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No. 153564
First Thread :
>>112815This is for diet and fitness related things only.
-Post your goals, your current state, like yout weight or measurements;
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.
Feel free to post charts of your progress! If you're doing daily reports, remember to sage.
Also, a reminder that we all have our ups and downs. You're human, allow yourself to fail. Just pick yourself up again and don't give up.
No ana, please.
No. 153575
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>>153564Blogpost time to get the thread going
>-Post your goals, your current state, like yout weight or measurements;Currently about 60kg at 172cm, started in July at ~66kg. GW is 55 at the bare minimum, it's almost underweight but I've been that weight before and still had fat legs so unfortunately I'm gonna have to reevaluate when I reach it and possibly lose more.
>-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);Eating about 1200-1300 cal on average, I try to eat under 1200 on weekdays so I can go out for bigger meals on the weekend. No special diet except trying to cut down on sugar and bread. Doing sport 1-3 times a week and going for hr long walks on other days, and I plan on joining a gym in the next few months, I just wanna make sure I'm 100% committed and not wasting my money.
>-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.Weighing every day for consistency in my data, measuring when I feel skinny/try on clothes.
It's going suspiciously well so far, my hunger levels are manageable, had no real binges or serious cravings throwing me off track. But I'm only cautiously optimistic, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and to start binging and eating crap because that's what happened with past attempts. But I think there are some key differences this time
>found some really good low cal foods that work for me, also strawberries are really cheap atm so I'm living on them and yoghurt>weighing every day >focusing on overall average intake rather than trying to get 1200 exactly every single day>eating at set times so I never get too hungry and never have to make a choice whether to snack or notMy biggest struggle is accurately calorie counting, it's almost impossible at restaurants and when other people make me food. I always worry that I'm eating more than I realize and try to round all my calorie counts up to compensate.
No. 153609
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>no ana, please
Careful there
No. 153642
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>>153564-Post your goals, your current state, like yout weight or measurements; I'm currently hovering around 145-148 but I'm pretty short (5 ft) so it's really bad. I put weight on incredibly quickly. My goal is 95 lbs but my REASONABLE goal for now is 120.
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?); I'm eating better because I had a hard time mentally during Corona and put on around 25 lbs from depression and overeating. I'm eating smaller portions and doing intermittent fasting while going for runs/walks. I don't have a lot of time to go to a gym right now but when I do I want to do a lot of core excercises!
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings. I weigh myself every morning. I want to lose weight but I have very bad mental issues so I can't make it my whole life or else I'll spiral out of control but I am eating much better and drinking more water instead of alcohol.
No. 153660
Is this a good general diet (vegetarian and dairy free) for maintaining average muscle mass and low weight?
Breakfast: Banana, large cup of coffee with oat milk
Morning snack: 2 hard boiled eggs
Lunch: Noodles with chopped and pan fried veg (broccoli, cabbage, mushrooms, chillis, pepper, eggplant)
Dinner: Small portion of white rice with black/kidney beans, chopped onion and tomatoes.
For something sweet or other snacks: strawberries, coconut based yogurt, almonds, rice cakes
I’m terrible with exercise but very good at maintaining a diet, my biggest concern is lack of protein. Any thoughts?
No. 153726
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How do I achieve this kind of physicque? She's been my goals ever since I saw that GIF of her on tumblr back then…Ive been doing some 15 minute cardio and then 20 to 25 minutes worth of strength training(or dumbbells) that I see on YT.
I'm around 5 feet tall and I weigh about 103lbs.
No. 153727
>>153726weight / strength training and power lifting.
/fit/'s sticky on 4chan has resources you might find helpful
No. 153757
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>Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
Currently I'm 5'2 and weigh 134lbs. I'v already lost about 10lbs during quarantine, but recently fell off the wagon when I realized I had nowhere to show off my weight loss. I'm within healthy range and I'm down to 19.2% body fat. But still that means I have around 30lbs of fat and no thanks. Ideally, I'd like to be around 1150-120 because I know once I'll put on a few more lbs of muscle mass before I start to loose weight. Ideally I'd have 10lbs or less of bodyfat.
>What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
I use FITINDEX as well as their smart scale but have been super lax about using it lately. I need back to daily morning weigh ins to hold myself accountable. I need to cut out some junk foods I've been eating and be more strict with 16:8 intermittent fasting. I also need to get back to running and weight lifting. I need to be doing cardio 6 days a week at least and weight lifting 3 days.
>And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measuring.
Morning weigh ins every day, starting a tracking journal. I also want to put some money in a cute dress fund for when I get down under 125.
thanks for making this thread anon, made me realize I know exactly what I have to do now I just have to do it.
No. 153878
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>>153614Lose weight, fatty
No. 153893
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I want back like this
No. 153947
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>>153919That's a good start
No. 153959
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>>153919There are people whose face just remains fat, no matter what. Pic related is Sophia Thiel. Killer body, moonface. (No hate tho, I think she's gorgeous, but those hamster cheeks and rock hard abs crack me up all the time)
No. 153960
>>153947What's the point of posting non-natty figures?
Of course anyone, no matter the age or sex, can go from fat to jacked with steroids or anabolic chems.
No. 154696
>>153959sometimes moonface is a sign of anavar.
Misscarriejune gets shit for it all the time
Actually, im going to go ahead after some googling of sophia and say im pretty sure it is anavar for her too.
No. 154701
>>153726Lift HEAVY. Shes a powerlifter.
take anons advice. read the /fit/ sticky, and start doing Strong lifts 5x5 or Starting strenth. Focus on more weight and less reps.
Luckily you dont have to focus on your diet that much as people wanting to be skinny fitspo/have abs
No. 154716
>>154494You go into ketosis daily when intermittent fasting as well. The metabolic benefits are better if you're fasting earlier in the day too (skipping dinner rather than breakfast). There's no right or wrong diet with IF.
I also cut out gluten (because of intolerance) which makes staying low carb pretty easy, and the carbs I do get are high quality whole food carbs. Honestly if you're really craving fruit, go for it. Make sure to reintroduce them slowly.
No. 154871
Has anyone here successfully fixed the bad habit of emotional eating/eating as a coping mechanism for stress? I need to develop better self control and not depend on food like this. Wondering what you guys do that helps instead.
>>154778I saw her post that she eats low carb, eats filling food like eggs, and drinks black coffee as an appetite suppressant.
>>154799My starting weight/height before I started exercising at all was similar to you (but completely skinnyfat). In about 6 months I am down to 135 lbs which isn't much progress since my diet is still pretty poor but have had a lot of body recomp/muscle building. Which /fit/ plan do you use? And congrats on your initial progress since 2018, you sound a lot healthier even if Corona threw things off track a little.
No. 154886
>>154879I would advise you to first ask yourself why you seemingly can't stop eating. Seriously analyze your mental processes and emotions pertaining to food/eating. Are you eating because you are genuinely hungry and never feel full? Eating out of boredom? Eating to cope with emotional problems? Out of fear of going hungry?
Treatments for this sort of thing are really varied and knowing what's causing you to overeat can be beneficial in finding something that works for your specific case.
I believe in you anon!
No. 154931
>>154920I'm doing this exercise after my daily workout to work more on my thighs and after three weeks I like the results so far.
She has an entire plan for slim thighs, maybe it's something for you. as
>>154925 said, you need to work your whole body in order to see results. Wish you good luck!
No. 154940
>>154920Weight loss is about what you eat, not how you work out. Working out helps I guess but since you can't target weight loss, you won't really be doing much but wasting time toning your muscles under fat.
If you want to tone, yes do the exercises that those anons have provided. But if you want to shrink in size, I recommend doing Whole30 diet. Or at least something REALLY close to it. Or another diet to shock your system and cause you to rapidly lose weight in a very short amount of time.
If you really wanna do whole30 without needing to set up, buy these staple ingredients:
- coconut milk
- fruit
- potatoes
- chicken, beef, pork (NONE of them should ever have any add-ins. Get them straight from the meat locker, do not get "special seasoning" meat)
- vegetables
Eat with these foods (if you wanna lose faster, scrap the potatoes), and you'll basically lose weight faster than CICO (water weight comes off quickly).
I'll reiterate: weight loss is about diet, not exercise. Abs are made in the kitchen.
No. 154955
>>154925>>154931>>154940I can't thank you enough anons, you've made me feel like maybe this isn't such an impossible task after all. The fact that the Chloe Ting workout can yield results after 3 weeks is extremely encouraging.
Regarding the need to target my entire body to see results: would it be okay to focus on lower body exercises and just do some simple arm workouts (eg. bicep curls) to tone my upper arms? Obviously in addition to a sensible diet that burns fat so the muscle can show.
No. 154963
>>154962General low carb to find out if there's a food intolerance would probably work well with less restrictions though. It requires a lot of willpower to stay at 20 and below carbs unless you're creative as fuck or don't care about what you're eating if it gets samesy.
I hate that oat milk is so carb heavy. I guess 12g of net carbs isn't the worst for 8 oz, especially if you halve it out and dilute it.
No. 154969
>>154960You don't necessarily need coconut milk unless you plan on making coconut curries or need a thick cream-like product (I used coconut cream to make coconut banana smoothies). Almond milk works, cashew milk too. UNSWEETENED. Just nothing with oats or dairy. No wheat, no grain, nothing. Stay away from that shit for 30 days.
I'm not the one that recommended you keto. I would never do keto, it fucking sucks not being able to eat fruit or potatoes (for the love of god potatos). When I did Whole30, I ate potatoes almost every day and lost weight. You don't HAVE to eat potatos though and you'll shed weight faster.
If you think any of that sounds hard… Just know that I'm a lard ass who ordered out 7 days a week for lunch AND dinner and then I went to making homemade dinners and eating leftovers for lunch. No sugar, no dairy, no grains. It's only 30 days too. With that being said, even if you don't want to do exactly whole30, just try and keep a simple diet. Don't order out, make all of your meats from scratch and season yourself (do not use pre-mixed seasoning like lawrys or ms. dash).
I can list all the recipes I used and everything I did if anyone needs more info for whole30.
No. 155010
>>154999Congrats, anon. People never realize just how many calories are in alcohol. I would drink a six pack and that's 600 calories right there. Plus vodka… So many calories.
Congratulations. But have a white claw once in a while.
No. 155025
>>154920These work wonders: for the shitty chinese links, these excersises used to be on YouTube but the BeFit channel took them down. I've never seen such a difference so quickly.
No. 155032
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Does anyone have any excercise tips for someone who is an weakling with moderate-to-severe asthma?
I haven't excersised in basically a decade because it always left me on the floor wheezing but nowadays my body is so fucking shite i feel like i NEED to do something, people always say to go for swimming if you have ashtma but alas im also allergic to chlorine.
No. 155033
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How much cardio are you doing these days?
No. 155040
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>>155038americans have such weird standards, she looks like picrel
No. 155044
>>155042English isn't even my first language but thanks. Note that I said that she's gotten fat but her
body type is nice.
No. 155150
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>>155137>>155142Seems like bad diet + instagram filters
No. 155282
>-Post your goals, your current state, like yout weight or measurements;Currently 57kg and 167cm, I started this year as 75kg. I aim for about 40-45kg
>-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);I fast quite a bit, I try and keep my calorie intake under 1.2k for weight loss and then I'll adjust it to be a bit higher when I reach my goal to maintain it.
I also exercise, keep it at something pretty basic like cardio. pro tip about fasting btw, don't get carried away. I once didn't eat for a whole week because of the fact I was scared of gaining the weight I lost while fasting.
>-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.I had an unhealthy habit of beating myself up when I went over my limit, but now I just tell myself to do better and move on.
I don't recommend fasting in all honesty, it does give good results but you feel like pure shit afterwards. Having to ease into eating full meals or just little things after not eating for 18-72 hours is nauseating.
No. 155395
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Alright here's my plan.
Right now I'm 185lbs. My goal is to be in the 130s.
For diet I'm not going to track calories but I'm going to focus on fixing my eating habits. Right now I eat like an animal and if I want to be thin and stay thin then I will need to change how I eat. I actually love healthy food but since moving in with my in-laws I've been eating fast and easy food (I don't wanna be in the kitchen with them kek), so I'm going to try to meal prep more plant based meals so I don't eat like ass. For eating habits, I'm going to focus on eating slower, chewing way more, only eating when I feel my stomach growling, and leaving my food when I feel satisfied. I'm also going to stop eating at work and avoid eating food other people make.
For exercise, I'm going to bike 30 minutes a night before bed. I'm also going to go to the gym 3 times a week on top of that, honestly just to incline walk because I love it.
I started a few weeks ago but I was doing more exercise and it was super overwhelming and hard to stick to. I hope I can stick to this, it should be easy as long as I stay focused.
No. 155418
>>155415> i didn't expect this to gain so much tractionI mean you said your country demands/expects you to be severely underweight. That's bizarre so of course that's going to pique our interest and curiousity.
I hope you're safe and healthy wherever you are. Hopefully it's some sort of misunderstanding.
No. 155514
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Don't smoke weed.
No. 155527
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>>1555153 kg a month is the top but 2 kg a month is the most attainable with decent diet and exercise
No. 155590
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How to I curve me nighttime appetite? On most days I work from about noon to later in the evening, usually getting back at around 9-10 PM. I have a lunch break in the middle of the day, but by the time I get home I am super hungry from standing/walking/lifting things/just generally being on my feet all day. That usually means I get around to eating dinner at around 11 pm. I know its not good to be eating that late and I want to break the habit of eating so much before bed. I feel like it's already contributed to some extra weight on me but I don't know what else to do besides skipping dinner entirely.
What sucks even more is that the gym I would go to after work closes earlier now due to Covid hours so I cant go like I usually would after work.
No. 155593
>>155590Isn't "eating at certain times bad" a meme? So long as you're watching CICO and getting the right nutrients.
I eat once a day (not bc of OMAD science, I just love to consume many calories at once), and if it's late at night the only difference I've noticed is morning bloat. Bodies are different though so who knows.
No. 155694
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Can I trust these estimations? When I walk ten thousand steps myfitnesspal only says I burnt 43 cals but this chart says it would be much more
No. 155725
>>155593>>155690It's a meme if it's just diet advice based on hearsay, like drinking 8 glasses of water a day.
Intermittent fasting/ time-restricted eating is legit science with benefits beyond being a weight-loss diet, although you can use it like that.
No. 156098
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No. 156328
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I just want to be skinny as fuck. I go between skinny like Kendall Jenner and lean thin. I just want to be elegant. Elegance beats thicccc bullshit.
Unfortunately my thighs store all my fat so I have to diet down torturously unlike girls who store fat normally.
No. 156329
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>>153564>current state5'5 108
>goals98 lbs. I looked hot at that weight.
>planwhat I'm doing now. lifting and cardio, I just need to drop fat.
>speedBy Christmas. So… 5 lbs a month.
Also does hot weather seem to help anyone else drop weight? I don't change anything but spending some time in a scorching country makes me drop weight fast.
No. 156333
>>156329anon r u ok?
98 is pretty low for someone 5'5" and certainly too low to look like that pic
No. 156334
>>156329What fat do you have at 5'5 108 pounds? I'm shorter than you and was 110 pounds after wisdom teeth surgery and looked hella skelly. If you want to start lifting and gaining muscle to tone you will put on weight in the form of muscle.
Stop worrying about numbers and just be the weight you feel your best at.
No. 156336
>>156334Too chubby, I must store weight differently. I know it sounds low.
I already lift.
No. 156373
>>156369The meals I have every day are
>oatmeal (135 cal sachet) with almond milk>a fruit salad of whatever's in season (lately orange, kiwi, melon)>100g greek (80 cal) or low fat yoghurt (40 cal) with berries>2x coffee with sweetner and either almond or soy milkThen I have a roster of options for lunch/dinner. A bunch are microwaveable packaged foods because I take them to work for convenience
>scrambled eggs (2-3 eggs with a splash of milk)>ham (30 cal) or tuna (100-150 cal) on sandwich thins (100 cal)>soup (200 cal)>migoreng cup noodles (found a GF version for only 170 cal)>mac n cheese (280 cal)>various frozen meals (250-350 cal)And I eat a lot of my mum's cooking. She's really into nutrition but also doesn't have to count calories so it's def healthy but a total gamble calorie-wise (and I'm not gonna make her count for me). Often we have
>veggie curry, usually with some variety of potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, sometimes lentils or tofu>veggies with hokkien noodles >zucchini or pumpkin soup>frittatas>usually cooks a tonne of sweet potato which I eat on it's own with garlic aioliI can't be bothered counting calories for fruits, condiments, milk etc and can't count food I'm made so I need to keep my meal sizes pretty small to be safe.
No. 159012
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Any progress?
No. 159253
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Sorry I need to vent for a second here.
>be really fit before the rona, go to the gym 3-4x a week
>still be motivated at the beginning of quarantine and exercise at home when gyms closed down
>time passes, motivation drops
>subjectively looking more doughy every week
>weigh yourself, still the same weight as before
>try on skirt today, too small, used to be too big on me
Anons, how do you pick up your motivation when it's gone? I feel disgusting and fat even though I'm technically still the same weight. Is it possible for fat to distribute this weirdly?
I'm 5'5 and approx. 123lb. Might not sound too bad, but most of my fat literally just goes straight to my thighs, which looks horrible on a short person like me.
No. 159255
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I'm 5'1 and 125-127 lbs and I want to be around 115 or 110. I'm trying to strengthen my core and actually get an ass.
I've been trying to workout 3x a week (tuesdays, wednesdays, and thursdays)and I've been talking to my therapist about ways to gain self control since I've been absolute shit at it.
I don't know how to measure my progress, and I kinda want to look like the girl in the photo, I've always wanted a body similar to that, or something slightly chubbier, I hate looking obese in my clothes.
No. 159274
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I'm so grateful I have a fast metabolism. Im pretty damn lazy so if I didn't have a fast metabolism Id be chunky. I still want to be toned so I'm going to try to consistently do yoga+body weight excersize. I'll find a weekly routine to target all of my muscles but mainly my abs. I've been doing some yoga and its pretty relaxing and enjoyable.
Whats your weekly routine anons?
No. 159275
>>159274Monday, wednesday and friday: Legs and butt
Tuesday, thursday and saturday: Abs and arms
My routines are 30 mins or 1 hour of cardio (if I went for a walk) and 40/50 mins of functional training, most of the exercises are based from pilates and classical dancing, then I stretch. Sundays I take off
No. 159317
>>159302it is a myth, some people just feel the need to eat less than others or maybe they move around more in their day to day lives. Because they've eaten to or maybe slightly past the point of satiation (for them, which is lower than average) they feel like they've eaten a lot even if they haven't and so think they must have a fast metabolism. Or because bigger people who believe in fast/slow metabolisms and genetics and such have told them that.
I'll usually eat a shit ton of food early on or late in the day but then my adhd brain will get distracted by something and I don't think about eating for hours so it evens out and I don't gain weight. Like op I kinda need to tone up but I'll never have the dedication needed to get abs though lol
No. 160008
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>>153564Goal weight: 50-55kg
Current weight: 59kg, 167cm
I started at 79kg last november and lost 20kg in a year with calorie counting. I am still unhappy with my figure cause i have pretty unfortunate fat distribution and very little muscle.
I am planning on working out but it's hard to start since i have no discipline in the lockdown. I try to drink a lot of water every day and completely cut out soda exept diet coke as an occasional treat.
I weigh myself every week and use the app LoseIt. Losing weight has been tricky cause i'm autistic about vegetables but calorie counting helps a lot with portion control.
No. 160009
>>160008Congrats, that's awesome!
Since a tracking app helped you discipline your diet, maybe a fitness app can help you discipline yourself for working out? Give them a try, at least. Good luck with getting in shape!
No. 160010
>>160008have you tried the workouts on youtube? I work out with them almost every day and I am quite satisfied with the results. I recommend lilly sabri. plus intermediate fasting.
love yourself girl, you're doing great so far!
No. 160257
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>>160008Is there anything in particular about vegetables? I know the texture & smell can be a big issue for people.
Have you tried a greens/reds powder? You can get some that are berry or citrus tasting so they might work better for you while boosting your nutritional status
No. 160861
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>Post your goals, your current state, like yout weight or measurements;
Currently, i'm 166cm at 66kg, borderline on healthy and overweight.
>Chest: 35 inches, Waist: 27 inches, Hips: 39 inches.
I had previously weighed 78kg and lost all the weight by eating 1000 calories a day. I plan to do this again to get down to 58kg and then figure out maintaining.
>What you're going to do to change it and your methods
I like to do pure diet, i'm not that into exercise and get a good amount from my job where I'm almost constantly walking.
>And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.
Weekly weighs and measures, as well as myfitnesspal logging.
No. 161335
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During early lockdown I was able to go on for weeks without eating any processed, sugary food, but now I'm eating at least 1 processed sugary thing per day. Tea is my main weakness (since I only like it if it has 3 sugars). I'm trying to avoid anything sugary and processed and it's been alright for around 2 days and been eating bananas as a substitute
No. 161367
>>1613651) Place your monitor higher than it is now. The centre of the monitor should be eye-level, so that you don't look downwards.
2) Place your mouse lower than it is now. Table level is too high. Put it on elbow level, so that you don't have to lift the elbow much when using it.
These are what's causing you pain, you should fix that. It's much better to prevent pain than have to deal with it, and you will avoid complications that are sure to come with age from having a bad sitting posture.
No. 161368
>>161365I'm a fan of this video as it also talks about what's causing the pain ( i.e is it muscle or nerve)
And I like this one for an easy stretch routine:
No. 161809
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I just bought a fitbit, I guess I'm gonna start holding myself to a step count. Do you guys do anything in particular to reach your steps if you can't fit it all in a walk and spend all day sitting at a computer? I have a feeling my regular walks aren't long enough to reach 10k. Plus it's summer here and on super hot days I'm probably not gonna leave the house.
Also have a random post I found interesting, some of it is pretty obvious but I like that it comes from research rather than just advice. It's one of the reasons I'm trying really hard to make exercise a consistent daily thing.
No. 161823
>>161820Not in any significant amount if consumed moderately.
Some people have been eating soy and soy derivatives for years, and it has potential anticancer properties.
With that said, it really depends on where you live, because most (if not all at this point) US soy is genetically modified, soy crops are routinely treated with pesticides and herbicides, and soy is one of the major contributors to deforestation in the Americas. If you're comfortable consuming that I guess go ahead, but I personally wouldn't.
If you're European though, it's fine.
No. 161993
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>>161814Time to get in the pool and start swimming or at least a decent yoga ball to support yourself on.
It's hard when you're afraid of hurting yourself accidently, my injuries are minor in comparison but I know that feeling of fear with trying new poses or plank positions.
I hope you can find something that works for you
No. 162099
>>162097Bmi doesn't have much to do with body fat %.
Guess the best thing would be to keep or build more muscle in your arms and/or eat more protein while losing weight?
No. 162132
>>162104If you spend time to stretch your arms while you build muscle on them, your arms won't appear bulky. That's the key to 'toning' any body part.
Source: my own body. When my arms look chunky that's a clue that I haven't lifted much lately.
No. 162145
>>162134NTA you sound like you're taking it personally that anon doesn't want arms like yours.
People have different aesthetic goals and some of us don't prioritize strength, who knew??
No. 162148
>>162140>carrots>bran>chickpeasYou might be eating too much fiber lol. Your bloatedness and toilet adventure hat sounds like the time when I ate too many fiber bars.
I'd add some healthy fat your diet, like avocado.
No. 162149
>>162140Cottage cheese, chicken, oats with chia seeds, nuts and skyr. Potatoes have a chunk of carbs and so do carrots or really any root veggies, but they're not refined at least.
>>162148>toilet adventure hatThat description is great. You sound like best friend material.
No. 162158
How many push ups should I be able to do? Half a year ago I could do exactly zero, now I’m able to do 10 but no more. The progress makes me really happy and I wonder what I should be aiming for.
>>162140Take it from a vegan, anon. Eating this much fibre is not harmful but you need to double or triple your water intake to make digestion possible. That’s all there is to it.
No. 162188
>>162114Think i'll be the same… lost almost 10 kg already and my arms didn't change at all
>>162132Then i'll try and just tone them since it's possible to do it without bulking, thank you
No. 162291
>>162282for me it was climbing, I sucked big time, fell off at easy passages and I knew I needed more stamina and strength if I wanted to improve. Set yourself a sports goal, outside your comfort zone but reachable: climb an 8, bike 150km in one go, jog 10km, bike up a mountain, whatever
work towards your goal and picture yourself succeeding while exercising, this is my motivation, otherwise I'm a thin but lazy bum
No. 162292
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Somewhat useful advice. (spoiler because of body picture)
No. 162300
>>162297I've cold turkey quit added sugar multiple times for weeks at a time. It gets really easy after the initial 2-3 days. Like you start saying no to sugary crap without giving it a second thought. Iirc it takes about 24 hrs for the sugar to get out of your system and to stop craving it. I didn't stop eating fruit sugars in moderation though.
I always end up caving in though eating shitty during an holiday or someone's birthday and then it's downhill from there.
No. 162311
>>162300kek yeah that’s exactly what my last bout of sugar craving has been, was kickstarted by my birthday and thanksgiving.
how much fruit do you eat per day? i’ve heard 2-3 servings recommended, i just find that even eating a small serving of blueberries will make me start craving something more decadent.
No. 162419
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is anyone else here a fan of pamela reif’s workouts? i was doing chloe ting challenges and then ballet beautiful for awhile but switched to pam because i just find her schedules a lot more fun and motivating
No. 162435
>>162419I've been following her workout plans all of quarantine and I love them. Actually, I have abs now and thanks to her.
>>162433Start by finding just one you really like. I have a YouTube playlist full of 'easy'/lazy workouts for days with no motivation that I know I can power through. Alternatively, have you tried just listening to good music and going on a walk? It's pretty fun, and you shouldn't have to suffer to get your excercise in.
No. 162450
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I wanted to get myself some dumbbells for my workout at home but I'm puzzled about how heavy they should be. Any advice?
No. 162496
alright after stuffing myself with sweets today i’m officially challenging myself to go without added sugar until christmas
>>162482that’s awesome, congrats anon. would you mind talking about your routine a bit? what sort of movements do you?
>>162431honestly no, but i only did it for like 2 weeks kek. i think it’s not an ideal routine if you want to drop excess weight because it’s all strength and flexibility focused. i like mary helen bowers and definitely found it challenging but also repetitive/time-consuming and it left me too sore to do any cardio.
No. 162548
>>162496I do the stripped 5x5 it's extremely basic but I love that it's so easy to follow. I might change things up soon but honestly cbf right now also walk an hour most days or do 30 mins on the elliptical, and I rollerskate a few times a week
No. 162553
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>>162430Define lifters? fitness model vs. powerlifters will vary greatly with carb/fat/protein intake.
It will also depend if you're pushing it in the gym and working out effectively with weights and not inadvertently taking stability short cuts (right form, right mechanism and muscle activation prior to lifting)
I do roughly twice my body weight in protein and aim for protein 60% - fat 20% - carb 20%. I change depending on recovery, shift work & menstruation cycle so sometimes the fat or carbs can be higher.
I aim for complex carbs but I love crusty sourdough and it's the same with my protein foods with more eggs & protein shakes than meat.
I've attached a info graphic that explains the role the menstruation cycle can have on the physical, emotional, recovery & muscle growth.
No. 162554
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>>162553wrong pic previously
This one is what you want to read
No. 162626
>>162520yes i love seeing girls do olympic lifts! I've never seen either of those girls before but i'm gonna look them up now because it's really motivating even if i can't do a lot of the lifts.
>>162527it's so annoying that girls are often encouraged to do bodyweight/only 5 lb exercises because people think lifting makes you look manly… maybe if you're on steriods but a normal girl generally just looks more firm and toned and if you aren't genetically gifted with a bigger butt but want one it's the best way aside from surgery. i also hate cardio too, i do a little bit of it just for heart health but i find it really unfun to do and I'm never motivated
No. 162893
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>>162830The charts are more to guide your training and if you have a rough week to not lose hope because women's bodies are complex.
This ted talk explains it a bit easier: websites helped me with planning both a beginner training program, nutrition and recovery. No. 162938
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>>162906>>162913the pants plus foot position = she can stick her ass outward and make her legs look skinnier.
No. 163006
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>>162946Chart anon here, it was originally made for women actually training for competitions in their sports.
Hamilton D. The impact of monitoring strategies on a team sport through an Olympiad: physical development, taper & recovery. Paper presented at: UKSCA Annual Conference; September 2012; London.
This chart should only really apply to physical training and what you mentioned is important if you compete in competitive activities like fencing, boxing or anything that involves sparring so if you perform below your average there can be hormonal physiological reasons and you can regain momentum in your training easier whilst avoiding unnecessary injury.
It's important for the other anon if she gets more into power lifting as one wrong move with heavy ass weights can wreck your back, toes or shoulders easily (Especially if she's just starting out).
>tldr only applies to physical training for women training for competitions No. 163134
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>>162901Here's a bodybuilder without poses and filters
No. 163167
>>163134Why would drinking protein be counterproductive? And you either need to lose weight (eat a deficit) or build muscle/bulk (eat a surplus). You could try and go for recomp, but that's such a long, boring and arduous road I wouldn't bother. Pick to either lose or gain. With loss you might lose a bit of muscle mass, but with gaining, you will build up a bit of fluff around the muscles you've built. Once you've decided what you're more comfortable with, put your details into a calorie/macro calculator and do as it suggests. If you see no change, alter it but lessening/adding calories as you see fit. Track everything that goes into your mouth, including any oils you cook with. With you having not given us any idea of your starting weight/height/age, I can't suggest anything more really, but those are the absolute basics. Have a light carb and protein before your workout, and a protein after. Enjoy.
No. 163177
>>163167I would lose weight first, then build muscle. It's an uphill battle if you do both at the same time (unless your end goal is just to be fit, not swole).
On protein shakes, ime, unless you're lifting serious weights and work out intensely or you struggle to put on weight, they're not really necessary. I found that once I stopped drinking them it was easier for me to stay fit.
No. 163750
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Has anyone found success with fitness trackers? I'm thinking of buying one but I'm not sure which one yet
No. 163752
>>163750I got a cheap fitbit in the black friday sales and tbh I regret it. Mostly I just wanted to find out how many steps I do and what my heart rate is like during my regular exercise, but it's useless now that my curiosity is satisfied. It's not like I needed a reminder to work out more, I already have an exercise routine I stick to, so all I was left with is an annoying watch I kept forgetting to put on in the morning and hate wearing during exercise because it makes me sweaty.
If you need motivation and don't mind wearing a watch every day maybe it will work for you, I should have given it a bit more thought.
No. 163760
>>163750I have an apple watch and like
>>163758 I just love tracking my workouts and I feel like I do move more. It's not that serious though, the watch's battery died halfway up a mountain, so don't expect a super detailed datasheet of your latest ascend, but it's ok for your 1-2h daily workouts. Also, some achievements are kinda cute and sometimes I work out just to get them
No. 163796
>>163789It happens to me when I have to restart my routine, it should stop after a while of sticking to it, I think. Why? I don’t know, I just usually drink two glasses of water when I’m really hungry, sometimes I eat an apple, maybe some nuts or a yogurt, and wait for it to like settle or something. I also drink some tea without sugar so I can wait for my next meal.
I guess it takes some self control or something, maybe you could have a protein shake afterwards? Or a protein bar, whichever catches your fancy.
No. 163886
>>163789Yes if I do a big weight session but not if it's a cardio HIIT.
I used to get really hungry with the cardio but then I realized how much I was sweating and started using a hydration/electrolyte mix which helped out heaps.
No. 163980
>>163940I’m lazy as fuck so I buy ready-made protein shakes. My favorite are the Premier Protein shakes (you can get them in bulk at Costco), and I like the Cafe Latte and Caramel flavors. (They do taste somewhat artificial though, just FYI if you’re sensitive to that.)
>>163947I’ve heard good things about myprotein too - does the clear whey powder mix into water easily by stirring or do you have to blend it?
No. 164011
>>163963I have only tried the Orange and Mango, and Peach Tea! Peach tea is so nice for a protein juice. I put mine in chilled water and it is so refreshing after a workout! The Orange and Mango isn't as nice but it's still good. I am dying to try to the Bitter Lemon and Ramune. I heard they are nice.
>>163980It mixes really well considering it is clear. I expected it to be a goopy mess but it was fine. Dump your powder into water, give it a good shake and let it settle for 10 mins (it foams up a bit but that settles pretty quickly) As I said to the other anon, it tastes so good when it has been chilled. Highly recommend it and the amount you get for the price is a steal imo. If you get some, come back to this thread and let me know what you thought.
No. 164582
>>153726Probably too late, but I have a similar body and I do 45 minutes of weight training + 40-60 minutes cardio 3-4 times a week. Took me about 2 months to get from skinny fat to well defined.
Don't think the cardio is necessary (might actually be counter productive), but 20 to 25 minutes of YT strength training won't do unless you do an upper/lower body split and do it every day.
Try rowing, chest & shoulder presses, lat pulldowns and raises, squats & (side) lunges. Don't do too many reps and don't forget to increase your weights. Eat enough, but not too much. I personally don't pay attention to my macros (protein/carbs/fat), but many people do, so you might want to look into that…
No. 164654
>>164587There’s no exact number. I know this sounds kind of esoteric, but you have to listen to your body.
To quantify a little bit: Pick a weight at which you can complete 8 reps but not more than 14
while maintaining good form(!) Whenever you feel like you could do more than 14 reps several times in a row it’s time to increase your weights. This can happen within 2 weeks, but it can also take 2 months. Depends on your body type/genetic disposition, previous experience and quality + quantity of training.
I even adjust my weights according to daily form, so I basically operate in a min/max weight range instead of an exact number per exercise.
Good form + knowing how your muscles feel right before complete exhaustion + enough rest time is key.
Also, stay focused, eg don't fuck around on your phone when you should be paying attention to your body. Sorry for sperging, but I had to watch people pull this shit in the gym way too often in pre-pandemic times.
>>Does 15 quick reps with poor form>>Checks Twitter for 5 minutes>>Does another hasty 15 reps>>Complains about not making progress despite having spent 2 hours a day in the gym for the past 6 months No. 164677
>>164665Moderate running on flat ground won't and shouldn't exhaust your muscles – unless you do it for 90 minutes, but that's still a different type of exhaustion than doing weighted squats and lunges. Why do you think they should hurt? Do you want to build strength?
Try interval training if you want your runs to feel more challenging(still won't make your muscles hurt tho).
Paying attention to how your bones and joints feel is smart. I'd recommend rowing or biking if you feel any discomfort at all tbh.
No. 164731
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>>164595Accurate measures are difficult to obtain, just the variation with water weight can be 5-10 lbs in a day
No. 164752
>>164677>>164678I guess I associated excersising with muscle pain so I was surprised when I didn't got any muscle pain. I don't really want to build strength, I'm just doing it for health reasons because it's unhealthy how idle I've been for a long time.
My shins don't downright hurt so I do want to push through it, it's not so uncomfortable that it keeps me from running. I'm doing additional excersises to strengthen and prevent shin splints.
Thanks for the replies!
No. 165007
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Bless the darebee workouts, I love how versatile, simple yet effective they are. If you're starting to exercise, I def recommend looking them up and choosing the best ones for you, they seriously have done workouts for anything
No. 165559
>>165558Depends on your body type. I am a pear, so pants get tighter faster than shirts.
I'd say around 7-10kg for pants, 15-20kg for shirts in my experience.
No. 165570
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No more takeout
No more sugar
I’m tired of being a fatty
No. 165602
>>165568glute bridges and donkey kicks
also for arms blogilates has some great workouts that don't require weights
No. 166331
>>165660hey thanks so much!
does anyone have any cardio workouts that don't
feel like workouts? for example sometimes i use just dance the wii game to workout. i'm not the best at exercising for the sake of it.
No. 166449
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>>166331I use youtube for dance workouts and I tend to go by the music they play vs. what exercises their doing. Here are some channels I like: Afrifitness (Afrofunk), The fitness Marshall (Pop/K-pop), Dance with Deepti (Bollywood) & POPSUGAR Fitness (Pop & RnB)
No. 166793
>>166683You just have to go. Been going to the gym for 5 if not more years and I still get anxious before entering the workout area, but once I'm there I just focus on my workout and that's it.
Even if you mess something up, worst thing someone will laugh at the situation rather than you, most people remember what it was like starting out so they don't judge (out loud)
No. 166934
>>166929 said. Also if you can't afford free weights or don't have room for it, get resistance bands, they're pretty nice. You won't progress as fast as with weights but you can still get results, depending on your goals.
No. 167503
>>167443Unless it's got adjustable resistance, it's no use.
What determines if an exercise is good cardio or not is heart rate during the exercise, and your resting heart rate for general health.
No. 167556
>>167443>>167503mine is a cheapo version off amazon that doesn't have adjustable resistance. however, i only bought it just to keep my legs moving while i'm sitting at a computer. i didn't expect to or want to get a solid workout out of it (i follow YT HIIT/cardio vids for a real workout.) because it's not a hard workout, i forget i'm doing it and end up spending 45+ minutes on it. that being said, the are plenty of under desk bikes with adjustable resistances that are better for
>>167503 's kind of goals.
No. 167639
>>167634If you've never dieted before and are only 30lb above skinnyfat, your goal might be a bit ambitious. Technically achievable for sure, but for a normal weight person 5lb per month is a best case scenario where you never mess up or have any set backs and chances are you will.
Just mentioning it so you don't get discouraged if it's slower than you plan, personally it took me 6 months to lose about 20lb. Good luck anon.
No. 167892
>>167889a) it's normal to have rolls when sitting down
b) you can only try to lose more body fat but even that won't mean that the roll will go away
c) try to sit up tall so maybe it won't be as visible?
No. 168044
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Does anyone else struggle around their period?
Around two weeks before mine starts, I get so hungry no matter what I eat. My stomach feels like a bottomless pit. I've tried adjusting my protein, fat, and carbs but it doesn't seem to help.
No. 168226
>>168112NTA, but I drink plain green tea regularly and it does help with hunger. Tea is mostly water anyway so it’s bound to make you feel fuller, and most teas have very few calories.
A lot of the supposed benefits of tea seem exaggerated to me tbh, but it’s definitely low calorie and good for you, if just for the water consumption.
No. 168424
>>168388Maybe it’s just because I’m gay but I find her body to be extremely hot.
I don’t even post itt and I stopped to check her out.
No. 168472
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>>168388Is this what you would call a "fridge"? Some people just have a larger chest and waist so there is a barely visible V shape
(Zoie Burgher for reference)
No. 168506
>>168494What curves?
She has boobs, sure, but you can also put big magnets on the front of a fridge and it's still rectangular.
No. 168588
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>>168509I always heard people shit on Pink, even though she's not all that crazy bulky or long, but pretty fit. She just has almost zero hip-to-waist ratio and broad shoulders.
No. 168607
>>166870I know this reply is really late, but yeah, you'll be hungrier when exercising. You're fine as long as you don't eat back all of the calories.
I just got back to the gym on top of walking a ton due to where I live, so I burn 600-700 calories through exercise daily and bumped my weight loss intake up to 1400ish, give or take.
No. 168634
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How are Brandy Melville girls so thin and how to achieve such a body approximately? This is what I have thought of thusfar:
- high metabolism (they're still young)
- enough sleep
- hormones balanced so no disproportionate weight gain
- vegan/vegetarian diet
- played a sport their entire life(i.e. tennis or dance)/go running daily (questionable though)
I am not becoming vegan because I want enough protein and value the unique nutrients animal products offer, but I do exercise daily and sleep enough. My exercise is also dance/running, so I think this helps for the body I find pretty. I am also working on constantly improving my diet to regulate hormones and not eat over my calorie limit. What would you add, farmers? Nothing about body structure pls, that's obvious and I know for myself that I have the correct structure. As a disclaimer, my primary goal is just to be healthy and disciplined, but I'd like to think about and discuss this as well. :)
No. 168649
>>168646Having anorexia honestly does seem like a difficult way to live. I love my brain, hair, bones, nails, fertility and life too much. Those girls also tend to look too healthy to be anorexic, but I of course won't exclude the possibility.
>>168639I follow ancestral diet (rather, I'm developing it). It seems good for weight loss but for women also adds curves, I've heard and read. This isn't necessarily bad, but still it remains a fear in the back of my head lol.
No. 168651
>>168634It sounds like you're looking for some magic reason why're they're thin but they're literally just that thin because they don't eat more than they need to sustain that amount of bodyfat/weight and probably excersise some. If you want to be thin, you need to maintain a low bodyweight and you do that by not eating more than you need to sustain that weight. That body comes for 90% down to diet/amount of calories consumed.
Also "high metabolism" is not a thing, teen girls are just moving around more than the average adult that spends all day at the office and then the rest of the night on the couch.
No. 168670
>>168654Your hormones are still all over the place and that seriously affects weightloss, hang in there. Stick to healthy eating and doing whatever (light) exercise you can, the weight will come off sooner or later.
Some women experience post birth hypothyroidism afaik, and this is another shitty blow for weight loss.
No. 168678
>>168655Pick more challenging workouts? Honestly, all work out that is not sports/dances will bore your brain, but if you can finish a set you couldn't 2 weeks ago, that fires off your reward centre.
It's also more fun if you follow along to a youtube video/DVD because you have to stick to the pace.
No. 168680
>>168651Teens do tend to have high metabolisms though, any BMR calculator will show that metabolisms slow as you age and obviously someone who is still growing needs more energy than a fully grown adult.
ia in general that CICO is everything but the CO part is complex. Acknowledging that metabolisms differ =/= making excuses for fatties who think theirs is slow when it isn't.
No. 169004
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- I used to be underweight but ate a lot in an attempt to gain weight and accidentally overate. currently weigh ~60kg/29in and hope to end up around 50kg with my initial waist measurements (used to be 40kg/22in)
- I'm currently going to the gym and working on machines for cardio and strength, but hope to move to weights when I'm thinner to build more muscle
- I try not to measure/weigh myself but just work out a lot more and eat less, I really just forget to calorie count but I want to do that more. I also exercise with my bf so he helps us keep a gym schedule, and we both love to cook so we're usually cooking healthy.
also, is there an alternative to black coffee as a hunger suppressant? I'm not a fan of coffee but love black and green tea, are these good alternatives?
No. 169069
>>169051Other anon here, let me rephrase that:
>It is unhealthy for a homo sapiens NOT to walk at least a few hours every dayIt's not a matter of opinion or body type. We've evolved for walking and a sedentary lifestyle brings heath issues. It's not normal to "rest" from walking a whole day, not walking a whole day does damage to your body.
>>169054Yes! Good luck, you'll be back in shape in no time, just keep going
No. 169278
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Did you guys know that those blood pressure checker things at the grocery store can check your fat percentage now?!
I don’t have any idea how accurate they are but I think mine was probably correct.
You hold onto these handles and I think it send an extremely small electric pulse through your body to measure the fat percentage. They can weigh you too.
No. 169280
>>169047I’m a healthy 28 and have a low BMI and walking 2-3 hours in one day would make me feel pretty tired tbe next. ITo be fair I’m pretty sedentary. I would take a rest day after only one day of doing that
After doing it so long your body and anyone else’s would get used to it, but before you make a habit out of it your body needs time to adjust.
Honestly 2-3 hours a day really sounds like overkill anon. You’re gonna get shin splints
No. 169315
>>169278Sadly they're not that accurate because the signal will take the shortest path through your body, so you're only getting arm-chest-arm body fat % and unless your fat is perfectly evenly distributed throughout your body it won't be accurate.
The most accurate way is still to have someone knowledgeable take caliper measurements, but unless you're super into training it's pointless. For general health just keep an eye on your waist circumference.
No. 169340
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I'm on day 2 of my 10 day water fast. I'm 5'4" and started at 129 lbs, down to 127 now, just water weight. My GW is 115. I have to lose at least 10lbs in 12 days for something important.
So far I feel a bit woozy. I'm trying to drink water and la croix, had a pinch of salt, as well as these keto pills that are supposed to suppress appetite and contain apple cider vinegar, MCT, potassium and sodium. Today and tomorrow will be the hardest, I want to cram food down my gullet SO bad but my hunger pangs should dissipate if I can just sleep and TV binge my way through the next day. Anyone who's water fasted and has tips on how to suppress cravings and not faint lmk.
No. 169390
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>>169340>>169388>>169280How come no one thinks about building some muscle mass AND walking 30 to 60 minutes each day, instead of fasting and starving yourself? Muscle mass is expensive for the body to maintain and therefore you're left with a more lenient calorie budget each day.
And drink at least 2 liters of water every day.
You can be dehydrated in the wintertime when it's twenty below zero just as you can be in the summertime when the temperature is in the eighties.
No. 169412
>>169388Fasting has been done for ages and is a
valid and healthy way to lose weight, so long as it’s done properly and not due to disordered thinking. Maintaining a good diet afterwards to not ruin results is what’s key, quarantine just hit some people hard. Tons of health experts recommend intermittent fasting or water fasts a few times a year. Maybe not 10 full days but around 3.
No. 169417
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>>169412Did reddit tell you that? Fasting is just disordered eating shilled by men who think EDs are for women while fasting seems stoic and manly, despite them being straight up ana chans who talk about how clean and pure not eating makes them feel.
No. 169440
>>169390Because people want a silver bullet and it sounds too much like hard work. I was the same, until I realised jumping through these ridiculous hoops was a waste of time. Eat at a slight deficit if you're particularly large, work out with bodyweight or actual weights 3 times a week, walk a bit more and up your water and you will be fine. If that's too hard, then I don't know what to tell these people tbh.
>>169412A fast is fine. Want to fast one day a week? Go for it, but I just wouldn't bother. We are designed to eat and process food. It fuels everything in our body, and doing something as retarded as a 'water fast' for 10 whole days is nothing short of lunacy. I just don't know why you would skip trying to get to grips with a healthier relationship with your body and food, and jump straight into starving yourself and then being disappointed a few weeks later because you've eaten all that weight back on.
No. 169445
>>169432Sounds like mild IBS to me. Those are some of the worst
trigger foods for it. I get around it by making sure everything is cooked very thoroughly, e.g. in a soup or stew. Check out the FODMAP diet and see if any more of the
trigger foods listed resonate with you.
No. 169501
>>169276how do i fix it holy god, i'm so tired of this
I know shorter people than me who look so thin and something i've noticed is that they work out a lot, like lifting weights or running, so this time i'm going to exercise more and get to my goal weight
No. 169530
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>>169440I would disagree with the fasting part. While we are designed to process food for nutrition, the quality and quantity that the vast majority of the population eat now is definitely NOT what our bodies are designed for.
Fasting does work if you do it correctly, because its not supposed to be a one stop "don't eat for X amount of time and you'll lose all the weight you wanted."
Ive been using this really great app called Fastic which allows you to fast daily, but do so in a healthy way. It also allows you to eat anything during the off-fast hours, but I have found it helps more to research into types of food you should be eating and not just chowing McDonalds every time.
I started at 280lbs a few months ago, but have already dropped down to 255 per my weighing yesterday.
Also the best thing to do while fasting is drink water every time you get hungry within the fasting hours, then eat mostly fresh green veggies and a bit of protein. Avoid carbs/sugar and vegetable oils while cooking. And don't eat things like rice/potatoes/ heavy starches.. It sounds like a lot, but once you do it a few days it gets really easy. For me it was mostly psychological where I was worried about things like "do I eat this or that, or substitute that for this?", but fasting is easy cause its just "don't eat outside of the allotted time". Past that, its all on your personal responsibility to eat the right foods that are actually good for you instead of cheap unfilling crap.
No. 169686
>>168634It's because of their bone structure: narrow waist, narrow shoulders
It's impossible to start as Andressa Venancio or Andressa Soares and become a Brandy Melville girl even if you hit the gym 3 hours each day. It's about bone structure first.
No. 169825
>>168634it's a combination of an active lifesyle and eating just enough to be borderline underweight, on top of a narrow bone structure.
i can't tell how tall these girls are, but i'm assuming around 5'6"-5'9", and the waists on the BM clothes i own aren't too too small, probably around 24"-25". they're probably not doing anything crazy to look like that most likely, and the taller you are the easier it is to be in a caloric deficit. the lack of breaks and long limbs give off an ultra skinny look as well, i hve similar proportions and people have always told me i'm very skinny but i'm bmi 19. if their bone structures were wide or stocky they wouldn't have the same look
No. 170053
>>170030What do you need them for? if in general, just take the Once-a-day for women ones, any brand would do imo.
I run so besides those I take a magnesium calcium supplement.
No. 170166
>>170053Yeah, just for general health.
I actually bought magnesium/calcium tablets yesterday because I noticed that my daily multivitamins don't have 100% of the daily recommendation of those minerals, but reading the comments I realize I'm overdoing it.
No. 170279
>>170147That's a good point actually, I should've thought about that. It's been a couple of years so I don't exactly remember, but I was taking quite a high dosage of biotin because I was desperate. I might try it again.
For those who are taking biotin right now, how much mcg do you take a day?
No. 170311
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Ladies, what is the proper way to do a push-up? Has your upper body gotten stronger by doing them regularly? I want jacked arms and shoulders in 2021.
No. 170349
>>170279I take 1250mcg every other day, so ~4100% of daily intake.. I didn't realize this until I looked at the bottle just now lol. My acne did calm down after I switched to every other day but it explains the persistence.
From google:
>Anyone aged 10 or older should get between 30 and 100 mcg per day. So I'd just get the lowest dose available, which is 500mcg iirc.
>>170311I think it's to look forward (not facing the ground) and to sink lower than your elbows.
>>170324Do you think gum might help??
No. 170439
>>170349If there's cheeseburger flavored gum then yes otherwise probably not.
I figure what I do is much less harmful to my body than binge/purge though so I'm not that worried from a health perspective. It's just pretty nasty and also wasteful.
No. 170579
>>170578Nta, but it's really unnecessary to make your diet hugely disbalanced just in order to lose weight. Much better to just learn portion control and eat healthy lean things. Acquire healthy habits instead of shocking your body into starvation.
I understand it's helpful for certain conditions, but for a healthy person looking to lose weight it sounds like just another attempt at a quick fix, and those don't work.
No. 170597
>>170579that's a very fair point, the biggest downside in the lit is how restrictive and unsustainable it is. Personally I chose it as kind of a mental jump start, I've been ridiculously addicted to candy since lockdown and I just felt I needed something very structured that could help me quit sugar, and drop a few lbs quickly because I'm a very impatient person lol.
My plan was to do it for at least a month but up to two or three if I was psychologically fine with it. Just to to shift some fat, quit candy and start looking like myself again. Then I could transition to something more like Mediterranean diet for the longer term.
No. 170633
>>170620The tl;dr is you burn fat more efficiently when you’re not eating carbs, so you can potentially lose weight faster. Low carb diets have been around for a while, but imo the problem is they’re not very sustainable for most people. Like
>>170579 said, I think it’s better to aim for a healthier diet/lifestyle in general than doing things like keto.
No. 170754
>>167674update: 63kg / 138lbs today and very pleased. could have been more but I was sick for a week so I didn't stick to my fasting routine these days. IF really is the solution for people like me that just eat whenever they're bored or stressed. only 4.5lbs/2kg and I'm back to pre pregnancy weight. hoping to get down to 57kg/125lbs this time.
I hope everyone else is going strong as well!
No. 170757
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If you're in a lower BMI range but your arms look like pic rel, what can be done to make them more toned?
No. 170801
>>170784I'm in the EU and on Euthyrox, obviously when I got diagnosed 2 years ago I was put on it and yes, the dose is correct but it doesn't make any change irl regarding weight loss/fatigue etc, just on paper.
I can't lose weight and I'm tired. I don't have hashi, antibodies were checked, PCOS also, and no , didn't have it.
I am very knowledgeable about hypo since I have doctors in my family, it's just super frustrating that I'll never be fit again (and I miss my hair), I was a fitness comp participant , so I know everything about fitness and nutrition.
T4 is the medication you take (levothyroxine), T3 (liothyronine) is the more metabolic active hormone, you also test TSH, free of T3 / T4 and antibodies ofc.
No. 170848
>>170833I fucking love oats and I eat them every day. I can have a sachet with almond milk for <150 calories or a big bowl with soy milk for <350, so it always fits in my diet.
Actually I had a really bad binging problem at one point when I would just eat bowl after bowl of it. I'm not quite as addicted now thankfully.
No. 170870
>>170833oats are iconic and always will be, they've been so comforting for me during bad depressive episodes and are always great when i'm too busy or lazy to cook bc they're quick and filling. i've been having it for breakfast a few times a week lately with fruit, pb and greek yogurt
also i occasionally (more often since lockdown tho) go through these phases of finding one delicious, easy to make, healthy-enough meal and making it a staple and having it at least once a day for weeks on end. last few weeks i don't think i've gone more than a few days without an open-faced egg sandwich with avocado and seasoning, sometimes i'll add like spinach or a veggie sausage. the month before it was making enormous green protein smoothies, giving some to my bf and then just slowly finishing mine throughout the day as i worked on stuff
No. 171158
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i've finally re-settled into an exercise routine of stationary biking 5km as well as doing 1500 reps? pulls? on a rowing machine daily of the last couple months. already intermittent fasting, would be great to add even twenty minutes of light (<5kg) weights, up my rowing reps to two thousand and double the length of my usual ride but the hunger afterwards gets me too good. i know the answer lies in meal prep, it's just so hard when you live in a big household with a fridge that never has any real estate cause of that! regardless this is an accountability post, i'll implement at least one of those over the next few weeks.
ultimately i'd love to be able to do something more high impact (in particular pick up running) but it's just not feasible on an old leg injury. a friend has really been getting into rock climbing and keeps offering to take me but the thought of trying in front of everyone else at the center makes me muy uncomfortable. i get the assurances that the spectators are always nice and encouraging but i'm just not into it
No. 171405
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Are you going to be ready for July 4th?
No. 171446
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>>171440Alivia d'Andrea
She's doing a series of videos where she discusses mindset and willpower and depression related to weight loss, weight gain, support from friends and family and the rest
No. 171501
>>171494I don’t think it’s inherently disordered, it’s just a way of tracking your intake. Like I’m currently tracking my cals for my diet - if I don’t hold myself accountable by writing down everything I have eaten, I naturally overeat. I can see how it can become unhealthy if you’re overly obsessive about it though (aka you start panicking over going 5 calories over, never allowing yourself any “bad” food ever, keep on lowering your daily calorie limit etc…)
Just try to keep a nice balance, don’t let it control your life and you should get on fine.
No. 171545
>>171536It's more important to add muscle mass through weight lifting and doing regular cardio every week.
More muscle mass means more energy expenditure and makes it easier to even burn calories when you eat a little more than you should.
Check out the "all in" series by Stephanie Buttermore.
No. 171552
>>171537I always feel conflicted on the weighing. I've done it daily because it helps me keep a routine and makes me feel more accountable for what I'm eating, but others say it's not really for the best.
>>171545I'd love to get back into weightlifting, it was incredibly fun for me. But Covid took my lungs and depression too my waistline.
For right now I know I'm eating way, way too much of shitty food to cope and it's awful. I think if I can drop some weight from diet alone (can't outrun a bad diet etc etc) I'll be able to get into cardio slowly as I recover.
No. 171562
>>171158fellow rock climber who was scared shitless to do it for the first time in front of others, just do it anon, please, it is such a great exercise and engages your whole body as well as your mind. it has become my number one sports and helped me get so fit. please try it, nobody is going to think anything, really. if anythin, everybody will just be happy there is somebody new enjoying this great hobby! it will always be someones first time, you wouldn't think anything stupid about a beginner, would you? so why would others think bad about you? please try it.
(damn I can't wait for the weather to get better and get my fat ass up a rock)
No. 171575
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>>171552It is quite hard but possible to do recompositioning (meaning replacing fat mass with muscle mass). It takes a lot of dedication and hard work to do like pic related, most people can't do this to that level
(Spoiler because of possible
>>171556Even better: focus more on what you see while looking at the mirror. When you like what you're seeing it means you're going the right way with the right workouts and eating style.
Water weight alone is about 5 to even 10 lbs in a day and contributes to a bloated appearance due to water retention caused by salts (mostly sodium chloride found in food).
Reducing your salt intake helps reduce water retention.
No. 171594
>>171561If you weight yourself daily, you'll get used to those fluctuations very quickly and start to understand how random and meaningless they can be.
On the other hand, if you weigh infrequently, your weigh-in day may just happen to fall on a day when you're fluctuating really high. Then you really will lose motivation because you lack the tracking data to prove it's just a blip and not your actual progress.
No. 171601
>>171536Ok so how about try weighing yourself every day and then calculate the expected value and standard deviation and you could also if you are feeling ambitious make a plot of dependence of weight on time and calculate the speed of weightloss by least squares method because that would be really cool.
Ok I am kidding on the second part but it would be good to measure as much and then take a mean value for a couple of days, but if you want you could give me the data of weight by day and I could make a plot for you… if you wanna… I like plots
No. 171642
>>171594I weight biweekly/once a month, and I really don't know how your high fluctuation could be
that high if you're actually working towards losing weight. Like even if it's relatively high, it's usually lower than my last weight-in. Unless you're following some kind of diet/workout where you're supposed to lose 10kgs in 10 years.
No. 171716
>>171712I'm no nutritionist nor therapist, but even I can clearly see how much of a bad idea it is for you.
>it's basically the opposite of how I was eating during my EDSo basically just the other side of the same coin. Very bad idea. Don't fall into the mirror image of the same trap.
No. 171727
>>171712Echoing what
>>171716 said, if you are at all prone to EDs I don't know if I'd recommend stuff like keto that you can end up obsessing over. Something like intermittent fasting (the midday-8pm one, not the alternate day ones!) might be nice, it's simple enough to stick to that you can make it your permanent routine quite easily.
>>171158It's a fun hobby and in my experience everyone who does it is really nice to everyone regardless of skill level, maybe in part because everyone's kept humble by the fact there's guaranteed to be at least a few climbs at their gym they can't do (and that others can). If you're still nervous, you can just go bouldering the first few times, basically audience and a much much shorter climb so you don't need to worry about freezing up.
No. 171738
>>171712 I'm keto anon from upthread and I'm telling you definitely don't do it. It's just another flavor of the same poison. Unless you have a medical need for it like PCOS, it's just restriction for restrictions sake.
Besides, women lose way less weight on it than men so I didn't even get good results. I get the urge to cut out the things that tempt you, but seriously 20g carbs a day is like a cup of spinach salad. The rest is meat, meat, meat. I didn't shit for a week lol.
I know it sucks but I have to keep reminding myself my body is not the problem. If you eat carbs emotionally then the problem isn't the carbs, it's the emotion. Restricting your diet isn't going to fix the emotions. If you're like me there's something else in your life spinning out of control right now and you just want to diet to distract yourself. Face the thing, anon. Your body will thank you.
No. 171951
>>171859 sorry if I'm also being presumptuous, I'm sure you know what you are doing. Ignore if redundant.
Even if you are currently going all out restricting calories, other than seeing to your daily minerals/vitamins, please make sure you eat at least one grand and varied meal a week without worrying too much about the amount of calories and content, you will easily make up for the calories taken in over the span of a week. Just to make sure your gut is still doing it's job fully, as well as to force yourself to remember and deal with that calorie intake can not be taken seriously every single day and it's not inherently bad to go off track a day - it happens, take it into account and only a small number of calories reduced over the span of a week will make up for it. It is helpful and important to consult with a health professional when going under a certain point of calories/week. Stay safe and keep yourself from obsessing about foods too much. Obsessively restricting sweets/soda/beer/etc is great, but general food items should never cause worries if you want to stay healthy for life.
No. 171971
>>1719041K is acceptable if you're below 5'4".
For the shitting thing, I suggest drinking lots of coffee
No. 171979
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Progress pictures
No. 172071
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Have any 170 cm anons been able to reach a weight of 56-60 kg? I've been 66 kg for 2 years, put on 2 kg of muscle, and I really want to get down to 58 kg. How can I get down to 60 kg by May?
>I eat healthy but indulge in desserts at night.. emotional cope.
>im a lazyfuck and stopped running 6 months ago bc pandemic is depressing me.
No. 172080
>>171979the girl who is 5'3 is my height but 24 pounds more than me yet we look the same size, i really gotta build muscle…
sometimes it feels like the less weight you have to lose, the harder it is. I only want to lose 15-20 pounds but it feels like an impossible feat that will take extreme restriction.
No. 172100
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>weight and measurement
im 58kg's and 173cm tall. my upper body is pretty skinny because all of my weight is around my thighs, which looks ok in pants but horrid in skirts, bikinis and especially when nude. i have almost no muscle and my cellulite looks like goat cheese.
i want to tighten my body and get my legs slimmer.
>what are you doing
im currently trying to IMF but i can never keep it up. i have a thing for light snacks at night (a few pieces of ham or olives, at most a chocolate bar) and it ruins my fasts. i tried to do some fad diets koreans do but they never work. I eat pretty healthily usually anyways, mostly homecooked. i go on walks a lot, and do some workouts i saw online but they dont help either. its very hard for me to lose weight. I've been trying for about a year but my weight just wont budge (not even a whole kilo). should i see a dietician? i dont want to waste money on that though so if anyone has anything to recommend i'd love to hear
No. 172108
>>172100Anon, maybe instead of trying to fast or give up your nightly snacks, maybe replace the foods you're eating now with less fatty/salty ones. Obviously you'll be eating homecooked, healthy foods, but maybe instead of a piece of ham or a chocolate bar, try something with less sodium and sugars. My body was in a similar situation as yours, and following a diet of strictly little to no sodium (I had a problem with water weight), sugars, and unhealthy fats (even ones from meat) caused me to slim in my thighs and face. Even though protein is very important, try sticking to meats that haven't been cured (ham, bacon, etc.) and are lean and low fat. Dairy could also be contributing to your problem. You should definitely contact a dietician if you're really struggling though, and this is just what worked for me.
No. 172121
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This is mostly an anatomical question but…what causes a leg to look this curved when lying down? Is there a way to straighten it? I have a more extreme curve than the woman in the picture, when I lie down there's a big gap between my thigh and the ground and my tailbone is digging into the floor
No. 172122
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>>172121Muscles? Why would you want to straighten what is a normal human shape???
If your curves are really extreme you may want to see an orthopaedist, you may have bad posture (tailbone digging into the floor may indicate lordosis or sth of that sort)
No. 172124
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Is my butt proportional to my body? I am 52kg and 1m66. I've stopped social media because it was warping my self image, but it does feel like it should be bigger. I even asked my PT if my glutes were underdeveloped but she said I was athletic enough everywhere. So is it fine ?
No. 172125
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>>172124View from the side. Sorry for gross bathroom mirror.
Also my butt always looks like shit in clothes, but that might be a styling issue.
No. 172130
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>>172126Why would I brag on lolcow with those shitty pics anon? I've legit never seen this type of butt in any fitness video or picture. Even on skinny women they always seen to have fuller and larger cheeks.
Also we live in a society where pic related happens everyday. That woman's before butt seems more normal to me than mine, but it's not enough for her apparently.
No. 172131
>>172124You have a nice butt, anon. No homo
>>172130I thought the watermark on the image said 'DatAss MD' lmaoo. Was this an implant? Or fat transfer?
No. 172136
>>172128Yes I suppose it's all beauty standards, I already know hip dips are an example of social conditioning. I'll try to stop thinking about that.
>>172129Thanks. Yeah I don't know why the volume is concentrated around the ass crack instead of being nice full cheeks all over.
>>172131It's fat transfer. Random picture I found on Google Image searching for "thin butt"
No. 172138
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>>172100>i want to tighten my body and get my legs slimmer.If you have naturally big legs it's due to bones and muscle mass. It's genetics.
You can probably slim them down a little but adding muscle mass does wonders as an optical trick (bigger quad makes calves look smaller).
Reducing your body fat percentage also does the trick for a trim waist but don't overdo it.
No. 172161
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>>172112What resistance band workouts have given you results?
No. 172164
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>>171810I don't think saying society is catered towards men's eating habits is correct. I think its more catered towards what's cheap and gives the biggest profit for the company. Both men and women are massively overweight because McDonalds and taco bell decide to use cheap heavily processed carbs with no nutritional value, garbage mystery meat which is half indigestible and half added fat and some form of "cheese" slathered on top. These companies want you to get fat and lazy because then you will buy more of their product
Don't eat out, that shit isn't good for anyone. Learn easy things to cook yourself using fresh ingredients, not shit out of a box.
>>171818Drink regular water
>>171822Planning out your meals for the day is really helpful for calorie counting. You can get an approximate idea of how many calories you are going to take in throughout the day. Best thing that I have found is to eat mainly veggies and drink lots of water. This will keep you feeling full for a longer time. Pre-planning meals tho will def help with keeping on a lower calorie diet
No. 172180
>>171818Drinking water should be a good quick fix and keep you hydrated, but you kind of have to get used to riding a couple of waves of hunger out every day. They do subside and if you are accustomed to them they won't bother you as much.
In my case, I often feel a sense of accomplishment when I successfully ignore hunger and it really is a confidence boost. Obviously it's not good going overboard with thinking like this, but I make sure I eat enough every day regardless if I'm currently feeling hunger or not so I'm probably ok.
Also I keep thinking that overeating/compulsory snacking must be exactly like any other addiction, and a common advice for people trying to quit a bad behaviour (drinking, gaming etc) is replacing it with something else. If you have something you can/like spend a lot of time doing, keep redirecting your focus on this. Ideally, it is something useful like working out - but literally anything you can obsess over would work well.
No. 172221
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>>172204>>172206>>172207100 lbs in 4 months is absurdly fast and not possible, or if possible it's extremely unhealhy and damaging in the long term.
No. 172245
>>172225Sugar replacement and bake your own treats. You can even make ice cream and caramelize certain sweeteners. EZ.
Saying goodbye forever to all fast food, restaurant food, ready-made meals, and most snacks and seasonings is the hard part. Also bread…rip bread.
I'm not keto but cane sugar free for a year and it's been a trip. Very doable, though. I believe in you, anon. You can make it through March and the rest of your sugarless life!
No. 172307
>>172108i'll try a no sodium diet for a week at least and see if it works. I've been thinking about it for a while now so i'll start on monday. i dont think i can give up sugar, especially if i'm thinking of giving it up since that makes me crave it more. i also only use milk for my coffee, but if you think thats an issue i'll try to cut that off too :/ maybe decrease the milk to coffee ratio?
>>172118I'm not the girl in the photo anon, if i had that body i wouldn't know what to do!
>>172138i know my legs are entirely due to my weight, theres absolutely no muscle on my thighs. i honestly think i look fine but because they are just fat and no muscle my cellulite looks super lumpy and that makes me feel bad when they are showing.
No. 172318
>>172311>>172313Yeah, for a woman to bulk up, you'd have to eat
a lot and train
a lot. There's no such thing for a woman to "accidentally" get bully, it's super difficult and you have to have a lot of disciplined, lifting some weights alongside cardio and a regular diet will just tone you, not bulk you.
No. 172353
>>172225I lost 15 pounds in 2 months by cutting out sugar. I swear to you if you try it and stick to it you absolutely will not regret it.
You have to get yourself excited about it and commit to cutting it out completely. Sugar is addictive, you're tempting yourself by cheating or treating yourself when you're first starting to cut it out. Do a big grocery haul to last you for 2-3 weeks and buy healthy foods. Even if you do get something sweet, hopefully it will only last you the first week..
Read health books, read stories of people who cut out sugar and it cured their health problems, look at healthy Instagram recipe pages. Most importantly, create a meal plan for yourself!!! Cook with more perishable foods the first week. Sweet potato, onions, carrots, celery, and more will last you at least 3 weeks. You can easily make bean soup or lentil soup with them, which is delicious and super healthy - spices are important and also good for you! Get frozen berries to sweeten oatmeal or greek yogurt and refrigerate apples and oranges. Beans, tofu, tempeh, chicken breast, turkey, or quinoa for protein. An added bonus, you'll probably save money because eating healthy is actually inexpensive - as long as you stay away from Whole Foods and look in value supermarkets.
To fight cravings, drink herbal tea and look at vegan or healthy food recipes. They're usually super colorful and aesthetically pleasing. Over time you'll start to crave hearty, healthy meals instead of sugary snacks.
My mental health improved and I have so much more energy. I highly recommend everyone cut out added sugars. Non-processed foods are delicious when you lose your sugar cravings. Give it about 3-4 days to a week to stop feeling miserable, 2 weeks to start seeing changes in your body, and 3-4 weeks to stop thinking about eating sugary food.
5 star lifestyle (not diet)
No. 172369
>>172363A little of both. I'm only about 3 months in still. My goal weight was usually 15-20 pounds from where I was at, but I reached it so, yay. At least I think I did. I haven't weighed myself in a while but I'm continuing to see changes in my body so I'm assuming I'm lost more since I weighed myself.
But the focus shouldn't really be about weight loss and restricting (aside from cutting the added sugar). It should be on nourishing your body every day and eating healthy foods - the weight loss is a side effect.
That perspective helps me, anyways - instead of trying to cut calories, try to increase nutrients.
No. 172404
>>172402Cutting out bread/rice/pasta has helped me a lot. If you can find something low calorie to replace pasta you should be able to still eat big portions. Like a big portion of salad+tuna is so much low cal compared to a bowl of pasta.
Thankfully I never tire of cottage cheese for filler.
Oh, also, depending on how your body handles skipping lunch and breakfast this is also an option - just have a bigger meal for dinner. Many people need to eat somewhat frequently, and it IS actual shit advice to skip breakfast, but some people can go all day and handle it fine.
No. 172426
>>172402I used to eat way past fullness. Here's what helped me. Whenever I want to keep eating even when I'm already full, I tell myself I can eat more, but it doesn't have to be now. I can eat more of this food later, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. The food is there, it won't grow legs and run away from the fridge. Also, food tastes better when I'm hungry. When I'm not hungry anymore, it isn't even that good, and if I'm already too full, my stomach will hurt and I'm going to feel uncomfortable for some time. This thought helped me a lot. Try to eat slow, without distractions, paying attention to your hunger cues and how your body feels while you eat and after you eat.
No. 172427
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Is BMI a reliable thing?
No. 172458
>>172402Same, I try to eat really big salads without too much vinaigrette, or lots of lower cal fruit like melon, etc
Hot soup and drinking lots of tea also helped cus my stomach would fill up.
No. 172589
>>172584You don't have to skip breakfast for IF lol. You can have breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most people skip breakfast because they likely have to eat dinner late due to many reasons. OR they work an office job/job where they can really only start eating at 12, which is the usual lunch break so that's when their fast ends.
When I was in college and doing IF, I actually ate breakfast at 11 but that meant I had to stop eating at 7, which isn't doable for most people. Plus 11 is kind of lunch time for me now, so it would make no sense for me to eat breakfast at a time of day when lunch comes out.
No. 172777
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Sort of off topic but does anyone have an alternative to DownDog?
I love their yoga and hiit app but shit it's expensive and not worth getting since I do yoga/hiit like once per week.
I tried to get the apk but they update frequently so it's pointless, tried yoga with Adrianne and she's fine but I hate the youtube app. Basically I'm a picky bitch whwn it comes to apps.
No. 173556
>>170742I've gone a good month with a low calorie diet, and great improvements. I can fit a few of my items of clothing that had been too tight around the waist again, and some cute tops that are formfitting look actually flattering on their own now!
I've been logging my waist measurements and it's not as bad as before, but still not what I've previously written down as my usual measurement in my sewing books.
I've been keeping up with the daily bike rides as well, and I am thinking about taking a 20min run twice a week. My partner diligently works out at home 2-3 times a week so it would be a great fit in our routine. My problem is just getting into the habit of working out. So far so good, and I feel very motivated to continue.
No. 173642
>>173564This isn't so bad honestly, I wouldn't worry.
A one day binge is reaaaally reaaallly easy to mitigate! Spread the calories you went above limit out over the next week or so and the change from your regular diet should not be that noteworthy at all. Dwelling could lead to spiralling guilt/sadness and so on - that is the real potential problem. Days where you can't control everything are going to happen and they are not inherently bad or hard to take into account. It would be useless if you ended up feeling guilty or hesitant about partaking in occasional social events with food/snacks for example. Don't worry and just take the next week or 10 days with just a small amount fewer calories each day than your regular diet and you would still be on the same path as before, and no harm done.
No. 173664
>>173654that will just set her up to binge again. It's better to just eat lightly and take care of yourself for the next few days. Drink water and tea. Cucumber, zucchini, lemon, lime - all have mild diuretic effects. I forgot which other veg/fruit do, but incorporate those as well.
it's all going to be OK.
No. 173886
>>173836Wow what a throwback, my dad was obsessed with blood type diet in the early 2000s. It's bonkers, I remember my menu said I had to avoid squirrel meat lol. Is it making a comeback?
But yeah don't bother, it just rode the Asian trend of seeing blood types as pseudo-scientific horoscopes. There's no research proving any link between blood types and digestive differences.
It follows the fad diet formula of a bunch of crazy rules, one of which is "avoid processed foods", so the combination of restriction and a cleaner diet makes people lose weight.
Just eat healthy and have as much squirrel meat as you want anon
No. 174045
>>174041>If so, how come I never lost weight when I was eating my ‘maintaining weight’ calories? Maintenance as in including or excluding the excersise?
Anyway it's simply not possible to be in a deficit and not loose weight so you must've made a miscalculation somewhere.
No. 174340
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Ever since starting antidepressants Ive been gaining weight like crazy. My lowest weight was 46kg now Im at 51kg all in just 3 months its fucking me up so bad.
No. 174341
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Just started a low sodium, high protein bulking diet since gear exacerbates the effects of sodium so far so good. I was having daily nosebleeds until I cut my sodium intake to a 1/4 of what it was and my blood pressure was at like 142 over 93. Lots of water helps too.
No. 174430
I think my addiction to sugar is getting a little bit overboard. I try to fix it by eating nutrient dense, protein rich foods like egg, salmon, yoghurt, nuts, and so forth, but I have no real appetite, so I don't finish my meals. I only eat sugar waffles really, but in all honesty I don't have an appetite for them either, my body is just very stressed so it soothes the stress. Anyway, I think it's very bad that my appetite is so gone and that I'm eating only waffles and chips! What are some words of advice?
No. 174471
>>174430Get herbal tea and meal plan for AT LEAST one week, preferably two. Start simple with just two meals a day, breakfast and dinner. Try not to buy waffles. If you cave, only buy one box.
Make oatmeal for breakfast and lentil or 15 bean soup for dinner with lots of vegetables. Add lots of spices too. I promise you it will taste so good. If you have a hard time eating it, too bad, force yourself. Oatmeal and soup can easily be downed with a swig of water. If you can't physically eat it, give yourself a 1-2 hour time period to consume it. Have a spoonful every 5 minutes and swallow it with water or something like that.
If you are still feeling a craving for something sweet, brew yourself a cup of herbal tea.
No. 174522
>>174430When I'm stressed, i also violently crave sugar and then have no appetite. You can dress up oatmeal in all kinds of ways that are sugary, but oats are a more nutritious base than waffles for a number of reasons.
I find including more fibre in my diet really helps my sugar craving for some reason, so having fruit with oatmeal = relatively high fibre, sweet, nutritious alternative to waffles.
>>174471, rooibos tea for some reason really helps my sugar cravings.
As with most human habit things, you won't be able to do it all at once, but you have to push yourself a bit to get the ball rolling.
No. 174574
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-Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
I want to get down to around 135lbs for now. I started 3 weeks ago at 168lb and am now at 163.1 - and am 5’2 (I think), so I’m pretty chubby right now.
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
I have pretty much my whole life organized in Notion, so I’ve been logging all of my calories, workouts, and weights in there. My plan is pretty much: 1200kcal a day (something that’s been difficult for me, but I’m getting better at it), c2k and the start bodyweight training program M-W-F. I also created a google spreadsheet with my weigh-ins and the weights I’m supposed to hit if I stick with my plan (from the omni weight calculator), and have created a graph with both data sets, with trendlines showing how I should progress - I know it seems pretty neurotic or whatever, but it’s really helping me keep motivated.
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurements.
I weigh myself every morning at around 6 or 7, after I’ve gone to the bathroom and measure myself (neck, bust, waist, hips, upper arms, thigh, ankles) every two weeks or so.
> Question: does anyone have tips on better sticking too calories? bc every few days I just go a few hundred over with snacks and shit and it's been getting really annoying.
No. 174579
>>174574>does anyone have tips on better sticking too calories? bc every few days I just go a few hundred over with snacks and shit and it's been getting really annoying. It's not really a fun way but it does take away the willpower aspect: Don't keep the offending snacks in your home. If they're not easily accessible then you can't cheat with them. Plan out your 3 main meals in advance and if you really crave a snack make it something impossible to binge (like a small yogurt container that's done when it's done versus chips where you have to force yourself to stop at a certain point). Simply not having snacks around makes it a lot easier to avoid overindulging.
That being said congrats on your starting weight loss, you're doing well!
No. 174588
>>174585Sounds great, good luck
nonny! Hope it helps.
No. 174659
i'm finally back on my weight loss program, currently i weigh 57kg at 164cm my goal was to be at 55kg by the beginning of this year i couldnt do it but its no big deal because i already lost 8 kgs without putting it back on in 2020 which i'm super happy about, i just had to see if i could do it because i could never lose weight no matter which diet i tried(keto, fasting, paleo), ive been trying to lose weight since middle school but kitchen scale+cico changed my life, i weigh myself every morning and measure every other day, I try to eat 1000 calories a day(my bmr is very low so its normal), i experimented with going higher but my weight loss halts immediately and i start maintaining instead of losing. I started doing chloe ting again after a long break, i dont know how because i've gymmed quite a lot in the past but nothing shaped my body better than her workout, people would actually notice and comment on how much better my body looked and i could see the difference(i took photos everyday), lost inches off my waist, butt got firmer and tiny bit of abs were visible, only downside is i immediately return back to normal when i stop exercising. The only thing I'm worried about is before I would follow the program religiously every single day no matter how tired i felt but now that I'm back to school its going to be hard getting into that mindset again. My ultimate goal is 50kg but i wont put a deadline to it, i really enjoy weighing stuff and staying within my calorie limit and following my exercise routine without skipping it makes me feel very organized, fulfilled and accomplished.
No. 174671
>>174659Nike training club is totally free, no ads, just make an account (they won't send you emails)
They have yoga, mobility exercises, hiit, stuff for strength and endurance, and everything is so varied its amazing you don't have to pay anything. I stan
No. 174672
>>174671I meant to reply to
No. 174714
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This is literally all I've been eating on a daily basis. Never felt any better.
No. 174741
>>174718I never thought about that, but I don't have the resources to go to a gym, or buy lots of workout equipment.
As long as covid is what it is ntc calisthenics is the best I can do
No. 174785
>>174773It's aubergine parmigiana
Of course it's fried eggs and rice, don't you have those in your country?
No. 174789
depends on how tall you are and if you're active. I eat almost 3k calories and I'm 161cm and 55kg, still look skinny.
There is just no magic number that works for everyone
No. 174794
>>174787The anon you're referring to, I'm 168 cm and 66 kg and want to get down to 54 kg. I can't exercise because of asthma and lead a sedentary lifestyle. I hope by restricting my calories, it will help me reach my goal weight. I've never been an anachan and don't want to become one either. Restricting calories is new to me and I'm not used to the hunger pangs yet. My instinct is to binge when I get too lightheaded, and then I overeat to probably 2500 calories. I need 2300 calories to maintain my weight. Its like an uphill battle with my yo-yo caloric intake, sometimes I hit my 1200 goal and then other days I go way over. I don't know how you can develop self control with food after years of bad habits. Maybe I should do intermittent fasting instead because I have no self control and eat like a pig.
No. 174878
>>174799I would believe this combination is mostly popular with asian countries or with those of asian origin. You have the option of adding condiments to the eggs (salt, pepper, siracha, soy/fish sauce, etc.) and also can eat it with a side if preferred (like pickled vegetables). Runny yolk is a nice seasoning for the rice but you can just have some sauce too, to each one's own.
It's also filling and cheap; two eggs with about 1-2 cups of rice is a good portion for most– kind of a "poor," humble meal lol. Leans more toward those who enjoy umami/salty foods.
No. 174893
>>174875>Is starvation mode really a meme?It depends on your on your definition of starvation mode.
True: Your metabolism adapts (read: slows down) when you eat at a deficit long-term. Your body becomes more efficient at burning energy. This has only a small effect on your weightloss. Yes, it's real but the impact is not significant.
Myth: When you enter "starvation mode" you stop losing weight or gain weight. This is false because it's literally not possible for your body to magically run on nothing or create fat or muscle from nothing. Your body has to burn SOMETHING for energy. If you didn't consume enough it'll burn stored fat and/or muscle for energy. If there's nothing left to burn, you'll die: see severe anorexic patients and people dying from famine.
All in all you'll ALWAYS lose weight when you're at a calorific deficit, it's impossible not to. Your metabolism slowing down (again, as a result of restricting long-term, this doesn't happen after one or two days eating a little less) has only a small impact on the slowing down of your weightloss over time overall. The biggest difference actually comes from your body needing less calories to maintain because after some weightloss you have less bodymass it has to sustain. So if you're eating 1200 calories daily and don't adjust this after some weightloss, over time your weightloss is going to slow down MAINLY because due to your weightloss, your deficit (the difference between the 1200 calories you're consuming and the amount your body actually needs to sustain it's current state) is decreasing.
If you're not losing weight you're NOT consistently at a calorific deficit.
(Sorry for the awkward English, I'm ESL.)
No. 174894
>>174890Makes sense. I knew that, it just is discouraging to see other people losing weight way quicker than me. But I had my thyroid checked and it is fine and my metabolism works as well (perhaps it is slower, but it does work). I am not a binge eater, but I know that eating way under the recommended 1700 kcal for me would impact my life in a negative way. Maybe I’ll try how it works with 1500 kcal per day. I could also try to only have a cheat meal instead of a cheat day, but my cheat days actually help me a lot with keeping motivated. Maybe indulging less is a good idea though.
>>174893Thanks for the input. My recommended calorie intake (so what my body needs to function) has not changed much, but I will keep it in mind and frequently check it.
No. 174928
>>174671thank you anon! i just saw this i will definitely give it a try this week
>>174659i messed up, i'm getting evicted soon i have to find a new apartment by the end of this month and i'm super stressed, i visited real estate agents for the past 2 days and went back home with a bottle of booze each time out of impulse, instead of eating i'm getting majority of my calories from alcohol and i'm afraid i'm going over my calorie limit a bit, i also stopped exercising (and studying) because i cant focus, i'm at 56.6 right now as soon as i go over 57 i'm pulling the brakes
No. 175183
>>175162Nice work,
No. 175228
>>175220Have structured meals. No skipping breakfast, no snacking outside mealtime. Set the table nicely for each meal, plate it with care, make a pleasant atmosphere. Candlelit dinners don't go well with fast food.
A regular meal schedule like that will have you form healthy eating habits. Once eating like that becomes a habit, you're good.
No. 175254
>>174431Thank you for the meal tips!
>high protein, moderate fat, and lowish carbs.This is precisely my goal! Thank you.
>>174471Meal planning is something I am still trying to figure out how to approach, it is difficult for me to really grasp and successfully do.
>>174513>>174522Thank you as well!
I have been just constantly pushing myself to be more disciplined. Every time I crave sugar, I ask myself what I want more, a pretty body and healthy lifestyle, or temporary satisfaction? I choose the former and keep pushing myself. I have also been eating the type of foods I really want, namely high quality, locally sourced dairy, eggs, vegetables and fruit. The only thing I need to figure out now is where to buy my meat, good recipes and how to do meal planning. Like one of the anons said, fruit is great for cravings! Dried mangoes or a fresh pear, and of course a sip of water often helps.
Thank you all for the responses, again. This thread overall is super useful, also when other people have similar problems.
No. 175256
>>175253You need to lose weight in general to get a flat stomach, if you're already slim you need to workout.
Planks and stomach vacuums are great, in YouTube there are tons of abs exercises videos. Try and find one that works for you
Diet: no processed foods, avoid red meat, alcohol, added sugar, sodas, salt, simple carbs
It's true that stress will make it more difficult, try to sleep better/more and look into breathing exercises and stresd managing techniques. Health is an ensemble
No. 175985
>>175979I can squat 50 kg but can't OHP more than 6x3 6kg lol
Just keep going anon, you said you just started so it will take a while to build up strength and some moves are just a bit more difficult than others.
No. 176158
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What are your goals for 2021?
No. 176181
It is possible that my legs just aren't shaped right for doing squats? My legs are definitely the strongest part of my body since I mountainbiked a lot throughout my life, but I just can't seem to get the movement of a regular squat down. I can't drop down low enough or I'll fall over no matter what stance I use. My legs are kind of x-shaped/knock kneed and I think that might be the cause? Not sure what to do about it though.
>>175253The other anon gave good advice but keep in mind that some women are just built in a way that means they never have a completely flat stomach unless underweight. I've known multiple women who were skinny and worked out a lot and yet always kept a little stomach pouch despite being toned. Bloating can also contribute.
No. 176256
>>176181I literally could not squat unless I was doing it with a barbell doing high or low back squats for balance.
I would practice with doing body weight box squats until you feel confident enough doing them without the box, if you have gym access they might also have a safety squat bar if you wanted to add some more weight into the box squats.
If depth is an issue, try doing them wearing shoes with a bit of a heel on them like the Reebok Legacy Lifters.
I’ve got my first powerlifting competition this weekend and I know I’m not going to place anywhere but I’m so proud of myself. I’ve been casually going to the gym for a few months before focussing on a plan for 3 months, and have gone from doing B/S/DL at 20kg, 40kg and 80kg to 40kg, 85kg and 115kg.
Met with the head referee for the federation I’m competing in and got some quick coaching in last weekend and he said my form is perfect so I’m feeling confident I at least won’t injure myself!
No. 176629
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>>176266>>176285I'm 175cm too and my body always comes back to 76-77kg.
I'm not really trying to lose weight because I feel fine in the weight I'm now. If there were magical genie then I'd be in 69kg but maintaining it with diet means too many sacrifices. I try to maintain healthy-ish lifestyle but I prioritize other things in my life.
My body looks same than the girl in the picture. My boobs might be bigger than her's.
I recommend using Mybodygallery if you have issues seeing your body as it is.
No. 176632
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>>176629>mybodygalleryOT but are there any other sites like this? Because I only get 1-2 results when I put in my stats
No. 176634
>>176633Not necessarily. If you look similar to
>>176629 at 65kg you might consider working on getting some muscle instead. unfortunate fat distribution is still unfortunate fat distribution at a lower weight
No. 177563
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Chika anon here, I fell off the wagon again when the gyms here closed in December time and even though it's half a stone I gaze at the photos of me last July and envy myself- I ate comfort food and some depressing things happened but I want to return back to where I was, where's a good place to start? I'm overloaded and with my aspergers I can find it hard sometimes if I get overloaded to know where to begin and I'll put things off…
I'm drinking more water again and trying to cut down on snacks and having more veggies, I'm thinking of home work outs now my joints aren't as bad too?
No. 180288
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Is it possible to achieve a body somewhat like picrel at 18 if you never had consistent exercise in your life before and you're only now starting? I'm working on a really good diet and have some amazing people in my life who have experience and are going to help me train properly, but I'm just worried I'm doomed and it will be pointless. I'm mainly concerned about my waist. My waist is a size S/M whereas my hips and chest are XS. Is it possible to achieve a smaller waist through training, diet and overall lifestyle at my age? These are my current measurements:
>Height: 164cm
>Weight: 51kg
>Bust: 82cm / 32"
>Waist: 70cm / 28"
>Hips: 83cm / 33"
I want to just have my waist at XS too and I am working on losing weight (I want to be 49kg at minimum). Is it possible still??? I feel too old lol
Jfl at the constant delets and reposts, sorry for being a spaz
No. 180291
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>>180290You can't target areas to lose weight. If you lower your body fat % your waist will look more defined, but if your body type is something like pic rel naturally nothing will magically give you a tiny nipped in waist.
No. 180307
>>180299Ohhh you're lucky. I have bad proportions and unhealthy lifestyle so I look unhealthy, pudgy and fat.
>>180291Ohh thank you! Yes I am kind of like that but wider and pudgier. Thanks anon!
No. 180311
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>>180307Look into body recomp and dont go full ana chan, just build muscle and exercise. Your weight might even go up but you'll look thinner.
No. 180730
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>>180700Agreed, these could've been taken 1 minute apart. Suck in the gut, tense muscles, flattering lighting, turn waist and thighs. A fit person can create even more extreme "results" within seconds by doing the same.
No. 181954
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How do you guys organize your nutrition?
It's the biggest thing that's holding me back rn, the gym is no problem at all. I know my macros but I still struggle to get protein in (I'm usually over 100g per day but I'dont hit my macro goal), I just don't know what to eat anymore and can't stomach more than one shake per day.
I tried to meal prep but I get home at 7pm and by 8-8:30 I have to go to sleep because I get up at 4am. Not to mention that I have ro stay in budget range which makes everything even more complicated.
Any tips where to start or advice how to organize better?
No. 181961
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>>181957just make sure you're not trying to get rid of your uterus here
No. 181987
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>>181981I blame that one shitty tumblr post the went viral once for people thinking that the lil fat pouch is your uterus.
I mean, you're a woman, look at it, poke it, especially during your period, does it feel or look like your uterus?!
No. 182367
>>181961thats absolutely not the uterus lmaooo. a healthy uterus is the size of a small pear. unless youre pregnant or have a health condition causing an enlarged uterus, it will not be visible like that. thats either intestinal bloating (which is normal, especially after a meal) or just a question of fat distribution.
>>181957like the other anon said, core and back strenghtening + cardio for fat loss.
No. 182387
>>181954I gave up on weekly meal prep and now just eat the leftovers from dinner for the next day's lunch. It's just never been worth it. I think a better trick is to do the prep work for tomorrow's meal while today's dinner is cooking, which is easy to do if you've already done today's prep work yesterday.
What's helped me stay organized the most is realizing that pretty much every recipe can be broken down into the same few steps. You cut your meat and veggies into the shapes you want, you add seasoning, you cook it. Every evening I do the prep for tomorrow's meal in the following order:
1. Cut meat as needed, put in bowl #1 in fridge
2. Cut all veggies needed, put in bowl #2 in fridge. Potatoes can be peeled but must stay whole and submerged in water in their own bowl or they'll get too brown/soft.
(If I need the aromatics separate, like garlic or diced onion that gets added at a different time, I'll put it in a separate little pyrex or whatever)
3. Mix whatever sauce, dry seasoning, or herb blend needed in bowl #3. Add separate containers as needed for recipes that require different stages of seasoning, but honestly most weekday meals are going to be perfectly fine with everything dumped in at once.
4. If you need a marinade for the meat, mix it in bowl #4. If it has to marinate overnight, go ahead and add it to bowl #1. Otherwise, add it before you leave for work the next day. For seafood, add it as soon as you get home from work.
You can switch the steps around, or do veggies first if you're paranoid about meat contamination, but I just wash the cutting board between steps and have never had an issue. Regardless you'll have all these bowls ready for when you get home, and you can just start up the oven/stovetop and add each ingredient as its needed. Rinse the bowls out by hand and just reuse them immediately (or switch them out if you have a lot). You can take some extra time to toss your veggies with oil and seasonings or whatever other small steps are needed, but overall you should have significantly more idle time while you wait for things to cook in which you can repeat steps 1-4 for tomorrow's dinner. Generally you'll have it all done by the time dinner is ready to eat, but even if not, it's easier to finish up what's left than to have to worry about starting it all after you've eaten. Obviously not every recipe will fit into this pattern but it's easier to make room for extra steps when you already have a system in place imo.
Some other tips: roasting vegetables on a sheet pan while the meat is cooking saves additional time and in my opinion universally tastes better. If you're adding veggies to a soup or curry, just buy the frozen bagged veggies unless texture is important. Add a can of lentils to almost any ground meat dish for extra protein. Quick-cook brown rice has more or less the same nutrition as normal brown rice. Keep track of your recipes and use them to make a list of pantry essentials, then keep track of those, because most recipes in the same type of cuisine will use the same small cluster of ingredients in different combinations. I use the phone app Whisk to store recipes and plan meals for the week (it also has a great shopping list feature) and the app Out of Milk to take pantry stock once a week, but I'm sure there are others. Also not sure what you're already eating for protein, but I love a couple boiled eggs (~6 g each) with a bit of salt as a daily breakfast or snack, or yogurt with 1/4 cup of crushed pecans (~12 g total depending on yogurt brand, watch the fat on the pecans tho).
Sorry for the super long and autistic post, cooking was such a time-consuming and miserable experience for me until I figured out a system to keep it organized. Hope any of it helps and wasn't just obvious information.
No. 182407
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petition to use susan powter as next OP pic
No. 182408
>>182387>>181954nta and not much contribute because they broke it down amazingly but i wanted to share a mealprep breakfast and lunch godsend that is quick and healthy (if you consume grains that is). Its been my favorite go-to because I also have very little time to get things organized in regards to meals so I sympathize heavily about lack of time anon.
For breakfast it's just brown rice and spinach with a soft boiled egg. I cook my brown rice for the week and when it's time for breakfast I reheat the rice in a mug ( like 45 seconds) and boil an egg for 6 minutes in shallow water. While the egg is boiling I de-stem then chop my spinach and sautee it in coconut oil with a few pinches of cajun seasoning. Mix into rice and crack open the soft boiled egg and add a few dashes of sriracha for flavor.
Lunch is a beet salad. I'll just include the recipe instead of going into detail but , again, the bulk of the time is spent waiting on something to cook. You roast your beets for 45-60 mins, slice, and build your salads. I personally don't use arugula but other than that I pack 5 salad bowls and the morning of i just make sure to take 5 minutes to throw in a handful of feta, walnuts, beets, dressing, etc. The dressing lasts all week in a separate container so it's just really grab, toss in, n go. this helps fellow busy anon. Glad you're making time for your health through it all.
No. 182575
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Anons who have successfully lost weight, what was your typical meal plan for the week? I finally joined a gym after blowing up all year and I need recomendations on filling meals that isn't just roasted veggies and chicken on a bed of leafy greens. I'm trying to cut down on the carbs since its way too easy for me to overeat on that when I'm already a bit of a bottomless pit (something I've been struggling with especially recently). My goal is to lose 55lbs/25kg.
No. 182731
>>182699I know you might be tempted to blame the medication, but it’s probably more than likely due to a lifestyle change anon (less exercise or more eating). Lots of people swear they are doing the exact same thing as always and their bodies just magically defy the laws of thermodynamics, but it might have been a gradual thing. Just an extra 50 calories a day over your calorie limit will lead to a weight gain of 5 pounds over a year.
If the weight gain truly happened as quickly as you implied, then you need to see a doctor and make sure it’s nothing more serious like cancer or whatnot.
No. 182741
>>182575I found eating enough fibre to be really crucial to my weight loss, it fills you up and is essential to your gut health. Try and get it from as many sources as possible, mostly fruit and vegetable. Oats have been a godsend, I find if I eat them in the morning I make better food choices throughout the day.
As with any diet, incorporating changes slowly will mean you're more likely to stick to it, and it can be uncomfortable to suddenly start eating lots of fibre.
No. 183337
>>170741okay, this anon back from the dead here. I've been maintaining for a while, but now I'm ready to lose a bit more from 125 to feel fully comfortable in summery outfits when the time comes. I think I'll aim to lose 1lb/week this month?
Also, to request some diet advice: to other anons who are extremely busy (especially with school), how do you prevent yourself from overeating at night when you have to stay up/pull all-nighters? My self control is nearly nonexistent when I'm sleepy, and I get really sad about the amount of work I have left so I eat as a way to make myself "feel better." I chew gum, drink a lot of water and diet drinks, etc but ugh all-nighters are always such a
trigger and sometimes they're unavoidable.
No. 183342
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>>183337Good luck with everything, anon
No. 183380
>>183376I'll have to contradict you.
The brain sucks up the largest amount of calories, and both studying and sleep deprivation require it to do extra work and thus it needs extra energy. However, the brain's energy source are primarily carbohydrates. Eating protein will do little to alleviate the cause.
No. 183392
>>183376>>183380Definitely agree with carb anon. You can try with the protein but ultimately it might not help very much. I also snack when I’m full so not very effective when the motivator is boredom instead of hunger lol.
Eat carbs, could be as simple as fruit if you want to avoid chips
No. 183434
>>183337Don’t eat at night, just drink coffee/tea/water
After a while you will not get hungry at night anymore (assuming you ate enough calories and protein during the day)
No. 183573
>>183562Get resistance bands! You can lift your legs side to side or lift them in a jogging motion. I can do this all while laying in bed. You can also squat with them, pull your arms apart, pull with your hands while the band's secured under your butt, etc.
Lifting burns calories faster than cardio, keep this in mind anon
No. 183750
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>>183697I don't know about hiking because I wear boots for that, but I have a pair of Nike Air Max sneakers (the 2017 version, apparently) that have held up since, well, 2017. Not particularly cute but they are DURABLE.
No. 186042
>>186014I have not tried it, but just from looking at it I can tell it is not a healthy diet. There seems to be almost no protein in it. And also, rapid weight loss diets do not lead to long term weight loss. Your body has no way of removing fat cells, only reducing amount of fat stored in them. So once you finish with your diet, those cells will start storing fat once again. Permanent weight loss requires lifestyle change.
>>186032I am not sure about oolong tea, but I know that green tea extract is used in weight loss supplements. Both are made from same plant, so probably. I recently started drinking two cups of green tea a day, and I did notice some fat loss, although I cant say for sure if the tea is the reason.
No. 186730
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>>186721Once again, one can have non-normal BMI and still be healthy, this one number is not defining every single human the same and should be treated as a general suggestion not absolute rule on how things should be. For example I've been slightly underweight according to BMI my entire life and I'm always healthy, my body type is just like this; anon also is not gonna become suddenly frail and illness prone if she's BMI 18 instead 18,5 if she takes good care of her diet.
No. 186759
>>186732Yeah, I'm a different anon who's almost underweight at this point (>>183337), but I was that way even at 14 and the weight I lost lately had ALL been initially gained from diagnosed binge eating and sugar addiction. I think it's a bit different when someone's naturally at a lower weight due to a smaller frame, vs intentionally forcing themselves to go lower than what's good for their body, but hopefully other anons can keep aware of their health.
Anyway, I'm personally down to 122.5. I've made it a goal for myself to eat way more vegetables now that a huge exam is over, so that's a goal for myself more than weight loss alone since I've noticed that I've been losing weight even when not focused much on calorie counting anyway. I haven't had a full on binge on sweets in quite a while so I'm super proud of myself.
No. 186825
>>186819People do claim that hunger signals may vary at different weights (ie, higher than set point = less, lower than set point = more). I only experienced this when still an ana-chan though, I couldn't be underweight without having to fight hunger all the time even when I consistently ate a "normal amount" and maintained for a few months.
I'm not sure what I believe specifically. I just know that the healthy weight that I've both physically felt and looked best at has stayed quite consistent throughout my life
No. 188160
My bf and I just started living together a few months ago, but I'm ready to move out because his horrible diet is interfering with my fitness goals.
I have 0 self control around sugar which is why I don't buy it ever, period- unless it's fruit. Occasionally I'll get croissants.
My bf can't get on the same page as me, though. He has the worst diet. He will bring home fast food all the time, buy cookies, chocolate, etc. This week I made him a grocery list of fresh foods, he came back with: bread, energy drinks, chocolate, gummy worms, boxed mac'n'cheese, nutella, diet coke, cheeze its, cereal, frozen pot pies…
He doesn't think he's being that unhealthy, but my muscle definition is all hidden behind pudge now. Disgusting to me that people live like this. I didn't think it was a dealbreaker, but it really might be.
No. 188165
>>188163Nobody I've dated in my adult life has ever eaten like this, so probably pretty decent.
My ex was even stricter than me.
I don't care what my SO does with their body, but I realized that when you live with someone who you share meals with you end up eating the same.
No. 188200
>>188160I just wanna say I feel you - my husband eats like complete shit and I cannot stand it. I have to trick him like a child to get him to eat better. I have to put kiwis and oranges in front of his disgusting lunchables so maybe he'll pick that instead.
I know it feels like a deal breaker, cause I've been in that boat, but like other anon said there's definitely ways to compromise. Depending on what your bf responds to you can bring up stuff like age or health concerns. You can even trick him like I do and put healthy snacks in front of junkfood. Do all the shopping yourself and make good meals - this was something that really made a difference for me and my husband, because it saves money, and sometimes men will listen to financial concerns moreso than "you're being unhealthy." If there's a soda you absolutely cannot stand drinking, see if he'll buy that and drink it instead, that way you're less tempted but he still gets his sugar fix.
No. 188215
>>188200Thanks for the advice. I won't be tricking him into eating healthier, but I'll consider talking more about nutrition.
If he wants to eat better and have a healthy lifestyle, I'll consider moving back in. I'm not breaking up with him since he's a good partner otherwise, and I'm not someone really looking to start a family or anything.
Now I have sugar withdrawals to look forward to which are a very real thing. If anyone has tips, let me know. I've heard sugar free gatorade helps.
No. 188258
>>188245Personally this is why I'm giving up on having children and a husband. It would make sense if I could expect my husband to be the breadwinner while I'm the stay at home mom. But I already make more money than most the guys in me dating pool, so I see no point.
I'm going to be the aunt who brings a different guy around every few Christmases, and I'm not very sad about it. My dad said I have three different boyfriends in the family pictures on his desk at work, and I'm like… "They were all fun while they lasted- don't let boyfriend #4 see!"
I don't feel like I really want or need to be someone's second mother telling them how to eat right, cooking them nutritious meals, etc.
No. 188331
tl;dr I'm a former anachan trying unsuccessfully to exit skellydom, please do not read if this subject might trigger a relapse
I'm 5'9 and somehow I've dropped from my already questionable "maintenance" weight of 115 lbs to fucking 109 lbs (that's 175 cm, 49 kg for non-burgers) in like a month. I'm pretty sure it's from a combination of new meds and uni stress, but man do I feel awful. Practically everything I cook tastes "off" when there's no logical reason for it to since I know what I'm doing, and eating out is barely any better. On top of that, the hungrier I get, the more of a hassle making food or even eating it feels like. It takes me three hours just to get through a motherfucking smoothie. How the fuck am I supposed to gain weight when it feels like I have to argue with a petulant toddler every time there's food in front of me? I even went through a period of actively trying to eat calorie dense shit like bagels and croissants to gain weight and that did jack shit because I was also bouldering heavily at the same time (and then wondering why my performance was so bad, kek). Now I can't even climb, partly because of legit life reasons and partly because I've gotten so fucking weak.
Sorry for blogging, but I'm just at my wit's end and the only people I could talk to about this irl either shower me with misguided compliments about my weight, yell at me for not eating enough, or suffer from EDs worse than mine. Does anyone have any suggestions for calorie-dense, reasonably healthy depression meals that aren't just like, "dump a load of peanut butter in your smoothie :DDD" (because I'm already doing that too, rip)?
No. 188333
>>188160Yeah, if he wants that stuff he can buy his own minifridge and put them in there.
You need to tell him in a neutral situation that you can't go on like this and that this is important to you. Remind him everytime he goes out to shop. Get him his own cupboard in a place you don't pass very often to put his stuff.
The fact that he doesn't understand not being able to control oneself around sugar is literally irrelevant, since it's important to you he should respect it.
No. 188335
>>188331Oh hello anon, finally someone with the same issue as me. We're even the same height and "maintenance weight", but I was 48kg about 2 years ago.
Something that works for me is being VERY strict with eating schedule. Not down to a specific hour but three meals during the day are something that just must happen. Even if all I can do is to idk, drink few sips of smoothie, I have to do it. Sticking to that eventually makes your body used to "oh, now I'm supposed to eat" feeling at certain periods of time during the day and you'll feel more hungry and capable to eat more as well.
If you have financial ability to do so, order box diet for a few weeks, it will save you a lot of time and introduce good variety of things to your diet.
Other thing - what do you do in terms of activity during the day? When I'm only doing my sedentary job and nothing else I barely ever feel hungry at all. Doing even some most basic warm up exercises or going for a half an hour walk should boost your apetite.
I wanted to make sure if I"m remembering hight calorie foods right and found this website, should be helpful.
>people I could talk to about this irl either shower me with misguided compliments about my weight, yell at me for not eating enough, or suffer from EDs worse than mineThis is SO annoying; yeah I know I"m not eating enough and I'm talking to you about it because I want to solve it and no, you telling me that "you wish you were this skinny" is not helping and also, you really don't wish that.
No. 188535
>>188334>>188335very late but thank you for the tips and advice anons, I'm glad I'm not alone in this bullshit
being so sedentary because of covid and school really fucked up my appetite and energy levels, so I'm gonna steal some tips from
>>188335 and slowly reintroduce some activity before jumping back into heavy training
good luck with your fitness goals, friends
No. 188734
nonnie, there wouldn’t be any threads here if “google it” was the only answer. Some people just want to hear some recommendations/advice from other dieting anons. It’s nice to know if something has worked for someone else when so many products or videos are filled with fake reviews/shill comments.
No. 188762
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>>188707Already posted her on the Stacy thread but I recommend Zuzana Light. Her official site is but a good amount of stuff is paywalled there. Of course support her if you can but if you're short on funds you can get a bunch of her routines for free at
Interval training in general is great for weight loss. It's really quick (5-20 min) but intense and it revs up your resting metabolism so your body is working harder even a day after you've exercised. When I was regularly doing her routines I was probably in the best shape I've ever been. I got leaner and both my cardio and strength drastically improved.
No. 188768
>>188707Find an activity you like that will raise your heart rate for 20+ minutes a day at least. Jumping rope if you have the space for it, you can do dance work outs, if you have a console you can get those fitness games (I heard the switch has one that is actually super fun but you need to buy the controller modification thing separately), high intensity yoga, or find workout circuits that you can alternate between different days. You can try power walking or going for hikes if your area allows. Or ride a bike if you have one.
Just find ways to move more. It's easier to keep up with it if you enjoy it, not forcing yourself to do a workout routine that you hate
No. 190253
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I hate being obese holy fuck. I'm 210 pounds and 5'6, and I feel like the fat is CRUSHING my stomach. I'm in actual physical pain from all the weight I've gained. Recently I've lost some weight with my intake being about 1k calories per day, but…I really hate that I let it get this bad. I am suffering so badly. I also just got into Japanese fashion and I'm bemoaned over the fact that Asian sizes don't even come close to fitting me. But at least I have another incentive to lose all this weight now.
No. 190871
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>>190256Okay but like…what am I supposed to do then? I need to lose this weight asap, I've never felt so miserable in my entire life. This is the highest weight I've ever been and I feel like my soul is being crushed along with my stomach. My body seriously can't handle this much weight for much longer. I'm completely clueless on how to lose it all quickly but healthily.
>>190263Thank you. I purged yesterday for the first time in years out of emotional stress but I won't do it again.
>>190284Okay bitch you wanna reiterate that I'm obese? I know I'm a fucking fatass landwhale hamplanet etc, I already said I was in my post. Just gtfo
No. 190872
>>190871calm down anon, nobody is against you, we're just trying to hep you. idk why you nedd to lose weight asap but it's impossible to sustainably lose weight that quickly. Try to count calories without focusing on it too much (i always end up overeating when i think about food too much) and move as much as you can, a 15min work out in your room for exemple.
And 95kg is not as morbidly obese as you think, i'm sure you're already cute and now you only can get cuter from now on ! You can do it !
No. 190891
>>190871Do a keto diet with a 1200 calorie restriction.
A keto diet will give you noticeable results in a week from loss of water weight alone.
What a keto diet will do
>puts you into ketosis which is the human body's fat burning mode>breaks the low/high blood sugar cycle which causes diabetes and weight gain>stops you from feeling hungry, it's seriously difficult to binge on fat and protein>makes OMAD and IF really easy if you want to loose weight even faster No. 190898
>>190871> intermittent fasting (16/8 or 14/10)> stay hydrated > don't eat processed foods, added sugar, simple carbs, too much salt, no sodas/alcohol > eat balanced protein, complex carbs, vegetables and fruits, healthy fats - look into keto meal plans like the other anon said but I personally wouldn't do a keto diet per se, it's not sustainable and it's enough to enter ketosis with intermittent fasting + you need carbs but the "good" ones. Don't do keto diet and intermittent fasting at the same time, choose one> workout for at least an hour five days per week (cardio/hiit training + bodyweight exercises + stretching) you'll start with beginner workouts until you build up your resistence (that usually happens after a month)don't starve or push yourself to the limit by any means, it's not worthy, good luck
nonnie! don't be too hard on yourself, you might panic now but you'll feel better and healthier as long as you work on yourself, not only when you get to your goal weight and lastly, consistence is key
No. 190904
>>190253Anon obviously you're too heavy but still beating yourself up over not fitting into Asian clothes if you're not Asian yourself is stupid regardless of weight. Asian people have smaller bone geometry than other ethnic groups, they're literally built smaller so so are their clothes. You shouldn't be using clothes made for Asians (if you're not Asian yourself) as a goal or a frame of reference for a good weight. Other than that, seconding this
No. 190981
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>>190872It's just a hard pill to swallow knowing that I've gotten this fat. I've realized there are really no benefits to being this big. Being fat makes everyone think I'm a nuisance for just existing, people don't find me attractive, I feel exhausted/sick all the time, and I can't wear the clothes I want to wear. It makes me want to hide in a hole and stop living my life until I'm thinner.
>>190898Okay, I'll do intermittent fasting. I was watching some of those 1 hour in 1 week meal prep vids on youtube as well, would doing that be a good idea? I also own a treadmill so
would using it for an hour per day be okay? Also, thank you for the support, I'll do my best to stay consistent. I'm gonna make smaller goals (like GW 200 for now) so the pressure of losing all the weight doesn't get to me.
>>190901I tried to google this but I'm still a bit confused about what this is. The calculator says 2107. I read that you're supposed to subtract like 500 to that. Is that my ideal caloric intake for the day then?
>>190904But I see plenty of other photos of different ethnic women who aren't Asian that can fit into j-fashion. I get your point though and even if all the extra weight was gone, I do have a large frame regardless and I probably wouldn't be able to fit in their smaller sizes anyway. Idk I just…I'd rather confront that issue after I lose the weight.
>>190907Whatever dude, you sound like dangan ronpa lives in your head rent-free.
No. 191000

>>190981Yes! The treadmill is great, do add a 20-40 minutes funtional training workout after. This is the movements you do targeting an area of muscles, this will tone you and help you burn more calories - look into beginner workouts in youtube, all the popular fitness youtubers have them and in different lengths. You can do series that are "full body" like this one linked or focus in one body part each day, for example: mondays and wednesdays you do upper body (arms, back, core/abs) and tuesdays and thursdays you do lower body (legs and glutes). Do what works for you and don't forget to stretch after. You can also do pilates, it's so good.
Regarding food, meal preap is also great. Just try your best to eat clean, balanced and enough to fuel you during your workouts (Be careful of exercising while fasting and make sure to end your fast with your workout so you can eat something nourishing after all the effort you made). And the smaller goals are also a great idea!
Being healthy is a journey that hopefully lasts a lifetime. The body is so much more than just "slim" or "fat" and you're not alone in this, I'm literally on the same track after being inactive for sooo long so I getchu
No. 191031
>>190991>you need to give your body time to adapt otherwise you're going to end up with loose skin is this actually true though? whether or not you have loose skin after weight loss is almost entirely dependent on your genetics, your age, and how much weight in total you lost. if you have a lot of weight to lose, you'll most likely have loose skin regardless of how slowly you lose it.
if you lost 100 lbs in 4 months or 14, it doesn't matter. it only seems like you have more loose skin the quicker you lose it because you spend the extra 10 months the 14-monther had much smaller, but if the 4-monther compared themselves 10 months later they'd most likely look the same as the 14-monther did.
No. 191064
>>191031Most of it depends on genetics, but it isn't so much of a problem with losing weight too "fast" as it is that our bodies need a certain amount of muscle toning within that timeframe to help keep the skin elastic, and it can be really difficult to do if someone is losing weight quickly just through cardio + calorie deficiency. I lost about 50 lbs mostly doing cardio within a year and my arms have yet to snap back in place. Its super annoying and I would really recommend anyone to just take extra time to avoid permanent damage.
I'd also look into dry brushing. Keeping the blood flowing below the surface is supposed to help reduce cellulite and skin sag that weight loss can't change. It might sound hokey pokey but there are some pretty good before and after pics.
No. 191069
>>190981Also keep in mind that the reason why slower weight loss is superior is because you need time to form sustainable, healthy habits for the long term.
Whenever I restricted, upon ending the diet, I wouldn't know how to go back to normal because all I knew how to do was either crash diet or revert to the binge eating issues that made me get fat in the first place. I maintained, sure, but I was in a binge-restrict cycle because I didn't have practice achieving any middleground.
I lost weight consistently when truly focusing on improving my habits, which made it so much easier to maintain afterwards and not have to worry about gaining anything back now, because I started loving exercise and broke my emotional reliance on junk food.
No. 191103
>>191098How many eggs for breakfast? How many pork products? How big are your salads/pasta? Since you eat relatively healthy, your issue might just be portion sizes. I would try eating fist-size meals.
When I worked as security (standing all day) the weight slawed off me so I think you'd be fine
No. 191129
>>190904Asian countries consume less food, food staples are low calorie, reduced muscle slims the frame way down, over 50kg is viewed as borderline fatass even by doctors, and diet culture and expectations of low weight are strict. Often only one size is sold in clothing stores. It's not caused by slightly smaller bone density. OP will look the same weight, at the same weight, and that's true too for Asians who reach OP's weight. She's just naive about how much weight she's going to need to lose. Most people interested in J-fashion are. You can't be e.g. 5'4" 110lbs unless you buy fake.
>>190981You may run into an eating disorder. It's easier to maintain a very low weight when you've grown up eating less calories and low calorie foods your entire life than it is for a weeb doing keto to achieve the same results for an aesthetic. It's more realistic to let your "I want to fit into clothes made for [underweight BMI]" goal go. Punishing yourself for your weight is counter-productive though. You really shouldn't immediately resort to skipping meals, fasting, or using unsustainable fad diets. Why? Just count your calories, eat pre-prepared nutritious meals, and exercise for one hour a day. It's simple. Teach yourself how to be thin as a lifestyle or else you'll get fat again. It's a slower process but you'll feel better quicker, and it stays off this way.
No. 191144
>>191129>You can't be e.g. 5'4" 110lbs unless you buy fake.What are you talking about? That’s a perfectly fine, thin size for jfashion, everything should fit someone of that weight and height. Not every Japanese girl is extremely thin and since
nonny keeps posting photos of lolitas, that style is already considered a chubby girl fashion in Japan. You don’t need to be underweight to fit jfashion.
No. 191156
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What are some examples of resistance training that are fun? All I can think of is rock climbing
No. 191157
I'm 164cm and 84kg (5'4 and 185 lbs) and I'm so fucking done. I despise my gut and mostly hate my boobs, which have such a disgusting size that I barely fit an 85H bra anymore. In general, I often have to buy bigger sizes not just because I'm a fatass but because my breasts literally aren't meant to fit into any normie clothes anymore, they're just this huge, disgusting amount of excess fat. I'd get a reduction, but I don't have the money and of course, trying to lose the excess weight first is more reasonable… But I can't keep living like this.
Any anons here have experience with boobs shrinking due to weight loss, and what they'll look like? Is there any way to prevent excess sagging?
Also, any tips for some decent exercise? I've been trying to start with the bare minimum (10k steps/day, doing some beginner workout from Youtube for 10-20 min/day), because I barely have the stamina for more and don't want to get demotivated by setting too high goals, but I'm scared I'll do too little.
Food-wise, I don't drink any soda, no coffee or tea, I stick to water (always have) and I'm not into sweets either. My problem is craving fatty/salty foods like pasta, chips - are there any healthier alternatives, and how do you guys deal with snacking/cravings?
No. 191165
>>191157If you're craving umami things you might not be getting enough protein. Also, I keep a bunch of frozen veg around and just incorporate it into whatever food I have. If you have an unhealthy meal, half the portion and then replace with veg. Broccoli is amazing for this, it fills you up a lot and is easy to steam in the microwave.
So if you have pasta, half the portion and add broccoli and peas. If you have chips, half the portion and add carrot sticks.
Watch out for ready made dips and sauces with lots of added fat and sugar too. Try and make your own, replace with something healthier or go without.
You will reach a new normal and start craving more healthy food, especially if you really work on listening to your body and learning what you need.
No. 191184
>>191157Hi. I don't know how much this will help, but I went from 47-48 kgs to 44-45, and I lost about a cup size. I would suggest making this your goal, instead of focusing on how much weight you're losing: think about how much you want to fit into a decent bra, not how many kg/pounds you still have to lose. This will be easier in the long term.
Food-wise, I eat a lot of tomatoes and cheese, or salad and cheese. No dressing, just a bit of oil and vinegar. Sometimes I play around with cucumber, or paprika, radishes, olives…with a slice of bread, or two if I'm really hungry. I try to make this into a meal everyday.
Cravings-wise, here's a tip: make yourself wait, before you give in! Even if just a few seconds. Then progress to a few minutes or more. The trick is to not give in to your impulse immediately, but to make yourself wait a bit. Try googling for "impulse control techniques", it helped me. Good luck!
No. 191203
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>>191129I don't think I'm being naïve, I'm well aware I'd have to lose about 90 pounds to fit in certain J-fashion brands. But it's not fair to say that I should just give up wearing J-fashion altogether, in fact it's very discouraging and depressing to hear someone say that to me. I was given a very shitty hand early in life, and it heavily contributed to the pounds I put on. I wasn't lucky enough to live in a home with caring parents who provided a healthy diet for their children. I think it would be very unfortunate if I gave up trying to wear J-fashion because of the consequences of my upbringing. It's only now that I'm trying to pick up the pieces and take responsibility for myself and my body. You do have a point about focusing on being healthy for the long term, but that doesn't mean I can never wear j-fashion in the future. Losing 90 pounds requires a lot of time, work, and discipline but it's not an impossible feat and I think I'm ready to put my all into it.
No. 191211
>>191203I recommend you get some therapy instead of sperging about your life on unrelated threads on an anonymous image board, and before developing really unhealthy eating habits. Also, get yourself some shirred burando. I can only speak for Lolita fashion, but most brands have fairly forgiving sizing for many of their dresses/skirts for the average or even slightly chubby western women. Do some research on brands' sizing and follow some non-asian Lolitas to see how the clothes tend to fit them.
Good luck on the weigh loss, I am sure you can do it in a healthy way and also find some cute clothes.
No. 191644
>>191156When you do resistance training, do you track your progress and try to increase resistance each time? I personally have a spreadsheet that I access on my phone when I am at the gym . Before I go to gym, I fill in the spreadsheet so I know exactly what I my goals are for that particular session. I know this sounds tedious, but the payoff is worth it and it makes my sessions a lot more engaging and enjoyable knowing that I have goals each session.
Also, compound lifts are way more interesting than any "machine" at the gym. Personally, I love lifting a big ole barbell.
No. 191919
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>>191654you can buy a step/aerobic platform and do steps while watching tv, and they’re not too expensive
No. 192097
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>current state
I'm 55 kg at 152 cm with no muscle so overweight. I've been very inactive the past few months and eating a lot of breads, cakes, etc.
I want to go back to intermittent fasting, eat less carbs and more protein, and lose about 5 kg.
About a year ago I started doing IF after someone here recommended it and my arthritis pain almost went away completely.
Also I want to go on walks and do yoga at home.
I need to buy earphones so I can listen to podcasts or books while I'm walking because I have a lot of social anxiety when I'm outside by myself.
Eventually I will sign up to a gym and start weightlifting. I used to lift weights a few years ago but had a retarded diet with no protein so eventually I wore myself out and became depressed. Now I understand diet a lot more.
weigh myself every week or so.
No. 192985
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>Post your goals, your current weight or measurements;
Goal is 115lb, current weight is 141 lb and I'm 5'5, so yeah, it's bad.
>What you're going to do to change it and your methods;
I'm using mfp to log cals and macros, I'm a vegan so I try to keep my 20% protein intake and I aim for 1000-1200 cals a day. Honestly I'm not working out atm, but I might start using a low chair I have to do step while I watch a series/movie or something. I'm naturally kinda ripped for some reason and I don't like working out so that's good I guess.
>And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.
I'll be weighing myself once a week and honestly I think I'll just feel the weight loss when I put clothes on.
Also I'll probably be updating here to keep myself accountable and also checking for new posts bc I like the ~vibe~ in these threads.
No. 193383
>>193379Definitely not. Chia seeds are very calorie dense - 50 or 60 calories per tablespoon. They are very healthy w/ their fiber and protein content, so they would be more effective from a weight loss standpoint in the morning rather than the evening. I put some in my oatmeal every morning along with flax and hemp seeds.
Do you have a blender? You can blend a little bit of frozen fruit to make your own ice cream or sorbet for dessert.
No. 193464
>>193383You’re VERY right about the frozen fruit, specially banana nicecream. I genuinely like it better than normal ice cream, especially with açai.
>>193379I don’t think chia pudding is a bad idea though. If you use 1,5 tbsp (90 cal) + 1/2 cup plant based milk (depends which one you use, generally around 25 cal) + diet sweetener + vanilla extract, you’ll have a 115 cal dessert. It depends of your nutrition targets though, if you’re a vegan I’d suggest you have the pudding since you get the benefits of chia and eating just raw fruit is easier than gulping a tbsp of bland chia.
No. 193597
>>193464>>193383thanks for the input anons. I've got a few tubs of chia pudding in the fridge and I've decided to just have the odd spoonful between meals instead of as an evening dessert, seems to be doing the trick in that it's keeping me super full.
>>193447I have always wanted to try cotton candy grapes but I'm from the UK and I can't find anywhere that stocks them!
No. 193734
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How do I stop being a little bitch and eat the food prepped 4 days in advance? It's the only sthing stopping me from meal prepping.
Cold, god forbid soggy or stale food make me gag. Should I just push through it or are there any tips on how to do it?
No. 193735
>>193734Same problem and tbh I just prepped for two days max.
Why ever eat something four days old when you don’t absolutely have to?
No. 193903
>>193734>>193742How about prepping things that you still need to put in the oven to finish? Make a bunch of small quiches for example, bake them for a very short time (to keep the eggs from going bad mostly), then keep them in the fridge in an airtight container and only bake them to completion when you want to eat them.
Making soups or stews in advance also works really well because these are supposed to be moist and if anything taste better when they've had a couple days to absorb flavor. There's more options out there than soggy broccoli and dried out chicken. Also in case you still do this, never reheat your meal in the microwave unless there's really no other way. That's how you guarantee soggy, nasty textured food. Always use either the oven or a (sauce)pan.
No. 193958
>>193903I do this with my husband's lunch. He likes eating things like pasties, pies and scotch eggs. I don't have time to do it every day so I make a batch and then keep them in the fridge until I need to cook them.
In addition to soups stews, curries and chili also make great multiday meals. You can just make a different side in a few minutes each day for variation. Soups and stews are also good for keeping in the freezer.
>>193939Try some variation of a low carb diet and IF. It will break the processed carb cravings that come with constantly cycling between low and high blood sugar. Low carb doesn't have to be anything extreme like keto, just cut out processed carbs, sugar and grains. Use the calories that you were eating in carbs for extra protein.
No. 193987
>>193939What helped me was giving up sugary snacks for Lent, even though I'm not that religious lol. Which meant no cakes, no cookies, no ice cream, etc. I think setting a restriction for myself, while being able to blame something else ("well I can't eat these free doughnuts because of Lent") helped a lot. Incidentally, it became a pseudo-keto diet. I can eat sugary stuff now, but because of that 6-week period I crave them less.
Second thing that helped was to distract myself with hobbies that make getting up to eat or grab food inconvenient. I've started sewing and drawing.
>>193949Carrots and hummus! Hummus is 25-35 calories per tablespoon, but carrots are full of fiber so you get full or sick of them quickly. Cucumbers, too! Look into summer rolls as well. I put vermicelli noodles, avocado, cucumbers, and tofu in mine. If you want pasta, look into spaghetti squash. Zucchini noodles for cold dishes are nice too.
No. 194001
>>193939I also devour whole boxes of specifically cheezits so maybe we're similar people. I was able to reduce snacking a lot by getting, instead of snacks, low-effort semi-meals like gettimg sliced bread, deli sliced meat & cheese, and veggies like a couple tomatoes and baby arugula. Then when you want to eat, you have to at least make a sandwich so theres a bit of a barrier there, but not so much that you'll eat out instead. and its more filling & wholesome than just cheezits so it can replace a meal rather than being an addition to your meals like smacks usually are. And sandwich taste good. Anything works also, just quick meals like soup, burritos, even frozen pizza, etc. Like if youre going to eat junk, at least have it be a meal, rather than having junk snacks and having to eat a meal also on top.
No. 194074
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>weight53.8, down from 55.something
I started tracking my calories with cronometer and I try to eat more protein. I eat about 1300 calories a day.
I also try to eat in a 8-hour window but not strict about it yet.
>fitnessI started moving more in general, like walking and doing more chores.
I went to the beach last week and my old two-piece swimsuit was really small on me so I had to wear a t-shirt.
No. 194101
>>194079Cardio is the worst, you are much better off and will see faster results if you lift weights, which would reroute your caloric intake to build muscle instead of fat. Get a bar bell
>>194092Supplements and protein shakes are completely unnecessary unless you're bodybuilding or lifting serious weight. Just eat how you normally do, with maybe more protein than carbs.
No. 194119
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>>194093Try drinking sparkling water that's been flavoured. You can buy this for not a lot of money in super markets. It's usually sugar free and very low calorie.
>>194101>Get a bar bellSpace might be an issue, dumbbells are more realistic and most barbell lifts have a dumbbell equivalent.
No. 194120
>>194093What is it about drinking water that you don't like? Find a way to make drinking water as convenient and appealing as possible. For me, that was buying a big water bottle that keeps the water ice cold all day, since I hate room temperature water. If it's just that the taste is boring, you can add something like mint, a slice of lemon/cucumber/some berries, or whatever.
Or maybe try replacing your sugary drinks with tea instead? Obviously not the typical British way loaded with milk and sugar, but just tea on its own. I love drinking green tea with lemon, but if you'd prefer something sweeter there are so many delicious fruit teas you can find.
No. 194150
>>194093I had the same problem, switching to sparkling water helped me a lot. I dont like drinking flat water (at least with food) because i like the bubbles. Perrier is my favorite, pellegrino and galvanina are good too.
Sometimes its a problem though because they don't have it at restaurants usually. In that case i usually get diet soda, which is worse for you than sparkling water (its really bad for your teeth) but it doesn't have calories.
No. 194160
>>194093Get sparkling water and drinks, if you need caffiene switch to taking a caffiene pill with breakfast in the morning, or tea.
Also look into probiotic soda. I found a low calorie one full of fiber that I feel less guilty about drinking as a treat on occasion
No. 194195
>Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
slightly overweight.
I want to lose around 20 lbs and get stronger. Some muscle definition and general cardiovascular fitness is a goal of mine.
>What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
Exercise (gym 4-5x a week):
bicep curls
triceps press
triceps extension
shoulder press
chest press
leg machines
20-40 minutes intense cardio workout. Usually brisk walking on incline on the treadmill. 160-180 BPM heart rate + sweating heavily.
hiking trails
WATER, several liters a day
a little black coffee in the AM
cheddar and onion omelets
blueberries, cherries, plums, apricots, bananas
avocados, tomato, cucumber
cottage cheese
salads w/ romaine or kale base
olives and nuts
fresh juices/smoothies
roasted broccoli w/ lemon
canned peas, green beans
roasted chicken w/ garlic, herbs, butter
root veggies carrots, turnips, beets roasted or mashed
NO sweets or added sugars. Fruit is okay.
NO frying
NO processed snacks
NO restaurants
avoid bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes
limit alcohol to wine and hard seltzers.
Portion control.
>And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measuring.
I'm about to start weigh-ins before the gym. My s.o. is doing almost the same routine with me but is a little more advanced @ fitness.
No. 194364
>>194101I was thinking about getting some weights at the beginning of the year but I couldn’t get inexpensive ones because of lockdown, so I bought a rowing machine instead lol. I definitely will now though.
So far this week I have almost lost 1kg with my (not sustainable stupid) healthy restrictive diet. My skin looks really good and although I’m hangry at times I actually feel quite good for cutting out junk food.
I plan on doing yard work all weekend so I will count that as a workout. I think I will try some form of exercise every day and increase the amount I eat so that I go back to normal and not just put all the weight back on.
Weirdly just writing about my goal here has motivated me, and noticing my skin looking healthy feels like a small win. I might post another update in a few weeks or so to try and keep my weight off.
No. 194801
>>194797Calories in, calories out, anon
If you had surgery the it might be best to take care of that first and at least eat healthier meals instead of just liquid.
No. 194966
>>194964It's different for everyone.
Did you maybe notice that your clothes fit better or more loose? That you're feeling better? Look at old pictures, maybe you'll see it then.
No. 194984
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>>194967An aperitif drink before, and/or a digestive drink during the meal.
Their purpose is to help with appetite and digestion and it works. Also, it's plesant and tasty.
No. 194985
Autocorrect fucked that up
No. 195000
>>194990Less calories. Your body is hitting max cap with 1200. Eat less for a while and you'll see a difference.
Or just do like 500 sit ups a day
No. 195030
>>195000>>195001My TDEE is 1670, so 1200 should be fine. I think I will eat less for a while and see if that can help me.
>>195004Like I mentioned, I've already lost 13lbs counting calories so I assume I am doing something right. When I was younger I used to be able to lose weight so easily, now I'm 29 and it has been such a struggle honestly.
No. 195237
>>195147On the diet I'd eat every possible kind of dish I could make with the veggies they allowed, so salads, soups, grilled veggies, etc, and protein with every meal. I'd have a big lunch and dinner, fruit for breakfast/snacks and only drank water. I eat everything now but noticed pasta, bread, gluten in general, anything fried and dairy (last foods I reintroduced) started making me hella constipated and bad in general. The motivation I had before was my hair, but now that I know it makes no difference, I'm struggling to only cut these foods out for my well being which is so stupid. I feel lazy and disgusting for not having the same self control ugh
No. 195530
>>195237what if you eat just one of those things per day? for example you eat fruit for breakfast, pasta for lunch, veggies or soup for dinner? something like this
>>195528I think it's enough.
how do you keep eating 1200 on your workout days? what do you eat?
I get really hungry on workout days.
No. 195532
>>195530i always go to the gym before lunch time (and before that i dont eat much because i dont get hungry in the mornings) so after i'm done i have a big lunch. for example yesterday i had roasted veggies with a lot of olive oil (im mediterranean lol) and then ate fruits and a few other low calorie snacks through the day because i was full after my lunch
i always reach 1200k and maybe go 100 calories above that some days but at least i havent had any cravings this week. good luck on your weight loss journey anon!
No. 196038
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>weight54.7 kg (so +0.9 kg gained)
Since my last post I had PMS and then had my period. Also, there was a lot of tasty food in the house (cakes) and I ate it all.
I have to think of a strategy on how to eat less when I'm PMSing. I start craving junk food and it just feels like I can't be satisfied.
Good thing is, right after my period I am not very hungry so it's easier to start over.
Going back to:
>starting to eat at ~12:00-13:00, 16:8>minimal carbs at breakfast>protein with every meal>going on walks, yoga No. 196892
>>153564since this time last year i've gone from 74kg at 161cm to 51kg through eating 600 cals a day almost every day (i know, i got sucked into the anachan mindset and i'm dumb).
for the last couple of months my weight loss has stagnated although i've kept up the same diet and i'm still unhappy with how i look. i'm pretty sure i've wreaked my metabolism and i'm struggling with how to fix it. i know one way is to up your intake but whenever i do i feel physically sick and really guilty like i've failed or something. i'm just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to up my intake in a gradual way without being too high? like i said i would still like to lose a little more weight and i've found whenever i try to up my intake i always get really anxious and go back to my old ways. thank you for any help anons!!
No. 197498
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spaced out for readability, i'm not from reddit
-height: 160cm / 5'3
-starting weight: 100kg / 220lbs (5/16/21)
-starting bmi: 39.1
-current weight: 93kg / 205lbs (7/12/21)
-current bmi: 36.3
-goal weight: 55kg / 121lbs
-goal bmi: 21.5
-tracking calories, i eat 1400 calories a day (300 for breakfast, 300 for dinner, lunch is somewhere between 600 and 800 calories so sometimes i have a few calories left if i'm still hungry after dinner)
-i try to go on walks at least 5 days of the week, i'm very fat for my height so that's a lot of workout for me already, apparently i burn between 250-350 calories on my walks but idk how trustworthy pedometer apps are so i try not to eat back those calories
-i quit all added sugars, as in all food of which i know that there is sugar in it without checking the label (candy, chocolate, cake, ice cream, sugary drinks, also juice and smoothies) since sugar makes me binge like crazy, i also quit eating fruit because that makes me binge too since it's my candy replacement
-i also quit alcohol and barely drink coffee anymore
-i weigh myself every monday morning
>mini goals
-at least 80kg / 176lbs by the end of the year in case i fuck up royally
-ideally: 75kg / 165lbs or less by the end of the year
-75kg / 165lbs = bmi 29.3, aka go from obese to overweight category
-60kg / 123lbs by the end of may (birthday month) = bmi 23.4, aka go from overweight to normal weight category
-i turn 30 next year and don't wanna be a fatty in my 30s
-i wanna avoid developing type 2 diabetes and i heard that asthma gets better when you lose weight, also rheumatism runs in the family and apparently being overweight can make it worse (idk if i'll have it)
- obviously i wanna be attractive and wear cute clothes
No. 197570
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have any anons had any success in exercises for neck slimming? Getting way too close to looking like George Fisher at this point.
No. 197639
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Anyone tried Glute lab or Booty by Bret?
I got my hands on the pdfs and am thinking about starting them maybe next year but I tried Strong Curves and it was… underwhelming. My gym is small so we don't have all the equipment and/or room so I had to improvise. Also not a new lifter, just trying to get some reviews.
No. 197804
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>>197781Well, the new programs offer more variety now sice there is a no equipment, db and gym option, but it still feels like some exercises might have to be swapped
No. 198165
>>198092Noted, thanks
No. 198182
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>>198175Not sure how well this fits your criteria but these are really popular in the Caribbean, aren't all that unhealthy, and are generally pretty cheap. If u ever see them u should give them a try
No. 198227
>>198152Fruit juice is like straight sugar so that would be an easy way to cut calories. But I personally get much more enjoyment eating 300 calories of food-dessert than 300 calories of sweet drink, so if you absolutely love apple juice it may be much harder for you to cut out than it would be for me.
But yeah, I know that among people who frequently drink juice/soda, switching to non-sugar drinks is generally considered a good technique for cutting calories.
No. 198255
>>198246Try r/SharingFitnessGuide
You can find a lot of free workout plans there
No. 198311
>>198286>Scrambled eggsI don't make them pure, I will fry some mushrooms or leeks or whatever I have leftover in the fridge and mix in eggs in the end
>Boiled eggsI like them best with canned tuna/sardines (and a small salad), it makes a quick and filling breakfast. Also good for "meze" with cold cuts and cheese (and salad again).
>Eggs sunny side up/over easy I like them best with spinach. Baked beans go great with them too.
No. 198427
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>>198398The hell…we can really burn this much just by existing? The walks should be enough then which is good to hear, calorie counting is such a pain but I'll take it to stay in the 1k range
No. 198466
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>>198396>>1984271k calories a day is ana-chan territory, even for a sedentary young woman. people who take off weight at a rate of 1 to 2 pounds a week are the most successful at keeping that weight off. patience and consistency will yield better results than trying to starve yourself and burn off every calorie you eat. if you eat around 1500 a day, that should be enough to lose weight if you're staying active.
No. 198475
>>198471>>198472brief mental lapses are a sign of malnutrition, my dear
nonny. generally the recommended calorie intake for a woman is around 2000. so if you eat 1500 daily, that's roughly a 500 calorie deficit per day, which means you should lose about 1 pound per week
No. 198484
>>198483You posted this in another thread and got a perfectly good response there, why are you asking again?
Please just use your common sense. You're obviously not fucking obese, you just have a more rectangular torso. WHR is obviously not an accurate or applicable gauge of obesity so stop freaking out about literally nothing. Have you never looked in the mirror before? Have you never seen other women's bodies? Why does this dumb number affect you so much when you know perfectly well not having a curvy hourglass shape is common and not an indicator of weight issues.
No. 198485
>>198484because rectangular body shapes would have a whr of .90 given the measurements are all the same
i've got the measurements of a fat person on a skinny body which is what's strange
No. 198496
>>198478I said
generally. google "recommended calories for a woman". obviously if you're 4'11" and sedentary your recommended intake will be less than average, but anon didn't share her height and she said she's active.
No. 198504
>>198496The average height of an american woman is 163cm. A woman of this height would have to weigh more than 90kg to have a sedentary TDEE of 2000.
The reason 2000 gets quoted so often is because it's easy to remember and fits reasonably well for the average person(50% male 50% female).
No. 198547
>>198532Look into calisthenics and bodyweight fitness. It uses the same principle of progressive overload, but instead of increasing the weight, you do a harder variation of the exercise that targets the same muscle group.
The bodyweightfitness subreddit has a solid routine in their wiki for you to check out.
No. 198566
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Is there any hope of fixing this type of fridge body outside of plastic surgery? I legitimately want to kill myself when I see normal women.
No. 198606
>>198605Shoulders and hips are bones and part of your anatomy
If the only reason you started noticing it is this site then honestly you don't have to worry about it
No. 198631
>>198566>>198605You both need to get off of the internet and spend more time with real people, instead of the cardboard cutouts you see here. Even knowing it's idealized it will still fuck with your body image.
Or at least that's how it is for me. The contrast between how I felt about my body during quarantine vs. after a week long climbing trip with barely any screen time is actually insane.
No. 199762
>weight53.1 kg
and that's while being bloated (before my period).
The ~1300 calories in a time-restricted window (16:8 or 18:6) works well. I am just less hungry most of the time.
I also went gluten free in the last week (for my arthritis) and that feels good so I'll stick with it as much as I can.
>supplementsI got collagen powder and I drink it with tea between meals (not while fasting). It actually makes me feel less hungry and I think it's good for my joints.
Also bought a curcumin supplement recently to lower inflammation.
No. 200791
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I think my diet is pretty bad. idk if I put in the correct numbers in cronometre. What food should I get into my body that will help me get more of the nutrients I need?
No. 200817
>>200791It looks like some of the foods you entered didn’t have the micronutrients breakdown because it’s weird that you had 50g of protein yet didn’t meet the amino acids requirements (the things below protein).
If it’s because you’re vegan or something, you can eat more lentils or beans to take care of the amino acids.
No. 201457
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>>201442Can you use hand portions, or a portion plate? Aldi do cute plates with lines to demarcate proportions of veggies proteins and carbs. Feel you, anon. Hope you're OK.
No. 201467
>>201442I feel this, I stopped tracking my calories for similar reasons. However, I know that my target is 1500 calories per day, and the main thing I do is checking the nutrition facts/serving size on things I eat and I keep a tally in the back of my head throughout the day. Try to eat as close to the serving sizes as possible for the most accurate numbers. For example, going off of serving sizes, my breakfast was about 245 calories and my lunch was 250, then treated myself to a 110 calorie sweet cream cold brew after work, so I know I've eaten a little over 1/3rd of my allowance today, meaning I have room for a healthy snack, dinner, and a small dessert if I'm feeling it.
I struggle a lot with food guilt, and even if it isn't as precise as weighing your food out and tracking everything through an app, I feel like this sort of method is more sustainable for me while I learn to have a better relationship with food.
No. 201471
>>201456How long have you been overweight? People may never have seen you at this weight before, so they don't know what a healthy weight looks like on you. You should probably be getting concerned at 56-57kg. Congrats on the weight loss. You probably look amazing!
Don't force yourself to eat if you're not hungry, but make sure you aren't under eating. One easy thing to do is eat healthy high calorie foods like nuts and avocado. This way you're not eating a lot, but you're getting enough calories needed to maintain. I'm starting to do that now. I lost about 16kg over 8 months and despite never exercising and eating enough to satisfy me, I'm underweight. So instead of eating more I'm going to eat more nuts and use more oil in my cooking so I get more calories.
No. 201499
>>201442Have you considered trying a dieting method that doesn't rely on calorie counting? Depending on your BED
triggers something like intermittent fasting might work better for you. You basically don't have to think about it at all since it's so simple.
You could also try changeing the kinds of foods you eat, low carb and keto are really effective for some people since most foods that encourage mindless overeating are carb heavy.
Depending on your current diet, something like cutting out sweets and soft drinks, or making a rule that you never order takeout could also be enough of a change.
No. 201523
>>201457Oh, thank you for this! I'm still worried about eating too many calories, but this should be helpful for establishing a healthier relationship with food and general awareness of how much I should eat in the first place… I think I'm gonna print it out and stick it on the fridge. The cheese part is a bit WTF though… I usually eat cheese in slices, so I cannot comprehend this.
>>201467I think I'm gonna do that in my head, as you say. Anything else is crazy.
>>201476I wish I could follow my own rules… I almost immediately forget them.
I'm about to see a Dr to check if I don't have ADHD, though I realize I'm responsible for my failures>>201499I tried intermittent fasting and loved it. The problem was that I still ended up eating too many calories, so I didn't lose any weight and I really need to. 8/16 allowed me to eat too much, 4/20 didn't work out cause I would feel sick during my feeding window and it would fuck everything up.
No. 201665
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>>201442I did CICO for 4 months and I felt like I was going insane. I've always had BED but then started to chew/spit my food because I was so afraid of seeing the scale number go up.
I stopped calorie counting and I'm trying to get into just reaching my daily recommended amount of vegetables, protein, fruit, etc. while also recognizing my satiety. Pic related is from precision nutrition which has a lot of good resources for losing weight outside of calorie counting.
No. 201681
The sleep tracking isn't the best but other than that I love it. Even their cheapest devices are good with heatbeat tracking.
No. 201851
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>>201686this is extremely retarded and may not work unless you are as autistic as I am but make a game out of it. You can take those drinking game charts that have been made for every piece of media ever and just use water instead.
No. 202486
>>202475Yes, cardio is great for losing weight, but like the other poster said, you need to also watch your calories.
I just use my phone's timer for everything, so I can't say anything about fitness clocks.
No. 202513
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>78kg 180cm
>get ADHD diagnosis, notice that when on meds you don't crave snacks as much anymore (I would get in moods that I have to eat something in order to do an action like studying, go down to 74.5kg
>get PCOS & insulin resistance diagnosis so you're told to go on a low GI diet, go down to 72.5kg
I should start some exercising too but I am a programmer nerd who feels uneasy running in public or attending gym. Also it sucks to search for any take-away food that uses whole-grain rice/pasta (even for extra price) because you don't always have time to prepare your own dinner.
No. 202567
>>202531I have a tiny bit of experience trying to manage my own emotional eating habits, but it's still really hard. What has worked the best for me is creating an environment that makes it as hard to binge as possible by not keeping any of the food I want to eat in those moments in the house and mostly only buying ingredients I will use to cook with (it's a lot easier to have self-control in the grocery store than when at home feeling the urge coming on). Usually I won't go through the hassle of going to the store/ordering takeout when I feel a craving, so I eat something healthy in high volume like fruit or carrots if the urge is really bad. This can bring up some adjacent issues though like if you don't know how to cook. Not getting enough nutrients in your actual meals or just skipping meals can also make you ravenous later in the day, so when you do sit down to have a meal make sure it's satiating and includes protein. Also a basic first step on the mental side is identifying your specific
triggers. Like when you feel like you want to binge, stop for a sec and think about what just happened that could have caused it, or take note of what specific emotions you feel. Awareness is the first step and then you can think about ways to avoid these
triggers or cope differently.
No. 202588
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Don't you just love it when you have to work harder thanks to your anantomy?
No. 202636
>>202618No, it's just anatomy, a bone
You have to simply build more muscle than someone who has the anatomy on the left
No. 202761
>>202748you need an exercise program that will tell you what to do and when. you sound like a complete beginner so I would recommend something like Greyskull LP. it has a phone app if you like those. if Greyskull looks intimidating then you can google "weightlifting for women" and there will be information on weight lifting programs. lifting heavy things is ultimately the better way to burn fat. you can't run off fat but you can convert it to muscle with a weight lifting program.
If you're scared of free weights I would recommend familiarizing yourself with them. Pick up the tiniest baby weights your gym has and practice lifting it. The goal is to become comfortable with it and understand how much weight you can actually handle. No one will laugh at you if you need to start out with a 2lbs weight because everyone has to start somewhere.
No. 203172
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>>203165Muscles weigh more than fat.
BMI isn't an ideal way to assess health. Well done on toning up and becoming healthy and fit, anon.
No. 203190
>>203172I've heard that muscle weighs more than fat, but I haven't thought too much about it, this picture shows it really well.
I feel better and look better. I will stick to my routine.
Thanks anon!
No. 204544
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at what weight do you feel most comfortable at 170cm?
No. 205796
>>204544I'm 170 cm tall and felt most comfortable around the 120-130lbs range.
I want to lose 10 lbs in a month. Will start restricting to 1200 calories a day and go for long hour walks. I'm at 140 now and feel so fucking flabby like Jello.
No. 207319
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>>204544I'm piggybacking onto this. At what weight do you feel most comfortable at 163 cm/5'4?
No. 207431
>>207319110lbs because I'm an idiot. Go for 120-125lbs like
>>207340 if you don't want to age at light speed.
No. 207455
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>>153575I am back a year later, turns out this
>I'm only cautiously optimistic, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and to start bingingwas 100% accurate and I was right to be concerned, I got down to 56 and binged my way back up to 71kg like a clown. I've lost 6kg in the past few months so basically I'm at my SW again. Losing weight you already lost fucking sucks but I have to keep going since I've got certain events (and hopefully travel) coming up in 2022, I need to fit back into my clothes.
Anyway my hubris really got me, hopefully this experience helps me learn to transition into eating in moderation instead of getting sucked into binge eating again. Probably still too optimistic, I'm starting to think that I literally will never be satisfied unless I can be both skinny and able to eat anything I want at any time. Losing weight isn't even that hard or terrible, it's just 1000x easier and more pleasurable in the short term to gain it.
No. 207467
>>207441anyone of any weight is welcome
nonnie! as long as you're interested in diet and fitness (and not posting anachan nonsense)
No. 207477
>>207467>>207453thanks guys for being welcoming.
I am 29, 5'11, and I weigh 283 lbs. I know, it's disgusting. thank my lucky stars it's spread out pretty nicely… my boobs and butt are huge/ smaller waist. my arms are huge though. I'm also a bigger person in general, my ribcage and shoulders are wide. I am the shortest in the family, the tallest being my brother at 6'10.
Right before my brother died I was working out 5 days a week, and down to 220. Then he was murdered and I had a hard time existing for a while. Looking in the mirror is still difficult, I haven't liked my reflection since he passed.
I'd like to get to 200 lbs, but fitness is far more important than the scale to me.
I also have BED, but it's being treated with Vyvanse. I finally feel like I can diet without sabotaging!
If anyone has any suggestions, Im all ears. I got an appointment with a dietician in a few weeks, and Id be happy to share what I learn.
No. 207482
Walk everyday for a hour at a good pace
Once a few months pass and you're down to 220 you can start jogging lightly so you don't destroy your knees
Weight lifting to increase muscle mass and total caloric expenditure
The usual really
No. 207490
>>207477How much have you lost on Vyvanse? I never had full on BED but was quite overweight, going on Concerta I lost about 25lbs not dieting just being able to stop myself from eating 24/7 out of boredom.
My advice is to find something you enjoy doing daily and get absolutely obsessed with it. This is why I think I'll never go back to being so overweight, because I found a thing I can genuinely enjoy, which comforts me when I'm sad, I can celebrate with when I'm happy, and that doesn't hurt me. Masturbation!
LOL kidding, it's piano. But it can be anything. As long as you use food to deal with your feelings and fill the empty hours, every diet feels like torture. Open up your world and suddenly food is just…. Well, food.
No. 207562
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>>207482Im working on the cardio, thanks. I gotta hold off on weights bc I broke my wrist, but the Nike app is filled with bodyweight options
>>207490Ive struggled with BED since I was 12… got diagnosed officially 2 months ago. Im on a low dose, 40 mg. It's helping enough with the impulse and urge, doesn't remove hunger. I will say though, I have not binged since I started the meds really. It feels like the constant obsession is dialed down. I want to stay as low as possible on the meds bc I want to learn how to be without it.
>>207550Thanks for the advice! thankfully a broken wrist hinders me alot, but it should heal up in 2-3 weeks!
also, I hope you dont mind me posting some motivation I found. She has a more blocky shape, but she lost about the same weight as my goal. I love her face gains!
No. 207663
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>>207458Thin people yes, underweight people no. 163cm/50Kg is underweight for people who aren't naturally in the lower BMI range (natural = BMI 18 vs 20. Not claiming that 25+ is "natural"). Body fat percentage should be taken into account, too. My gynecologist told me to gain weight because my estrogen levels are too low. Fat cells produce estrogen.
>>207477>>207490If you rely on Vyvanse for weight loss you'll either gain it back or you'll end up frying your brain because you have to up the dosage to keep your appetite suppressed. It's great for breaking through a BED cycle, but that's not the same as long-term weight loss.
No. 207666
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>current state: 70kgs
>goals: 67kgs by November, 65kgs by February
>changes: New gym & swim routine, meal prepping, cutting out snakcs, replacing coffee with herbal tea
What are the best exercises to take the place of walking? I lived in the city without a car for college and was walking or taking public transport everywhere, but I just moved to the outskirts of a way smaller town for work and my commute is basically door-to-door. I've been here for about 3 months and gained 3kgs thanks to eating more and barely walking. There's a great gym here and I'm on a weight training regime, is there anything else I could be doing?
No. 207722
>>207700Shits difficult and depending how bad it is you might need actual help.
I went from being skelly to somewhat muscular and fit and now I'm scared of losing weight/my gains lol
It's a thin line but maybe tracking/planning meals/workouts would help you feel more in control? Or try the usual water before a meal, asking yourself if you're hungry or bored, moving a bit more than usual
No. 207879
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>>207562Whats your body shape?
No. 208106
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>>204744update: i've stayed mostly to my diet but my weight is stagnating at 60kg/130lbs. im disappointed but still going to stick with it until i see progress.
No. 208126
>>208106Keep at it
nonnie, we are rooting for you!
No. 208131
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what are your best tips/tricks/advice for looking thinner than you actually are? obviously weight loss and fitness is the goal but on the way there.. how can we look thinner/fitter?
No. 208136
>>208131covering up your lower stomach with loose pants but exposing your midriff works for me only because I have a very small pooch and a tiny waist
shapewear trumps corsets though imo, especially if girls are extremely obvious by buying sizes way too small since it causes buldging fat and most people aren't idiots and know what corsets are and that a lot of women wear them under their clothes
gas x
low cut tops
sports bras
thin materials also make any fat you have look buldging
No. 208607
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I've lost 1 kilogram just because I was so stressed and out of it for a week I eat just to keep moving and kept almost all of my free time sleeping so I could escape from my thoughts. Now that's what I call progress. I think I'll be able to return to my workout program tomorrow.
No. 208724
>>208723Just let yourself have it until you get sick of it/crave it less. I've been through similar phases with various caloriedense food (peanut butter being one of them) and restricting it out of your diet never actually helps. Just try to get peanut butters with no added sugar or preservatives and eat some with fruit or whole grains.
Peanut butter is really nutritious anon, your body loves fats and it's important to eat them. There are no whole foods that are wholly bad for weight loss. Everything in moderation :)
No. 208733
>>208723>>208724anon is right, let yourself have it. when I have a food craving I indulge myself until I get sick of it. I even had a peanut butter kick, I loved dipping some apple slices into it. I still enjoy it occasionally but i got tired of both pretty quick. also pb has a decent amount of protein so for a high calorie food it's really not so bad. do some squats or weight lifting after you indulge
now for my own question: I'm doing simple exercises with some 5 lb dumbbells as it's all I have. when should I invest in some heavier ones? I haven't worked out in a while so consider me a weak beginner
No. 208764
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How do you track your tempo and reps at the same time? My dumbass needs to count reps and I use a watch to track sets otherwise I get forget lol
No. 208784
>>208783I’m not sure that is a flat rule that would apply to every body weight, but I’ll share a protein rule from my dad. He was a gym trainer when I grew up, and worked with all sorts of clients.
100 g of protein would probably be the max you wanna go for.
Are you eating meat? Are you eating protein bars/shakes?
No. 208792
>>208733When your sets no longer feel like an effort. I think of effort in terms of a 1-10 scale, and for weights I find the optimal effort is a 6-7. If doing your reps starts feeling more like a 2-4, i.e. you plan to do 10 but you can EASILY bang out 20 it's time to progress.
You should invest sooner rather than later though in my opinion because being a newbie is when you're gonna make the fastest gains, your strength will sort of level off after a while and it'll takes longer to progress
No. 209119
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how tf do I fix my horrible posture and hunchback?
No. 209429
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I am getting very frustrated because I have been stuck on a weight loss plateau I just cannot bust through for weeks. I’ve lost 100lbs total in the last year (I know I was a fatty) and last time I had my blood tests done my thyroid was finally in a good place, so I have been on a stable dose of T3 and T4 and just watching antibodies. I eat clean Keto, and I do endurance bike training 4x and week with yoga on my days ‘off’. My workouts are all 45minutes plus, and once a week 60-90 minutes working against my own FTP, I burn over 500 calories each workout and eat in a deficit/below my net carb level. All of this and I am just feeling so hopeless because I am 30lbs away from my goal and my weight loss has just STOPPED.
Do any anons have any advice for me? Should I incorporate some kind of intense strength training now I am smaller and more fit?
I know I should be really proud of myself for turning my health around but the closer I have gotten to my goal the more I just want to see it and reach it. I don’t look bad now, but I don’t look how I want to look.
No. 209506
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>>207477Fatty here for my update
I actually started at 293… turns out my scale was broken. Good news is, I’ve been kicking ass and going to the gym.
My appetite has been way off, but at least it’s helping me jumpstart my weight loss. I get chronic migraines and nausea is a big part of that.
My new scale says I’ve dropped seven pounds since I posted this. 7/93!
One step forward.
My only complaint is that I’m limited by my broken wrist bone, so I can’t put weight on my wrist, or grip a handle with any strength.
Can anyone suggest upper body workouts for this? I’d really appreciate it.
SW: 293
CW: 286
GW: 200
No. 209558
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I'm not sure if this will help anyone itt but reading picrel has literally changed my life.
I know it's not a major weight loss given the timeframe, but I got here with practically no exercise. I'm doing intermittent fasting and following the no carb/low carb rules so as to not spike my blood sugar levels. I was seriously borderline diabetic per my blood labs back in June.
Even if you find it hard to ditch carbs entirely, this book is helpful because it gives you tips so that you'll consume less of them and at least map out which carbs aren't so bad from ones that are straight awful. I was REALLY surprised to learn that foods always marketed as "healthy" actually aren't so. I used to think it was a meme but all evidence points to carbs being the devil, they just do more harm for people than good. I still have a few cheat days (yesterday I had two avocado-salmon sushi rolls), but for the most part I've found the diet fairly easy to follow. If I wasn't married, it would be even easier because then I wouldn't have to worry about resisting temptation or needing to cook meals with carbs because my husband won't let them go. I've noticed that when I do have a carb it triggers my hunger and I get real ravenous, so it's no secret to me why I craved and overate all the damn time.
Back in 2012-2015 I went from 230 to 140. I was overexercising, and then going through periods of restriction/binging until I just said fuck it and let go. I hated myself and my body and it just turned to apathy. It was super unsustainable. I hope when I lose more weight I'll be inclined to set up an exercise routine too, but I figure right now is just the test period to make sure I've got the diet adjustment down and getting my mental shit together. 10/10 Would recommend.
No. 209563
>>209360Here's a few that I like to make:
A bowl of rice with teriyaki sauce. On top I put a salmon filet drizzled with hot sauce.
Various types of fresh vegetables pan seared and seasoned (I like thyme and oregano) with rice or maize gruel and over easy eggs on the side.
Not exactly camera ready but really low effort is just heating up a bag of frozen veggies in a pan and adding some soy sauce, oyster sauce and peanut butter or cream. You could also only add pesto for a completely different flavor (make sure the veggies are off the heat first, pesto looses it's flavor if it gets too hot)
Seared chicken breast with veggies.
Canned beans, lettuce, red onions, tomatoes and salad dressing make a nice bean salad.
Shakshuka is also really easy, healthy and tasty, the only issue is that the tomatoes will have to simmer for a bit, so it might not be fast enough.
No. 210820
>>209584I'm not low carb but you can either whip up some cream or freeze it and have it with some low carb fruit/chocolate and/or low carb dressings. If you're not super low carb/keto, you can just do this with greek yoghurt instead which is what I do. I like to top it with some walnuts and sunflower seeds. You can use nut butter, too.
I actually bought some super low carb maple and caramel syrups the other day. They're actually super good, I use them to make iced-coffee or iced matcha lattes when I feel like I need a kick in the middle of the day.
Nonnies, what does your period do to your weight gain? It seems like most women peak before their period and then they drop a shittone a day after they stop bleeding. For me I went to my highest weight two days before, then I dropped 3.5 lbs the day before my period, only to go up a lb a few days then down, then up. My period ended yesterday and I'm still a lb higher than my lowest before my period which is so frustrating!
I just started so I really have no idea how my body reacts to my cycle over the month but I'm really excited to finally see how it works so I'm less frustrated next month. I'm so glad my period is over though, hopefully I shall be blessed with the fruits of my labor soon.
No. 211016
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Fatty anon here, updating. I’ve officially lost 10 pounds! My boyfriend and I went hiking for my birthday after a lovely meal in the mountains. My dad rise is finally healed up too, so with the docs permission I can start upper body too!
My clothes are fitting better, and I’m pretty sure I made a meathead friend at the gym. He’s so buff and wears hot pants, but he makes sure to not slow me down in my routine if his machine>>209749
is next! Way 2 go, bro.
I’m worried 10 pounds in a month is too much, but at the same time, I’m not binging everyday like I did for so long… so maybe my body is able to drop the weight faster?
I have a doc appointment with the specialist in a week, so I’ll see what they say.
Also, cucumber anon- my man made me the salad and it is SO FUCKING GOOD, Thank you for sharing!
>>209749>>209506Ps it rained in the mountains on the hike (which sucked, I was not dressed right) and I got this shot at the end of the hike.
Take care ladies!
No. 211072
>>211016beautiful view! i want to go hiking but unfortunately it'll be alone – my only friend here (as in close-ish to the mountains) is obese so she wouldn't be able to join me for a while. i've been trying to encourage her to do 10 minute walks to improve her health as well as some meditation but she won't do it unless i nag her (she says she forgets, i tell her to set reminders) so i've basically given up on it. i hope my progress will motivate her to look after her health.
10 lbs in a month is a lot! congrats anon! it isn't too unhealthy (apparently the max you should aim for is 2 lbs a month but more depending on your body weight) but part of the reason why you dropped off so much so quickly may be the initial whoosh of changing your diet and drinking more water. I wouldn't stress about it unless you're eating a ridiculously low amount of calories. you're doing great!
also, on that note, i learned that a recent increase in exercise can cause you to retain several pounds of water weight for as long as
6 weeks so if you notice this occurring or the weight loss stagnating, remember to be kind to yourself and keep going!
source: i'm really proud of myself right now is that i've been a lot kinder to myself when it comes to food. yesterday i forgot to include some of my precooked sweet potato in my lunch which may be why i felt hungry an hour or two later so i just ate that with some ricotta cheese and it was a nice snack. i didn't feel any guilt for it, and i ate a late dinner without feeling bad about myself :) progress!
also, i've been in a very aspirational mood lately, especially after experiencing runners high for the first time in my life. i decided i really want to run a marathon next year. i already have one in mind that raises funds/awareness for a condition my family is dealing with and will probably have to deal with until they find a cure. one of my other friends is also interested in upping his cardio too so i might already have a running buddy! :D hopefully i can convince him to go hiking with me in the mountains >:)
keep going nonnies we're all gonna make it !