pronouns but won't try to "pass" or try to present more masculine. Kind of irritating when you hear a baby-ftm wishing to buy heels. Do they really think a word will completely reverse the disrespect they've been treated with while being a woman? I don't think this is all that trans people are, there are just some women who've filled up their piggybank of internalized misogyny and attempt to transition to escape prejudice.
To actually answer the question, probably not. I don't think I'd care either way. It would be nice in some aspects, but i honestly think it's easier to present as "butch" as you feel like while just being a masculine woman. There are quite a lot of benefits to being female, IMHO, plus I feel like I'd be radiating less bullshit/reinforcing gender roles if i just transitioned. Way braver to be a masculine woman than a person seeking respect through trading their gender identity, if that makes any sense.
Just be true to yourself, as cheesy as it sounds.
No. 137390
>>137382Sorry about the trauma but little boys get beat and molested as frequently as girls. Physical strength would be nice indeed, but at what cost.
>>137388>moid thinks irl nips look like animu C- attempt faggot
No. 137394
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>>137390Definitely not the same ratio of boys to girls in terms of molestation or CSA.
No. 137406
Not really, because black male stereotypes are far worse than black female stereotypes for a good reason. But at the same time, if i was a man, people take me more seriously, I can get away with being ugly, a horrible person, anti-social (and still have friends), no periods, no expectation to be impossibly feminine, facial hair to hide my ugly facial structure. fewer insecurities and i'll probably be an over all much happier person.
The cons are that I would become a sexual degenerate, selfish and entitled, victim complex even though i ruin my own life, blame all my problems on women for not being "loyal", really i would hate to be a disgusting ugly and impulsive monster filled with aggression and entitlement.
tldr version is nah.
No. 137431
>>137339maybe? the thought of being as disgusting as the typical male and not being aware of it, or being aware of it and either trying and failing to be less disgusting or embracing being disgusting makes me feel nauseous. I can't get past that enough to objectively think about all the extra benefits being male entitles you to.
>>137372I've always related to this quote, but I feel more that I want society to be different in how it treats women, than I would have preferred to have been born male.
>>137390>One in 9 girls and 1 in 53 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault at the hands of an adult.3>82% of all victims under 18 are female. No. 137435
>>137431NTA but 1 in 6 is the statistic I've seen the most for boys for girls it's something like 1 in 4.
No. 137469
All my insecurities and mental issues stem from being unattractive and not girly enough, so yes, I think I'd be better off as a man. My hobbies and interests wouldn't seem weird at all if I was a guy and being ugly also isn't such a big deal, because "funny" or "charming" uggo men still can be pretty popular.
I know this sounds weird but I'm also rather sure that guy-me would've been a chad. I possess many traits which are seen as negative on a woman but positive on a man (tall, strong jawline, naturally muscular), plus growing up my friends also always joked that I'd be their ideal boyfriend.
Also this
>>137350>No periods to deal with, no more cramps… I also wouldn't feel sad and angry whenever I make the mistake of reading the comments of about any site, which is usually filled this gross women-haters. Maybe as a man this wouldn't bother me at all, maybe I wouldn't even notice because it wouldn't affect me personally. But I'd still make sure to use my power to treat my mom and all other women in my life as best as possible.
No. 137471
>everybody at huffpo knows>or wherever else I get my takesftfy
Its hard to quantify, the situations are way different because of who usually does the chasing and also what is more tolerable to the person making the judgment. Do you prefer to be unsexed, invisible might-as-well-be-a-potted-plant/gnat ugly or preemptively designated sex offender don't-even-look-at-me-I'm-calling-the-cops ugly?
People are also generally meaner to uggos across the board but its acceptable to be mean to either gender in different contexts for their "failings" ascribed to them in a kind of reverse-halo effect, where people look for an excuse to dunk on the undesirables, undermining their reputation to cut them off the social circle.
>some rando nobody w/o money or connections>power>POWER>muh dialectics doe so I can write this w/ a straight faceAh yes, the Y-men, mutant super heroes… If only you could blast male gaze rays like Marvel's Dicklops your mom would be living in a gated luxury loft, away from life's hardship like the 0.1%.
No. 137478

>>137477Can I just add
>>137419 THIS. >being a woman feels so powerful
It truly does, there is just something about the simple manipulation and intelligence that we have. And the power to GROW a whole ass human inside of me?! I am a mythical magical POWERFUL fucking goddess! Woman are amazing. Case closed!
No. 137500
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I know my ultra religious family would've treated me better if I were born male. My mom discouraged me from studying or learning things outside of homemaking, because they weren't relevant to my obvious path of getting a husband and being a mother. I could see the difference from a young age in my male cousins. They were raised so much more normal and didn't have their parents bringing up their potential marriage for their entire lives.
But hey, I can bake bread, so that's cool.
No. 137539
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I'm not a great person but I feel like if I was a guy I would be an even bigger jerk. In terms of appearances, I'd probably look like my brother. My friends tell me they think my brother is handsome. He's kind of a Chad– muscular, 6'5", extroverted. He's really level headed and scholarly, though.
So basically if I was a boy, I'd look handsome, but I would have the same bitchy, lazy personality I do now, except worse because I feel like society enables guys who act like assholes. Also my name would have been Stephen if I was a boy, according to my parents.
No. 137547
>this shit thread again
No, scrote or braindead self-hating fakeboi, for the 1100th time, none of us here who are mentally sane would turn into an ugly, stinky, hairy, and in top of that mentally and emotionally stunned ape that is ruled by his dick in exchange of being treated with some minimal human decency. What we fantasize about is a world where we wouldn't be abused, mistreated and silenced because we were born female.
And apart from that, if you really believe the average male isn't miserable as fuck, you are deluded. Why do you think they are constantly attempting to troon out and similars and when not, they try to kill themselves. In my experience, men are such sad, pathetic beings. They are quite literally trapped within their own idiocy. I'm way better off as a woman in the first world with rights and a gun.