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No. 161576
>>161555Botox, eyebrow microblading, an expensive blazer coat with quality material, money towards teeth care, high quality boots, houseplants
I had some great ideas for the people in my life until my boss laid me off on Thanksgiving Day. Over something that happened two years ago, and dedicating 4 years of my life and 12hrs a day to his company
No. 161585
Always ask for perfume on Christmas, and this year I have a boyfriend so I've been a tad greedy. Peeped him spending over $200 on the Sephora website for the two perfumes I asked for, so I'm hype. My stepdad usually buys me one.
They wind up lasting me the entire year if not rolling over into the next, they're great presents. Consumable gifts are the best, and doubly so when I don't have to spend money for the rest of the year on them.
I have three main girlfriends, so I spent on bath and beauty products to make little baskets for them. For my boyfriend I'm buying him a complete 15-book box set, reading lamp, and a stylish jacket. Stepdad hasn't told me what he wants yet. The rest of my family is probably just going to get cards from me cause they never get me anything, and like hell if I'm chomping at the bit to poke for ways to spend money on them. Will probably get my younger cousin her traditional present: Lush bath bomb and Starbucks gift card, just cause I like her.
>>161573Honestly saying no to gifts is reason enough for her family to not push them on her, as she said they're white elephants and stress.
My mom was the same and used to buy me a bunch of junky shit I never used or asked for, and then would use them to call me ungrateful whenever she didn't get her way in matters. If I did ask for one thing I could be assured I'd get 10 other junk items and not even close to what I asked for, cause it was about her looking good in giving me quantity and not quality. I understand what anon is going through, and it does seem like a waste.
No. 161592
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>>161565If you would rather her give to charity, could you request one of those charity gift-card type things? Pic rel though you may want to avoid Oxfam, I’m sure other charities do them. It’s less vague than a random donation as the amount is supposed to go to one purpose like buying a goat for a family or giving a child medical care. Your stepmom could still get the chance to pat herself on the back and you wouldn’t get shit.
No. 161598
>>161594Just ask for groceries then? Or toilet paper? Tampons? A soapbox? Or something like that?
My family never gives me shit because we're poor. Not wanting something on christmas is such a first world country problem I swear to god. I wish someone gifted me a book from amazon.
No. 161608
>>161565>>161594Why not just ask for money then? Surely you have a purpose for money, if not now then in the future.
Or ask them to support a charity in your name or something? My mom used to "adopt" a poor child from india or something through sending a monthly fee, and in exchange she'd occasionaly receive a letter and a photo of the girl and a results card from how she was doing in school. I think you can do the same with animals too.
If you really, really don't want the gifts or money people insist on giving you, use the opportunity to do something good for someone or something. Think about it.
No. 161618
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I am lowing my expectations completely because of our country's quarantine lockdown (thanks to antimaskers protests that happened twice over past two months). I think getting something useful would be nice, but when I got asked I still rushed to say that I want something cute, because that's what my heart wants (and asking for tech-y stuff is a "no" because of economics and family not being tech people).
I think I would have appreciated that if I gotten some cutesy pajamas (which I did last year), or a "wrap" for my sofa so I could change its colour to a different one and finally get cute cushions. Would have been even better if people just gifted me PC parts instead since my PC ended up breaking in the middle of pandemic, so I have to use my old laptop. But unfortunately I can only dream of that. Or a gifting card to a nice clothing store would be nice. Unfortunately I can't just tell that all I want is money, because its not a "tradition" in this family, but oh well.
Ideally, getting a new drawing tablet with a screen would be a great decision, but my money told me no, so I have to keep saving up to get a new one. Still not sure about the brand though.
What are your guys perdictions for getting stuff this year?
No. 161658
>>161555I'd like someone to assassinate Jeff Bezos, and some scientists to figure out a way to stop climate change.
Everything else I can get myself when I need it.
No. 161691
I want weed, I literally just want weed. And maybe a stationary bike but I don't give a shit. Weed!!!
>>161636Hope it's not one of those internet of things vacuums. Heard people couldn't do their vacuuming lately when amazon's servers went down or something like that lol.
No. 161720
>>161573If you are trying to live a life with less clutter and useless shit piled up everywhere, Christmas is a nightmare. Esp with a big family. I suppose I could just take it all to a local charity myself, because I don't know how socially acceptable it is to say "take any money you would spend on me and instead please give it to those in need." Asking for no presents has never worked in my 10+ years of feeling this way.
If that makes me bitter then so be it!
No. 161729
>>161555i want that tree!! it's adorable!!
i really dont know what i want for christmas, it happens every year since i got a "real" job. i dont need anything cause i can just go and buy whatever i need, whenever i need it and i also dont need more clutter than i already have… help me anons! what should i ask for?
No. 161731
>>161709Ask for giftcards, use them to buy gifts for people during birthdays.
Or ask for stuff that you can discreetly donate after the holidays, to a womans shelter or charity store for example.
You have so many options.
No. 161776
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>>161555We should do a lolcow white elephant, with amazon wishlists/approved by mods handmade gifts. That would be so cute!
No. 161886
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>>161786Ok, I thought this over while bathing.
1. Safest and cheapest, but most boring route:
Randomized online white elephant in discord consisting of digital art/music/custom printable items made by users as presents.
2. Amazon Gift list links
3. A small group of members that have to join a private discord. 10-15 people each year sounds reasonable
{Basic rules}
-Must be 16+ to be eligible for consideration
-Must have a working camera; face and voice aren’t required due to doxxing
-Must be in discord for 2-3 days
-Questionnaire will be taken for each individual (favorite color, tv show, musician, meme, etc.)
-On the 4th day users will be dmed about who they got, along with the a short list of their partners favorites
-If you are questionable in intent at anytime, you will be kicked and banned from any future small group white elephant
-All gifts must be something someone can actually use, if not, meme gifts must be funny (no used items/whatever you could find in your junk drawer)
-Handmade gifts are encouraged, but they must be structurally sound, like a nice souvenir
-All food must be prepackaged and be tamper-evident (No baked goods with potential allergens/loose rewrappable candy)
-Must send photos of gifts at all stages of packaging to mods for verification
-Once gift is verified and sealed on video, an PO box address paper will be sent
-PO boxes are recommended for strangers, if not possible maybe a system where packages get sent to mods for inspection then sent to user’s addresses
-All packages must contain something bovine related (plushie, drawing, earrings, etc.)
Of course, we can have all three options open for site-wide inclusivity, but that’s all I could come up with for a potential White Elephant.
No. 161891
>>161889At least we’ll burn with material possessions in hand.
Seriously, we might have to do the first two options then.
No. 161930
>>161921I get you anon. Growing up in single parent household we had no traditions or real christmas celebrations. Just open presents christmas day which took all of 10-15 max and then no real special dinner day of or the night before. My mom just didnt cook and we lived far from relatives. She also always made me wrap all my presents myself, didnt care to hide them or make me buy them and give me back the money.
I loved working for the holidays, hearing music and seeing decorations. Plus when i worked food service the tips were higher and Christmas day was even better.
Now i enjoy Christmas because my inlaws actually have traditions and are very wholesome. Christmas eve is when we have a nice fancy home cooked dinner (we all take turns hosting), we open presents and take turns, which i dont always like because i dont like over reacting for everyone. Then we play some family games if we didnt start before dinner.
The next day/Christmas someone else hosts dinner and we also play some games and enjoy each others companies. Sometimes we meet with all the cousins on the 26th to play and have dinner since its still a public holiday here.
Also i love the peppermint lindt candies but i really wish they had the peppermint bark here.
No. 162066
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>Cantonese textbook
Godspeed, I'm canto and this language is hard as hell.
I want more underwear (specifically the grey Auden hipster from target. So comfy ugh). Otherwise, I hope the boyfriend and I can manage to get down to Cape May for solstice. I've been gifting cookie boxes for the past few Christmases and it's the best– I've gone into debt before buying gifts but now I just spend a day over the oven and everyone always loves them.
No. 162070
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>>162066That sounds like a really nice gift! My dude doesn't really like christmas except for the food and drink stuff, so I'm probably going to gift him with a nice mulled wine and some joulutorttus, he loves those. (pic related)
No. 162075
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>>162070joulutortut hell yes
No. 162080
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>>162074I can’t get another one of these, already burnt my vagina on it once
No. 162109
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is this the right board to ask what i should get my dad for chrimmas? he doesn’t really have any hobbies and doesn’t want anything that won’t be useful to him. i dunno what to get him.
>what do you want for christmas?
money, a pair of docs and/or cute platform boots, to be happy
No. 162117
>>162109What would he consider useful? Anything related to his job? Men are difficult to buy for. An item of clothing, expensive food or toiletries are go-to man presents, boring but maybe if he wants something useful he’d appreciate something like that.
Could you ask him outright? That’s what I do these days.
No. 162150
>>162080this picture makes me itch, spoiler/ delete it
i fucking hate these AI faces
No. 162226
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>>161886The first option seems the most genuine and easily executable imo.
Handmade presents feel more authentic than just buying some random person an item they've wishlisted on amazon.
And the questionnaire is a lovely touch that would help with making the digital pieces more personal!
No. 162290
>>161886>>162226> digital art/music/custom printable items made by users This excludes anyone who isn't artistically skilled though.
Amazon gift links are impersonal and serve no point honestly, you might aswell just purchase yourself something then.
PO boxes are expensive af (at least where I am) and then there's the issue of international people and high shipping costs, making the whole ordeal expensive and complicated to organize.
I don't see this happening, especially with only 20ish days before Christmas and seemingly no one taking initiative to actually organize something besides just pitching the idea.
No. 162367
>>162290I agree. Most Secret Santa-style events take a fair bit of time to iron out before actually getting one to go ahead… also first anon dropped the idea right after most of the Black Friday sales were going on and there are parts of the US still having mail issues, I’d think.
The main issue about Lolcow being anonymous-driven makes this a hard event to plan when you have to be aware of who in what country is sending what to who in another country. Not everyone will want to share their identities, and even if they sent the gifts without their name attached to it, there’s still a location attached. It kinda defeats the purpose of anonymity… (It’s a good idea, but still.”