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No. 150888
>>150873You’re straightforward so yes
Now marry me and let me spoil you
No. 150980
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mfw i started listing all her traits and realised i just want a golden retriever gf
No. 160288
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>>160268professional basketball player from russia
No. 160313
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>hard butch or stud
>muscular but with no abs because they look gross tbh
>likes to hike and enjoy nature
>doesn't smoke, not even weed I hate how it smells
>very dominant and protective of me
>doesn't drink alcohol too often
>love horror movies and creepy shit
>wants to have kids
>older than me
>won't mind if I decorate our bedroom in cutsey crap
No. 161339>>161349
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>no physical preference, I find most women cute kek
>accepting that I'm really introverted, even better if she is also like that
>share my cottagecore dreams and wants to live a peaceful life close to nature
>will go on hikes and walk with me
>loves or at least respect all animals
>educated and intelligent
>honest and straight forward
>likes to travel (but who doesn't though ?)
>doesn't want children
>not too materialistic
>would be perfect if she likes cinema or art in general but we can talk about science too
>leftist but not "sjw"
I'm waiting for her…
No. 161351>>161352
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>>161349stop getting my hopes up anon, I'm desperate enough to ask how old you are and if you are single kek ?
( more seriously it's actually nice to know that someone out there fit my type )
No. 161407
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>Enjoys comfortable silences
>Also wants to live in a cottage close to nature
>Likes windy weather (weirdly specific but a lot of people don't like wind)
>It'd be nice if she enjoyed baked goods because I love baking, especially bread
>Nerdy and she likes sometimes watching anime and playing videogames
>Likes reading but she's not a snob about it
>Loves visiting museums and cultural trips
>Enjoys physical exercise
>Loves animals
Honestly I'm pretty tired of dating and being friends with people that need to be built up constantly and/or have some mental illness that they refuse to get treatment for.
No. 161893>>161981
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decided to let my imagination go wild and get very specific
>curvy, soft body type
>dark curly hair
>shares my interest in vintage fashion and media
>loves dancing
>likes horror movies and the macabre
>interested in ancient greek lit, theatre arts, critical theory, history
>good conversationalist, sensitive and perceptive, rational and responsible
>plays an instrument
>speaks more than one language
>motivated, but knows how to take it easy
>down to have a family and uproot our lives to travel the world together
picrel is an example of my type. i want to be two femmes in love and ready to take on the world together.
No. 161981
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>>161893top tier taste, at least appearance-wise
Angel Coulby matches that description and she is my eternal waifu
No. 162005
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>outdoorsy hiker girl that will tell scary stories when we go camping
>can chow tf down
>can dress tomboyish or femme depending on her mood. unafraid to go out without makeup in basketball shorts
>toned and slim. we'll motivate each other to workout
>small boobie
>short/medium shaggy dark hair
>spontaneous, maybe even mildly crazy
>the type to get shitfaced but want to respectfully puke into a bag instead of the sidewalk
>honest and non judgmental despite being blunt
>can carry in games and shit talk scrotes over voice
>open to smoking weed or doing psychedelics even though that isnt my thing I find it cute idk
bonus memes:
>Japanese citizen so I can gay marry her and get citizenship ez (I know it's not legal but let me dream)
No. 162006
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>short curly hair
>less pale than I am
>taller or similar height (5’7) to me
>dominant but not particularly in a kink way, just someone who’s assertive enough to override my naturally sexually dormant tendencies
>into swimming/yoga/hiking or similarly chill exercise, we can do stuff together but she isn’t trying to be my personal trainer
>chill relationship with food/diet, isn’t restrictive and fun to cook with
>into clubbing
>independent and capable of spending time apart
>smart - idc about level/area of education, but can think for herself, be critical about things, researches interests past the wikipedia/podcast level
>thick-skinned and dry sense of humour - someone who can dish it out but also take it
>leftist but not insane tankie
>stable 9-5 so we can actually spend time together
>has car
>astrologyfag but strong Leo, Gemini or Capricorn traits overall
picrel is the dream
No. 162034>>162045
>>162032>preferably bi/multilingualwtf have these got to do with ea-
>I actually knew a girl like this but she got away and now I'm too chickenshit to reach out to her.oh oneitis, makes sense
No. 167980
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>Butch or andro, if femme then alt femme with shorter hair
>Normal weight or a little bit of chub. Glasses is a huge plus
>Goofy, kind of socially awkward
>Cute laugh
>Complete nerd, into DnD, roleplaying, fanfics etc
>Reads my writing and gives feedback
>Likes to shit-talk movies/books/anime with me
>Submissive in bed and shy about it
>Likes cooking, bonus if plans to become stay at home wife
>Interested in my hobbies, likes cats
>Lame jokes and puns and dad jokes
>Kinder than me, keeps me grounded
Super bonus: We write/draw a webcomic together
I know all of this sounds super weird and cringe. tfw no gf
No. 168050>>168253
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>older than me
>more confident and mature than me but willing to be silly sometimes
>kind and warmheated
>wants kids one day
>no tranny koolaid
>sympathetic to my extensive mental issues
>wants to grow old together with cats in the lake district or somewhere equally beautiful
No. 168557>>168559
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> femme, traditionally attractive
> short blunt bob haircut with bangs is my fave but i like bob cuts in general and short hair
> Good jawline definition (aka my throne)
> Hates men
> Pink pilled or open to the pill
> Likes gross stuff like guro, surgery videos, david firth, horror etc.
> Cute nose ( i like long bent noses too)
> Based fujoshi or yurijoshi
>My heightish (5'10 take or leave a few) ideally not shorter than 5'6
> Would get plastic surgery with me
> Intellectual who I can talk theory and meta with
> body is Thin/healthy with feminine curves
> Nice feet and legs bc my fetish
> kinda mean especially to men
> Would wear hoe outfits to appease me LOL
> Probably Japanese or at least fluent if we are talking ideal. If not then other asian or eastern european descent girl.
> If japanese speaks kansai ben I think its so hot to hear the rolled R's and slightly vulgar tones.
> wears crop tops and other kind of revealing things because i want to look…
> Lets me spank her
> I can send her the good memes aka the ones that would potentially make people mad
> If she has tattoos they are GOOD ones.
> Strong women are hot. Someone who doesn't NEED me but wants me. Unf.
> I want someone who has her own hobbies she can teach me about
> Likes my pets, obviously
> Likes my art, obviously
> Dependable
this made me horny and lonely
No. 168559
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>>168557Samefag but forgot
> No kids> Lets me protect > I also like muscular girls. Anyone who looks feminine but behaves non-feminiely is hot as fuck to me. > Indoorsy> Ideally cooks and cleans because I hate that…> Terf No. 168664>>168681
>>168659febfem counts as bisexual last time i checked, also the multiplayer game thing is a nitpick of mine, most people, both men or women who were hardcore into them (esp. mmorpgs) were really annoying about them
you don't sound bad anon, hope you find a nice gf!
No. 168681
>>168664Sage for gaming sperg On god thats true af about mmorpgs… I play Runescape but I don't interact with others because besides idle talking while skilling. WoW tends to be insufferable in my experience.
Thank you anon for your blessing.
No. 169862>>169863
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>biological female
>australian or canadian
>cute and smol
>either really feminine or tomboy
>likes vidya (not necessary)
>likes cats
No. 169867
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>Taller than me(5'5+)
>Slim to average, no fatties or anachans
>Not a bpdfag
>Small-average bust
>Tan skin, bonus if she has freckles
>Curly/wavey brown hair + green/dark eyes
>Likes vidya game and horror movies
>Likes going sight seeing and long walks/hikes
>I would say im very affectionate so someone who likes constant hugs and doesnt get annoyed by it kek
>Stable income
>Lets me cook for her/lets me be a sub
>Likes to go clubbing on weekends with me and friends,then snuggles and watches movies with me hungover next day
>Regular sex is nice but not a requirement
No. 169946
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>tanner than me
>Similar size to me (5'4)
>introverted, but sometimes pushes me out of shell to do things
>shaved head
>doesn't smoke (cigarettes)
>has a hobby we can share together
(Painting, sewing, embroidery, etc.)
>Likes to cook more than me
>We both have a stable jobs/income and split the cost of living
>Can be kind of nerdy, but doesn't overcollect weeb shit
>Cool with reptiles and other odd 'exotic' pets I'm allergic to cats that makes me worried bc a lot of lesbians seem to like cats lol
>doesn't want kids until maybe wayyy later into the relationship
>Can have good conversations but also sit in silence with each other and just enjoy our presence
Pic rel is where we'll live </3
No. 169951
>shorter than me (I'm 176 cm)
>nice thick hair, not very short/shaved
>can be feminine or tomboy, but doesnt wear make-up, fake nails or lashes, shave body hair
>bi because I am, easier to relate to
>honest and can talk about feelings
>likes literature, music/gigs, sciences, weird dark humour, deep or "deep" conversations
>wants to do stuff with me sometimes but also likes just spending time together at home
>wants lots of sex
>not on their smartphone/using social media 24/7
>not a sjw
>can cook (because I am shit at it lmao but I could do cleaning)
>okay with occasional drugs but not a junkie, doesnt smoke everyday
No. 229114>>229117
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>cute tomboy
>same age as me
>not shorter than 160cm
>healthy BMI
>preferably blonde (no fake redheads tho)
>loves skateboarding
>has a stable job
>Healthy family relationship if possible
>not a scrotette
>mid to high sex drive
>doesn't mind/likes me being physically affectionate
>enjoys nature but would rather live in the city
>is okay with me having plants inside the house
>has similar interests as me (Movies, art, music)
>occasional drinking/smoking is fine
>tattoos or piercings are fine
>likes to go on dates but doesn't party anymore (we gotta be in bed by 11pm)
>no dogs or cats allowed cause I'm allergic
>good hygiene
>doesn't use sexually violent language (aka btch or cnt)
>monogamous/ %100 faithful
I'm crying cause I'll never find someone like this in my town.
No. 229137>>229141
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>doesn't matter in any aspect what she looks like, just not extremely muscular
>affectionate verbally and physically
>is clingy but not in a BPD way, just wants to spend a lot of time with me
>understanding and patient with my ADHD and autism
>willing to listen to me sperg from time to time about my interests, and does the same if she wants
>has at least one creative passion
>rad-aligned and a manhater
>preferably lesbian or at least febfem
>husbandofag or fujo
>will let me buy her a lot of gifts
>doesn't smoke or do drugs
No. 229187>>229254
I love day dreaming about my imaginary athletic, soft butch punky gf
>slim, small chest, but muscular and soft
>an edgy haircut, with shaved parts
>has a casual, boyish style and feminine face
>lots of ear piercings, maybe gauges, and a single lip and tongue piercing (it’s fine if she’s taken most of them out, the holes are cute too)
>loves being active; surfing/skating, crossfit, running, lifting, etc
>chill, seems aloof but will open up around friends
>acts cocky when she flirts
>gets super gooey and lovey-dovey when we smoke
>is dominant, but turns to mush when the roles are reversed
>will sing punk and classic rock with me on long road trips
>is good with kids
>is a terf kek
I have a whole fantasy about how we meet and flirt with each other and how she teases me for being a good vibes only yoga bitch, but I was so embarrassed after writing it out that I had to delete
No. 229254
>>229187We could have had a romance
nonny, except:
>I'm 165cm>Hates classic rockeverything else checks out