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No. 145254
>>145252>>145253Yes, anons! I feel cute enough with makeup, but not like myself anymore, where it used to be the opposite, that I only felt like myself with a red lip and winged liner. I feel cuter without, and I know I won't get looks or compliments the same way I do when I wear makeup, but that's okay. I've also noticed that I find other bare-faced women SO much more beautiful at all ages, and it makes me feel pretty and better about my own choices as well. Like, if I feel that in awe of others, maybe someone feels that way about me too, and even if they don't, I feel good about myself in spite of what society and booty gurus push and push down our throats. It's nice. Enjoy your freedom, gals.
No. 145256
>>145252>After I remove my makeup, I don't know why but I feel cuter without any kind of makeup all over my face.>>145253>Anyone else just kind of fucking hate how they look in any makeup?Anons, same… I'm just tired of makeup, tired of pretending I must sploosh that gunk shot of runny and slimey face paint all over my face to be considered presentable. It just doesn't work for me, I'm not into it, doesn't make me feel good, and doesn't make me feel any pretier, it just makes me feel like I have shit on my face that I musn't smudge or ruin or else it will look like shit. I hate that unless you put like super stay on liquids on your face, if you lay down your face anywhere the makeup will transfer. It's just annoying. You can't even hug people. I wish society stopped pushing this fake lashes and perfect flawless techniques onto every girl, I'm just too dumb to apply eyeshadow in a dramatic way.
I have somewhat deep dark circles under my eyes but at this point nothing makes me feel uglier than trying to cover them up. I was born with them, I was made like this for a reason. I don't give an f anymore, I feel cuter when my natural freckles shine through after a sunny day instead of putting more stuff on top and then having to redraw them.
Otherwise, I do like wearing other stuff, like natural eyeshadow, a bit of eyeliner, and a natural sheer lipbalm.
No. 145267
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I used to try to wear as much makeup as possible because I thought I could transform my face like the youtubers do and look like an instagram hot girl. Instead I just looked like pic related. My facial features aren't traditionally "Western", I have a tall, straight nose and prominent eyes, my face looks like someone took random features from completely different looking people and crammed it onto my head. Eventually I just kind of gave up.
I still wear concealer under my eyes and around my nose (I need it) as well as eyebrow pencil and eyeliner, but not much else.
No. 145326
I stopped wearing foundation a few years ago and I'm never ever going back to that crap, don't care if you can see any hyperpigmentation or small red spots. I'm done with that shit. On a daily basis I just do my morning skincare routine, some undereye concealer and my brows. If I feel fancy I'll do eyeshadows and mascara.
Since I stopped wearing so much makeup I've been feeling a lot better about myself and my face. Never thought I'd be someone to go out without makeup, like I used to put on eyeliner and foundation to go to the store that's across the street to get some milk lol
However, I really want to get all of these things anon mentioned
>>145293, but it's so expensive go get and maintain where I live so I'll have to still use makeup unless I get rich or something
No. 145431
>When did you start going bare faced and why?
I never got the habit of doing makeup, most of the time I'm just lazy, but feel confident enough to not wear it. Also I kinda forget to put on makeup before going out, as I'm accustomed to go natural.
>Do you embrace your natural features?
I think so, when I wear makeup I like to highlight my features or do some kind of gothic look but is rare for me to do so. I don't own many products nor like most of the trendy techniques (highlighter, contour, etc)
>Do you preffer looking polished or do you go natural all the way?
When I feel like dressing nicely, I do like to put some makeup to feel put together and cohesive, but in general, makeup makes my face feel dirty or unconfortable thinking I'm almost always smearing it, so I prefer feeling fresh. When I'm not all dressed up, I don't use makeup at all. I also have very little occasions to do a full face.
>Do you have a routine or just grab a brush and go?
Haha as if I would grab a brush having curly hair. I end up only putting sunscreen when I remember to (yeah should put everyday).
But when I feel like putting some makeup: concealer, filling in eyebrows, powder, mascara, blush, lip balm/lip tint and occasionally, eyeliner. Although I almost never do all of these at once, it's just what I like to do.
>What do you do about blemishes or imperfections?
Got the bad habit of popping pimples, but I put concealer over them and over my very dark circles if I feel insecure over them. I have very good skin most of the time so I don't care much.
No. 145435
>When did you start going bare faced and why?
I never managed to get into makeup, my mother tried during my teens but I really had no interest in it. I was a bit of a NLOG and didn't want to mimick the classmates I hated, and it stuck.
>Do you embrace your natural features?
I honestly don't really care about my face, since I don't see it most of the time (but I still think I look nice, otherwise I wouldn't be carefree). I do like some of my features though, like my strong jawline and my eyes.
>Do you prefer looking polished or do you go natural all the way?
Most of the time I go all natural, especially for my wage slave job that doesn't require any special makeup. I don't even wear makeup for dates. The only times I ever wear makeup are for formal meetings like interviews, and for concerts, since I mostly go to extreme metal gigs I like to experiment with darker makeup. I used to like to wear mascara from time to time because it widens my gaze, but it's empty now and I haven't bothered with buying a new one.
>Do you have a routine or just grab a brush and go?
I just brush my hair, I never wanted to learn how to use blush and foundation as it looked too much of a hassle to me. I really shoud get into skincare routine though, the most I do is moisturize after showering and exfoliation when I remember.
>What do you do about blemishes or imperfections?
I'm lucky enough to have a healthy skin that only get pimples around my periods on the chin, so nothing really. I still have this terrible habit of popping them, and I can't stop myself from doing it. The one good thing about mandatory face masks is that I can hide my acne completely now.
No. 145437
>When did you start going bare faced and why?
About two years ago after I got in an accident and suddenly wasn't going out, I did do a full face of makeup once in a while to cheer myself up but it just depressed me even more haHA
>Do you embrace your natural features?
Yes, someone might think I look fug but I do have nice full lips, decent skin, full eyebrows. I do get insecure about my pores though, but that's dumb.
>Do you preffer looking polished or do you go natural all the way?
I do wear lipstick, mostly clear eyebrow gel, sometimes eyeshadow, always some form of blush, highlighter, sometimes mascara and powder to keep my spf from getting shiny. I'd say natural, but it does also seem pretty polished. A good clean bold lip usually looks pretty polished every once in a while.
>Do you have a routine or just grab a brush and go?
I don't wear concealer nor foundation, so I just use a brush to apply powder or the occasional eyeshadow. I mostly do the same stuff, I do enjoy my bare face but I like it when my lips be poppin.
>What do you do about blemishes or imperfections?
Tea tree oil, I used to have painful case of cystic acne I took medication for as well had to do those awful skin burning peel gel things. After years of looking at the scars, treating them and covering them up, I rarely get any pimples or freak out about tiny blemishes or scars. I am doing good now.
>What are your favorite products?
Colourpop's highlighters, the soft ones are so easy to blend in with fingers and they can go from natural to blinding so easily. I went from doing a full face on the reg to just doing this so I feel like I have nothing, I do enjoy me some maybelline lip products, very affordable. I feel so basic these days but so much more comfortable.
The only thing I would like to try is a lash lift, I have such straigh yet long lashes, no matter how much I curl or use mascara, them shits won't appear for a long time.
No. 145970
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>>145280anon you have good taste! that's how I feel about blush aswell! What blushes do you use? I'm esp interested in that gel blush.
I use Daniel Sandler Water Colour blush and it's just beautiful and natural! (pic not mine)
No. 146060
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How many of my fellow pizza-chans go bare face?
I got hit by bad acne at 22 and, due to a past of no-makeup, let the zits hang out for several months before caving. It gave me some odd confidence for a time…until it didn't. Then I wore foundation for the first time in my life and hated it (it somehow shocked and angered me that I had to touch it up), but luckily cleared myself up.
After that debacle I just conceal active zits, but leave the scars out for all to see as well as other "flaws" like dark circles.
My skincare, however, is fleshed out. Modest compared to some, but gets the job done:
>Vanicream gentle facial cleanser
>De La Cruz sulfur ointment
>CosRx BHA
> benzoyl peroxide
>La Roche-Posay toleriane sensitive fluide
>Sebamed clear face gel
>good ol' vaseline for lips
>Skin Aqua UV Super Moisture Milk SPF50 PA ++++
My routine is cleanse, apply sunscreen, use both moisturizers, then treat acne in the evenings. Wearing the treatments for a couple hours then washing off works best for me since irritation ALSO breaks me out. Then I wash, moisturize again, and sleep. I try to do sulfur "masks" weekly, benzoyl peroxide on my nose blackheads twice weekly, then BHA for spot treatment and mild exfoliation.
On the other hand, it's wild to see anons here with no regimen…god I wish that were me.
No. 146227
>>146060I go completely bare. I started having mild acne and really bad under eye circles at around 15 so I briefly used makeup to try and cover it up. But tbh it just made the acne a lot worse, I got eye infections from the mascara even though it was brand new, and the makeup around my eyes would get smeared weirdly every time I smiled so I gave up after a couple of months. It was also ruining my self esteem to wash the makeup off at the end of the day and see my actual face while during the day I had gotten used to looking at my makeup covered face. Idgaf about how ugly I look anymore though lol.
I do have a skin care regimen though, even though it’s pretty basic
>was face w/ cerave moisturising cleanser>apply thin layer of eucerin Dermopure soothing cream to acne prone areas>moisturise using eucerin ph5 lotion on dry areas>Vaseline on lips and a thin layer around the eyes>acne treatment paste from dermophil once a week>30+ or 50+ sun cream during the day, depending on the weather (usually bioderma) No. 146236
>>146060hormonal acne here
i stopped taking birth control a year ago, and it all came back.
i wear a full face maybe once a year, on the other days i just cover actual pimples. (i have a minimum of 3 at any given time)
i don't have any discolored scars because they're over 10 years old, you just see skin colored bumps. i hope i won't get any new scars, i take much more care of my acne than when i was a teen. i'm looking to get back on birth control and/or acne medication soon.
i also wear mascara and fill in my eyebrows everytime i go out. i've been looking into getting a lash and eyebrow dying kit so i can skip those steps. and i do love a good blush on occasion.
No. 148266
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>When did you start going bare faced and why?
never been a big fan of heavy makeup looks, i have always been more of a skincare type of girl.
>Do you embrace your natural features?
yes! i have always hated wearing a lot of makeup because it makes me look different and i don't like that lol.
>Do you prefer looking polished or do you go natural all the way?
natural but try to look glowy and healthy.
>Do you have a routine or just grab a brush and go?
i have a long ass skincare routine, but when it comes to makeup i use concealer (my dark under eye circles are absolutely terrible. one time i went to work without covering them up and my coworkers got really worried for me and assumed i was sick) and mascara (i have thin lashes that point downwards). sometimes eyeliner to make my lashes appear thicker and a tiny amount of blush to give myself some color.
>What do you do about blemishes or imperfections?
rarely get them. my only blemishes are my dark circles.
>What are your favorite products?
nars creamy concealer, kiss me heroine lengthening mascara & shiseido eyelash curler.
i have freckles and am inspired by devon aoki's natural looks.
No. 148298
It baffles me that foundation is something widespread. I don't think it's the case in my country (West Europe) but I have no doubt it's getting more popular due to American influence. It makes absolutely no sense to me, even when I wear heavy makeup (primer, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, brow pencil, blush, some bronzer, and lipstick) I've never painted over my entire face and neck. I don't understand how a person could do that and still feel like a human. I'm happy for everyone ITT who used to do it and stopped!
Regarding makeup in general I've mostly pared it down to thin eye liner that compliments my eye shape, a bit of mascara only at the very end of top lashes, brow pencil and some blush and lipstick if I'm not gonna wear a mask. I'd like to try sheer and glossy lipstick but I've gotten used to how comfortable liquid lipstick feels to me. Also I like to use my eyebrow pencil to go over my beauty marks (cookie face here) and enhance them.
No. 148340
im new to this game - started wearing black liner and shadow when i was 13, and wore makeup on and off until now (23)
>When did you start going bare faced and why?literally just started this month. i've decided i want to save time and money and not be insecure about my looks anymore - if men don't need to do it, then why am i spending so much time and money?
>Do you embrace your natural features?guess so. never been good enough at makeup to change my features dramatically and im content being around average level of attractiveness. but still quite insecure about my mild acne and bad acne scares from cystic acne
>Do you prefer looking polished or do you go natural all the way?i prefer a natural look, looking """polished""" sounds like some kind of sexist beauty industry myth - if you are clean and well dressed that should be enough.
>Do you have a routine or just grab a brush and go?currently rebuilding my routine since i plan to ditch all makeup except around the eyes
>wash face>spray toner>AM - sunscreen (currently mix a tiny bit of foundation to kill the white case but i really wanna get a different one> PM - shea butter> aztec clay + vinegar mask 1-2x a week> eyeshadow, curl lashes, mascara, lip balm>What do you do about blemishes or imperfections?currently just trying to leave them alone. i have a bad skin picking habit
>What are your favorite products?aztec clay, st ives gentle chamomile cleanser, burts bees tinted balm in rose, wet n wild eyeshadow, nyx epic ink liner, any waterproof cheap mascara
the real boon to my appearance has been eating healthy, getting exercise outdoors and not being depressed
>>145282based, clay masks are so underrated, they're a really nice way to exfoliate gently. scrubs turn my face bright red and acid toners were too strong for my skin
No. 148549
>>146060>On the other hand, it's wild to see anons here with no regimen…god I wish that were me.I do the caveman skin regimen (no product), which was what resolved my acne.
I had my first zits starting from 10 and tried using skin care products since then to get rid of them. Being a teenager at the time, I kept asking for actual antibiotics, but my mom just kept giving me skincare products and home remedies. About every day I'd wash my face, despite not looking like it, and it just got worse.
The only time things got better was when I "gave up" and decided to just wash my face with plain water. Found out there's such thing as overwashing and the skin having to re-adjust oil production to a natural balance. The same goes for hair.
At this point I think skincare products are a scam. Still pissed about the time I wasted trying to treat my acne.
No. 148633
This morning I looked in the mirror and was in awe of how
dewy my skin looked. All I use is Physiogel cream twice a day and Retin-A in the evening. And I used to have terrible acne. I recommend both of these to anons with sensitive, very dry skin.
>>148292I know this is a little old but I did use a retin-A ointment after being prescribed it. The other anon is pretty much spot on; the first couple of weeks can sting a little. But my cheeks have thanked me PROFUSELY every day after that.
No. 148682
>>148549I'm so interested in this. I'm way too scared to stop using anything and I want help with anti-aging skincare too. Since I'm too scared to stop skincare completely, I've been trying to use natural one ingredient products instead. I really love jojoba oil. But I also have curology going for the prescription tretinoin and it helps for acne and aging.
I'm also on BC and spironolactone since my acne is so hormonal. I keep wanting to go bare faced but then I get another break out and I still have some scars from when I quit BC.
Right now for makeup I've only been using the bare mineral powder for my face, and do my eyebrows and curl my eyelashes (for work, and wear a mask). Pre pandemic if I was going out/care I'll put winged eyeliner and mascara on and some blush.
I do like the bare minerals powder because it makes me feel "cleaner" and not like I'm putting random ingredients on my face.
>>145280>>145970But these anons gave me a good idea I could maybe pass with just blush sometimes since my problem areas are my cheeks
>>148650Same and I got injections there a year and a half ago, and honestly it's still holding up and looks better than before I got it done. They went down but I used to have literal rings under my eyes and now I don't. Hoping they never come back. It was another thing I wanted to cover up with heavy makeup.
No. 148756
>>148687I have 0 skincare routine besides maybe washing my face with water and who knows, I might be setting myself up for premature wrinkling. My skin is pretty damn good though, apart from a little zit or two when my period is coming up.
In the end, I think how good your skin is is mostly determined by:
>genetics (how big are your pores, how acne-prone are you)>hydration (drink enough water and your skin won't be too dry or wrinkly)>basic ass hygiene (do you wash your face in the shower regularly, how often to you change your pillow covers, do you touch your face with grimy hands a lot) No. 148790
>>148682The thing I used daily to try and get rid of excess oil and clean my zitty face was some soapy facial wash. My face got better after I stopped using it. If there definitely is such a thing as a natural acid layer that protects the skin against microbes, it makes sense that it was being disturbed.
The other thing I stopped using was pore strips, which everyone says will damage pores. This was before I found out that my "blackheads" were sebaceaous filaments which are natural. I kept using salicylic acid for it, and now I don't since it's a waste at this point.
So I'm left with using virtually no products and this entire boogaloo with teenage acne could've been resolve much quicker with less time and money wasted, if I didn't bother with skincare products to begin with.
The pore shit is really only noticeable when you're staring up close at yourself and looking for stuff to pop.
>>148756>I might be setting myself up for premature wrinkling.
>setting yourself up for premature wrinkling by using products that don't exist naturallylmao. You set yourself up for premature wrinkling if you go out in the sun too much. For sure, you should use still sunscreen at the beach.
No. 148854
>>148818> flattering tinted balmWhich tinted balm? I might use it too for special occasions.
>>148839Thanks for the rec! I heard a lot of good things about rosehip oil. I'll definitely incorporate it into my soon to be skincare routine.
>>148840I pretty much have the same routine or the lack of it as you do. My skin is perfect and never had problems with it. The thing is I'm wondering whether I should up my skincare routine. I don't have any wrinkles now but I'm looking into retinoids and HA etc. but I'm afraid it's going to fuck up my skin.
No. 148868
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Took me forever to let go of foundation because redness and hyperpigmentation from acne, but I started using this instead and maybe a dab of concealer if I have a bad spot. My face doesn’t look perfect but that’s what I needed. I also brush a tiny bit of blush or bronzer depending on the season, some gel to keep my eyebrows tame and tinted lipbalm. I’m thinking about tinting my eyebrows and eyelashes though.
I still own makeup for a special occasion once or twice a month but that’s still just brown mascara, brown eyeshadow and honey love nude lipstick.
No. 150252
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I'm 25 and I've just recently started to take better care of my skin. I also want to stop using makeup as much (I used to wear foundation every day), but would still like some minimal makeup for work.
Are there any chill YouTubers who you guys can recommend? I really know nothing about minimal makeup and I feel like a lot of my products, like the Anastasia Dip Brow Pomade, don't really work on bare skin with no foundation.
(Pic is just random.)
No. 150588
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I need some help! Pic related is my eyebrows.
I‘ve been plucking them since I was 11 and now they won‘t grow back properly. (I haven’t been plucking them for about two months now.)
The growth on the right eyebrow is far from perfect but it‘s okay, the left one is extremely patchy though. It looks even worse irl than in the picture.
I don‘t want to use make-up every day, but I look so unkempt because of this.
What would you anons do? Should I just go back to plucking them? Or is there any way to revive those busted follicles? Any other treatments or other options that you can recommend? (Except microblading, I’m afraid of getting hypertrophic scar tissue.)
No. 150610
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>>150588Comb Jamaican black castor oil or camellia oil in an upward motion with a spooly until your brows look groomed in a shape you prefer. Flatten a small cut section of saran wrap over each brow until it’s smoothed against your skin. Doing this a few times a week for as long as you can tolerate in your off time will help them be flat and smooth rather than wild, it’s good with concealing sparse areas as long as you comb them with the oil in the right direction.
You can tweeze the areas under the yellow line and it won’t hurt anything. I know you said you avoid makeup but if you get a fine-tip retractable brow pencil and lightly go over the red marks in light strokes and then blend out with the spooly, it only takes literally like 20 seconds and it will make a huge difference to how they look. I like to use ABH brow wiz just because I like the color match personally, but a much cheaper alternative is the Nyx microbrow pencil.
No. 150626
>>150591>>150610Thanks for the solid advice, I’ll get some castor oil and saran wrap and try this method aaaand tweeze the areas you highlighted. I already use ABH, but I think I need to get a new pencil, it’s pretty old. I will probably get them threaded (is that the right word?) at some point, but I want to wait for as long as possible, now that I’m ahead…
Thanks again, anons, I’m feeling a bit more hopeful now!
No. 150634
>>149210fellow stan of burts bees rose lip balm !
i noticed it's a very warm red so for cooler skin the pink blossom shade might be better
No. 150885
>>145243I used to cake my face in makeup but, stopped after realizing I looked like a troon/
asherbeeNowadays I just walk outta the house lookin' like a mongaloid with carmax, but I'm fine with that.
No. 150909
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>>150886she’s pretty but I can’t helping likening her head shape to that of a kidney bean
No. 152150
I also used to wear a VERY heavy full face every single day. Thick concealer, thick foundation, contour, multiple powders, highlights, blush, winged eyeliner,
brows, mascara and heavily lined lips with matte lipstick. I look 'objectively' more attractive with makeup on, I always got the shocked reactions if I rolled into work one day a year without makeup.
Eventually I got a bit physically sick and was so unwell it made no sense to cake it on every day, and I resigned myself to looking my worst all day every day. I hated it, for months. Eventually something flipped and it was absolutely fine. My bare face is fine. It may be round as hell even when I'm thin but I'm not about to waste 90 mins of my morning slapping on products to make me more ogle-able to other people, ever again. When you cut out the heavy makeup you don't get the "wow" reactions but you also don't create the mess of making people recoil when they see you bare faced and don't recognise your features without them being cartooned on.
If I'm doing a full face now, I'll do brow gel, mascara, lip tint and powder foundation to take away the shine. Otherwise I wear nothing. I rub my eyes all I want, I can splash my face with cold water if I want, I don't give a fuck if people think I'm up to their standards of hot. And now, I don't think a full drag tier face suits anyone. I don't think there's one person who looks better in full makeup than they do with a naked face, even if they have acne or whatever. I'm that bitch now.
No. 153211
I never wear makeup because I sweat + wear a mask at work and there's no nightlife to speak of right now. But when I do wear makeup I just need a redness corrector cream, nude lipstick, and a touch of brown eyeliner above my lash line.
I'm lucky to have extremely plump, full lips and clear skin. Sucks I'm so red, though. And since I'm 26 the dark circles are creeping in.
I live in a hippie town where natural is the norm, I wear huge glasses, and I'm a low-effort low-femme lesbian. So general girliness, perfect eyeliner, contouring, foundation and powder and all that has never been a thing in my life lol. It looks good on some people, terrible on others. Like most things.