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No. 174122
I started getting bad pms as I got older, never had it before. I'd start feeling so down prior to getting my period, I considered going to the gyno to get something to fix my hormone levels.
Incidentally, before I did that, I stopped eating all meat apart from fish and seafood and started cutting down diary products, and unexpectedly my pms disappeared from the diet change.
So my advice is this: before you go and put additional stuff in your body to help with PMS, check if there's something to
stop putting in your body that will help.
Pay a lot of attention to your diet in general, diet is extremely important for hormonal balance, you could be needing to cut out something like me, or you could be lacking something, like vit d as anons doctor said
>>174097 No. 174359
blogpost, feel free to skip ahead
I had exhibited PMDD symptoms in 2018. I'm not too sure if it was linked to vitamin D, but as my depression worsened, I left the house less, stopped walking my dog as much and I withdrew from society more. I failed my uni classes and would have days where I just wanted to end my life so much, because there was a lot in my life that was outside of my control. I became obsessed with death, and the image of me dying.
I also suffered the most with my body image during this time and exhibited symptoms of body dysmorphia. I would be so fixated on some flaws I'd have, taking pictures of it, crying about it, trying to diminish it with posing, etc. On top of this I would starve myself which also fucked with my hormones because I'd miss periods or have extremely late periods. And oh boy a late period would result in the worst fucking depression ever where I would get cramps, lie in my bed the whole day, ignore the world and cry. But then I'd get my period and I'd be happy and full of life again. I'd be overjoyed talking to people and I'd feel so overjoyed that I didn't feel that temporary aching loneliness I had felt for those previous weeks.
It only got better once I got put on birth control (Yasmin) even though that BC fucked me up real good. It killed my sex drive and turned my horrible depression into the worst anxiety I have ever felt in my life. I had maybe 5 panic attacks during the two weeks I took that pill, and also suffered some dissociative episodes. I got put on another birth control (Diane-35) and I seemed to be doing a lot better, I was on a new baseline of being empty but not wanting to hurt myself and withdraw from everything kind of empty. I also stopped starving myself, dropped out of uni to work full time, etc. My symptoms seemed to mostly go away from this which was wonderful.
Now I don't really experience "PMDD", I'm not as obsessive over eating (although I think I basically went 'all in' the last 2+ years) and seem to be doing a lot better. So sometimes I wonder if I truly had PMDD or I was just sad.
end of blogpost
I think what probably diminished my "PMDD symptoms" were:
* going outside more
* working, and being forced to stay in a routine
* taking Yasmin? The dissociative episode made me realize that my BF at the time was no good for me and I couldn't continue going to uni in this state.
* not starving myself and being obsessive over food. The birth control made me binge like crazy, i'm probably 10kg+ more than what my old baseline is which would probably horrify the old me, but I'm not fixated on it.
* cutting out loads of toxic people out of my life.
I don't think I had real PMDD since I haven't had to deal with that type of cyclical depression since 2018. But what I experienced was very similar to what I saw other people talking about on /r/PMDD so I suppose it sort of counts.
I really hope you and anyone else who has to deal with this horrible illness works out something that helps you. I kept a diary during that time and the things I wrote in there makes current me so sad for the girl I was in 2018. Try to remind yourself that the pain you experience is temporary, and maybe wear a piece of jewelry or a bracelet to remind you that the brain fog and the horrible thoughts will clear up soon.
No. 174521
>>174083Wtf I always thought I had some form of manic depression until I started noticing I find relief when my period starts. So I told my therapist, hey could this be hormonal? Now I'm reading this, I'm almost sure of it. I can't believe this never came up on the countless google searches I did. It always just mentions pms.
Basically a week or two before my period I get depression, irritability, getting angry for no reason, crying every day, etc.
When my period starts, I'm so happy because it makes me feel kind of apathetic and its such a relief. Most women hate their period lol.
Thank you for posting this anon. I will definitely go to my doctor with this.
Oh and I've tried multiple birth control but they all fuck up my cycle wich has probably to do with the anti-epileptics I have to take.
No. 199830
My periods are now marked with lack of appetite, and diharrea. Yum.
No. 199837
>>199830So is this a recent development for you? I always used to get hungry but now I completely lost my will to eat anything and it’s strange. I was paranoid I was getting sick.
>>199831Does your upper stomach feel tender as well as lower then?
No. 200950
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No. 200967
the denying of PMS being real was the way of telling us we were just being hysteric. PMS is very real but it's just not "women being moody and craving chocolate tee hee" like men describe it to be, it's painful cramps, bloating, chronic aching and skin breakouts that doctors don't take seriously. Having PMDD which is more aligned with the severe emotional instability is an entirely different thing and it's a disorder that requires immediate treatment, not just "basic PMS". My friend turned legitimately suicidal, anxious and extremely dysphoric every month before being treated for PMDD and me myself suffered through debilitating PMS pain before being treated for endometriosis.
No. 201014
>>200997I feel your pain
nonnie, I have the same problems that start like 4-5 days before my period. The scariest things are the violent urges. I feel like one day I'll actually snap in public
No. 201036
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>>201014Thank you, now I know I am not alone
nonnie you are a lovely person and I hope that any anon on here that reads this know they are not alone too
No. 204512
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How do I beat the urge to binge eat the day before my period? I know I shouldn't but the urge to eat everything literally hijacks my entire mind to the point that it scares me.
No. 204527
>>174083I'm so glad there's a thread about this. I've had PMDD for… Well, I first noticed there was something wrong years ago when I first realised that most of the impulsive, bad things I had done happened before I got my period. As a teenager I associated it with PMS, and I couldn't do anything about it so I just decided I'd live with it.
But I accidentally ran into the word PMDD one day and decided to look into it, and it made a lot of sense that I would have it. I used to be afraid I had BPD because of how awful and suicidal I would feel a week before my period.
Of course, having a name to it didn't help a lot either, since there was no cure. But I've been following this bipolar girl on instagram who makes relatable memes. And she has PMDD too.
Anons, this woman didn't save my life, but she made it significantly better. I sound like a member of a pyramid scheme or something, but she has actually helped me. She said that famotidine, or other histamine receptors (idk all the medical slang) helped make PMDD symptoms easier. And they have. At least for me. I was worried it would be placebo, but I've tried them for a few months (3-4) already, and I can notice the difference. I still feel sad but not suicidal or like actually hurting myself.
If anyone has the chance, you should try it.
No. 204624
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I have been to a couple of gynecologists (all women), and NONE of them have helped me. I'm pretty sure I have PMDD because I have 5 or more symptoms and most of them are the bad mental kind. I'm really afraid; when it gets bad, it gets bad. In particular, last time before my period I had this… overpowering urge to kill myself any means possible, and it scared me. Usually I try to stay strong and fight it because I know my parents would be devastated but recently, I have been living in a foreign country and it gets easy for me in that state to shrug that away. I don't want to do something awful to myself. I don't want to hurt my loved ones either.
But all the hormone tests I've done with doctors have turned out alright. Granted, they have been not on that window of time before my period, but aren't hormones unbalanced all the time if they cause this? IDK, I'm grasping at straws right now. I want to keep fighting this dreary state, but I need tools to combat it before it happens. The ones I have are sparse right now.
Any helpful suggestions, anons?
No. 204626
>>204625Samefag but
> I have been living in a foreign country Eating foreign food? Might be the culprit.
No. 204679
>>204674Well if you've had it since forever and you diet's been same forever, it could still be the diet's fault…
I'm just trying to help. It doesn't hurt to at least try making a change there and seeing how your body reacts?
No. 248959
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I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit. Spent the whole day crying and feeling like absolute shit. Normally I can control my depression fairly well, but the week before my period it's way out of control - feeling suicidal, relapsing with self harm, feeling completely worthless and alone. And then the hot flashes and the cramps on top of the extreme emotions. Fuck this gay earth.
No. 249007
>>248990Track your cycle and your mood/symptoms. I figured out I had PMDD when I would spiral around my mensural cycle. Wouldn’t happen every time but every 2/3 cycles. Getting pregnant stopped it and taking birth control after also helped. I’ve been pretty good ever since. Been on Mirena for a couple years and it’s really helped. I still get very emotional two days before I have a -very- light period (it’s like a couple days of brown discharge) and snappy/impatient. But nothing like i was before.
My anxiety would build and get so bad I couldn’t even hold a conversation, and then I would crash and the depression lasted for a week or so. And then I would be fine.
No. 304135
nonny in the period thread wrote a helpful writeup about pmdd