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No. 152994
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No. 152996
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No. 152997
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No. 153001
>>152993John Travolta was such a hottie as a young guy, can’t believe how badly he aged. Such a pity. Younger men almost always look better than their crusty, balding older versions. Young women who prefer older men are either a. Suffering from mental health/daddy issues or b. Seeking money & security
What’s really depressing about younger women who are blind to this, is that they give themselves to men who are so much more likely to abandon them in pursuit of even younger women by the time the girl is in her 30s
No. 153004
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If Phantom of the Opera was updated, mask-less phantom would just be current day Gerard Butler.
No. 153006
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No. 153012
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No. 153013
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No. 153015
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I take pleasure in how poorly Leo is aging with the knowledge that he refuses to date anyone older than 25. Hoping he’ll continue down this path and die alone, kek
No. 153016
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>>153015Really makes you wonder wtf Camila Morrone (23) is going through to be willing to subject herself to that
No. 153018
>Discuss the “men age like wine, women age like milk” cope meme, common amongst undesired menokee douk'
I think it has some basis in reality. That is women have less dramatic facial features (neoteny, which is a factor on it's own when it comes to associations), thinner skin and more subdermal fat so they're affected by skin ageing more. Somewhat averted by more skin care, but not completely. Furthermore by association men already start out more craggy in the face on account of more extreme features can get away with major furrows being visible than on women. It becomes like the hairy-hairless dichotomy where one becomes overly associated with masculine and the other with feminine because there's a real basis for it in sexual dimorphism, only culture amplifies it more because of how mass entertainment works, pushing everything to extremes to catch attention. You can kind of see by most of the examples ITT what kills looks is the sag around the jaw and neck, not furrows.
tl;dr its not that unreasonable of an idea, it just got so chewed on by simpletons online it became a if-then mental loop.
Kinda ot but I wonder by what % older women in aggregate screwed themselves with sudden aggressive tanning every summer. Snobbiest practice ever.
No. 153019
>>153018Okeee doke. Scrote detected, or scrote apologist.
tl;dr go back to 4chan and post your nudes there, quick, before you shrivel up and the hot old men don’t want you! Kek
No. 153020
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>>153019I don't understand, weren't we supposed to discuss the meme, anon?
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No. 153028
>>153018Scrote or not, it's sad how men can get away with being ugly and not caring so much about their looks.
I'd rather have societal expectations placed upon me in regards to improving my skills and being the bread earner than being scrutinized for every flaw in my appearance, especially when it comes to things that you can't stop like aging.
It's not as if today most women in the world aren't expected to work and provide for their family and look their best on top of that.
I can understand men pushing the wall meme but why are women so keen on doing the same? Like I constantly see women shitting on another woman for having extra chub but men are perfectly fine even with a beer belly.
Frankly, I don't care about my "value" on the sexual market but I do care how it impacts me in the workplace. I fear that when my looks fade away, I'll be even less visible or important in my field of work.
No. 153029
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No. 153032
>>153026 > it’s all about geneticsPretty much this. Every now and then I'll meet a woman and think she's twenty when she's actually 30 and meant to have 'hit that wall already' Women do more to preserve their skin but basically it's genetics. That and not tanning/smoking/drugging and then thinking it'll just never catch up with you.
Fat faces age differently too, my family on one side all have this plump faced look and it's interesting to compare the two sides of the family and see the differences in aging
No. 153033
>>153031Jesus you’re pathetic. I’m not going to argue with you about the fact that every person has different features, men included, that vary - such as subdermal fat, skin thickness, genetics and so forth. This is not specific to women. Men and women can both age well, or age like milk, depending on those factors. There are plenty of men with thin skin and excess subdermal fat that look like shit as they get older.
Men age just as badly as women do, if not worse in some scenarios due to the inevitability of balding
Cope harder, and go back to 4Chan where your fellow 3/10 incels can give you asspats
No. 153040
Sexual hormones affect all of these variables that I mentioned. T thickens skin, improves collagen structures, E accumulates more subdermal fat etc.
To be clear I'm not maintaining my position is iron clad, its just that you're too much of a antibiology brainlet to engage it at all. You deserve some prodding for that feeble OP
No. 153045
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the decline was a steep one, he still looked cute up until like 2015
No. 153046
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No. 153047
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No. 153049
>>153045>mysterious stain on hoodieThat's just sad. What happened to him?
>>153047He was never hot imo
No. 153054
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No. 153055
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No. 153057
>>153056Subject herself to a
predatory man worth 200mil that will gladly leave her in 2 years when she’s 25? Yeah right anon. She’s not winning. I’m assuming you’re the same scrote. Waiting for mods to ban you
No. 153061
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No. 153063
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No. 153066
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No. 153068
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No. 153071
>>153004I kek’d
>>153024>>153055I feel like something more than just "aging" happened to him. He looks like he had a stroke or something.
No. 153073
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No. 153082
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>>153071>>153055>>153024probably something to do with the $900,000 a year alimony/child support he paid out to his ex wife. Sigh. The original himbo.
No. 153097
>>153045babyfaced men will almost always turn out ugly and bloated. What made them youthful and petite turns into fat greasy manlet real quick.
Tbh most of the men posted here just refused to do the bare minimum and refused to go to the gym. It's stupid easy to maintain a decent level of muscle and decent fat % as a man. You have to be a complete pig to gain so much fat.
No. 153098
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these were taken only 10 years apart, jeez.
No. 153101
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>>153097not always true. it’s just a matter of taking care of yourself, which most of these men don’t
No. 153108
>>153082Why don't scrotes just shave their head when it gets to this tragic point? Have a little dignity.
>>153017God, his body is depressing. Imagine having that on top of you.
No. 153119
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Time was not kind to this man
No. 153120
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>>153073>>153077Wasn't Leon Kennedy's design based off of him?
No. 153121
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>>153047>>152994Sage for samefag.
No. 153126
>>153124drugs, smoking, and alcohol consumption can really fuck up a persons aging process, give you wrinkles, cause bloating, etc
a lot of these men were druggies, alcoholics, and heavy smokers at sometime during their career. or they still are
No. 153150
>>153149Oh puhlease
I get the alimony is the worst thing that a man can expect as opposed to women fearing they'll get murdered in marriage but despite the alimony being crazy high, his net worth is still in millions and he's doing just fine now. No need to shed tears for the rich.
No. 153158
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>>153121I-is this real? Because it looks like to rubber skin masks that those gross fetish people wear jesus
No. 153163
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No. 153166
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When I was little I had such a big crush on the artful dodger from oliver, googled him and cried when I saw what happened to him. I do feel bad posting him here because his appearance isn't all down to aging (alcoholism, drugs, cancer) but I'm a horrible person I guess. Rip jack wild
No. 153174
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>>153158>>153161Imagine being so ugly people think you're a wax figure KEK.
No. 153180
>>153101I was amazed when I found out his age, he definitely looks a lot younger in both the Karate Kid and Cobra Kai.
And I think Gerard still has the baby face and decent skin, he just gained weight, grew a beard and stopped trying. It's a sure way to ruin a guy's looks even if his face has aged okay.
No. 153181
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j-rock stars from the early 2000s are especially prone to this phenomenon. Tragic
No. 153193
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>>153177Tbh i think he did the classic cycle of BED > Restricting > BED again, he and his brother used to be straight up obese as kids.
No. 153202
>>153101I'd argue he's too young on the left to be called a baby faced
man. He's a child in that photo, no?
No. 153203
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>>153181No offense to this monkey but it kinda looks like gackt
No. 153204
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>>153202he was 22 in the left pic. 21 here
No. 153417
>>153174mickey rourke is severely mentally ill, he’s like the dude version of amanda bynes. it’s hard to look at him. the picture of him younger upthread is already after he started plastic surgery which was insane to begin with. he was also molested as a kid. those wigs are so awful, like you have some money, buy a decent rug.
it’s more a combination of drink/drugs/smoking and shitty plastic surgery trends.
like dave foley, he was adorable but now is just a depressive heavy alcoholic, most of the people pictured in this thread are just damaged and/or old.
clint eastwood looked great well into old age, using a picture of an almost ninety year old man is kind of goofy.
No. 153488
>>153448he had his kid b4 danger days & thats when he was at his slimmest.
>>153177 when you google this you'll find it just comes from some tabloid with no actual evidence or statements from gerard himself about ED
No. 153496
>>153488By "stopped giving a fuck" I mean went away from music and fashion and started focusing on himself, his family and his hobbies.
He grew up, gained weight and now he's happy. So what if he isn't the scrawny twink he used to be, or people don't find him attractive now, he's married anyway.
No. 153786
>>153767it's okay to hide the thread if you don't like seeing somebody posted here you know
and it's also ok to accept hes trash and still like the trash somehow. all men are trash, after all
No. 153912
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I feel like an asshole posting this cause he was an alcoholic by the age of 20 and was probably exploited like fuck, but he was so beautiful before
No. 154013
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>>153116Yeah men with good jawlines don't need beards but they are very rare. The majority of men need beards because it gives the illusion of a somewhat decent jawline or otherwise they look like literal penis-heads
No. 154723
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I know now that he's done a bunch of horrible shit to women, but I did like his music growing up. Up until his divorce with Dita, he looked quite striking. Now he hides his chin(s) 99% of the time
No. 155485
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No. 161540
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Every time I look up leading men in older period dramas, it's always a disappointment. Today's specimen: Matthew Macfayden from 2005's Pride and Prejudice. He was so cute in it, but male hairline aging is a bitch.
No. 176557
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Have to bring this thread back for the transformation of Pete Doherty, picrel. Love how the Sun article says "The singer, 42, looked rosy-cheeked and healthy".
No. 176563
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Haley Joel Osment
No. 176565
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>>176557Tbh he’s always been kind of ugly. Being a charming musician and his fashion sense helped him tremendously. He does not have a strong jaw and drank heavily so he always looked like a frog.
No. 176569
>>176563so an ugly guy (but skinny and young) turned into an ugly guy (but not skinny)
wow who wouda thunk!
No. 176572
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Freddie from iCarly at 28
No. 176613
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the before pic of bill kinda sucks in this but you get the deal
No. 176648
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>>152993Not sure if this qualifies as aging or to what extent they count as celebs, but the Bogdanoffs looked decent as up and coming young scientists, why they went full Mickey Rourke and then some is a mystery.
No. 176659
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Macaulay looks so weird nowadays. Must be the drugs
No. 176660
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Joe Rogan had one of the most tragic transformations ever
No. 176718
>>176572the actor who plays spencer is seemingly ageless by comparison
it's sad to see that freddie looks like he went the greasy justin bieber route, what is it with all these young men looking like methheads so early on
No. 177965
>>176557>looked rosy-cheeked and healthymeanwhile if this was a female, those trash media outlets would have been roasting her for aging poorly.
>>176563Ive noticed that many men have this weird potato face syndrome where the more they age the smaller their features get and the bigger their head gets, just like this pic.
>>176660he looks way worse than the after photo when i see him on video.
No. 183251
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James Spader from the 80s and 90s legit the hottest man ive ever seen. He used to look like this
No. 183255
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>>183251And now he looks like this
No. 183272
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Balding is so fucking tragic. I wish my teen crush had gotten a little chunky or a few wrinkles instead of aging well in the face with no goddamn hair. Unless you’re the Rock or some other beefster, going bald is the ultimate vag dryer.
I can’t bear to look at my girlhood boo now, have a Billy Zane instead.
No. 183273
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>>183251>>183255This is the saddest transformation of all
No. 183322
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>>153012>>153015>>153024>>153054>>153073>>153181>>176660These are the most tragic imo
>>176613why did you post this, it's fine
>>154723he was always a uggo and young women have had shit standards since the world wars
I have schadenfreude for normo men who age like milk despite acting superior to women, however, I don't feel the same about a lot of celebs. Ok some of them are pretty garbage personalities, but I'd rather think of the ones in this thread as examples. But then again, why aren't the rich men making better use of their financial resources? Lmao get better meds, personal trainers, food, skincare etc. and ffs fix your goddamn teeth.
I'd also like to point out how young men who rag on women for aging are usually also the same ones who'll cry about needing plastic surgery and drastic changes to their fucked jawline or whatever while at the same time they don't even know how to wash their ass, put on sunscreen, keep teeth a lighter shade than even their eye luggage or trim their squiggly hair properly. Despite the advantage of having thicker skin and more sturdy hair, they still manage to fuck it up because of sheer stupidity. Unkempt rancid fools.
Sage for sperg.
No. 184849
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I always thought leo was ugly but oh no no no
No. 184882
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The sad thing is that Ewan's actually aged a little better than most guys his age, but yikes. He's one of the few aging men who actually looks a little better with a beard. He was so fucking cute in Velvet Goldmine and Trainspotting, anons.
He's still a good actor, at least. I liked his performance in Doctor Sleep.
No. 184890
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No one ages as badly as hair metal guys. The aesthetic of the 80s worked well for baby-faced, androgynous, skinny guys, but the amount of drugs and alcohol these guys did just annihilated their looks (if it didn't kill them.) They also have the same Peter-Pan issue aging gay men often have, where they insist on dressing the exact same way they did when they were 20.
In addition to being generally cute, Tom Keifer had some insane DSLs when he was young. Nowadays he looks like a homeless Native American guy or something. And Keifer is far from being the worst! Axl Rose looks absolutely horrendous now.
>>183272He actually looks pretty okay, aside from the fact that he looks kind of like Pitbull kek.
No. 184901
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>>184898pete had surgery before he started becoming famous in DoA though.I can't really tell since the make up and hair really covers his features,but in his post-punk era he looked kinda ugly(it's obvious his teeth were kinda fucked).he was truly beautiful during his early DoA days though it's a shame he became so surgery addicted it consumed his life and he died
No. 185196
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Jonathan Davis. Now he looks like this freaking baby
No. 185602
>>185378Tons of female musicians have dealt with the same traumas as him and you don't see them turning into obese meth heads.
Also, he named his son "Pirate." Meth: not even once.
No. 189849
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I feel bad because I like Brian, but… it was dramatic.
No. 189881
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>>189853Funny how Roger Taylor aged way better, and he's only 2 years younger.
No. 191936
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Surprised there's never been any discussion of mozza on this website, he's pretty milky. Pic on the right is unfortunate, he looked ok until 2018-ish. He almost exclusively eats toast so might be why
No. 191994
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i love moz and think he looks great for his early 60s
No. 192007
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No. 192008
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>>192007This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
No. 192115
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From this…
No. 192167
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spent my childhood sneaking in to the kitchen after everyone went to sleep to watch mtv for this dumbass
No. 192168
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on dr phil LMAO
No. 192183
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No. 192201
>>192167I had the biggest crush on him too, anon.
He looks awful now.
No. 192319
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No. 192354
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It's more PS than aging but still.
No. 192356
>>192354I still don't believe he's straight
>>192183>>192168I only just realized this was Bam and YIKES. I don't think he hit the wall; the wall hit him.
No. 192379
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No. 192380
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>>192379After. He isn't even 50 yet…
No. 192458
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>>192380He looks older than 48 but doesn't look hideous or anything. I've always liked the way he dresses. My pic is from 2021, too.
>>192388wth? I didn't know that. Just looked her up, she's stunning.
No. 192463
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dane cook before and after (now 49 y/o with his 19 y/o gf lmao)
No. 192586
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>>192008I started watching his farming show on Amazon and got confused when he referred to the woman helping him as him girlfriend because she looks far too pretty for him.
No. 193369
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hes 26. twenty. six.
No. 193475
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>>193369they all kind of aged terribly, i cant believe they were pushed as attractive lol, standards for men are so low
No. 193491
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>>193490Who also looks like shit
No. 193506
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>>193369>>193475How do these ugly ass untalented scrotes still pull in over 500k likes a post?? The standards are below Hell at this point.
No. 193510
>>193470I never understood why people found 5sos attractive. they were so meh. I got back on tumblr again recently and one of the people I follow
still reblogs pics of them and none of them have aged well.
No. 193581
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>>193491i wanted to post him as well, you can already see he is going to age badly
No. 194608
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He hit the wall tbh, it's sad because he was cute before. Phil hasn't aged that badly though.
No. 194625
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>>176563the look he's trying to pull off now reminds me of Richard Karn playing Al in Home Improvement. However, Karn himself has aged like he was frozen for all these years.
No. 194641
File: 1624866658470.jpg (1.57 MB, 2000x1857, 1078940375034.jpg)

>>152993I was a kid when he was in his prime and I've always had a weakness for ripped bodies and deep voices. He was a great himbo at the time. In 2015 this was fucking depressing. When men let themselves go they really do tend to transition into the full pregnant beer gut. He's actually fit again now to play Hannibal (Barca), so that's something, but shame about his face. He used to have more defined features and no matter how much he slims down his neck and cheeks stay bloated. Giving me Joe Rogan vibes these days. Ugh.
No. 194674
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No. 194689
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>>194685nta, but I think he looked cute
No. 194717
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He's still young but I can already imagine how bad he will age
No. 194746
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>>194685Ugly? Nah. More like a Walmart Ben Affleck. So still kinda cute imo
No. 197661
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low quality post but
No. 197662
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No. 198621
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>>153045he just looks like chad to me lol and plenty of people wanna fuck that guy
No. 198644
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No. 198646
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Not the worst example, he just looks like a Funko Pop collector now.
No. 198672
>>198636Anon, I posted in the horny thread, but this Chadanon is a different anon.
>>198621I see you fellow Chadanon.
No. 198897
File: 1626924778246.jpg (582.1 KB, 2880x2880, 01.jpg)

Bruh. I found him attractive until 2015.
No. 198907
File: 1626929121292.png (8.01 MB, 4500x6500, 1626928802430.png)

Willem Dafoe.
Man was such a babe!
He is a great actor and I really enjoyed his look in Mississippi Burning he isnt even that young looking in that movie but just looked so sophisticated and those types of men are my weakness. But alas he is a male afterall.
No. 199155
File: 1627102448319.jpeg (298.65 KB, 1125x1095, A97D15AE-DEBA-45BB-924A-B0544F…)

saw this on twitter. holy shit 15 years and i don’t even think he was attractive in the first place
No. 200141
File: 1627681445025.png (366.87 KB, 622x586, 840932784093274023.png)

>silver foxHAHAHAHA. Media still going hard to shill for fat wrinkled scrotes attempting to be edgy with their greyed, greasy hair styled into the oh so fashionable "I just ran some cum through this" manner
>>199175Agreed. Willem has always had unusual features, he's never been mainstream attractive but that's fine. He's distinctive and an amazing actor and seemingly not as pig-headed as most.
No. 200166
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>>199155John was a chain smoker and spent much of the mid-70's binging heroin. The effects are obvious.
No. 200181
File: 1627712728413.jpeg (62.6 KB, 534x800, 43B3FC44-2B7F-4F82-B150-BAD47D…)

>>200166yep. it amazes me how much he aged in a short amount of time, heroin kills your looks. he had great bone structure though
also men just looked older back then, i was literally shocked out of my mind learning captain beefheart wasn’t even 30 when trout mask replica was released
No. 200182
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i don't understand what compels a game developer to transform himself into such an abomination
No. 200202
File: 1627749087704.jpeg (102.26 KB, 960x640, C7AFDD2D-97B1-433D-BA7C-4FC8BE…)

>>198907>66 years old Jawline intact, good head of hair, playing interesting roles he’s actually suited for? Willem, babe, you’re killing it
No. 201254
>>177965>Ive noticed that many men have this weird potato face syndrome where the more they age the smaller their features get and the bigger their head gets, just like this pic.This is an effect of testosterone, especially during "second puberty" (your thirties).
You can see this effect a lot more starkly in other mammals. Male cats who get fixed vs males who keep their nards getting giant fuck-you bull heads.
No. 201487
File: 1628666403446.png (393.61 KB, 400x600, 1628625447029.png)

This Mexican actress is 68 and her boyfriend is only 29 and aged like milk
No. 201491
>>201487he also looks homosexual asf (nothing wrong with that just why did you choose this woman)
they deserve each other
No. 201493
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No. 201495
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In retrospect, I feel like Eddie looked more Indonesian when he was older than when he was young. I've literally seen him live and I didn't even know he was a hapa until after his death, when a bunch of news outlets called him a POC.
No. 201590
File: 1628721725628.jpg (158.59 KB, 1200x800, merlin_1085036.7.jpg)

>>201495He doesn't look too old there. There's worse pics. He's always been fuggo anyway.
No. 201687
File: 1628788474207.jpeg (263.53 KB, 1400x1400, Jonah-Hills-New-Tattoo-Is-Ulti…)

jonah hill was never a looker but wtf happened. his skin texture is seriously alarming. hes only 37
No. 201689
File: 1628790335917.jpeg (94.87 KB, 1000x1200, 231684234_1030176731070180_826…)

ignore the faggy meme
No. 201691
File: 1628791010418.jpeg (638.15 KB, 3000x2000, perry-split-2.jpeg)

i love how this is the first photo that comes up when u search for 'matthew perry' male genes + addiction hit hard
No. 201857
File: 1628912312874.jpg (35.35 KB, 404x602, 360c51b4b0f3f3aa020dc9f95feba9…)

why did he hit the wall so hard? aren't drugs supposed to keep you skinny?
No. 201968
>>201590>>201591I think he looked cute in the 80s, but the smoking and alcohol really damaged his skin and hair. I think he might have been going through cancer treatment at the time
>>201590 was taken.
No. 201982
File: 1629005279044.jpeg (Spoiler Image,250.5 KB, 815x536, 73E3BC55-991F-4B0A-819F-98A70F…)

HOW IS HE ONLY 27!!!!!!!!
No. 201984
File: 1629008005288.jpeg (53.7 KB, 764x401, F4F0D85B-BA23-432F-B942-50505C…)

Varg Vikernes only 48 yr old
Has his own thread on snow
No. 202179
File: 1629149348611.jpeg (43.57 KB, 826x455,…)

I had such a crush on him when I was a young teen but he's just turned into his dad. If you listen to him in interviews he can hardly speak now.
No. 202182
>>202179he has the voice of the serial rapist alcoholic that the owner of the bar refuses to ban even after he's attacked all your friends.
and he actually looks worse than his dad. phil is a fat senior citizen but seems like a nice guy and looks like he showers
No. 202190
>>202182Oddly specific but I see it.
I cant help but feel sorry for him. The majority of the Jackass crew were successful in other ventures. Even Stevo-O sorted himself out and got a popular YouTube channel, yet Bam is a total fuck up.
No. 202198
>>202190don't. he's a horrible narcissist. just watch that video where he shits his pants and has a tantrum over the boys throwing a snake at him, like he's the
victim after all he's done to his parents on camera. he can dish it out but not take it. and his kid clearly has FAS so his wife's obviously a cow too
No. 202310
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>>202179same anon. it's sad. i loved the ville/bam duo too kek
No. 202313
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>>202310Don't you think Ville resembles Greta Thunberg?
No. 203707
File: 1630422110386.jpg (68.49 KB, 800x445, deanANDERSON.jpg)

what the fresh hell happened here? i know he's like 70 or something now but still
No. 203911
>>198897he still looks fine, what the hell are you talking about?
He has always dressed like that though, it's unfortunate
No. 203924
>>200210Except this was referring to the time they abused him. He was 6 when these sisters "taught" him about sex.
>It was a sexual education, because my sisters were the horniest little girls. They would tell me stuff that, when I was small, I didn't want to hear. I remember one of my sisters talking about fellatio and cunnilingus when I was 6 years old. I said, "Only dirty people do that, right?" She just laughed. When I told my friends what I knew about the birds and bees, they beat me up because they found it so disgusting.The way some of you take the context out of people's words is honestly terrifying.
No. 204356
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2012, looked pretty decent
No. 204479
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>>153012This is so heartbreaking.
No. 204484
>>204479Oh my god. From one of the most beautiful men to washed up white trash. He doesn't
just look ugly either, he looks emaciated and unhealthy. I hope they don't find him dead in a hotel room before his time
No. 204486
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>>204484Luckily that picture is from 2018. This is him last year
No. 204487
File: 1630957241151.jpeg (839.99 KB, 2000x3000, EBA634B9-62B4-4B1D-9259-CCDE58…)

>>2044862018 was pretty bad for him tho.
No. 204497
>>204487if youve got structured face bones, drug induced facial wasting is bound to hollow it.
did anyone watch Lorry Hill's video on him? I think he's gotten more done than she's saying, otherwise his face would be melting off by now. but I do want to see her do more videos on male celebs work
No. 206054
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dear god
No. 206055
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>>206054jones used to be fucking ripped.
No. 206119
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I can't believe he used to be hot
No. 206120
File: 1632030590492.png (34.07 KB, 600x400, joe rogan then and now2.png)

>>206119samefag, here's another
No. 206587
File: 1632311940963.png (1.15 MB, 1312x488, fine wine.png)

>>152993There's probably better pictural evidence but I thought this transformation was notable. Clemens Rehbein from Milky Chance.
No. 206595
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Oh this is a hoot.
No. 207881
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Nick Fuentes just turned 23 and is already looking haggard
No. 208165
File: 1633467266045.png (1.09 MB, 1409x600, gandyfixed.png)

>>206595That image on the left is shopped quite a lot. Here's the real one
No. 208166
>>208165thank you, this one was bothering me. nice to see he actually has skin texture. it's really not that stark a difference between the two photos, I don't know why anons are acting like the shooped version was somehow more attractive, motherfucker looks more like a 2d caricature than a human. also note the change in facial posturing and all that
some of you are clearly brainwashed into believing humans don't have lines and wrinkles and dimples and texture to your skin by social media filtering and it fucking shows
No. 208215
File: 1633491568856.jpeg (Spoiler Image,553.49 KB, 828x925, FC82A989-DC01-4132-8E81-33266A…)

>>208165More than lines , the obvious is his volume loss and his nose increasing in size bu at least 2 folds
No. 208235
>>208234you're the one who clearly didn't read the OP and thought this was another simping thread and that's why you got
triggered that anon prefers 2D men, but sure, I'm the retard here
No. 209628
File: 1634355049669.jpeg (440.94 KB, 1996x1101, 7EC5C1B2-4B05-4547-A036-1CED2E…)

nigga turned into Elliot Page
No. 209632
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No. 210149
>>206144he's very vocal about using HGH which makes your head bigger (alongside everything else)
also he does stand up so he probably spends every night drinking
I can't imagine how fucked his liver and kidneys must be at this point having to process all the shit he keeps pumping into himself he's rich enough to buy new ones so doesn't care
No. 211473
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No. 211475
>>211473*oops, 53.
>>211470Mine too, they all have little pot bellies coming on and a general sickly look to the skin. Unacceptable.
No. 211578
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>>211473>>211476He looks like a chimp, has an overall weird face, big flappy dumbo ears and has been balding since his early career. I never got the appeal. I think it's just that he has a deep voice and an English accent, which automatically makes him attractive to a lot of women.
Speaking of 007, I made the mistake of watching a MGTOW youtube video (I know, judge me, I deserve it) and he called Pierce Brosnan in his current form a "silver fox". He looks like Colonel Sanders.
No. 211590
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i know he won't be everyones (probs most of yall) cup of tea, but i quite fancied jesse plemons, he had a really quirky face which saw an unfortunate and rapid degradation due to weight gain and aging. still managed to bag the lovely kirsten durst tho, weirdo
No. 211591
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No. 212639
File: 1636361576005.jpg (209.37 KB, 2134x1203, julian-casablancas.jpg)

He might've been brought up before but I can't get over it, he was so pretty…
No. 212645
>>211859It's because their eyebrows disappear,
>>211591 would look 30% less heinous with eyebrows
No. 212728
>>212693I'm sorry you had to find out this way
nonnie>>212716Me too, it really just accentuates his bad aging. I think if he lost some weight and went back to his earlier haircut it'd suit him more, but the melting face thing would probably still be obvious.
No. 212809
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No. 213057
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>>213056Picrel for anons who can’t be bothered watching.
No. 213143
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>>183272Zane was always bald. Wore a wig in Titanic.
No. 213286
File: 1636926333520.png (311.49 KB, 572x363, CSwvOoXWsAAXKxw.png)

>>211476DC's face is too comical. He looks like a busted Norman Wisdom.
No. 213917
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Ralph Fiennes 1/2
No. 213918
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2/2 I don't care about the baldness of the head but at least cut your hair, shave your beard and draw some eyebrows.
No. 214006
>>213918Gross. I thought he looked great as a nazi (I'm not some alt right psycho he just rocked the stylish/fitted uniform) but the hair
really is unfortunate. Once it reaches that point men just needs to shave it all. In clinging to their remaining scraps of hair they lose all dignity
No. 214629
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Time has not been kind to my middle school husbando.
No. 214633
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my dear sweet panda bear, i love you but please moisturize
No. 221892
File: 1641510747167.jpeg (173.49 KB, 1080x1440, images.jpeg)

> he's cute, hmm, i wonder what he looks like now
No. 221893
File: 1641510771087.jpg (116.17 KB, 1096x1612, MV5BZDliZjU1NTctNTc0YS00NGVhLW…)

> ewwww
No. 221895
>>221892Cute is a strong word. And Jfc, I just looked it up. I didn't know he fucking DIED.
>>214629Now this mf is rich as shit. Looks are important because he's an actor. He could afford any skincare,any treatment and he won't even put on sunscreen. Every summer this bitch is red, brown and burned. Disgrace.
No. 222332
File: 1641688929476.png (1.43 MB, 1266x896, sterling knight.png)

Sterling Knight from Disney (Sonny with a Chance, Starstruck) used to be one of my childhood crushes and now he looks like this at 32. Tragic.
No. 222340
File: 1641690808057.png (1.11 MB, 1244x658, nate.png)

Still a beautiful man but he totally lost his appeal. The whole men reach their peak in their 30s is bullshit.
No. 222356
File: 1641696544456.jpg (5.6 KB, 194x259, images (4).jpg)

>>222340he always looked gay. i think he's more cut now which lends to him looking older for sure. typical het styling always ages men though. if they want to look young they should keep their hair long for as long as they can
No. 225593
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These two images being next to each other on google reminded me this thread existed lol
No. 227560
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No. 227734
File: 1643687176485.png (1.81 MB, 1442x740, quinn.png)

Fucking tragic.
No. 227791
File: 1643722371816.jpeg (78.76 KB, 339x600, 29158594-8382913-image-a-63_15…)

Ashton Kutcher
No. 228603
File: 1643971292331.png (443.8 KB, 483x353, twilight.png)

i'm sorry to do this to you all, but one of the wolf pack guys from twilight that an anon just posted. he's 28 in recent picrel. it is most definitely him as he posted acting pics from twilight and other acting gigs on this instagram account.
No. 228615
File: 1643978287746.png (260.09 KB, 411x503, twiligh.PNG)

>>228614this is him now at 30
No. 228633
>>228632>this twilight guy certainly doesnt fit any of those traits though…does
>>228615 not look unhealthy to you? and all the 'age shaming' is directed towards men (who often don't take care of themselves), idk how you get "afraid of hitting the wall" out of that. most anons agree that older women look better.
No. 228748
>>228632>>228618>aging is attractive.Moid who fell for the meme that hes gonna get hotter by each year while women somehow rot, realizes no sane young woman is attracted to 50 yo rusty men.
No. 229261
File: 1644272298202.jpeg (127.96 KB, 1208x796, 36A62626-0948-4A4E-89EA-12A864…)

I used to be a pewdiepie fan when I was like 13 and all he did was let’s plays, hadn’t watched any of his stuff in like eight years, felt nostalgic and wanted to see what he was up to. I don’t know if my tastes/standards have changed over the past 10 years but he looks awful, worse than I remember and way worse than I expected him to at this point. Rip to my middle school crush I guess. The wall is real ladies, but not for us.
No. 229308
File: 1644296154356.jpg (31.24 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-924825090-612x612.…)

>>206119the incessant shilling of the "rugged bearded muh skuline alpha male ham goblin" look is just males poorly coping with aging akin to "fine wine" meme, change my mind
like tf else can you even be when you're old, bald and fat? it's not like you could become a himbo twunk prince again if you wanted to kek
No. 229326
>>229305I'm laughing so fucking hard at the descriptions nona please
>plastic surgery creaturosi want to see what all the drugs will do to letos face in the next decade and if whatever surgeries he's getting will hold up his face, his work is still less uncanny than most, but his rotten soul deserves to age badly in the next twenty years
>blessed mutantseven keanu gets fillers and it's especially apparent without the beard that he sometimes has botox face. as a guy with a skinny defined facial structure he was still destined to age better regardless
I'm just appreciative whenever I see an older male actor who looks like he doesn't fill his entire face with filler, tom cruise's cheeks look like a stretched shar pei. it helps if someone's face isn't entirely a shapeless lump to begin with and they have good bone structure, otherwise they end up with leo d's pufferfish face. cant say what johnny depp's excuse is other than karma and drugs, his cheekbones couldn't even save him
No. 229361
>>229314kek you read the sad cope conclusion from the author
women and girls have lower biological ages than men and boys by every available metric (telomeres, methylation etc etc) even when matched for lifestyle and healthcare quality. the exception is end of life frailty (which isn't really a metric of age) because women are physically weaker and aren't encouraged to do strength exercise kek. tl;dr men are biologically older than women but have more brute strength in old age (like they do at any age)
No. 229362
>>229314just scroll down, there's a table comparing everything.
basically it's just a paper that confirms everything we know already - an organism that's designed for a shorter lifespan can't possibly be aging better. the fact that moids have a universal uncanny instinctive need to scream unprompted about how well (and BETTER THAN WAMMINS OK) they age just shows how viscerally aware they are of it and how much it's eating them inside kek
No. 229436
>>229399>Old men still look good!It's hilarious to me how deluded old scrotes selectively filter out the obvious - the fact that the sole cultural appeal of old men is they're physically past their prime and are therefore perceived as more likely to "settle down with a family". The one fact they readily acknowledge when peddling old balls to disgusted pretty young women.
It's further proven by the fact that the only young women who are receptive to the idea of dating a sperm lich for free will also be either extremely unattractive or BPD, which (understandably) may steer them towards something they perceive as no longer able to shop around and "abandon" them.
There are nice ways of putting it, as women always do (old men are more mature!), but it's really all there is to it.
No. 229490
File: 1644378209214.jpeg (77.14 KB, 634x914, jonah hill.jpeg)

Jonah Hill at 38 years old
No. 229627
File: 1644432728382.jpg (916.8 KB, 967x1337, Screenshot_20220209.jpg)

>>229511Lmfao this.
Most men who have hangups about women's age are coping, decrepit old hogs, and most older women could bang them on the regular if only they let go of their own guilt. Expressing downward age preference also means guaranteed assblasted scrotes no matter where you go. Just look at the attractive men thread and the chimpouts from grandpas who want you to simp for some bloated revenant on human growth hormone and androgel, with nonas bleating "I-I'm not a pedo, I'm 19 myself" like they committed some cardinal sin by daring to enjoy males in their prime. Insanity.
Blog, but this reminds me - one of my neighbors, an old immigrant moid in his 50s, used to be like that. Had a 2/10 mid 20s eastern euro gf whom he brainwashed and nagged incessantly and publicly. He would always volunteer to help me with minor errands like car stuff, but always try to casually drop something about how his gf is about to reach expiration date in my presence. So I started casually mentioning how much I love young twinks and pointing out that every moid above 30 is old and bald.
Tl;dr the hog was so butthurt he (and his retarded gf!) actually brought me his old fucking passport with a B&W pic of him in his early 20s. She was like "See? This is him!" Apparently he used to be a bitchy looking (and not entirely ugly, as much as I hate to admit) long haired twink who dated older women. Really wish I had his before/after on my hand so I could post it here kek (pic unrelated)
No. 229644
>>229629Kek the gentle reminder that any 7/10 old milf could snatch a twink (who's hotter than the old scrote was 25 years ago) within 5 minutes of joining Tinder usually
triggers the most seethe, that's when "buh but can you start a family with him??? REEEEE" cope rolls in, followed by some variation of "fucking roasties are always the ones with options even post wall, suicide fuel"
No. 229652
>>229647Kek at men thinking this transparent shilling is even half as effective without financial extortion, or (if the moid's IQ is below 100) genuinely believing that they'll be the ones with a plethora of plates to spin when they hit their "prime" of 55.
Reminds me of concave brain scrotes who ask for an open relationship.
No. 229683
>>229647>>229652Men and women both think they will never age and will never lose AT LEAST some of their good and decent features
Both genders are wrong
No. 229909
File: 1644529515453.jpg (67.84 KB, 1024x510, buffy-star-nicholas-brendon-ar…)

I loved Buffy and looked up out of curiosity what became of Xander….holy fuck
No. 229910
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No. 229932
File: 1644536109314.png (854.79 KB, 1245x460, F95D1AF8-180C-4220-ABC8-A9C779…)

No. 229933
>>229910I mean it’s to be expected considering how he is always fucking with his body for roles, that can’t be healthy in the long term. But personally I never really found him to be super attractive, something about his face is just so off.
>>229932Holy shit
No. 229975
File: 1644553763234.png (401.44 KB, 608x669,…)

dude is only 25 on the right.
No. 229977
>>227735If the podcast is any indication, it’s a lifelong eating disorder, veganism and occasional smoking habit
Funny those two photos are only a few years apart, a literal wall-hitting instead of a slow and early degeneration
No. 230018
>>229995Anon, you are lucky.
I live in southern europe and I had to watch all my high school crushes turn horrible while getting more arrogant.
I also love long hair (clean) and most of the guys (have presure to?) cut it really short for increasing chances to get hired.
No. 230126
File: 1644617048275.jpg (312.63 KB, 683x1024, gettyimages-1342045493-1024x10…)

He's going to grow a melonhead and age like Leo, isn't he? What a fucking waste.
Speaking of moids becoming melonheaded with age, did you nonas know that one of the hypotheses for the cause of male pattern baldness is age related skull expansion? You might be onto something.
No. 230130
File: 1644619246712.jpg (111.73 KB, 1280x949, 6NUTK3WQJRD2BOKKL7EURWUH7I.jpg)

sheeran may not be the most attractive, but he managed to not age like milk although he's ginger. i wonder why
No. 230162
File: 1644632074192.jpeg (164.43 KB, 2000x1270, 251F93B1-1E7B-4609-9D91-155875…)

>>230130Ed should unironically stick with the vampire / goth / alt-boy look
He’ll never be handsome but the Bad Habits look was kind of …“cute goblin boy” and not as much “salamander with Down’s syndrome”
No. 230167
>>230130He lost weight and shaved, it wasn't a lot of difference but noticeable in the face especially.
>>230162 has a point as much as I hate to admit it…
No. 232804
File: 1644979237607.jpeg (469.25 KB, 2048x2048, 8FCFDE8C-7E26-4DFC-83AD-5FCCEF…)

Checking in on Tom Welling
No. 237319
File: 1645207049824.jpg (14.94 KB, 500x250, ylfxw16kq8700k1.jpg)

He was so cute in Amadeus.
No. 237320
File: 1645207092437.jpg (23.33 KB, 360x360, Tom_Hulce.jpg)

>>237319Twink death comes for all men.
No. 248612
File: 1646864101848.jpeg (84.47 KB, 840x460, image.jpeg)

Taylor Kitsch turned 40 and body slammed the wall overnight
No. 248626
File: 1646869172545.jpeg (573.73 KB, 2048x1366, F899799C-571F-4207-A455-E4225F…)

I saw an article about Pamela Anderson going out to dinner. Thought the guy with her was a boyfriend or manager or something. Was shocked when the article said it was her 25 year old son Brandon Thomas Lee
No. 248704
File: 1646905489298.jpeg (520.42 KB, 1337x2048, gettyimages-1370278141-2048x20…)

>>248701>old man wonky eyeSpeaking of which… Skeet Ulrich has it too. Wonder what is behind this phenomenon lol
No. 250203
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No. 250205
File: 1647474348244.webm (1.3 MB, 288x512, tiktok.webm)
Couples from 2014 yearbook vs in 2022
No. 250383
File: 1647533070315.jpeg (100.06 KB, 640x424, EE66F97A-76D1-4E01-B8DF-A2453D…)

>>250218At least he had the balls to shave his head and didn’t try and cope by leaving on the remaining tufts he had lookin like one of those illustrated Chinese babies
No. 250660
File: 1647664795164.jpeg (58.7 KB, 750x400, 7ED231EE-C3F8-465B-8B19-A9F342…)

I know someone posted him already but ralph fiennes looks old as hell in the kings man movie
No. 252015
File: 1648334667287.jpg (12.38 KB, 240x312, shot.jpg)

Sterling Knight before
No. 252072
>>252016>>250660lordt forgive me for being attracted to him during
schindler's list>>252016>>252015please say sike
No. 252628
File: 1648638162350.jpg (131.86 KB, 634x951, 55963525-10664863-image-a-8_16…)

No. 252629
File: 1648638330821.jpg (97.42 KB, 1200x1600, HP6-PHOTOSHOOT.jpg)

>>252628Can you believe he is only 34?
No. 252657
File: 1648650886193.png (6.83 MB, 2480x3508, dancy.png)

I felt really bad doing this but the truth must be told. Although, because of this research, I now know that him and Claire Danes seem to form a very cute couple that keeps on complimenting each other during interview, so he still have that going on for him kek
No. 255141
>>255140Men age much worse. More of them are smokers and consume more alcohol. They wash their face, hair and ass with the same 12-in-1 body wash. They don't wear sunscreen or moistruize because "that's gay". Also beauty standards are harder on women. And most men have ABYSMAL grooming and hygiene habits.
Most of them have no hair left at 30, thr skin looking like a shriveled prune and a beer gut. I've never seen many attractive men older than 30, after 50 they are basically shriveled little bald goblins. Compared to them, most women are beautiful regardless of age and look after themselves. Look at Selma Hayek and Gwen Stefani
No. 255628
File: 1649622832116.jpeg (320.45 KB, 1170x1919, 232DA766-75BA-49EF-A556-D1C676…)

Jake Gyllenhaal on SNL, I didn’t even recognize him at first
No. 255634
File: 1649624576298.jpeg (89.19 KB, 640x960, 1E411635-D981-4404-8425-AFF0EF…)

>>255628starting to remind me of bradley cooper where he looks like a wax version of himself
No. 264720
>>252657Fuck fuck fuck
Please no Hannibal season 4, I can’t bear to see it.
No. 265106
File: 1653003784668.png (703 KB, 550x654, 84903294543809.png)

>>265041Thank you
nonny, maybe those were just especially unflattering photos of him. The (lack of) hair was shocking but I went and looked at his Met Gala photos and if I hide the top of his head, the rest of his face does still look pretty good.
No. 265389
File: 1653104123404.png (1.22 MB, 1180x875, F.png)

Eric Stoltz used to be so cute. Honestly, he's aged sorta okay compared to most of the men in this thread, but still not great. Men seriously need to get over their aversion to skincare and start wearing some goddamn sunscreen. Wrinkles aren't even the problem, it's discoloration from sun damage (although sunscreen and moisturizer does help reduce/prevent wrinkles.)
I've found that women can be sexy well into their forties and fifties with the right fashion choices, but my attraction to most guys pretty much dies as soon as they stop being twinky.
No. 265518
File: 1653190162646.jpeg (67.7 KB, 750x500, FEA3A48D-3D8E-4424-BCE5-0D07DA…)

Steven seagull
No. 265681
File: 1653276872276.png (2.25 MB, 1820x776, 73089120932740.png)

Have you guys seen Hayden Christensen lately? I would not have recognized him if it wasn't for an article telling me it was the same person. He looks like a shrivelled up 60-something bank teller now.
No. 265694
File: 1653281719989.jpeg (235.58 KB, 1908x1146, D38D5B76-93CB-4EDA-98E6-688EA8…)

>>265692he needs longer hair pronto
No. 265825
File: 1653335353910.jpeg (12.77 KB, 223x226, 10E3F2F5-8570-4C8F-A5C7-19BC8F…)

>>176563He was always kinda funny looking but as a literal child he was a cute kid. Which reminds me of
>>265518 who was a cute kid but then became sort of weird looking as a teenager/young adult only to become an ugly ass brown man.
All kids are cute I guess even the ones who will eventually become ugly as hell
No. 265849
File: 1653339265093.jpeg (157.82 KB, 866x1390, 5C70948B-C206-468F-95B5-98141E…)

No. 265855
File: 1653340925724.jpeg (49.86 KB, 634x312, C64FF7C7-14A1-4B59-B63B-09F63D…)

I promise you it’s the same guy
No. 266423
File: 1653607102799.jpg (239.64 KB, 1042x766, lucky.jpg)

Lucky Blue Smith looks like shit. He's only 23.
No. 266467
File: 1653639074518.png (1.63 MB, 2898x1630, sands of time.png)

No. 266468
File: 1653641454247.jpg (56.17 KB, 640x480, stjMUq5.jpg)

>>266467You take that back nonnatella
No. 268413
File: 1654477939046.png (510.08 KB, 491x506, 1he3rbfsivbfjsd1f.png)

I watched Sleepaway Camp 3 recently and thought this guy was cute, so I look up the actor because I was curious. It's sad how much worse men age. I guess everyone ages, but this is such a stark contrast. Women actors still look great for decades.
No. 268433
File: 1654492582586.jpg (94.65 KB, 776x574, 94b2b1f77a3e7efd84d16be5e4c0ff…)

might get hate for this but this was when I had the biggest crush in my childhood at 2004 (17 y/o Felton)
No. 268434
File: 1654492623552.png (423.62 KB, 746x507, tom felton.png)

and now he looks like this (34 y/o)
No. 268524
>>268439ayrt and I think he could have saved himself a bit more by taking care of his skin, but then he's a brit so I expected less
>>268449I heard him bleaching the absolute shit out of his hair during the whole filming process made it worse, I've def permadamaged my hair follicles and I only did it for 3 years so ig it's a miracle they held on for so long.
>>268450call me an autist but I'm so obsessed with men's hairline being good I've turned down pretty ok men solely due to bad hairline. In my region men continuously expose their head to harsh sun with no protection and wonder why they bald at 22, it's tragic
No. 268882
File: 1654651469236.png (139.72 KB, 646x358, dps.png)

another one b/c I rewatched dead poets society. Ethan Hawke at 17/18 (1989)
No. 268883
File: 1654651573425.png (752.85 KB, 844x712, 2022 cannes.png)

And now he looks like this at 2022 Cannes. Absolutely tragic. I was shocked to find that he's only 51. Do men really not believe in basic self care? Especially skincare? Sage for skincaresperging
No. 270255
File: 1655194126512.jpg (225.8 KB, 1000x1000, mattandtrey.jpg)

No. 270274
File: 1655203464559.jpeg (740.08 KB, 1600x899, FC728D91-0E63-494F-AF0F-3F943A…)

Finn Wolfhard was never going to be an attractive adult but after watching this last season of stranger things…. wouldn’t be surprised if he turns out to be another Timothy Charcoochie. What the fuck happened ?
No. 270320
File: 1655237422112.jpeg (142.43 KB, 1080x1350, 8C706AA5-C72D-4B3B-A5DE-777FA8…)

>>270274He desperately needs to gain weight. It was fine when he was 14 and scrawny but at 20? He needs the weight to balance out some of his features.
No. 270373
File: 1655266935757.png (688.68 KB, 1161x495, 8B0F3B9F-0B85-4EC1-8296-B78C2F…)

This is very low hanging fruit because he’s always been a disgusting degenerate but Hunter Biden had potential. Now he is literally the coomer meme; bald spot and all.
No. 272060
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No. 275968
File: 1658087414080.jpg (61.77 KB, 590x681, young.jpg)

This is what he looked like before. Now, before you look at the 'after' pic, guess who this person is first
No. 275970
File: 1658087495220.jpg (535.48 KB, 2037x2048, 1657912981612.jpg)

>>275969another 'before' just to hammer it in
No. 276399
File: 1658194178042.png (4.61 MB, 2172x3862, BED752F2-9B52-4EA4-B7D2-442D3D…)

The baldness gene must be eliminated
No. 276407
>>276399How does a man get to point B and never does it once strike him that he’d look 1000x less worse if he just shaved the rest?
> The baldness gene must be eliminatedThey’d just find something else to be dummies about, I’m sure.
No. 277472
File: 1658608669627.jpeg (578.13 KB, 2048x2048, DFF3A67E-6E2A-47B9-8818-E6F3F1…)

12 year old me is deeply disappointed in Orlando Bloom’s consistent glowdown since LOTR.
No. 277473
File: 1658608833281.jpeg (279.95 KB, 1119x1524, 0EB532E7-238F-4D28-8DE5-5E1258…)

He looks like his tits are gonna burst but that’s a buff physique apparently.
No. 284309
>>266423Lol I've been thinking this forever. I can't believe his peak was at like 17 or something. He looks like a skelly 30s now.
I need to vet my men properly so I don't marry one and he ages like this while I maintain my youth and beauty.
No. 284311
File: 1661794365978.png (3.69 MB, 1590x1602, st.png)

>>266423Meanwhile, the girl he had a kid with who is 31.
No. 284398
>>268434What confuses me is when they become less masculine and more uncanny valley. He looks much more like a dorky gerbil now. He was always soft but now he just looks really weird. I imagined he'd grow up differently back then.
>>276399Wow, he looks scary now.
Kek, I hate being mean anyway though even if it's deserved so that's it for me.
No. 284486
File: 1661891040178.jpeg (186.47 KB, 1600x1208, 2E764DED-F57B-43BD-88E3-275DD9…)

cracks me up that even the photographer knew he hit the wall so hard they retook the same photos again
No. 284495
File: 1661892634853.jpeg (87.28 KB, 602x401, main-qimg-d6d328d544421572564c…)

>>284486I agree that this guy aged poorly but bear in mind this guy was dying of cancer towards the end of his life
No. 284496
File: 1661892699610.jpeg (43.56 KB, 500x612, EF00FE4D-0412-4C98-A577-A47A93…)

>>284488it’s funny when anons thirst over elon when steve was the most attractive tech guy ever from the period of late 70s to early 90s. after that it was over
No. 299328
File: 1668468003446.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1321x902, 2C411282-1AC4-4E5C-8BB3-C8D811…)

how can this happen IN SEVEN YEARS?!
the second pic is from last year when he was only 27.
can it really be genetics? or is this meth? i need answers
No. 299669
File: 1668612300422.jpg (256.33 KB, 1080x1054, Screenshot_20221116_162134.jpg)

>>198613The whole cast has aged badly, except the women of course
Slideshow here: No. 299810
File: 1668674291872.png (Spoiler Image,3.71 MB, 2558x1242, 070028A1-193A-4C7F-97FB-F69627…)

sex pests have such an unchecked and outdated sense of ego
No. 300187
File: 1668898360467.jpeg (22.41 KB, 226x223, 51B2C9F8-5A66-4DB9-ACD1-0011EE…)

at what age did he hit the wall?
No. 300470
File: 1669076886561.jpg (326.96 KB, 1280x540, MV5BZTY3MWVmN2UtOWNjZC00Y2JjLT…)

I saw some clips from Christine and thought the guy was cute so I decided to look up his actor Keith Gordon…
No. 300471
File: 1669076926458.jpg (773.08 KB, 1600x1600, K20ZsLeTFAt3xmIuspisGToJT1sy0C…)

>>300470And oh my god what the hell happened
No. 300473
File: 1669078026711.jpg (49.61 KB, 660x400, keithgordon.jpg)

>>300470I posted him in the nerd thread once because he was really cute in Dressed to Kill. Tragic that he got so gross.
No. 300481
File: 1669078875496.gif (7 MB, 500x340, tumblr_acdd0ce4918c237218b4559…)

>>300473He was such a cute nerd. It's so sad.
No. 300874
File: 1669331288112.png (396.28 KB, 487x636, Milorad_Milinković.png)

>>300873Like fine wine, of course
No. 301047
File: 1669455143557.png (643.09 KB, 1210x326, dfsdfgh.png)

I know Floribama ended but I found it so hilarious how fucked up Gus got over just a few seasons. He looks fucking 40 and why does he always have scars on his face
No. 301594
File: 1669762410734.jpg (54.77 KB, 640x786, 07yngoydsyu91.jpg)

Look how they massacred my boy.
No. 301602
File: 1669765309514.jpeg (369.89 KB, 1920x1280, 8057b010-514f-11ed-bff2-0e3e2b…)

>>301594Lmao REmake4 Leon is also ruined and he was half okay in Remake2
No. 301605
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>>301602Sadly, even video game men are not immune to this phenomenon. The more advanced the graphics become, the worse the men look.
No. 301624
>>301605Was the re7 chris even canon?
Re8 chris suffers from realism moid effect a bit but his aesthetic helps keep him nice looking
No. 301646
File: 1669807300750.jpeg (65.79 KB, 620x825, 5C985431-189A-4898-ACB0-82D9BD…)

i feel like i am going to puke from laughter at this image
No. 302727
File: 1670393365438.png (188.39 KB, 396x469, harlan ellison.png)

he may be dead but i can still mourn his pretty face
No. 302958
File: 1670473084647.jpeg (239.39 KB, 1427x946, 4367C208-D18C-4CC7-9EAE-7BA6F4…)

has anyone mentioned phil from phil of the future?
No. 304770
File: 1671455835003.jpg (115.37 KB, 1200x788, PLACEBO Mads Perch 1.jpg)

Well at least he didn't troon.
No. 304804
File: 1671467977369.jpg (39.7 KB, 640x427, movies_x-men_gambit.jpg)

>>248612Nonono not Taylor plz not him… When he played Gambit I wanted to find him and marry him on the spot.
No. 305904
File: 1672512482042.jpg (377.43 KB, 986x538, if only you knew how bad thing…)

I'm not really into pretty boys but what happened to Peter Gabriel was kind of hilarious. 7/10 twink to balding fat moid.
No. 306896
File: 1673150789296.png (287.08 KB, 517x276, 23.png)

Political influencer, at 23 years old
No. 306898
File: 1673151506421.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1170x2015, A9631E54-84E6-4FB4-B82D-8F2F1B…)

>>304804I’m sorry to report that he is even worse now. This was just from NYE.
No. 306901
File: 1673152172973.jpeg (Spoiler Image,35.4 KB, 750x550, E87A7195-1BC6-4EA0-A6B9-B710E8…)

>>306898Damn twink death is so strong that it even affects the men that only pretended to be twinky
No. 307255
File: 1673354887909.png (3.4 MB, 3560x1248, tito.png)

Josip Broz Tito, all the communists aged like milk
No. 307644
File: 1673616755944.jpeg (156.88 KB, 1280x720, 1DFE1BD3-DA33-452C-A66F-B22DE4…)

Pete Doherty, pic rel.
Addict scrotes are my pet peeve. Nothing gives me more joy than seeing them become the fat hideous washed up wrecks with liver failure falling into the gutter and dying alone in hospital that they inevitably become and deserve to be.
A youth of coasting by on their shy timid forest creature junkie uwu looks and taking advantage of womens innate nurturing instinct. Spit.
No. 311546
File: 1675642523870.jpg (90.25 KB, 585x693, why.jpg)

Why God
No. 311565
File: 1675649103544.jpg (241.7 KB, 634x665, 20220505_190011.jpg)

>>311546Oh my fucking god i haven't seen a picture of him in years, kek. So many ladies on tumblr would cream themselves over him, i feel so bad for them. He looks like a homeless man on the street covered in piss mumbling to himself.
No. 311616
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No. 311817
File: 1675817342368.jpeg (647.01 KB, 999x660, 951A8422-C157-4268-ABE1-4FFFF7…)

No. 313221
File: 1676680433374.jpg (301.18 KB, 1200x630, matt_mcgorry_.jpg)

i'm watching Orange is the new black and thought Benett was cute and went to see Matt McGorry's ig and my god he looks so haggard
No. 313223
File: 1676680548160.png (323.94 KB, 460x588, Capture d’écran 2023-02-18 à…)

>>313222maybe it's the uniform but he looks so ugly now
No. 313245
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No. 313444
File: 1676833512936.jpg (49.25 KB, 773x332, ly.jpg)

Lauri Ylonen. I would have never guessed he would lose his cuteness so fast. Every year his fucking forehead gets bigger. I was being nice by not putting up a pic where he's styled more like he is on the left because it just accentuates the decline. You just give them a couple of years and they fall apart.
No. 316699
File: 1678653810370.jpg (53.92 KB, 650x430, 8a8bd7dce49b4316880910462bf4a2…)

When your hair looks like your toupee has shifted…
No. 320420
File: 1680785710156.jpg (132.97 KB, 1119x1076, incel aging.jpg)

When your looks start matching your personality
No. 320431
File: 1680790110951.jpg (108.01 KB, 661x1270, tomato.jpg)

>>307255>>311817Slavic aging is on a par with british aging
No. 320837
File: 1681057766180.jpg (59.23 KB, 750x410, Tom-Cruise.jpg)

No. 320841
>>320796If you wanna use it for balding, you use topical minoxidil which is used on bald spots, not the literal one that's used orally for systemical absorbation. It's not a heart medicine, it's a vasodilator which means it widens vessels and boosts bloodflow.
Anon should consult a derm if she wants to use it but your information isn't any better than the ones others gave.
No. 320962
File: 1681145282015.jpg (135.88 KB, 1076x1080, Screenshot_20230216-221000_Ins…)

What three years, a pandemic, and boatloads of coke will do to a boy.
No. 321032
>>311817this one hurts, he used to be so qt
>>320431he's german, not slavic (riemelt)
No. 321035
>>300471Kek I was about to say "what are you talking about, from
>>300473 to
>>300470 there's not that much decline" before I saw this
No. 322349
File: 1681885933481.jpg (95.01 KB, 900x845, IMG_20230419_033229_663.jpg)

Dexter Holland from TheOffspring. He used to be such a cutie…
No. 322354
File: 1681887246903.jpeg (478.38 KB, 2048x2048, 0B93A5E2-94B4-4642-991B-3EE07F…)

>>313259>>313278Christ almighty, everyone from Blur looks like shit. I always thought Damon Albarn was so fucking hot when he was young, too and he’s absolutely tragic
No. 322370
>>322354British teeth
British twink death
No. 322420
File: 1681925758706.png (169.13 KB, 656x734, an empty hill.png)

>>322353nothing's ever gonna salvage this tho
No. 323860
File: 1682545299680.png (919.53 KB, 1116x582, damn.png)

23 vs 40
I want to prescribe him tretinoin…
No. 325487
File: 1683209846184.jpg (32.33 KB, 720x364, 20230504_111411.jpg)

Anons on Taylor Swift and some dude from a band called 1975 I never heard of I guess.
No. 325542
File: 1683223508506.jpg (28.56 KB, 586x240, DavidDuchovny-1.jpg)

His face melted
No. 325543
File: 1683223564834.gif (1.62 MB, 500x281, davidducho.gif)

No. 325546
File: 1683223676214.jpg (89.16 KB, 1000x1000, duchovny-speedo-1648764822.jpg)

Man can't scape the beer gut
>>325544>singing careerWtf I didn't know about that
No. 325892
File: 1683319723412.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.9 KB, 670x853, moid.jpg)

>>325546Men have the weirdest shaped bodies
No. 326056
>>325892Holy shit, that looks like a birth deffect or something
it's like the Norf fc meme. At least David Duchovny looked hot on the left picture.
No. 326783
File: 1683594699265.jpg (40.25 KB, 846x267, Untitled.jpg)

he was never attractive, but holy SHIT that male pattern baldness
No. 327606
File: 1683867695756.png (699.62 KB, 1024x474, travis fimmel.png)

I don't even think he aged as badly as some but my god travis fimmel needs to ditch the beard
No. 327649
File: 1683897604314.jpeg (167.73 KB, 1200x870, E31B3D87-6C35-448E-8CE2-4BC303…)

Absolutely the worst one ever for me, he was so fucking cute.
No. 333765
File: 1686093073034.webm (807.79 KB, 576x1024, sander_jennings.webm)
Sander Jennings is spoiling like milk left in the hot Florida sun.
Sander posted this to his own twitter meaning for it to be positive. Season 1 of I Am Jazz aired July 2015. Season 8 aired January of 2023. He turned 25 in March. He looks so fucking bad for his age.
No. 333911
File: 1686151762004.jpg (68.66 KB, 1426x300, judelaw.jpg)

>>333765He's only 25? Holy crap I thought he was much older, not that anything was lost here, all Jennings males are uggos. Here's 2004 Jude Law in his middle 30s vs recent Jude Law who is only 50 this year. And I do not think that brits age any worse than other men, almost all men age like shit regardless of ancestry.
No. 334790
File: 1686511683457.jpg (123.52 KB, 1200x798, si202112150042.jpg)

No. 335236
File: 1686674394659.png (289.22 KB, 1094x604, K Got Fed Too Well, Stop Buyin…)

Karma and God are real, ladies
No. 339670
File: 1689010786816.png (1.48 MB, 1304x824, christophernolan.png)

No. 339703
>>339670I'm with nonna
>>339696 but I have a thing for Dutch/British looking guys with big heads and older than 45, kek.
No. 347946
File: 1694240212058.jpeg (252.27 KB, 924x1882, 4A0ADC3C-7FBB-4636-9E91-1B96AB…)

>>152996European Moids age so bad with their roscea and high rate of balding
Why do they think so highly of themselves? Is it height?
No. 348080
File: 1694357548978.png (9.09 MB, 3264x3264, fugly.png)

I know he's already been posted multiple times in this thread but this picture is taking me out right now so I had to share it with the class
No. 348737
File: 1694756855281.jpg (108.32 KB, 936x552, mancarryingthing.jpg)

I haven't watched him in a while so it was pretty shocking to see how he looks now. why would he do this
No. 348961
File: 1694907297369.png (687.63 KB, 876x454, kurtisconner.png)

this is more of a hairstyle/grooming thing than aging but one thing i dislike more than premature balding are average looking guys who as soon as they age a little get ratty ass hairstyles and terrible facial hair that makes them look like someone's creepy uncle
No. 357543
File: 1699438880919.png (676.4 KB, 984x580, twinkdeath.png)

The "That Chapter" guy from youtube posted a video without the 200% smoothing filter, I hope this wakes up some of the obsessed fans in the comments.
No. 358673
File: 1699930177301.jpeg (499.82 KB, 1019x639, IMG_1266.jpeg)

At least he is still skinny
No. 358675
File: 1699931490675.gif (8.94 MB, 500x400, cillian murphy 1.gif)

>>358673I was just looking at pictures of him today and it's a shame what happened. Though I actually think he'd look better if he gained some weight, he got emaciated for Oppenheimer and it made him look worse. Just posting this as a eulogy to how beautiful he was.
No. 358684
File: 1699937974676.jpeg (49.24 KB, 451x402, IMG_0996.jpeg)

>>358681that’s funny because his fans always post extreme closeups of his eyes. It scares me every time and I would recognize them anywhere now
>>358675I think he was the most attractive actor of all time but the wall destroyed him pretty harshly
>>358679 kek
No. 358690
File: 1699938604103.jpeg (18 KB, 320x480, IMG_7811.jpeg)

>>358673Did he get an eye lift or something? I was baffled at how different he looks and I couldn’t figure out what it was besides his weight loss. But it’s the eyes! His eyes look so tight and weird and creepy now, he doesn’t look like the same guy I used to have a crush on back in the day
No. 358696
File: 1699940675026.gif (3.66 MB, 540x350, BB6F37A5-74F0-4950-9B11-30F135…)

>>358690I’ve been trying to figure that out too, I think it’s a weird combination of things like filler, an eye lift or mini face lift, and the starvation for Oppenheimer. He looks so different now from even peaky blinders and that wasn’t that long ago
No. 358697
File: 1699940737674.jpeg (23.11 KB, 419x289, IMG_1309.jpeg)

>>358696He also looked very different when he was like 20 so maybe he had work done earlier in his career and it looks bad now
No. 358737
File: 1699981272038.jpg (89.84 KB, 500x622, cillian murphy peaky.jpg)

>>358697But he looked normal, if aged, in Peaky Blinders and even in his earliest pictures his features are the same, I don't think he had work done. He still looks like himself, imo, he's just aging incredibly badly, has spent decades smoking and starving himself for Oppenheimer exacerbated it.
No. 358764
File: 1699991240767.gif (3.54 MB, 500x271, tumblr_288ade676ebaa1df4e67a8b…)

>>358737he was SO hot in peaky blinders I don't even care
No. 358777
File: 1699994909415.jpeg (530.59 KB, 1620x624, 97D60B43-0F35-4351-9754-B0DA1F…)

>>358673He reminds me a bit of Johnny Rzeznik (my childhood crush) people always accuse him of getting surgery but the truth is he always had a weird kinda chubby plastic looking overfilled looking face and simply aged strangely. Add that to the fact they both have blondish/light brown hair, very pale skin, light eyes and can’t grow facial hair well, and were prettyboys who attained twink death, and yeah no wonder they look like old lesbians.
No. 358778
>>358777Rzeznik is Slav, Murphy is Irish. Irish and Slavic men are known for extreme twink death and ageing poorly.
And they also drink a lot (Cillian was spotted drinking at a pub for 5 hours a couple months ago) they both look like my alcoholic father kek.
No. 358780
File: 1699995404595.jpeg (637.59 KB, 3428x1286, 68053DAA-B26B-447A-BC40-362AE4…)

Sad that blond men age the worst and go bald earliest. They get that ‘aged gay pornstar’ look.
No. 358789
File: 1699999270744.jpg (103.8 KB, 1280x1600, cillian murphy beard.jpg)

>>358777>>358773I hate that I know this but Murphy can grow facial hair well. I agree with you though, it's just bad aging and massive weight loss that aged him even faster. He might look better if he gained some weight back.
And while I know old British men love their coke I thought meth ended up literally deforming people.
>>358778I thought drinking caused a puffy, fatter face like Rzeznik. Granted he's emaciated now but Murphy's face looks overly thin, not puffy and he doesn't have the Irish nose that usually goes with drinking.
No. 358853
File: 1700020193103.jpeg (51.19 KB, 500x524, IMG_1379.jpeg)

>>358789I think he looks better with a beard, it makes him look less uncanny. On that note I think the reason he looked so good in peaky blinders is because he had a more masculine style and mannerisms than he has in real life, his features are pretty feminine and it looks odd if it isn’t balanced with a more masculine hairstyle and facial hair
No. 358905
>>320671Exactly. And it is about time moids feel as bad for their looks as we are made to do. They deserve to be taken down a peg or two.
I'm doing my part by leaving mean comments on moids' appearances on photos and videos with fake profiles. Especially friends, relatives and acquaintances whose insecurities I know, but complete strangers I come across too. I also use their email addresses and phone numbers to sign them up to websites or newsletters that will remind them of how they're hitting the wall (treatments for baldness and erectile dysfunction) or how inadequate they are (my favorite is to sign them up for ball wash discounts, and if he's under 6'/180cm I sign him up to support groups for people with dwarfism)
No. 359047
File: 1700107810688.png (1.36 MB, 1124x796, fielder.png)

How was Nathan For You season 1 only in 2013? The change in 10 years is surprising to me. He has a new show out and his age was distracting to me. Though the picture on the right is actually from another 2022 show The Rehearsal which I haven't seen.
No. 359116
File: 1700149713160.jpg (59.91 KB, 497x750, d7ba0f12bcac1801960f52c310b06d…)

I laughed so hard at this thread here's my contribution, I know Steve Howe was never a looker, but I know some nonas here found him cute
No. 359117
File: 1700149786893.jpg (173.78 KB, 1024x661, stevehowe-1024x661.jpg)

>>359116anyways here's him now… someone on compared him to the crypt keeper kek and it's all I can see when I look at recent pictures of him
No. 363581
File: 1702044014550.jpg (1.47 MB, 3000x3000, MixCollage-08-Dec-2023-03-00-P…)

The guy from Iceage. And he's only like 30 kek
No. 363615
File: 1702056918729.png (619.58 KB, 1294x549, goering.png)

My personal vex was always with Hermann Goering. I can't believe that being a druggy nazi pig results in you actually looking like a pig.. Ughh. Aged male ugliness is deeply upsetting and permeating every corner of history. They can't even be decorative properly.
No. 363622
>>363615I mean… i don't want to defend moids and let alone nazi moids but i think it's a bit unfair to compare younger and after war type of photos kek
The left pictures make him look like he's paranoid that someone would check his browsing history tbh
No. 365652
File: 1702677956065.jpg (58.02 KB, 1200x800, 1000005962.jpg)

I watched The Killer recently and Fassbender was looking rough. He was never exactly fresh-faced but now he looks like he belongs in the pro-ana thread kek. Someone get him a toob
No. 365655
File: 1702678666383.jpeg (233.92 KB, 828x608, IMG_1658.jpeg)

>>365652Good. Karma is finally catching up with this wifebeater
No. 368869
File: 1703532453831.jpg (1.29 MB, 3000x3000, MixCollage-25-Dec-2023-08-23-P…)

This is so tragic to me. The first pic was only 6 years ago and i disagree with the comments calling him a silver fox
No. 368896
This thread scares and depresses me so much, like is this
>>348080 all we can get after like age 20???
No. 369119
nonnie, that’s great. keep it up
No. 370522
File: 1704194232534.jpg (346.94 KB, 1080x997, Screenshot_20231230_130741.jpg)

No. 370682
File: 1704258408344.jpeg (123.25 KB, 1200x1200, image0.jpeg)

>>365652I've seen less wrinkles and furrows on fucking 60 year olds kek
No. 370729
File: 1704288194411.png (628.9 KB, 1009x578, 442.png)

>>370682Even in the 5 years between him making Prometheus and then the next installment of it (in 2017) he'd aged rapidly. I thought oh they've purposefully aged him with make up? til I saw him in interviews
No. 370848
File: 1704320576888.jpg (508.64 KB, 1163x1962, IMG_20240103_154550.jpg)

Not the worst example ig but he's only 34 and his wrinkles are already so deep around the eyes and cheeks and forehead. This feels like the early warning signs that he's going to age really badly and it's making me so sad, sis needs to stop sucking the life out of him.
No. 370873
File: 1704330061963.png (322.43 KB, 447x603, paul mescal.png)

Paul mescal used to look cute in normal people now he's aging badly. he's not even 30 and his hairline is already receding.
No. 372810
File: 1705029648542.jpeg (65.52 KB, 500x500, BD96FFB2-C814-458C-A9C6-F78089…)

Haven’t seen Ghostmane since like 2016, just get a load of this. People in the comments were saying he had a baby but they act like HE CARRIED IT lol
No. 373774
File: 1705382437815.jpeg (173.95 KB, 1736x784, tragic.jpeg)

He's not the worst but what happened here? He was okay longer than most men but keeps getting worse and worse. He's not even 50!
No. 374019
File: 1705477805059.jpeg (343.67 KB, 815x576, IMG_4213.jpeg)

Fail male
No. 374097
>>374090>people who have abused drugs and alcohol>ages 50-90One: scrotes aren't people. And two: yeah? that's the whole point of the thread? males age like shit because of their Y chromosomes and their poor choices, who would have guessed? but thanks for stating the obvious.
kek i'd bet money that none of these moids give a single shit about some anonymous pick-me defending their sagging neck skin and receding hairlines, so maybe hop off that imaginary dick your riding and do a little more lurking, yeah?
No. 374455
File: 1705690485186.jpg (98.36 KB, 700x350, wtf is this.jpg)

No. 375431
>>155485I was looking him up because we kinda have the same eyes and now i'm scared.
Didn't even realize he was the kid from Terminator holy shit.
>>203702God, is there any child actor who wasn't molested
No. 375774
File: 1706301875864.jpg (84.35 KB, 634x853, 71728273-12754513-Johnson_expl…)

Apart from inferior moid genes, every single pic ITT features moid heads expanding. Head expansion is real and one of the reasons why a 30 year old moid and his 20 year old self look like two genetically unrelated strangers. It's also the reason why plastic surgery doesn't work for them and never will.
Look at pic related, 3 generations of moids in one photo. The head size is smallest in the 18 year old moid and nearly DOUBLES in size in his geriatric grandfather.
No. 375776
>>375774That photo looks disturbingly incestous. Is that the moid who took blood from his son like a modern Bathory? And abandoned his wife when she got cancer.
Very true about their expanding heads though.
No. 375777
File: 1706302236103.jpg (275.42 KB, 1080x2316, horrors beyond comprehension.j…)

>>374455Most symmetrical moid
No. 375825
File: 1706308732735.jpg (137.91 KB, 485x632, 1000015095.jpg)

>>374455such a shame, he was quite cute lol
No. 375830
>>375784Male skulls change significantly with aging, moreso than female skulls. Nobody really knows why, given that women are the ones who rapidly lose bone mineral density from pregnancy and menopause. It's likely due to poorer DNA repair/more rapid aging in males in general.
>Males revealed the most significant shape changes with age, particularly in the outer cranial vault, inner cranial vault, anterior cranial fossa, and middle cranial fossa. Females revealed significant shape changes with age within the anterior cranial fossa and middle cranial fossa. For cranial expansion in particular, the reason is likely pleiotropic effects of testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-1. This is plausible because you can achieve a more severe form of normal age related pseudoacromegaly by doing roids - in fact, age related cranial expansion is usually accompanied by hypertrophy in other regions sensitive to these signals (gut/midsection/cartilage like nose top and ears).
No. 375843
>>375838It's very complicated. One thing you need to keep in mind is that an excess of testosterone (especially exogenous T past reproductive prime) occasionally produces paradoxical effects (estrogenized appearance). Several mechanisms can be at play, one of them being homeostatic compensation. Another one is that the effects of T are permanent, so if I had to make a basic guess, the aesthetic you're describing is achieved by past-prime T related hypertrophy between 27 and 34, followed by a drop in testosterone going forward. The hypervirilized structures remain in place, and "feminization" occurs on top of them, thus creating the melted old transbian appearance.
Tl;dr blind watchmaker theory but applied to geroscience
No. 375869
File: 1706316724519.jpg (70.04 KB, 1024x576, barry-keoghan-stalker-1024x576…)

>>375865he was 18 in stalker. i couldn't believe he was 31 lmfao i fully thought he was at least 40
No. 375892
File: 1706328483506.jpg (36.08 KB, 640x480, f646fe811487ee38d5ff12b122f3a6…)

ugh i was watching saturday night fever and thought about the OP pic. i don't even find john travolta particularly attractive (his chin is so distracting) but his aging is truly horrific
No. 379045
File: 1707836316945.jpg (324.64 KB, 1387x1738, 1000025083.jpg)

Paul Rudd at the Superbowl. Only a couple years ago was he named as the "sexiest man alive" by some magazine and this is what he looks now KEK
No. 379431
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No. 380001
File: 1708143267124.jpg (124.62 KB, 900x852, IMG_20240217_011633_303.jpg)

I used to have a crush on the Two and a Half Men kid growing up (my mom watched the show and I would catch it on the background) it's hard to belive he is only 30
No. 380100
File: 1708194926191.png (1.29 MB, 1108x664, johnlydon.png)

He was never crazy hot but still
No. 380117
File: 1708200805356.jpeg (410.27 KB, 1908x1497, 892F06C2-4E3F-48CB-854E-753046…)

what aids does to a motherfucker
No. 380118
File: 1708201033844.jpeg (49.78 KB, 408x406, IMG_5149.jpeg)

>>380117factor in this haircut crime against humanity, stop trying to pretend youre 25
No. 380131
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No. 380241
File: 1708242437013.jpeg (297.99 KB, 1347x1347, E32566D7-5D32-4985-8AC7-126E53…)

>>380195considering how bad his drug habits are he pickled later than expected. but when you start fucking with meth, demonize autistic kids,
and kill your girlfriend you hit the wall running
No. 380340
File: 1708288884405.jpeg (229.51 KB, 1560x1560, D3F80AC1-B5BD-4EB0-ACEB-EF3159…)

>>380273I never saw the red flags as a kid, but I did start to notice that he does not smile with his eyes. Eyes don't lie.
Early in his career and pre-fame, he was offputting, but not totally antisocial. can easily chalk it up to his rough upbringing and his several mental deficiencies (which he denies, except for 'depression'). post fame and older he got, the less human his social skills and body language became. while he was always spergy, he's become so offputting in both the way he looks and acts that it
accentuates the malice and ugliness that was either lurking under the surface or wasn't there before. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
He strains to
appear happy even when he is
No. 380353
File: 1708295219669.png (1.6 MB, 1187x1045, jerma decline.png)

He's 38.
No. 380361
>>380262At this point he may have had something to do with Epstein or committed Epstein-esque crimes. He's been adjacent to two different creepy cults (Scientology and the meditation cult) and was invincible during the nineties and 00s. He's also close with Seth Green and Jeff Ross and a barrage of other creepy men who are known to abuse teenagers. The comedy scene is a fucking cesspool and needs a proper metoo. Everyone talks about Louis CK as if he's the worst comedian, but there are more sexually
abusive men than him in comedy who barely anyone talks about
No. 380374
>>380340He has really evil beady little eyes. Typical
toxic male narcissist pedo masquerading as a deep troubled sadboi.
No. 380381
>>380375I dont know about boys but I know and have heard less than six degrees of separation from him that he rapes teen girls. Not surprising but it's insane how nothing about it has been exposed publicly. Similar to Jared Leto, nobody likes to talk about it, like they're afraid JC's going to chop their fingers off if they say too much. But yeah he allegedly not only likes raping and abusing women but teens as well and is apparently fond of daterape. The problem is that a bunch of
victims are forced into silence or the authorities will not take them serious. The California PDs are bribed by teams who work for these celebrities to turn the other cheek. They laugh off
victims all the time. It's fucked up.
I also heard JC is bi, but nothing much more than rumors though. He echoes Johnny Depp (they did heroin in the viper room together?) and Charlie Sheen- childhood trauma, mood and personality type disorder, promiscuous, low empathy, substance issues, said to be bisexual, relentlessly misogynistic and generally cruel, pedo tendencies towards young women (in Sheen's case, men as well).
No. 380546
File: 1708404693356.jpeg (594.65 KB, 1242x570, 97EC6784-23D8-4DA9-B79E-E963CF…)

I’ll never understand why men purposely go from actually being attractive to women and being able to get sex easily, to trying to appear as tough and ugly as possible simply to intimidate other men.
No. 380912
File: 1708559175021.jpg (68.66 KB, 828x557, Fj9gSdYVUAI2vRZ.jpg)

>>380546Literally the only reason he grew out his hair was to distance himself from his neo-nazi past he went through as a teenager. Then shaved it again when he felt more secure. I doubt anything he's ever done was focused on attracting women.
No. 381848
File: 1708992289264.png (721.6 KB, 598x755, 3523.png)

I checked out this one playlist channel because I thought the mixes were good (it's mostly house and UK garage). Can you imagine this man's instagram says he's TWENTY SIX!?! It was over for men before they began. If I was born as this man I'd cry myself to an early grave.
No. 382085
>>380118He looks like Bruce Jenner.
>>382062So true, they get so insecure when they are called pretty or cute by women like it's not the highest compliment they can ever recieve from us. I guess they do prefer coming across as threats then.
No. 382316
File: 1709226384306.jpeg (56.98 KB, 1024x576, image0.jpeg)

>>382085I'm not sure what smack he's injecting in his face. In any given current picture he's fluctuating somewhere between waxy taut Brad Pitt and saggy bulldog filler face Tom Cruise and it's jarring to look at. You think he'd fix the droopy eyelids while he was at it but deluded men will be deluded while demanding to date younger and younger women
No. 382318
File: 1709226678988.jpeg (143.3 KB, 679x1024, IMG_3933.jpeg)

>>382316One side of my family has a similar phenotype and it's bizarre how he wouldn't maintenance his lids. Those are one of the first thing to droop when you have an eye type like his
No. 382528
File: 1709318526566.png (1.77 MB, 1512x716, thomyorke.png)

So he was never "hot" to begin with, but I always kinda had a crush on ol' wonky-eyed Thom Yorke. Yuck.
No. 382605
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No. 383296
File: 1709665027953.jpeg (73.65 KB, 576x1024, AF724FCF-DD88-4D2F-9A79-5A68AF…)

>>380546This guy is such a weirdo and always says the most out of pocket shit lmao. Oh well, I guess having a lolcow in the squad makes things a bit more interesting.
No. 383328
File: 1709672450879.jpeg (66.98 KB, 800x400, IMG_9598.jpeg)

>>383315Didn't Leo DiCaprio also say he hated being fetishized and that's why he stopped taking care of his looks and morphed into the blob fish he is today?
No. 384952
>>380546It's called aging. They purposefully go for that look like they "purposefully" shave their heads. Unlike a female, for a male it's physiologically impossible to maintain the outward appearance of being in his prime past his prime (because of antagonistic pleiotropy and the nature of virilization). Hence why they pretend that they're totally happy to no longer be a joocy bright eyed twunk and being an abdominally obese yet "jacked" knee with a beard is an intentional "look". This is something they often admit on various moid forums.
Some rich walled moids like Bryan Johnson have altogether abandoned the cope and admitted that they want to be chubby faced lean twinks again. A million coping redpill roodpigs now simp for him because they think he'll succeed. Suddenly they don't want to be "masculine" and "mature" anymore.
>>382062Jealousy and collective bargaining. Too bad it only works when women have to settle or starve, hence why all of them are "looksmaxxing" now.
>>382066Literally no moid thinks this. It's what they tell themselves and others to cope because there's no other choice. The male version of "my postpreg stretch marks are beautiful". If moids actually believed this, the market wouldn't be an absolute shitshow of hair loss treatments.
No. 384961
File: 1710372531695.jpeg (53.12 KB, 828x636, IMG_3018.jpeg)

>>384952Why do you post so rarely now? I miss you
No. 385012
File: 1710391543353.png (1.14 MB, 1500x750, IMG_0324.png)

He looked so uncanny in Ricky Stanicky it was almost distracting
No. 385097
File: 1710450327136.jpeg (46.54 KB, 521x695, 790ca7caf74c387bc180ee972bc79d…)

>>385047Moids are consistently aesthetically inept, which really makes me doubt this whole "men are visual" and "men are designed to identify youth and fertility" woo-woo. They actually don't understand that human faces (male after 25-30 and female after menopause) naturally become more trapezoid in shape as facial bones are resorbed and remodeled, even though they supposedly subconsciously scan everyone for signs of youth. Your midface is fuller doing youth, and your jaw - however big and sharp - is still more or less in alignment with a "V" shape of the face. Everyone's jaw then gets progressively bigger before it begins to shrink and resorb during extreme old age, think 70+. This is fully in line with the progression of age related cranial tissue expansion. Anyone with eyes can spot it, except a moid. They have natural bog-goggles that women only develop after years of filler addiction.
When the moid installs a fake jaw, he doesn't understand that he's aging himself by mimicking a middle aged trapezoid skull shape until the deed is done. Yes, it's more "masculine", which is also more old-coded due to how human aging works. Zac Efron did this exact thing trying to combat twink death, either by roidpigmaxxing or genuinely misreading male aging as a decline in virilization. If I had to guess, he listened to crabbing old scrotums and their advice on what makes a man attractive - they've been loathing him and his popularity with women for quite some time.
Paradoxically, moids also look at moids like Jared Leto and marvel at his youthfulness while completely ignoring that he's doing the opposite of post-wall muh skuleening. He doesn't enlarge his jaw, he doesn't low-trust chinkmaxx his eyes, he doesn't inject anything volumizing, he's a DYEL anachan vegan. That makes his (innately quite huge) melon visually smaller and more gracile, which is quite literally doing 90% of the heavy lifting perceived age wise. And yet they continue doing the opposite of what he does, while simultaneously expecting to age like him.
No. 385138
File: 1710466733579.png (178.53 KB, 800x950, cachedImage.png)

>>385097Nona the intricacy of your posts is equally knowledgeable and humorous, always a delight to read
No. 385171
File: 1710486891619.jpeg (447.83 KB, 2048x1540, DZpZFJrVAAAp4m9.jpeg)

>>385170forgot to add pic like the fucking idiot I am, dylan had his accident in 2016, so this is before and after
No. 385243
File: 1710520000347.jpeg (137.82 KB, 1198x1500, IMG_0421.jpeg)

>>385170>>385171Exactly. The whole point is to "reconstruct" the original face, not change the entire structure.
Zac also had the accident in 2013, didn't he? Unless he had another accident before 2020-2021 when the block jaw appeared his explanation makes no sense. Picrel is from 2017 and he still looks much like his younger self
No. 385284
>>385243I double checked anon, he had to have his jaw wired shut in 2013 - so he didn't even have surgery and yet he blames it for facial swelling??
make it make sense zac
No. 385308
File: 1710540096875.jpg (121.36 KB, 1200x1600, 1000030921.jpg)

>>379431came here to post him. ironically I started The Blacklist for Megan Boone who I thought was incredibly beautiful and ended up being charmed by Spader's acting and gained a little crush on him. he's cute as Raymond for the first few seasons (even if he's an old bald man) but holy shit, he somehow hit another more brutal wall. I'm nearing the end of the series and it's hard to watch him like this.
completely off topic and spoilers for the show but when the Red-is-actually-Liz's-mom-Katarina transgender twist happened…… my God lmao No. 385315
>>385170No one on the history of celebrities has ever been more full of shit than Zac when he says his face is a result of "reconstruction". Even eating the pavement with your mandible in a motorcycle accident never causes your face to become twice as huge. If anything, they become ever so slightly smaller. Hell, even ripping your jaw clean off and having it reattached never produces such an outcome. The only reconstructions that usually have odd outcomes are those of ballistic injuries, and even then it doesn't fucking make you look like you're holding a basketball in your mouth.
Given the above + very obvious HGH nose and fillers, this is 101% an Eppley tier incel to chad bogging.
No. 385318
File: 1710542508464.jpg (65.59 KB, 768x529, Male-Custom-Infraorbital-Malar…)

Pic related. Remind you of anyone?
No. 385322
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Jaw implants also have a tendency to look incredibly inflamed/bloated as they set in instead of looking better with time like classic orthognathic surgery, even on thin men. The skin never seems to "hug" them the same way it would hug real bone, and at best it can mimic something like masseter hypertrophy - never a naturally prominent jaw. Pic related, this is by the all-father of incel facial implants, Dr. Michael Yaremchuk.
Once you begin to see it, you'll never unsee. It will be as clockable as filler induced Simpson mouth. I'm done maxillosperging now.
No. 387110
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what the fuck man
No. 389297
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Not saying that he was particularly attractive before but passable, the wall was cruel though.
No. 389307
>>387110What the fuck happens to the male eye region as as they age? Why does it melt off their faces like they were the
victims of an acid attack? They have the expression of a bratty 9 year old pretend-crying in the supermarket permanently plastered on their faces. He looks like he's about to scream if I don't buy him a magnum ice cream right NOW. Genuinely puzzled out of my mind. What the FUCK happens to their eyes?? Mind boggling
No. 390273
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Maybe it's the chunks of highlights making him look more handsome, but man… What happened
No. 390288
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No. 390422
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>>390298Waste of a 6’6 body smh
No. 390500
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This one probably would’ve been alright if he put down the fucking bottle and coke jfc
No. 390761
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No. 391688
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i could cry why do they do this
No. 391806
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18 vs. 24 looking straight outta Skid Row
No. 392540
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A shame what Bill Kaulitz has become. I still see his cute eyes but what the hell is everything else?
No. 392786
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I see why Gwen wants little to do with No Doubt kek
No. 392787
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>>322355Same fag… Un-fucking-recognizable at Coachella this year
No. 392791
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This doesn't seem to be a celeb-only thread so I'm posting the first 'literal who' here.
No. 394466
>>394030He looks "youthful" because his fat is stretching out the wrinkles,
No. 394522
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>>392786You Will Never Be Keith Flint
though Keith Flint wasn't a looker either, he's mogging No Doubt grandpa No. 394765
File: 1714506866325.png (1.15 MB, 761x993, Daniel_johns_silverchair.png)

I feel like underneath the disgusting styling he aged ok. But we'll never know, because he makes sure to dress horribly, cover himself with the worst tattoos possible, and keep the most disgusting mustache I've seen.
No. 394862
File: 1714550963513.webp (25.2 KB, 640x818, IMG_3692.webp)

Guess who’s decade older.
No. 394916
>>392791this moid should just lose the weight, shave that disgusting beard and get a wig. moids who bald in general should be forced to get wigs just like how a lot of women end up getting them due to societal pressure to not be bald as a woman. facial hair should also be seen as just as disgusting as women are made out to feel for ours
>>391688not that bad compared to the other monstrosities in this thread
No. 396744
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Tom turned into a pigjuice ogre and Mark looks like an old lesbian music teacher. Shame, they were top tier cuties in their youth.
No. 396747
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This genuinely makes me want to kms. Nobody ages worse than druggie moids.
He went from glowy ethereal chav elf to smelly tranny marijuana grower hippie pedophile. I hate everything he has become.
I will never peg prime cutie Bladee and I want to end it all because of it.
No. 396756
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>>396747that second pic of him is like if aphex twin was a tranny. I wish he would just get a haircut because Swedish men do not have the features to be experimenting wildly like this, half of them look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome. He needs to rein it in, even Yung Lean didn't get this bad, he just turned into looking like a fat redneck.
No. 396819
>>396818Strand count**
Slavic and British moids definitely age the worst though especially the more neotenous types with softer features.
No. 397169
>>394765this is especially tragic specifically because he looks like he probably aged okay under the bad styling. It's like intentional wall-hitting when most men would be incredibly lucky to maintain some of their bone structure and most of their hairline. Men complain about women hitting the wall but at least it's rare for women to hit the wall on purpose.
>>395962God I know it's been like 35 years but the woman still looks almost the same and gorgeous, while he looks like he aged 50 years. I hate that any woman who has a stable long term relationship will eventually have to deal with this.
>>396819Ugh I'm slavic and it's unfortunately so true about slavic moids, a lot of them are gorgeous in their 20s but almost 100% of them are bald and fat with shitty teeth by the time they're 35. I actually disagree about british moids just because most of them look like total shit when they're young too so it's not as disappointing. But I had 2 male distant cousins a few years older than me who I thought were the prettiest boys I'd ever seen growing up and now one of them looks like a total ogre and the other, who is a farmer, is still fit but is practically bald in his thirties. Sad.
No. 397219
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>>396747He could have chosen to be an elf prince but chose methhead tranny
No. 398519
File: 1715882409607.jpg (593.62 KB, 1080x1061, Screenshot_20240516-195613.jpg)

Another one hits the wall
Another one hits the wall
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one hits the wall (yeah)
Hey, it's gonna get all moids
Another one hits the wall
No. 398526
>>396744that's an insult to old lesbian music teachers
>>398519he was always ugly, macaroni hair looking ass
No. 399691
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This one has always baffled me, I didn't believe it was even the same guy for years
No. 399725
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>>399692Just means he hit the wall many, many years ago.
My mom is a big star trek fan and she always rages about how ugly this dude is in some episodes while they still tried to make him the irresistible beautiful human for the hot alien chicks, but he looks so bloated, completely busted in comparison to when he just started he def hit the wall while in star trek. Same with picrel, Jared was hitting the wall before our eyes, such incredible thing to see on a big screen, at one moment he had a head full of hair, beautiful smile, such youthful looks, then suddenly his hairline was almost up in his ass and no amount of makeup could fix that ugly mug, seriously, you guys should see it in action, it is like seeing a tomato rot in the sun, Star Trek don't have the quality cus it's so old but you can still see when Shatner turns to Shitner. I didn't even believe that was him in the Fresh Prince before my mom told me, I thought she was shitting me, how can a man end up like this… aging is always a excuse for males, 'well he is 93, he is 70, he is 50', either that or 'well he did a lot of drugs', yeah, maybe males should go back to the 'killing myself before 30 to stay young' mentality, if you gonna do drugs then overdose before the beauty is sucked out of you, if you gonna hit 93 least you can do is bless us with a facecovering or just drop dead already, most of these men add nothing of value long after hitting the wall if their main trait was having good looks. Fuck them oldies, should've died a long time ago.
No. 399735
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>>396818>nordic moids age atrociouslynever forget
No. 399736
>>399735In his defense, after the age of like 70 I think it's fair game to assume everyone is allowed to be old. Maybe I'm wrong.
I think we need more "beautiful young moid" movies. Movies that focus on the short-lived beauty of a moid.
No. 399742
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>>399736he hit the wall way before he was a crusty old man
here's him at 30 ish
No. 399743
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>>399742Some would even argue he hit the wall at 20
No. 399770
>>399742Holy shit moids age worse than milk.
I'm sorry I doubted you.