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No. 154570
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I'm not clear-headed enough to give a real response right now, but all I can say is fucking sign me up. I'm done with men. Sure women can be cruel and abusive too, but on a massively smaller scale as compared to men. I wish there was more research being done on matriarchal societies. I know they're not fully female but at least we'd have all the meaningful power. I'd be interested in joining one of those too. Pic rel is of Mosuo women who have one of the last existing matriarchies.
No. 154624
>>154570But even in matriarchal societies girls go through fucked up rituals in order to be fuckable for men and there's still pressure to have children etc. There's no escape from it as long as males are in the group. This piece was written by a woman with PhD in history, you don't have to agree with everything she says (about feminism, lesbianism etc.) but there's still valuable piece of information about matriarchal societies. It's long but I think it's worth reading I wish I could live in a small female-only commune somewhere.
No. 154660
>>154620It's not just physical advantage. It's the mental one as well. Men are sadistic psychopaths and naturally hierarchical and wiling to throw their lives away for slight chance of gaining status. They are natural born killing machines. Women wouldn't stand a chance.
Honestly, women will never have separate society because we are too soft and most straight women are submissive toward men too. And men will never just let us live in peace, even if they get sexbots to satisfy their every need, they will hunt us down just because they genuinely are obsessed with dominating and humiliating women.
No. 154669
>>154664First of all,
>googles some bullshit, links first 3 most relevant matches, doesn’t bother reading the articles or articulating a pointDick or gtfo
No. 154835
>>154719I absolutely agree on this. Many "female only" communities in the 70s and 80s were destroyed for this exact reason.
At this point I just want to have a wife and a farm. Only female friends. I have literally zero important male figures in my life so it's easy to start, I don't have to go "boohooo but what about my shitty brother or dad who probably watches porn"
No. 154852
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>>154719>the moment a straight/bi woman brings (and they WILL) their "not like the other men" husband/son/relative nigel this separatist space will just crash and burnYeah, I saw women who had no problem with separatism EXCEPT for the "no underage sons" part and it's funny how they forget that male children are fucking monsters.
No. 159566
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Without men to occupy the job of chief arseholes of the world I think some women would just replace them. Every time I'm tempted to think an all female society would be better I remember Thatcher and my hopes are dashed.
Really, it's kind of dehumanising to imagine women as being beyond flaws. To be human is to be capable of being monsters. What's more, men don't have to be the horrible fuckwits they are, they don't get off that easy. They are like that because of the power they feel entitled to as men, which entices them to be shitcunts. Leave the power structure in place and powerful women would act like that too.
No. 159571
>>159566It's not about absolutes, it's about statistics. Agree that there could be power structures where women would overall cause as much suffering as men do though.
However, I don't think people are blank slates regardless of sex. In most cases the emergence of inhumane societal structures seems to be related to at least partially innate male aggression, their antisocial and overly competitive traits, etc.. Without the need to worry about men wither within or outside your society, women could plausibly do better.
A woman who succeeds in playing these games in our political system, like Thatcher, typically has to display many of the statistically more male-leaning traits as well. There will always be women like that too, it's just that the type of ruthlessness and lack of concern is less frequent in women.
No. 159574
>>154570From the Wikipedia article:
>When the society became known as the 'Kingdom of Women', tourists began to flock to the area. The Mosuo responded to these visitors by building hotels and other attractions to bring more visitors. Many Mosuo women make a living managing these hotels.
>The idea of 'walking marriages' has convinced many visitors that the Mosuo lead a salacious sexual life. It is common for visitors to flirt with the local Mosuo women in an effort to seduce them.Of course.
No. 183364
>>183351>all the males of a chimp tribe died from eating out of a dumpster Lmao this is just about the most perfect scenario to sum up male hubris I've heard. They gorge themselves on trash, they become trash, they deserve to die. But this is interesting, I'm not entirely surprised. Anyone familiar with Barbara Smuts' research and evolutionary factors in male violence/patriarchy (as described in Demonic Males) knows that species are heavily influenced not only by their biology but their environment, and that the two play into one another to determine what evolutionary traits are selected. A couple interesting examples: I'm blanking on the particular species right now (I think it
might be orangutans), but there's a certain type of ape where the largest, strongest males approach the females gently and mating is a pleasurable process for both parties, but the smaller males tend to use violence and rape. This is because the species is solitary in the first place rather than living in groups, and the larger males are too slow to have any hope of catching up with the females in the first place, so they allow the females to simply come to them if they desire. The females do like the "chad" males' qualities since their strength allows them to defend territory. The smaller males only have their speed at their disposal so they use it to catch the females and spread their shit genes as they can.
In a human example, tribes where both sexes play an equal role in resource accumulation and distribution have virtually no rates of male on female violence, but when it's been commodified by males such as by only males hunting and portioning out meat, you see a lot more violence because it gives men control over said resources. The problem in modern human societies today is that men already have a several millennia headstart on resource commodification and have worked in additional cultural "values" that diminish femaleness at its heart, so we've had to fight tooth and nail to start taking back that power and our ability to provide for ourselves. It's why women having their own money is so fucking important, because men are opportunistic and often fall back into their ape programming and get
abusive when they can. Don't be dependent on them for survival.