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No. 167310
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Scarlett Johansson, she's cute and all ofc but I've seen her called hottest woman ever so many times, and put on pedestal in so many "hottness rankings" I feel like I'm missing something here.
No. 167312
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idk what people see in her
No. 167316
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>>167314>I cannot truly say shes ugly facially bc she's eurocentric afexplain this part, please
No. 167324
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That bitch
No. 167327
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Something about Anne Hathaway's face genuinely unnerves me. She looks like when people asking for ransom send notes where all the letters are cut out of magazines. All her features look too big and improvised
No. 167334
>>167326>>167330This is
toxic thinking. Women are allowed to not find other women attractive without it being jealousy. Don't let the patriarchy live rent free in your mind
No. 167336
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Not really ugly, but still not that pretty. Also annyoing and gives off woke racist white savior vibes.
No. 167338
>>167334I don't even agree with the jealousy!!! anon, I was just pointing out a flaw in the logic
>>167327her eyebrows are too long, they
trigger my trich
No. 167341
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The color of her eyes are is striking but other than that her face is scary to me. She reminds me of the girl from the Exorcist
No. 167342
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Her features are so sharp
No. 167344
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I really don’t see it, in fact, she’s downright ugly to me.
No. 167346
Toxic thinking” sorry but you cannot convince me that calling obviously beautiful women “ugly” like Margot Robbie or Megan Fox isn’t jealousy
Kinda agree with Chrissy tiegen and Ivanka but they’re obviously lauded as attractive because they have huge boobs and not for their faces, so calling them ugly is kind of a moot point lmfao
No. 167347
>>167346do you go into the "Males shilled as attractive that (You find) are ugly" thread to say the same shit too?
come on anon
No. 167353
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>>167349So straight/bi anons who don't find Ryan Gosling attractive are just femcels who are mad they can't get with him?
No. 167355
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>>167354"not having the exact same tastes as I do makes you a jealous autistic femcel!"
stop shitting up the thread now, will you? before we all get banned for infighting
No. 167358
File: 1610821015946.jpg (76.09 KB, 840x506, hzgk9kpTURBXy9mN2Y3M2VkYWY3NWI…)

Not ugly, just overrated
No. 167361
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>>167354>Ryan gosling is attractive because he’s tall and talented, much like Adam driver. This isn’t hard to understand.What shouldn't be hard to understand is that everything is subjective. You find Adam Driver attractive? Great. Not everyone does though.
I've always found her horsey
No. 167364
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Her surgery has completely ruined any uniqueness she had to her features. She looks botched. Pitiful because she was cute during her victorious days, now she looks like every instathot with even worse procedures
No. 167390
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Actually the ugliest in BP and her queen bee act makes her even less appealing
No. 167396
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>>167344I can’t help but think of that squashed doll face meme when I see her, her personality is ugly too from what I’ve read
No. 167397
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>>167364She really freaked me out in this picture. Can't put my finger on it but she's pushing into the uncanny valley for me.
No. 167407
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>>167397Her best face was 2017 before she went overboard with the fillers post-Manchester and post-Mac's death
No. 167409
File: 1610836488270.jpg (63.25 KB, 630x1200, MV5BNjk1MjIxNjUxNF5BMl5BanBnXk…)

>>167402Many people stumbled upon this site while looking up other things, what makes you think stan twitter kids couldn't stumble upon lolcow while googling Ariana Grande for example? How do you think the K-pop threads were constantly shit up to the point that they had to be banned altogether?
Back to the thread topic, I find Jennifer Aniston really plain honestly.
No. 167415
>>167364The lip overlining needs to stop
>>167390I find all the bp girls homely
No. 167418
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I hate her eyebrows they're so hideous
No. 167419
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I always found her hideous like her mouth is huge she just screams butterface to me
No. 167422
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She just looks like your friends annoying kid sister tbh
No. 167441
File: 1610851631348.jpg (186.55 KB, 1080x1338, EvhG5hv.jpg)

So tired of this 'diverse' plain-faced uggo with all the charisma of a wooden plank being shoved in our faces like the next big thing. There are so many far more attractive black/biracial women out there why go with this flea ridden mutt?
No. 167449
>>167441I did not realize she also has a plank bod until this pic but LOL.
She got to be the "chosen one" of biracialism since naturally biracial only means black/white
No. 167459
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Lily James. Her anteater nose + bucked gap teeth isn’t a good look
No. 167460
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As an older anon, I can appreciate that all the women posted are attractive in some way. Not necessarily drop dead gorgeous or whatever, but I wouldn't say any of them are ugly. I find in age I'm more appreciative of others appearances even if it doesn't conform to my own preferences.
Anyway, I'm posting Amy Adams. I can see why people may like her or why she is attractive to some, but she's not my type - I find her to be plain and very regular looking IMO.
No. 167464
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No. 167469
>>167464Is this Irene? She's been treated as the Visual Supreme of Korea for the longest time. Never felt her appeal. Her face looks so plain and basic. Looks like a flat, oval canvas with eyes, nose, lips drawn on by a first grader in art class.
>>167460Amy Adams? I sleep. From a technical standpoint, she's actually a good actor. It's too bad she has no charisma or screen presence whatsoever.
No. 167475
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Anything K Pop doesn't register as human to me, I just see corporate drones who were specifically formed to appeal to as many people as possible and nothing is real.
No. 167476
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>>167475samefag and not Kpop related, but Jodie Comer's eyes freak me out, they are buggy and sometimes look cross eyed at the same time
No. 167488
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I don't know why, I just have this urge to punch her
I think it's the nose/mouth area
No. 167489
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No. 167521
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>>167441I think that she's so beautiful. Really didn't expect her to be posted on this thread
No. 167540
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Elle Fanning.
I'm consistently surprised she is chosen for "mysterious beauty" roles.
No. 167542
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Karlie Kloss.
Obviously she is attractive but I'm not sure I would have thought much more than, "Wow what a huge person," if she hadn't specifically been shilled as a hot girl.
No. 167546
>>167422I think she's in the same theme as the Fanning sisters which is just pale blondes who got famous when they were children.
For the most part, blonde women tend to be very plain-featured.
No. 167551
>>167542>>167544>>167547IMHO she is not attractive at all. She has great body of course but that face…
I always kek at gaylor spergs shilling Kaylie as some human goddess kek>>167319>>167320Isn't being beautiful basically a job requirement of playing Galadriel? Besides, I BET Armani is hiring Cate to advertiste their expensive perfumes so that normie women look at her and think 'yes, I sure wanna feel like that uggo! Shut up and take my money, Armani!'
No. 167572
I find 99% of celebrities to be completely boring in terms of looks, they all have that bland, manufactured and safe kind of beauty as if not to scare the normies. I don't find them ugly, I'm sure a lot of women would love to look like many of them, but I don't find them hot either, plus the fact that they are celebrities makes them instantly unattractive to me. It goes for both men and women btw.
>>167327I've always thought she looked like a Stepford wife or something, she really gives me an uneasy feeling.
No. 167583
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>>167540Seeing her in The Neon Demon was surreal because she was playing "the perfect model" and all these other tall striking women with far better posture were supposed to pretend to be intimidated by her??
No. 167637
>>167583She actually looks extremely unattractive next to the model. Yikes.
Maybe she’s one of those types who is famous for seeming “attainable”
No. 167640
>>167633I watched Elle in the Mary Shelley movie recently and I was struck at how little she seems to act at all. Like… her performances are extremely boring to me. Totally flat.
I feel the same about Dakota too.
When it comes to their generation of actors I feel Saoirse Ronan far surpasses them.
No. 167693
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>>167390watch out or you’ll wake up the jennie sperg from the old kpop threads
No. 167694
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>>167540can't stand her pig face and smug expression, also nitpick but her cankles are tragic
No. 167701
> tfw im from a country filled w her clonesI don't find her ugly but to me she is super average. Nothing special
No. 167713
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>>167583Even next to somewhat normal looking women she looks really unattractive.
Maybe there is something about her looking young though. There are articles about her being brave enough to take roles portraying teen sexuality. Which makes me think she’s the “it girl” for pedos.
No. 167724
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>>167714She should be styled more masculine.
Hey body is very board-like. I could see her pulling off pant suits really well and that being an interesting look for her.
Plus her face is a little bit boyish looking. Her nose exaggerates the length of her jaw. But when she dresses masculine it makes her face appear more femme.
No. 167739
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Her face is bugging me
No. 167770
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Never understood. Her face is too big for her features like she has tiny eyes
No. 167783
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I find her look so artificial, on top of that the only "good" pictures of her require hours of posing, makeup and photoshoop to top it all off.
I also found it gross that she maintains obesity for modeling
No. 167796
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I do not and never have understood why she was considered so beautiful. Style icon, sure. But it looks like her eyes are trying to escape her face.
No. 167797
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>>167542>>167544your takes are very interesting to me
OT but I personally find her so beautiful. I get a little bit of Björk and Kirsten Dunst. I think her headshape and all her features are so interesting and unique and still harmonic.
I get what you mean about high fashion though. She is an out-going, flashy performer and can't pull off subtle.
No. 167798
>>167794as an anon obsessed with models it's the whole "unconventional attractiveness" that's really popular in the industry because fashion designers don't want people to focus on the model's face on the runway- just the clothes.
unrelated, but I find her very attractive imo she just lacks sex appeal.
No. 167808
>>167796Kek I was just thinking this the other day. Her eyes were so wide set and her eyebrows didn’t do her any favors. Her face was so unfortunately square as well.
I think she was popular mostly because the other First Ladies of the time were much older and frumpier. Jackie wore nice clothes and wasn’t 50, but without the styling she wasn’t much to look at.
No. 167843
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She looks like the damn corpse bride
No. 167853
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Is it strange that I find Margot Robbie really meh but Jaime Pressley really pretty?
>>167724OT but you railed nailed it with that description, I always thought we had pretty similar bodies (tall and lanky but also kind of wide at the same time) and I always loved wearing blazers and more masculine silhouettes so I guess now I know why.
No. 167858
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>>167853I feel the same way, Jaime's feature seem to be more harmonious.
Can't stand her and I just don't see it.
No. 167860
>>167858I used to think she was in her thirties (only known her post-surgery) but turns out she's only a year older than me kek
Just in general, women who've gotten a lot of work done just don't look that attractive to me, plus it ages them terribly
No. 167878
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>>167724I don't think her body is very board-like, she has a waist and hips and even though she's tall she looks kinda short in pics where there's no one else for comparison. But I agree she looks best with loose fitting pants or long skirts because her legs make her look stumpy
No. 167899
>>167878I guess rather than being tall and narrow she has wider bone structure which makes her appear shorter.
More straight than curvy though. This body type looks better in straight clothing rather than trying to create curves where there are none. Like that suit looks really good on her
My body is like this too, although I’m not as tall.
No. 167939
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>>167304>>167752I love Melanie Laurent, don’t do her dirty like that
No. 167992
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>>167796It's more that people would compare her to previous wives of presidents, and she does look attractive in comparison
No. 168218
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>>167324She looked more beautiful before she ruined her face with fillers imho
No. 168375
File: 1611350695518.png (709.66 KB, 1047x670, Screenshot 2021-01-22 at 21.20…)

i see her absolutely everywhere. she is so shoved in my face, i literally cant escape her. people in my country consider her especially beautiful but honestly she looks trashy and her eyes are so far apart, like some kind of aquatic livestock. she has such an unhinged stare and looks like shit. i am so sick of seeing this fucking woman it's like im being indoctrinated into thinking shes beautfiul.
probly not a stretch to assume that she comes from extreme wealth and is throwing all her resources at a phony baloney modelling career.
i never want to see her average face ever again. i cant take anymore. please, 'nyane' (such a cringe name),release me.
No. 168493
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No. 168503
>>168493More evidence that you just have to be from a rich family who will pay to put you in front of a camera for everyone to find you hot.
A lot of people posted ITT just look like someone you would meet at work and chill with sometimes on the weekend. They're just attractive in a normal way which is fine. But annoying because it's like, "Well if she's famous, why isn't Becky from the office? Oh yeah, because Becky's family isn't loaded."
No. 168517
>>168493Deers are cute idgi
>>168503>A lot of people posted ITT just look like someone you would meet at work and chill with sometimes on the weekend. Where tf do you anons live and can I come?
No. 168564
>>168515Better thick eyebrows than thin. She looks like a fairy or elf, she has an otherworldly beauty. That’s my opinion though and my preferred look - conventionally perfect/attractive people really turn me off. There’s something so bland and boring about looking beautiful like a swimsuit model or generic Barbie. Women like Anya stand out in their beauty because they’re unique, which I know is
triggering to some because “muhhh flaws my colleague is pretty in an unconventional way too so why am I conventionally ugly”
No. 168708
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Aubrey Plaza. I hate her face and I hate her disinterested cool girl persona.
No. 169534
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i would like to add billie, i liked her looks before those dumbass lip fillers. they're not the worst possible but i don't get it why would anyone think they look perfect, her lips looked even fine without them. and i find her forced xanor expression irritating.
>>167310i don't get it either, she looks even more tired nowadays like she was binge drinking the whole weekday.
i watched lucy about two months ago the first time and god she has aged after that movie.
i just want to punch her small clown lipped mouth lmao.
No. 169535
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>>168493Yup looks like an alien to me, even claire boucher got more elf like looks than her imho
No. 169559
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Ella Emhoff, stepdaughter of Kamala Harris that was recently signed by IMG models. She looks like any low effort art school student with pcos
No. 169579
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>>167858She used to look like every Kentucky sorority girl.
No. 169580
File: 1612025086264.png (8.54 KB, 880x81, sss.png)

>>169534nooo wtf I didn't know she got lip fillers. ugh, she was so pretty before. this anon said it best
No. 169673
>>169559This looks like shes going to speak to her internet audience about Autism awareness…
She seems the type shilled because of her connections and that thin = pretty
No. 169714
File: 1612117977218.jpeg (33.29 KB, 540x778, 5bad6cdf3c000066000b3044.jpeg)

i always found her so plain and boring looking, "golden ratio" be damned. basing modern beauty on literally ancient standards is retarded
No. 169715
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No. 169718
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>>169716I like her look but she is really pretty without it
No. 169733
>>169729It's based off drag queen makeup, which has become super popular in the last few years for some reason. Shame, girls look better with minimalistic makeup. Maybe it'll make a comeback.
>>169727Meg's eye shape is so pretty, she doesn't need the excess lashes or crazy shadow at all
No. 169783
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No. 169787
>>169783meh i wouldn't say they're ugly, just plain
>>169534i didn't even know she had lip filler tbh
No. 174089
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>>169718I'm afraid she's going to ruin her no make up face with fillers soon if she hasn't already.
No. 174091
>>169783Anon what do you expect me to say to this? Lmao this isn’t milk at all
But they look so fucking weird, and they don’t know how to dress at all, I can’t wait until they die off into irrelevancy in the upcoming years
No. 174238
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I tried getting a decent pic to be fair to her (also tbh I haven't checked her for months so no idea what she's like rn) but really most of her pics she didn't even look like a human to me, especially when she does those "quirky" expressions.
Furthermore, cursed be her name for her influence in the e-girl movement (and fucking irl ahegao faces, I hate that shit so much)
No. 174295
File: 1615063295416.jpg (63.73 KB, 640x686, p.jpg)

This bitch constantly looks like she's overdosing on benzos
No. 174483
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>>174295hate her, hate how much her label shills her everywhere. hate her shitty music. hate her creepy relationship w/ her brother.
i really despise rich white kids making music, simply bc their family has connections. pic also related.
No. 174864
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the nose job is borderline disfiguring to me
No. 174866
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I feel like she always looks dehydrated
No. 174867
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There was a period of time where Tinashe was being shilled as like the most beautiful woman in the world. I don’t think she looks bad but I feel like she was really overhyped.
No. 174872
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>>174869I’m sorry but this is so obviously a lie and she just got a botched rhinoplasty. You can’t “accidentally” shave off the bridge of someone’s nose but I still feel bad for her.
No. 174958
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This bitch
No. 174983
>>174958her bangs are so stupid. why does she do her bangs like that. her hair really does look like a bad wig 80% of the time.
I don't even have a problem with a lot of her stances, she's just obnoxious as fuck about them and looks like an uncanny valley knockoff barbie doll.
No. 175056
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Ariana Grande looks like every second 16 year old girl in my country
No. 175058
>>174958>>174983I can’t get over how there are no pictures of her without those hideous bangs styled in that exact same way. I get it if bangs are your thing, but she has never changed that ugly style since being famous.
If it’s not a wig, she’s never felt any inclination to change her hair over 10+ years? She seriously styles her hair the exact same way every single day? It’s the weirdest thing to me.
No. 175064
>>169783THANK YOU!
I don’t say this often but they seriously look like men.
No. 175144
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Summer Mckeen
No. 175490
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I find her pretty average but the way she looked in the interview pissed me off so much for some reason, the outfit, the makeup, the hairstyle… everything's obnoxious.
No. 175498
File: 1615918625275.jpeg (101.29 KB, 731x894, 1615896431376.jpeg)

Margaret Qualley. She gets shilled as a classic, natural beauty but I just don't see it. I think there's something really off putting about her face that's not necessarily isolated to a single feature. I remember when she was dating Pete Davison and people said they looked alike, they weren't wrong.
No. 175661
File: 1616010367657.jpg (137.97 KB, 1242x1556, moon1.jpg)

i absolutely love her face but the amount of people in the tiktok comments swooning over her hair baffles me, like…if you have long hair at least take care of it it looks dry af in all pictures of her and the bangs are a whole other situation
No. 175710
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Looks like a frog
No. 175711
File: 1616043813697.png (305.61 KB, 640x629, screen-shot-2021-02-28-at-6-28…)

I feel like who ever took this picture hates her
No. 175735
>>175711I don't understand the styling for this pic. Powder blue suits her but the style doesnt suit her dimensions at all, and no necklace with a neckline like that is very hmm. The pose is unfortunate but could've worked with the right styling.
>>175728Elle Fanning
No. 175745
File: 1616073158320.jpg (265.53 KB, 1200x1920, 1200px-MJK_68550_Margaret_Qual…)

>>175498Personally I think she's very pretty and I love her choice in dresses, but something about her screams "giant asshole" to me. I can't put my finger on why I find her so off-putting.
>>175711Ew, that's an awful photo. She can do much better than that.
No. 175751
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>>175745She has such an interesting face, sometimes I find her beautiful, sometimes strange
No. 175752
>>175735All the pictures from this set kinda reveal how ugly she is. She’s got a weird body and a inbred looking face.
I’m just so tired of seeing her cast as the hot girl I’m everything. I can’t suspend my disbelief.
No. 175838
>>167342butch as hell
>>167344ooga booga
>>167397tacky as shit
No. 175849
nonny with the drive by roasting
No. 176443
File: 1616623397083.jpeg (195.63 KB, 1080x1440, AC91BE97-5D88-4A0F-9353-116479…)

Bella Hadid. The work she’s had done makes her look much older than 24 and her career is due to nepotism.
No. 176894
File: 1616907958089.jpg (89.61 KB, 346x594, Teen People Young Hollywood pa…)

I always felt like the music industry was trying to meme people into thinking Fergie was beautiful and talented, don't think I ever met a single person that held that opinion though
No. 178108
File: 1617722880504.jpg (124.24 KB, 1243x650,…)

idk if anyone really finds lana del rey beautiful on lc but i need to add this picture here still. her wannabe gangsta nancy sinatra-style combined with tacky basics can be off-putting sometimes, but it's her face that has been ruined forever, her face is the worst trait right now. and some of her blind stans keep having the delusion of her still looking like back in 2012.
No. 178450
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No. 178523
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if ben shapiro had a child with a dog
No. 178662
File: 1617995186800.jpg (287.41 KB, 1080x1334, doja cat.jpg)

Her face is very pretty, but her body is nasty to me. She's pear shaped which is "in" right now, but women with her build walk a very thin line between having a nice ass and strong legs and looking like they have lymphedema. Also her diet is disgusting based on her interview with HotNewHipHop.
No. 178708
File: 1618009047099.jpeg (715.68 KB, 1935x2160, 7EA2CBB4-C5B6-472A-B3E5-945348…)

^ same fag… image didn’t post
No. 178741
File: 1618022495929.jpeg (20.37 KB, 281x351, 9C58DE2B-D0D5-4B5B-9B8C-B83BA2…)

God she is so fucking ugly and I can’t stand her brows looks like she’s going to take me into a sleazy baltic church. Plus her music as I’ve said before reminds me of something that would play in a old navy commercial or something I would listen to in the grocery store. Don’t always believe in the power of lolcow memes anons, worse mistake of my life
No. 178743
File: 1618022914281.jpeg (77.15 KB, 400x400, A7859E1E-B08A-43AE-9DA4-4F9351…)

>>178733have to disagree with you anon but she is clearly being heavily marketed and typecasted as the cool it girl. The energy she gave in the queens gambit and her role in that unironically reminded me of the live action ramona flowers. picrel but kek look at her bangs holy shit it just fires off everything that a scrote wants to see in a female actor edgy retarded looking bangs and alternative cool girl style
No. 178745
File: 1618025175039.jpg (127.96 KB, 681x871, 339f2882065bb6c2500bfaf8f6b16c…)

>>178743What? In that movie she's portraying Magik, a marvel character that has those bangs
>>178739If you think I'm being aggresive or something I'd recommend you to talk to people in real life more often
No. 178834
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No. 178837
File: 1618082011801.jpeg (53.89 KB, 1000x562, 86AD9929-1234-4E6F-9740-DD5D54…)

I have never understood pokimane’s appeal
No. 178844
>>167770truth. i'm ugler than her and elle fanning who was posted earlier and was a model in my early 20s. i think it's different from being an actress, you don't need to be "pretty." you can be weird looking for striking shoots, or very plain because that's a good blank canvas. there are also really tiny details that are a big deal in fashion, there's a rare athletic body type where a lot of the women are basically ugly (i was one of these kek) but it's the only thing that works for some dramatic or futuristic or styled-for-strength looks.
i pray that my lord janniesus will not ban me for this sperg
No. 178846
File: 1618085079471.jpg (632.63 KB, 3500x2280, thanksi'mstraightnow.jpg)

sigourney weaver. ghastly jaw, saggy-and-manly-yet-completely-unathletic body, horrifying boobs. and her mouth lines when she's talking make my vagina dry enough to sacrifice peruvian children in it.
No. 178863
File: 1618088772795.jpeg (336.82 KB, 1079x1600, 7FB4F6EC-C323-4779-B696-A47C63…)

Princess Diana looks plain as hell to me. I think the only reason she was hailed as gorgeous was because the rest of the british royal family are ugly inbreds.
>>178741Her individual features are good but put together it doesn’t look right
>>178837Idk why she has so many scrote fans. Her hair has always looked like a wig to me and she’s built like a mini fridge.
No. 178927
File: 1618127703927.jpg (33.21 KB, 780x439, the-crown-s4.jpg)

>>178863Not really related but they did her so dirty in The Crown. Diana was famously glamorous and this looks like the definition of frump. I'd say the actress who plays her fits in this thread but she's not exactly shilled afaik.
No. 179389
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>>178450I agreed based on Gossip Girl but was converted by her character in a Simple Favor, she was so hot and charismatic
No. 180243
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No. 180512
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No. 180584
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Don’t get the fuss around Emrata
No. 180586
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>>180584Her lips look absolutely AWFUL. She needs to get that shit dissolved like yesterday.
No. 180589
File: 1618994679132.jpg (12.33 KB, 236x354, Bobble from TinkerBell2008.jpg)

>>169718>>174089She's so cute in these omg
>>169559This has probably been said a thousand times, but she looks like pic related.
No. 180639
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im amazed that so many people regard this woman as extremely attractive
No. 180658
File: 1619029705064.jpg (323.74 KB, 1272x1600, rodland05-1272x1600.jpg)

I can't find her face attractive, it's too sloth like.
No. 180659
File: 1619030198380.png (118.51 KB, 651x325, anya-taylor-joy-split-2.png)

>>180658Her face is really interesting with no really ugly features imo and in her first big movie she was sexualised. pretty natural that she's popular but marmitey
No. 180666
File: 1619032706193.jpg (65.02 KB, 750x585, three-toed-sloth.jpg)

>>180659yeah no, I don't really see unique as attractive. She is just not good looking to me.
Still looks like a sloth
>>180661 eh could be a number of things like how they did her makeup, haircut,etc. I have seen the show and not a fan of her face still. She isn't like terra ugly just not attractive persay.
No. 180673
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>>180658imo her eyes are her best feature but the rest of her face is ugly
No. 180685
>>180673That's a really bad picture tbf. I think Taylor-Joy has an Emma Stone thing going on where they are both visually interesting but I wouldn't say conventionally attractive?
She was super hot in the "drunken mess" episode of Queen's Gambit though.
No. 180798
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>>180680lel why are you simping so hard do you have the same busted face as her?
No. 181656
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Saw this dumb tweet and I really don't get why zoomers cream themselves over her, she really is nothing special.
No. 181671
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>>181656She's isn't ugly by any means and I like her features but yeah, her styling and makeup it's at what her appeal is. On another note I can't enjoy her acting, it's not bad either but there's something about it that never convinces me
No. 181673
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>>181671Samefag but she does have a chicness and her looks is versatile. Idk
No. 183433
File: 1620105937406.jpg (1.27 MB, 2648x3820, camila-cabello-1598204840.jpg)

Idk if I find her ugly but I think Camila Cabello is overrated, maybe it's her persona that makes her seem unattractive. I'm kind of surprised she survived the tumblr scandal from a couple years back.
No. 183449
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>>178863You know what, I would agree with you actually but a few days ago I saw this picture and thought she looked incredibly cute and pretty
No. 183453
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>>178863i also find her very average and plain, especially if you live in a country with a lot of WASP people. so it never made sense that she was shilled as beautiful in the UK.
that being said i liked her style, as she always looked so put together. the haircut is a miss tho. however her personality makes her really special. she was so compassionate and down to earth, and she was also frank with her struggles with depression, self-harm and bulimia in the 20th century. thank you diana.
No. 183463
File: 1620124373833.jpg (54.3 KB, 959x741, 960x0.jpg)

Might ruffle some feathers with this one but Megan Rapinoe. I think as women we're so devoid of gnc representation that we latch onto whatever crumbs we find. Megan looks like your average midlife crisis white woman who decided to get dangerhair and become a raging libfem. She's got a shitty attitude too.
No. 186722
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I know people will get mad at me for posting this. (People here are strangely protective of her) but I honestly find her vomit inducing.
No. 186769
>>186757NTAYRT but
>relentlessly defend herthat's what you got from AYRT? step away from the screen and take a deep breath. all that anon said is that her face doesn't actively make them want to vomit. they also said that her behavior, and impact on female children and women is much more concerning than the way she looks. how is that a relentless defense. everyone ITT is in agreement that she is ugly for multiple reasons that don't stop at her looks
No. 186776
File: 1621528621955.jpeg (90.3 KB, 1024x675, 71EB326E-5EC9-4911-B15B-5C6E7B…)

she’s cute, but definitely not amazingly hot and attractive. this is ironically a situation where a celebrity’s talent and connections have truly gotten them somewhere
No. 186777
>>186769See what I mean? They’re at it again. And now they’re samefagging.
She’s vomit inducing. Not just in face but body too. People have been calling her ugly since the hit or miss tiktok days. She is shilled so hard, even by nonnies on lolcow. Sorry but myself and a lot of other people find her fucking repulsive.
No. 186779
>>186776Fillers ruined her. She looks so ugly.
Fillers make everyone look like 50 year old Joan rivers.
No. 186787
>>186776her original plastic surgery was good aside from the crooked eyebrow. now she is starting to look botched.
i feel like she is the embodiment of hollywood grooming children to sexualize themselves for older men. why is she singing to a bunch of little girls about sex positions???
she's an amoral cash cow. that's the main reason i find her ugly.
No. 186855
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I honestly fail to understand how picrel is considered hot anywhere except for maybe Mordor
>>180512kek, all that plastic surgery just to look like a stressed Ukrainian housewife
No. 186999
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>>186781>model figure Lmao wut
No. 187115
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>>187086She looks like an overgrown 5 year old with her huge head and short chubby limbs.
I think her face is pretty but her head is too wide/huge and makes her look like a pitbull.
No. 187142
>>186999>>186776I get really annoyed with her racebaiting. She had opportunities to address or correct people in some situations, but never fucking did because she preferred reaping additional rewards and money for looking ambiguously brown. If she likes Hispanic and black culture so much, she should have directed that admiration toward artists and women who actually are Latina or black or mixed.
I hope she is embarrassed because that shitty show Victorious is getting traction on tiktok for some unknown reason. And Cat is very painfully white.
No. 187143
>>186781she looks like she smells, honestly. I can't put my finger on why though.
She's not completely dumb but I feel she pretends to be when it is useful
No. 187254
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Maybe a woman shilled as attractive for a very specific group of people but everything about her is so plain (music included).
No. 187257
>>187254Her plainness(features) tbh are really attractive to me. Maybe it's because I'm worn out by all the artificial exaggerations + filters.
Could give 2 fucks about her music tho kek.
No. 188102
File: 1622108159680.jpg (66.41 KB, 512x343, unnamed.jpg)

Rihanna. Candid pictures with make-up and it's hit/miss, but without, and she looks like a crack addict every time.
No. 188197
File: 1622143359199.png (450.14 KB, 369x670, 54983750438543543.png)

>>188102Weird because this is just about the only unflattering picture I've seen of her. She usually never has acne/discoloration and looks very fresh-faced without makeup.
No. 188229
File: 1622150208965.png (3.08 MB, 1746x1300, Screenshot 2021-05-27 at 22.12…)

>>188197Ok, maybe "crack addict" was a bit harsh lol. But, she's mediocre, if not a bit weird looking IMO. Her attractiveness is exaggerated due to light skin & eyes, plus general sluttiness.
No. 188266
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>>183433Can't believe that Anya and Elle get such strong reactions but nobody seems to agree with her.
About her you don't even need to search and nitpick small stuff like cankles, she's just ugly overall, one of the very very rare couples in which the guy mogs.
No. 188267
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No. 188268
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a rare pic in which her face is ok, but half the length of her legs seem to be missing
No. 188292
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Ana de armas. Pretty but massively overrated
No. 188297
File: 1622193357234.png (928.49 KB, 518x699, ana.PNG)

>>188292She's the "cute girl next door" type, I guess her being nothing special is the appeal. Also kek at this pic I found
No. 188315
File: 1622207975735.jpeg (72.26 KB, 1200x900, photo.jpeg)

Very pretty before ruining her face with filler.
No. 188378
File: 1622227060552.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1215x1155, AC67A7C9-2DCE-4147-ACBE-2D200C…)

>>188311We never said she wasn’t attractive??? She is just overshilled a lot at the moment. Also please re-read the name of the thread ffs.
No. 188469
File: 1622270335972.jpeg (52.79 KB, 728x485, 82A6418A-02D4-4E55-9D14-CA67EA…)

I mainly don’t like how she looked on Doctor Who, in some pics from other contexts she looked better.
No. 189102
File: 1622569583606.png (1.14 MB, 870x866, Screen-Shot-2021-05-29-at-8-44…)

Kelly and Michelle. Michelle has had surgery too kek. Beyonce is far from ugly, but overrated when seen in candid pics. She's a control freak with photos.
No. 189118
>>189103I think she's prettier here than she is in her makeup actually.
She has really good facial symmetry.
No. 189296
File: 1622599160974.jpeg (548.38 KB, 2000x3000, 04-lily-rose-depp.jpeg)

everyone thinks lily rose depp is beautiful. she's got her dad's cheekbones and look but something about her giant forehead and receding hairline ruin it for me.
No. 189328
File: 1622608935864.jpg (28.14 KB, 480x480, 4703274083267423.jpg)

>>189296I hate this whole "IG baddie" style on her. The heavy eye makeup, drag contouring and overlined chola lips in a darker color age her like 30 years as they do all young girls. I think she's quite pretty and looks similar to her mom with softer makeup. (She hardly does it anymore, this is from a couple years back.
No. 189340
File: 1622618955423.jpg (92.17 KB, 670x757, Screenshot_9.jpg)

>>189309Nope, they just overlined her lips with a brown shade that's much darker than her natural lip color. It's a horrible trend from the 90s
No. 189801
File: 1622810913239.jpg (25.97 KB, 500x333, kim-k.jpg)

>>189556I like natural ones most of the time, but I know what you mean. Kim's nose job was reasonably subtle, but still a huge mistake.
No. 189803
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>>189801Samefag. Another surgical example of this stronger jaw effect. (Picrel not kim, some anonymous woman). I don't get it. Why remove such a pretty, interesting feature? She doesn't look manly, far from it, but it did result in a subtly more dominant look to the face. Although the real tragedy is that her overall appearance is just plainer now.
No. 189805
File: 1622811941943.jpg (46.05 KB, 1024x626, venti.jpg)

>>188229she kinda looks like venti on the bottom right. This isn't an insult against venti or rihanna though, I think both look nice
No. 189821
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Madelyn Cline. Her face just looks bizarre to me
No. 189822
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>>189821Also, lol @ numerous articles being written about her using plumping lip gloss when she just has lip filler No. 189827
>>189803Exactly. All it is is unique, and to people like us she looks fine, and has a lovely jaw. And so many of these pictures are normal looking women getting surgery, who probably had some internal problems with self image, seeing as they never looked bad in the first place. It's mental illness.
And I know there's a plastic surgery thread here, but I can't pretend to support influencers with little flaws or unique features that call their self mutilating empowering or self loving. How many beauty companies and surgery practices would lose money if women loved themselves and focused on inner values rather than something as fickle as outward appearance?
No. 189835
>>189803On the left her face looks more narrow and delicate because the lines on her face. On the right her jawline look blunt and slightly more masculine.
It changes the entire shape of her face.
She could have made it straighter if that's what she wanted but a tiny shiny knob in the middle of her face looks so weird. That kind of nose just doesn't work on every face.
No. 190099
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Their faces really fucking annoy me kek.
No. 190168
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>>190137Jeanne Damas, model, actress, and founder of the clothing brand Rouje. She's one of those "How to dress like a Parisian/French woman" dickheads.
No. 190450
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No. 190462
>>186781>let's not pretend she hasn't got looks going for herread the thread's name
>she has got a conventionally attractive faceshe's just white. there's nothing interesting about her looks
>model figurewith that goblin height?
No. 190910
File: 1623162028406.jpeg (90.52 KB, 935x340, FB459DD6-4A95-41EC-94F7-BE4388…)

>>190168Apparently her “fashion” line is absolute garbage sweatshop quality despite the massive price tag. I honestly don’t understand what this woman does? Was she born into money or something?
No. 190940
File: 1623173494347.jpg (89.05 KB, 700x875, violette-fr-beauty-makeup-revi…)

>>190912This reminds me of another French rich bitch that gets shilled a lot, Violette_fr. She just launched a makeup line (and honestly, it's actually quite good I really enjoy the products) but talk about being born on third base.
"The daughter of a famous French hairstylist and hair and makeup agent, Violette spent her formative years on set with photographers like Paolo Roversi and Mario Testino, observing the creative alchemy that transpires on a fashion shoot. After high school, she set out to be a painter, enrolling in the prestigious École de Louvre in Paris. However, she quickly realized that not only was her glamorous early education in the fashion world hard to top, but she also preferred her canvas to have a pulse. It was then that Violette decided to make a name (albeit, a single name only) for herself in the makeup world instead."
No. 190984
File: 1623186809030.jpeg (591.26 KB, 849x824, B5D3C09F-D7D1-4ADA-91A6-314FF9…)

>>190970Jeanne is absolutely obsessed with herself and pulls the same vacant fish expression in every photo
No. 191009
File: 1623190669324.jpg (772.26 KB, 2098x2507, NINTCHDBPICT0004263441531.jpg)

Chloe looks so bad now she's lost weight. I liked her slightly chunky look
No. 191010
File: 1623190705822.jpg (194.61 KB, 1083x1222, 001d52e1e7be1f185c5b836f2f1f46…)

>>191009Samefag but look at the difference
No. 191016
>>190984It's safe to say anyone who gets "sexy" pics of themselves taken whilst pregnant and posts them publicly qualifies as a terminal narcissist.
>>191009I think it looks weird because she's sucking her cheeks in really hard tbh.
No. 191029
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>>191009This look is probably inspired by Debbie Harry in the Warhol portraits.
No. 191079
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I don’t think she’s ugly but it’s more that the extent of the hype she got is hard for me to understand. I don’t get what is that attractive about the boxxy phenotype. I felt similarly confused about how much attention boxxy herself got back in the day. Shoe would also fit in this category as well.
No. 191089
Almost all the political cows that get shilled as attractive, Tomi Lahren, Lauren Southern, Lauren Chen, Candace Owens, and (these two are only really shilled as attractive by a specific group of people) but Anna and Dasha. I think the standards are just a lot lower for political figures I guess. The entire cast of friends. I don’t get how Jennifer Aniston was shilled as extremely attractive. Also Jennifer Lawrence. The entire cast of the Big Bang theory. Princess Diana, Kate and Meghan. Everyone who’s ever been on love island. I think the main Disney girls (Selena, Demi, Miley, Bella Thorne, Zendaya) weren’t ugly, but were extremely average looking. A lot of the nepotism kids like Hailey Baldwin, Sofia Richie, the Hadids. All the Olsens. Gal Gadot. Emma Watson. The entire cast of riverdale. Scarlett Johansson. Cara Delevigne and Ruby Rose (not Rubi Rose who I think is actually very pretty). Blake Lively. Lucy Hale and Sasha Pieterse. Billie Eilish, Dua Lipa, Saweetie, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry even pre haircut, Lana even pre weight gain.
No. 191216
File: 1623280941458.jpg (329.91 KB, 687x838, Claudia_Cardinale_1963.jpg)

>>191089 Industry was smaller, too many actors today. And the industry traded in glamour, mystery, exoticism. Today it's relatability, oversharing. Values change. Also, maybe move average looking stars serve as an ego boost? It's attainable.
Either way PR for any celeb has always been that their client is "hottest" (either literally or for some quality) and desired by the masses. They fabricate popularity to create value, give the illusion of it. (I'm ESL, excuse my poor explanation). Kpop, European industries, everywhere does this for celebs. The public has always been much more measured in its assessment, but we had no voice before, and today are still drowned out even with social media by PR teams. PR monitor and delete negative comments to keep things "balanced" btw, did you know that?
As for some of the women you mentioned… Jennifer Aniston was considered a butterface where I was growing up, but we didn't have twitter then. Another one: Julia Roberts at her so-called peak. All I heard in real life was how unattractive and weird looking she was, but the official narrative in magazines at the time was that we considered her some supreme beauty kek.
Men can be promoted as "not hot, but funny" to both men and women. They don't care. The rare and truly unattractive women in HW are commedienne types like Anna Kendrick, and they are still shilled as desirable but in an attainable nerdy gf sort of way for a VERY specific male fan base. She won't be the next Bond girl. She's niche.
Another thing to consider re online is appreciation threads on sites like reddit are made up of a few hundred/thousand (at most) white US men between the ages of 18-30 with limited exposure to any media other than current HW and a bit of UK (hence the likes of Emma Watson, specific fandoms). That's why the same women get posted over and over again… even the oldies posted are really big well known names like Monroe and Hepburn. I have never seen someone like Claudia Cardinale (picrel) posted for example. Obviously they'd find her more attractive than Billie Eilish. Her absence isn't evidence of delusion regarding Eilish's attractiveness. They are very young US men with limited exposure to anything else.
No. 191323
File: 1623349196430.jpg (53.94 KB, 371x940, ju.jpg)

>>191216I CAN'T with people claiming Julia Roberts wasn't attractive. I get that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but come on, man. I think her personality is a turn off, but i'd give anything to look like peak julia roberts. You don't see faces like this very often.
No. 191580
File: 1623439573943.jpg (65.14 KB, 750x922, 88fdfd7d4cdd933700ba3c5b1a99dd…)

>>191325kek you read me so wrong you miserable fuck. I emphasized she is attractive but is overhyped (to me) re "goddess" rhetoric. Everyone knows most white celebs are overhyped and I'm the anon who posted on that. I have posted in here a dozen times actually and every overhyped woman I posted is white. Beyonce was my first African American. And that's because most black celebs are criminally under-appreciated. Picrel is my idea of a ridiculously beautiful woman. And we know why women like Anok struggle to break mainstream, unlike Beyonce types. So, the OPPOSITE to what you're suggesting. But thanks for showing your true colors,
nonnie! What an ugly mind you have.
No. 191729
>>191587If you’ve done any work with cameras you know it takes pretty dramatically different settings to show light skin features versus dark skin features. I’m a photographer and noticed this when shooting portraits. What works for darker skin completely washes out the features of someone with lighter skin.
There are people working to make camera technology so there isn’t a built in racial bias.
Unfortunate by-product of this is that it further exaggerates the rate at which we are in undated with white to caramel colored bodies in entertainment + media.
No. 191770
File: 1623532576497.png (1.03 MB, 1125x687, untitled.png)

>>191760on some forum i'm on all the guys are saying she is fat and masculine now and looks like mitt romney in drag
No. 191843
>>191770Ok anons, but….WHAT IS HER OUTFIT HOLY SHIT
Did she spend all of her money on her 2mil house that she sold all of her clothing?
Never understood the hype of her since the beginning either, she looks average at best and her makeup makes things worse.
No. 191883
>>191580Anon I also agree with you that Beyoncé is overshilled, also I think her shitty personality ruins her look for me. Idk who the person is you posted but she is infinitely more attractive than B.
Idk why so many people in this thread start sperging and accuse anons of being ugly themselves or racist.
No one is saying these women are unattractive, the whole point of the thread is to talk about celebs who are shilled and overhyped.
No. 191889
File: 1623597722019.jpg (53.74 KB, 440x486, 0202123-4.jpg)

>>191883Thank you. And I agree re her persona. She is extremely pretty, better than most celebs, but a goddess?
No. 191890
File: 1623597812833.jpg (109.57 KB, 961x1200, EUJCAyOWAAAfSdO.jpg)

>>191883>>191889Compared to this woman? kek. She's out of this world.
No. 191895
File: 1623600513468.png (1.04 MB, 1070x918, mitt romney.png)

>>191827anon it isn't just the screenshot. it's the whole video because no angles, lighting, beauty filters, etc.
No. 191932
>>191770>shitty fashion>shitty taste in hair>scream chin>short neck>barrel waistIs it THAT easy to get simpbuxx these days?
>>191323None of the young celebs of today even come close to this level of beauty.
All of the beautiful people are gone. Now it’s just plain janes trying to look like eternal children with their filler and implants.
No. 191940
>>191323Agree she was gorgeous and still is
>her personality is a turnoffGenuinely curious as to why yiu think this? I know nothing about her personality
No. 192267
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No. 192279
File: 1623755106531.jpg (130.76 KB, 468x697, article-1055776-02A791E0000005…)

J-lo is built like a fridge in real life and super fucking plain.
No. 192280
File: 1623755159165.png (845.85 KB, 614x810, Screenshot 2021-06-15 at 12.04…)

>>192279plain, normal looking face.
No. 192314
File: 1623773697287.jpg (104.78 KB, 800x1007, 88c3dfc8ef9a466e80c2dd123881aa…)

>>192305 but she was shilled as a stunning, Curvy Latina™. When she is averagely-pretty and fairly boxy. Exaggeration tis all.
>>192287 She hasn't aged badly imo, probably had some work done tho, but then they all do at her age and usually still look rough after kek. Facial pics of her from 30-50 don't look too different to my eye.
picrel my next choice. I cannot stand Claudia Schiffer then or now! kek. Llama-faced.
No. 192347
File: 1623785893170.jpg (185.29 KB, 1200x1674, Candace_Owens.jpg)

Candace Owens and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They are only shilled because they look more attractive than the 60+ year old women you usually see in politics. Candace Owens' FAS face annoys me every time I see it.
No. 192448
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No. 192452
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>>192448yeah, she's average. She was clowned when seen without make-up on and looking a little doughy, but I thought she looked better. Her make-up choices aren't great. Did anons know she was a Weinstein girl? Those leaked photos were sent to him, allegedly…
No. 192454
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>>192452She looks better with dark hair.
No. 192493
File: 1623856215934.jpg (80.03 KB, 615x875, 1_Chrissy-Teigen.jpg)

Chrissy Teigen.
I've always fucking hated her. She's an annoying tryhard has-been. She's so ugly to me that when I was trying to think of why she's famous, modeling didn't occur to me at ALL.
I'm literally so happy people are dunking on her for being a cunt now. Troll doll face. Fridge body. Looks like she ran into a brick wall going 40kph.
No. 192833
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No. 192841
File: 1623978394875.gif (1.17 MB, 222x275, 1594646999385.gif)

Dichen Lachman was posted in the 'cute girls' thread. The radfems on this site, honestly… she makes Adam Driver look like a pretty woman for god's sake lmfao.
No. 192854
>>192452Kek. I'm like 95% her career blew up and won an Oscar so young because she fucked him. Gross.
I do agree she looks a lot more striking with dark hair. I liked her look in the Hunger Games movies.
No. 192879
>>192841I think she's very attractive. A lot of people like interesting and unique faces better than standard conventionally beautiful ones, anon-nothing to do with feminism.
It's rare to see women of her ethnicity (Nepalese) onscreen so maybe that's why her features throw you off a bit.
No. 192916
File: 1624007115546.png (1.41 MB, 876x836, Screenshot 2021-06-18 at 10.03…)

She still manages to look like a transsexual next to a square jawed masculine guy. Hilarious.
No. 192934
File: 1624014483210.png (886.99 KB, 1384x704, Screenshot 2021-06-18 at 12.05…)

manface pussycat dolls. picrel only 3/5 members, but they're all hardfaced.
No. 193048
File: 1624046496238.jpeg (27.04 KB, 620x348, 0CD65816-5297-451A-93CC-5EA7F1…)

I always see people act as if Jorja Smith is one of the most beautiful women ever but I really don’t get it. I would if anything say she’s facially unattractive. Maybe people are more talking about her body?
No. 193050
>>192841She looks rather pretty to me, unconventionally but she’s got a cute smile and a unique look to her, she looks way more feminine than that so called “super passing” beak faced troon from euphoria
People got to stop watching anime and get off Instagram, not have a perfectly proportioned generic doll face doesn’t mean you’re ugly
No. 193054
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>>192841She reminds me a bit of Tania Raymonde, but with sharper features
No. 193063
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>>193060No her eyes are like that in every picture
No. 193072
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>>192949>>193050ok. I'll stop kek.
No. 193075
>>193073It's the point of the thread
nonnie, please don't get so butthurt and start sageing. (Although I'll admit repetitive posting is fucking annoying, which is why I stopped kek)
No. 193088
>>193069It’s women shilled as attractive that
you find ugly. How successful they are is irrelevant.
No. 193364
File: 1624181320414.jpg (597.76 KB, 1801x1801, Fergie.jpg)

I honestly usually hate this thread and it feels nitpicky most of the time but i can't resist the urge to post her.
I used to be on BEP's official website (i never liked them i just had friends there) and everyone LOVED her and thought she was the hottest woman in the world. I never understood it, even when she was younger she looked botched and weird as hell. Her face is confusing like it can't decide what it wants to be. Bitch looks like Carrot Top got a sex change.
No. 193420
File: 1624208007409.jpeg (156.23 KB, 1464x975, B7F6E6A7-4B94-4A3D-A011-8DA1F6…)

Might get hate for this one, but Cara Delevingue’s face bothers me so much. I don’t know if it’s the combination of the bushy brows and pig nose with thin old lady lips, but I feel she’s overhyped. I think it’s mostly the lower half of her face that grossed me out. Her eyes are beautiful though. Feel free to disagree with me anons
No. 193749
File: 1624360330257.jpg (67.68 KB, 620x388, ed_2402011b.jpg)

>>193732Definitely nepotism. It's a huge fucking problem in Britain, especially in media, modelling and TV/film industries. Edie Campbell is a great example of overshilled and nepotism. She has that weird, posh mouth breather horse face our elite/upper class possess and seem to admire, they plaster their ugly mugs everywhere lmao. Go literally anywhere in the UK and you'll find more diverse and better looking people with actual talent, yet 99% will never make it. It's infuriating. British actors from working class backgrounds tend to be our most talented, because they have to be.
No. 193877
File: 1624427285080.jpg (163.1 KB, 1920x1080, madison-beer-laechelt-3.jpg)

Madison Beer. Not ugly but kinda masculine imo, if you told me she was a MtF troon, I wouldn't be shocked. Confused why everyone on Instagram is obsessed with her lol.
No. 193882
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>>193877got too much ps done at a young age too
No. 193883
File: 1624429403213.jpeg (66.78 KB, 730x500, C20D97A7-9AAC-497D-9FB7-0435C4…)

>>193882would've been interesting to have seen her actually grow into her face rather than getting ps but all these girls are getting heavy fillers nowadays when they're under 25 and their faces arent done developing.
No. 193889
File: 1624433156042.jpg (732.54 KB, 2000x1566, image.jpg)

Definitely all of the Kardashian girls. I don't know why, but Hollywood and all kinda of people seem to simp for these women. Half of them are plastic surgery addicts, one only getting famous because she had sex with Kanye. Plus, why, of all people, does our society choose to simp over ultra-rich spoiled brats? Ridiculous if you ask me.
No. 193897
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>>193889Kim used to be gorgeous. Kanye really ruined that woman with his porn addiction
No. 193929
File: 1624459975634.png (516.9 KB, 723x757, 09383748337.png)

>>193877>MtF troonthis look is in. its mostly her huge jaw
>>193885lol bless you. girl is easily the fakest most plastic tranny looking celeb under 25 and has aged herself prematurely already. it will all show up and mannify her more in time like megan fox
No. 194330
File: 1624677614479.jpeg (621.61 KB, 828x1142, 2894246F-E420-4EB5-9D18-74CED0…)

Why did I have so many mutuals like this. Her hips are disgusting.
No. 194813
File: 1624981118063.png (1.69 MB, 1116x1006, Screenshot 2021-06-29 at 16.13…)

Men were disappointed, but women were tripping over themselves to say how much more beautiful and younger Julie Chen looks without makeup. Not really. Apart from bottom row center pic (aged 50), she's 42 here. I think she's always looked ten years older than she is and plain.
No. 194826
>>193889>>193897Kim pre-surgery and current Kendall are both really hot imo.
>>194813This thread is mostly malding hets nitpicking hot women but this is some real shit. Who the fuck says this woman is youthful or beautiful lmfao
No. 194859
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No. 194861
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>>194859I find her really ugly.
No. 194926
File: 1625016416492.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1242x1549, 6C03D941-62AB-4210-B8D9-6B3BE9…)

Both Damelio sisters have this manly face I can’t stand. I literally thought this was James Charles in one of his cross dressing forms.
No. 195034
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>>192841You stop disrespecting Anya now!
No. 195059
>>195055That anon was obviously being sarcastic.
>>195056>MUH FRIDGEWhen will farmers realize that most women don't have 5 inch waists
No. 197195
File: 1625885238121.png (1.24 MB, 806x1346, Screenshot_20210709-184324(1).…)

Alissa White-Gluz. Very overrated both lookswise and talent wise.
Wouldn't have posted her here though if she didn't have a shit personality to top it all off.
No. 197224
>>197212She's the frontwoman for Arch Enemy, a metal band. She is often listed as being the hottest woman in metal (or one if the hottest). She's also usually regarded as being a badass but she's just an obnoxious vegan sjw with an oversized ego. I do think she's pretty, just not this drop dead gorgeous queen that people act like she is.
>>197215Yes I am Alissa
jk don't ban me No. 197239
File: 1625915710422.jpg (237.09 KB, 1200x1800, chantel-jeffries-attends-2018-…)

Chantal Jeffries. I don't undertstand why so many think that she's "gorgeous". She looks like a trans Kim K clone to me.
No. 197359
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>>197276Depends on the pic sometimes but something about her face just looks too masculine to me.
No. 197492
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anons in the celebricows thread calling her gorgeous are tripping
>>197359she looks like jigsaw with that chin kek
No. 197507
File: 1626096490190.jpg (533.16 KB, 1597x2400, 2074938677-had160519.jpg)

>>197492I got called a scrote for saying she isn't particularly attractive lol.
No. 197511
>>197359The only thing masculine about her face is the drag queen makeup. This trend needs to go away.
>>197507Her first round of plastic surgeries were good. Now she looks terrifying.
No. 197787
File: 1626248646627.jpg (3.84 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_07-14-12.42.53.jpg)

I've been seeing her a lot on my explore and people calling her hot but i don't see it. Sometimes she looks good in headshots but every scene she just looks weird.
No. 197790
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>>197787I personally like her trademark 'don't mess with me bitch' face she constantly makes kek
No. 197810
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>>197776she's straight up ugly
No. 197827
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>>197810I've always felt kinda bad for her because her looks were under public scrutiny ever since she was born since both of her parents are considered superhot and she is just a normal cute girl.
She does look a bit different now in her 20s as compared to mid teenage years but she maybe just gained some healthy weight so it's all good for her really.
No. 197828
File: 1626281047800.png (2.81 MB, 1688x1352, 65.png)

Something about her face really scares me. It looks too skeletal and mask-like or something.
No. 197896
>>197828A friend of a friend works closely with her and so I see a lot of random pics of her on FB and stuff.
She looks like someone’s milf boss. it didn’t even occur to me that it was Margot Robbie until someone said something on his pics once.
The crazy part to me is she’s somehow in her 20’s
No. 198013
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>>197492>>197507>>197511Bella Hadid looked the best circa 2016 imo, she had a je ne sais quoi thing that made her a level above "average forgetable pretty girl" and she was in the sweet spot of breaking through while keeping her mouth shut which added to the mystique of "Gigi's mysterious dark sister". The reveal that she's your typical empty-headed LA Instragram model along with the plastic surgery just culminated in a big meh, I don't even remember her anymore outside of the occasional YouTube video pop up about her surgeries.
There also this vibe I get from her and Kylie Jenner where they seem like plain mediocre girls who happened to have all these riches and fame but still can't shake off the "Becky spirit" and you see that very clearly in how they get strung along by scrotes like Travis Scott and The Weeknd instead of being bombshells who lead the way.
No. 198021
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>>197492>>197507>>198013She isn't attractive at all. You are all using some really glammed up photos of her.
I just think of them as an example of how all the money, connections, training, and plastic surgery can't make someone a true star nor really beautiful if you don't have a good foundation to work off of.
No. 198024
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she is ugly asf
No. 198026
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I don't know why, I think she has really pretty features but together it's off-putting to me for some reason.
No. 198041
>>198026Maybe because of her chin?
I like how she looks. She has enough unique features where she stands out and doesn’t look like your typical Hollywood blonde. But that’s just me.
No. 198072
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I shilled her as the most beautiful girl in the industry for so long, because she has this symmetrical face and slim but muscular body. My eyes were opened recently to realize how wrong I were.
No. 198073
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Samefagging, that fivehead shaped as a bowling ball
No. 198088
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>>198082I think Driver is ugly so that wasn't it, I believed the meme that face symmetry means true beauty and she does have it in the jaw area but I never gave any attention to her forehead and how she look like any basic bong girl.
No. 198097
File: 1626442069209.jpg (1011.32 KB, 2048x1488, 1676957659768.jpg)

She makes it too hard
No. 198111
>>198072she's very pretty but in a not interesting way.
i can't see anything wrong with her face. nothing stands out either.
No. 198114
File: 1626450193359.png (851.11 KB, 804x900, Beyoncé_at_The_Lion_King_Europ…)

She is ugly. She only looks average when she has a lot of makeup/hair done. But naturally? No way.
No. 198138
File: 1626456501867.png (390.35 KB, 626x865, 191125_Selena_Gomez_at_the_201…)

I dont understand Selena Gomez appeal. She always looks so bloated to me, like she's gonna explode. I think she is ugly.
No. 198151
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>>198138Imo she used to be very cute before the perpetual alcohol bloating
No. 198179
File: 1626467374399.jpg (124.2 KB, 637x615, 1626453063899.jpg)

>>198163I hate how everyone hypes her up so much, she looks average at best and that's when she's all made up, make-up free she's borderline ugly
No. 198181
File: 1626468046470.jpg (323.3 KB, 1048x720, 1707241-1.jpg)

>>198179Right? In Euphoria she looks ugly asf because she's not with much makeup.
No. 198183
File: 1626468428159.png (445.51 KB, 766x527, 1_olivia_rodrigo_good_4_u_clip…)

I have no words to explain how much i find Olivia Rodrigo ugly. She is the more boring and plain teen celeb ever.
No. 198516
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ugly bitch
No. 198738
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Not exactly someone overly famous but i watch a few cdramas and my god… she has got to be the ugliest chinese actress i've ever seen
No. 198742
File: 1626860897960.jpg (37.43 KB, 592x458, 9bea22c3gy1fn4rmx3i7vj20gg0cqg…)

Ltierally can't stand her face at all…
No. 198762
File: 1626866863133.jpg (149.75 KB, 640x816, cover-alex-turner-640x816.jpg)

>>198738Personally I don't find her face unattractive, just annoying. Alex Turner does the same kek.
No. 199662
File: 1627400013473.jpg (902.46 KB, 1280x2048, gettyimages-105793045-2048x204…)

Cameron Diaz is so weird looking to me. She was cute for a period of time tho, like in the Mask
No. 200328
File: 1627809926294.jpeg (64.92 KB, 378x594, 2ACEA74E-CAEB-4D6B-802C-DD8C05…)

>>198126Yes I completely agree, I feel like makeup has always emphasised her nasolabial folds (sorry to use the word lmao) even when she was way younger but with light makeup I find her so beautiful. I also have always got the impression she is one of those people who looks better in person, I think I would find her striking if I saw her irl.
No. 200578
File: 1627948263592.png (1.5 MB, 1013x791, 5r678.png)

>>200541Meg looks stunning without the drag make up. Makes me sad.
She probably ruined her natural features with injections and pc by now… No. 200587
File: 1627952607219.jpg (253.82 KB, 1080x1080, DLYtskCVAAAI4S_.jpg)

I need her to stop pandering to scrotes and embrace her butchy femme side.
No. 200700
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>>167324Thank you! I never liked Megan Fox after Transformers. The fake orange tan and plastic surgery bothered me so much.
No. 200702
File: 1628036718207.jpg (111.21 KB, 400x600, HOPEFAITH50119-02.jpg)

>>200700I think she looked lovely on Hope and Faith and in that Lindsay Lohan film, but she became too thin, then came the fillers and surgery… and it's a wrap lol.
No. 200735
>>200702she doesn't even look like the same person anymore. in time she'll probably end up looking like pete burns.
body dysmorphia is one hell of a drug.
No. 200794
File: 1628117385591.jpg (261.09 KB, 1200x2135, dita-von-teese-stills-at-lax-a…)

Physically she is plain and for a sex entertainer, especially one who achieved high status, she has a surprising lack of charisma or natural charm. How on earth did she become so famous?
No. 200795
File: 1628119681676.png (9.67 MB, 1242x2208, 4CFEB583-BA88-478A-9277-F48374…)

>>200794By fucking men like Marilyn Manson, Russell Crowe, and Harvey Weinstein kek Most people don’t even know who she is at this point and burlesque is dead. She’s hocking Wen haircare and Lashify on her insta so she’s already fading in obscurity.
No. 200813
>>167304>>2007941000% agree. Great shape for being in her 50's and takes care of her skin, but she's always been an extremely plain slice of white bread. Her "beauty" begins and ends with her style but even then I think her face doesn't quite pull it off.
I honestly love the vintage look, but being glamorous and polished is not the same as being beautiful. Lots of people buy into her persona.
I think she only got as famous as she did because she helped popularize the burlesque/fetish modeling scene when it was still pretty new. Then she managed to hook up with a few celebrities and here we are.
No. 200828
File: 1628154320392.jpg (37.26 KB, 391x600, 61ea68ac3d5c53659d93847bb17b56…)

>>200813>>200827She looks much better in a more laid back style and no makeup
No. 200833
>>200832Lol she was not "already very famous" before getting with MM. She wasn't known outside of fetish circles. He definitely put her on the map in 2003 by them becoming the ultimate goth couple that was seen everywhere together. I've been to two of her shows: the first was decent despite all acts being lifted directly from other material, the second was her 2019/20 NYE show which was so horrendous people were asking for their money back at the box office.
Of course not every woman's career is due to them sleeping around but Dita's was. She was in porn, strips, and was at one point the top escort in the entertainment industry. She's not exactly ashamed of any of that either and is open with all of it. You don't need to wk her.
No. 200834
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>>200794Never had sex appeal either
No. 200843
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>>200841>at least she hasn't gotten a ton of work done I guessI'm pretty sure she got a hairline lowering surgery and either a liplift or fillers. Also Botox and a boobjob
No. 200844
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>>200834Is it just me or she used to look a little bit like Ivanka Trump?
No. 200926
>>200843I remeber an interview where she said she never got botox, but that was several years ago and maybe she changed her mind. I guess she could have gotten other fillers instead.
>>200872>>200881I've always thought she looked better with her natural hair color or would look better with lighter hair. The jet black hair almost makes her look washed out or something.
No. 204050
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I don’t understand when people act like Addison Rae is extremely beautiful, I feel like I see so many girls who look exactly like her
No. 204083
>>204050her body is pretty bad too. shes a fridge.
she just made it big on tiktok cause she was early to it, she was one of the most attractive females on it at that time. like pokimane on twitch or whatever.
No. 204183
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No. 204224
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>>204050she looks like big ed
No. 208451
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Praise re Putin's mistress' beauty was confusing. She looks like Kate Upton's uglier little sister. Maybe I'm biased tho because I cannot stand overly round and squished faces.
No. 208811
File: 1633798458335.jpg (79.61 KB, 968x645, lily-rose-depp-2020.jpg)

Lily Rose Depp. She gives me feelings of disgust/being repulsed for whatever reason. Makes my skin crawl.
It sounds dramatic, but when I look at her I have a similar reaction to seeing mold or those trypophobia picture. I don't get any hype surrounding her at all.
Katherine Harlow/theparkavenuepinup gives me the same vibes, but not as strong.
No. 208881
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The weird part is I find her attractive but also viscerally repulsive in the same way I instinctively try to avoid shallow women who talk platitudes and call you their bestie but won’t remember your birthday.
Idk something seems so calculated about her and it comes across in how she presents herself.
No. 208882
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>>208811that's how i feel when i see sigourney weaver. she's just…eughhh.
No. 208887
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>>208811The plastic surgery absulutely ruined her. She was more attractive like 5+ years ago
No. 208901
>>208883I can't tell if mine is overly round or just a chubby heart. Being compared to Chloe Moretz once or twice didnt help. I don't think we look alike at all though beyond having a mooney face
>>208811for me it's her lips. they look oversized and fake for some reason, like they're wrongfully plastered on her face and don't align with the rest of her features. there's nothing wrong with having full lips but something about hers just look weird. are they even natural to begin with? seems like every rich girl gets fillers now
No. 208924
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>>208811For me it's the condescending smirky face that she does/has
No. 208934
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>>208811she has the worst sense of style too she looks ridiculous every time she calls the paps
No. 209410
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Most tiktok people come across to me as generic and Bella Pearce is a good example of that
No. 209636
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This bitch
No. 209763
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Casey Anthony. Wtf am I missing here?
No. 209801
>>167341i think light blue eyes are overrated. people just like them because theyre rare or eurocentric, but they look kind of scary to me
>>175661i feel like she tries so hard to be an anime girl to appeal to her weeb audience
>>198138her face is too short i think
>>204224could be her daughter
>>209410tbf bella is pretty but she acts like a little girl its annoying
No. 210535
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(nonnies plz don't kill me for posting K-pop)
She's very pretty, don't get me wrong, but she looks so plain and boring compared to other members of Twice. I feel like she always looks so bored/dead.
>>210455Chief, the point of this thread is to talk about famous women. No one said they're better than any of these women, just that they don't agree with their exact brand of beauty.
No. 210537
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Other anons have posted Irene and I agree with that as well. I guess the doll-like, "I guess this checks all the boxes of an attractive person", straightforward beauty doesn't work for me. I think Joy from Red Velvet is way hotter.
No. 210554
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she always looks so hard-faced and ratty to me
No. 210566
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>>210554Her acting is so mediocre. The only decent career she had was being a bitch on AHS. You should watch this mediocrity she’s in.
No. 210573
>>210566Freakshow really showcased how shit of an actress she is because
almost everyone else on the show had actual talent and really sold their characters story. Her and Chrissy Metz were just downright awful. Same goes for Taissa Farmiga during her seasons.
No. 210830
>>189805Venti is so ugly and so emberrasing I dont know why the hell you all love her so much.
if you wanna please alt right incels boners okay i get it but like she is such a cow????
No. 212325
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The hype for Floor Jansen is so overblown, it's almost hilarious. Nightwish has apparently got a huge audience who thinks this horse-faced, tranny-looking creature is the epitome of beauty and grace because she's tall (and a huge pick-me girl). I'm really sick of any video or thread involving Floor or NW picking up shoals of scrotes waxing poetic about how she's a "valkyrie" and their "queen" and "leading their army to battle", kek. She's a good vocalist, but the hype over her as a "valkyrie queen" and "goddess of music" and "so beautiful" is so fucking cringe to me.
She's got quite the… strong bone structure, but her makeup skills and fashion sense have never done her any favours. She has a mannish bone structure, and she paints her face like an early 2000s troon.
No. 214232
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Harsh, horsey face with a tragic bod.
No. 214253
>>212325I think she looks cool. I'd rather metal neckbeards call her beautiful than having a perfect plastic surgery Barbie nitpicked to death for daring to be 35 like Megan Fox.
Don't worry, you'll get picked one day too maybe, but not with that attitude.
No. 214435
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>>214253>>214299I will take this Valkyrie lady over pickme bimbo Maria Brink. She's cool and a good follow up to Tarja in that regard.
What happened to Annette?
No. 214439
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>>214435I actually don't really know as I have never been much of a Nightwish fan. It seems like one of those he-said-she-said situations that happens a lot with bands.
Side note. I kind of like some of In This Moment's songs but it does annoy me how dick-pandery Maria seems and how she has that porny bimbo look.
No. 214634
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I won't call her ugly because that's harsh but stans act like she's some kind of ethereal beauty when to me she looks like a young Caitlin Jenner.
I guess making music really gives you that halo effect.. many musicians, rappers, singers are unattractive yet millions simp for them.
No. 214677
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>>214652I'm deadass not even the first person to say she looks like Bruce Jenner, others been saying it on social media lol.
No. 214692
>>214677NTA but Bruce genuinely wishes that is true. It's Jenner skinwalking Lana, don't hold it against her. Not her fault troons will troon. She has looked like that years before Jenner trooned out in 2015.
You are free to dislike her or her looks, just please stop with the troon comparison.
No. 214695
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Similar to Bella Poarch, Lilymaymac gets hyped for being a racially ambiguous Filipina. I can see why people think they're "cute" but before the surgeries + skin lightening, they both look very plain. Not ugly but defo not head turning like their TikTok/IG photos..
No. 214696
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>>214695Same person. Just an example of how IRL she looks quiet awkward and boring.
No. 214697
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>>214692Ok my bad, Bruce Jenner looks like her not the other way around. You feel better? Lana has never looked like the super feminine petite Lolita she tries to be. She's always had a wider build even when she was thin and that atrocious nosejob makes her look more masculine.
No. 214713
>>214677ok well if several people have said it it must be true! kek. They look nothing alike.
>>214697oh ok you just want to sperg out about lana. Just because you dont like a woman it doesnt mean she looks like a man. Lana was nice enough to fuck off to the flyover states with her bullshit, follow her.
No. 214733
>>214720Everyone knows she gets her lips done anon lmfao. They change shape every year too.
She's very girl next door. Wouldn't say manly like the sperg anon though. Most of her hardcore fans are gay men
No. 214734
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I looked and I don't think Halsey has been mentioned yet. I'm surprised.
No. 214748
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Catriona Gray.. I do not like her eyes.
No. 214749
File: 1637893268457.jpg (2.12 MB, 1628x2302, Dua_Lipa_(2016,_cropped).jpg)

Dua Lipa.. her music and performances are boring too. She is the biggest industry plant.
This era has the most boring pop stars.
No. 214774
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>>214770Samefag, found it. I think this was from the time of the Video Games music vid? Feel free to correct me if wrong though
No. 214775
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This bitch. Overhyped, has the face of teenage boy.
No. 214937
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>>214697Not a burger so I don't see many pics of Lana, had to google and… this is a wide build? Unless I'm only stumbling on flattering pics, she looks normal to me.
No. 214944
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I'd have to go on a porn site to find screenshots to best illustrate how different her pre and post surgery face really is, and I don't want to do that kek, but there's a JAV model called Yoko Matsugane that gets posted in some forums I frequent (male dominated hobby) and I thought they were two different women for ages.
No. 214953
>>214944Who the fuck is this woman lmao
>>214950It's funny how this sperg thought it was appropriate to post some rando Japanese pornstar that no one outside their cumbrain circle knows of, on a thread about celebrities.. God ik this is all anon, but you should be embaressed of yourself.
No. 214957
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prolly gonna get called an sjw for this ,ik this is a heavily white dominated forum and I think most people who say rihanna isn't attractive just aren't used to afro-centric features ie. a wide nose.
Most people are aware by now of colorism but people still don't know much bout 'featurism' which is a bias/preference over more euro-centric features. I notice many people will fawn over dark skinned models but only if they got small/narrow noses.
No. 214967
File: 1637995914381.jpg (1.17 MB, 1336x2048, oliviabrownlarge.jpg)

>>214957>ik this is a heavily white dominated forum and I think most people who say rihanna isn't attractive just aren't used to afro-centric features ie. a wide noseI'm an artist. I'm also white. And I just wanna say, "go fuck yourself." How dare you think women here, especially white women, are as ignorant and racist as you are? How dare you think everyone operates on a hivemind mentality solely by the color of their skin? I mentioned I'm an artist because I draw all kinds of faces, from all ethnic backgrounds. So don't you dare lump me in with "most people", as you put it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has their own opinions about who is beautiful and who isn't. EVERYONE. Doesn't matter their skin color. It's not a race thing, so don't make it one.
No. 214982
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>>214974You didn't even have to tell me you're not black, you saying Rihanna's nose is "small" was the dead giveaway. I obviously meant that her nose is wide from the front, not that she has a big Jew nose from the side.
>>214967 Sperg, I didn't say Europeans are the most beautiful people. I'm saying everyone praises the Madison Beer and Wolfiecindy type Euro noses.
No. 215187
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>>215025Seen mostly Nordic people with that kind of nose. To say 'euro' would be a generalization bc Italians and Greeks defo aren't known to have this same type of nose.
No. 215210
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(racebaiting ) No. 216907
File: 1639236153166.jpeg (85.37 KB, 1334x750, 341D66D7-0917-478B-90E6-60F229…)

Kanna Hashimoto. She went viral for a picture when she was a preteen idol and has been since then treated like a goddess despite all the ‘heydey’ pictures of her are from when 1) she was a literal child and 2) very edited. Now that she is grown (she is still hailed as thee beauty in Japan) her features are settled and the proportions are so off. The japanese still drool over her, maybe because of her light eyes but really I just don’t get it. Maybe I don’t get anything about pedophile island aka Japan. She’s just not pretty. She’s homely at best.
No. 216963
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>>216907Anon thats such an unflattering photo, i feel like she fits the japanese beauty standard to a T.
No. 216984
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something about her always made her look annoying af, she looks like lena dunham got breast implants and learned to put on makeup. Constant simp baiting is annoying and getting breast implants + wearing a waist trainer after getting fat become annoying as well. No milana nobody believes that your 50 lb weight gain went straight to your tits ass and thighs
No. 216990
>>216963This pic was Kanna many years ago, she doesn’t look like that anymore. I hate how Kanna got her eyes and nose done, she looked way better without it. She looks so mediocre now.
>>216907>pedophile island Japs only like her cause she looks like she’s a teen, the more mature and graceful a actress is in Japan, the less popular they are compared to the ones who look like they are barely legal
No. 217010
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>>216963that’s a perfect example of what i was talking about: old photos from when she was underage being used. she actually looks like this nowadays without editing and such.
No. 217036
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How is this horror even a top-earning model?
She is so retarded looking. Her lips and teeth are horrible, her nose is huge, her face is so neandertal. I really don't get it.
No. 217053
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>>217036Most high earning models make bank on looking weird yet symmetrical, skinny, and tall, rather than looking attractive. So while I agree that she's creepy looking I can see how she makes money. I think a lot of models are worthy of this thread.
No. 217069
>>217036Big agree.
She also runs a scam charity that promises to help underprivileged kids in Russia.
An anecdote from this venture – they promised to build playgrounds for kids and shit but she pocketed most of the donations from her charity auctions. So naturally all the materials used were subpar and the playgrounds subsequently fell apart immediately after PR photos were taken, lol.
She's ugly inside and out.
No. 217115
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Adriana Lima
No. 217122
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>>217036I think she looks beautiful with a neutral expression but has a weird ass smile. Also idk what it could be offhand but it looks like she got some work done. Her face looks off now and it doesn’t appear to be normal aging
No. 217149
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>>217053Yikes, poor thing looks like a goat with eyes that far apart. Does she have Waardenberg syndrome?
No. 217534
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>>217115Nah she was still pretty here, basically the only unflattering picture of her at the time. Her real downfall was when she decided to destroy her natural beauty with botox around 2 yrs ago. Now she's got the whole puffy aging celeb thing going on.
No. 218434
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>>218425She has a weird smile but tbh that might be something she can't help
No. 218439
>>218434most women in this thread can't really help looking the way they do
I just find her face to be unattractive and I suspect it's a Jennifer Anniston type of situation where having blue eyes and blonde hair elevates her to goddess status
No. 219654
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I can see why people like her but I just can't with this jaw shape. I only ever find a tapered jaw attractive, what the japanese call V shape as opposed to U shape. This puts me off on both genders
No. 219655
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same thing with this girlie I can't get past these horizontal jaws
No. 220011
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She is so plain,I hate her and her odd shaped forehead
No. 221650
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She looks like Michael Jackson.
No. 221684
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No. 221688
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>>220011I know it is kind of stupid to care about representation in Hollywood movies and all, but back when I heard they are making Wonder Woman I got genuinely excited that they are going to cast some tall jacked actress. And then they went and picked 50kg model.
No. 221689
Zendaya. Why the fuck are people crushing on the little girl from Shake It Up? Why is she everywhere all of a sudden when nobody talked about her before 2 years ago? She just looks like a girl…like she's just there.
>>220011>>221650Why'd you post her twice lol?
>>221684Most boring character on Skins that's for sure.
No. 221725
nonny. It was especially frustrating to see that skinny bitch surrounded by actually muscular women/pro body builders in Themyscira.
No. 222010
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>>221972Pic for reference
No. 222011
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>>221998Is she shilled as attractive tho
No. 222656
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Her face annoys me so much. I hate the way she acts too, I cringe every time she does those over exaggerated facial expressions on the show.
No. 222671
File: 1641820434095.jpg (24.93 KB, 750x407, Stephanie-Matto.jpg)

Ok so I wouldn't say she's shilled outright, but I know picrel from 90 day fiance and recently she's gained notoriety with some gross onlyfans shit. Every time I read discussion on her she's hated for her personality but people still apparently agree that she's hot and pretty. I just don't see it, she looks kinda doughy and average to me.
No. 224691
File: 1642548140172.jpeg (45 KB, 720x492, 61dc4df62000004e688d6b41.jpeg)

Before, and especially after, the fillers. Just throw the whole Love Island cast in the bin.
>>219654Don't tell r/vindicta, or they'll go crazy. Jeez, it's like unless you're a fashion model, you may as well not exist.
No. 225578
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>>200828wow damn I always found her borderline ugly but her face is actually kinda pretty without makeup. her signature makeup style doesn't complement her at all
No. 225602
>>225578Even with makeup she can look quite pretty. Especially in video rather than pictures.
Tbh I kind of like her seduction tips in this vid.
No. 228704
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She looks like a chimpmunk. Also the 90s baddie aesthetic is not a good look for her.
No. 230353
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Just could never see it. Her face is so long and manly and her lip injections with the dramatic lip stick she always wears just look so out of place. I also find it annoying about how the running joke is her boob size but it just seems like she's trying to take attention away from her lack of ass and chubby American fridge body in a push up bra
No. 230399
File: 1644735156362.jpeg (57.24 KB, 560x842, 1614733424143.jpeg)

she's not in her prime anymore, but I distinctively remember when I was younger and she started dating brady and everyone goggled at how beautiful she was, but she looks so masculine and bland to me.
No. 230424
>>230353I would say she's gotten far because she's actually got a bit of charisma and personality, but I'd be lying if I said I recognized her from this pic that doesn't include her boobs lol
To me she's a bit hard in the face but cute in a girl at the mall way. Agree she needs to step away from the Moulin Rouge extra makeup
No. 230426
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>>230353I always assumed that her lips/upper lip is natural for some reason but found this pic of her as a baby and you're right
No. 239824
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Cara delevingne. She’s so ugly. I never understood her hype. I just wanted to get that out of my system.
No. 242104
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i'm sorry for posting kpop idols here, but i keep on seeing ppl calling sejeong pretty and… i honestly don't get it.
No. 242190
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>>225602I think she’s hot, sort of reminds me of Jen Connelly
>>239824Chimp lookin ass
>>228704She looks like some girl I went to school with who was also Hispanic and wore expensive makeup and Shein Clothes, she always had her boobs pushed up to her chin and fake lashes on, but she was ultimately just a 4’11 block shaped plain faced girl, there wasn’t much substance to her personality either besides being a “bad bitch” she had a boyfriend, like alll the time too.>>216984I never understood it either, I saw my MIL watching some movie with her and I was like wait a minute.. this isn’t an AT&T ad..?
>>214957>>214749>>214748>>214714>>210537>>209636>>204050>>198183I tagged these posts because they remind me of those Instagram filters that change your face shape entirely and make you look fake af with giant lips and cheekbones and Instagram eyebrows and Fox eyes and weird lashes and with a skinny pig nose
No. 249085
File: 1647074204173.jpg (369.61 KB, 2048x1456, loona1_2048x2048.jpg)

I do really like their songs in spite of their fucktarded "LGBT" twitterfag zoomer western fanbase but I still can't decide if I find them pretty or not. Depending on the photoshoot and styling, each one has had her moments of both looking really cute and looking quite homely. Thoughts?
No. 249087
File: 1647077408251.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x1221, 5D3BC1AE-F494-46B7-9048-F6119E…)

No. 249117
>>193897She looks really pretty but by the grades does that mean she's 12, 13 and 14 in these pictures?? If I had no other frame of reference I would guess she's between 17-20 in these pictures, no joke. Maybe 15 youngest in the 7th grade pic, her face just looks so much more mature than my peers when we were that age, and generally what I see today (from the UK).
But then I see that a lot with american teens, at 13 or so they can look like young adults, what's up with that?
No. 249453
File: 1647221512439.jpeg (63.3 KB, 980x551, 63402BE3-F5E8-4FD2-BFAF-81C0D3…)

She’s not ugly but her bare face looks average and a little plain. Most of her beauty comes from good styling and makeup.
No. 249465
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>>249453I always thought she was cute for the Tia Tamera genius interview.
No. 249475
File: 1647232815820.jpg (121.73 KB, 1024x1011, doja-cat-beach-1024x1011.jpg)

>>249453Every woman looks 'plain' (ie an actual normal face) without makeup lol
>>249471Tru dat. She's sexy af, her Streets video was too much for my lesbo heart
No. 249562
File: 1647288218068.jpg (161.56 KB, 820x547, sandra_oh.jpg)

This one hurts. Sandra Oh is really cool and I don't want to disrespect her but she is a butterface, I'm sorry I just can't hold my peace!! I'm watching Killing Eve and everyone in the fandom fawing over her like some irresitable lesbian mommy sex symbol is just too much. I never watched Grey's Anatomy so I don't know if she's been touted as a sex symbol ever since but this is how I see it. Yes, Sandra Oh is charming, yes she has charisma, yes her body is great but her face is not attractive, it's average at best.
No. 249572
>>212325She is very tall but she’s always fit and in great shape. Visible muscle tone most of the time. I do think she has room for improvement on the makeup department tho, usually older millennials and Gen x are not very skilled with their makeup nowadays.
She’s extremely talented and a FANTASTIC vocalist tho. Why do you judge her because of the autistic fans making laughable comments about her? It’s not her fault. Also why would you call her a pick me?! I follow her and she always sounds very down to earth and appreciating of her fans.
She’s the one girl on this thread who has an actual career and talent.
No. 249608
>>249085God I hate Koreans makeup trends.
I do think most of the girls in Loona are pretty cute. I like that some of them have more unique faces than a lot of idols like Gowon and Choerry (top and middle on the left). The only girl I find ugly is the botched one from Hong Kong.
>>249117Must be something they put in the water here. Every girl I knew in school hit puberty by 12 and I know I had my adult face by 13 or 14. Kim is also wearing a decent amount of makeup and has styled eyebrows in the 8th and 9th grade pics.
>>249562She's insanely sexy to me, but I agree. She's not that beautiful facially.
No. 249771
>>167341people just like her for her eyes and b**bs
>>167327always found her eyes, nose, lips to be too big, eyebrows don't match
>>167344does she have fillers? her face looks botoxed to high heaven
>>167358agreed. completely average. guess thats part of the appeal ' all american girl next door'
>>167713appeals to pure aryan waifu scrotes
>>175710o m g yes this.
>>175711this pic makes her neck look thick and her head too small
No. 251517
File: 1648085482157.jpg (262.64 KB, 400x400, Tumblr_l_813824478789966.jpg)

>>249162u right, some female idols do look homely without heavy/minimal filters
No. 251537
File: 1648093238723.png (1.71 MB, 924x1160, Screen Shot 2022-03-24 at 12.4…)

Her face is so round and short she looks like a baby to me. When she tries to be sexy it's creepy. I have never found her beautiful and people look at me like I'm insane for it.
No. 251542
File: 1648096363608.jpeg (121.31 KB, 866x1390, 524B7361-3CD5-436E-906D-CD3734…)

>>251537i found her pretty when she was still on disney and up until a few years ago but she's been looking strange in the face for awhile, probably a combo of alcohol bloating and surgery
No. 251632
File: 1648138607869.jpeg (558.54 KB, 828x902, 5F2D5B2B-73E6-47D2-ACB7-55AC35…)

Am I the only one who thinks she looks particularly botched and weird recently?
No. 251640
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loona has so many filler members
No. 251716
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No. 252270
>>176443I always thought she had a plain face too. I don't understand the hype around her
>>214634Most ridiculous thing I've read today
No. 252777
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Lily James is a mutant, how the fuck is she a movie star
No. 253229
>>210566THAT'S my Anakin, my Anakin who a dreamt of marrying when I was 8? Sigh. Another
victim of the (male) Wall who belongs in the "men age like shit" thread
No. 253234
>>210566i'm sorry is this pairing supposed to be… normal? she still looks 16 in this promo pic, idc how old this is, she still looks underage and he looks 47 not only nursing a pizza store but struggling while nursing a severe alcohol addiction and a string of children with multiple ex wives
disagree with the emma roberts dislikers though she's an obvious psycho but i have always loved her rich asshole look
No. 253392
File: 1648886434196.jpg (57.37 KB, 445x640, 16144076_1200x1000_281.jpg)

i genuinely don't understand how anyone in china can look at guan xiaotong and say she's attractive/beautiful in the slightest. her only saving grace is makeup and photoshop, but even then, she still looks homely as fuck.
No. 253394
File: 1648886956698.jpeg (42.73 KB, 507x594, images (6).jpeg)

>>253392her face reminds me of a horse lmao
No. 266476
File: 1653647308893.jpeg (43.82 KB, 825x570, 04D3F725-A117-4D51-854F-EC72A4…)

one of the most masculine women i've ever seen. More masculine than most men i've seen. It's mostly men in the fanbase going crazy for her. Probably another case of blonde hair and blue eyes making you automatically every man's dream regardless of features
No. 266489
File: 1653656529559.jpeg (53.88 KB, 800x600, 5AB27E54-5EEE-4A0A-8D68-0B43DF…)

>>266477looks like a masculine jock, people are too busy fangirling over the character to see it
No. 266638
>>174872Bollywood people really think people are extra dumb.
She could've told instead, that her nose got broken after she fell on her face or something similar. And that the rescue rhinoplasty left her like this.
No. 293231
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Never understood that hype even in her peak of popularity
>>266509Anon is probably Midwestern or something
No. 293337
>>293243>Japanese idols always have asymmetrical faces, bumpy lumpy noses, blunt jaws, too much facial fat, crooked teeth, big ears, more body hair etcChrist
nonnie, yes like most people do? As if the japanese aren't already misogynistic as hell, at least they have this going for them in idol culture, which is cancerous anyway. It's not a bad thing that they don't look like mass manufactured same-faced state issued fembots kek. Look at pics of average korean high schoolers and they don't look any less inbred, they're just massively obsessed with appearance and status to the point of absolute insanity.
No. 293339
File: 1665385951658.jpeg (1023.5 KB, 750x1147, F56B4D6E-4026-47E5-97F2-540287…)

I will never understand the appeal of Bella Thorne. She just has the weirdest face to me? Her chin is hella big too, makes her look like a troop. Also, recently she’s gotten fat and wtf is this actual photo from her IG? Does she not wash her hands? Does she have lizard skin? Wtf. There are so many other photos of her on her IG as well that just make her seem dirty…like pics with her in a black shirt and dandruff and weird white stains? She just seems like a dirty slovenly mess with a weird troon face to me.
No. 293366
File: 1665412260870.jpg (45.55 KB, 630x410, 23c70c6dfa743ab215f4a0f558277f…)

Not that she is ugly, but the way I've heard her described as a goddess and a bombshell by a ton of people always made me scratch my head. What is it that I'm not seeing here?
No. 293437
>>293339The only time I've ever seen anyone fawn over her was /tv/ when she was in her drug fueled ana-chan phase with implants. No other corner of the internet or irl did I hear people talk positively about her kek
All the drug/alcohol abuse caught up to her now. Looking trashy has kind of been her thing for a while though.
No. 293446
>>293369I think those huge jaws are overrepresented in 'before' pics because those are the crazy changes that get spread around on the internet, plus obviously they're more likely to get surgery at all. I see tonnes of them but they're all normal people, if you look at celebrity before pics they have more average features.
That said their popular procedures are probably a direct result of common features like big jaws and single lids. I found it bizarre how they all made a fuss over head size (big is ugly, small is pretty) until I noticed many Koreans genuinely do have big heads and the difference is noticeable in photos when they stand next to people with small heads.
No. 293458
>>293454I said what I said because of the women itt, most of whom don't have massive cults praising their beauty yet the thread title frames it as if they do, starting with a woman that pretty much gets almost 0 buzz. Also by "adult discussions about beauty" you mean a thread mostly full of women that aren't considered literal perfection being said to have looked much better when younger, being called "bitch", "grandma", and a litany of other insults. Resemble a 4chan thread I saw quite a while ago, kek. I don't mind being 11 if this is the alternative.
Also, you say men have subpar tastes but then claim most men would rate them a 3-6 which is a weird contradiction. I brought up men because many or most the women in the thread would be bashed by men too even if I'm sure most have some sort of following, so…who is shilling most of these women besides occasional fans or people with specific tastes?
No. 294639
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I’ve seen people go mad for her but she’s just so..bland. Her face is flat and nothing about it pops, she got a new nose job but that isn’t helping anything. She also tries to portray weird mishmash of insta baddie/kawaii uwu girl and it’s pretty off putting. Simultaneously trying to look super young but sexy? That’s probably why scrotes love her though
No. 294788
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>>294639Her face reminds me of a pug
>>249562Some people are classic timeless beauties, like you’d see them in an old painting, I think she is a really good example of that
No. 294808
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>>249085i like loona and was even a huge stan at one point, but even in my crazier stan days i could not understand the hype for vivi. something about her face bugs me
on top of the fact that she can't sing and has annoying stans, ones who recently made their own favorite girl group member cry mid-concert No. 295753
File: 1666631448115.png (274.17 KB, 541x356, Screen Shot 2022-10-24 at 13.1…)

>>294894Agree, she wouldn't have made it without filters. I think her facial structure is very cute though.
No. 295876
>>294850I made the Uma Thurman post and I never said she was ugly. She is very conventionally attractive, like practically every woman in Hollywood. It's the hype around her looks I keep hearing about that throws me off.
This thread may be poorly named. Maybe it should be "Women whose looks you consider overrated". Entertainment industry doesn't deal with genuinely ugly women.
No. 300730
File: 1669236786423.jpg (313.73 KB, 2048x2759, Sydney-Sweeney.jpg)

I know she's not marketed towards the female gaze but I still don't get her being the current sex symbol. I hate commenting on on her body but I don't get it. She's not very toned and her chest is so big that it makes her look fatter than she actually is. Pardon my incel but she has "mommy milkers" when she's being shilled as the young new it girl. Her face is very unique but it isn't something I would consider hot. Cute and refreshing absolutely but not on the level she's being put on. I can't quite put my finger on it but I just don't think she's attractive at all. She reminds me of a horse girl with saggy breasts. God i feel like such an incel for describing her this way but I really think men just drool over her because they are supposed to
I know euphoria is such a mess of a show but one of the things that made me SO angry was when they had her come down the stairs at the play but let her breasts bounce. It was such a powerful scene but I couldn't take it seriously because they were so distracting. I actually liked her character because I struggle with letting my emotions control me
No. 301303
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She got the worst of her mother’s midget genes and her father’s hick genes. There’s not one thing attractive about her. Not even her personality (or lack there of).
No. 301307
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>>301303Piggybacking on this to add her mother. Nothing attractive about her either. Crackhead father and crackhead looking mother.
No. 301328
>>301315>Are her arms actually considered large? No.
>getting insecure because of anons criticizing a woman's body on LCYou should know better than that by now. And I doubt someone with that body type would get fatty arms even if they gained a bit of weight as long as they were exercising.
No. 301374
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>>301363If you don't want people saying rattling then just stop rattling.
No. 302417
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Brooke Monk looks like a baby
No. 303949
File: 1670991099856.jpg (925.55 KB, 3106x4096, IMG_20221214_121053.jpg)

whenever i see ppl hyping up zhao liying's beauty, i just get confused. i don't find her rather neotenous look appealing either esp because she's 35 years old. idk why, but it's just weird.
No. 303955
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Jenny Ortega
No. 303983
>>303968I'm an E cup and this obese coworker was talking about how she's part of big titty club or something and she said the other two chubby girls were a part of it but then she said something like "and anon, you… well idk not really" or something like that
I thought it was hilarious because I've been constantly told by men that my tits are huge for my frame and that i must have back pain etc. But I just feel bad for her ultimately because she's overweight and the one thing she can cling on to is having "bigger tits" than healthy weight girls
No. 303986
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Bella Hadid. Too much work done and the girl is obviously underweight. People need to be honest and tell girls that anorexia and buccal fat removals are making them ugly.
No. 304122
>>167409I never got the jennifer aniston obsession in the late 90s. i always found her face kind of off-putting. she has a great body and style, though.
I especially found it crazy when she starred next to courtney cox who was 10000 x more beautiful.
No. 312539
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Frida Aasen looks deformed
No. 312549
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>>303986She’s going to age so badly from her eating disorder and she already looks super haggard at a young age.
No. 312551
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>>312539Her profile is so strange, her face is literally concave with a huge jutting forehead and the rest of her face so flat it almost looks ape-like.
No. 312572
>>312569She seems like a very
toxic and miserable person beneath the nice girl act.
No. 312650
File: 1676302891804.jpeg (283.42 KB, 1080x1440, BDC6AEA3-0AFB-4AAE-91C9-53CAF4…)

I do not get the moid hype about this woman at all. She looks and acts so annoyingly
No. 313115
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>>312549It looks like she is wearing a discreet adult diaper
No. 315593
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>>312650Sorry I know this is kinda old at this point but i had to agree. Her smile looks almost painful to me.
No. 316478
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annoying plastic negative iq retard
No. 316705
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neither of them are interesting or stunning enough to be supermodels
No. 320551
File: 1680868577896.jpeg (418.7 KB, 1170x1984, 82E83FB0-ADDA-4285-AA3F-867044…)

they both look ugly and mcnamara straight up looks like a man, heather duke was the only pretty heather
No. 321225
File: 1681299770754.jpeg (56.57 KB, 980x500, 78AA9CDA-7C76-4C5B-9E5A-66DE12…)

idk if there are any fellow sweanons here but i’m so sick of seeing this smug masculine mug everywhere her face is like her brother’s face was pasted onto a woman
No. 323755
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She looks like she’s missing a chromosome. I don’t understand it at all.
No. 323868
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>>323755She looks a good two decades older than she is. The orange fake tan, fried hair, and sausage lips aren’t helping her horse face.
No. 324288
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a lot of people actually find the kardashians ugly so idk if this fits itt. she looked cute before all the surgeries imo. now she looks like a cougar despite only being 25
No. 324290
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Ice Spice reminds me of one of those troll dolls and her music is ass. Her rise to fame feels so astroturfed.
No. 324559
File: 1682854104789.jpg (309.99 KB, 1365x2048, taeyeon.jpg)

>>324415I agree
nonnie here's an example, Taeyeon from SNSD. This woman is 36 but with all the surgeries she's gotten, she looks like a plastic doll. Can she stop getting fillers and age naturally, please
No. 324945
File: 1683018746263.jpg (142.92 KB, 648x864, 1065762_v9_ba.jpg)

I truly find her so ugly and I know a Mexican moid who simps for her, I guess she appeals to that demographic or its just because she acts sexual
No. 324998
File: 1683042769297.jpeg (121.74 KB, 831x705, BFEA5511-8B61-463D-92FF-0B5886…)

Dove Cameron, especially after all of the fillers and plastic surgeries. Her overfilled sausage lips disgust me. She was on the low side of average before, like the face of a horsegirl or country bumpkin, but now she looks hideously plastic and stiff. Celebs always manage to make themselves look worse by overdoing it with the surgery. I don’t get why people shill for her.
No. 325046
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>>324998>inb4 I watch shitty disney showsShe looks really bad now. She looked her prettiest here imo
No. 325075
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I just never understood the hype. Her music is awful too, every single song she writes comes across as mega pickme anthem. When someone I know identify themselves as a 'swiftie' I immediately start distancing myself from them
Not to mention so many stories of her being a shitty person irl / acting like a queen bee in middle and high school + her rise to fame was because of her rich parents. inb4 "every celeb is" I am aware, she's just so fucking annoying to me, it seems like she tries so hard to appear middle class and pander to normies
autosage for sperging + no1curr
No. 325078
>>325075i agree with you on a lot of this but
>every single song she writes comes across as mega pickme anthemwhenever anons talk about her music it comes across as though they aren't aware of any of her songs past like 2017 and are still caught up in the whole "all she writes about is boys" thing
No. 325086
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>>325069Picrel is her on Shameless in 2011. She definitely looks different compared to now. Sorry for the gif, it was hard finding a still photo of her.
>>325046Agreed, she looked better in Liz & Maddie. Still a little lab-grown like anon said since she had some surgery then too. She began looking uncanny around the Descendants movies, especially the 3rd one.
No. 325325
File: 1683169604212.jpeg (168.72 KB, 844x1170, B3012C26-2469-4D55-95CC-285A38…)

spicy straights love her. no thanks
No. 325461
>>325367i don't use twitter
is it too woke to not want to get married at an ex-slaveowner's house? you sound insane
No. 325827
>>325075Her entire personality is trying to be a
victim of everything, when everyone is a
victim of her. Kanya probably smelled the narcissism as a fellow narcissist and wanted to upstage her, not knowing that's how she feeds.
No. 325829
>>325075>>325827What does that have to do with her not being ugly though. Celebricows over there.
>>325325Are spicy straights even claiming to be sexually attracted to her? She’s like engineered for straight white moids.
No. 326441
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Her facial expressions piss me off and so does her character on Succession
No. 326447
>>326442Wtf is a spicy straight??
Her body is pretty hot ngl but her face looks pointy and squinty kek
No. 326505
File: 1683545730845.jpg (41.61 KB, 426x600, actor-emily-fan-293462_large.j…)

I don't get it, not into super square jaws and her teeth make her lips jut out super far
Eyes look bland
But she does look like that squid game actress everybody likes who I also think is a boring looking girl who is only popular from western Asian fetish and other Koreans think is ugly
No. 344928
File: 1692196721867.jpg (100.73 KB, 1024x1024, snsd-yoona.jpg)

Sage for kpop, sorry.
Yoona from girls' generation. She is alright, but to me she's the least attractive of the group, and yet she is the 'center' and 'visual' and 'face of the group' and "meets korean beauty standards'. She looks like a child, it makes me so uncomfortable. But her body is beautiful.
No. 350683
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her face is so strange looking
No. 350684
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this woman made the office very hard to watch. Can't stand her presence and her character. Its hard to even watch interviews of the actress, I really dislike her vibe
No. 350695
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>>301303I think she's very pretty and has a feminine face shape and bone structure and amazing lips and nose. Her smile is adorable. I'd love to look like her, I love her face.
However she is not the most healthy/fertile looking. Would benefit from having denser more voluminous hair and her hairline could come in a little more on the sides. Her thin and weak hair looks worse due to her large head. Her body is quite weird looking, never seen such odd proportions. In terms of vibes, has always seemed like a kind of damaged person, even as a child, probably due to her fucked up dad
No. 350697
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>>350695It’s weird to judge women by how fertile they’re looking lmao, reeks of 4chan moids, but yeah, I’ve always thought she’s a bit unimpressive when you look at her parents. She doesn’t even compare to young Vanessa, maybe she would be prettier if she had her coloring.
No. 350698
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Strange face
No. 350704
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>>350695>feminine face shapekek
No. 350705
File: 1696092722726.jpg (398.46 KB, 1080x1345, 1693209468678.jpg)

very feminine
No. 350806
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>>350697I'm not a moid, and I don't think she'll have much appeal to moids honestly. Moids aren't focused on face that much, they judge a lot based on body and they wouldn't like her body. I just think the thin, low volume hair makes her look sickly and makes her large head look even more disproportionate.
It's possible her body is weird due to busted sperm but also her mum has a very similar weird looking body. Vanessa aged poorly but I always thought she had such a pretty face when she was young. I've asked some other people and they thought young Vanessa looked really weird and unattractive, much to my surprise. I suppose she had a polarising face
No. 350815
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>>350806>I've asked some other people and they thought young Vanessa looked really weird and unattractive, much to my surpriseDamn really? I always thought she was beautiful
No. 354280
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>>266489I don’t care if this is a year old post I will fucking hunt you down.
No. 354298
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>>351281to be fair lily has an anime head
No. 355093
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Eminems daughter. Every moid I know hypes her up constantly but I feel like it's more about the novelty of being with eminems daughter than her attractiveness because she looks like a basic southern karen.
No. 356923
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