>>148229I kinda misrepresented the story
We met and started dating when he was my TA. It was easy because we had crazy chemistry since day one. He was always calling on me during conference, like he'd single me out and ask me what I thought of this and that. He'd strike up convos with me before class or if he saw me around on campus. While I was taking the midterm he actually came up to me and asked me how I'm doing which my stupid ass thought was so romantic at the time lmfao
My friends from class were really encouraging and all omg he's crushing on you so it was easy to work up my courage and start seeing him during office hours under the guise of being so interested in the subject and wanting to explore it in depth (related to his PHD). So we just sort of started dating organically.
We had an on/off relationship because he was dating some other woman and let's be real, he was probably fucking other students, too. About a year after that he was finally teaching his own class on top of TAing, I was in my second year and still had electives I could take so ofc I signed up for his class. I knew he'd make it super interesting and also I thought it would be really hot.
I tried fucking other profs after him but the furthest I got was them just sort of staring at me and like smiling a lot? No one else was as forward as him and I chickened out so I think the #1 thing is finding enough of a sleazebag lol
Plus, he was only 10 years older while the other profs I very pathetically tried to date could've been my grandpa and it's like what does a 20 something year old talk about with a 60 year old anyway?