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No. 147193
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i'll start us off. i think i have a fucking hemorrhoid or something right on my asshole. it's a round bump, it doesn't hurt and doesn't feel solid. what do i do, anons. doctor google is useless and the thought of making my doctor look at my bootyhole makes me want to die
No. 147200
>>147196is your skin usually dry anon? maybe there is a vitamin deficiency you have that causes dry skin but it shows more prominently on your scalp.
my embarassing health topic is that i went through labiaplasty before, took me a year to save the money. i had it because i self-harmed on my labia before and it kinda showed plus made me insecure. i got botched by the doctor so now i have wonky lips. yey.
No. 147202
>>147201sorry i'm retarded, what do you mean "pop it back in." god i'm going to get real tmi. i first noticed it because i was checking out my bootyhole in the mirror, as you do, and when i pushed/flexed (kms) i noticed it. i kind of pushed it back in at the time and prayed it would go away. is that what you mean? it doesn't hurt, like at all.
…do they even go away? i'm a bit of a deviant and like butt stuff, so i don't want my bf to see it. plus i don't think penetration would help matters.
No. 147214
>>147205ahh okay. i don't think it was there before, though… are they something that can develop, or is it possible that i just never noticed it before?
what does yours look like, and where is it? christ that's a weird question. i ask because mine doesn't look like the google image results for "skin tag" and it seems weird that it would be right on/practically inside my asshole though
sorry to be retarded and gross everyone, i'm just a bit worried and want to see if i can figure this out before making a doctor look at my ass
No. 147379
>>147193Lmao same. Mine doesn't hurt either, but sometimes it bleeds. The bump has always been there. I was embarrassed when I went to the gynecologist and she was like "looks like you have a hemorrhoid."
>>147378Those will destroy your plumbing. They say "flushable" but they're actually not. Just use the sink to wet some regular toilet paper and use that.
No. 147405
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How do you deal with your vaginas' smell?
I know smell depends on bacterial flora and that we often go through undetected infections that give strong odour to vagina.
I've always been somewhat paranoid about this because it always seems my vagina has a smell so I never ask my bf to perform oral on me, despite washing me regularly and especially before every intercourse.
I do routine checks at the gynaecologist and last time she told me I had vaginitis based on the smell that she never detected before on me, so she prescribed me one week of vaginal suppositories and monthly douche.
Since then my paranoia has grown bigger. The fact is, when I wash it the smell seems normal, but after a few hours and especially if I sweated (not to mention peed) the smell comes back.
So, is the smell normal in all unwashed vaginas or is it just me being wrong?
No. 147410
>>147405Maybe you don't wipe right. I had that the longest time, like some piss was caught by the lips. Maybe it's the anatomy of some vaginas
I'm sure I had a hemorrhoid for one day and it just went away, had that happened twice in my life.
Also I have a mad dandruff problem like the other anon here. Head and shoulders helps actually but fucks up my hair so I don't use it anymore. My mom used all kind of home remedies on m, head but nothing worked.
Something I'm really a bit worried about is that I have slime (clear or yellowish) after I take a shit leaking out of my asshole.
No. 147414
>>147405Go to a different gyno, and don’t ever douche your vagina. Douching actually makes you more likely to develop bacterial vaginosis.
Some degree of smell is normal, but this is clearly something that is worrying you, so again, go to a different gyno, if there is something wrong like BV you will need antibiotics or other medication to deal with it.
No. 147415
>>147414She's been my gyno for 5 years, only detected the smell once (vaginitis later confirmed by pap test).
She recommended the monthly douche because I have a IUD and douche is to prevent bacteria proliferation due to presence of the strings.
I never smelled another woman's vagina so I really can't tell if I am exaggerating or not.
No. 147422
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I have literal homeless feet. Nail fungus which goes on for idk how long (can't remember the last time I wore sandals in public), foot fungus and ridiculous thick corneal.
I have also very yellow teeth that stain very fast, even when I get them regularly cleaned at the dentist.
From time to time I have this patchy and itchy rash that comes whenever I'm stressed. It comes and goes so idk
No. 147426
>>147422Ew spoiler
>can't remember the last time I wore sandals in publicThat's not helping. Foot problems take a long time to fix but it's all painless and easy stuff, it's only a matter of applying creams as often as possible, keeping your feet well ventilated and disinfecting your shoes. You're an adult anon, fix that literal fungus.
I hope every anon here with a slightly yellow toenail or cracked heels reads this and goes out and buys some treatment gel for it, during lockdown is the best time you're ever going to to get to stop this from becoming permanent.
t. an anon who beat a yellow toenail this summer
No. 147970
>>147935Seriously yes it's ugly but how often is somebody going to be staring directly at your naked butthole?
Why bother being embarrassed if only you know it exists.
Even during doggy the guy wouldn't be spreading your cheeks to stare at your butthole.
No. 148065
>>147422Same. Not to that level but it's pretty bad.
Anyone have advice on how to take better care of your feet? I feel like I'm super lost.
No. 148111
>>148067Same as what
>>148088 said. Mine has been out for about five years now. After first my poops were like that. And still every once in a blue moon but im normal now. I have noticed I will get very painfully gassy every once in awhile but it passes quickly.
No. 148134
>>147970i am a deviant unfortunately. i think that's how i got it, honestly. on top of straining too hard whenever i cleaned myself, i physically pushed myself too hard (during some solo action) somewhat recently
>>148072what was it called, if you remember? i'll probably suck it up and ask my doctor about it next time i go
No. 148152
>>148149I definitely cannot orgasm through PIV because of similar reasons. I try to focus on the intimate part (being close, open, vulnerable) of sex because focusing on what feels good vag wise is a lost cause.
Weirdly I can handle tampons and period stuff without feeling woozy.
No. 148153
>>148152I am the same as you and I can't finger myself for that reason. PIV is fine with me, but if I put my fingers in myself I
trigger my vasovagal response which makes me faint. It's fucking shit.
No. 148170
>>148086Okay, yeah, I can imagine there are more aggressive versions of it. Mine haven't come back in years, though.
>>148134Family Care Hemorrhoidal Ointment. Just looked at it again and it's more for the pain relief but I was definitely less miserable after using it.
No. 148323
I get cysts around my vagina/upper inner thighs, sometimes around my bum and occasionally have bum acne as well. They're really painful when they pop up which isn't super often, but when they do, they stick around for too long and hurt. I don't know whether to go to a derm, an obgyn, or my GP, but either way, I am SO embarrassed. I've been just dealing with them for years, but I want to start treating them bc I want them to go away faster and more permanently, but damn, it is really, really embarrassing, especially since most other things about my body are generally normal and attractive.
No. 148367
>>148321tmi but i don't think it was the actual sex in my case. this is just my theory, but i think it was from straining way too hard every time i shit or went to clean my bootyhole for fun times. i also did some solo stuff after not doing any butt stuff for a good while, and i pushed myself way too far. i could feel a…not a tear, i don't know how to describe it, like a pop, maybe? right on the ring
>>148170but yours did go away, right? how long did that take, and do you think it was the ointment that did it? also, did you see your GP or a gyno or something?
No. 148381
medfag here
hemorrhoids can form secondary to anal penetration if you get local trauma (basically if you don't prepare properly by stretching it slowly, and don't use enough lube) constipation, pregnancy, sometimes they can also appear when you have to lift heavy weights (it depends on the person)
They don't go away easily, they usually only go if you have surgery, which is done when there's too much bleeding or/and pain involved.
You can help the pain by drinking lots of water to avoid constipation, avoiding seating on the toilet for too long, not eating spicy foods (you know, the level of spicy that actually irritates your anus) and using hemorrhoid creams/ointments
if you try everything but it still bothers you too much, go to a coloproctologist, I know having someone checking your anus is embarrassing as fuck but seriously, having a bleeding painful anus is worse, don't be shy, I've checked many butts before and I can't even remember details anymore since we see so many people all the time.
*sorry for the crappy english, I'm latina
>>147192>>148367 No. 148447
>>148381thank you medfag anon ilu
is it possible for them to go away on their own, though? mine doesn't hurt (except during penetration, so that's on hold) so i don't know if my doctor would recommend surgery. i'm kind of bummed, ngl. i'm a degen and like anal so i'd really like to be rid of it :(
No. 148449
>>148367ayrt - I'm really lucky because my mom is a doctor, and she's the one who prescribed me that ointment I mentioned. She told me chronic hemorrhoids can run in the family (but as far as we know, not ours); maybe that's the case for you if you finds yours are super persistent.
I definitely have NOT have problems for over a year; I don't know if that means they're gone for good but even after a couple bouts of constipations I haven't felt them return. It probably really varies.
No. 148532
>>148527okay i finally looked
there are two things i think are skin tags. one of them is now red and inflamed and like i said hurts to touch… it now looks like the popped version of what i was assuming is a zit. i'm so confused. guess i need to see a doctor if i have these many concerns. who do i even see, though? my GP, a gyno, a dermatologist??
No. 148566
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I have a really hairy body. Hairy asscheeks, back, chest, stomach, & even hair all over my face..including the top of my nose. The strange part is, I hardly have hair on my armpits or much pubic hair, but hair grows everywhere that I refuse to even shave or wax anymore since it grows back the next couple of hours. I have very pale skin & dark body hair, so it's extremely visible. It sucks, but my boyfriend doesn't care at all so I'm good. He hardly has any hair which is funny. I'm just his sasquatch gf.
No. 148592
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Extremely gross/tmi: since I started taking iron supplements it literally looks like this every time I take a shit. it’s gray-black and runny and smells really strongly of blood. I know it’s normal when you’re on the supplements but still every time I end up thinking “what the fuck just came out of my body am I dying”
No. 148593
>>148592Haha, I feel you. I remember I was genuinely scared when I saw my shit when I took iron supplements, even though I knew what to expect.
One time I was eating out with my bf when his best friend called him in panic after taking a weird looking shit. BF was giggling while calming his friend down and explaining to him he'll be just fine, no he won't die, it's just because of the iron he started taking.
Seems it's instinctual to get alarmed at your shit looking funky.
No. 148597
>>148595>just squeeze a lemon???
How can drinking more acid help with combating acid? You need a base to neutralise acid.
If anon doesn't want to buy antacids, she can just dissolve a spoon of baking soda in some water, it's a base and it works perfectly at neutralising stomach acid.
No. 148602
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I have a big, long skin tag/mole right near my fucking asshole. I've had it all my life and it doesn't irritate me really and I have no issues with cleaning down there (it doesn't get dirty) but, it will stretch out sometimes from sitting or when I do certain exercises/activities (biking). I want to get it removed eventually but, my main question is I'm not sure if it is a skin tag or mole or has another name for it? It's basically shaped like a mole, is lifted like a skin tag but, stretches out way further then most skin tags. Any ideas? I don't dare to cut it off myself because if I even pull on it I feel it. Maybe I have a fucking tiny tail, someone explain.
No. 148626
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I'm experiencing some excessive hair shedding this month and its fucking me up so bad. The hairs have no follicles when i checked will i be fucking bald at the end of the year
No. 148660
>>148655I wouldn't call mine stubble but I have a few random hairs that grow on my chin and cheeks that are thick and dark. Thankfully they're so few and sporadically located that I can just keep them plucked w no real issues.
I do have rather thick sideburns but they're not terminal hair like a beard, just dark peach fuzz, but it's kinda embarrassing so I either wax or nair them every few months
No. 148672
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>>147196>>147410Do either of you use a scalp massager for the dandruff? I had the same problem and the only thing that's reduced it is using pic related. The spikes bend easily and don't get all caught up in long af hair, and you don't have to press very hard at all. I like using it while my hair's still dry then again in the shower. Also it just feels nice lmao
>>148626It'll be okay anon!! There could be a lot of factors. I've been in the same boat this summer and can chalk it up to pulling it back a lot, stress, the amount of nutrients I've been getting, or all of the above. Are you getting enough protein too, anon? That's a big one
I hope all the anons having trouble w/ their hair can figure out a solution. muah
No. 148677
>>148672Ooohh, I got one from target for the same reason. I thought it'd get tangled in my hair esp since it vibrates
But so far so good!
No. 148679
>>148637Anon I get this too. For most of my life I thought it was my anxiety from back when I had to wake up early for high school because I get nauseous too. Then it happened to me when I had to wake up earlier for work one time, my stomach was upset, I was nauseous, and not full on diarrhea like yours but I want to know my my stomach gets so upset when I wake up too early. Then it goes away later in the morning. I also can't eat early in the morning either, even if it is later in the morning.
Any search on it just yields morning sickness results.
No. 148686
>>148679I experience the same thing because of anxiety. Usually it's only during work days, but if I have a pregnancy scare it'll happen too.
But it's the worst in the morning and will go away after a few hours. No appetite and feeling nauseous. I usually can't eat before 12:00.
A few weeks back I was actually dry heaving. I wasn't sure if I was sick, or anxious because of thinking I was pregnant and I had a meeting at work I was nervous about. I forget what happened but essentially I realized it was because of anxiety.>>148679
>>148679 No. 149746
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I went to the doctor about this issue today and she gave me some advice and antibiotics but gave no real suggestion what the problem could be other than it might not be a UTI but,
I've had chronic urethra and bladder pain and trouble since early childhood but in the past couple of weeks it's the worst it's ever been and nothing like any pain I've experienced before down there.
I've been almost completely unable to pass urine for over a week and the pain is simply unbearable.
I'm extremely careful about avoiding getting things like towel fibers on my genitalia and never use scented soap to wash it, I'm starting to feel that my urethra is somehow… faulty? My whole life my damn piss sprays out of the toilet often when sitting down despite having a vagina and my ex gf told me this wasn't normal and I was surprised.
It feels like if you put a spoon under a high pressure tap basically and I can almost even aim pee when standing up.
I've seen countless doctors in my life about these issues and had my genitalia inspected once but they never know what's wrong with me.
I don't think it could be an STI because I haven't been sexually active in 5 years and only have been with 2 partners and I was the first person either had slept with.
Most experience was as a teenager with a girl my own age who also had no previous sexual experience so I doubt it's something transmitted.
When I was a teenager I remember taking a urine sample and crying from the pain of pushing it out into the cup and then my doctor saying something along the lines of "There was visible blood in your sample but your pee is normal" which was incredibly useless.
I've never regularly masturbated for multiple reasons but mainly because the urethra stinging sensation afterwards is simply too painful for me and lasts for sometimes 24hrs no matter how gentle I am. I'm so beyond sick of this.
I even installed a detachable shower hair to make sure I'm washing it effectively to prevent problems but it's not enough.
I doubt anyone has an answer to what possibly causes this but I'm curious if any other anons can relate or have experienced problems like this, am I just stuck having piss that stings the fuck out of me and no sex life for the rest of my life? The most shameful part is the pain made me develop a mild pee kink as a child I assume as some kind of warped coping mechanism combined with being too exposed to deviantart unsupervised too young.
>>147196I have the same issue anon, thankfully I don't have dark hair at least but such massive gross flakes constantly get in my eyebrows and falls onto my face and it's really gross.
I was diagnosed with both eczema and something similar to psoriasis (I forgot the name unfortunately but it isn't the same thing just similar symptoms and not dandruff).
If the flaking doesn't feel slightly scaly it might just be that you have sensitive skin so don't worry too hard but I get that it's stressful. For me stressing over it makes it more severe which gets me stuck in an endless cycle.
Using a pharmaceutical shampoo called Nizoral helped me pretty immensely and might help whether it's dandruff or a skin condition.
I don't recommend things like head and shoulders shampoo the chemicals made my skin dryness much worse tbh.
I'm sensitive to certain chemicals and shit like that in most shampoos and conditioner.
>>148672Bless you anon, I'm definitely gonna try to buy a scalp massager, that sounds so comfy compared to normal brushes.
No. 149749
>>149746Hey, I have had almost similar problem since I was 14 and went on birth control. Urethra just went really strange and would flare up in pain, while tests came back that there was no bacteria present.
I have spent 8 years searching and even going ti foreign doctors, and in the end the answer was that we just have extreme sensitive urethra/bladder. I am not satisfied with this answer and think it could be that the urethra is too small or too thin (you can ask a doctor about an op where they stretch it but I haven't looked into this).
Some things that have helped for me are drinking probiotics every day (yes every day drink them), and taking D Mannose tablets/powder in your water. After months of taking these I stopped getting so much pains altogether, though if I drink too much soda one day it can easily flare up again.
No. 150333
>>149994It’ll be okay anon. I have endrometriosis and I’ve had 4 abortions over the last 8 years. Definitely do the surgical/suction, the pill fucked me up for weeks. It is incredibly painful and hard to handle alone. The surgical method is bearable but definitely opt for taking the morphine. You won’t remember most of the procedure, but be sure someone is there with you to help for a few hours directly afterwards. Have a heating pad ready, and eat plenty of iron rich food before going in. Expect to have contractions as if giving birth, but only for 30seconds - 3 minutes. I very strongly recommend staying away from the pill. Both times I tried it, I had infections, a fever and weakness up to a full month after taking it.
You got this babe. It’s your body, your choice. Make sure you have emotional support, your hormones will be out of whack for a bit
No. 150396
>>150364Is it at all possible for you to pull it to the surface with a needle and tweezers in front of a mirror? The most important part is to pull the hair up without completely tweezing it out, so the area can heal and the hair won't just grow back underneath a scar.
Otherwise, seeing a dermatologist and using something like Tend Skin after shaving from now on is your best bet. I had an ingrown pube for a month or two and my dermatologist prescribed a cream that helped.
No. 150534
>>149982thank you, but that's kind of vague lmao…what is the name of this chinese brand?
My doctor gave me a topical solution that did nothing. I've been using tea tree oil pretty consistently 3x a day for about 4 months now but it's really only made a difference in one toe. Plus, if I leave that toe alone for like two days, it comes back immediately.
No. 151407
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rroid anon here
it's now larger, a bit painful, and doesn't stay inside. gonna suck it up and schedule an appointment with my gp
No. 151752
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does anyone else get really bad armpit hair? i'll shave it and throughout the day it already grows back (not fully) and it's really itchy and makes me sweat quite a bit. i have a lot of "pit stains" on my clothing although i wear and use deodorant whenever i possibly can i even keep 2 extra deodorants in my bag and 3 at home just in case i run out of them. i dont have any other body hair thats as bad and annoying as my armpits and i have no idea how to deal with it. the hairs are as thick as pubes too its disgusting and embarrassing..
No. 151763
>>151752I let my armpit hair grow out a bit between shaves (shaving maybe fortnightly) and ime that amount of hair isn't really enough to affect hygiene. Shaved or hairy it does just sound like you're a heavy sweater
I've seen other posters here say that natural pits actually 'wick' the sweat. Just looked it up and wiki says
> The evolutionary significance of human underarm hair is still debated. It may naturally wick sweat or other moisture away from the skin, aiding ventilation. No. 153446
>>153441You know how they do like, skin peels for people’s faces for scarring? Maybe see if there’s a body-safe version. Probably wouldn’t be pleasant but if it’s really weighing on you it could be worth it.
Eczema can definitely mess your skin up. Partner has chronic eczema on his butt and back and when the skin breaks he sometimes gets staph colonisation. He’s got some burn looking scars from it.
A urea/SA moisturiser like the cerave urea cream might help smooth out the bumpiness and help prevent the pores from blocking up again. Hope you find something that works
No. 163465
sorry in advance if this is gross, but that's kinda what this thread is for I guess.
anyway, for the past few months or so, I've been having trouble holding in poop.
whenever I have to shit I have to shit right then or else. like, it's super urgent. I'm able to hold it in most times (just barely) but I don't like risking it.
today, however, I was not. I just shit myself. I was on the phone with my insurance, and felt diarrhea abruptly coming on. I didn't want to go have diarrhea while I was on the phone so I tried to hold it in…. bad choice. it just starting forcing itself out. oh, and it was the burning kind of diarrhea. it kept coming out, and I kept thinking it was done but more would come out.
later when I finally was able to get into the bathroom, there was shit everywhere. on my legs, my ass, even my vagina. yes, shit got into my vagina. it was the pure liquid shit too which made it even harder to clean up. I tried to clean it out of my vagina, but I eventually stopped because I think I was just making it worse and pushing it further. anyways, now my vagina is itchy and burny feeling.
I couldn't get in the shower because our shower broke 3 years ago and since my parents don't give two fucks about hygiene they never bothered to fix it. if I want to shower, I have to go to the gym. oh did I mention this all happened right after I took a shower there?
I didn't even it anything out of the ordinary today (or yesterday) or even have coffee which can make me poop. I'm convinced this may have been a side effect of one my medications.
and before you ask, no, I've never had anal sex or shoved things up my butthole.
No. 163571
>>163561Physio vids I watched said it isn't reversable? Hmm.
>>163562No its a dowagers hump.
No. 163577
>>163572I don't know either and it fucking sucks. I just know it's very prevalent in my family.
I noticed I had a strange painless "lump" there since I was maybe 13 yo? Way before any sex and not interested in anal anyway. My diet is fine. I had a bout of constipation a few weeks ago that made my asshole painful for the first time.
What pisses me off is that while I am not perfect health wise, I am not doing anything crazy. My diet is fine, not enough fiber maybe? But I almost never eat industrial food. I am not the most fit person but I have a 20 BMI and I run a lot. Never been fat, never smoked and I drink like once a year. Seriously why am I cursed with shitty old people diseases…
No. 163800
>>163641>>163577>>163572Jesus Christ!!! Anons, hemorrhoids is not old ppl disease. Everyone gets it. It just happens more often with ppl in their 40s. There are three kinds of hemorrhoids:internal, external, and mixed. If it hurts, it’s external or mixed. If it does not, it’s internal. Hemorrhoid is the engorgement of the venous system of your anal canal. Lack of fibers, chronic irritation to anal canal (e.g. anal sex), old age (degeneration of connective tissues that protect your vessels), pregnancy, prolonged sitting, straining, and chronic constipation are risks for hemorrhoids. Adding a little natural laxative to your diets (e.g beans, apples) will make a difference. If you’re too lazy to change the diet, go get a package of docusate, mix it with water and drink it every day. Soft stool guarantee.
I know what you think and the answer is no, docusate is the stool softener. It does not cause diarrhea.
No. 164311
>>164287Yes I go to laser hair removal and lady there told me the reason why it seems like hair grows thicker and more dense when you shave is because 2-3 strands come from the same pore, idk how but its very normal
>>147192i noticed there’s hair(2-3 medium length but kinda thick strands, thicker than leg hair similar to nipple hair) growing on my lower back, like right on my tailbone, i’m not a particularly hairy girl like i never had hair growing in different places. Could it be hormonal? Should I get checked? Also I noticed I get incredibly depressed and suicidal during my period, could this all be due to a hormonal imbalance?
No. 164875
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>lost sense of taste/smell completely a few years ago
>too anxious to go to doctor
>try to fix it by changing lifestyle
>years pass - getting healthier but sense of taste/smell still gone
>think about going to doc about it at some point
>coronavirus happens
>"loss of taste/smell" is one of the most common symptoms
>feel even less like telling docs about it
Turns out a few years of alcoholism caused acid reflux to splash into my esophagus, windpipe, and sinuses at night while sleeping - damaging my sense of smell/taste. Cutting my drinking down to a few times a month has restored most smell/taste over time.
I used to casually tell people I lost my sense of smell but with COVID happening, I feel like I have to hide it even more than I already do. I've never brought it up with a doctor so if related issues arise in the future it's going to be a weird story.
You ladies don't know how much I missed the smell of simple things. Whenever I can smell something 100%, I will spend a few minutes savoring it in case I lose my sense again. Cardboard, celery, ballpoint pen ink, warm laundry from the dryer, gasoline– all smells I missed. Savor your senses.
No. 164902
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>>164887I don't even remember. Ballpark 4-5 days a week and at least 4 drinks on a single night. Binges could be 10+ drinks. It was a bad coping mechanism while I worked an awful job while living with a usually absent
abusive family member.
I'm lucky I only had an emotional dependency but the physical repercussions of heavy drinking hit hard long before addiction.
No. 165111
I wanna share something embarrassing that ended up serious. Thought it might help someone.
I've always had some issues with constipation, and I have endometriosis. I stopped taking birth control for that because it was fucking with my mental health, but so what, a lot of women have endo. I gradually got accustomed to being in pain and having bowel symptoms around my period.
Because of that sometimes I have hemorrhoids, whatever, I just deal with them, right? Bright red blood in the loo is not that alien to me, and I know it's not really serious.
Well over the summer I was fucking depressed. Lost three close family members, isolated myself from friends, went through a breakup. I was running and a lot and annoyed that my abdomen still seemed a little puffy despite all the exercise, but endo - I'm used to seeing that off and on.
I started pooing pure blood. Like streams of blood without any actual poop. But no real pain, so I just figured I had an internal hemorrhoid somewhere and it ruptured. I was losing a lot of blood though, sometimes cups. Ignored it, it went away after a few weeks.
A couple months later, I am feeling nauseous again and end up throwing up bile with a lot of pain in my stomach. I thought maybe I had an infection. After 3 days of pain I go to the emergency room. Apparently part of my intestine was twisted and dying. I had surgery that day and had to get about a foot of intestine cut out. It's not clear whether the endo was the cause but highly likely. I was in the hospital for 9 days. And now I have a scar on my belly button, plus scars from drains, and I lost a ton of weight but have a puffy belly from surgery.
don't ignore bleeding from your butt. I was stupid (and depressed, but still stupid)
No. 165112
>>165089Anon, try plain mineral oil and liquid docusate sodium. They are better than debrox if you happen to be one of those that have ear dryness or actively shedding a bunch of skin from the ears.
If that does not work, try finding someone with experience in ear irrigation which involve syringe 200 mL of either saline or 10:1 hydrogen peroxide into the ears and rinse them out.
If both these don’t work, then you happen to be one of the unfortunate soul that needs manual removal of ear wax. There are two ways: the rogue way and the professional way.
The profession way is straightforward. You go to ENT specialist that will regularly remove earwax for you. That involve a bullshit visit to the office and let them take a look of your ear with an overpriced otoscope and suction. Since they can clearly see your tympanic membrane, there’s nearly zero chance of perforating it unless your doctor happen to have too much fun prior to your treatment.
The rogue way. You remove it yourself. Worst case scenario, you puncture your ear drum. If that happens, your doctor will prescribe you antibiotics drop to prevent infection. Assume things go well, it should heal on its own within hours to days. If it is something serious, be ready to see your ENT for further recommendation.
Your AnonQuack.
No. 165115
>>164902Sorry to hear what you’ve been through, anon. Assuming your problem arose from chemical damage and not due to viral or brain tumors, there’s a chance it may come back. Unlike other neurons, olfactory neurons do have regenerative capabilities. Depending on various factors, it can occur over a period of days or even years.
My advice is to get treated for your reflux, stay sober, avoid further damage to your olfactory neuron (quit smoking, drinking, etc), and do some smell training if you ever want your ability to smell to come back. It may not be 100%, but having some degree of recovery is better than nothing.
No. 165155
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I found a big, hard, weird bump in my vagina and got an urgent appointment at a doctor. The doctor looked around with the opener tool and said she doesn't see anything, and I thought she was stupid because the lump was the size of a medium sized grape. She looked and looked, put some other tools in and felt around for some time and it turns out I was the stupid one because apparently it wasn't a cancerous lump, it was just my fucking cervix. I wasted this doctors time during a pandemic just because I am a retard who doesn't even know what a cervix is supposed to feel like. To my defence, the sex ed regarding female shit in my school was basically "vagina is this mysterious hole somewhere and babies come out of it" and the lump was in a weird angle so I'm not that mad at myself, but still
No. 165160
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>>165111When was your last lap omfg
No. 165169
but the surgery to repair my intestine was a laparotomy too. There was endo all over that section of intestine.
I have to follow up with a specialist gyn now (I live in a different country now so I had been putting this off).
I know it was dumb to ignore that symptom but I've had rectal bleeding before, and had drs dismiss it as internal hemorrhoids even after I was diagnosed with endometriosis. Granted, it was never that much, but when you have been shut down in the past and now you're faced with it in a foreign country, well…
If I had had pain, I'm sure I would have gone to a dr. But hemorrhoids are often categorized as "bleeding from the rectum without pain." I had discomfort then, but no pain directly associated with the bleeding (just discomfort, but I was used to that).
I did have nausea and a couple isolated episodes of vomiting over the summer but I blamed food choices or too much caffeine. It wasn't until I had intense pain + vomiting bile that I went to the emergency clinic. Even then, I tried to wait it out.
If I had waited longer, and my intestine had perforated, I might not be here writing this post.
No. 165203
>>165112The wax is completely hardened from what I can tell. I'm kind of hesitant to do anything else on my own because from what I understand I could just end up making it worse
Myy clinic isn't even open for the next two days and I just called a different office that told me they aren't doing earwax removal during covid.
I really don't understand how this is such a big deal. I thought impacted earwax was a fairly common problem. My boyfriend has the same thing happen to him a year or so ago and the amount of time it took someone to actually remove it for him was insane.
No. 167313
>>167306If it's an ongoing issue then it sounds more like interstitial cystitis. If you'd had a bunch of untreated UTIs you would know about it as the infection would escalate and make your urine pungent, then spread to your kidneys and make you very ill.
I have interstitial cystitis and it makes it hard for me to judge if I need to see a doc or not, I've tested negative for UTIs at times when I was convinced I had one. I've had an overactive bladder for about ten years now so a change in the smell is IME the best indicator of when it's a full on infection versus IC flare ups.
No. 168008
>>167819this is retarded, but my stupid fucking big toes stopped growing and haven't for over 3 months.. (i could tell from nail polish compared to other toes). i start to try make positive changes like not wearing socks all the time, wearing shoes less, massaging with tea tree oil for potential fungal infection so that they might grow again, and one of the fuckers gets so damn infected at the base of the nail (not on the sides like an ingrown tho), puffing up, red, swollen - descustang. i soak them every day in espom salts and wipe with iodine. i can see the nails rising from the bed now.. wtf? is there another nail growing underneath or some shit? infection has gone down but whenever i press the base it leaks a little puss. the big toe nails themselves are yellow (but they aren't hard or flakey to indicate fungal infection? my bloods are also normal so i don't think it's nutrition, but i do bruise fucking easy despite not being anemic.. don't smoke, drink, etc.). i hate feet and just want my big toe nails to grow again but can't afford a podiatrist.
No. 168466
>>167812I have this as well, kind of, but anything I hear/see that has to do with early childhood I feel tears welling up completely involuntarily - kids books, lullaby's, designs made for babies, toddlers asking their parents questions, etc. I hate it so goddamn much. I didn't have a miscarriage, nor do I want a child, no trauma with wanting a kid. I dont even
like kids that much. Very weird.
No. 170092
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anons am I dying? Lately I’ve been waking up with tons of bruises on my legs. I literally sit around and do nothing all day so there’s no way I got these from banging into things. I have a once a week yoga class and I feel like I look like some sort of abuse victim. I’ve always been easy to bruise but every few months I get these periods where the bruising becomes ridiculous, like right now. Do any of you have this problem or know what could be causing it?
No. 170150
>>151407So I never ended up seeing a doctor about it but it went away, didn't do anything special, just left it alone and stopped being so aggressive when I clean my bunghole
Just in case anyone was wondering lmfao
No. 170153
>>170092Look normal to me. It’s definitely bruises, not melanoma or any skin malignancy. You said you sit all day and can’t bang you leg against anything but did you apply any pressure them AT ALL.
It doesn’t take a serious hit to any parts of your body to get bruised. It can happen by virtue of pressure (resting your elbow on your leg, cross your leg, etc).
The underlying reason why someone is more easily bruised are not always explained. Some maybe deficient in vitamin C, a coenzyme for collagen synthesis that maintains your ECM. However, scurvy is rare nowadays considering the food abundance. Some may have hematological disorder that cause you to easily bleed and bruised. There are many of them but they are extremely rare even for the most common one which is vWF deficiency.
Last but least, the answer you always get from webMD:cancer. Leukemia and lymphoma can interfere with platelet and makes you susceptible to bleeding -> bruise.
My advice tldr: unless you have anemic signs (lightheaded, increased HR, pallor, excessive menstrual bleeding, etc), I wouldn’t worry too much. Scurvy could be the cause but it’s unlikely in your case. The treatment for scurvy is nutritional support anyway.
No. 170281
>>170276Just buy some iron pills and take them for a few weeks to see if you feel better. Might be low blood pressure as well.
If you're really worried about it go to the GP, low iron is quite common and boring so they won't think you're a munchie lol, you'll just get bloods done and find out once and for all.
No. 172968
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Anons i need help. so my eyelashes randomly started falling out and i have no idea why. i don't wear makeup at the moment and haven't for like a year, and i don't use any skincare products on my eyes, i literally cleanse my face with water and moisturise with lotion and that's it. it's so random and idk what to do, has anyone else experienced this?
No. 172973
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I’m pretty sure I have some kind of fungal skin infection on my crotch. I have dry patches that look sort of like liver spots which have been there since the summer. I’ve hooked up with people and none of them noticed but now I think I have more of them lol. Should I try rubbing lemon juice on them or something?
No. 173100
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Just got my first well woman's exam, doctor told me (as did my body, very angrily) that I most likely have vaginismus. It explains… quite a bit. Anyone got experience with this? Doctor told me to get one of those magical dilation kits and I'm… I'm not sure how to feel at the moment. Embarrassed and somewhat baffled. The human body is a mystery.
No. 173364
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>>172973Absolutely the last place I expected to see a vernacular text in gothic script. I bet it's the Roman de Renart. (Reynard the fox)
No. 173391
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I’m going to get a manicure/pedicure tomorrow and I have a blister in my left foot from trying to break into my Ralph Lauren flats and vans.
Is it still safe to get the pedicure? I did wash it clean while I was bathing so it shouldn’t look too bad, right?
No. 173399
>>173393Lol, I also scrolled past this image cautiously
>>173391Think you’ll be fine, just let them know about it beforehand
No. 173777
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Sometimes I literally cannot pee despite my bladder being painfully full. At first it only happened in the morning so I assumed it was my muscles keeping me from bed wetting having trouble unclenching themselves but now I have a hard time peeing midday in my own comfortable bathroom. It’s like my bladder won’t “unclench”, and the more I get upset about it the harder it is to release. What the fuck?
No. 173791
>>173753I have a similar issue and idk why but it's possible to "train your bladder". It's not recommended to hold pee generally unless you suffer from an overactive bladder.
I'll also have to work on it and quit slacking. Sometimes when I sleep I hold so much more without discomfort waking up and I'm pretty healthy, so I think it's just some overreaction or bad habit from always peeing early.
Also, technically bladders can't burst, in the case of it filling so much, your brain would override your muscles and you'd just pee. No. 173806
>>173796 said, and another anon once gave me the tip to slowly breathe out of your mouth during it as if you're blowing through some straw or something, which helped me too.
No. 216713
I vented about this a while back but I'm just still so fucking miserable, I'm in actual hell and I don't know what to do anymore
so 2 years ago I felt like I had a UTI. I basically felt like my bladder wasn't emptying all the way. I was 25 then and only had a UTI once before in my life when I was a kid. I'm not sexually active, have only been once in my life. that was 2 years ago and we broke up about a month or so before I got the UTI. we were together a short time and never even ended up having sex but sometimes he would play with my clit with his hands. I don't think that's how I got it though. I went to the doctor when I first started having UTI symptoms and they tested me and said I hate a UTI and gave me antibiotics but my symptoms never went away. I would go back every couple of months and each time they would test me and say "yeah you have a UTI, take these antibiotics" and the fucking symptoms never waned one bit. then in 2020 I stopped going altogether because they were saying "don't go to the doctor if you're not actively dying" etc etc.
then earlier this year, probably around march, my UTI symptoms got even worse, to where I was having to pee like 1-2 times every hour and very little would come out. I went back to the doctor, same thing happened as always, took the antibiotics and my symptoms never went away. finally I went back in july and told the doctor everything (I almost always see a different doctor because I go to the walk in clinic so I see whoever's available). she tells me I might have BV, because it can cause recurring UTIs. which should be common sense, but I never had proper sex education and my parents never talked to me about any of this stuff, so. she gives me antibiotics and says to come back if I complete them and still have symptoms. I completed them and still had symptoms so I went back.
I saw a different doctor and told him everything. he had me do a test for BV where he gave me a cotton swab type thing to put in my vagina to get a swab. and putting that thing in fucking hurt. but yes, it came back that I had BV. so he gave me these insert things with gel that was supposed to clear up my BV, but due to things fucking hurting being put in there, I couldn't get the tubes in deep enough and it didn't cure my BV.
so I went back again and saw a nurse practioner. she found out I had BV, a yeast infection and a UTI. so I was taking 3 antibiotics all at once. she had me come back after I finished them, and I didn't have a UTI or yeast infection anymore but I still had BV. so I took pills for that yet again. went back and still had it. so now she prescribed me pills and gel to insert but I have been hesitating to take them and do the insert treatment because I know I can't put anything in there without it hurting. and not too long ago my symptoms got even worse, to where I have to pee like 3 or 4 times an hour, even after my UTI was gone and for a while I was even having pelvic pain. they actually did a pelvic exam and ultrasounded my bladder and said it was working "just fine" and it "mostly emptied" when I peed which CANNOT be right. so she prescribed me a bladder relaxant pill to help with the frequent urination. I started taking the bladder relaxant, and in addition to having to pee frequently I started just having this phantom pee feeling of like I might need to go and I might not. I literally always have that feeling now. always, even directly after peeing. at least I used to have a solid 15-20 minutes of not having to feel like I have to pee, but I don't even have that luxury anymore. I took the pills for about 5 days and stopped, but I'm still having that phantom pee feeling, and I think it's the pills that did that but I don't know anymore. I have an appointment with a urologist because the nurse practioner referred me, but they asked me to bring my medicaid card as my only insurance is medicaid, and the numbers rubbed off my medicaid card after only like a month of having it, and now I can't even find it at all, and I can't figure out how to get a replacement because they make it really fucking hard and complicated to get a replacement. that appointment is in 2 weeks and I don't know if I can get a new card by then. on top of the having to pee 24/7 I also have BV that I can't get rid of. and I can't talk to anyone about it, even my family, because it's just too fucking embarrassing and the last time I tried to open up to my mom about something personal she looked really uncomfortable. so I'm just suffering in silence.
I just don't know what to fucking do anymore. I want to cry just thinking about it. I can't fucking live like this anymore and I gave up trying to research my symptoms because search engines are fucking retarded and don't understand what I'm trying to google and just want to bombard me with ads and it just makes me want to cry and kms even more
No. 216721
>>216713get a MicrogenDX panel done. you could have ureaplasma/mycoplasma/strep b. the subreddit /r/healthyhooha is very helpful with this, and there is a guide in /r/ureaplasma to obtaining this panel.
the urinary symptoms you have now could be from a pelvic floor dysfunction since you're no longer testing positive for utis. when i was extremely stressed due to infection issues, i developed pelvic floor issues. the chronic BV and yeast is definitely not a pelvic floor issue, though. i would guess that the bv/yeast is actually a strep or ureaplasma infection. and i would also guess that the formerly recurring UTIs were from that same thing. when you go to walk in clinics for UTI, they usually just use a pee stick. if it tests positive for leukocytes, they say it's a UTI. walk-in clinics tend to not do the necessary cultures. however, leukocytes in urine can also be from strep or ureaplasma. they are simply a sign your body is fighting an infection.
i hope this helps
nonny. i know how frustrating these issues are, especially because of the shame of seeking treatment.
No. 216786
>>216713I don't know as much as the anon above but I relate to the struggle. I had a series of UTIs 10 years ago and I feel like I've just had an overactive bladder ever since. I don't know if it's partly rooted in anxiety at this stage, I get nervous going anywhere new because I look for toilets everywhere I go. Some places have just closed their public toilets ever since covid started and I can't go visit those places since. On at least one occasion when I was convinced I had an active uti.. nothing showed up when tested. My doc is lazy about testing and wasn't impressed with me when that test came back clear. I'm on my countries form of reduced cost healthcare so options are limited. They won't look further into it.
I'm currentlty on macrodantin for a UTI, my symptoms are so constant that I only go the doc and seek out antibiotics when I notice the added uti symptom of really pungent smelling urine. I otherwise live with all other symptoms as if it's normal.
>I can't talk to anyone about it, even my family, because it's just too fucking embarrassing and the last time I tried to open up to my mom about something personal she looked really uncomfortable. so I'm just suffering in silence.My dad had a bladder infection a couple years back.. he has retold me the story of his infection a half dozen times. I want to rage out every time. He has no idea. He's weird about anything to do with womens health and yet his bladder infection is a story worth sharing with me time and time again lol
I know it's scary and it's frustrating but take every referral you can get, sometimes you reach a point where docs cut you off as having some 'non-problem womens thing'.. if you're being sent for more testing take it all. At least you're moving towards something.
No. 216888
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This is going to be disgusting so sorry in advance.
I get really bad stomach issues during exams. Something about the quiet class + pressure of the exam just makes my body decide it's time for explosive diarrhea and then the entire exam I'm pretty much just trying not to shit myself.
In my uni, you're not allowed to go to the bathroom in the first 30 minutes of the test, then you can go once and that usually doesn't completely solve the problem.
I've tried eating only rice&eggs the day before, not eating the day of, but it doesn't help.
The only thing that helps is taking a whole bunch of Pepto-Bismol before and during the exam. But it doesn't solve the problem 100%. I still get stomach rumbling and feeling like I need to go.
Last semester we had exams via zoom. I thought that since I was sitting in my room alone (I have social anxiety) it'd be way less pressure than sitting in a class full of people and didn't take Pepto-Bismol. We were also not allowed to go to the bathroom during the exam.
And well, I literally shat myself. Multiple times. I had to literally sit in my poop while solving math questions. Somehow still passed that test (barely). I was thankful that it was only me in my room. Had to throw away my underwear and wash my pants in the hottest setting. (Thankfully, my pants didn't get poop on them but they smelled awful)
I talked to my family doctor about this problem and she said that since it only happens when I'm nervous, what I need to treat is my anxiety.
So, I took a small dose of an anti-anxiety drug during my next exam and I did not have stomach issues. However, I could not concentrate on the questions at all. I felt like my brain was floating in space. Failed.
Anyway, we have exams soon again and I'm fucking dreading it. I have really hard subjects and it's awful to try to think while all your body wants to do is shit itself.
No. 216892
>>216850My doc has talked about IC with me and the only solution (if you can call it that) was to take antibiotics on and off for basically forever. If I'm sexually active then I should take them constantly as a preventative measure or if I'm not sexually active and my symptoms just ramp up I should take the same course of tabs on repeat whenever it gets worse.
Not in a position to afford specialists, but do they offer up a different course of treatment than that?
No. 216969
>>216892Antibiotics, wtf? IC isn't a bacterial condition.
You keep it in check by watching your acid intake in foods and drinks and keeping your stress levels and general inflammation down. Lifestyle changes, basically. Other treatments can include a TENS unit, standard painkillers, and bladder training (basically psyching yourself up to get used to it til you actually are).
No. 220060
>>220024Can you find something else to fidget with to keep your hands mindlesdly occupied when you're reading or watching something?
There's a wide variety of fidget toys that offer various types of stimulation, I'm sure you can find one that will be a good surrogate for plucking.
No. 224759
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I should definitely be talking to a doctor about this instead of asking on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, but can any anons identify whether this bump on the back of my leg is an early staph infection? I thought for ages it was just a weird ingrown hair. It’s not itchy and doesn’t have a whitehead like a pimple would, and another one very similar to it just popped up on the back of my shoulder.
No. 259221
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I seem to have a persistent sweat/heat rash on my lower back and I'm not sure how to get rid of it. I work a pretty fast-paced hospitality job and work out, so it would be difficult for me to stop sweating. I read that I should wear loose clothes, but I don't want to have to wear baggy tshirts 24/7. any tips?
No. 259357
>>259243This is going to sound weird but I tell when it's about to start bc I usually have a
raw dough or cake batter smell right before my period, at least to me, no one else gets that close there before my period kek
No. 259458
>>259243Yep and very occasionally can smell other women too if they are sitting very close to me.
I also have quite a sensitive sense of smell though.
No. 260157
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Has anyone here ever has a “fluttering” sensation in their ovaries? Like twitching? It has been happening for the past couple of days, and none of my friends seem to know what I’m talking about
No. 260299
>>260283Yeah I get this too, it's a low grade UTI (in my case). you can buy strips at the pharmacy to test if you have indicators for a UTI so you don't have to go to the doctor every time.
I don't take antibiotics every time because it doesn't hurt or anything and I have a sensitive gut. But I found eating more protein and less sugar clears it up, something about making your pee more acidic means the bacteria can't survive. And of course peeing before and after sex.
No. 260415
>>260283I've had this twice before and both times I had a uti. By the end my urine smelled like it was week old stale urine even as it freshly left my body. I ignored it for a while the first time because I had no pain or urgency. I became so self conscious that I was using wet wipes every time I peed and was avoiding oral sex completely. It was potent. I tried to drink water, I looked into acidity, I took apple cider vinegar. I took cranberry capsules and on and on with the at home stuff.. It went on so long but then cleared up in days once I got antibiotics. I don't know why I didn't go to a doc sooner. It happened again 3 years later and I didn't delay that time. Only needed 3 days of an antibiotic the second time.
Rough penetration was the
trigger for me I think. The first time was with a partner and the second time I got it soon after getting a new toy and using it alot. I'm good about peeing afterwards but guess it can still happen sometimes.
No. 261457
>>261441I know what a yeast infection looks like, it's not that. I just tried to get the smell off with soap once and it didn't work. Usually I just use my soap-free body wash on the outside but only rinse inside with water, like I have my whole life.
>>261455Yes I am sexually active but with the same guy for years. He says it doesn't smell bad but it is different than before. He said it's just more musky. Clearly he's not picky haha. I only wear cotton briefs, never thongs or polyester shit.
No. 261471
>>261457Have you tried a pH balanced intimate wash? Don't douche or use on the inside of course but I usually use that for in between the folds and it can smell much nicer from that alone.
Also maybe you can use boric acid suppositories or women's probiotics for pH?
No. 261512
>>261436I have a really similar problem
nonnie, but it seems to happen randomly… some days I won't smell anything but on other days just hours after I shower I'll just be sitting and get hit with the smell. It drives me insane and makes me feel super filthy.
No. 261563
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i used to think that i have a hemorrhoid but i think i might actually just have a pronounced perineal raphe, nsfw pic related because this is exactly was my ass looks like. it's annoying though because it makes it more difficult to clean after i've taken a dump because shit gets caught between the folds and then i wash and wipe myself too much ands it gets irritated
No. 261641
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This is a photo of my toe. So I've had this weird brownish-red bubble under my skin on my toe, I don't know for how long, I only noticed it a few days ago. When I noticed it, I cleaned and disinfected it, then I had to go to work. After I came back and took my socks off, it looked like this dark spot on my skin just bursted because it dissappeared and there was a small wound in its place, and the skin turned back to its normal color. I thought that maybe I hit myself and I forgot about it and there was like a tiny socket of blood or something, and then it just bursted. I cleaned it again and I was happy because I thought it's going to heal itself. But today this shit appeared again and there seems to be some blood trapped under my skin again. I can't go to a dermatologist right now. The worst thing is I have to wear those uncomfortable workshoes and it definitely doesn't do well for my toes. I know it may be laughable but I got scared it's some type of skin cancer. I had a serious cancer scare last month and now I'm overly sensitive. A wound that doesn't heal itself properly is enough to set me off. Especially that I heard about a case in my family when a guy had some tiny wound in a random place and ignored it but it didn't heal at all and later it turned out to be cancerous
No. 263154
>>261563I have this but somehow even uglier. Like my lips go kinda all the way down to my asshole. And I share the exact same problems as you, I want to ask my gyn if it might be the cause of me getting BVs at least once a year, but I never worked up the courage. I haven't even gave birth for fucks sake, why am I cursed with this.
>>261564I got myself the portable bottle bidet but I guess I'm just retarded, I couldn't learn to use it. The shitty bacteria infused water I squirted and tried to wash my asshole with trickled right onto my pussy which is the exact opposite of what I wanted to achieve. Excuse my description, I'm just pissed about the whole ordeal.
No. 264281
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do you feel a weird thing in your vagina? I don't put my fingers up in there cus I don't enjoy it, so it's hard to explain, but does anyone else feel something shaped like picrel? Like the specific egg shape with a slice in it. Barely a thumb's length deep. I really don't know how to talk about it
No. 264306
>>264286Brononnie I used to get the worst goatee of chin hairs and mustache and I would pluck literally everyday, needed my special mirror to do it and everything just like you described. It was embarrassing and I hated anyone knowing I did it, so one simple solution is to just confront the embarrassment and realize it happens to a lot of people and your bf probably doesn’t even care. (If he does he’s gross and dump him) The hair may not be as visible as you think, and I’ve found lighted compact mirrors for travel that you can use for maintenance those 12 days.
I’ve gotten laser hair removal the past couple years so now my chin is much more sparse so another option is to start getting that done now. The problem with that is that your hairs have to be growing in for the laser to work on them, so you might have to get a lot of treatments as the hairs grow back in and you have to let them grow out a little as well right before the treatments. Also you have to have light skin and dark hairs. Might be a solution for you for in the future if you have the option. But good luck and know that you’re not the only one and you’re not ugly <3
No. 264317
>>264225Tmi mine feels a bit like bubblewrap on the inside. Like a bunch of soft bubbles. In before you say it's an std
virgin >>264281Nonnie I sincerely hope that is your cervix and not a chess piece lodged in there
No. 264354
>>264288>>264291>>264303WOAH thankyou! I had no idea it stuck out like that, I thought it was more like a wall or something.
>>264317It felt so much like the top of that chess piece that I had myself questioning if I ever did lose a bishop…
No. 265371
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My asshole is bleeding again… I swear this only happens after i clean up my diet. I've been eating more fruits and veg and it's started up again. No pain or difficulty passing anything and I don't think it's hemorrhoids. wtf
No. 265378
>>265371I tried to improve my diet last year. I'd fallen into a diet that was nearly void of fresh produce. I was shitting my brains out for a week and my ass started to bleed. I could not keep it going.
About ten years ago I was diagosed with ibs. I remember reading about fodmap diet and how that can help. I tried various things and at some point it just cleared up and I didn't know what to even thank for my recovery. I guess my biege diet is what actually did it. I was bad at keeping track but my healthy eating years were my ibs years and my biege depression years were my good digestion years. What a joke.
No. 265515
>>265502Oh my god
nonnie I feel you, it's awful. My first yeast infection and using the 3 day treatment was torture. I was humping and scooting my vag on furniture and carpets like I was a fucking dog with worms kek. I've been treating yeast infections on my own with boric acid suppositories which don't have the itch at all. Either that or you'll have to wait until your doc to get anti fungal tablets
No. 265639
>>265633your stomach is still part of your GI tract and so would respond to hormones in a similar way to say your colon.
The pains could be your uterine tube contracting to propel the egg down the tube.
That said I would speak to your gyno again if these pains/symptoms are significant and having an impact on your day to day life.
Cysts and endo can cause abdominal pain but it can also just be part of how your body naturally responds to the hormonal changes etc.
You would need medical expertise in order to work out the true cause.
No. 265672
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>>265502Apparently it’s super common for women to be allergic to Monistat. I remember a site that had average 1 star rating of thousands of women saying it’s like having fire ants or lava in your vagina and even that the pain is worse than childbirth. I had a similar reaction and it was 20 times worse than the actual yeast infection. For any other anons reading you can just call your OB and they’ll fill a fluconazole script without even seeing you usually. It’s like $12 max.
No. 266976
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The back of my neck has randomly broken out into a bumpy rash? A few days ago I started wearing an old gold necklace of mine that I used to wear for years daily. I haven't worn it in a few years and now i'm wearing it again. I was fine for the first few days but now my neck has broken out? It looks like pic related.
Is it actually the necklace or something else entirely?