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No. 163115
Previous thread:
>>44295This is a thread for females seeking female friends.
If you see a male post in this thread, report them then ignore their post. No need to point it out or reply.
Please include the following info in your post:
> Your age> Preferred age range for friends> Your hobbies, interests, and why you are looking for friends> Contact info> Any other relevant details (location, language, timezone, whatever)Don't be afraid to reach out! You will meet more potential friends if you post your info and respond to others rather than just posting and never checking the thread again.
No. 163116
>age: 23
> Preferred age: 20+
>I'm looking for someone who hopefully lives in the LA area. Honestly, I'm not picky about your interests and hobbies, I like to learn about others'. As for me, I enjoy reading classics and nonfiction, and I'm slowly working up my repertoire of philosophy. I like to keep up on articles regarding video games, science, etc. but just so you know, I don't play video games because I quit that when I went to college (I used to play them as a kid and in high school, though). I like reading about different countries, their histories, anthropology, music history, art history, etc. I just graduated so I finally have time to really pursue my interests. I like working out though obviously that's not an option at this time. I draw, collage, I am getting back into piano, and I journal - I'd love to have a penpal of sorts if you are interested.
Oh, yeah, don't forget ANTM. That's my guilty, ugly little pleasure at times.
>I'm on PST, speak English only, and like I said, I'm from LA.
No. 163141
>>163110Same here. Guess they don't want new people after all.
Can someone start a new server? I'd do it, but I'm kind of Discord illiterate.
No. 163163
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> age
> preferred age range for friends
> Your hobbies, interests, and why you are looking for friends
i'm an artist (not very good, though) and a huge gamer and spend a lot of my time on overwatch, league, and miscellaneous gachas and visual novels. i read a lot (fanfics, manga, and manhwa) and watch a lot of random videos and movies, sometimes anime when it comes down to it. i'm always looking for new things to get into so i'm not really picky about interests although sharing some is nice. i do a lot of irl crafts and sometimes baking, too! i want more friends because i'm kind of sick of gamer guys and twitter weirdos, so pinkpilled anons (and fellow artists/gamers) would be nice to meet.
> Contact info
byeol#9261, i'll check this account occasionally for friend requests
> location, language, timezone
i only speak english and i live on the east coast of america. my timezone is GMT-5.
> other details
i have a habit of being extremely chatty and also very open and blunt about things, and in general i'm somewhat naive and easily excited/impressed and can't really shut myself up. if this is the type of thing to bother you, i'd advise not adding me.
No. 163173
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Do any haggis-chans visit this thread? I imagine most of the UK posters are English.
Even though I'm basic I'm a little paranoid about writing about myself on lolcow since it's such a small country esp among weebs.
No. 163186
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Hi, I’m 24. I play a variety of video games and I’d like to get better at league, so maybe a skilled anon could teach me? I’m from the Midwestern USA. I like to cook, bake, read. I’m a good listener. Like most other people I’m introverted at first but will joke around and have fun once I get to know you. I have no female friends and aside from my husband and coworkers (who I don’t see because we work remotely now) I am alone. I’d like to have someone to game with, or just talk to occasionally.
My discord is bababooey#5088
No. 163239
>>163173Quite a lot judging by the Sky Purdon thread, like you said the weeb community is so small here that you probably already know
and hate anyone who would contact you
No. 163323
> Your age
> Preferred age range for friends
23-30, same age or older would be pretty cool.
> Your hobbies, interests, and why you are looking for friends
Mostly anime and gaming (computer is being built though so can't do the later rn). All the people I know are normies who call me weird/a weeb so it would be cool to talk to someone about japanese/korean stuff and just share fun memes, cat pics, and chat about life. Up for calling and stuff, not sure about meet ups cause then I have to go outside but will see.
> Contact info
> Any other relevant details (location, language, timezone, whatever)
Living in the UK, speak english, job is very boring so reply to discord quite fast.
No. 163948
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>in college rn, main interest is video games (ow/story based games). i also like horror. i used to make my own cosplays so i was into sewing and prop-making, but its been a while. also enjoy going to cons and concerts. currently picking up skateboarding during covid
>im east coast, near DC
No. 163950
age: 26
preferred age range: 21+
hobbies/interests: candle making, soap making, making lip scrub/balm & body butter, making awful jewelry, bad hand sewing (like really bad), coloring, word searches, puzzles/puzzle games, tv, movies, musicals, extremely selective with video games
basically imagine a 26 year old cranky homebody grandma-type bitch
I live in the US. It's cold where I live for most of the year, and I would thrive so much better in the south. So I'm hoping to find friends in any states that have warmer climates!
I need to download some sort of app if I'd like to actually talk to people. Would you all recommend Discord or something else?
No. 164009
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Sort of related to the thread pic, is there anywhere I can go to talk about capeshit with just women? Talking about comics with scrotes is headache-inducing.
No. 164208
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Just made a new server for farmers to just chill, hang out and talk about anything. I'm new to making servers so please let me know if I've done something wrong but I think it should be fine. No. 164209
>>164120the discord has always been full of men and weird trannies, it wasnt that bad until recent moderation though. mods just pick whoever they want to "verify" and bully out ppl they dislike.
tbf its just usual discord drama bullshit
No. 164229
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22 year old balkanfag looking for 21-30 year old friends. as for interests:
>k-pop (pls no booly)
>nu metal
>trip hop
>various electronic subgenres, i love french house
>80s synthpop
>the band ghost
>britney spears
video games
>sonic (again, pls no bully)
>sims 2 and 3
>grand theft auto
>red dead redemption
>retro and retro-esque fps
>various kinds of japanese games (yakuza, devil may cry, resident evil, silent hill, bayonetta, metal gear, shenmue)
>no multiplayers, ever
other interests
>y2k fashion and aesthetics
>cheap horror/thriller/action flicks that don't require any braincells to understand (no comic book movies tho)
>history, but not war/political shit, more like art/music/fashion/language history
>programming (i have a CS degree and work in IT)
>studying languages (juggling between serbo-croatian, italian, korean, japanese and turkish, currently suck really bad at all of them, at most i can understand a little italian)
fun facts
>borderline fujo, but don't worry about it
>working full time, but from home, may not be able to answer to messages on time, might not log on for days, but i do try to
>speak english and [REDACTED] fluently, can also have convos in french
>probably retarded
anyway you can add me on discord or send me e-mails!
No. 164281
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>>163949Joining a discord group posted on here has landed me with some really good friends i can talk to about anything. Unfortunately because of lolcow being full of spergs and cows, we won't be opening our doors to any new anons and we are comfortable that way. Please take that into account when any anons are disheartened about not being able to find friends here. Maybe it's you.
No. 164318
>>164281nta but congrats! And I know it's me lmfao. Being a mental sperg sucks. Idk how to chat with people in a group setting
>>164270It sucks but it probably means that the other person didn't feel the spark…
No. 164433
>>163173Scottish anon here!
I'll write a bio here later once I get back from work, would be cool if you Scottish anons (or anyone) are down
No. 164436
> Your age
newly 20.
> Preferred age range for friends
18 - 26
> Your hobbies, interests, and why you are looking for friends
I like doing art, reading, and watching films. I love webtoons and the idea of ghosting everyone, running away, and becoming a famous successful actress.
I’m a bubbly goof that loves learning and talking about obscure shit. Currently learning espanol and struggling to do any kind of art after a 2-3 year “break” (even then I wasn’t making any art).
> Contact info
> Any other relevant details (location, language, timezone, whatever)
the tri-state area, usa. est
No. 164538
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> Your age
> Preferred age range for friends
21-30, but the closer in age the better tbh
> Your hobbies, interests, and why you are looking for friends
I like digital art, anime, gaming, crafts (making jewelry, knitting, collaging, sewing). Looking for friends because I literally don’t have any lol, I’m not a horrible or annoying person, but am autist and sometimes just can’t be think of how to answer for a day which makes me seem flaky. I want to find people to feel close to and talk to about lots of stuff throughout the day but I guess without the expectations that come from irl friends. I do enjoy chatting and sharing art I’m working on and playing games together (terraria, csgo, pubg, overwatch, among us, genshin or anything you feel like)
> Contact info
> Any other relevant details (location, language, timezone, whatever)
I’m in Ontario, basically just speak English as my French is so bad, gmt-5 etc :)
No. 164607
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> Your age
> Preferred age range for friends
> Your hobbies, interests, and why you are looking for friends
A 19 year old neet who's pretty bored during the holidays, i haven't talked to anyone since lockdown and i think it's high time i stop being antisocial. Hopeless weeb, currently watching Jujutsu Kaisen, Hypnosismic and LotGH (MHA is my guilty pleasure too). i'm a believer in p*zzag8 and other theories so if you want to engage in some goodnatured schizo talk, i'm game but if you just want weeb talk that's perfectly fine too. i've also gotten into drawing so if you want to trade pieces it's fine but i'm still complete ass, i mostly do it to pass the time. i mostly entertain myself by watching anime, true crime docus, holostars, or playing video games. i'm currently playing genshin impact, cyberpunk 2077, and hitman 2. i highly suspect i'm autistic since my habit of oversharing and awkwardness. If you don't like talking to me and you want to ghost LET ME KNOW. i don't care if you say "you suck" and block me. i really just want to talk to others and have a chill time, maybe learn a few things who knows.
> Contact info
> Any other relevant details (location, language, timezone, whatever)
I'm on the east coast (EST) and i only speak english but i'm thinking of learning another language so in the future i can move out the country. feel free to teach me some words in your language if you'd like or you can practice your english with me. perhaps i can vc if i trust you enough. also i'm slightly discord illiterate, i haven't been on in 2 years.