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No. 145663
>>145660I know that but emotions are always conflicting
You can feel a certain way for months or maybe even years but then when it comes time for action you are filled with thoughts of possible regret
Once you divorce you can never go back and I havent even had an actual relationship with anyone outside of him
This isn't a pity party but more like me trying to sort out my thoughts with the help and advice from others
I know this sounds like bait but I genuinely have issue with even knowing wtf I want out of life in pretty much every aspect
But this issue specifically has been at the forefront of my mind for a long time
No. 145667
fellow bisexy against bisexies bc some of you make us look retarded
No. 145670
>>145666Thanks anon, I just needed to vent with others who may feel the same way
I'm in my mid to late 20s but still confused like a motherfucker on my sexuality in general
>>145668Sorry I'm new here
Used to frequent 4chan so I'm used to threads being fast and the OP post not mattering at all
No. 145673
>>145671Because most bisexuals I have spoken to have a bigger attraction to men than they do women so they cant really understand how I feel
I asked the lesbian general if it was okay for me to post what I said here and they said no so I made my own thread
It's not like I seek out lesbians solely because they are lesbians but because I identify more with them than other bisexual women
I just happened to marry a man when I have yet to even know my own sexuality fully which has led to this
Seriously dont get why this is so hard to understand. Not everyone goes through life in the same way
We fuck up, get over it
No. 145679
>>145672>who would be a better person to understand you than a person who is attracted to women as wellbisexuals, who have the same experience you do, not lesbians.
>>145673>I identify more with them than other bisexual womenyou are literally married to a man, fucking a man, in love with a man, your identification is meaningless. saying "oh i like women more!!!" is a cop out and so many bisexuals say that and inevitably end up with men, just like you have.
No. 145684
>>145679You have absolutely zero understanding of the situation yet love to talk as if you do on your high horse
Yes I love him but the sexual compatibility is not there because newsflash I dont mind him sexually attractive
He is cute but nothing about him tingles my loins, only women do that for me
I have been struggling with this part of my sexuality for years now and I have tried to get aroused by him but it all feels so awkward
It has literally reached a point in which I do my best to make him cum as fast as possible because it's such a fucking chore
You also act as if I ever had a choice whether to marry him or not. He is like the only guy I have ever been able to stomach personality wise so I said why not
Media makes sex seem so easy and pleasurable no matter what because hey its sex, nothing can go wrong
No. 145685
>>145654I married at a young age too. Adored the guy but that marriage had very little sex in it, ended after a few years. Next relationship lasted 3 years, lots of sex for 3 months and after that he complained about the lack of sex constantly.
I feel waay too old to have any confusion around my own orientation. I've dated men but slept with a couple of women too. Every relationship I had with a man I would have this female crush on the side that I daydreamed about. I don't even know if I'm bi or if I'm just waiting for my insanely oldschool dad to die before I can accept me possibly being gay.
No. 145688
>>145684it sounds as if you're not attracted to your husband and you're escaping from your marriage by fantasizing about women.
>You also act as if I ever had a choice whether to marry him or notbecause you did
>Media makes sex seem so easy and pleasurable no matter what because hey its sex, nothing can go wrongthis is a problem with media in general, this has nothing to do with being bisexual
>I love him>I do my best to make him cum as fast as possible because it's such a fucking chorewelcome to men, you married him!!
No. 145692
>>145654Have you considered asking your husband if he'd be ok with you sexually exploring with other women? Some men don't mind since it doesn't
trigger the "grog get grugette pregnant, grug smash" instincts and some bi women like the idea of casual sex with a woman married to a man lul.
No. 145695
>>145688You are so dense
Do you really believe women from conservative backgrounds have a choice when your family will disown you and make sure you're homeless with no way to make money because unemployment where you're from is higher than the employment rate lmao
Please get your head out of your ass, just like you think I'm a stereotype of typical bisexuals
You are definitely the embodiment of the angry feminist 'lesbian'
Good luck with your dry yeasty vagina anon
>>145690Thank you for the kind response anon
I feel like my view on sex may be very skewed due to bad experiences and media
I just dont know myself anymore tbh
>>145692He is but I get bad feelings from it. Like why am I allowed to do so but not him?
Also even with his consent it still feels a lot like cheating
>>145694Yes because you're gay. If you weren't gay you would enjoy sex with a man
Wow it's almost as if I have this same issue
No. 145700
>>145695>o you really believe women from conservative backgrounds have a choice when your family will disown youNta, but you still had a choice? I understand you can't be with a woman but, you didn't have to marry that specific man. Tbh you didn't even have to marry anyone at all.
Anyway I'm straight, so I can't really give you any advice, but I hope you're able to have the chance to explore you're sexuality, and find someone who you feel complete happiness with. It's not fun to be in a relationship where you can't even enjoy the sex.
also, idk if you're on mobile, but please stop formatting your posts like that. No. 145709
>>145695you come from a conservative background, but that doesn't mean you had to get married young. you made that choice. if you do end up exploring your same-sex attraction now, your family will still have a problem with it.
>you are definitely the embodiment of the angry feminist 'lesbian'god you're awful fuck off and leave lesbians alone
No. 145710
>>145695>You are definitely the embodiment of the angry feminist 'lesbian'Good luck with your dry yeasty vagina anon
Yikes stay away from me and all my lesbian sisters. You seem to seek validation in lesbians specifically because even you doubt the validity of how 'gay' or insightful bi women are on their own sexuality. We aren't some bandaid or shoulder to cry on for your current straight relationship. If this means so much to you let yourself cheat like he allowed otherwise be single then find a woman.
No. 145713
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Damn I got excited when I saw the thread pic and Bisexual general, then read the OP and OPs comments in the thread. Fuck you, let us level headed, lesbian-and-self-respecting bisexies talk amongst ourselves.
No. 145716
>>145700Nah if I never married I would have never had the opportunity to leave my shitty country
It was the only way to get the finances and papers in order for me to leave with him to Europe
I dont hate or love him. I'm more indifferent towards the relationship
Not everything is black and white when it comes to what I have been through
I'm sorry but if lesbians in general are going to act this bitchy over me when I haven't even asked them specifically for their advice
I just said that I have an issue with seeking out lesbians. I dont know why I do this but I am drawn to them
Like I said I had the belief and still do that the majority of bisexual women have more attraction to men than women
So why on earth would they understand my intense desire for romantic and sexual female interactions?
No. 145717
>>145714Sure, I'm done talking to all the angry 'lesbians'in a bisexual general lmao
Like why come here if you are just gonna be mad
No. 145718
I understand you a way OP, I’m kind of similar, I’m more attracted to women than I am to men as well. I’m also from a more right wing conservative country and family that are relatively homophobic, and there are not many places to meet other women to date.
However, it was your decision to marry this man, this is not especially a bisexual issue, if you feel like being married to him and having sex with him is a chore then you should get divorced. Also, some of your comments towards lesbians are really gross and aggressive.
But anyway, moving on, is anyone else extremely annoyed by people who fake bisexuality? I have an West European friend who’s super into all this “sjw” things, and she’s really loud about being bisexual online. But then she admitted to me and some other friends irl that she wasn’t actually attracted to women and would never have sex with or be in a relationship with a woman, she went as far as to say that she considered vaginas to be disgusting and would never touch someone elses. Wtf?
No. 145719
>>145716>Like I said I had the belief and still do that the majority of bisexual women have more attraction to men than womenThat's literally just an assumption that you came up with. Sexuality is a spectrum and it's dumb as hell to assume most bi women are straight leaning.
>So why on earth would they understand my intense desire for romantic and sexual female interactions?…because they're bi? They also have a sexual and romantic attraction to women, even if they are straight leaning.
Also, you probably attracted so many lesbians because you said you specifically seek out lesbians.
Honestly anon, I had sympathy for you at first, but now you just seem like a bitch. Anyway, if your a citizen of the country you immigrated to, divorce the guy you're with if you have the means to. I'm sorry, but you just seem so unhappy and like your taking it out on us.
No. 145720
>>145716>I haven't even asked them specifically for their adviceyou literally started this in the lesbian thread first
>I just said that I have an issue with seeking out lesbians. I dont know why I do this but I am drawn to themcreepy!!
No. 145727
>>145718The lesbians here started attacking me first and getting all aggressive because I dared ask if my question was okay in their general and they said no
So I moved on and made this thread but they followed me here for some reason? I said I seek out lesbians but I didnt ask for them here
This time I was addressing bisexuals
>>145719I'm sorry but the majority of bisexual women I have met and spoken to about my problem didnt understand it at all
Because they mostly had a full 50/50 attraction or more attraction to men
I am speaking from experience. If any bisexual woman here who is different from that and is in my situation where they are mostly attracted to women then please make a post here
>>145723Ah yes because to be a lesbian or bisexual you must not be allowed to post attractive women and say meme terms like homolust
Next time I will follow some weird etiquette you made up for what is appropriate
No. 145731
>>145716>Like I said I had the belief and still do that the majority of bisexual women have more attraction to men than womenYou got a nice conversion therapy mindset going on in there anon, a ton of bisexual women have been exposed to so much compulsory heterosexuality in their lives the only reason they're "attracted" to men to begin with is simply because they're "supposed" to.
This person honestly stinks like a fucking LARP.
No. 145732
>>145716 > It was the only way to get the finances and papers in order for me to leave with him to EuropeI dont hate or love him. I'm more indifferent towards the relationship
I hope this is a larp
No. 145739
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>you must not be allowed to post attractive women>attractive women>pic relatedKEK bitch, let me guess, anime coom art awakened your homolust didn’t it. You have the taste of a discord tranny.
> Yes I love him>I don’t hate or love himSo what’s the truth. I hope you stay miserable with a scrote forever.