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No. 147548
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No. 147549
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No. 147554
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No. 147555
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No. 147557
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No. 147566
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No. 147582
Wish I took before photos of my own weight loss, it kinda looks like this pic
>>147554I was skinnyfat or kinda chubby before and still have a long way to get ‘fit’ but it feels amazing to be healthier and now I’m way less self conscious about my body even if it’s not perfect. Thanks for the inspirational thread
>>147575Don’t have any loose skin advice but congrats on your weight loss anon, that’s an really big accomplishment although I hope you can find a more sustainable diet
No. 147587
>>147585It was a little of both. Mostly the diet. It was the perfect combo for kidney stones which started my kidney problems.
I'm also slightly anemic now? My vitamin B and D are crazy low so I take shots along with supplement creams, prescription vitamins and otc.
Overall I'm happy to lose the weight, I just wish I did it in a healthier fashion. I was just desperate to see results.
No. 147591
>>147587Damn. But I'm happy the end result was what you wanted. Going from 250 to 130 within a year is absolutely incredible.
Can I ask you more questions?
Like are you being serious that you only had a few slices of deli meat and nuts every day? What were your meals like? Was this a part of intermittent fasting? Did you walk 4 hours religiously every day or was this more like 4-5 times a week? Did you ever slip up?
This is fascinating.
No. 147607
>>147591I don't mind answering!
Yea, I seriously only ate that. I love gyros though so I'd get one once a month and cut it into thirds and that's all I'd eat instead of meat and nuts for three days. Lots of water too. At least 4 bottles a day. I chose deli meat because it's cheap, it's protein, and I love meat. The nuts were mostly cashews and I'd measure out 1/8th cup and that was a meal.
I tried intermittent fasting but it made things more difficult.
At first I didn't have to walk at all since the diet change did so much. Around 180-170 the weight took too long to shed to make me satisfied so I started exercising. It was 8:00 pm- 12:00 am. I lived on a tiny stretch of road with one neighbor so I wasn't afraid of being kidnapped lol. It was pretty easy, just walked back and forth and listened to music. Eventually I'd jog one way and walk the other as I needed to up the amount of exercise. I also tried standing all day. From the moment I woke up to bed, I'd try to sit as little as possible. Even when playing video games haha.
I slipped from time to time but nothing huge. Like I'd eat the gyro in one sitting or didn't feel like walking. It was only a day here and there and was easy to get back on track
No. 147611
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>>147607samefag, I don't have many old pics of me except polaroids. Best before and after I could get
No. 147613
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This is pretty much my weight right now and what I want to achieve. I lost 10 kg in 2017/2018 but wasn’t able to keep them off.
No. 147614
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Samefag. I’ve been trying this whole year and have only gained more weight. I’ve gone from 65 to 68 last year and from 68 to 72 kg since the corona pandemic started.
No. 147635
>>147633I was eating I think around 400 calories max. I 100% don't recommend that of course. After my kidney problems started though, I stopped the old diet and went on to eating better things.
I tried eliminating salt, no more coffee. Broccoli is cheap and low calorie. Tasty too imo. I'd eat like unsalted chicken pieces. Also eggs. Hard boiled eggs are super high in protein and low calorie. I think around then I allowed 600 a day. Still too low to recommend but better.
The calories burned walking varied on my weight, a bit above or below 1,000 a day. A pound is around 3,500 calories so I'd hope to lose 3 lbs a week.
No. 147655
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220 lb -> 130 lb (5’1”)
No. 147662
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>>147612>>147630>>147649Thank you to everyone for the support! Good luck to anyone trying to lose weight, you can do it! Be safe!
No. 147666
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No. 147667
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>>147666Didn’t mean to spoiler, my bad
No. 147677
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No. 147683
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Anyone here who has lost weight healthily and can share some advice and tips? For example last time I lost 10 kg, I drank about 3 litres of water every day.
No. 147689
>>147685she just looks like a sweet nerd in the first pic. but yes, being skinny isn't worth jeopardizing your health.
for the anon: it's more important to create healthier habits rather than get "quick fixes" like laxatives, or chugging water, or getting your calorie intake down to 500. you can't live like that and no one wants to eat apples all day long and nothing else. but eating a smaller amount of rice/noodles, making sure you use the absolute minimum amount of butter/oil when cooking, cutting out soda and excessive snacking, and working out twice a week are some of the best things you can do for your body.
reconsidering your entire relationship to food is not easy, especially since everyone thinks they eat the "normal way", but doing things right is never easy.
No. 147692
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>>147690That's great advice!
No. 147693
>>147690RIP to all the anons in countries that enforce quarantine tho.
But hiking or just any outdoor activity is pretty good for you in general, not just for losing weight but it helps a bit with mental health issues or if you're just feeling tired and down.
No. 147761
This thread kind of shows how warped most peoples views on weight are. Most farmers would call 140/150lbs fat, yet girls that weight (despite not even being tall) already look super good. That's the same weight they estimate fat cows to be at when in reality it's stacies.
>>147685I get what you mean, same for her
>>147548 it doesn't really looks like their weight loss did much for them in terms of happiness, they might be all dolled up but they still don't really look comfortable/content.
>>147692She's my fav so far, she looked so miserable on the left, totally empty and on the right she looks so healthy, happy, somebody everybody would want to befriend/date.
Does anybody else also not have any pics of them at their highest weight? For me that was just a way too sad time to take (or keep) any.
No. 147765
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It’s pretty hard to find before and after pics that aren’t shooped nowadays.
No. 147766
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Apparently, first pic is 2010 and second is 2020. I can’t even try to guess her age? She looks 10 years younger in the second pic.
No. 147769
>>147761140-150 pounds would be considered very close to overweight at least in America (average height is 5’3) . Most “stacies” bmi’s are around 17-21 as well. There was a study that showed the most attractive BMI to hover around 19 too. So no, definitely don’t think anons views are warped to think 140-150 isn’t great
>>147572Doesn’t seem she got any procedures done. Looks more like she tucked her loose skin into her bottoms since you can’t see her belly button anymore.
No. 147773
>>147769This anon
>>147611 seems to be rather short and nevertheless looks very slim at 140,
>>147666 and
>>147667 are literally perfect (definitely stacy tier) and
>>147677 >>147765 are also still far from fat, not sure what's your point? Do you disagree that they look good because some study claims so?
No. 147787
>>147773nta but yes, american fatties are delusional because everyone around them is obese.
no one looks normal and healthy at 5’3 and 140.
No. 147791
>>147787There is a lot you're not taking into consideration here. Muscle for one, breast size, even loose skin weighs a lot but is only skin.
This is a thread about weight loss inspiration, you're missing the point.
No. 147803
>>147802nta, but to me they look average to thick in the 140-150 range, not fat but not amazing. basically if your goal is to be a normal weight and look normal, then there's no problem, but
>>147765 does not look stacy tier.
>>147683 looks more stacy
No. 147806
>>147803Well, I didn't call her but those two
>>147666 >>147667 stacy tier. If that's thick to you, then what is slim?
No. 147812
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No. 147813
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No. 147814
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No. 147816
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No. 147817
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No. 147839
>>147822it's not about personal standards, it's about being objective
>>147830yea she looks awful in the after. protruding chest bones are scary
No. 147842
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No. 147844
>>147841From this anon sperging about how average weight is considered Stacy status
>>147761>>147842All the weight she lost really shows in her face, wonderful results tbh.
No. 147848
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No. 147850
>>147817so frustrating, I float around 125-128 and feel like I look more like the left picture.
>>147816this is some ana shit, yikes.
No. 147861
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>>147813She bounced back so well for such a large weight loss.
No. 147862
>>147857Not that anon but , this anon explains why
>>147844Pretty cut and clear that it’s just them responding to the other anon
No. 147876
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No. 147891
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Ruka Tensho
No. 147899
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No. 147901
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>>147900Her Instagram caption:
"Reflecting on the past (nearly 6 years) is always a few surreal feeling. The girl in the left used to struggle to walk up her own driveway, a 20 minute walk ruined her. Fast food was the base of her diet and most 99% of meals where heavily processed. Fast forward to today, I have lost a total of 92kg and train daily. I eat balanced and fresh meals and enjoy watching how strong and fit I become every single day. I have always felt beautiful, I have always been confident the difference now is that I know I am going to live a long and healthy life. My weight never defined me as a person, I was still the same bubbly, outgoing, driven and organised Simone but it definitely limited the life I could live. Gastric sleeve surgery saved my life, I don’t believe I would be alive today without this life changing surgery. It gave me the tools to reinvent my eating and take a good hard look at my exercise habits. It certainly doesn’t do the hard work for you, that is long term changes you have to make but it gives you the fresh slate to feel able to tackle these changes. My surgery was done at Auckland Weight Loss surgery with Richard Babor for those that will ask, and skin removal with @drrepta_plasticsurgery
Togs @nzbananahammock"
No. 147903
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No. 147904
>>147901Would people here recommend the bypass/gastric sleeve surgery?
My mother always tells me not to do it even though I'm a hsmplsnet because I might die or get ill or my liver/kidneys will permanently be damaged.
No. 147905
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No. 147909
>>147904Yes, but at the same time, no.
My mother got the bypass surgery, I call it the StopEatingShitYouFatFuck surgery because it will make you not only eat like an anachan, it will make you lose hair as well and it will make you stop being able to eat certain foods like: Rice, oatmeal, really fatty meats, milk, coffee, chocolates and the sorts.
I think it does its job, it makes you stop being able to handle the food that you shouldn’t be eating. But if you don’t have any sort of self-control, you can lose the surgery and gain the weight you lost.
I think it’s better to just stick to a nice diet, maybe use the money you would spend on the surgery to get yourself a nice nutritionist and a gym membership or some sort of kickstarter for an activity you want to do like dancing or hiking.
No. 147914
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No. 147927
>>147904I had a lap band put in. It's different than getting gastric bypass or the sleeve because it didn't fuck up any part of my organs. It gives you the ability to get full on an anachan diet, but you always gotta chew food well and in very small quantities or you will find yourself regurgitating food, or feeling "tight" in the chest. You can't eat anything fast, and the sensation is weird.
It was successful for me when I had a reasonable fill.
Unfortunately, I had a sadistic surgeon and he overfilled my band against my will during one visit when he decided that my leveled off weight loss of half a pound a week wasn't good enough. Shortly after he overfilled it, I got kicked off my parent's insurance. I couldn't even hold down water without throwing it up. It was embarrassing to eat at restaurants cause even a quarter of child portions would cause me to excuse myself to throw up in the bathroom at least twice. People thought I was bulimic. I was so hungry but I literally couldn't eat. If I ate several hours before bed, I knew old bits and stomach acid that didn't 'pass' through my band would seep up out of me if I dared sleep on my side or stomach which forced me to prop myself up with pillows. It ruined my back molars. It was like having painful heart burn, sometimes I'd throw up pure stomach acid cause even the acid wouldn't pass. I lived on a diet of whole milk and acid reducers. I was miserable and no doctor would see me without insurance. I went into a spiral of trying to keep down food before purging it for 3 years because no doctor would see me. I finally paid out the ass to have the fill completely removed, but I made up for the deprivation by binging and gained all my weight back and then some.
I could go have a fill put in again but maybe when an employer finally gives me insurance so I won't be financially raped again. It really did work though. The lap band works if you're a strong advocate for yourself and don't let dumbshit doctors perform fucked up experiments on you.
I wouldn't recommend bypass or the sleeve though. Women from my old job who got the sleeve wound up re-stretching their stomachs and look relatively the same after an okay-ish amount of loss. It didn't seem worth it, especially when the lap band is reversible and less invasive.
Bypasses however can ruin your life, you will never be able to eat the same again. People I know with bypasses look incredibly ill even though they're thin. They hate it, you can see the misery in their eyes.
Btw, with any extreme weight loss you can expect kidney stones and gallstones. I didn't get any with my lapband but it pretty much comes with the territory if you lose more than 100 pounds rapidly.
No. 147992
>>147875idk,maybe ask the anon sho originally brought it up if you're so curious?
>>147850building muscle will help a lot
No. 148005
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No. 148007
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No. 148008
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Left picture is pretty much what I look like right now. Maybe I‘m just a tiny bit slimmer (feels wrong to even use that word), but it’s pretty much the same body type.
(Trying to lose weight again right now. Just lost 2 lbs, went from 156 to 154 lbs, at just 5’2, sad emoticon.)
Wish me luck…
No. 148010
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>>148007I was surprised about her increase in cup size but then I realized she probably rewarded herself with implants for her weight loss
No. 148015
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Disclaimer: This thread was meant to inspire people to a healthy/sensible weightloss, like going from almost overweight, overweight or obese to slim, not from medium or slim to emaciated. Js.
No. 148026
>>148015Do you think this girl got anything done for her skin?
My weight is disgustingly high but I'm very tall and lucky enough to not really have a gut because my fat is distributed somewhat evenly all over my body, so I'd hope that I won't look too bad when I reach my goal weight… That would really suck, finally being skinny but looking like a saggy mess.
I read that many vs models recommend dry brushing for your skin after pregnancy, has anybody experience with that or is it just bullshit? Other than that I drink a ton of water, take supplements and moisturize minimum twice per day, hope this at least helps a bit.
No. 148038
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Still ugly tho
No. 148043
>>148038Kek sure anon
She's adorable after
No. 148059
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No. 148090
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>>148089Fat fetishist? What are you even going on about anon?
>>148084I don’t know I found it on Pinterest, she looks around 5’7-5’9
No. 148097
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No. 148098
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No. 148099
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(All I could find about this one is that she weighs 240 lbs in the first pic.)
No. 148100
>>147984I have a body like hers.
>>148098 Hopefully my after photo will look as good.
No. 148101
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No. 148102
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No. 148103
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No. 148118
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No. 148169
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No. 148177
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No. 148179
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No. 148180
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No. 148181
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No. 148195
I found this blog and I thought of this thread, this lady lost 120 lbs and got plastic surgery for her loose skin, which she writes about in her posts and makes videos. Sorry, I didn't find before and after photos but you can see it in her videos.
No. 148243
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Nicole richie weight loss
No. 148523
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No. 148526
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No. 148538
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This girl was in a buzzfeed video and her transformation inspires me since I’m skinny fat
No. 148561
>>148547>>148553Unrelated to weight loss since it's just coincidence, but my feet definitely grew a size as I lost 50 lbs kek.
Though I have also heard of people's heads shrinking a bit. Did anyone experience that? Mine is still massive.
No. 148710
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No. 148742
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No. 148754
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No. 148760
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No. 148768
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No. 149740
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No. 149741
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There's a skinny person inside all of you, anons.
No. 149840
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Does anyone have more examples of someone becoming more toned in addition to weight loss vs. purely losing weight?
>pic related is the same height and weight as me>>149154what an absolute queen
No. 151351
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No. 151352
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No. 151353
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No. 151484
>>151353the lines in the background are so wonky kek
I don't see any real inspirational before and after transformations because most after pics are heavily shooped but whatever makes you happy I guess
No. 152256
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No. 157888
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No. 187480
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No. 187487
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No. 209186
>>147655As a shorter girl this is a really inspiring thread for me, also
>>147611 congrats, I love your sweater and your hair is so pretty!
I'm not completely overweight, but in the first lockdown I got really trim and started to get muscles. When gyms closed and winter depression hit hard I gained weight again so I'm looking to work it back off and I'm finding the progress pictures really inspiring.