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No. 142347
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Idk. Unfortunately, as a woman if you're average/ugly or broke you probably wont be getting a bf higher than a 6. Men have more options because most women look at least decent, attractive men are rare so they're going to be snatched up by all the rich or pretty girls. I'm 28 and I've finally accepted the cruel reality that I will never have a cute bf and since men age like shit that decreases my chances even more.
I tried really hard to get one when I was a young thang but it never worked out. I blame my parents for this cruel fate, not only did they give me 0 good Gene's but they also didnt raise me with wealth either.
No. 142348
>>142344 Maybe thanks to being born rich they have more confidence or can afford better beauty care products and clothing. I think it would be weird for a men to be a gold digger since it's more common for men to pay for everything rather than women. I can't also imagine a rich girl not wanting to be pampered by their bf too.
>>142347>men age like milkThat's so true and sad. Honestly i am glad i am a woman, even if i am not pretty at least i won't get bald and fat by 25.
Honestly, most men are garbage nowadays. The only good ones are already married and have kids by 25 and we are only left with the unwashed hobbos that play videogames all day and want a mommy goth gf.
No. 142354
It’s not hard to get a nice bf. It’s all about confidence.
I’m average pretty, smart and witty. Never had problems to hit on guys.
Men are not as complicate creatures as women. Yeah I might sound like a man hater but that’s true. If girl talks to single guy and is not butt ugly and takes care of her appearance, the guy is sold.
But I go for nerdy guys. Chads are painful to be around though some look good.
>>142348>>142350Get a Finnish boyfriend, guys. There’s too much decent single guys here.
No. 142400
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>>142354>plenty of single Finnish men where you areUm, where can I sign up? I remember years ago watching this video about there being a shortage of wives in the Faroe Islands, so they sent the men a bunch of women from the Philippines to marry or some shit, and I was like super heart broken because I didn’t get to go along with them to get paired with a Nordic fisherman husband.
No. 142518
>>142354How do I get a Finn please respond
I’d happily give birth to half Finn children
No. 142540
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>>142354>Get a Finnish boyfriend, guys. There’s too much decent single guys here.Nice try jonne. Most single Finnish guys are fat, autistic gamers or jobless alcoholics
No. 142547
>>142400Do you have enough recources and nerves to smuggle a strange finn into your country, feed him, buy him shit, be a mommy to a grown ass human, try to teach him how to speak basic english without horrific accent and make sure that he isn't staying with you in order to get a green card and after that escape from your dungeon?
Falling asleep to *~boifriend roleplay assmur~* is cheaper and sounds better than this.
No. 142549
>>142547take it from a finn, there's a reason most of these guys are single and it's bc they're boring incels.
sure they'll be nice enough to you, but they don't really do anything but sit at home, drink and play valorant with their neckbeard friends. they won't talk to you all day and aside from sex they won't be interested in anything but their autistic hobbies.
if they do end up having a gf, the gf will just go do whatever with her friends while he sits at home, you'll eventually just be roommates that fuck and you'll have to boss him around to do anything. most of these guys are too lazy to even approach girls, girls here usually make the first move.
also they often look super inbred unless they're part swedish or have immigrant parents
No. 142551
>>142540Okay am I really defending men in lolcow?
It’s very common that former fat nerds start to work out in their late 20’s. Amd because they are nerds they will do their research and actually get results BUT they have their history of being lone uggos so they don’t get cocky. There is still a risk of their turning petty incels after glow up.
>>142547Most Finns do speak english BUT we all have horrific accent, so you are right. But you don’t have to teach them english if you are okay with the accent.
>>142518Visit Finland or seek out Finnish exchange students in your own country.
But the problem is that the finnish guys don’t know how to start a conversation. Or make a move. Or not to be extremely introverted.
>>142549I’m a natural domme so for me being the boss in the relationship is convenient.
It’s true that Finnish mens are very submissive by their nature.
No. 142556
>>142554that's just what most guys are like nowadays, you are right. their nationality doesn't matter, so why go through the trouble of chasing a man with a funny accent who speaks even less than an American man would.
>>142551this is clearly a man btw
No. 142564
>>142551>But the problem is that the finnish guys don’t know how to start a conversation. Or make a move. Or not to be extremely introvertedDo you know how to spot a Finnish Chad ?
When he's talking to you, he's looking at YOUR shoes
No. 142574
>>142570He was chinese and another chinese guy I was dating told me"you will have an easier time with men when you are 30 because young men want pretty girls" and I have curly hair and one time we were watching this movie with a cute half black girl and he said "your hair looks like hers except hers is cute and yours looks ugly". He would also call me fat all the time because being bigger than 110 is far for asians.
Anyone saying asian men are better have got to be delusional or asian men trying to promote asian men lol
No. 142717
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must be because every article i read about caroline calloway talks about how men fall all over her when she's a 6 at best. she's so average.
No. 142733
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>>142730are you joking? she's below average
No. 142774
>>142717>>142744Why does everyone in lolcow think that men are super picky? Only ones who believe in that rating bullshit are incels. There is small group of handsome males who mate with beautiful women. But the average men are very happy with well kept average looking girls with nice personality.
I can’t stretch this enough: confidence is everything. If you didn’t win the gene lottery: take care of your hygiene, maintain normal weight, practice your social skills and don’t be a fucking doormat.
No. 142787
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>>142733She's average-cute and seems to be blessed with good skin, but there's a marked difference between her selfies and 3rd party pics of her. Girl knows her angles and is also very obviously someone who makes certain expressions to make her selfies look better. Regardless of how attractive you think she is her OnlyFans content is tragic and imo is Momokun levels of lack of sensuality/knowledge of how to look sexy. And her sense of style is terrible for how much money she seems to spend on clothes.
No. 319527
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>>142774Yep, I think this is the point. It's sad that women have been convinced that attractiveness is just physical appearence, it literally is your attitude, if you look average you got everything you need to attract any male. If you are on the same wavelenght, are nice and overall have a pleasant and positive attitude it's all you need. Women are literal goddesses, males are the ones having to perform and look appealing cause we are the ones doing magic and choosing. Our culture has it upside down, but nature is stronger. Insecure women don't know the power they actually have, just be chill, love yourself and be kind.
picrel is a male next to a female bird
No. 319549
>>319530Me being the most vanilla-average looks wise didn't stay in a way of having a long-term relationship with conventionally attractive man(we are married).
You know, there are qualities other than looks that a hot guy will appreciate, such as not having a femcel personality, or a being a source of negativity.
As long as you have this attitude it will keep manifesting in your life, get better.
No. 319615
>>319557>>319612I wanted to say attractive personality will multiply your general attractivity.
Trying to work on yourself won't make things worse.