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No. 146933
I had a main incel orbiter in high school and a few years after, and he would do the most puzzling shit. He made several sock puppet Facebook accounts using random models from deviantart and would have them flirt with him on his posts and dm me.
I knew they belonged to him because I googled the images and the url of the profiles had his name in them, indicating they were originally his accounts. I played dumb and messaged him saying “I think you’re being catfished” and linked the profile of the real girls to him. The fake profiles blocked me instantly.
I always had a bf but he would hang around and force unwarranted advice on me about my relationships. At one point I was having an argument with my bf and I called him to give me a ride home, big mistake as he took my moment of vulnerability to force him lips on me and feel my thigh. I told my boyfriend and he was furious, but upon confrontation the guy started lying himself into a huge hole.
He went into manic damage control and randomly he asked this autistic girl who had a crush on him out of the blue, after he had told me how much he didn’t like her. I messaged her about him asking her out, and she told me that the relationship was just a guise to get this girl off his back who was ‘stalking him’. I asked who and she liked me the profile to one of his fake profiles from before. I was so floored by how insane this fool would allow his web of lies to get before telling the truth but I still revealed to the girl and everyone that he was still lying and provided receipts.
He completely imploded, suicide baited on Facebook and reddit, I dropped the whole situation and never spoke to him again.
Also he would lie on reddit while suicide baiting about the situation, completely rewriting the story so I looked like a horrible bitch who turned all his friends against him. It’s so odd how someone can do that and feel comfort receiving online support about a situation that they’re knowingly lying about.
Anyway, he convinced his autistic gf of his lies somehow and they were in a several years long and seemingly (from what their reddit accounts state) miserable relationship based on lies.
So long story short, scrotes are fucking insane, never trust a redditor.
No. 146960
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found a stolen piece of art on tumblr which had racked up 1,000s more notes than the artist’s original post. I left a reply on the stolen version directing people to the artist’s tumblr and didn’t think anything of it.
A day later I wake up to find a guy in my DMs messaging me death threats and accusing me of actual crimes. Dude is telling me how he will murder me and put my body in a ditch among other incoherent ramblings. At the time tumblr had a bad bot problem and you would occasionally get DMs from bots just saying random nonsense, so at first I engaged just to see what the “bot” would do, but soon it became clear this was a real dude. Initially I couldn’t figure out wtf was going on but then, sandwiched in his paragraphs of word salad, I spotted a string of letters that I recognized as the artist’s username, and it clicked. This guy was homicidally angry that I caught him stealing a piece of hatsune miku fan art.
I checked out this freak’s blog and found it was filled with hentai and pic related was his blog description. for those unfamiliar with the site, blog descriptions on tumblr are usually three lines maximum. His was so long that it bugged the theme’s format.
No. 146991
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>>146960>lawfully evilAhhh yes the mentally unhinged scrotes above 30 on tumblr. They could unionize at this point, there’s so many of them.
No. 147000
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I matched with a guy on hinge who had multiple pictures with horses and was clearly an equestrian. He started off the conversation with a completely uninspired, low-effort "hey" and I replied jokingly with "hey is for horses! I used to ride, I really miss it"
the imbecile responds with "that would be hay, miss… lol"
as if I don't fucking know that lmao I have an English degree and was trying to be cute
No. 147029
1. Friend "A" confessed his love to me through a text message. Told Friend "B" about it and how I hated the way he did it, and I wouldn't accept feelings of someone confessing to me in a text because I find that childish and cowardly. Friend "B" agreed wholeheartedly. A month later, Friend "B" confessed to me, yes, in a text message.
2. Refused to dance with a guy. He kept literally begging me and then started to offer me money and bid more and more, acting hysteric. Fortunately we managed to lose him in the club's crowd
3. Guy I kept (and then lost) some internet contact with would described his dreams about me in detail, at least once every two weeks, for like a year. Another year of no talking, out of nowhere he started emailing me essays about his life with very private stuff. After a while I responded because I felt sad for him like the stupid bitch I sometimes am, he said he needs to take time or whatever and never talked to me again lol. Probably didn't expect me to actually read those and panicked
4. Talked with a guy. Seemed like we were hitting it off. We talked about passions and he said the sport I'm doing is boring. As a banter, I made fun of soccer, which he playes. He never talked to me again
No. 147098
When I was on vacation there was this guy I talked to on tinder, and ended up meeting randomly the next night, who acted weirdly jealous/possessive? from the get go. Or he was making fun off me the whole time, who knows.
We had a ”date” ( sat on the beach, got more drunk and made out).
He asked to see my Tinder messages from other guys which I actually let him do bc why not. Then insisted on knowing if I had slept with someone else while there already. Apparently, this and me having to clean up his vomit from the hotel room sink was not enough to deter me, so we spent the night together.
Agreed to meet the next night too, bc I’m just too physically attracted to him not do that. While I was waiting for him and his friends at the bar some other guy comes and talks to me. Then my date texts me something like ”that guy is so ugly why are you talking to him?” (to be fair he was kinda right). One of his friends comes to get me to go sit with them. My date keeps pestering me about whether I like him or not, bc I clearly have options. Also if I thought he was good in bed and if I think his best friend, who was literally a model, is good looking to me or not. At one point he pulls his friends shirt up to show me his abs?
We also did end up having sex again that night, which did cause me to get interrogated by his friends about if I think his cock is big enough etc, and his best friend to constantly hit on me and talk about how hot he thinks I am. I did end up sleeping in their shared hotel room for the night though, which lead to other ”funny” stuff like the guy I liked so much picking a used condom out of my hair in the morning.
This would just be a slightly amusing experience, if for whatever reason I did not get absolutely obsessed with this guy and keep texting him every once in a while..
I might be the bigger retard in this whole story actually.
No. 147109
I went out with a coworker about 3 years ago. I liked him enough at first, but after a bit, it was clear he was not emotionally available. He'd been seeing another woman for a few years, she wasn't his girlfriend, they did regular couple things, etc, all the warning signs of someone who's two-timing and won't commit. He kept trying to convince me otherwise, saying he doesn't like her like that, but she has mental issues and she'll kill herself if he breaks it off (why do they all say this? kek). All obvious dumb excuses. I told him he needs to figure out his own life and that I want an actual relationship, not someone who's seeing someone else and can't commit.
He starts ignoring me at work, but we did projects together so this made everything awkward. Any time I asked him for something work-related, he wouldn't look at me. Started obviously sulking around me to the point other people asked what his problem was.
Eventually starts being nice again, trying to rekindle the relationship (that we never had) out of nowhere. I said the same thing as last time, he started sulking, and this cycle of sulking-being nice would continue until I got another job.
After I left, he started texting me random "how's your morning" shit and I blocked him. He got a new number recently and started texting me the SAME dumb generic messages after not speaking to me for 2-3 years.
I don't even know what my takeaway here is. I wasn't giving mixed signals, I told him the whole thing with his not-girlfriend was weird from the start and I didn't want to be involved with that. Don't date people from work I guess.
No. 147237
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Dude tried to convince me to break up with my boyfriend at the time because we were both divorcees and he had a boat. He even found my instagram and would only comment on the photos where I was on a date. "Wish I was there" type of literal pick me behavior. It's sad he wasn't the last guy who tried to connect over both of us being divorced.
No. 147238
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So im having this issue right now, I made an amazing best friend in college, a sweet shy gay movie buff, and he was kind enough to introduce me to his friends because he really wants me in his friend group.
They are all nice.
Except one.
His childhood best friend who nowadays is a flamboyannt qweer enby, basically giant ass 6'1 man with a full beard that swears wearing lipstick and a skirt makes him uwu feminine and twans, obviously he's a fucking creep, romanticizes lolita, oh yeah the book, has a gross daddy kink, doesn't respect other people's boundaries, gets obsessively clingy really quick, and by my cursed luck he latched on to me.
Highlight include, showing me all his gross daddy kink correspondence with his girlfried (dear lord help her soul) UNPROMPTED, having really fucked up views on gender roles and women, he went on a whole bizarre spiel about loving gendered things and that cis women should wear "women's clothing" aka skirts, having gnarly self harm scars and sending people fresh cut photos, general suicide baiting, and being a NEET supported by rich mommy and daddy.
Im not keen with this bullshit and tend to stand up for myself, and then he fucking acts like me being blunt, calling his behavior creepy, cringe or whatever the fuck is just playful banter and we are such best buddies!! She's just blunt like that you know! Anon has such a strong personality!
I go to baby boy baby cinephile and vent about how this is making me uncomfortable and i basically can feel his relief through text messages, we both bond over having to deal with this creepy fuck but he says he feels too guilty to dump him because they've known eachother for 10 years and he's afraid he might off himself or something, also we are both doormats who don't want to cause "drama" in the friend group, we are both at a loss but its easier for me than him, i have my own friend group completely underrated and currently im having to get alot of dental work done so i can copt ou of anything creep McLipstick invites us too.
No. 147243
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>>147000>>147001>>147002Same person, that shit is from reddit.
No. 147277
>>146927Some guy messaged me once on russian alternative of facebook, he complimented me and we started talking. Now, I guess, I wouldn't find him interesting or something, but back then I was omnivorous in terms of interaction. He seemed witty to me at the time, and encouraged my playfulness (I noticed that some men don't get it, they take everything you say seriously either because they're dumb or think that women can't joke, which is also dumb). So it was pretty entertaining. He found me attractive and didn't hide that he wanted to have sex with me. I wasn't really attracted to him, I just thought he was okay. I didn't take any of that seriously. Also I was a 19 year old virgin (he was seven years older), and I was a bit curious. I told him I was a virgin and he boasted about his big experience.
So we eventually met and went to his flat (it wasn't really his, he lived with a grannie). I knew I didn't want to have sex with him right after waking up, but I was bored and wanted to see what would happen. And, well, it was pretty weird. He started to show me some videos on his computer (scenes from some obscure comedic show that weren't that funny), and I saw porn pics in his folders. His breath smelled sour because of tea. And he got this stupid idea: I had to stand up, and he would hold my hair in a fist, and then we would walk in a circle with him behind my back. We were fully clothed, he didn't try to grip my hair or something, it was just in his hand. Not that I wanted him to, I just didn't understand the point, it wasn't sexy, it was kind of lacklustre. So I started laughing because it was ridiculous and awkward, and he reacted with bewilderment. Probably was expecting me to get wet from this, lol, idk. Then we sat down and talked awkwardly, I was a bit uncomfortable. He mentioned political events in Egypt - I just heard about them but didn't follow closely, so I inquired about certain things, and he reacted like it was something on the need-to-know basis, but then he would just say "well, you're a girl, so it's okay, you don't have to know about that". I started to get really annoyed with this guy, but didn't say anything, just got even more distant. He tried to lick my neck, but it was really meh, like he didn't even know what he was doing, and, well, I just didn't want him. And it was time to go, because I had classes later that day.
In the evening he asked me about my impressions from the "date" and I said that it probably wasn't something we both expected. I didn't want to hurt his feelings or something, so I chose to give an answer this vague. Then he got really frustrated for a guy with "big experience". He asked "so you didn't like me?" and pestered me with questions "what EXACTLY you didn't like??". Then he would write to me something like "but don't you want to want me to lick your pussy" and "don't you want to want to suck my dick?". He asked me if I wanted to see his dick pics, and at that moment I was hanging out with my cousin and we were cracking up at this story, so I said "yes". The pics were typically really bad even though his dick was decent - surely I said nothing about it. Then he sent me a photo of his ex sucking his dick in the woods, and got upset that I was unresponsive. I don't remember how it ended, he just probably gave up (after a week or so). But not for long.
He wrote to me in a few months asking if I wanted to fuck, I said no. Then he wrote in three YEARS with the same question, adding that now he got his own flat (as if this were a problem). And then he wrote after two more years, asking the same question and wondering if I were still a virgin. I answered that he was too obtrusive, and he reacted with perplexity, like I was weird. Wrote nothing since then, it's been two years. So maybe he eventually got it that I wasn't really interested. Took him long though.