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No. 152714

How do you get a hot gf if you look average as a lesbian

No. 152716

How old are you anon?

No. 152717

lesbians have notoriously low standards in women. just be forward and get good at eating pussy

No. 152718

lol this
I was just to reply how looks have been really low on the list of priorities. I actually went out on a date that I'm sure others would classify as hot, but the lack of shared interests and a compatible personality was a deal breaker.
The only criteria in regards to looks is just don't be obese but overweight/chubby is fine.

No. 152720

>The only criteria in regards to looks is just don't be obese but overweight/chubby is fine.
Same here, as long as they're in a healthy weight range I can usually find some attraction there. Add in a decent personality and the attraction builds

No. 152724


Seriously though, I don’t know if it’s “low standards,” I think that women just understand that women aren’t objects and are indeed humans.

No. 152725

ot but name of girl in thread pic? looks like a brown linda evangelista

No. 152729

i feel like being butch/tomboy makes it more clear to other women. as long as u arent like 300 pounds they dont really care. but it sucks that im femme and id never cut my hair kek no one knows unless i say it

No. 152732

Just give up

No. 152744

I'm short haired/boyish. I'm nothing special but I used to even have straight friends admitting their feelings to me..

Now I live in the middle of nowhere so being visible no longer helps, dammit lol

No. 152754

Dress butch and have basic social skills. Everyone automatically loves a butch because it's real big clit energy to dress like that.

No. 152762

Dress like a handsome boy. Don't even have to cut your hair, we're all crazy for a long haired butch.

No. 152767

I'm loving all the butch appreciation in here right now.

I know the woman in the thread image is 'pretty' but an average looking woman with a butch vibe does way more for me.

No. 152771

Closeted lesbo here, I remember silently judging my only lesbian friend because she only dated either super ugly women or kpop boys looking ones. I just want a fem gf wtf, is that weird? does being closeted actually makes you have standards or something

No. 152772

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I don't know about average and butch but if I had a gf who looked like Donna from That 70's Show I would be so happy

No. 152836

You're closeted and you're judging your friend who actually had some gfs because they were to her taste and not to your taste? ok anon

No. 152842

Some people are attracted to personality over appearance. You sound shallow af

No. 152858

That and some of us like butch/boyish looks that really don't fit into what society generally considers hot or attractive. Any lesbian (closeted or not) that bitches about loving hot femmes and then shits on those of us into alternative looks…hasn't been around very long. Like welcome to quite typical lesbian tastes anon >>152771

No. 152904

Do you relate?

No. 153540

Be soft butch, act dom tbh. Kristen Stewart aesthetics.

The type of "hot" you have in the OP really seems to be for men. The women I know who like ultra femme lesbians seem to more fetishize the idea of making a straight girl like them.

You can just tell when a woman is dressing for the attention of men (it's usually the same women who say they are dressing for themselves)

My guy friend always judges my taste and his sister's taste because in his mind lesbians should be aiming for the closest they can get to a Victoria Secret model since that's what he's doing.

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