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No. 161749
I was only nine years old. I loved Shrek so much, I had all the merchandise and movies. I'd pray to Shrek every night before I go to bed, thanking for the life I've been given. "Shrek is love", I would say, "Shrek is life". My dad hears me and calls me a retard. I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of Shrek. I called him a cunt. He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep. I'm crying now and my face hurts. I lay in bed and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's Shrek. I'm so happy. He whispers in my ear, "This is my swamp". He grabs me with his powerful ogre hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I spread my ass-cheeks for Shrek. He penetrates my butthole. It hurts so much, but I do it for Shrek. I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water. I push against his force. I want to please Shrek. He roars a mighty roar, as he fills my butt with his love. My dad walks in. Shrek looks him straight in the eye, and says, "It's all ogre now". Shrek leaves through my window. Shrek is love. Shrek is life.
No. 161782
I believe in true love, I've lived it, but it's nothing like the Disney and Hallmark shit and I know that even that sounds cliche now lol
but it's real
not for everyone, and that much is true, but every now and then the nonsense of the world gets crossed in such a way that something clicks right.
I know it happened for me, I've seen it in other people, it's not always linear, it's not always cute, but true, nontoxic, non-weird love is real.
No. 161796
>>161744>Like real, unconditional love? Yeah, from my parents. Unconditional romantic love doesn't exist and is not something to strive for as
>>161748 said.
As for just 'true love'… I've never been in love, never had someone be in love with me, I'm not really qualified to talk about it but my gut feeling is that it's possible but rare and very likely to be temporary. I also think men are pretty much incapable of it you judge love by our standards (faithfulness even when it comes to porn, loving someone even when they age etc).
No. 161803
Yes. I felt it with my highschool sweetheart. Even adults were envious of our connection, love, and respect for eachother.
Here’s where the unconditional, true love aspect comes in - we broke up as we both wanted to pursue different things. It destroyed us both but we let each other go, out of love and respect.
To this day we remain best friends, and still support each other and love each other from different states. He comes to see me every so often, and nothing has changed in terms of our appreciation, respect, and adoration. We get along and act silly exactly as we did when we were kids, no matter how much time has passed. Sometimes we wonder if we’ll get married in the future, if our life paths intersect in the right ways.
True love changes form, but is always there regardless of time and space. It is not possessive.
No. 161807
>unconditionalThat word has me thrown.
I've been in a codependent relationship where we both loved each other and would absolutely accept anything the other did. It clearly wasn't healthy or Disney appropriate, I hope I never lose myself that way again.
Now I'm in the most healthy, supporting LTR I could ever imagine, we're the couple that acts like the parents of our friendship couple because of how secure we are but it's not "unconditional". If I went out tomorrow and slept with a random person or shot his mom I don't think he would still want to be with me. Imo respect is important for love.
>>161749True love
No. 161838
>>161810Agree, I can feel the pure self-sacrificing love my mom has for me and if I ever become a mom I'd try my best to be the same.
Also agree with pets. And tbh to a lesser extent
>>161773 with rare het exceptions.
No. 161839
>>161810I don’t think romantic and unconditional love are the same, but I think you can experience both especially when you’ve been with someone for a long time.
Love isn’t always fluffy and warm, and I think if you truly love someone you’re more likely to be compassionate and that’s where you might experience the unconditional love.
I find it quite hard to explain and I’m not good at words but I hope someone gets me!
No. 161935
>>161899I guess it’s a selfish fantasy. There’s something innately appealing about someone finding you so lovable that they abandon normal expectations. However, a deeper understanding of the situation would be that the person is unhealthily fixated on the relationship for some reason. That’s not so flattering.
I don’t know if I believe in true love. My family is messy and I feel distant from them. The feeling is mutual. I’m sure my mother cares about me, but she put her children last all the time, so I don’t think she genuinely loved any of us.
I have thought I loved people I dated, but those feelings always faded away except for with one guy. I don’t think that is true love though, even though it feels as if it could be. I’m very aware of my mental issues and know deep down I’ve been using this “love” as a cope for a while. He seems to have strong feelings for me too, though sometimes doesn’t care at all. We’re not together, but being similarly fucked up and mutually using each other as a cope feels fair.
Maybe that’s what many people’s experience of love is.
No. 161950
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>>161899Not caring about or paying attention to someone is the opposite of unconditional love. True love fully recognises a person's flaws and chooses to embrace them even in times of struggle. Of course you should encourage your loved one's growth and help them make healthy choices. It's important to hold them accountable, too, when they mess up. True love simply means that no matter how often they fail, you recognise that as unavoidable human error and continue to support them.
I don't think that's codependency or unhealthy fixation. Plenty of people
confuse those situations as love… If the "unavoidable human error" is a pattern of awful crimes with intent to harm, if your safety and morality are constantly undermined, then the relationship must be reevaluated. You cannot unconditionally love someone who does not love you in return.
That's because it has to go both ways. True love is not an internal feeling, but a shared experience. A connection. Like any relationship, it requires time, patience, communication, and trust. Though it's not always easy or straightforward or sensible, it's real. True love exists.
Pic not super related. Just reminds me of how despite feeling out of place and so surprised that someone like me can be loved, my darling keeps me safe and warm.
No. 258072
>>258067Nope. Faggots pass aids to other men and keep cheating on men just as much as they do to women.
No. 258248
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Only between a mother and daughter. Fathers are scrotes so they're incapable of love, and boymoms are pickmes who fear their sons subconsciously and wish to placate them. Sons, of course, also being incapable of love since they're scrotes too. The closest a scrote can feel "love" is towards his son. But really, that's only cause he sees the son as a mirror image of himself. He gave him his y chromosome after all.
No. 261114
>>161744Adult relationships are conditional, by their very nature. It's a good thing, we're meant to earn our keep in our partner's life. Doesn't mean they should drop us like a ton of bricks over minor things but it does mean that we should remember to offer something good to the other party. That being said I am a bit of a romantic and I've always fallen for people on first sight.
My current gf and I fell for each other on first sight too, which is the first time I've had the other person feel the exact same way about me. It's incredible that it's so mutual and she's absolutely crazy about me just like I am for her. Doing things for each other comes easy and we are very attentive to each other's needs. It's wonderful to care so deeply, considering we were both neglected by past partners. Early on we actually both observed that it felt like we already knew each other for years, even though we'd actually known each other for a few weeks. When it's right, it's right.
Soulmates I don't know about. I don't really believe in anything metaphysical so the concept is not interesting to me.
No. 262523
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Not really and I think it actually sets too many expectations. Back in the day we didn't try to seek everything from just one person who has to fulfill our every need and love us unconditionally. It sets us up for failure and it can become very distressing when you temporarily don't feel as strongly or genuinely lose interest because they basically don't keep up their end of the bargain. People will drop all their friends and spend time with just their significant other, trying to live together in some sort of perfect bubble, because that's what love is portrayed as in a lot of media. I genuinely think Disney has fucked us up. I think you have to view it in a Don Quixote kind of way, romanticism is lovely, the hardcore realists "love is temporary and just a chemical" will miss opportunities and happiness that way, but there is a kernel of truth. There is no other half or soulmate out there, it takes hard work and maybe it's fake it till you make it. You can never stop wooing them and romancing them even if people think it's sappy and cringe, there is no true love eternal flame which will keep burning without you feeding it. You also need to make sure to not burden your partner too much and still have friends and support outside of them, because they can't fulfill your every need. Disclaimer I'm single and a lesbian, so not saying women have to woo men and I'm probably talking out of my ass and know nothing
No. 262537
>>262536I disagree. 11 years in and we're still chuffed with eachother the same way we were when we first met. Granted we are very silly and enjoy the little things with eachother but it really helps. We still hug and kiss as much as when we first met.
I think true love exists and I hope other anons find it.
No. 262543
>>262541true. sorry friend.
I know it's out there, don't worry, you'll find true love I promise.