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No. 164426
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Been with my bf for about 2 years, we don't live together just yet so we usually have sex every time we see each other(1-3 times a week)
alsp how does your coochie not be in any sort of pain or discomfort from fucking everyday+?
I always have to take a day or 2 break or it kinda hurts around the entrance area.
No. 164441
>>164426We don't go very fast or too hard, so there's less chaffing and more lubricant.
4-7 times a week here.
No. 164472
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My gf and i have been together for 5.5 years and living together 4.
We used to have sex every other night if not more. We couldnt keep our hands off of eachother.
We were trying new things and switching roles often, as of the last two years it has gotten very vanilla… Maybe 2-3 times a month.
Its depressing, but hard to initiate we feel like an old married couple, stale. I have been on a long distance trip since late Oct.
I look forward to so much when i return but GFD with her is going to be the highlight. Im keeping her to myself for an entire day.
The femdom thread had been giving me some AMAZING inspiration.
(Sorry to blog, missing her)
No. 164602
Ideally: 2x a day. Morning + night.
My SO and I strive for 1x a day, and it's really good when we manage it! Even if it feels sorta formal/forced at times. We always feel better after.
>>164426I only had this issue w my ex bc he was too big and even though he was good looking he wasn't really my type so I was usually not sufficiently turned on.
I actually prefer slightly smaller than average guys.
No. 170291
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>>170286Ahhh this is the dream anon. Do you have any tips or idk broad advice on how to keep things interesting after so many years, or do you think it's mostly luck and personal chemistry? Does your partner still initiate often?
I sometimes feel prematurely sad about a possible future where my bf and I get used to each other and he no longer shows a lot of interest. This happened in my previous 5-year relationship and it made me feel like shit, I still wanted it a lot but my ex just stopped showing basically any desire. Things with my bf are great and constantly flirty and I have never felt so desired in my life, but we're only half a year in and he's on SSRI's so yeah I worry about the long term a bit.
No. 170494
>>170471You're normal and in a long-term relationship anon, and in fact you're still having sex more frequently than most couples. Everyone sounds horny here likely because the userbase skews young and many of us are degenerates, so not exactly a typical cut of the population. Normal couples average 2-3 times per week or only a few times a month (
No. 170495
>>170269Same lol
I suppose it's different when you have a person you're attracted to in front of you?