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No. 168758
>>168719jesus christ what the fuck.
Honestly from what i've noticed about troons, is that they love watching porn non stop. This dude must have got his ass online, kept seeing the latest f3mboy shit, became mentally retarded about it and started being 'jealous' about his wife and chose to be a selfish prick. He is just telling himself 'I am raising my children with no father, my children dont matter, I matter'. The children will be fucked and have no clue what a normal man/dad is like. Troons are selfish people have a dorian gray complex and cant stand the sight of themselves. Total this with lingering in fucked online communities, always being sex and porn addicted and you've brewed a class A waste of space human.
No. 168779
>>168778you do realize that saying this is very harmful to single mothers and women in
abusive relationships?
No. 168780
>>168779Why bring up two completely different topics? The topic is completely different and its a fucked situation. This woman IS about to become a single mother in an
abusive relationship. He's fucked, and he's ruining her life and her childrens lives with his selfishness.
No. 168786
>>168780what's wrong with being a single mother?
>he's ruining her life and her childrens lives with his selfishness.this is exactly why i said "this is very harmful to single mothers and women in
abusive relationships". there are millions of women who are accused of exactly this when they leave abusers. this type of thinking harms way more women than men.
No. 168787
>>168786Are you fucking retarded? The OP in the image is clearly NOT in that situation. No one is discussing single mothers or
abusive woman being selfish, thats besides the point because its not in their control. The man in this case DOES have control and he is chosing not to be in control.
Get back on reddit bro
No. 168819
>>168813if women did not rely on men, this wouldn't be a concern at all. women could look at guys in dresses and laugh instead of being afraid.
>>168814apparently not. socialize girls to be strong and independent instead of trying to fix men.
No. 168839
>>168824>your perfect lesbian planet where all women are strong snoo snoos and have 1 dimensional personalities.what a horrible reduction of everything that women have achieved.
>>168828>>168833not much she can do by herself. this is an institutional and cultural problem.
>so just give up and let them continue to be fucked up with no repercussionsociety tried raising boys without
toxic masculinity so they would stop being violent and insecure and now they're cutting their balls off and becoming horrific parodies of women. you cannot fix men. focus on strengthening women instead. you can be in relationships with men, just do not rely on them or you might end up like that woman or worse.
No. 168853
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>>168846>>168844>>168843>>168841Is sage broken or what?
>>168719I have a friend who has a TiM ex and he told her that he transitioned because she's a feminist? Like he just went "if you hate men so much I'll become a woman". She was a pickme back then, like how did he get that idea? He was already cross dressing and a covert narcissist apparently, but due to her upbringing she ignored all the red flags. There seems to be a genuine connection with narcissism. At least she didn't marry him, thank fuck. This shit sounds terrifying (pic vaguely related).
No. 168862
saging bc my story isn’t entirely relevant, but… I turned myself into a trans widow.
back in 2012, I was dating a long-time male friend of mine. he’d always had really bad depression and self-loathing, although not the incel mindset or crossdressing fetishism or tendency to demand attention that most AGPs have. I’m GNC and have had dysphoria about my breasts since I developed them, so at the time, I was starting to lean pretty hard into “non-binary/transmasc” shit, although I never denied the material reality of physical sex & gendered socialization. (this was especially obvious after watching my ex transition, & the trans community’s increasing efforts to deny it is what eventually led me to peak, lol.) but anyway, I lent my ex some book of essays about gender (among other subjects) in the hopes of getting him to understand how little he understood about the world outside of straight white men, and that was what flipped the switch, I guess. he told me he was a trans girl.
all of a sudden, the gender/body stuff I’d been struggling with stopped mattering. the only thing that mattered was this new fixation, which was clearly why he’d always been so depressed and unhappy with his body. (nothing to do with being 5’1” and ugly of course… kek)
and like an idiot, I bought into it 100%. I supported him every step of the way - which often meant holding his hand through the most basic elements of transitioning, since he was always talking about suicide, and this was the one thing that seemed to give him any hope. nothing was ever enough. he’d cry about how he was too insecure to go to the salon for a haircut - I introduced him to a friend who was a hairstylist, knew he was trans, & didn’t care - guess who STILL wouldn’t get a haircut for months and let his bangs grow out and then cried about his hairline showing? everything was like that. the more I tried to help, the farther he sunk into self-pity. the craziest part is that if he’d given half a fuck, he could’ve been in the top percent of passing mtfs, like I said he was short af and he had a really feminine face and wide hips to begin with. he worked for a tech company that was super trans-friendly even back then and had no college debt. he STILL cried to me all the time about how he’d never be accepted, never be able to afford any surgeries, blah blah blah.
we stopped having any sex that I enjoyed once that “trans” switch flipped. both of us had enjoyed mild BDSM, and could switch, but I had always been clear that I enjoyed subbing far more than being a domme. once he said he was a girl, suddenly all he wanted to do was be pegged and act subby; he’d say “oh, yeah, we can keep doing other stuff”, but then it always made him “dysphoric”. in retrospect I think he never displayed a crossdressing fetish because I think he channeled it all into the BDSM - he only liked me being a sub because I was the exact kind of girl he wanted to be. it kinda creeps me out in retrospect to realize how much of the sex we had pre-transition was just him fetishizing me, and not actually enjoying being with me.
and after all that, we only split because he admitted to falling out of love with me. smh. thank god it’s 2021 and I love myself now… and in a weird way, I guess his transition saved me from heading down that road myself. it’s cool and based to be a GNC woman, and to not be dating a sadsack mtf anymore. lots of love to any other trans widows or other GNC women who previously bought into the bullshit.
No. 169122
>>168887Thanks for answering anon. I hope you're doing okay now and aren't too traumatized from what happened to you; I have trust issues myself and I can't even imagine how bad they'd be if I went through this.
In regards to the straight to bi thing, I also notice that there's some connection between transitioning and then having a realization of sexual orientation as if transitioning is some sort of primer for coming out as gay/bi.
No. 169142
>>169031ah, sorry! it’s facial feminization surgery (plastic surgery anons or skeleton spergs in the mtf thread could tell you more)
>>169122thank you, that’s kind! honestly I’ve had a lot of traumatic shit happen and this fell pretty low on the scale, but we were young and I was totally fine with the transition going in. when I read about guys stealing their gf’s clothes and ruining them, or nice middle-aged hetero women with kids having this shit sprung on them, or whatever… that shit gets me MOTI, you know?
No. 169972
Someone I dated for a brief while started transing himself. We met during a mutual hobby meet up (in the before coof times) and exchanged contact info. He and I texted, FaceTimed, and generally enjoyed each other's company. Since we live in different areas, we mainly saw each other at mutual hobby location. The last time we saw each other we got a little handsy and we've sexted here and there.
I was happy he was into gentle femdomme, it's something I enjoy as well, and it was all very light stuff at first. I regret showing him collars, honestly, the cute little lace ones? He just kept going down the rabbit hole of more and more hard-core femdomme. We'd send each other porn or erotic lit we liked and of course, he started sending those fucking sissy hypnosis bullshit vids and I slowly started to cut down talking about sexual fantasies with him but stayed friends. Now he's taking gray market, informed consent HRT behind his entire family's back, and for some reason, he infrequently sends me porn of big-tit cat girls.
Since this happened over the course of a few months, I'm not as much a transwidow as others but it's a shit feeling. I want the guy I had a crush on back, not this sad excuse for a woman who can't keep his brain off degenerate cooming for more than an hour. Sage because I haven't talked about this with anyone and I didn't realize it made me this sad.