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No. 149217
>>149215>when someone shows me something and say it reminded them of me yes omg
it's so cute and for me a bit overwhelming, like for a moment there I'm surprised I'm being perceived and that people think about me. wild but it makes me happy
No. 149328
>>149228>when cute guys wrinkle their noseWhat is this? If I google "guy wrinkling nose" the results are hideous but I assume you mean something slightly different
No. 149360
>>149359Know you so well*
Also forgot to add.
>when you tell someone you like a show and they ask you to watch it together>when they ask you about your hobbies and actually enjoy hearing you talk about itSo far haven't met someone like that, but i know i would die if i did.
No. 150992
>>150449I looove smelling my partners lol. My ex-gf kinda smelled like… an old grandma’s house? In the most comforting way possible lol. I wasn’t really into how she smelled but soon it was my favorite smell. I loved cuddling up close to her and just taking in deep breathes.
I’ve read it might be an evolutionary thing- people smell the best to you if they are genetically different from you/will create the best offspring with you but idk how true it is lol. I don’t think I could ever date someone who’s smell I didn’t like.
No. 151261
When you cuddle someone and they snuggle up into you. Also what
>>151218 said. Having your hair played with is the best.
No. 211428
When someone I care about tells me that they listened to a song that reminded them of me, or when they send me a random picture and they’re like “this is you” or “this makes me think of you” it’s sweet as hell.
Gifts also make my heart flutter, even though I usually tell people that I don’t like receiving gifts i hate feeling the compromise of having to gift something back I like it when someone I like gives me a gift, even if it’s something really small or simple like a random candy.
When guys smell nicely too, it’s so hard for me to find a guy with a smell I like, but when I find him, I just want to at least have a shirt to sniff it forever.
When people lay their heads on my lap, I love playing with people’s hair and giving massages too, so when they let me do so I’m really happy.
Also when someone sits on my lap, it’s cute and when they let me hug them it’s even better, i feel really connected to that person that way, I wish it was more common that cute guys sat on girls laps, I would appreciate it a lot.
No. 247052
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We've been together for over two years, but my boyfriend still very often asks me if he can hug/kiss me instead of just doing it. I know some nonnies are going to be like ermagush way to ruin the mood, but I've always found it adorable lol.
No. 247448
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I really like people who are overly affectionate, and touchy-feely. It doesn't have to be romantic or platonic but any affection and kindness directed towards me is the only thing that can make turn to mush.
No. 247577
i think its cute when a someone gets you random shit. keychain, a handkerchief or anything else because it reminded them of you. also seconding
>>211428 this. I want a dude to sit on my lap and just nuzzle into my neck. I don't care how big he is. sit on my lap i love the pressure and weight of them anyway.
No. 281326
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>>281251I think sharing a meal is really cute, or if both people each want to try something on the menu and both get it and then give each other a little bit of the food. It's a sweet gesture to me whether its friends, family, or SO (I've even shared food with random classmates and made friends like this)
No. 281362
nonny, I'd probably find it endearing if a girl asked to finish my food for me too. Maybe we can go to dinner and then I'll eat like half of my portion and in the middle of conversation you can ask me if you can have the rest and then I'll slide my plate over to your side of the table and make heart eyes at you while you shovel it away. And then I will leave dinner with a light conscious that I didn't waste any food.
No. 282539
>>282522Aw that's nice
nonnie! But be careful, he's still a moid.
No. 282993
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My psudeo-boss when she looks in my eyes and asks me to do something above my paygrade, and I surprise her by saying yes without any back talking or questioning/hard time because I know she deserves a break too sometimes. My partners face when I bring home a surprise she really didn’t expect, from something big like a new gadget she’s been hinting at wanting or just a cup of ice to chew on from her favorite place. When one of my cats stretches and sprawls out when they’re napping on my lap. When I cook or bake something and share with someone, and they tell me what they liked about it. Not getting charged for extra sauce at the drive through when I’m patient with the visibly exhausted employees. Finding out someone I’m aquatinted with likes the same music or art as me and getting to talk about it without having to hide the enjoyment of the topic at hand, or trying to play it “cool”. When someone makes a joke about one of my habits or quirks, making me feel seen and noticed in a non invasive way. Being kind to people even if they aren’t any kinder to me in return, because I’ve been that same prickly entity in the past. Meeting new people and learning their stories and the contradictory natures of their own lives. Humans are so multifaceted and weird and I love them all so much, our head hair can grow longer than our bodies if we let it, we live so long like 80 years is such a long time to think about, we have helped each other for as long as we have documented ourselves. It really does make my heart flutter to think about the love humanity contains and continues to show for each other even with a greedy oligarchy of billionaires running the planet and its inhabitants into the ground. I’m slowly allowing myself to live in this body and I’m quite enjoying making myself at home in this person I’ve grown into, even if I still keep the anger I have for the way things are versus the way things could should or would be. I love the world around me so the world around me returns the love.