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No. 149080
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I have two sets of lobe piercings and I've wanted more for the longest time but I just can't commit lol. I've been thinking about getting a third set of lobe piercings and a helix and/or tragus.
Does anyone have any experience with a tragus piercing? I mentioned wanting to get one to a friend recently and she said they're really uncomfortable when you have earbuds in. That true?
No. 149131
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No. 149132
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No. 149133
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No. 149134
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Sorry, I wanted to dump some of my favorites.
No. 149137
>>149135yeah, anything more than a single lobe piercing I automatically see as daring and associate it with an extrovert. don't know why.
a tragus would probably be the most extroverted
No. 149142
>>149135>>149138Yes thank you! She was like if it's not in the cartilage it's not daring or rebellious. I guess she saw it as normal because her mother has two lobe-piercings too. It was a weird convo because I'm usually much more extraverted than her lmao
I think she got them at Claire's or something.
No. 149147
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do you typically keep the same amount of piercings on each ear? I just have the standard lobe piercing on each year but I'm wondering if I should get a second lobe piercing on both ears. I also want a helix but that should probably be on one ear only. Left or right?
Also considering the stud in the middle of the ear like pic related. Or tragus but I go between thinking it's pretty and trashy
No. 149148
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>>149135Anon no… two earlobepiercings is just as normal and safe as one earlobepiercing. They're the piercing classics. Almost every girl and woman I know has one or two piercings in the earlobe.
Anything "beyond" two earlobepiercings and I'd kinda get where you would be coming from, but multiple piercings like pic related with dainty gold jewelry has been very trendy for a couple of years now, so even that is hardly daring or unconventional anymore.
No. 149152
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>>149147I'm obsessed with her, she's so pretty
No. 149158
>>149148I didn't say it wasn't safe or pretty (it's both) but I've mostly seen one earlobe piercings only. You say beyond two would be understandable, but I honestly don't see more than two as very different than two. One is the traditional one, so anything more is automatically more """daring""" imo.
Maybe I am just too old fashioned mao. I got my earlobes pierced as a baby so it wasn't really linked to fashion, guess I don't keep up with the trends enough.
No. 149162
>>149158Lol I agree with you. I got my ears pierced when I was 15 bc I didn’t want piercings for some reason before that (my dumbass excuse was “what if I’m running and it gets caught in a bush”)
Do anything more is more daring for me
No. 149166
>>149158Anon you said you thought two earlobepiercings is daring which makes it not-safe by default lol. And I never said anything about pretty.
This might be a cultural difference then but where I'm from both 1 and 2 earlobepiercings are traditional and classic, anything beyond 2 (especially in the upper half of the ear) is not traditional.
>>149165Sterling silver jewelry? It's affordable, easy to get and will last a long time. Or medical grade stainless steel, but I don't know if stainless steel jewelry remains beautiful as long.
No. 149168
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>>149080I have a tragus, I'm still in the healing phase and I'm starting to wear headphones again. I have a labret stud inside, so as long as the jewelry inside has a flat back and is sized properly, it shouldn't be uncomfortable.
Pic rel is the type of jewelry I have in my tragus rn (not my pic). As long as the flat end sits flushed with your skin, the earphones won't tug on it. I think that with a barbell or a hoop it might be a lot more uncomfortable, but I can't say.
>>149165Piercings are done with implant grade titanium, which is supposed to be hypoallergennic, have you tried looking into jewelry made out that?
No. 149220
>>149148Used to have my ears like pic, but 7 in each ear. As much as I loved them I one day just got very fed up with the fact that they'd snag on things. I'd be towel drying my hair and they'd snag on the towel. Spent years adding to the piercings, healing them and collecting cute jewelery and I just took them all out that day and never put an earring in again.
I've never been quite so impulsive in giving up something but that was it, I abandoned 14 ear piercings and a couple of facial piercings all at once.
No. 149240
>>149225I went to a good shop for all my percings and took their advice on what to wear but out of about 20 different piercings it was the single one that consistantly gave me trouble til I gave it up.
I remember knowing people with scaffold (or industrial) piercings and they were very temperamental
Do you think you just have a good ear shape for sleeping on piercings? Especially seeing as you've 5 that are doing fine. I can imagine never sleeping well again if I got mine back lol
No. 149258
>>149240I actually have…14 ear piercings in total including my 5 helix ones. I have both a normal industrial and a vertical industrial on the other ear which was a bitch to heal and i did not sleep well during that.
I tend to sleep more on my temple rather than my ear and the jewelry lies flat against my ear. If you have hoops in the cartilage you kind of have to move them into the right position for sleeping. Huge pain in the ass but it's worth it imo
No. 149433
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I like daith piercings (the center ring one in this picture). When you look at someone straight on you can’t see them, but when you catch a glimpse from the side they are just this pretty sparkle that catches the light.
No. 149525
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I love perfectly coordinated earpiercings so much
No. 149676
>>149673I don't know if it makes you look younger but I feel like it makes any look you have seem more polished and like you put more effort in it, just as any jewelry. I've been delaying the idea of getting more piercing in my ears for few years too, finally did it and I just feel so much cooler now, and it gives me more motivation to accesorize.
Overall for me it's kinda the opposite to what your mom thinks, maybe the look is not doing anything to the age but it makes me feel more mature and put together.
No. 149679
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>>149676yeah my thoughts too… What piercing did you get? This convinced me, I'm doing it for my birthday.
No. 149683
>>149679Nice! You won't regret it for sure.
I have two lobe piercings and a helix in my right ear and one basic lobe in left, planning to add at least one more lobe on each side soon.
No. 149687
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My ears are stretched to 5/8” or 16mm & ever since hitting size 0 I’ve strictly worn tear shaped plugs. The wood & stone varieties are gorgeous, I love the way they make my lobes look & don’t want to go back to circle shaped plugs for a while now!
No. 150050
>>150048Ear cuffs are cute but I always lost mine after a few days. I wouldn't be able to commit to a piercing there though.
Anyone else think they look weird with earrings? I got mine pierced when I was 8 and wore them constantly as a kid. A few times as a teen and very rarely now. I tried wearing them for a wedding a while back but I thought I looked odd. I don't know how to explain it I feel like they aged me or something. I use to have tunnels only 1cm and I liked them, it looked cleaner the jewellery being inside the skin if that makes sense.
No. 150054
>>150048No, I've tried them before comitting and I kept losing them. I also think there's just something faux pas about fake piercings.
>>150050Maybe you were wearing earrings that didn't fit your faceshape/bonestructure? I used to wear very clean, classic studs until I realised they look off on me.
No. 150055
>>150054>I kept losing themTrue.
>I also think there's just something faux pas about fake piercings.Also true. They're good for wearing for a bit to see if you'd like a piercing there. I also don't want to pierce my conch as it's so easy to just put a cuff there.
>>150050You mean just the normal lobe piercings? I agree it might just be the type of earrings.
Classic studs like
>>150054 don't look the best on me. I need small hoops or something a bit more. My face and ears are small and cUtE so I either need to go completely no earrings or style up a lot.
Also maybe it's your ear shape. My friend has big ear lobes and has two studs side by side.
No. 150100
>>150098Yeah I'll probably do it soon.
>masks are never gonna be overdepressing shit :(
No. 150189
>>150124>Will I be ridiculed or pressured at a tattoo/piercing shop?Of course not. At "places where preteens go" they use piercing guns and any good professional piercer would much rather see you go to their shop where they pierce properly and safely. You're absolutely not going to be ridiculed for getting your earlobes pierced at a good piercing shop aka the smart choice instead of claire's or something.
>>150098Let us know how it goes! What jewelry are you going to wear in it when it's healed?
No. 151559
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I never wanted a scaffold piercing until I saw this, it looks so fucking cool. Also does anyone recognize the brand(s) these piercings are from?
No. 151595
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>>150124This will probably get hate but if you just want a super tiny gauge you could always do it yourself. They used to sell these little self-piercing kits at Sally's, they were white and in the shape of a box that basically functioned like a hole punch, haha. I did a few of these in my teens without issue, they healed up fine and I eventually gauged them up to 16g. Everything else I have was done by professionals working out of a tattoo shop.
I haven't gotten any in years but I used to be a little addicted to cute new piercings! Just to catalog my setup for fun:
Left ear (from bottom to top)
- 5/8" stretched (usually wear silicone tunnels)
- 3x regular holes (16g single spiral/corkscrew jewelry runs through all 3)
- top cartilage (16g little hoop)
Right ear (bottom to top)
- 5/8" stretched (usually silicone tunnels)
- 2x regular holes (16g single spiral/corkscrew jewelry runs through both)
- 2g stretched (silicone tunnel, will sometimes put 16g hoop through it too)
- tragus (16g little hoop)
- rook (16g curved barbell)
- snake bites (16g holes still visible even though I haven't worn jewelry there since 2015-ish)
- eyebrow (some story as above)
- scrumper/smiley (my all time favorite piercing - 16g little hoop only visible when I smile big!)
Pic isn't mine but example of corkscrew jewelry mentioned above which I love to bits.
No. 151619
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sorry if this is blog but i haven't ever had the money to spend on extraneous beauty things like piercings until very recently (i'm in my 20s lol). i just got 3 lobe piercings in february - 2 in left ear, 1 in the right - & i love them! i think i might continue to pierce the cartilage in my left ear (i have rather small ears so the piercer said no more lobe piercings) until i have a full stack on one side. this is what i currently wear daily, anyone have any suggestions on what to add?
No. 151651
>>151595Stop telling people to pierce themselves. Piercing guns are dangerous in the wrong hands and do nothing but apply blunt force trauma to soft skin/brittle cartilage, which can cause undue excess damage to it. They can shatter cartilage in an instant. As an ex-piercer, the amount of times I had to direct people to A&E due to self piercing and self piercing with guns was unreal. Embedded jewellery, wonky positioning, masses of scarring from the blunt trauma of the gun, infections, haematomas - the lot. Just don't do it. Go to someone who knows what they're doing and save yourself a world of hurt.
However, I don't disagree with self-stretching on the premise that the person doing it fully understands what the process is and doesn't give themselves blow out, but going from a standard piercing post which is 18g/1mm to 16g/1.2mm is barely even a stretch. If you're going to stretch, use the appropriate sized taper, lube and preferably glass or titanium jewellery to wear in it after the stretch. Don't wear wood or any natural materials as it can contain and hold bacteria, and silicone can adhere to the skin and cause tearing if you try to remove it.
Just please remember that if you do decide to self pierce/stretch, any fuck ups are on you, and as much as piercers like helping people in need of piercing fuck ups and making sure people are safe, there is a bounty of information out there now regarding how to get one safely etc without ruining your body. So while I'm not giving you hate, anon, just remember that it's people like me who had to deal with inconsolable teens, some in hysterics, while I had to help dress severe hypertrophic scarring, use surgical tools to remove embedded/rusting jewellery from someone in a lot of pain and all that kind of stuff. It is pretty rough to see. What I will say is this, if you're going to pierce yourself, the results are on your shoulders and your shoulders alone. Make yourself aware of the risks of using guns - if you're going to do it, get single use, surgical grade piercing needles. Be smart about it and don't act surprised if something goes wrong. p.s anon your ear projects sound cool, can we see?
No. 160356
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Can I get suggestions on a piercing for the upper part of my ear? Pic is my ear currently. Can’t get an industrial bc my outer rim of my ear isn’t detached around the helix area (yeah it’s deformed ik).
No. 160420
>>160356my outer rim looks a lot like yours and i got an industrial just fine. i think it would work, i dont see how it wouldn't?
if you want something else though, a double helix would look cute.
No. 160613
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>>160420Thanks for the response anon. How does your industrial look? A lot of piercers are very picky about the ears that they'll do it on because the industrial piercing has a high rejection rate iirc. Piercers that I've talked to wouldn't even do an industrial on my other ear which doesn't have an outer rim deformity. Idk if you can tell that well but around this part (where I've circled) the outer rim is shut (or like…'glued' for lack of a better term) to the rest of my ear. For that reason I was thinking of doing a floating industrial (industrial where the helix piercing is a flat instead). But then again it's fine if it's not an industrial or faux industrial–I just want something that would look good with the current piercings I have and also look good w my ear anatomy (since it's a bit weird).
No. 160641
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How close together can you get cartilage piercings? Is it less a matter of distance vs how long you wait for them to heal (i.e. getting one, waiting a year, then getting the next)?
The top curve of my ears is pretty different on each side and I eventually want some small hoops to fill the ‘gap’ area on my right ear. Do any anons have experience doing something similar? Getting them both at once would be convenient, but I’m not really in a hurry to finish a set up I’m going to be wearing for decades to come either.
Picrel, I traced my ears/current jewelry to show what I meant better
No. 160644
>>160641You can technically get them both done at the same time if your piercer is okay with it but honestly I would wait the 10-12 week healing period. When they're close together it's hard to distinguish which one is giving you pain (if any) and your body has to heal them both at once. Plus you get to see how one looks healed before deciding the placement of your second.
I'd start with getting studs rather than hoops too, they heal quicker in my experience and the piercing hole looks neater and avoids the little lump you can get with the hoop's friction.
No. 160719
>>160625Thank you for the suggestions anon, this is amazing and I appreciate you sm!
>>160700With my luck it would just reject haha. I'm jealous of people with industrials–I'm sure yours looks awesome. Thanks for the advice, I think I'm not gonna push it and I'm gonna go for something safer like the other anon said.
No. 165170
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What's the name of this piercing? I swear it doesn't exist in real life, I've only seen it in drawings on alt characters.
No. 165175
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>>165172I just searched “ear cuff earring big”
The whole thing isn’t a piercing, in fact I don’t think this type usually pierces the ear at all. It’s a flexible metal that clamps around. Mercejewelry is the source of this image and they are the only shop I saw selling them on etsy in my quick search
No. 165242
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>>165170If you want to get it pierced its called a helix.if you want multiple/cartilage taken out (don’t recommend this) it’s called a coin stack. If you just want the cosmetic appearance get an ear cuff.
No. 196060
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Anyone know where I can get a set of 3 or 5 pairs of sterling silver hoops in different sizes at a reasonable price? I want to buy them as a set so they're all uniform, just different sizes but for some reason I can't really find what I'm looking for. I'm roughly looking to do something like pic rel
No. 196090
>>196074Surgical steel can slowly tarnish over time I think? That's the only difference I'd say, looks wise, they look the absolute same imo. But honestly get titanium if you can.
>>196088Both. There are apps in the playstore that allow you to put on fake piercings. It doesn't look too realistic and the apps are usually shit but they do the job. You can also get fake piercings and ball ends and glue them on kek
No. 196334
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Anyone know how to style a small ear? I have one piercing, want to get another lobe, and a few cartilage piercings. But not sure how to place them so it doesn't look wonky.
No. 201755
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Does anyone have a preferred online shop for earrings and body jewelry? The country I currently live in has an almost non-existent tattoo/piercing culture and physical shops only carry the tackiest edge lord jewelry with crazy marked up prices. Bodyartforms has been great for basics, but I was hoping to find some cute push fit or internally threaded ends for my lobes. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places, but it seems like everything bigger than 4mm ends up being $300+ 18k gold from Anatometal or BVLA. I realize that most people aren’t using this jewelry for the lower part of their lobes, but I popped in my helix jewelry randomly the other day and it’s just so much more comfortable than regular studs.
No. 201875
Some people can't take out their piercings without it closing within minutes.
No. 201876
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I can't decide whether to get a third set of earlobe piercings or not. I have the regular two in each lobe right now but I feel like a third set would look just a bit more exciting and finished. On the other hand, I worry it would be difficult to nicely match 3 any earrings without reverting back to basic hoops or gemstone studs or that it would get too busy because I also like to wear other jewelry. Thoughts? If any of you have two or three sets of piercings, why did you decide for this amount?
No. 201879
>>201876I have currently two but will try to get get a third (small lobe problems lol).
You could put in clear or skin colored jewellery in. Or just get really tiny studs, 3mm are the smaller I've ever seen
No. 201883
>>201872I removed it after it kept on building up discharge after… maybe 2-3 months? I can't remember the exact time period, but I would clean the helix piercing every day with this special antiseptic the piercer recommended (so not peroxide or alcohol), and still it wouldn't heal.
It was getting to be uncomfortable, and always felt a little inflamed (always slightly red and slightly aching), so I just gave up on it. No metal allergy though, I can wear what I want in my lobe.
Isn't it the case that sometimes a piercing constantly rejects, even with care?
No. 201887
>>201884>>201883No worries anon, no one thinks you're unclean, otherwise you'd be dead from some infection already maybe.
I have two helix piercings, from what I was told the healing time takes from 3 to 6 months, with 3-4 being the average, so it really seems like you hurried with removing them. In my case the aching lasted 3 months and then only got perfectly dry and clean in about 4, removed the labret put there by the piercer for the first time I think only after 5 months and even then putting it back still felt a little unpleasant. It's not the easiest spot on the body to heal so you need patience and keep up with cleaning it twice a day (or more if needed) for at least few weeks more than you did in the past, if you decide to re-do it, that is. Also even after longer time passes I wouldn't recommend not wearing any earring there for more than a day - you can have really subtle labrets that will be barely visible if at all if this is something you are concerned about.
No. 227566
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>>227559Try using one of those "no pull discs". Pretty sure you can get them off of Amazon and piercing shops/online stores. They've helped me tremendously and I have 14 ear piercings total. Depending on how big your bump is, it's recommended to wear them for about six weeks.
No. 259324
>>259127I did and nothing came up because it's not popular in my country. God don't be so tense.
>>259126I had my ears pierced with a gun and got them repierced. I think it better to get them pierced the other way by an experienced piercer, though. Good luck anon.
No. 259343
>>259115You can buy backs online. Maybe even off Amazon if it’s a normal lobe and it’s healed than yes you should be able to use a normal earring. If it’s a cartilage meaning in your upper ear and where the ear isn’t soft you’re going to want a flat back earring which means an earring that the top screws on and has a flat back instead of an exposed pole so it doesn’t stab you in the head.
Go for surgical steal it’s will help prevent infection and it’s not super pricey. For the dried blood take a cup with some hot salt water and dip your ear in it and soak it. Then take a damp qtip from the same salt water mix and clean the crusty blood off. Try not to touch a healing piercing with your hands as much as possible.
No. 259408
>>259364Why are you trying so hard to drag this out? How will I find where to buy it if I Google it in English? No website in my country is in English. Do you have some intellectual disability?
>>259343Thank you nona.
No. 259420
What country are you from?
In some cases you can ask a piercer to order stuff for you
No. 259425
>>259423Same fag but to add, I'm not from an english speaking country either. When I first started getting piercings I got my information and jewelry online because reputable shops didn't really exist in my town. It's the only option when you live in a shit hole.
But that is besides the point, all you wanted to know is what downsizing means, and simply googling it in english would give you much quicker answer than posting here and waiting to be spoonfed basic information.
No. 259467
>>259425I did google it but I couldn't find how to get it done in NY country because I got my ears pierced in a pharmacy and they don't have that option afaik.
The economy is also very bad and ordering stuff from other countries is impossible because of that. Everything is 15-20 times more expensive and them shipping is also as expensive as the product so it's not possible for me right now.
No. 260300
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What is the coolest / nicest helix earring to wear in your opinion?
No. 260696
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Are big hoop earrings out of style? I want to pierce my ears and I always fantasized about wearing big hoops, I think they're sexy and feminine. But I literally never see women in real life with big hoops. I have short curly hair so it will be like picrel without the crazy filler lips is there something bad or trashy about this look I'm not seeing?
No. 260697
>>260696I have curly short hair too and wear them. Wear what makes you happy
No. 279478
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I don't see a thread specifically for piercings so I'll post here. I'm considering getting my philtrum done but I'm worried about the possible gum damage down the line. My other option is a vertical labret but I don't have full lips and I feel like it would be annoying to wipe lipstick off of it all the time. Could any nonnas share some insight, advice, anything?
No. 300139
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I'll shoot my shot here I guess.
Anyone have recommendations for what do with stretched earlobes while I wait to have money to get them surgically fixed? I stretched them when I was really young to an inch and a quarter. I'm lucky because they have gotten much smaller, like probably a 0 or 00 but they look so ugly just hanging there. I'm also trying to go for a more adult look so I'd appreciate any suggestions! Picrel, one is much saggier with a larger hole than the other
No. 300209
>>300149>>300178Thank you both! I think either would look better than my droopy basset hound lobes.
I once saw some plugs that look like big gaudy stud earrings (they cover up the whole lobe) but can't find them anymore. Your suggestions would work well too though.