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No. 168633

It's the matriarchal purge. Post scrotes worthy of saving.

(Yes you need an explanation on why they're worthy.)

> donates pretzel machines to inner city schools

> cooked for wildfire victims
> does lots of charity off the clock with no promos
> officiated gay weddings
> seems like a fun guy, is a good parent who loves his family
> Matriarchy needs a flavortown

No. 168636

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> every cats life is worth saving
> rehabs owners instead of cats
> only has two cats of his own since he wants to ensure he can give them attention and respect they deserve

No. 168652

too lazy to actually post but i nominate john mulroney and drew gooden

No. 168653


No. 168663

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terry crews

No. 168666

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Crazy how I can't name anyone … maybe steve carell? He has donated to a lot of charities, seems a loving father and husband and just a good man overall. John Krasinski comes to mind for the same reasons ig

No. 168667

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President Jimmy Carter

No. 168668

Samefag bc posted too early, but there's a lot of good things he did (and tried to do, but failed) and too many to list here. He's done tons of amazing work through the Carter foundation.

No. 168674

My step dad lol. He shows so much love and support to my mum and when they got married he made a point to bring everyone together. Even though all the children are older he stepped into a father figure role for me and my brother so easily without compromising in his own sons. Even his ex wife is kind and compassionate with my mum and they got on. My own dad could never

No. 168676

Lundy Bancroft. I guess we wouldn't really need him if we're purging scrots but he deserves it.

No. 168684

My dad lol. He's the only reason I don't despise men tbh. Despite living in an extremely conservative country, he miraculously ended up as a man who is openly loving and always helps my mom with cooking and house chores. Yet he's great at "manlier" stuff as well, he pretty much built our house on his own. He was also super sweet to me and my siblings when we were kids. Some of my fondest memories were when we used to watch animated movies and cartoons together, and him enjoying them as much as we did. I could go on for a while. The only gripe I have with him is that he doesn't talk or express his emotions much so he can be hard to approach, though I can't blame him for it since that was expected of men of his generation where I live

No. 168685

Togashi, the author of hxh

No. 168687

Definitely Devin Townsend

No. 168688

Junji Ito should be spared, his horror never has weird misogynist undertones and he’s adorable about cats. also his wife seems based so I don’t want her to be sad

No. 168692

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ONLY if he absolutely promises to finish HxH. And make Gon/Killua canon.

No. 168695

We can pray anon! Nice to see a cultured anon who knows true love when it's right in front like killua and gon's

No. 168696

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No. 168699

> Engineer, PhD in Engineering
> Former mathematics lecturer
> Male model
> Italian
> 6'1
Hot, smart, cute and if we need sperm to reproduce he's #1 candidate imo. I also want to fuck him but that's stating the obvious.

No. 168704

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Unironically Kurt. He was doing quite revolutionary stuff (for a male lead in a popular rock band, that is). It wasn't just all talk of a dude-bro "feminist". He raised money for charities and organized benefits for women, like rape victims of The Bosnian War (his friend and the bassist of Nirvana, Krist Novoselic, was of Croatian descent, so Kurt got automatically involved). More than once stopped a concert because he noticed a female fan being gropped in the crowd. Never used his status to exploit female fans. Faithful in relationships. Outspoken against women-objectifying lyrics in rock and rap music. He seemed like one of the few men who were genuinely invested and didn't just pretend to be an ally in order to get into your pants like modern "male feminist" porn addicted creeps. He was bullied as a kid and homeless as a teenager, he didn't lose virginity as early as his friends and was accused of being gay etc., it would give you a blueprint for every incel who hates women and minorities, and yet he turned out so much different.
He still makes incels on /mu/ seethe because he was too lefty and to "femininine" in his behavior and "sensitivity", and some psychos on twitter actually claim he was a trans woman, because of his norm-breaking behaviors like wearing dresses or kissing men on stage (which he did to piss off homophobes) kek
Plus he had a chad face before heroin

No. 168705

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Him and nobody else.

No. 169015

man he's so adorable

No. 169193

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